Would it be fair to say that any social need delivered on an increasingly and purely for profit basis will eventually become corrupted, useless and/or toxic without strong government control/oversight? Does the media have a civic duty to report the truth, clicks and profits be damned? I wonder. How do we know what's going on? Where is news? And how do you get rid of the gd spotted lantern flies? Thank you Doctor for all you've done and keep doing. This hurting American really appreciates you.

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terrified the democrats will continue to be in disarray and shoot themselves in the foot (election), while the lunatics will get to run the asylum. blogs like heathers keep me hopeful for americas future

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The major political asset of calm, normal, effective governing... is squandered by the sudden chaos of oddly deeply reported 'private discussions' dissing Biden, on the heels of the oddly deeply reported 'is there a health crisis?" Biden furor. It stinks of russian psyops fueled confusion.

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I stand in awe of people like Prof. Richardson, Robert Reich & Heather Lofthaus, the PBS journalists, that sat through the hours of speeches at the RNC Convention and summarized them for us. There aren’t enough barf bags in America for me to sit through the 3 hours per day, for four days, that the PBS Newshour staff did at the convention. From the various clips of speeches I have seen on various programs, the sheer volume of verbal flatulence in those speeches was enough, on its own, to cause bodily harm.

With respect to Trump’s ear injury from the shooting, I wonder if we will ever really know the truth behind the shooting and the extent of the injury. Will this be another of the unending controversies that foment conspiracy theories, like the Kennedy assassination? Mainstream news outlets seem to have reduced scrutiny of Trump and increased scrutiny of everything relating to Biden. Disappointing.

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I agree and appreciate so much those who sat through the Red Queen/Alice in Wonderland world that was the MAGANC (for the Republican party is truly no more) for those of us too triggered to do so. And especially, for reporting back on the utter mental muddle represented by such as Kim Guilfoyle, who doesn't know a communist from a fascist from a socialist. Thank you, Heather, for this place you've made where words and events still mean things- specific, actual things!

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As a military history buff, I laughed out loud when I read the quote Prof. Richardson provided of Guilfoyle’s RNC speech. My father was a WW2 vet - a military intelligence officer at both Eisenhower’s and Patton’s headquarters. If he were alive today, he would be appalled at Trump and the whole MAGA universe. If Guilfoyle actually wrote her own speech, I think it was just complete ignorance that accounts for her gaffe. There are many dunces in the top royalty of the MAGA kingdom. However, I suspect some one else wrote the speech, in which case, perhaps the mischaracterization of WW2 history was intended to make fascism great again.

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I love reading and then listening. It so helps to digest the details of your so so so very informative truthful information. Trust me they (the MAGA’s) do not mis-speak. They know exactly the lies they want to say and want their cult followers to hear and absorb. More on Project 2025 please. In education alone they are looking to dumb down even further America because once you have lost the ability to think for yourself it is easy to keep you in line and following them. Trump was not saved by the hand of God, Trump is not the messiah, he is the evil pawn in the masterminds plan which has been developing over decades and trough technology can be spread like manure. My final word, Dems please get your act together, you are drinking from their juice glass. Biden is the President, he is doing the job, he is our candidate and he and his administration need to be voted in for a second term. Regroup later. For all those currently serving and worried about their district and re-election, go home and engage with your constituents day and night so they hear and see and feel the truth, not the show of lies they may have just witnessed for the past week.

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The donors are pressuring the congress members to 'express concerns'. But the congress members are not supposed to decide the Presidential Candidate, right? It is supposed to be the electorate, and we went to the polls and voted for Joe. The worst thing, is to squander the calm, normal, ordinary "get things done" atmosphere of competence that Biden/Harris built so carefully. Sheez.

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Heather I am so grateful that you are paying attention to some of the anomalies around the attack on Donald Trump. These include the nearby officers being hit by flying debris, the lack of any medical reports on Trump’s injuries, the reports that bystanders made unheeded reports of the presence of a suspicious person on the roof of a nearby building many minutes before the attack, and more; there are a lot of things here that don’t really make sense. It is good that you are paying attention to this and perhaps in due course some of these anomalies will be explained.

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It was reported that that Professional Wrestler opening act guy, told a reporter, "Ear wounds always bleed a lot! We used that a lot," you know, to make the crowds gasp with shock at the sudden wash of blood in the exciting fake wrestling competitions. That was reported. He said that. At the convention. Ear wounds bleed a lot, so they would nick an ear intentionally as spectacle for the crowd. The more I know, the more horrified I am at the criminal enterprise before us.

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"I really love America. I just don’t know how to get there anymore." -- John Prine

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

I would like to better understand who is putting these totalitarian, dictatorial, and authoritarian approaches into Trump's head. As dumb and ignorant as he is, how in the world is he getting the strategies to deploy 'gish gallop' and other similar approaches. I am often floored that he may know nothing about U.S. history or the world but then deploy's a Putin, Orban, or Castro strategy like an expert. How the F is that happening and how is it that the Democrats are always behind the curve and relearning who this man is at every turn. And ditto for the media. 12 years of insane politics. How? I would love it if you could address/answer these questions in one of your lovely posts. Thank you

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Today in Berlin, the 80th anniversary of the 20 July plot was held with German officials honored the participants involved in the attempt to assassinate Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime. During a speech the president of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, stated that "protecting democracy" is the best way of remembering "those who resisted national socialism", with the mayor of Berlin adding that "democracy should be protected from outside influences, but also from those coming from within".

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Donald Trump has never been right in the head.

(First ad from PsychopathPac)


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This letter was brilliant and made more so by hearing it in your voice Professor! Thank you.

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Love the reference to kayfabe - sounds a lot like covfefe...

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1, Are we a democracy?

2, What criteria was used to answer #1?

3, Where do I find information about what the Trump campaign is focusing on? I remember hearing you say - He isn’t trying to get votes but focusing on lawyers.

Where can I find that Information so I can follow it.

4, How many judges does a lawsuit accusing voter interference have to go through before they get to the Supreme Court. Meaning what are the steps before Alito and his gang decide the presidency.

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You are trolling.

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I thought maybe someone might know.

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Do we know if JD Vance legally changed his name or is his legal last name still Bowman? Whatever name he has on his birth certificate would need to be used to run for office if he did not legally change it.

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What do we do, when an effective criminal conspiracy is turning the 2024 vote into a Professional Wrestling "Neokayfabe" fantasy competition against evil Dems?

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