What can fix it? Antitrust laws at one time prevented people from owning more than one or two outlets in an area such as two stations from the 2 major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC. Murdoch got that thrown out. Like car dealerships could not own a competitor dealership. All this antitrust was designed for one thing...to move money upward and suppresss workers ability to push back against abuse.
What can fix it? Antitrust laws at one time prevented people from owning more than one or two outlets in an area such as two stations from the 2 major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC. Murdoch got that thrown out. Like car dealerships could not own a competitor dealership. All this antitrust was designed for one thing...to move money upward and suppresss workers ability to push back against abuse.
Rickey , while regular citizens were working to pay their bills and raise families, we took our eyes off those who were voted into offices where they could use their votes to put money into their pockets and/or into the pockets of people who helped to elect them.
Now, thanks to President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, we have had the mask lifted and it's not a pretty scene. But also thanks to President Biden and his excellent team, we are seeing better actions being taken that are already helping. We are "Building Back Better!"
Our relationships with world leaders are stronger. Those leaders opposing freedom also know where we stand. President Biden is not a coward nor a war monger. As the saying goes,"Freedom is not free!"
We MUST keep President Biden and his advisers in office for the betterment of our country and to support freedom worldwide!
I don't "like" this but what you say is true. The concentration of huge sums of money in the bank accounts of a relatively small number of people is behind many of our problems. Their ability to wield their money and influence out of the sight of the pubic is another huge problem.
What can fix it? Antitrust laws at one time prevented people from owning more than one or two outlets in an area such as two stations from the 2 major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC. Murdoch got that thrown out. Like car dealerships could not own a competitor dealership. All this antitrust was designed for one thing...to move money upward and suppresss workers ability to push back against abuse.
Rickey , while regular citizens were working to pay their bills and raise families, we took our eyes off those who were voted into offices where they could use their votes to put money into their pockets and/or into the pockets of people who helped to elect them.
Now, thanks to President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, we have had the mask lifted and it's not a pretty scene. But also thanks to President Biden and his excellent team, we are seeing better actions being taken that are already helping. We are "Building Back Better!"
Our relationships with world leaders are stronger. Those leaders opposing freedom also know where we stand. President Biden is not a coward nor a war monger. As the saying goes,"Freedom is not free!"
We MUST keep President Biden and his advisers in office for the betterment of our country and to support freedom worldwide!
FREEDOM ! is NOT FREE ! ASK ANY VETERAN, Who was BLESSED, to Return HOME ! ( GO ! , Blue ! )
Well said.
I don't "like" this but what you say is true. The concentration of huge sums of money in the bank accounts of a relatively small number of people is behind many of our problems. Their ability to wield their money and influence out of the sight of the pubic is another huge problem.
тАЬWe can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we canтАЩt have both.тАЭ
-SCOTUS Justice Louis Brandeis
We could euphemize this as "capitalist democracy", one of the worst influences in American politics in the past decade+