Firstly, I hope, Dr. HCR, that the apparent hacking of your FB page (I got the notice through FB yesterday) has been solved, but I fear you'll have to remain forever vigilant because the forces pitted against rational thought, facts, and science will never stop when someone is making progress in educating and enlightening people. So it is kind of a reverse compliment: you are worthy to be attacked because you are making a real difference. Brava and hang in there!

Secondly, I live in KCMO and my mayor just did a great interview on NPR's Morning Edition that clarifies just how political the decision of Barr and Trump (because Barr is definitely the "brains" behind this new push to attack Democrat mayors--who are also mostly PoC and Black) is. We are having a rise in violent gun crime--homicides and gun woundings--that has been trending up since last summer. One of the reasons why is the number of firearms flooding into our city from other states and regions. As Mayor Lucas said, "These are not your granddaddy's firearms--these are modern weapons coming illegally into the city into the hands of gangs." He added that he would LOVE for the Dept of ATF to come in and start dealing with the problem of illegal firearms. Controlling the commerce in weaponry would be much more helpful than sending in the Brownshirts. But, of course, this administration and Republicans in general (including the idiot Mike Parson who is governor of Missouri) won't admit that firearms are the problem. They want to make this a race issue--which Mayor Lucas also pointed out.

Thirdly, I am mourning the transformation of REAL notions of liberty in the USA into this hellish combination of egotism, selfishness, and infantilism. I have not heard or read anyone reiterating FDR's 1941 proclamation that what America strives to accomplish are the four most important freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion (REAL freedom not this nonsense spouted by people like Pompeo and Brownback), Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear. These need to be reiterated, shouted, and proclaimed to combat the appalling rhetoric coming from the Trumpianistas.

Sorry: this was a long post.

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"Thirdly, I am mourning the transformation of REAL notions of liberty in the USA into this hellish combination of egotism, selfishness, and infantilism. I have not heard or read anyone reiterating FDR's 1941 proclamation that what America strives to accomplish are the four most important freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion (REAL freedom not this nonsense spouted by people like Pompeo and Brownback), Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear. These need to be reiterated, shouted, and proclaimed to combat the appalling rhetoric coming from the Trumpianistas."

I feel that this is a profound statement, and deserves to be shared far and wide. Thank you for this concise insight.

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When you put a price on everything and human beings are relegated to the role of "consumers" , this is what you get! Just part of the production machine!

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Well said, Linda Mitchell: “Controlling the commerce in weaponry would be much more helpful than sending in the Brownshirts.”

I live in Chicago, and we have the same problem of guns flooding in from other states with more lax gun laws. In some parts of our city, Indiana is literally across the street. Our Mayor Lightfoot has stated clearly that she would welcome Federal help with stemming this illegal flow of guns. I agree with this in principle, but given the context in which these uninvited, unnamed forces plan to invade our city, I’m sure no one in charge of this invasion will consider it. Our city’s gun violence works in their favor, as it gives them a very flimsy excuse to do whatever they want. I’m sick to my stomach over this.

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Excellent comment and I appreciate the 1941 proclamation! I'm copying & pasting to my page. Thank you.

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I keep thinking back to early interview with Steve Bannon (2017) on the power of a Machiavellian strategy, gaslighting and fear. The only strategy Trump has left it to paint the Democrats as the absolute enemy that he can save the US from. We have to fight lies with truth. We have to fight violence with non-violence. We have to fight inhumanity with humanity. We have to fight greed with community.

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I love the Portland protester standard bearers who carry the American flag. Add flag to the protester tool kit of yellow shirt, bicycle helmet, leaf blower, and sunflowers.


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But fight one must and hard.....even if it comes down to stopping the violence.! it is not sufficient to say it but personal involvement and action is required by every member of the community to preserve the rights and freedoms of all. The Moms have got the right idea!

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I'm planning on going to the protest in Jax during the RNC. My coworker asked if that was a good idea because of the expected violence. I replied that the violence was even more of a reason that I should attend. I will not allow myself to sit idly in the safety of my home while my community puts their safety on the line for my rights.

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Mel, you are very brave. Please be safe. I have a special place in my heart for Jacksonville. My maternal grandparents lived there. My mother was in junior high when they moved there. Five years ago, my mom wanted to do a road trip after my dad died. She asked if I would drive her. We went to Charleston, SC, Savannah, GA, Atlanta, GA (to visit my brother), and finally Jacksonville. The best part of the trip. She shared a lot of childhood memories that I had never heard. Great stories.

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PLEASE be careful!!! I know it is important to you, but these crazies will try to make an example out of you and the others. I, too, am a Florida resident and hate what this president and governor are doing to our state. By the way, I am a long time poll worker and just voted by mail in the primary. I am still deciding if I will return to the polls for the general election because it is so very important.

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I am not sure I agree. Whilst it sounds right and all in an online forum, one can't bring prayer beads and a baguette to a knife fight. What are the dem leadership doing besides commiserating with the rest of us and expressing dismay? Why aren't they using their powerful platforms in CNN and MSNBC just as Trump uses Fox to counter his distortion and be equally persuasive. Their heart might be in the right place however unless they stop this navel gazing and performative virtue signaling and respond with equal viciousness and ruthlessness they are not going to take him down. So far only Bill Clinton was capable of going down to that level of street thuggery and win. Respect.

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After seeing the Wall of Moms, I bought a couple of bright yellow shirts to wear. The yellow shirts are what the French protesters economic justice movement wore. I stand with these women and with the people of Portland. For me "President" T has crossed a red line by going uninvited into cities with DHS agents in military camouflage (the military objects strongly to this) and refusing to identify themselves. The GOP Senators are no longer Republicans (in the sense of the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower) if they won't stand up for States Right and curb this malignant narcissist "President". It is time to restore democracy and social justice.

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I am charging my leaf blower battery.

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I’m wearing yellow in solidarity, also, Cathy, thanks to Stuart Attewell’s comment here the other day about ordinary citizens wearing their yellow vests in solidarity with last year’s Yellow Vest protesters in France. Macron backed down when he saw how many citizens sided with the Gilets Jaunes — the non-violent protest, rather than being limited to particular places, became universal.

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I bought my yellow shirt yesterday! Plan to wear it everywhere! I put iron on letters on it, “MOM”! I’m in Democrat womens group, we’re spreading the idea!

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Denise Huddle, I love it! I bought a face mask with "Vote" printed on it. It was a fundraiser for Move On. Move On is also written on. I can't wait to wear it around my very Republican community.

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Bravo! Ordered a yellow shirt that, far as I remember, features a brick wall upon which is written "Wall of Moms." Now I need to find a helmet. Trying to figure out if this little old lady has enough gumption to show up when the Gestapo comes here. Which they almost certainly will, since I live in a Minneapolis 'burb in a state with a strong Dem governor.

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In the absence of an external threat to justify totalitarian actions, Trump is trying to invent an internal threat to perpetuate his hold on power: Classic Machiavelli.....McCarthy Xs 1000! Bringing all his actions into the light of public examination and systematically challenging every act in the courts is absolutely essential. To help speed up the process everybody in Portland, Chicago, Albuquerque and Kansas city must add their smart phone to their yellow jerseys and helmets. Get out into the streets and film everything the Feds are doing and put it up on the internet for all to see. Social media is bigger and reaches further than Trump's meagre propaganda ressources.

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Yes...filming these is events is critical!

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It is astounding to me that the man who, as leader of the GOP and POTUS, has systematically installed loyalists as "acting directors" of numerous government agencies to bypass the role of Congressional approvals, now accusing, through his own words and that of his campaign and personal staff, that Democrats are willing to "destroy America" and "trying to preserve their OWN power." I ask: What power? The Dems are in the minority in the Senate where Republlicans are playing a zero-sum game.

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Deborah Unger, that is an excellent point.

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A very disturbing Letter!

Professor Richardson: It would be very helpful if you could explain, in a Letter or via the Politics Chat, what safeguards exist to prevent DT from continuing these actions against our fellow citizens.

Thank you.

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OPINION: Donald J Trump, President of our United States of America, is literally waging war against and within our nation. He has now unleashed a military presence that unarguably mirrors Hitler's Gestapo. His primary goal is to manufacture widespread, violent mayhem in order to subvert the November 03, 2020 national election. He is an enemy domestic.

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Thanks Heather, for your clarity and commitment to the people. I wish the media would be more honest about what's happening and why.

Trump's base will believe his lies about violence consuming the country simply because he says so. Sadly, one thing that may happen as a result of this administration's refusal to deal with Covid 19 the disease and its economic impact effectively is more social unrest. Once eviction protection and increased unemployment relief is diminished or ends altogether people will become increasingly desperate as they struggle to make ends meet and they're thrown out of their homes.

Trump has created a perfect storm by refusing to deal with the pandemic and it's consequences, by supporting the "confederate" element in this country, and by refusing to address the terrible imbalance against Black Americans in almost every aspect of their lives. He's kicked the hornet's nest hard so he can be the law and order president. I hope people understand that it's his failures that have led to this moment and that they turn on him not on each other. He's counting on the fact that hungry, desperate people will not merely protest but will riot in the streets so he can use lethal force to quell the unrest. He will devastate us if given the chance. All to win an election.

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If “temporary” appointments are supposed to end after a fixed number of days, why is the guy still in the job? Does someone have to invite him to leave? Seems cutting off his paycheck might work.

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“These radicals shamelessly attack the legitimacy of our institutions and the very rule of law itself.”


Today Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign and one of Trump’s personal lawyers tweeted: “No Democrat should EVER AGAIN be elected in the United States in any capacity. The government’s constitutional obligation is to preserve and protect OUR rights, not to preserve and protect their own power. They are willing to sacrifice America and our freedom and liberty. NO!!!”

It is always projection with these guys, especially Trump.

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Helenmary Cody, I have never heard of Jenna Ellis until I saw this tweet. I looked up her bio. I find it interesting that she is a constitutional attorney and evangelical advocate. It seems like the "Freedom of Religion" thing in the Constitution would present a conflict.

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I am just struck--again, and I am sure not for the last time--that the language Trump and the GOP use is projection of the highest order. Placing the blame on the "Radical Left" when his policies and actions are seeding violence and fear is just beyond words. Everything he is saying others are doing is just what he is doing and pushing away from himself and his responsibility. It's disgusting and dangerous.

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Their projection is so obvious to be almost laughable, if it wasn't so dangerous.

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That is exactly what my first thought was. It's like they are looking in a mirror, and substituting "Radical Left" for "Repugnant Republicans"!

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Every morning when I read your letters I get the clarity and “just the facts” that this country so desperately needs. I am aghast that our country has come to the point when the President has sent “soldiers” to fight against the very people of this country. And our Republican-led Senate sits idly by.

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I am so sick of reading the same bull coming from tRump and his thugs. I am even more sick that the Repubs are silent. At this rate, by November tRump will have taken over, and there will be no election. He will have declared himself "king."

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I am not an attorney, but why isn't it possible to challenge Trump's deployment of his personal militia (and I thought the ICE officers I met once in Boston were white nationalists) on false grounds. Where is his proof of the left wing anarchists and left wing insurgency that needs control?

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Understanding that Trump’s Executive Order and Barr’s Operation Legend initiative might not be illegal per se, what about legal challenges? Where is our army of progressive legal minds? On July 17, the US Attorney for the District of Oregon requested that the DHS Inspector General investigate DHS, but what would we expect from that. Also on July 17, the Oregon Attorney General sued DHS to stop their arrests of people in Portland, but what is happening with it? Is anything else happening?

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As as aside, does anyone know how Herman Cain is doing? It seems odd to me that there has been no word on his condition after 20 days in the hospital.

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