Robert, so true. How many times in the past year, while reporting on great jobs numbers, have the mainstream media said “staving off a recession” as if it’s inevitable that a recession is all but inevitable with this president. I’m fed up with this “balanced” clickbait.
Robert, so true. How many times in the past year, while reporting on great jobs numbers, have the mainstream media said “staving off a recession” as if it’s inevitable that a recession is all but inevitable with this president. I’m fed up with this “balanced” clickbait.
It is hardly 'Breaking News' Mary, but today, LIVE, Biden s Team (this time the Federal Reserve Board) has implemented a NEW payment system trademarked as "FedNow". Up (digitally lubticated) & Running. 👍
Robert, so true. How many times in the past year, while reporting on great jobs numbers, have the mainstream media said “staving off a recession” as if it’s inevitable that a recession is all but inevitable with this president. I’m fed up with this “balanced” clickbait.
It is hardly 'Breaking News' Mary, but today, LIVE, Biden s Team (this time the Federal Reserve Board) has implemented a NEW payment system trademarked as "FedNow". Up (digitally lubticated) & Running. 👍