'Floridians Demand to Know Where Disney Is Going so They Can Come With'

'FLORIDA (The Borowitz Report)—Shortly after the corporate giant cancelled plans for a new campus in Lake Nona, Florida, residents of the state demanded to know where Disney was going so that they could come with.'

'Across the state, Floridians indicated a desperate desire to join Disney in its departure, suggesting that an unprecedented exodus may soon be under way.'

“When I think of Florida, I think of gun violence, draconian abortion laws, and book banning,” Carol Foyler, who lives in Boca Raton, said. “When I think of Disney, I think of teacups, princesses, and singing animals. I want to be where Disney is.”

“I’ve lived in Florida all my life and never considered leaving before,” Harland Dorrinson, a resident of Fort Lauderdale, said. “But, wherever Disney goes, Ron DeSantis won’t be there, and that’s good enough for me.”

'Tracy Klugian, who resides in Tampa, expressed a sentiment echoed by millions of others in the state. “I’d rather live in Disney without Florida than in Florida without Disney,” she said.' (Satire, NewYorker)

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Trump talks like a mobster. It would not be his only connection with the "mob".

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In my view, anyone who doesn’t acknowledge we’re on the precipice, both of a fatal weakening of American civic institutions and also of a presidency eager and conceivably able to consolidate power, wherein the rule of law could be subjugated to an individual, either is ignorant or in denial.

Considering I believe we have but a small window to protect the key mechanisms of American democracy, we have no choice but to use every resource to fight as though ours and everybody else’s lives depend on us, because they do.

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Honestly, is there not some long hook to grab these obnoxious, repugnant Repubs and throw them overboard without a safety net? Abbott has given the finger to the feds and to the international countries. It’s like a game for him. What are they all saying as a group? Is it “We think we can. We think we can!”? We must denounce Abbott, DeSantis, Leo, and McCarthy all of the time.

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What's the point of taking Abbott to court? That will only give the Supreme Court the opportunity to declare the Rivers and Harbors Act unconstitutional, by a 6-3 party-line vote. Send in workers, and marshals to protect them, and remove the barriers. And put a lien on the Texas National Guard to pay for it.

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Thank you Heather. I start each day with copious amounts of coffee, The Guardian news, and your Letters. It seems that the GOP fully believes in a "cafeteria" system of laws -taking whatever is convenient and ignoring anything counter to their primary objective -the concentration of wealth and power in America. In fact, other than enriching themselves, the GOP actions fall into two camps. One is focused on concentrating more wealth to the top. The other relates to keeping the American public divided (and thus conquered) on hot button issues such as immigration, gun ownership, climate, women's rights, and LGBTQ rights.

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Am I to assume that we are no longer a nation of states that must adhere to the law as written but defy willingly mandates for free and fair elections in AL, and defy immigration policy in Texas? Then we are no longer the “UNITED”states of America but 50 independent governments that share nothing but defiant traitors.

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

Today's Letter covered a series of serious stories. I would like to lighten our load a little bit. How often do you find a funny story in one of our top papers, such as the Washington Post and The New York Times? I came across this one in the Washington Post a few hours ago. It is a real news story and something of a mystery.

'Centuries-old artifacts meant for a 2019 White House Hanukkah party ended up at Mar-a-Lago'

‘Earlier this week, a minor — but still majorly awkward — diplomatic kerfuffle surfaced when Israeli media reported that officials there were struggling to get back some ancient artifacts from Mar-a-Lago.'

‘Details remain murky of how Israeli officials lost track of the centuries-old oil lamps and coins at former president Donald Trump’s club in Palm Beach, Fla. But cultural heritage experts say the episode shows what can go wrong when ancient artifacts are not handled properly.’

‘The items were to be displayed at a Hanukkah party at the White House in 2019. ‘…the items never made it into the White House, though it’s not clear why. Haaretz initially reported that Americans officials were concerned the items may have been taken from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, then later said there was a “bureaucratic difficulty raised by the Americans.”

‘A Trump spokesman Friday said the items had been presented “with the full support of the [Antiquities Authority]. The items were on loan for permanent exhibition at the behest of the organization, to honor and celebrate American-Jewish heritage and the close friendship between Israel and President Trump.’

‘The resurfacing of the items comes as the former president is facing a 38-count indictment for allegedly improperly stashing classified documents at his Florida residence, including in a bathroom, and enlisting his aide to help him secretly keep some of the materials despite government efforts to have them returned.’

‘Israeli antiquities officials offered inconsistent reports about the arrangement. Hasson told Haaretz the initial 2019 deal required the items to be returned within weeks. The authority’s statements this week to The Post say nothing about a specific contract, saying only that the items were “presented” to Trump.’

“It is possible that the IAA officials overstepped their authority in lending the objects and/or in implying that they did not need to be returned and may therefore have been trying to operate outside of legal and diplomatic channels to get them back,” Gerstenblith told The Post. “It sounds like they didn’t want to offend Trump.’ (WAPO) See link below.

Wouldn't it be hysterical to see Trump and Netanyahu haggling over some old coins and lamps and to hear their argument about who owns what?

Sorry, gifted link is not available, but there are no surprises in the article Much of it was copied for this post.


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One solution to the Alabama, and Texas, problems is a simple one. Both the Alabama Legislature and Governor, along with the Texas Governor, have violated numerous Federal laws. What needs to happen now is the U. S. Marshals need to be sent into the states and arrest them for violating the laws of the United States. Then, Governor Abbott will get his wish. He’d be seen in court. Only difference is that he will be the Defendant.

These people need to be held accountable for their actions. They need to be arrested, just exactly like any of us would be arrested, jailed, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The exact same thing needs to happen with Frumpy. It’s sickening the power that this country has given this narcissistic sociopath. He’s a wanna-be dictator who is hell-bent to destroy this nation. He has duped millions of people into believing his crap and these people will do anything he tells them to, including send him billions of dollars for his ‘campaign’. That money is going to one of his formed PACs to pay all his legal bills. Frumpy isn’t paying anything out of his pocket. Once again, he has everybody else paying for his criminal activity, just like he’s always done. Having someone else carry out his activities and he walks around free.

Frumpy needs to be jailed. You can bet your bottom dollar if any of us violated the Espionage Act even one count, we would be jailed until after trial.

Of course the Republicans in Alabama want to keep the power. Kevin McCarthy wants to keep the power. All the Republicans in all these states are scrambling now to get these maps redone so they maintain, or gain, the majority.

Rest assured, folks, if the day ever comes where we have a Republican president, Republican majority in the House and Senate, plus Republican majorities in the states, the election process will be gone. There will be no more elections in this nation. This GQP Party now will take completely over and have a Dictatorship formed. Frumpy’s already stated what he will do. He’s intending to bring control of all government agencies, federal and state, under the direct control and oversight of the president.

Folks, this is a Dictatorship. It’s that simple.

Greg Abbott has violated laws, violated treaties, and his building this barrier has also caused the loss of life. That’s murder. I don’t care if it’s a citizen of this, or any other country. It’s a human being. It’s a life. And in this case, it’s a child. He’s is killing people and no one is doing anything about it.

Our laws are being rewritten before our very eyes. Now, you can commit murder and nothing will happen. You won’t be arrested. You won’t be jailed. You won’t be tried. You won’t have anything happen to you. The precedent has been established by our government leaders in our states.

You can now commit Treason, violate the Espionage Act, and not be arrested. Here again, it’s turned into a farce. If you are ‘arrested’ you simply will be asked to appear in court to be processed, then arraigned, and released to go about your business as usual. No bond. No jail cell. No nothing.

This is sickening. I put people in jail for a hell of a lot less than this. And they deserved to be jailed! These people need to be buried in a jail cell without any privilege of phone, internet, cell phones, nothing.

It’s high time our government officials become accountable for their actions. If the people rise up as they did on January 6th, then that can be handled as it should have been handled back then. If bodies are left lying in the path of the soldiers taking back the capital building, there wouldn’t be time wasted trying to identify and prosecute the little people. They will be there laying in the ground.

History is rewriting itself in this country. It took a Civil War to end slavery. Now, it’s beginning to look like it will take a civil war to end thus attempted takeover of our Democracy.

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"Federalist Society Leonard Leo funded a “a coordinated and sophisticated public relations campaign to defend and celebrate” Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas"

....................Lipstick on a pig..................

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GERRYMANDERING needs a house cleaning. Kick it to the curb.

Decades aho, Ohio, was a solid blue state until the Repubs started playing Shuffleboard with the designated districts. So, they’re now nicely rearranged so that Dem areas are grouped together ( 1 district) and the

Repubs are sprinkled about ( multiple districts). It highway robbery... straight down US 71 into the southern counties. Well, the House Leader just got his tit in the ringer and his ass is in prison for 20+ years. There are more Repubs lined up to be prosecuted for corruption. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Gerrymandering is how states got this heinous, lopsided power. We’ve got to end it ...mprobsbly federally. I’d like to posta picture here: DUCK. Gerrmandered Ohio looks like ... a duck.

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So, both Alabama and Texas are in open rebellion against The United States...What would Lincoln do?

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“legitimacy of the Roberts court” is an oxymoron.

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Alabama Governor has chosen to break their oath of office (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/3331 )

by ignoring the SCOTUS ruling that their district map goes against the Constitution of the United States of America. It is also taxing ALL of its citizens but clearly not representing all citizens. So it seems Alabama has essentially declared itself a fascist State. By the time any lawsuits fighting the Governor’s decision is over, it will be too late [AGAIN] since the 2024 election will be over and many the voter’s denied a fair election. Its leadership wants all the benefits of being part of the United States, such as protection by National/ Federal Government during disasters, accepting part of the overflow of other State’s tax money, they enjoy the pause the United State’s Military gives other countries who might otherwise feel free to attack us, etc., but Alabama does not want to honor the nation’s rules & laws of democracy, even when the rules are set by a SCOTUS that’s almost entirely in their favor.

Regarding Texas’s water barriers, it seems Texas is also declaring they are a fascist State but also want the benefits of the National/Federal Government. If Abbott doesn’t respect the nation’s laws, why should the Army Core of Engineers respect the Texas Governor? There’s nothing stopping the Army Core of Engineers from building a moat around Abbott’s home and relocating the barriers to the moat within a week after the Tuesday deadline.

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How is this today's reality?! We the People cannot let this happen, and must work together to prevent the Rethugs from turning our country into a dictatorship run by essentially a psychopathic mobster, and also prevent him from escaping all consequences of his self-serving, traitorous actions. It is incredible that any average American with even a smidgeon of care for the future of this nation could support tfg, yet here we are, again.

"The Republican governor of Texas is defying both federal law and international treaties. After rampant scandals, the Republican-dominated Supreme Court refuses to adopt an ethics system that might restore some confidence in their decisions. And, aided by his loyalists, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination is threatening mob violence if he is held legally accountable for his behavior. "

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An outstanding summation of current events going into a miid-summer weekend that seems like it should encapsulate a year’s worth of news, not the end of a week.

Make no mistake, White Christian Authoritarian Nationalism has taken over the Republican Party and democracy and the rule of law is the target.

Unlike the Civil War, fought over slavery and the cultural and economic benefits of white supremacy, today’s treason is strongest in Red States but marbled throughout all 50 with ties to Christian Nationalism internationally.

It’s hypocrisy is as readily apparent as it is ignored by its adherents. It is imbued with a sense of victimization that is acted out every day in a political theatre of the absurd by their leader, Donald Trump.

Every American needs to be asked, “which side are you on? Do you stand with constitutional law, order and democracy or with DJ Trump?” We need the Republican Party to fracture and for sensible Republicans to chose the path paved by Cheney and Kinzinger and for a true moral majority to stand against White Christian Authoritarian Nationalism. If not, we risk losing democracy at home and abroad.

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