It is late in my journey through life. As Clarence Clemons would say “I have more yesterdays than tomorrows.”

There are three vital lessons that often ring through my mind. (Aside from those stated in The Princess Bride ie.- never start a land war in Asia).

One is that money comes and goes, but time just goes.

Two is that democracy requires a well-educated, well-informed, and engaged society.

Three is that democracy cannot survive in concert with the extreme concentration of wealth.

One and two are why I begin each day with coffee and reading “Letters” even before The Guardian, a news aggregator, and individual global stories. As someone who cares deeply about the promises of “The American Dream”, as well as the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I am so grateful for Heather’s continuing effort to inform and provide vital historical context during these challenging times for democracy in the United States and around the world.

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George, I too begin each day with Heather and a cup or 3 of coffee. She is thought provoking, and I definitely need that stimulation,as I too have more yesterdays than tomorrows, so being well-informed helps me move forward.

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I'm curious, do those on the extreme Right, i.e., the Fascists, have anyone comparable to Heather Cox Richardson?

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No. An important part of what she is is that she is profoundly decent. That sort of attribute does not exist among the fascists.

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Also, Fascism works best in an environment of repetitive, concrete false claims not an environment that induces questioning and nuances of complex thought

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Which, of course, is exactly what school, from pre-K on, is supposed to be - yes, lots of substantive content, but my goodness, critical and analytical thinking skills.

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School boards matter!

Cultures, early parenting, communities, it all matters!! ❤️

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How many times have we heard that the election was fixed, or the word(s) hoax or witch hunt. How about the Best or Greatest? A definite scarcity of synonyms. People learn lyrics to a song by singing them over and over again. We have nursery rhymes to help memorize things. "I before E except after C or sounds like A as in neighbor or weigh." I am 70+ and I learned that in 8th grade. Trumpers have no choice.

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Decency is not part of being a fascist. Only their version of what our country must look like, which includes what our children and grandchildren are allowed to learn, such as “slavery wasn’t such a bad thing.”

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You do know that slavery was like vocational school where you learn a skill to help you later on in life.

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Abluedot: Every time we file our IRS forms and pay our property taxes we prove that we are semi-slaves. So of course, the State wants us to think that "slavery wasn't such a bad thing."

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I agree. However, I was thinking today that it might be extremely helpful for people who are mainstream to participate in far right forums by saying a lot. It will dilute their narratives. That would include calling in to right wing shows. Of course, I know I don't have the stomach for it, and perhaps no one else does either.

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I tried that early on. It took up too much space in my head, and I had to stop engaging. It is like being a firefighter and having them switch your water hose to a gasoline line.

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Perhaps it is something that should be done in shifts.

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That second sentence is great!

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John Stuart Mill, the English political essayist, in his essay in 1869 entitled, "The Subjection of Women," made the point that where beliefs are based on feelings, facts don't matter. So, what does one do? Somehow the argument has to be made on feelings to have any effect.

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Ally House: Maybe your water hose is actually filled with gasoline. What do you mean by "space in my head"? Do you have sound arguments? Then debate them.

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I haven't looked for any forums yet. But I do still take a moment to respond when a really awful message shows up from McCarthy or a few others. Every once in a while I get a response from someone who is nasty, and every once in a while I get to have a brief and respectful back and forth. I think of it as making room for some good energy!

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I found this link to a few Fox News shows that are call in. Wouldn't it be wonderful if decent people filled up their time.


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I had a good back and forth with someone. He would comment and then I would offer a rebuttal. Some times he had a valid point. Rather than ignore it, I responded or agreed.

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I tried to watch newsmax for awhile but the lies were just too much. I couldn't tolerate watching it.

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I'm not awre of any right wing shows in Massachusetts. Or I might try it.

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Try Howie Carr

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The Boston Herald, to which I also subscribe, is a right wing rag.

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David H. That's because everything is illegal in Massachusetts.

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Linda Weide: If you don't have the stomach for debate you are just talking into an echo chamber.

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Linda, you will find plenty of opportunity on Twitter. It's fun.

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That’s a lovely synapse David and truth to boot! Thank you 🫶

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Richard, as far as I know, they have no historians, only pundits who attempt to rewrite history with falsehoods. They are more like magicians than documentarians—getting followers to focus on the street entertainment while their compatriots rob the bank.

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The party of death has plenty of people who put out dreck and call it the truth even though they know it isn't. Part of it is a cynical money making enterprise and some of them actually believe the nonsense they put out. I always wonder how anyone with half a brain cell believes any of it.

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As long as we use drugs instead of exercise there will be major problems. Then of course there is education restructuring. Public education and the draft to get US back together.

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Virginia W: Do you support the military draft?

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Michele ! That " Half Brain Cell ! " is Trying to PULL OFF, an EXCORCISM ! , to RAISE, the DEAD HALF Cell ! THUS, there is NO THOUGHT PROCESS ! ( HAH ! )

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Great analogy ! 👏

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I watched a Utube (NewsMax) clip, there is the same ol interruptive commentary successful in spread ping disinformation - same as Fox -these are bottom feeders lip serving Bullsh*taters incessant repetitive messaging 555-1212 ....that’s what ‘they’ watch.

It’s a hypnotized audience. The Dystopian Affect. Cast out by a broad network of purveyors who collectively used them by slight of hand , and slighted the minds of the gullible. ‘Bless their Hearts ‘(WV saying).....Fear mongering, finger pointing, firing the ones showing early signs of disloyalty , following Fascist’s famous fire flowing fables ..WHY NOT? it worked over and over ! And , combined with new algorithmic dependency the targets were easy prey, this is no mistaken happen-chance...beware the blistering bullies behind the blatantly obvious Putin pushing puppets. There’s the Deep State .There’s the Dark Money. They have VERY effectively projected ON US their every intent and are STILL! ( I’d better check my blood pressure ....hold on...)

Well, we’ve been here before !!!!! The Seditionist Trials. McCarthism IS even the same name ...McCarthy (ISM) 🤦‍♀️

🗣️HELLO America..🥵


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Taking a break from the Ohio GOTV postcards! 30 to go. Later mailing than I would have liked, but had to wait for address lists.

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Thank you so very much Virginia...firm action HALELUJAH ! 👏🫶

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Mailed 90 today. Another 90 last week. Hear that NO is doing well.

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Republicans have so corrupted all the different rules in each state for voting that voting might not be enough as so many dems and young people, old people will be left out.

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Correct, thanks for sticking with ‘being informed’, the news they say. We have a longer fight , least forgetting this battle though a little more complex is still the Civil War of yesteryears. I am resigned to the last 20 years of my life ‘still got skin in this game’ .I will fight the gerrymandering, the lies, and I hope the you(s) and me(s) make a resounding statement for the next 50 by the 2024 BLUE TSUNAMI . I pray. I vote. I write.


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alot of the same battles that I fought and we won some good ground and hear we are needing to fight again. When women got their rights in the sixties I started to wonder when the men would turn on us. Here they are in the insecure men of the republican party taking revenge for us getting more rights and freedoms and a say in the boardrooms.

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GODDA Have FAITH ! Julie ! ( HOPE ! )

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WAKE UP ! , ALL Democrats ! AND VOTE !! RIGHT ON ! Patricia!

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Not really, but they do not lack the liars and conspiracy peddlers who contaminate the internet and some TV outlets like Fox and Newsmax. Newspapers and magazines, where truth often resides, are not read by younger people, who actually depend on the internet for information. I suspect that Letters From an American is followed by few people under age 50.

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I share George Polisner's gratitude for Heather's ability to keep me apprised of current events and to understand how they fit into our history. Today's column reminded me that, with all of the evil happening around us, we still have leaders working hard to unify us, to make us stronger as a nation and to reaffirm our commitment to democracy. However, they cannot do it alone, so we have to be right there with them, working hard to make their vision of a better country a reality.

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Hmm. Would be interesting to find out. I have a 49 yr niece who is deeply committed to truth. Reads HCR due to her mother, my other sister, and myself.

Anyone else?

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I cannot say one way or the other. But I do come into contact with a lot of young people, and they are dynamite. They are getting good info from somewhere, and in many ways are ahead of us in the action dept. They know this is the world they are inheriting, and they are aware that they are following in the footsteps of generations before them. There aren't any straight lines in family trees, and the branches overlap.

I love talking to the young people: they have their own letter and postcard projects, sometimes with elders. They are already going door to door, just to establish connections. They petition, stand in protest, and consider us old folks partners, which is how I see them. Since generations are not discrete entities, but overlap as a flow, if we build a strong coalition with people of all ages instead of constantly comparing "generations", we can keep this thing going for a very long time.

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A few Letters ago there were references to remarkable groups dedicated to causes that most of us here on HCR.

A simple google brings up so many organizations. Bravo to all of them. And they need us!!! As we need them.

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Impossible. Truth is always larger than lies, even when the former take center stage. We would not be here without having respected truth. Think for a moment of the “folk” sayings we live by. Funny example, but true.

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They have MTG...McCarthy, etc. we are blessed to have Heather Cox Richardson!

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I have wondered, how will future historians treat MTG and McCarthy? At least MTG has the backbone to stand for what she believes, as deranged in terms of common human decency as it is. McCarthy? It's possible that "a McCarthy" will wield its way into our vocabulary to describe one who is purely pathetic, with no spine, no values, nothing but a quest for position, for power. It is painful to watch him in action.

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cNot that I have seen. The closest that my MAGAt friends can cite is either outright disinformation that (at least at 2020 election time) had a distinct Russian accent or from that upright "institution" of "higher learning" referred to as Praeger U. They are, however, better at sound bites and at propaganda than those on the left seem to be.

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Ally TRUE ! The Sound Bites, " ARE NOISE !" And the PROPAGANDA, is Exactly THAT ! , PROPAGANDA ! The LEFT ... Distributes TRUTH !!

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Yes. They are better at sound bites that are head-snapping. Extreme disinformation, hateful comments are shocking and easily qualify for head-snapping sound bites.

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Today, I heard someone make an excellent point: that polls still show that Americans don’t have faith in the economy despite its historic gains. And more than ever, President Biden is tying his name to it, which makes him vulnerable to the ones not feeling the economic benefits. The Fed seemed to gratuitously raise interest rates yet again--a ‘blunt instrument’ indeed, that seems to benefit a small sector of the economy exceedingly well and cause pain for a great many. I think it is fine to celebrate ‘Bidenomics’ and how well we are handling inflation--certainly in comparison to other nations--but public opinion elects leaders and until ‘regular’ people aren’t feeling the brunt of higher interest rates and their effects on costs, Biden risks his chances in 2024.

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We have to hope that DeSantis gets the Republican nomination. With 50 million or more supporting a farce who tried to overthrow the government, facts don't matter to them, no mtter what.

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Heather Elowe: Why does the Federal Reserve ( a private bank owned by secret owners ) get to set interest rates? Shouldn't the free market set interest rates? Why do private bankers set interest rates?

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The extreme Right, honestly, comes undone at the point of intelligence or intellectualism. Recall Sarah Palin scoffing at "those intellectual elites"? They can't handle the truth, the fact or the reality.

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Richard: Fascists believe in the union of the State and Corporations. "Everything is the State." Mussolini.

The far right neocons are more like the Imperialists and Mercantile Folks. They want money and power. Maybe they are fascists. Do the names and terms even mean anything anymore?

People either believe in liberty or they don't.

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Yes, Richard. They do.


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George, Hear, hear! Beautifully said, Sir. Thank you.

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Nicely said. I do agree with you.

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I am right with you on this one. Beautifully said.

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George, as another person with fewer tomorrows than yesterdays (for which, some days, I'm actually glad), I'm wondering what Heather's demographics is (are?). How many young people are reading LFAA to continue and expand their educations and be able to vote and take other action to improve Americans' relationships with other Americans? As opposed to those who don't care about history, or science, or education for the younger ones coming down the line, and just listen to the screaming heads (they rarely talk, so not "talking heads), who have inherited Spiro Agnew's pejorative "nattering nabobs of negativism"?

Can we get a show of hands for all those under age 40 who consider themselves to be regular readers of LFAA?

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You raise some thought-provoking issues. I've often bemoaned (conjuring Andy Rooney here) that people won't sit through a 60 minute lecture by Noam Chomsky. As many younger and future generations have been forced to work harder to survive paycheck to paycheck to live and pay off crushing student debt (a form of economic tyranny from my perspective), time and attention have become scarce. It seems we started with important text books, "evolved" to Cliff Notes, and then consumed news via sources like Twitter (prior to the incompetent billionaire narcissist acquiring them). Now it seems a 60 second TikTok is popular for surface-level information (without background, notes, or citations).

I think it's important to try to communicate and message in a manner that is accessible, edgy, and popular. For example, Norman Lear's "All in the Family" was 25 minutes of thought-provoking messaging wrapped in entertainment.

While I'm not encouraging HCR or anyone else to try to convey important, well-thought-out, complex information within the scope of a 60 second performance dance, Robert Reich does a fair job of being able to make complex concepts accessible, and then provide an accompanying short-form video piece -which can subversively cause people to examine the long-form writing and context. I've often wished progressive/liberals put together a set of short-form video content similar to the "Nature is Speaking" videos produced by Conservation Value. The series was predicated upon the fact that we are killing all of the vital systems of the planet -stunning video, and narrated by A-list actors.

A series perhaps called "Democracy is Speaking" and brief, edgy, consistent look/feel video on how we've pushed democracy to the edge on issues such as voting rights, civil rights, the federal budget as an expression of "who we are" as a society, healthcare cost/quality compared to other nations, predatory banks/lending, climate, labor rights, responsible gun ownership, racial and gender equity, and more.

A significant value in Heather's LFAA is being able to have compelling discussions with friends and family that hold my conservative values than my own. Her Letter's provide important background and context connecting important current news to their historical relevance (and facts/evidence) which is generally absent from the conservative pundits who just like to shout meaningless slogans to their rabid viewers.

Finally, even though I have my AARP card -chronologically appropriate, I've not yet hit maturity according to a variety of subject matter experts.

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Let's commit to giving a LFAA subscription to each and every one of our kids and grandkids....

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Our society has become divided into people who read and people who don't read. Collectively, our attention span has become shortened to a 2-minute TicTok or Entertainment Tonight segment. Celebrities who are famous for being famous sway their followers on topics they are in no way qualified to address. Released from jail because a Kardashian advocated for it? Skipping children's vaccinations because a Kennedy got air time to spew his science-deficient garbage?

Celebrities and athletes become millionaires and hold much influence, while nurses, teachers, firefighters, and police - people who work every day to make their communities better - are paid paltry wages and their learned opinions ignored. Hershel Walker, arguably a village idiot, garnered thousands of votes because he's a famous athlete. These celebs are blind to the fact they're being used. People with nefarious intent give them a few more minutes of fame to manipulate their supporters.

HCR, Robert Reich and many of the op-ed crew from the WaPo are doing their best to educate citizens. Sadly, only those who read will benefit.

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I forgot to include Substack's Joyce Vance. Her legal background and skilled ability to break down current issues into understandable bits is invaluable!

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George, I love the idea about "Democracy is Speaking", but how does one get the people who'd rather read "AITA" on TikTok to read or listen to it? I watch The Young Turks on the youtubez, and find them a bit shrill from time to time, as well as other commentors on the tubesz (Beau of the Fifth Column is really insightful, and another young man) but who is actually watching them except people who are already engaged? That's my underlying question - after leading these horses to the water, how do we get them to drink? And how do we get them to the water in the first place? Maybe people like taylor swift and some country-western singers - NOT jason aldean, on whose head I call down the curse of the Hag - need to start writing and singing protest songs, as Joan Baez et als did in the 60s and 70s, which obviously did get a lot of attention.

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Entertainers definitely have influence. I was thinking something like Democracy is Speaking could be in movie theaters, and on a streaming service like youtube (as a PSA/ad). I also think about small social gatherings (like kitchen table democracy) for casual discussions about politics, economics, and other important issues. And yes -your thought about crossover messaging via Country/Western and other genres is important but also somewhat risky for the entertainer. Also, when different groups come together -for example, I remember when a group of "cowboys" were side by side with indigenous tribes protesting pipeline construction -it made a powerful splash and provoked more thought about the risk created by fossil fuel and extraction industries.

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She’s not under 40, but I learned of HCR from my 45 year old niece. Who’s fighting valiantly for the Democratic Party in Indiana

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Just a word of caution. Those of us north of 40 can love HCR and also recognize that this format and this language may not hit the spot for younger progressives. I'm wondering what other sources are out there- who are the HCRs for the under 40 crowd, with their own formats and rhythms? I honestly don't know, but I don't think we should regard HCR as the only true voice out there, meaning that those who don't read her are not informed.

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Under 20's ...? ALthough my Granddaughters, 10 & 13, are pretty savy not only Tech.

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I will inquire of my nephew; he is in his early 30's and very well read.

The only person here that I am aware of is Will from CA, and I haven't seen him here for a while.

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Lynn: What is LFAA? Is it the Law Firm Antiracism Alliance? Race is a myth put out by the eugenicists. Race is a lie told by white supremacists.

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Right on George. I too enjoy each day, thankful to be here and then start my day by reading the letter in my in-box. Thank you for your three vital lessons.

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George, I too agree with you about Heather's writings; she certainly loves our country and its people. She truly has chosen a noble profession.

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As you so eloquently quoted, George. I awaken every day and thank the Lord for allowing me to open my eyes. I, too, have a lot more yesterdays than I have of tomorrows.

I have a lot of dreams unfulfilled, but, not as many as have been fulfilled.

I have a lot of memories saved from times gone by, with the hopes I’ll be able to build more memories before my days end.

May the Good Lord keep all of us safe, and living our hood lives to fulfill memories!

I don’t begin my days with coffee , but I do begin my days with Dr. Richardson and her writing. My day isn’t complete if I don’t read her posting!

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I freely admit that I am not a morning person, and it is really not even a good idea for me to carry on conversations until I am fully awake (a process that does not involve coffee, which for me is a late afternoon treat). Awake, I have things that need doing, and in this weather, slowly. In winter, it's about the same, just I wake up while it's still dark.

So here I am, as usual, at 5 pm, just getting around to reading you all. The advantage is that I also get to read your comments along with. The disadvantage is that starting late means I often miss out on participating in some interesting discussions.

Still and all, Heather's Letter is an important part of how I keep connected and informed. And even though I habitually show up late, I still value being part of this community.

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Actually, the “more yesterdays than tomorrows” comment comes from Bruce, I believe. 😊

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Excellent catch -and you may well be right Shelley -I just remember it as profoundly moving, and the first I'd heard it so powerfully succinctly was in the Clarence Clemons documentary "Who Do I Think I Am?". It may actually be from Bill Clinton (at least according to IMDB).

I just remember between that quote and Dr. King Jr.'s "...the fierce urgency of now." -I've always tried to dedicate the capacity I have left toward equity, justice, and democracy.

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George: I share you beliefs, but the uSA was founded as a republic, not a democracy. The Founders of the uSA distrusted democracy as it always ends in the tyranny of the majority.

Everything else you say is true except perhaps HCR knowing history. But that's another story.

If we lived in a true democracy there would be referendums on everything, including for example, supplying money and weapons to Ukraine.

Didn't happen, did it?

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Biden's tremendous success in guiding the economy is a key reason why extremist Republicans in Congress plan to shut down the government. They know he will get much of the blame for the fallout. They also know the GOP is bumbling toward an overwhelming defeat.

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Michael, While you’ve nailed Republicans’ incentive for a government shutdown, I believe it incumbent on all of us to prevail upon our leadership to take this opportunity to lead a conversation subjecting Republicans’ distortions and deceptions to critical scrutiny.

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I recommend that everyone interested in helping Americans make better decisions about voting for political parties, carefully read both Democrat and Republican Party platforms.

Help Democrats craft better platforms and point out the biases and exclusions in Republican platforms. When I did this I started seeing that Democrats are clearly more of not entirely inclusive while Republicans are apparently intentionally exclusive. In Maine, the Republican platform lists very specific groups that they honor and support. When you read their lists you can see that there are many Americans that they leave out. People and groups that they often denigrate.

Our Secretary of State reported the “No Labels”, a new political party intending to disrupt the next election, that claims to be moderate and inclusive, is getting petition signatures by saying the petition is merely an indication of support for their new party. But in reality, the signatures are being taken to voter registration clerks to change the political party of those who sign to the “No Labels” party. This then removes voters from voting in primaries or having any roll in their original intended political party. It’s also downright dishonest, reflecting the malicious intentions of the “No Labels” party. We are what we do, not what we say.

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Hi from Augusta, David. A citation to reports of Shenna Bellows' sending a Cease and Desist letter following complaints from voters and clerks that what had been represented to voters as a petition to include No Labels as a third party in Maine had in fact been a voter registration form that would and did change their political party. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4037186-maine-elections-head-says-no-labels-misleading-voters/. Fortunately, someone was enough on the ball that they checked with voters to ensure they intended to change their registration, so this nefarious action was brought into the bright light of day, and the SOS has sent a letter to people who signed the false "petition". https://www.maine.gov/sos/news/2023/No%20Labels%20Party%20Letter.pdf

I have no idea whether I ever signed one of these "petitions", and thank you for reminding me to check my voter reg. After reading your comment I immediately phoned the Augusta City Clerk's office to make sure MY voter registration hasn't been changed, and was told in passing the specific person who is "handling these" would check and call me back - Augusta, teeny little Augusta, actually has a designated person for this. Happily, I'm still a registered Democrat.

I have no problem at all with anyone who wants to start a third party, but I have a HUGE PROBLEM with anyone who affirmatively lies to people about what they are doing, especially when it comes to changing voters' registration without disclosing it.

I'd urge everyone who reads LFAA (and get them to tell their friends, family, etc.) to check on their own voter reg well in advance of the next election, for whatever position - keep in mind that the Party of Death got where it is today by starting small and local. And remember about attempted voter purges in some states, as well, which could affect anyone without their knowing.

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What state did you say this is in? I believe this is election tampering and for what its worth, I live in Florida and a new law here states that one must enroll every year to get the “mail in ballots”. I have done this, but I think many of our snowbirds, registered for vote by mail do not know this.

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I mentioned “No Labels” reregistration activities in Maine. But I understand this is happening in other states.

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Democratic Party platforms -- it's an adjective.

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Wow...removal from primary voting is a big deal.

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The GOP fascist racist trickle down express will flex. It’s so transparently evil. Vote America. Vote.

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Vote. Vote. Vote.

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And, more to the point - yes, vote, and then get others to vote. We can multiply ourselfves by getting personally, physically, intellectually and monitarily involved in politics. Help the local Democratic Party register voters, text messages, make phone calls, donate money. We've somehow got to also get to those who may be sitting on the fence.

In that regard, I have submitted the following to my local newspaper, the Lakeland (FL) Ledger as a column:

The Time is Now!

My wife, a medical Student at Stanford at the time, and I were visiting my law school buddy and classmate at Stanford University Hospital in 1978 where Alan was being treated for leukemia, the consequence of his having had radiation treatment to cure his Hodgkin’s Disease several years earlier. Alan was twenty-eight years old at the time. The three of us were talking jovially when the young doctor came into the room. He heard us making small talk when this anguish came over his face and he blurted out: “Damn it, Alan. You’ve got to get serious. You don’t have much time. You’ve got to get your affairs in order.” That outburst stunned us, but the doctor was right. Alan died the next week.

That experience will live with me my entire life (I’m now 83.) What the doctor said was right, “You’ve got to get your affairs in order.” And this applies to all of us, and particularly those of you in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who do not yet have Social Security and Medicare. You’ve got to be thinking about yourselves now. How do you stand financially? Do you have enough savings and a medical plan that will carry you to the end of your days? My generation was the lucky one – we’ll have Social Security and Medicare to last us the rest of our lives. But, what about you? What will you do if you don’t have Medicare and Social Security? My high school buddy, now almost 83, just spent 87 days in the hospital where he underwent three operations. If something like that happens to you, will it bankrupt you and lead to financial ruin and a miserable life? Think about it. It didn’t for my buddy because Medicare paid for the entire cost. Will Medicare be there when you will need it? And, speaking from personal experience, you will.

This is not the time for you to sit by idly and remain oblivious to the reality that will come crushing down on you if Social Security and Medicare are gone. You must be thinking about yourself. By the time you retire (if you can,) you will have paid into Social Security and Medicare your entire working life. You've earned it. No other issue on the ballot is more important for you than Social Security and Medicare. If there are politicians running for office that want to reduce or eliminate Social Security and Medicare, they are not your friends, they do not have your best interests at heart.

The time to start thinking about these things and taking action (voting, getting your financial affairs in order) that will protect your well being and that of your family members is now. Right now. You do not have unlimited time. If you have a spouse, sit down together and have a very serious and frank discussion about this. There may be other issues that are near and dear to your heart, but nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important for you, your spouse and your family, than your financial and medical-care future. If Social Security and Medicare are gone, your life could and probably will be miserable.

Richard Sutherland, J.D.

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Richard you are so right on.

One of my neighbors recently boasted chin up that as an Independent, he doesn’t vote: “they’re all corrupt!”

I was disgusted and appalled.

My Father helped write Medicare. He was at the signing, and long long before it was fashionable thought universal health care was the best way for us to go. He also created a successful non-profit health care company still extant.

I’m watching as the next generations go to rallies here. They appear to be more politically active and passionate than our generation born in and following soon after WW11 (with exceptions of course).

It’s hard to be hopeful when lies- violence-guns-criminal behavior and rampant corruption are looked upon as admirable in most of the Republican Party now, but I try to be optimistic as I vote-support our amazing Democratic way of life, and feel incredibly lucky to read wonderful HCR plus comments like yours.

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Samm, thank you for the kind remarks, and it is sad that there are those who do not see that as a member of a free society, they have an obligation to participate, to vote, at least. There are tens of millions of us whose sources of information are in fact sources of misinformation: OAN, Newsmax and Fox News (sic.) They peddle lies. It is a cancer that must be fought.

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The Republicans only have THEIR interests in mind. How can they accumulate more wealth and power for themselves? They accomplish these goals by pursuing policies that help their morbidly rich donors. The SCOTUS is a prime example, as are Manchin and Sinema.

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Jenn, why do ordinary Americans vote to impoverish themselves while helping to enrich the already wealthy? Thomas Frank addressed this issue in his 2004, "What's the Matter with Kansas?" The wealthy pay to spread propaganda (wedge issues - abortion, race and women's rights, principally) enticing the common folks to overlook the massive shifting of funds from their bank accounts to those of the wealthy. This is why , in part, why the Middle Class has virtually disappeared from the American scene.

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Jenn, I do not believe that they are even thinking of themselves.

What about the costs for their friends or family members who do not have resources to cover costs for a variety of sicknesses or physical or mental struggles.

Social Secure and Medicare really help all of us.

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Thank you Richard. The time is NOW , indeed! There is procrastination, and then there is "decisional procrastination. Decisional procrastination is more specific, and is definitely not just word play. "Yes, soon, I will contribute to our candidates, but not just now. We've got the mortgage coming up." Sound familiar? Check it out for yourself. We all are stymied by decisional procrastination throughout our days. I took action in seeking out ways to find small, but additional amounts of funds to put in the hands of the candidates we must elect to serve and protect us NOW, not later when the notion strikes us. Think affirmations. If / Then. If I donate now, then we increase our odds of keeping America moving forward. Don't look back , we are not going that way.

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Jim, I hear you. If you make even a small donation, you will be able to sleep the sleep of the 1,000 Innocents. There are times when a little is a whole lot. You remember the story of the bells? I've reproduced it below.

Long, long ago, in a far away city, there was a large church. The tower of this church was so high that it seamed to touch the clouds, and in the high tower there were three wonderful bells. When they rang, they made sweet music.

There was something strange about these bells. They were never heard to ring except on Christmas eve, and no one knew who rang them. Some people thought it was the wind blowing through the tower. Others thought the angels rang them when a gift pleased the Christ Child.

Although the people did not know what rang the bells, they loved to hear them. They would come from miles around to listen to the wonderful music. When they had heard the bells, they would go out of the church, silent but happy. Then all would go back to their homes feeling that Christmas had come, indeed.

One Christmas eve the people in the church waited and waited, but the bells did not ring. Silently and sadly they went home. Christmas after Christmas came and went. Nearly one hundred years passed by, and in all that time the bells did not ring.

People sometimes asked one another, "Do you suppose the bells ever did ring?"

"Yes," said one very old man. "I have often heard my father tell how beautifully they rang on Christmas eve. There was more love in the world then."

Every Christmas eve the church was filled with people who waited and listened. They hoped that the bells would ring again as they had rung long ago. Though many gifts were laid on the altar, still the bells did not ring.

Christmas was near at hand again, and every one was happy.

Not far from the city two little brothers lived on a farm - Pedro and Little Brother.

Their father was poor and had no gift to lay on the altar. But Pedro had saved all his earnings, and he had one shining silver piece. His father had promised the little boys that they might go to the church on Christmas eve and take the gift.

It was quite dark when the lads started on their way to the city. The snow was falling fast, but they buttoned their little jackets close about them and walked along briskly. They were not far from the church when they heard a low whine of distress. Little Brother, clinging to Pedro in fear, cried, "What is it, Pedro, what is it?"

Pedro ran across the street, and there under a small heap of snow, what do you think he found? A little black and white dog, shivering with cold, and nearly starved. Pedro opened his jacket, and put the dog inside to keep it warm.

"You will have to go to the church alone, Little Brother," Pedro said. "I must take this little dog back to the farm, and give it food, else it will die."

"But I don't want to go alone, Pedro," said Little Brother.

"Won't you please go and put my gift on the altar, Little Brother? I wish so much to have it there to-night."

"Yes, Pedro, I will," said Little Brother.

He took the gift and started toward the church. Pedro turned and went home.

When Little Brother came to the great stone church and looked up at the high tower, he felt that he could not go in alone. He stood outside a long time watching the people as they passed in. At last he entered quietly and took a seat in a corner.

When Little Brother went into the church, all the people were seated. They sat quietly hoping that at last the bells would ring again as in the days of old.

The organ pealed out a Christmas hymn. The choir and the people arose, and all sang the grand old anthem. Then a solemn voice said, "Bring now your gifts to the altar."

The king arose and went forward with stately tread. Bowing before the altar, he laid upon it his golden crown. Then he walked proudly back to his seat. All the people listened, but the bells did not ring.

Then the queen arose and with haughty step walked to the front. She took from her neck and wrists her beautiful jewels and laid them upon the altar. All the people listened, but the bells did not ring.

Then the soldiers came marching proudly forward. They took their jeweled swords from their belts and laid them upon the altar. All the people listened, but the bells did not ring.

Then the rich men came hurrying forward. They counted great sums of gold and laid them in a businesslike way upon the altar. All the people listened, but the bells did not ring.

"Can I go all alone to the front of the church and lay this small gift on the altar?" said Little Brother. "Oh, how can I? how can I?"

Then he said, "But I told Pedro I would, and I must."

So he slipped slowly around by the outer aisle. He crept quietly up to the altar and softly laid the silver piece upon the very edge.

And listen! What do you think was heard? The bells, the bells!

Oh, how happy the people were! And how happy Little Brother was! He ran out of the church and down the road toward the farm.

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They gave from their abundance; he gave from his want. Big difference.

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"I must also." If I did nothing to contribute to freedom I could not live with myself.

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Thank you sir.

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Richard Southerland J.D., 83 years of age.. if you want us to vote to save SS and Medicare and Medicaid, and vote to reduce, not increase, the soaring US deficit so as to do our bit to preserve the value of our currency, the almighty dollar, the world’s reserve currency, you might want to spell out your priorities and concerns and the way you feel our leaders and lenders might want to tax us, not simply beg, borrow and steal from our children’s future; you have not mentioned children and grandchildren, or the length of your marriage, or how you and your doctor wife managed to prepare for old age, what sort of charitable endeavours you supported. Perhaps a memoir would do. Substack is suggesting we use this medium in chapters... segments... to reach back to tell those that follow us...just how we feel about our past and their future... With our awkward two party system, those with a bipolar disorder or personality should feel right at home when considering the way government manages to destroy the value of our savings... systematically. The last president we had that seemed to care about “value” of the reserve currency was my friend Bill Clinton. We met to discuss his primary concern, and the pending devastation of his impeachment - at the request of his friend... Douglas S. Eakeley, Esq., now teaching law at Rutgers... Bill Clinton balanced the budget, as I recall... and that is the way we manage to save the value of our currency... but this is not always the best course, considering pandemics and Ukrainian wars from our friends in Moscow... not to mention what we will soon have to do, to survive, as we address the world’s number one, WARMING.

Consider... Medicare and SS and all the benefits we enjoy... are New Deal grandchildren... offspring of FDR’s approach to the Crash, the Depression, WW II, The Manhattan Project and The Marshall Plan... back when we were dealing with all that. Today’s crisis is WARMING and Ukraine, loss of oxygen as we warm the oceans and we destroy the plankton - and suffocate. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE - implies THINK, THINK, THINK... not just SAVE, SAVE, SAVE.

We have work to do... and “Joe Knows Us” - President Joseph Biden... and our feckless Republicans must consult reality and confront our deficit ridden policies and the insanity of the nuclear age... proliferation... and the world’s surging refugee population... that’s a crisis... and no borders are going to survive as we incinerate the poor and drown islanders across the planet... DON’T LOOK UP is a movie... but it is also a metaphor... we must look backward and forward... and our FISCAL and MONETARY house must be put in order... these will require a coherent financial policy of our congress and White House... not the psychotic state we currently experience...

THINK... two terms of Obama terrified the illiterate whites of America, those reading at a 5th grade level... not to mention the White Supremacists, Born Again racists, and neo-fascists crippling the Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln with their political ambitions and dysfunction.. when we should be putting our heads together to solve not increase the dangers we are facing - everywhere we look. PLASTICS and ANTIBIOTIC MISUSE destroying our immune system’s ability to deal with the viral world that is sending us the DON’T LOOK UP signal with COVID-19...

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE should follow THINK, THINK, THINK... and EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE should mean THE GREAT BOOKS... not drill, fill and bill great private and State Universities that fail to challenge faculty or student... and produce what we see today in our Harvard Law trained GOP leadership...

It’s more than planing ore aging in place... as we die... paying or not paying our bills... Mr. Sutherland...

We must return to the basics and start over again... times have changed...A-I is going to take planning... and WARMING IS A CRISIS... we must save the Planet before we can save our nation... but we cannot do one without the other... and our RESERVE CURRENCY must remain the world’s standard of international saving... we must address the profligacy of the racist spendthrifts we have elected... and rework SCOTUS and abortion, and a woman’s right to choose, contraception, and choice... and clean out the STENCH that seems to be in charge in the ROBERTS COURT of iniquity..

Our plate is full, we have lots to think about and lots to do... We are not going to get out of hear alive... I am told... but while we are hear, we must pretend we are adults and focus ourselves and our duly elected representatives...

It starts with VOTE, VOTE, VOTE... yes, but it really starts with two others.... they might be essay assignments for SUBSTACK...

WHAT ARE THE SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES AMONG PEOPLE... IN 500 words or less... was an ETS topic in 1955 when Princeton’s best could read...



PS: These substack writers are engaged in money making... right here, and we are paying to entertain ourselves and them...

What has happened to the daily newspaper? Randall Smith is buying them up to destroy them... for profit... he is a classical junk bond player gone south... worth worthless billions... a cynical guy that lost his first wife to cancer, and nearly lost his son to a car accident has he slammed into a tree in front of Christ Church in Short Hills, New Jersey. Randy is smarter but he long since gave up the principled way for the principal lined way... he is driven by net worth and counts it by the drop..

Richard Sutherland Esq., it is not about money... and savings, it is much more complicated...

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S.B. Lewis, I agree with you in part, for some it is not only about money, but for some it is about the money, and those are the ones who spend billions of dollars buying political influence so that they can siphon trillions of dollars out of the American economy. It started with Reagan, was boosted by G.W. Bush and went into the stratophere with Trump. Trying to persuade ordinary Americans to focus on their own personal and financial interests seems to me to be a way in which to get votes for politicians who will better serve their interests and in the short-, mid- and long-term better serve the democratic process.

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Sandy, I get it. But the core of the thing is that the right wing is amply funded by wealthy (and often unnamed) donors who have strings attached- and no compuction about pulling those strings.

What Dems and left leaning people have is each other, and the recognition that winning depends on each of us giving what we can. A few dollars adds up if a lot of people do it, and in the process, we commit ourselves to each other and to the preservation of the promise of democracy. We are doing it.

BTW, I smiled when I saw you here this evening. Good to see you about, even if sometimes you make me want to tear my hair out. The truth is I like and respect you, and complete agreement on the details is not essential.

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So well put and true. My husband and I are retired and we both have SS and Medicare but our 50 year old daughter is self employed and will not have SS since her business is always reliable. I am sure our son and daughter-in-law have been paying in for their entire working careers but, who knows what will happen to those programs if the GQP gets their ways. Scary, for sure.

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Thank you Richard. I grew up in the Lakeland Highlands ( when it was mostly citrus groves!) with my 13 brothers and sisters...Dad an Orthodontist. My 3 grandboys live there now. I hope the Ledger prints and posts it and young families in Lakeland read your letter. They are so busy just trying to keep it all together that I suspect they don't think much about their financial future. You are so right, Now is their time to vote and to begin putting something away for what is inevitably coming. ( that is if we don't incinerate our planet first!!!)

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So true. The "chickens are coming home to roost" where climate change is concerned. I live in the Grasslands community, a stone's throw from Lakeland Highlands.

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Nicely put, Richard. Thank you.

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It's a shame to have to say it, Michele. But, there is no conscionable alternative.

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I read something earlier tonight about Kevin McCarthy wants to go ahead with impeachment of Joe Biden. I would assume he is trying to meet his Goon girlfriend, Marjorie Traitor Goon's demands for impeachment. Isn't she the one that started this whole impeachment thing?? I hope the Fascist GQP does go down in an overwhelming defeat. They are headed that way it seems. What are they going to impeach Pres. Biden for?? I guess they are going to impeach him for being a great President. The entire Fascist GQP needs to be housed in an institution for the criminally insane.

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I have been wondering the same thing! Obviously it’s a combination of distraction and revenge. They are a pathetic, do nothing mob that somehow got their crazy asses elected. The clown show is scary to watch!

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Yes John, but returning to reality, realize it is far more likely that we can vote them out of office and simply return the lot of them to their own house, don't you think? Think intergalactically, but act practically!

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From what I am able to gather from a couple of my MAGAt friends who have gone completely off the rails crazy, there is "documentation" of bribery and fraud that Hunter Biden engaged in and that Joe Biden supported. I cannot follow the lines of logic that they are proposing, and their sourcing of materials is suspect.

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Ally, I too have MAGAt friends. They have lost their ever loving minds. They have soaked in every word this clown says every time he opens his yap. They send him their paychecks every two weeks because they “dearly love him”! Sickening!

You can’t reason with these people. The only solution I have is if Jack Smith locks him up, thruway the jet away, has him in a cell where he’s all alone, can’t speak to, or see, anyone. Has no internet, phone, computer access. Nothing but three hots, a cot and a pot yo piss in!

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Recently, I have heard a couple of rumblings from MAGA. One is about a Civil War if he is found guilty of something and the other is a plea deal with the stipulation that he cannot run for office, ever. The thought that the dumpster could actually get away with all he has done just strikes me as disgusting. I would almost have a Civil War instead. So, no good choices.

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Mr Reynolds ! That IS !, what they Want ! TOO MANY AK-47s and AR- 15s, with COLD Barrels, that They Want, to HEAT UP ! LORD ! , HAVE MERCY !!

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Actually, if I’m not mistaken, in this case dealing with this person, the judge can sentence him to the appropriate prison time, restrict access to any electronic devices (computers, cell phones, etc), and stipulate he may never hold any public ejected office of any capacity ever again. Of course, after serving 450+ years fir the 31 counts of the Espionage Act, then he’s going to have to serve his time in Georgia, then serve the Washington DC sentence, unless they all feel sorry for his narcissistic ass and make their sentences concurrent with the others.

Now, this all said, as I stated in the beginning. I’m no lawyer. So, I’m going to respectfully refer my answer for review by those lawyers on here that do know.

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Yes. Jack & company must isolate tfg. He will be irate to not have his fans adoringly surrounding him. It would be the ultimate penalty for the narcissist.

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Absolutely. And with no access to a cell phone, computer or internet. He will lose his ever narcissistic mind!!!

The song “Hallelujah” is singing in my head right now just thinking about this scenario!!!

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ALLY , MORE PROPAGANDA B S !! ( SUSPECT ? That is an UNDER statement !)

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I see the whole group that Kev is beholden to as cartoon characters...I can't digest their behavior otherwise....

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They actually want to ride the wave of success and growth created by these Acts, WHILE CALLING BIDEN OUT AS A FAILURE!

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Call them what they are, traitors

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And liars!

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Goebbel's level liars

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The press should be reporting on that very aspect everyday and every time the GOP leadership, rather the

big mouths, get on their band wagons about the commies on the left.

Actually I would prefer the more accurate term “progressives” or progressive thinkers than “left.” It can influence and maybe even change the perception...

Just a small hopeful thought as the sun rises on a new day...

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Progreasives is more accurate bistorically based term. Amen

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PSU, 1978

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I was there.

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Wapaleni Dr., Briarwood Apartments, somewhere on College Ave., or elsewhere? 😀

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They are outright Projectionists, they are calling Biden a failure because that is exactly what the Fascist GQP are. Pathetic Failures.

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That has been their strategy for the past 10 years - everything they do, their criminality and hatred, even their nepotism and their favor, they project as a liberal social order. It’s disgusting!

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A well earned defeat, I may add, Michael.

Like many who read Dr Richardson’s letter, I tune in CNN, PBS News Hour, MSNBC, CNBC and read The NY Times and now, the Washington Post, regularly. I have even looked at FOX but that was a real waste of a few moments. Despite this, I don’t consider myself a news junkie because I spend plenty of time reading novels, working on various projects together with my wife and being with family ... as well as playing sports, painting, writing and playing music. Sounds like a lot but I don’t feel exhausted most days... just tired when I drift off to sleep.

The news cycle was always a 24/7 thing, of course, and the people who run networks and newspapers etc. are doing the hard work every day. It’s a mosaic of info flow that we can use to help us stay focused on what matters to us personally, our family community region, nation and world. It’s generally pretty helpful and interesting. Nonetheless, it’s often too loaded with fear, hyperbole and loathing ...which can make you feel like things are getting so much worse than they really are.

I think President Biden is a good person doing a very good job as president. He does what he must do and tries to make progress while tuning out a lot of the hysteria and fear that isn’t helpful. He sets a good example for all of us. He’s trying to make progress for us wherever possible and his reach is impressive. He’s getting so much good work done. Innovation, Social Justice, Climate, the Economy, policy and legislative initiatives, world peace through strength ... very steadily and consistently with minimal public drama and for the benefit of all Americans. Makes me feel good to write this. I’ve never met Joe, personally, as Dr Richardson has, but if I did, I wonder sometimes what I’d feel like in his presence and if our time together would be helpful to both of us and even fun. They say that being with Lincoln was enjoyable because he’d tell funny stories and want to know about you, too. During the worst moments of the Civil War, Lincoln would take time to attend plays, read and refresh himself even as he bore so much personal grief and the nation’s woes. He was tough, smart, fully engaged but with balance and empathy... and humor.

Well, my little ramble this morning helped me try to keep things in perspective... I hope it helped you, too.

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Kudos on your sharing your very busy and interesting life, no way i can keep up though!

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Keep smiling Frank… life is good if we let it be that way.

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Thank you for your thoughtful and balanced comment; reading it today helped me keep things in perspective. Cheers!

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Thank you!

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Unfortunately for our Nation the worst among the Rs in the House will ruin the economy with a willing so-called coward as a speaker!

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Quiverin' Qevin, the dumbest Okie in Okiefornia, isn't a "so called coward." He's the Real

Deal, and spineless to boot.

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The Coward of Kern County is a great embarrassment to all of us who hale from California.

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He certainly is. The Booger from Bakersfield.

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They WILL NOT 'ruin the economy'! Go with the half full glass, please sir!

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People noticed who was responsible for the government shut down in 2018/2019 - over funding for a wall that was never built. Trump, et. al. ended that shutdown because it became unpopular with their base, not because they saw the damage it was doing to federal workers and the nation.

If the current crop of Republican hostage takers try this again, their base will scream when their social security and disability checks stop coming. The MSM couldn't ignore these facts then, and they won't be able to now.

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You are definitely more optimistic than I am. I don't have that much confidence in the discernability of MAGA Republicans. They are Fundamentalists. In this instance, their focus is on immigration (hating brown-skinned people), abortion (women's rights,) and outright racism (rewriting American history about slavery in Florida, for example.)

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Richard, you may be the only Democrat in Lakeland from what I have observed lately. Have you found many others who are thinking as you do? Just curious.

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Yes, Carol, there are other Democrats here, though we are outnumbered. There is an almost equal divide among Dems, MAGAs and Independents, with the MAGAs slightly ahead. We are now gearing up for a war to re-elect our Democratic Election Supervisor. A MAGA is leaving her state legislative post to run against her. This is another one of their strategies, seize control of the Election offices.

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Yes, they started that last cycle, and some of us kept warning Dems. Fortunately, where I am, it's good, but there are places where it's pretty tetchy. I encourage people to find out what local offices are open and if they are not Dem, run for it or help get out the support for one who is. Even if your area is safe, it helps everytime we add another D to the rostrum.

BTW, I became a Justice of the Peace in my town this year, and we are the ones who make sure the elections go smoothly. There are 12 of us, mostly Dems & Progressives (which is a recognized party in VT), and a few who are honest old-fashioned Republicans. Small town, so I know them all.

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Richard, I honestly feel that we don't need to waste energy and rent head space for the Trumpists. They are what they are. We are better off focusing on building credibility with people in between who are more reachable. And we start by not lumping them in with those who are not reachable, by listening, by regarding them with human respect. One step at a time.

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Indeed. Vote. Vote. Vote.

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Michael, more like “hurtling” towards an overwhelming defeat. Very uplifting newsletter today.

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The party of death in the House seems to be focused on revenge for the two impeachments of death star, on stirring the culture wars pot, on trying to prove that the Biden are a crime family, on destroying any way to hold death star accountable and any part of the federal government that actually does its work, etc. What they are not focused on at all is actually governing for the benefit of ordinary people and all citizens, no matter who they are. They are a disgrace beyond words.

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When hatred and anger are what fuels their motivations, there is no interest in governance, only in retribution for perceived wrongs and injustices.

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Yeah, weird, isn't it? That's why I stopped letting myself get distracted by them. I'd rather focus my energy and head space on helping people identify candidates who WILL govern for the benefit of all of us.

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Lying and sabotage: the greatest (and only) talents of today's Republicans.

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Exactly why Tuberville is preventing job vacancies at the Pentagon from being filled. Like people will be stupid enough to forget that he alone is responsible and blame the Biden administration. Come to think of it, 28% of Americans are....

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Tremendous success. Your joking no?

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I don't understand this. Every time the government gets shut down, it's the congress that is blamed, or so my memory informs me. Am I wrong? Or is this time different, and why?

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Whenever the economy has problems, the president gets much of the blame. Including when he's in no way responsible for the problems. If a shutdown is long enough to disrupt the economy, Biden will take a hit. And Congress, too.

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"In half of the U.S. states, job creation is strong and unemployment is at or near 50-year lows. . . ." What's going on in the other half and why? Are they all Republican states?

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No, according to the latest list there is no correlation between blue and red states. As for why the rates are higher in some states than others, I can't find an explanation. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/unemployment-rates-by-state-07-07-23/#:~:text=States%20With%20the%20Highest%20Unemployment,summary%20MISSING%3A%20current%2Drows.

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Michael, the explanation likely might be in the variation between the state's economies where hiring exists in "health care, social assistance and construction". My training has been in Math/Econ and I fully expected a mild recession by now but thanks to Biden investments it looks like we may have dodged a bullet. Cross my fingers that the FOMC doesn't mess with the recovery anymore than they have. At least MAGA doesn't have a recession to bash us with. Yet.

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Thanks, Michael.

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This letter gave me some good goosebumps about Biden and Harris. Kamala does not get the recognition she deserves. She has been right by Joe’s side and puts her two cents in when it is absolutely appropriate. You can see that they both have a lot of respect for one another.

There is no recession, only growth with millions working and making better wages and hopefully getting decent benefits. Bringing manufacturing back home, engaging in clean energy-making products has spurred millions of people to start new businesses. This is a BIG deal!

Last night on the Rachel Maddow show, she showed four signs that were designated as a memorial to Emmitt Till and his courageous mother. They had been placed on land hear the Mississippi river where Till was killed. Two of those signs had to be replaced because they had been shot at and destroyed. The third had been ripped off of its metal posts and thrown aside. A company back East, heard of what happened and they built a ( I think) 700 pound memorial that is bulletproof. They brought it to site themselves and set it in the spot along the river. I got chills. There are some really great people in this here US of A, as long as they’re not deceitful and despicable liars like the Republicans.

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*not “hear” near!*

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Fairly or not (I think fairly, but that certainly won't be the majority opinion on this blog), Harris is a strong negative affecting the President's reelection odds. The Democrats won't replace her on the ticket, however, which will make 2024 a closer race than it should be, even with Donald the Traitor running for the Republicans. I'll always vote Democrat but I know many swing voters for whom the choice of VP on the Democratic ticket is a key issue.

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Who do you think would be a better Vice President than Kamala Harris? Please name some names and tell us why they would be a better VP, from your perspective. A lot of men seem to find her terrifying, and don’t like her because of that. But Trump will be defeated by women voting against his sorry ass, and Kamala helps with that vote, a lot.

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Meredith, from my perspective her strong personality and somewhat bossy style reminds me of Hillary. While it doesn't seem to affect women voters, this type of woman could threaten some insecure men. Didn't bother Barry though. Doesn't bother me either. Frankly, I like smart strong women in gubmint. Hillary and Kamala have the same problem with likeability, and we don't see their soft side much. It is what it is. Kamala is a fine VP and will be an effective POTUS. Doesn't hurt that she is part black either.

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Had to read this 3 times to make sure I read where you were going with it right. It was worth the time.

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Annie, we need more women in government. It would be even better if they were from a minority group. I have had enough of old white Christian men. Just my opinion. BTW, I am old and white and an atheist.

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In the first instance: Yup. In the second, I agree. In the third, I've known some fine old guys of various degrees of melanation who act like Christians but don't flaunt it; otherwise, I get your point. On the fourth instance, I am also old, but female (outspoken), and ambivalent about god-labels. I am deeply spiritual in my tradition, but figure that if there is a god, he/she/it really doesn't give a ! about whether we believe he/she/it exists or not.

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Karoo—what do your friends, the swing voters, object to in Kamala Harris? Whom would they prefer?

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This kind of vandalism is disgusting as it amplifies racists' deep-rooted anger, so thank you for sharing about the bulletproof memorial....

I have to say that this part of Harris's speech raised my eyebrow:

'Jackson “has [brought] and continues to bring together people of all backgrounds: Black Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, farmers, LGBTQ+ Americans, Native Americans, women, labor union members, people with disabilities, our young leaders, and people around the world.” '

Interesting how she included "women" in with the other minorities, being that women are at least half the population and populate all of the ones listed....

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She also includes "our young leaders" and "people around the world". I haven't listened to the whole speech, so don't have the full context, but it seems she is including in this list everyone who is not a straight, white, cisgendered American male of the Baby Boomer or older generations.

In other words, she's naming those populations, minority and otherwise, who have not had a stranglehold on world political and economic power for the last 50 years or so--or perhaps even since industry overtook agriculture as the engine of the US economy ("farmers" also figure in her list). There are overlaps across all those populations, but it only takes membership in one of them to feel the effects of political, economic, and social exclusion.

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Women got the right to vote only in the 20th century. Women got the right to have a credit card in their own name in the mid-seventies. Women around the world are often in horrible situations-look at what is happening to women’s rights in Afghanistan. Look at what is happening to 10 year old girls who are impregnated by their fathers in this country-it takes dedicated people pushing the boundaries of new arcane laws to save them from giving birth at the age of 12. Ugh. Kamala Harris is a good standard bearer!

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Thank you, HCR, for highlighting in tonight’s letter the words and deeds of Vice President Harris.

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The words of our VP and President were honest and POWERFULLY moving.

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I was dumbstruck to learn that UPS drivers have no AC in their trucks. This is 2023, not 1923! They are required to haul 70 lb packages to our doors in 110 ℉ heat before hurrying back for their next delivery and UPS management from the comfort of their AC offices cannot afford minimal relief for their drivers?

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Living in Utah's high desert part-time, I have watched our female driver suffer through this as she recovers from an auto accident off the job and hobbles around in the heat hoisting packages that I could never lift. Part of me feels guilty ordering stuff, but when she shows up, I am reminded that it's her livelihood, and I go out to thank her. UPS is just one of many corporations that think they are doing workers a favor when they hire them, and I believe that supporting unions is an important part of our citizenship, especially now.

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Good for you. I give them a smile and, if they want, an ice-cold Gatorade.

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Good idea.

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My buddy calls his non-air-conditioned Postal Service truck the "tin heap"

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Daughter's friend is a UPS driver. Has not gotten a raise in 5 years. And yes, the truck has no AC

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Respectfully, this is not true. Raises are annual and built into the labor contract. It’s just not possible for drivers to not get the annual raise.

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Guess he didn't get that memo. I think he would know if he had gotten a raise

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My husband is a retired 36 year UPS employee. He knows labor.

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Will mainstream media actually pick up this growing economy, or will the blind, deaf, and dumb plutocrats who now own the media, bury it. Jesse Jackson has had a remarkable career. He will be remembered in history as a man who tried. I remember vividly, Emmet Till. He was 14 years old, a junior high aged kid. He whistled. That was their excuse for torturing and murdering him. But you know, nothing has changed. A 12 year old kid with a toy gun was murdered by a policeman for the crime of being black after dark. A kid with a cell phone was murdered in Florida for the same reason. I don't care how hard Florida,Texas, and other backward States try to hide the truth, history will shine through because so many people remember these horrors and we don't absolve the white men who perpetrated them, (And, yes, I am an old white woman)

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YES! We’re not dead yet and we still are cognizant of the facts and horrors we have seen and lived through.

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Hear, hear!

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I so appreciate reading these words spoken by our country’s leaders at day’s end, when it seems that everything is just so danged hard. It has put a breeze at my back, to know that they see us, hear our difficulties, and want to help.

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“[W]hile darkness and denialism can hide much,” he said, “they erase nothing.”

Thank to HCR for highlighting some consequential, memorable lines, and to Biden for speaking them.

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Thank you so much for this. I truly appreciate the positive message. We can accomplish so much when we work together for positive change. We will overcome bigotry and hate, someday. Soon, I hope!

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HCR quotes President Biden as saying, "We can’t just choose to learn what we want to know. We have to learn what we should know. We should know about our country. We should know everything: the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation."

The truth about our nation includes our complicity, including Biden's personal complicity as a senior senator, in the most far-reaching genocide in history, perpetrated by the International Monetary Fund during the 1980s and 1990s. The IMF was and is based in Washington, D.C. The United States had sole voting domination over IMF policy orientation. Now things have changed: the NATO countries, acting together, have voting domination.

Around 1988 a senior IMF official named Davison Budhoo became aware that the IMF was implementing its "Steamroller (Heaviest)" super-destruction method against Trinidad and Tobago. Budhoo used this example in chapters 2 and 3 of his 100-page resignation letter, in which he confessed to his own crimes against humanity in "our own peculiar Holocaust." Here are some excerpts from Budhoo's letter:

"To me resignation is a priceless liberation, for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind’s eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples. ...The blood is so much, you know, it runs in rivers....

"The charges that I make touch at the very heart of western society and western morality and post-war inter-governmental institutionalism that have degenerated into fake and sham under the pretext of establishingand maintaining international economic order and global efficiency....

"Will the world be content merely to brand our institution as among the most insidious enemies of humankind? Will our fellowmen condemn us thus and let the matter rest? Or will the heirs of those whom we have dismembered in our own peculiar Holocaust clamor for another Nuremberg?

"I don’t mind telling you that this matter has haunted me; it has haunted me particularly over the past five years. It has haunted me because I know that if I am tried I will be found guilty, very guilty, without extenuating circumstance...."


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More Putin propaganda from the dumbest fucking wingnut on Substack. Back to the basement little boy, Mommie wants her computer back.

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That person is the typical Fascist GQP troll. He makes up things on the go exactly like his lord and master Donald TUMP.

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Good one TC! I call him a troll every time I see him here on Heather’s Letters from an American. Last time time he called me names, “a barefaced liar” I believe. So, you know what I have to do now...

Do Not engage this TROLL. He’s a poorly put together propaganda machine. I’ll be back tomorrow with similar warnings.

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Workin' on more than "warnings" about troll platform disruption.

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...said the IMF Holocaust denier and apologist for genocide.

Putin wasn't even in power when Budhoo released his resignation letter.

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Everyone (save perhaps you, John) is an "IMF Holocaust denier", as there was no IMF Holocaust

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Davison Budhoo's resignation letter was an international sensation, but it was blacked out of the heavily controlled U.S. news media, which enables American moral perverts to deny that "our own peculiar Holocaust" took place.

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John, why don't you give us your own "international sensational resignation" from

this Substack. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Oy. Again. This reads like it's from a bot that auto posts the same nonsense over and over. Trolling alert. I'm scrolling.

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You arbitrarily dismiss Davison Budhoo's resignation letter as "nonsense," but others don't.

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Charlie Grantham,

You mock me for bringing up this issue of American neo-imperialist genocide, using a branch of the United Nations (the IMF) based in Washington, D.C.

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What kind of twisted soul would regard Davison Budhoo's resignation letter as funny?

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Professor, as you share the important History and tragedies of this country,, as some people, especially gop politicians, want to bury it, hide it, we know that is impossible. There is wisdom in knowing the Truth, as President Biden wisely counsels. “We can’t just choose to learn what we want to know” about our history, Biden said. “We have to learn what we should know. We should know about our country. We should know everything: the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. That’s what great nations do, and we are a great nation.” Spanish Historian and Philosopher, Jorge Santayana (1863-1952) on our learning and understanding History. “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

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I apologize for beating the same dead horse. Every day I read two newspapers, parts of three other newspapers, several political sites, and three of the networks’ sites. I’m, relatively, a decently informed citizen. How could it happen that I didn’t know about most of the accomplishments mentioned in the first several paragraphs of this report? If I don’t know them, a lot of Americans don’t know them. Every day somebody tells me Trump can’t win, or even steal, the presidency. Two of those somebodies told me the same thing the first time around: he can’t win. He did. (Or, depending on how you look at it, he didn’t.) Biden won states that mattered to his victory by narrow margins. At this point, looking at it state by state, he can’t win them all again. Commenters here and elsewhere say Biden will be reelected on his accomplishments. Folks, I would believe that if anybody knew about them. It just feels like a lot of relatively smart Democrats are taking very good drugs. As I said in the last beating of the horse, why can’t they sell this stuff better? I wonder if Prof. Richardson could make a few phone calls — she knows the president personally — and tell us what the people running the White House say about that.

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You read my mind. MSM is too busy following the orange arse. I simply can’t watch the non-stop coverage of chump anymore. Dems had better break through or we are toast. Republicans have been busy, especially at the state level, and the mistakes of the past are being corrected (cheating fine tuned). Take nothing for granted.

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Yes, "Indictment Watch" is boring. I do follow the Court Docket entries in Jack Smith's "MAL" case where I see reference to eight (8) still-sealed-subpoenas (SSS) that have been served [past tense] not for hidden national security information nor any still missing "classified documents" but, apparently for electronic devices and/or data. More than just Nauta & the Orange Blob are involved but, NOT any new Defendants.

Over my lawyer career I have been a harsh crtic of Prosecutors' lack of diligence but, Jack Smith is writing the new prosecutorial textbook for the digital era. I am trying to come up with a good metaphor to replace 'Shoe Leather'.

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Wish MSM could report on chump without subjecting us to his image or his voice. Both nauseating

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Some Anchors & Producers do not use tfg's image or "republish" defamation. We have seen 1 corporate victim overcome New York v Sullivan's high bar. More cases coming to Trial soon.

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Robert, Dems have a poor track record of messaging. We have the best economy in decades while SCOTUS, MAGA and the red states are doing all they can to destroy everything that is meaningful in the US. I would call that a success.

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Yes, Mamie & Emmett, mother & son ... both powerful drivers of real human & civil rights then, now & in the years ahead.

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With even MTG campaigning for Joe, and these 2 great and inspiring speeches by Joe and Kamala, it gives me hope that the whining, money and theatrics from those other guys won't prevail.

Now, if we can get MSM to stop staring at MTGs shameful pictures of Hunter......

Why isn't she being at least censured and at most, forced to resign? It's more than shameful, it's just plain WRONG.

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“One’s strength is not measured on who you beat down, but who you lift up.”

Wow. Just… Wow, Kamala… That is SO powerful.

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Love this sentence. Now that’s who I thought we were, until chump reversed all that. Shrink like the balloon pricked with a pin, you ugly ogre.

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What is this need that some folks have to be "better than" others? To somehow believe that being a white Christian in America gives you the right to terrorize and murder someone for "flirting"? Or for anything? I'm glad that our President and VP understand that history matters. That the dark stories are where the growth comes from. Much of the political junk coming from the Republican party these days is rooted in a belief that we are better than these other folks...that black folks, immigrants of all colors & belief systems...gay and trans folks...that they don't deserve a seat at the table...they don't count...they shouldn't vote and we don't want any of our tax dollars to help them...because they don't deserve it. We, the Republicans are the enlightened ones...we are Gods gift to the world. Thats our collective problem...and I think many of them know it. It's just hard to say it out loud...to say it clearly...and not with a bunch of code....or making rules that help you control people, other than you. It's easy to be a bigot in your Fox, Trump. MAGA silo. It's a lot harder out in the open...in the light of day.

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They are proud vermin, a community of fools. Just look at the faces of the chump crowds. In their glory. Hopefully they only find comfort in their silo, but they plan to rule again. Republicans loved the power chump gave them and will do (and have done) whatever it takes to sit on the throne again.

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Jeri, he tells them that they’re winning in “owning the libs”—frustrating the college-educated and well-read who want to make life better for everyone. It’s like rooting for a losing high school football team—“We’ll beat them next year. I have a plan!”

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Did the losers ever win, seems like I remember a few years back. When they have had a taste of victory, especially when they have been disparaged by so many, it’s like the worst addiction. More true of the Steve Bannon types than the ignorant MAGAt sods. Seems to me…

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President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

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I remember that...it worked to get a Civil War going over "states rights".

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I didn't know until yesterday that the woman made it up and the murderers were acquitted and were bragging about what they did. We have been a sick society then and now.

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MAGA vs "We should know everything: the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. That’s what great nations do, and we are a great nation.”

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