I am a person who would like more info about pres shooting injuries. A couple of events lately just seem very convenient for trnp

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Why is this not viral? The tie between Putin and Trump has dozens of data points that should predict the world effect of a second Trump Presidency. Ukraine falls, Trump pulls out of (or simply hobbles) NATO, Russia then able to pick apart Europe piece by piece. The Left equivalent of Fox should run this 24/7. Are they blind, or just suicidal? Sorry for the strong criticism, but they must wake up and expose the world effect Trump would abet.

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I agree. Kid Rock the exhibitionist wrestler said, "Ear nicks always bleed a lot, and we used that in the W.W.W. a lot" -- to provide to the audience an appearance of a more serious injury.

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i love heathers blogs. obut my cynical self says that the only people who listen /read her are people of like mind and she will never reach the people who are part of the maga cult. my fear is that our great country is doomed

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In regards to our shared, cynical concern, I forward some of Heather’s letters to friends on the other side of the political spectrum. Whether they read them with an open mind, I do not know.

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The "political spectrum" is much broader than D <--> R.

There are many of us on the Left (to the left of the Democrats) who distrust both of the capitalist parties (D and R). While many liberal Democrats can clearly see and are appalled by the cult of MAGA (as are we Leftists), they seem blind to the cult of Blue MAGA. In defending Joe Biden (and before him Obama and the Clintons), they are defending the 40+ years of center-right Reaganomics/Neoliberal ideology that has dominated America since the Reagan administration, leading to an ever-growing gap between the uber-wealthy and working-class Americans which has happened at a fairly steady pace regardless of whether the D or R party controls the White House and/or Congress. Even now, in this post-COVID "boom" economy, the wealthiest Americans are making out much better than the rest of us.

I hope Heather will address this problem soon, because it is likely to get worse over the next four years if EITHER Trump or Biden is elected this November. Even if the DNC replaces Biden at the top of the ticket between now and Election Day, the new Democratic nominee almost certainly will be yet another "centrist" and not a Bernie Sanders. The DNC would rather lose to Trump than allow a democratic socialist to have power.

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I appreciate your comments; they reflect yet another viewpoint of the continuum that’s always made up our politics. I supported Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar in the 2020 primaries. It is too bad that no Democrat of substance stepped forward in the 2024 primaries; the voters would’ve had a choice when there was still time to make a change.

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I appreciate your comments, and agree for the most part that the Reaganomics continued thru R and D presidencies. What I see in the Biden Admin, to the contrary, is a well designed transfer of wealth to the average Americans, and promises that -- especially if the house and senate can pass progressive bills -- he will tax the wealthy "their fair share," and create social support systems for child care, paid parental leave, and health care. To name a few. Also there has been rapid R+D (department of energy youtube videos detail) to transition to modern energy sources, which my group of science-thinkers greet with relief.

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Wrong audience. Trump supporters are impossible to convince. Forward to all Democrats and independents you know, with the message that the ONLY issue that matters in this election is to VOTE against the Trump/Putin team. Make them promise to vote and to grab their friends around the neck until they agree to vote and do the same to all their Democratic friends. Expose the world implications of Heather's article, with Trump giving Ukraine, then Europe over to his buddy Putin.

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Lee, the bases of the parties do not elect the president. Reading HCR is preaching to the choir. All the history, facts, issues, and accomplishments amount to zero as far as the mass of uninformed and misinformed voters who vote for the candidate they feel they can relate to. 'The candidate they would like to have a beer with.' Regarless of how we feel about Biden he is perceived as old and frail and that is going to be a deciding factor for those who decide elections. That is why the Dem's mucky mucks hair is on fire about Biden staying in the race. Personality wins every presidential election except for Nixon's wins due to the backlash to the Vietnam War.

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The newspapers no longer inform the electorate of the facts, and that is quite sad. As I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's people always were talking about policies and debating the merits of candidates. The new way of communicating via social media, has upended our ability to discuss complex ideas. Tech companies competed for profit by 'racing to the bottom of the brain stem' says Tristan Harris. Timothy Snyder in his Youtube talk on CyberFascism discusses a problem with new methods of communication, by example the BOOK lead to social upheaval for 150 years.

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Trump wins we are doomed along with democracy around the world.

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Thank you for the hard work of bringing hard truths to light in such an effective manner. And thank you for truly loving our country.

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Someone needs to produce a huge chart with Trump at the center and all the strings linking him to Putin, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Bannon and the rest of the despots. Most Americans would be appalled. This cannot be ignored.

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Jan, his supporters know what a horrible human he is. But he represents their savior. They are cultists. He represents anti-______. All they fear and hate.

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Some trumpers have said that they wanted a dictator. With an attitude like that, what can you do. The threat of a dictator is not a threat

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Manafort - Stone - Nixon - McCarthy - Roy Cohn.... and Donald


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I agree with Lee that Heather's negative posts about Trump only reach people who have already decided that Trump is awful, not the low-information swing voters who will decide this election. Who believes that Biden can provide strong leadership for four more years? Democrats need a ticket (Harris and Sen. Mark Kelly of AZ or Josh Shapiro of PA?) that can give people hope for the future and turn the page away from Trump-Biden. Another commenter blamed the media for reporting Democrats' crisis of confidence in Biden. He observed that "the hosts at MSNBC seemed biased against Biden."

If that's true, Biden has lost. That's like in 2020 when the conservative flagship Wall Street Journal published very negative stories about Trump, and in 1968 when Walter Cronkite of CBS News criticized Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam policies. "If I've lost Walter, I've lost the country," LBJ said, and withdrew from the campaign shortly after that. Or if Fox News starts broadcasting criticism of Trump, you know he's lost. These are bellwethers.

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If our democracy were not a DINO, we would not be where we are today. Because money dominates the political system it has been ruled by a minority and the majority has not gotten what they need, so many are disillusioned and believe that the government has failed them. Hence the rise of a charlatan.

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Buying the vote with Citizens United's new power of unlimited campaign advertisements and other forms of Donor largesse, has deeply deeply corrupted. Also, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) has a very informative 33-installment series, "The Scheme" detailing, with a lawyer's eye, the complex web of money that has been effectively employed since The Powell Memo (1971) to capture the courts and finally SCOTUS, with the intention to have unfettered capitalism. Sen. Whitehouse's speeches are in the congressional record.



THE SCHEME PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhyg5hj7I21i1Aqcaym9TRFrpWjPN9_ms

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I believe that this the MAGA moment. Assasination attempt, convention, all the commotion and chaos. They thrive on this. They are at the top of their game…and they are still barely ahead. They have a mentally declining (rapidly) candidate that is a total nut case. This won’t last. Once the Dems get their shit together, things will change for the better…and they will. Cheeto man’s handlers are going to try and keep him on the golf course and out of sight, but they can’t hide him forever. His base won’t change, but a few voters in swing states will. And the left will show up. We all know what the dangers are. We will be there. Don’t despair. The US has been through much worse than this ass wipe. He will fade back into the cave he belongs in. No worries

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The Democrats and Biden/Harris offer Normal, Order, Competence. The aware electorate is terrified, and the orderly calm administration of Biden/Harris is an important emotional factor in the presidential campaign. It is unfortunate that chaos has erupted in 'The Caucus.' The voters choose the Democrat candidate, not 'The Caucus,' and it is frustrating to see the emergence of chaos and disorder when the terrified voters are longing for stability and normalcy.

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ConsortiumNews.com has a very different view of events leading up to the Ukraine war, blaming U.S. ambassador Victoria Newland as having a hand in the overthrow of democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, and U.S. attempts to bring Ukraine into NATO as precipitating the Russian invasion. Consortium News publishes many American Pulitzer winners who formerly worked at the New York Times and other respectable publications. Despite their "alternative" points of view, I don't think they are Russian propagandists. I don't know what the truth is, but in my lifetime the American press has often just parroted American foreign policy propaganda. Let's be wary of letting them do so again.

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Keep speaking the truth thanks.

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Put undocumented in a camp? How long? How much would this cost? Wouldn't the money be best used by more border patrol, more judges, etc.?

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I believe you are correct. The money to build concentration camps and for mass deportation would be better spent on building up the corps of immigration judges and streamlining the whole immigration process. More border patrol resources I’m sure would help as well. The problem with your proposal is that it is not cruel to immigrants, which is a feature, not a bug, of MAGA policies. Trump’s base would not experience the glee of seeing people dragged out of their beds and homes in the middle of the night and shipped off to concentration camps, where death from disease, and suffering in heat or cold, and deprivation would be rampant. The joy of this would be lost for them.

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I do believe that trump and his handlers are capable of cruelty. I remember this one scene where Sophie (Sophie's Choice) is at the train station with her two children. She was being forced to chose which child would die and which would live as a Nazi. Not quite the same thing, but the Nazis were very capable of separating families, and we know that the trump administration has demonstrated that they can and will do it again. How long did it take Biden to reunite the thousands of separated children? and in some cases they failed.

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I love these audio versions and really appreciate the extra effort involved. This morning I awakened in time for the sunrise and have just listened to this one as I take an early stroll around the National Mall in DC. A lovely experience 🙏🏼

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Me too! Appreciate the extra effort.

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Something out of a dystopian novel…you can’t make this stuff up though

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Trump is “asleep at the wheel.”

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