Out of the ball park, bases loaded Heather. What has been left to us, is now in our charge. We must not fail. Thank you for keeping us grounded.

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In the present context, I found this account very moving. Perhaps they could listen to it at the "Supreme" Court? Just as a reminder? Or find some way to broadcast this account nationally?

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I agree. The NYT Daily has Been broadcasted on NPR. Why not the letter from an American?

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Thank you so very for reminding us how we came to accept and believe that the Rule of Law would lead us. And not some single individual along with a handful of others to tell us how we, the people, should live.

Unfortunately, the people of United States never fully understood how much work is required by the people to maintain a liberal democratic republic. More than 500 years ago Spinoza warned us, we the people, would in all likelihood fail to preserve that democracy due to neglect of our duties. With a whimper, today we are watching it crumble .

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To Judy - you may be watching it crumble but I am looking ahead to the rebirth of America in 2024 at the ballot box. How dare anyone come in here and try to manipulate our common sense. We know what’s amiss. Let us unite around the ballot box in November this year. Hope I see you there 🇺🇸🗽🥁

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Unfortunately, they have dared and for a long time now. I started working for various campaigns when I was 17. I would not get to vote for another 4 years but I have voted in every election since I turned 21. And I will vote again come this November if I don't take my leave first. At 84 the length of stay gets shorter rather rapidly.

See my reply below to Susan.

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Some of us will be there to pick up the pieces and build a better boat. Are you game?

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I would love to be there, but at 84 I am afraid I am rounding the last turn of my race. Seventy years ago this last April, I protested the new pledge of allegiance because the conservatives of the 1950's inserted God into the pledge, which is a violation of the first Amendment. At the time I was a protester of one. I have not said the pledge since. I have been waiting for a correction.

If time is still on your side I will be with you 100% if only in spirit, because this fix is going to take a very long time. Good luck!

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As Thomas Paine wrote: "If we omit it now [i.e. writing a constitution ensuring liberty] some [dictator] may hereafter arise, who laying hold of popular disquietudes, may collect together the desperate and the discontented, and by assuming to themselves the powers of government, may sweep away the liberties of the continent like a deluge.”

I fear that today the "desperate and discontented" include not merely Trump's minions, but many of the wealthy and powerful, including the heads of corporations, who prefer a dictator who'll govern in their favor than trust a functioning democracy that might raise their taxes and rein in their greed.

The Supreme Court has just handed to the potential winner of the next presidential election the essential powers of a dictator. But, according to this ruling, while Joe Biden is still President he could order the assassination of Donald Dump, and claim it as an official act, beyond the reach of the law. "When the President does it," as Richard Nixon famously argued, "it's NOT a crime." Of course, Biden could be impeached, but even if he were convicted and removed from office, he'd have done the Republic a great service. ("But," as Nixon muttered under his breath on one of the Watergate tapes, "it would be wrong.")

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Based on its recent ruling, the Supreme Court could do nothing if Biden took your advice, having Trump arrested and then hanged for treason, for which there is ample justification in any event. The Court would be hoist on its own petard! I also don't understand the delay in sentencing for the Stormy Daniels case convictions. Surely Trump is not immune from prosecution for acts committed before he was President! If we carried that logic a bit further, a President could claim immunity from punishment for having raped and murdered a girl in high school! I don't even know if Orwell went as far as granting retroactive immunity!

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And *there*, is part of the problem; in fact, it is feasible to think that one of the justices in fact did do just that. Unfortunately, too many of his legislative supporters did not have the cajónes to stop that particular justice in his tracks. There was a republican who, joining with the democrats could have done exactly that; however, Senator Flake did not have what it took, knowing fully well the guilt of the candidate in question and the sponsor of same, were aflame with the reality that would taint *justice* to its core. This is what we are now facing; a political party gone rogue with cowardice as its engine.

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It may come down to who's counting the ballots.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

That is why we need surer methods than elections to rid the country of dictators. The only solution for Trump is a final solution.

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Thomas Paine's letter from America remembered. Thanks once again HCR.

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Paine is now spinning very rapidly at 360 degrees in his grave.

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And what hurts is that he most likely is spinning vertically rather than horizontally.

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To Jon - His energy is ever present and will continue to guide us to victory in November. Courage and voting will get us there 🇺🇸🗽🗳️

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I wish I could feel so hopeful. I prefer surer means of ridding the country of dictators. History shows they are rarely defeated at the polls.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Boy! Is this reflective of where we are today!!!

The Supreme Court has certainly stepped in it now. Are we headed to another revolution? Will electing Joe Biden be enough? I sure hope so. I'm too old to pick up arms and fight but, my grandson isn't. I don't want to see anyones child pay a price for what a group of insurrectionist are planning for their "new administration" and reverse the principals of the founders of the Constitution.

Thomas Paine's words resonated Monday. They should be the opening story on every news broadcast for the next several months. Many legal scholars have expressed their disgust at the ruling and their words seem to fall on many deaf ears. Yea, I'm riled, but what's the way forward? Do we gather together with our pitchforks and torches and descend on the Supreme Court? Congress? Probably useless since they all retreated on vacation as soon as they released their ruling.

I'm feeling frustrated and angry that my country is being dismantled by the elite group in the Heritage Foundation. The only thing I can think to do is work on the re-election of Joe Biden! And, I don't give a damn that he's old and had a bad debate! He's still the POTUS and he gave us a recovering economy that's "the envy of there world". He gave us back our dignity and self respect.

The alternative isn't just Trump (the willing dupe of the Heritage Foundation) it's most of the former republicans who've joined him in overturning our democracy. They have finally found a path they've been looking for and building on since FDR saved us from the Great Depression and made it so most of us pay their share of taxes and rebuilt the economy. and country.

Thank you Ms. Richardson for. your always brilliant essays and books. I'm a new follower and have learned so much from reading your books and watching your YouTube video lectures and interviews. I look forward to your daily Letters From An American.

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Way to speak, Heather! Keep writing writing writing!!

I’m more energized and informed when I read whatever YOU write. Stay strong and keep it coming 👏👏

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How can we get every voter to listen to this?

Seriously, how can we get this out there?

Anyone with teenagers in your life, please have them listen and then share this on their social media channels!

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The similarity between 1775 and today, the decision whether we embrace a “king” and that totality of power, or the democratic process as set out in the Constitution, is alive in 2024. God help us in November to choose democracy.

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Thank you for that history. It puts a lot into perspective.

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The recent decision by SCOTUS is radical, despite all the assertions of conservative justices asserting “originalism” in their decision-making. They missed it by a mile. Rather than protecting average citizens, they are now king-makers.

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They are going in for fiction-writing more than any group of creative writing students I've ever taught.

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Thank you for continuing to share the facts which include We The People are the backstop. I continue to speak up and speak out and build community and hold on to Faith that the American majority will bring us across the finish line to save representative democracy. 💙

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Eloquent summation Heather. It gave me chills and determination to turn my attention to the legacy of our birthright from so long ago with pride and affection to meet all of you at the ballot box in November. Who was it who said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Thank you for your amazing diligence to get us the truth and to igniting our passion for American history. The tide is turning. Bravo for a significant read on the eve of July 4th, 2024. Blessings and hope you have given us 🇺🇸🗽🗳️🕯️🥁💙🌻

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Beautifully done. Thank you for all the details and for connecting the dots to give us the whole picture.

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We found our way forward after the Dred Scott Supreme Court’s decision. How do we find our way forward from the Donald Trump decision

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Impossible with this court. Court-packing, secession, or the forced removal of the two most corrupt Justices are the only possible solutions. With his new powers of immunity, Biden could certainly arrest Alito and Thomas and have them held and replaced on the Court.

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