I am SO happy that you started tonight’s letter with referencing the great video that Biden’s team put out! MGT is so screwed. I wonder if The Lincoln Project people are helping to get messaging out because that video was excellent.

I would like to give a shout-out to the fabulous Ted Lieu who went after that spineless animal, Qevin McQuarthy. Sorry, can’t help it as Qev sold his soul. May they all go tumbling down like building blocks. We, The People, deserve to see and hear each of Fake 45’s trials. Let’s at least hold some hope that Aileen Cannon does not give into Fake 45’s requests or demands.

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What a coup! “...Greene’s misfire was just too good not to highlight. The programs she was denigrating are, in fact, enormously popular.”

And I agree, Ted Lieu deserves a huge “hear, hear!”

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And the msm actually featured it for a change ! Now if they would stop posting that ugly orange face all the time…. Banishment is what he deserves. His crocodile tears are not news.

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I like banishment and I like exile. Both seem to be fair and reasonable options. Siberia comes to mind but it's not certain that Putin will still be able to make that offer. It could become a boomng tourist industry as the Russians move away from

selling fossil fuels.

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We do have Gitmo designated for Terrorists. Where better for The Donald?

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I think 45 deserves Gitmo with the other terrorists

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

The King of Siberia I like it but not my first choice…

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LOL! You're right: pukin may soon be unable to make ANY offers! (Maybe they could both go into a Siberian gulag together, as roomies?)

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Gigi ! Let it ALSO be KNOWN ! " A House, DIVIDED ! SHALL NOT STAND !" His 'HOUSE !' , is Falling APART !! BLESSINGS !

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As Trump's third indictment looms, the 'fit to serve' question returns via msnbc - https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-third-indictment-looms-fit-serve-question-returns-rcna95137

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And also on Politico, which is more center.

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Question: Why aren't Biden and Harris tirelessly pointing out their accomplishments instead of waiting for GQP own goals? They shouldn't need an MTG slipup to point out their policy wins. The election is happening in a year and a half. Every good ad professional knows that the thing that gets a product and it's benefits in a buyer's head is repetition. They better start listing off policy wins all day/every day until next November.

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I totally agree. Dems need a PR team to beat the band. Trump lies rule the airwaves 24/7 and that's all a lot of people hear. Now is not the time for nuance or hiding under a bushel hoping people notice.

We need big bold ads, big bold billboards, and a lot of honest repetition. If we lose, this will be a big chunk of the reason: silence, under-statement, and trust that somehow or another the word will leak out that Biden has been an excellent President who has done a lot of extremely good things!

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Or at least one to beat TFG. Completely agree here. Only big bold ads, billboards, online presence, presser announcements and everything else can beat a load of bigly, covfefe nonsense pulling the impressionable into the Orange Vortex.

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Maybe they are preaching to the choir but if you go to whitehouse.gov you can sign up for text messages and then share your opinions. I get a text at least once a week explaining what they have done and how it improves our lives. He and Kamala have given some outstanding speeches but msm news is more like “tfg threw ketchup at the walls.” Tfg’s believers don’t care that he’s responsible for millions of deaths worldwide by mismanaging covid so they will not care if he shoots someone on 5th Ave, or has one of his cult do it. It’s the nonvoters and new voters who have to be reached.

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"It’s the nonvoters and new voters who have to be reached." You're 100% right. They better get moving.

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Here’s a great column by Steve Benen at MSNBC answering Politico’s question —Is Trump fit to serve?

As Trump's third indictment looms, the 'fit to serve' question returns via msnbc - https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-third-indictment-looms-fit-serve-question-returns-rcna95137

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I disagree because I know how sick of political advertising and news I get long before voting day finally rolls around. Biden and Harris are showing us how being President and Vice President should be done: doing their jobs instead of campaigning for reelection!

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I understand your point but more people than not fail to stay informed of what's happening. Republicans are taking credit for the Federal funds heading to help create job generating industry in their red states. All of them voted against the funding and job creating legislation they're celebrating and taking credit for.

It doesn't have to be all ads. Biden/Harris need to mention leading their party's singlehanded border surge reduction, supercharging our economic rebound, funding of green jobs in red states left behind by fossil and other industries, deft distribution of vaccines to counter COVID, support of international democracies as highlighted by Ukraine, working to get debt relief for students and fighting to protect women's reproductive rights. Every mic they step in front of, some or all of these items need mentioning from now until November.

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Add to this is that Greene simply doesn't understand socialism. It is just a name to call those you oppose. We do have a very few examples of Federal ownership. I benefit from one of those TVA with our lower cost electric power. It also helps prevent/control flooding over a wide area. One thing Greene does show is the failure of the education system.

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Please refrain from a blanket statement such as “ failure of our education system”. Some regions of our country diluted, devalued and dumbed down public education way before GOP attacks were trendy and states gleefully withheld funding. The “failure” of public education is our nation’s refusal to support it; to make it and our nation’s greatest resource (children) a priority.

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I am an old guy, educated in the public schools of Illinois in the 1950's and 1960's including the University of Illinois. In my opinion the greatest failure of our education system is a direct result of reduction in funding for our schools. At that time I could work my way though engineering school and graduate with no debt. Try that today. The lack of funding is a direct result of GOP driven tax cuts at the state level. In the south this was also a direct result of Brown vs. the Board of Education and the formation of many private "church schools" also resulting in "failure of our education system" You may not like a blanket statement but compared to the rest of the rich world we do indeed have a failing public education system in much of the USA.

From my engineering view point the first thing you must do is realize that you have a problem. MTG is a problem.

I for one,100 % agree with "children being our greatest resource" and should be at the top of our list of priorities.

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Dave, I agree & watched it happen in CA w/ Reagan as Gov. What was CA’s “jewel in the crown” (the CC, SC, UC system) was being bled dry by lack of funding. As a state employee at a CSU I watched over the years as the loan burden students took on become crippling. Thinking about it (and federal student aid/loan regs) can still rocket my blood pressure all these years after retirement. As a country we shoot ourselves in the foot for not having a well educated population (with critical thinking skills)…and I that includes all types of education past high school—college, trade school, apprenticeships, etc.

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Ronnie Ray-gun was an unmitigated disaster six ways to Sunday, first in California and later in our White House. We are still suffering the effects of his handlers' philosophy (he never had a philosophy - didn't have the brains for it - but was an apparently attractive face to put on the beginnings of American populist fascism) decades later, and their heirs are STILL trying with all their might and main to destroy American representative democracy. What a legacy!

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The equation for state funding and student/parent funding in our state universities here in Iowa has reversed. At the turn of the latest century Iowa funded its 3 state universities @ 63% and student tuition covered 37%. It is now student funding 63% and state funding is 37%. Ludicrous tuition hikes have occurred annually, leaving behind a massive segment of our youth. I agree, it’s GOP driven and what used to be government student loans @ 3% interest have turned into private loans @ 6-7% and higher. The GOP does not want an educated constituency; citizens who can think for themselves are dangerous to their fascist intentions. I am not diminishing the huge problem MTG and her ilk are; I wrote another comment emphasizing/recognizing this existential threat to our Democracy and doing our due diligence in countering its insanity. I am saying public education, in some parts of the nation, churned out exceptional scholars when funding was adequate. The term “failure” is only now becoming applicable to our public education system as a whole as GOP supermajority states decimate any effectiveness w/private school vouchers funded by public school monies. Let’s also remember that public school teachers/school librarians have been under attack for years now; at least since trump took office. Threats of arrest/fines continue to hammer brave professionals dedicated to educating our youth.

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Maureen, I could not agree more. We lived in Iowa from 1976 to 1990 with a year and a half in Wales for 1980 and 81. All 3 of our children gradated from Iowa Universities, 2 from Iowa, and 1 from Iowa State. My spouse also got her MS in Nursing while we lived there. We moved because of a corporate transfer in 1990 but all 3 of our children also left Iowa as part of the Iowa educated brain drain. I liked living in Iowa except for the damn cold winters. Some of my best experiences with my son where riding across the state 3 times on RAGBRAI when he was a teen. I came to know some great farmers though our church located outside of town.

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Dave, MTG is a symptom of several problems. The Republicans making war on public education, plus plain old racism. Republicans want to block off every avenue for upward mobility that ordinary people have. They want to hoard ALL our country's resources for themselves and their morbidly, obscenely rich donors like Charles Koch.

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And the Russians are such good hackers !!

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When I worked in education, I was among some very talented teachers and we had a nice school that supported kids very well. Then we got a principal who destroyed all that and sucked all the air and energy out of the room. Energy that should have been going to kids was too often going to dealing with him. You could cut the tension and stress in the building with a knife. He also brought out the worst in some of my colleagues.

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Michele, been in that situation as well, watching coworkers and our operation suffer when a new director was hired. A nice, affable guy, but wholly unsuited for the challenges of the job as became clear not long after. Eventually, after watching my colleagues suffer and consider quitting after decades on the job, I requested a meeting w/ the Univ’s VP & his asst, and explained what was going on, backed up by 4 page item-by-item documentation. They listened politely…then crickets (tho they appeared to have spoken w/ him, no other action was taken & I understand that). Then two of us went, me accompanying another staffer who didn’t want to go alone; she handled the budget. Next a group of us met at my house and reworked my initial documentation list & adding their perceptions/experiences, this time we all signed it (all of the senior staff/supervisors). Next came a mediation session w/ professional mediators arranged by the VP’s office—it was, for us, well documented and no personal attacks or ranting. It was a difficult meeting and we all felt a sadness…as I said, he was a nice guy, yet knew we were being true to our mission/obligation to pursue it. After the meeting I walked with the main mediator & she said she’d never had clients who were so well prepared, clear-eyed, fair and yet firm. The recommendation that came out of that session was to terminate his employment. The person who handled the budget (mentioned above) later commented to me she found out one thing he did well & that was negotiating a hefty severance package. It was one of the hardest things I’d ever done professionally, but it was harder to watch good and talented people suffer when someone comes in a makes a mess of a fine-tuned operation—that said, we were always open to innovation to do things better & is one reason we did so well as a unit. Of course being a state employee we were lucky we had some protections against retribution. I’m sorry you had to experience that…what a waste!

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

I am glad you were able to resolve this and with a termination. This person was not nice and we sued him. But he stayed on, but moved on the next year. This was one of the worst experiences of my life and literally made me sick, so for my health I had to resign. I can't even begin to explain how bad this was. Lots of opportunities for people to take revenge for some petty things that had happened in the past. Lots of opportunities to for sycophantic behavior to get what assignments people wanted. You had to be careful what you did and said and who you talked to. I had one person (who wanted my job) constantly say bad things about this person, sort of inviting me to make a response. I didn't because I knew exactly where it was going. After this person left, I had many people tell me that they were happy to come to work again. The one who wanted my job (and unfortunately got it) told me that none of this had bothered him. I wanted to say to him that at least he wan't on his knees all the time, but refrained.

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Maureen, may I just add that there is no "our" education system; there are more than 50 states, territories, possessions, etc., all with their own ways of doing things, including each jurisdiction's version of local control within the larger state, etc., system and requirements. Then layer on top of that all the religious-affiliated schools, the private day and boarding schools, and the various home schools, and I think you'd be hard pressed to describe what we have as a "system" at all. One thing they all have in common, I think, has been grotesque defunding as a consequence of the lack of tax income at the federal level for decades - even the home schoolers, because tax money pays for supplies and access to playgrounds, gym classes, etc., at the local public school facilities. Of course there are schools that turn out well-educated students, even in these times, but I think even they are finding it more and more difficult to hire and retain enough good teachers and give the students a genuinely liberal education - in the sense of an education that teaches critical thinking skills as well as substantive knowledge of topics and subjects that a person needs either to go to and succed in college, a trade school, the job market, or the military, at graduation from high school.

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I agree with most of what you’re saying. The defunding of Iowa’s public schools by Gov. Kim Reynolds has isolated 40 out of 99 counties in this state who have NO private school options. Those students will suffer through no fault of their own. The Iowa state legislature has also endorsed increased work hours for teenagers. So, when is state’s rights ok when it disregards the well being of children?

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Good point. Educational policy is mostly handled at the state level... for better or for worse.

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People can go to school, but that doesn't mean someone like Gangrene learns anything. She thinks she is at the top of her game partly because Keystone Kev has given her too much power. She mistakes raving and tossing around buzz words for thinking. I just love the idea that Biden is using her latest rant against Rs.

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An old quote from Dorothy Parker describes MTG. When asked to use the word “horticulture in a sentence, Parker responded with:

“You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.”

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With a modicum of guilt, I thank you for that. lol

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Yes, today it would be considered very sexist and demeaning, but MTG really is a whore of the worst kind.

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2 modicums! Thanks!

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LOL. Love this. Parker had the best acerbic remarks. And yes, describes Gangrene very well.

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I think you may have won the internet today. Love it.

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Thank you so much for remembering both the author and the quotation. Great Americana!

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No guilt!

I out-and-out LOVE it. :D

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If only Dorthy Parker were here ... ah, yes she still is thanks to you.

Can you imagine what she’d have to say about Gangrene and Trumpest?

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Old. A more tasteful rejoinder that is genderless: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it think.”

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But it looses something, doesn’t it?

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I feel so guilty for the belly laugh..

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Please don’t. Puns are verbal presents!

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I'm sorry, but that's a quote that is insulting and misogynistic. Some famous sayings deserve not to be repeated.

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But some puns do! And after all, it came from a very intelligent source.

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I am sending this to my sister who calls MGT that every time she gets a stage!! Thanks for the quote.

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Thanks for posting. That was so funny and so perfect.

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Ranting, blocking and whining are the only things Republicans know how to do. When did they ever do anything for the American people? Obviously, as shown by idiots like Greene, Jordan, Hawley, Boebert, Comer, McCarthy and many others, intelligence is not a criterion for Republicans. They don't even know what their jobs are, but spend their time trying to cook up ways to attack every good thing in America.

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You “hit the nail on the head” on dumb and more dumb. It brings to my mind a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte that seems to fit [yes, I know he was a horrifying dictator]. “IN POLITICS, STUPIDITY IS NOT A HANDICAP.” I am scared s***less by this Trump plot. And more scared of all the Trumpites who follow him blindly.

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Certainly they have not actually governed for a long time except to give tax breaks to people and entities who do not need them while making everything more difficult for ordinary people.

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"Gangrene" - love it!

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Failure to fund education necessary to sustain Democracy. Ms Greene is an example of what happens to Education if this Libertarian Republican Fascist party continues to weld power.

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Any educational system will struggle with what children get and DON’T get at home. Adults, even if reasonably well-educated K-12, develop life views conditioned by what they experience and who they see succeeding around them. They pass these views onto their children. Although I agree that education must be better supported, there is much of our adult world that needs to be cleaned up also. We can teach the highest values and standards to our children, but if their life experience teaches that these standards hold them back or that their hard work is dismissed, many will forget such lessons by the time that they’re 30.

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I tend to agree, John.

As Madam deMarge continues to knit away, I have come to see her as less malevolent than many of her equally deficient colleagues,(looking at you, Ms. Boebert and Mr. Jordan) and notice a near child like earnestness that is almost pathetic in its pleading for attention. She is clearly uneducated in the classical sense, but more notably is as pure a product of the cliche-sodden, image-driven, nuance-free, click bait impulse uber alles that permeates some parts of our culture as can possibly be.

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I agree that her attention-seeking is pathetic, not "almost" pathetic. But considering what she is clamoring for attention to be brought to, she is only child-like in a Lord of the Flies sense, or that pitiful child in LeGuin's compelling story "Those Who Walk Away From Omelas" (which I read once; as with "The Lottery", once was enough - both are seared into my brain). She is nasty, vicious, foul and befouled and befouling. Gak, seriously.

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I must confess Lynn, that I have never read Ursula LeGuin. I have always wanted to, though, and with your brain searing now duly noted, I am reminded to do so.

I love your line, "foul, and befouled and befouling". I may have to use that without attribution!

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'....near child like earnestness that is almost pathetic in its pleading for attention.' Daniel, I think of your description as a near homage to MTG, the woman so many love to hate.

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Hi Fern!

No, not an homage at all. Rather, I'm simply observing. Also, I'm not sure we should be in the business of "hating", one way or another. I say that as someone who has to fight that impulse myself.

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Some people just have an organically damaged brain and the educational system is not always to blame. Though with people that damaged controlling the educational system it’s not surprising if the educational system is failing plenty of others

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The failure Greene shows is her own inability to grasp the basic components of history, humanity and politics. "You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make em drink." I shudder to think of Greene as a student. Did she go to school? In addition, should education be held responsible for defects of character and moral thinking? Is that not the pervue of religion?

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I am smiling. I was thinking about Gangrene as a student too.

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Neither school nor religion; parents are responsible for raising their children.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Dave, I am generally in agreement with you. The quality of public education varies according to the relative wealth of the district, the level of appropriations of each state, the curriculum, etc. In terms of cost, this is a very general statement form USNews, 'College costs have been on a mostly upward trend for the last two decades. In addition to rising tuition prices, paying for housing, food, transportation, books and other school-related fees can add thousands of dollars to college expenses.'

Race in connection to the political persuasion of people affects the curriculum among other educational factors.

How much has public education changed in the last 40 - 45 years? How wide are the disparities? In my estimation, public education, a fundamental part of society, needs to be addressed in order to attain a good estimation of the level of democracy in the U.S. as well as learning what to improve and then, most importantly, how to improve it.

'To cut costs and limit student debt, many families consider in-state colleges. But data from the past 20 years shows that the average cost of tuition and fees for private and public National Universities has risen significantly for both in-state and out-of-state students. ' (USNews)

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I have a personal college cost perspective between the USA and Canada. Our son and his family moved to Waterloo, Ontario 14 years ago just after he obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Mass at Amherst. He is now a full professor there in computer science. Their oldest begins college this fall at Trinity College in the University of Toronto. Their cost there is about 1/3 of what it would be in the USA.

The University of Waterloo is mostly a engineering and technical school with close to 100 percent of their students in a CO-OP program with yearly paid work terms in industry and graduation in 5 years instead of 4. Almost all students graduate without debt between the state support of the school and funds the students earn during their work terms. The only students paying high tuition are international students (which of course includes USA). Pay for professors at Waterloo is approx. the same as in the USA.

Just one data point, but we could do a lot better in the USA.

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Dave Smucker, thank you for your excellent reporting. That is what we need to do on a massive scale, and we have the technology to accomplish the first leg much more quickly than we could in the past. Thank you, again.

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Green is ignorant and half of the time she doesn't know what she's talking about.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Certainly, her supposedly educational experiences did not educate her. I see her as typical of people who hated school, unfortunately millions of them. Something is wrong with school if so many hate it.

Poor Elizabeth Warren, she tried to teach people about her plans. No Schoolmarms for us, if you please. We finished our education already.

As a teacher, I advised parents (the ones who pushed too hard) to avoid making their kids hate school, because they still had at least ten more years of school ahead of them.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

MTG supporters may claim her video was actually AI-generated by the Biden '24 campaign. (As if he needed to cheat to win.)

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Then again, Biden may have gotten a nudge from Sen. Warnock’s last campaign. One of his best ads was a video montage of some of the most insane things Herschel Walker said, with a voiceover at the end, “I’m Raphael Warnock, and I approve this message.”

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Brava for the memory (Or thanks, if we are allowed to remember Bob Hope in this context).

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Good call, Camilla. Yet even a brief recall of Head Injury Herschel's many manglings of the language and thought gives me a case of PTSD

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Maybe she has secretly planted herself so deeply in the GOP with the plan of disrupting it from the inside? Yeah, probably not....

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🤣That’s Hilarious! She actually needs AI because she’s so stupid!

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‘Qevin’ - good. I usually call him Kevin Joe McCarthy - he is no Joe McCarthy, but he tries so damn hard, and has no decency left. It’s painful to watch the puppet strings yank him around. Every time he rises to speak, his speech about Don T’s culpability and responsibility for the attack on the capital should be played loudly and clearly before he is allowed to proceed . . . - b.rad

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It seems to me that modern Republicans took another look at Joe McCarthy's tactics and decided he was on to something; just not shameless enough.

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JL, tfg is far, far beyond 'shameless'. Per Rolling Stone's RYAN BORT ''Israel struggling to recover ancient artifacts Trump took to Mar-a-LAGO'. I am not joking and this report was not written by Andy Borowitz.

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The Guardian reported that particular tidbit as well. I noticed as a young teen that the self-righteous right-wing sorts somehow excused themselves from following "the rules" that they arrogantly imposed on others, though today's MAGA takes it to another level. I get that we truly find "our liberty in law" if only to get us all on the same page at four-way stop intersections, to say nothing of predatory behaviors, but but what authoritarians are really pushing is their own excuses for haughty bullying. As the self-appointed "righteous", they see themselves empowered to freely ignore the very laws they so gleefully impose on others. And isn't that that exactly what tyrants do?

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Yes it is JL, but, it is now bullying & much, much worse.

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I think Marjorie Traitor Goon pulls Qevin's strings. I wouldn't doubt one bit if something else is going on between those two. Like nighttime hanky panky?? just my speculation.

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A wonderful LOL moment!

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I agree, but get the super duper, extra strength version of bleach.

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From the website: "Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach formula contains 7.5% sodium hypochlorite, compared to 6.0% in the previous formulation." Thank goodness for that, because YE GODS and little fishes!

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Oh yes, i agree with that. Sometimes, i am tempted to pour some Clorox in my well water, but that stuff is toxic when too much of it is added to water. Every time it comes a heavy rain shower, my well water gets nasty from run off, i suppose, it is a tinge of orange, kinda like TUMP's face.

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Totally, even tho’ I laughed first, the picture was enough to make me cry for all women.... what an example greep sets! What are her children facing????😱🥹

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There is a reason her husband divorced her...

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I have often thought the same thing. And I fully agree with Lynn B!

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ONE ! , better Have a Pair of " DOUBLE BAGS HANDY !" TWO ! , just in Case ~ ! , one RIPS ! Right !, John ! ?

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A landslide victory in the last election gave mtg credibility. The speaker appears to have judged value in hearing what that enthusiastic constituency is supporting via mtg. In return for access to her ideas and messages, he offered her plum assignments for which she is, IMHO, woefully ill equipped...a fact of modern day political life which has played out miserably and repeatedly, for years, across continents and most certainly, here in the US. "What benefits "me" is good, what benefits the collective unknown is inconvenient to "my" survival." Seems to me that this is hardly about political ideals or on the other side, racy underpinnings. Shouldn't it be a waste of time to speculate?

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The voting machines used in her landslide victory should probably be investigated...

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That, or the constituency? lol

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One wonders what's in the water they're drinking. I remember she ran unopposed in her first election; what was her constitutency's objection to Marcus Flowers? Oh wait, I think I can guess.

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Good idea, inspired perhaps a better one from me: call him Joe K. McCarthy, to sound like "Joke" McCarthy.

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All McCarthy wanted was just an title. Green and Trump are setting back and pulling the strings. He's a disgrace and will go down as the worst speaker in history.

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Qevin McQuarthy! Q’t name for a true political sludge bucket!

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When I first saw her, I thought she’d changed sides!

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The Biden campaign has a sense of humor, and I'm 99.9% certain the president said "Go with it!"

And another huzzah for Rep. Lieu -- swatting the flies that come out of these Republican mouths is endless work, but it does have to be done if we want words to continue to mean anything. Then there's that fool in Michigan yelling about "political persecution" . . .

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And how is it that "they all go tumbling down like building blocks", Marlene? They must be voted out of their powerful positions in our government. That is how ! Funding Fact: According to fundraising numbers I read yesterday, Democrats in the most recent quarter, and in the small donor category, $200 or less, amounted to between 50,000 concerned Americans, and 100,000 concerned Americans! That is an average of ONLY one, to two thousand people per state. While no statistician here,I did pass the Statistics course in graduate school and can readily see small donor contributing is anemic and woefully inadequate. We are dithering blowing words to the wind here, while Money Mountain is fully accessible to the "They" we wish to see go tumblling down. It won't happen as planned. No so long as we are content mincing our words here. America is no longer a FREE country. Freedom isn't for free! Not any more.

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My observations indicate clearly that we don’t believe in defeat until we can fully taste it! Come November, let’s not be singing “well it’s too late baby, it’s too late.” We’re not really going to make it using words alone as our currency.

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Donald Trump simultaneously committed a high crime (murdering Iranian General Qasim Soleimani) and a high misdemeanor (misusing the military to carry out the murder) in public view during the first impeachment brohuha.

But NOBODY among leading Democrats condemned Trump's impeachable act, as the sham impeachment effort ran its course. (Bernie harrumphed a bit, but he's not even a Democrat.)

The effect of this murder, for which Trump has been indicted by the Iraqi Supreme Court, was to deflate a peace initiative among Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Spokesmen from all three countries at the time said that Soleimani was engaged with this peace initiative when he was murdered.

More recently, leading Democrats and Republicans have strongly seconded President Biden's obscene support for Ukraine's corrupt, oppressive, undemocratic right-wing thug regime.

On certain foreign policy issues, it seems that there is an "invisible hand" coordinating Democratic and Republican puppets, who are usually assigned to fight each other in ways that distract the little people.

As I've said before, supporting Biden because he's not Trump is like turning to Dracula to save us from Godzilla:


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John, give MTG's comments a look. The Democrats are trying to build a just society, a government for all the people and not a select few. That includes health care, education, housing, employment, infrastructure and the like. I'm curious, how do you characterize the regime in Russia today?

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I would characterize it as brutal undemocratic authoritarian. I am visiting Ireland and my friends do not want any compromise with the Kremlin. I think every effort needs to be made to contact people in the Federation of Russia. Massive dam building in Canada and in the Federation of Russia contribute greatly to climate chaos . These massive dams kill off wild fish and release methane. They are hugely destructive. Russian scientists apologized to their Ukranian counterparts. I personally think that Putin timed his invasion to take attention away from UN led efforts to declare climate and biodiversity emergencies. According to Bill Browder Putin ‘s personal wealth comes from the sale of oil and gas. This why he wants the arctic to melt so that he can access fossil fuels and minerals. Unfortunately no one has taught him about planetary boundaries . I am guessing most people in Russia have not heard of these. I am not too sure many people know about then.

People in Ireland still complain about rain . I am so terrified if climate chaos and mass starvation that I no longer worry about weather that will not kill me. I want an end to aa many wars as possible. I think aerial campaigns are Mega contributors to our climate disasters. ………. As my family and friends tell me, mine is a minority viewpoint… My serious reading addiction causea me problems….LOL

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Richard JS reminds me of Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose during WW II—-they provided some comic relief with their false commentaries from Germany and Japan. Lord Haw Haw was tried, convicted of treason, and executed.

The Tokyo Rose saga was more complicated. One was convicted and jailed, much later pardoned by President Ford.

JS should be sentenced to flushing the Johns at Mar a Lago and scooping out documents that might be floating in the toilet bowls.

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JS is bright, no doubt about it. But, so is Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., co-director of the Human Genome Project who understands DNA perfectly, knowing that we and all living things on earth, including plants, insects and other creatures share the same DNA, yet he is a fundamentalist Christian. The takeaway? Our brains are susceptible to our wants dominating our rational side in certain cases. The stuggle is to overcome confirmation bias.

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...said the Biden troll, as he clutched his payment, TWO separate dollar bills, one for each hand. (The Biden troll has trouble counting beyond two.)


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Richard, I think it is fair to say that PROGRESSIVE Democrats are trying to build a just society, and Biden is a leech who stole the nomination from Bernie and embraced progressive policies to avoid a mutiny in the progressive element of the party.

Furthermore, Biden the Vampire Liberal is funding Worthwhile Programs by sucking money from the rest of the world, in the form of endless loans that can never be repayed without significantly devaluing the dollar through either deliberate inflation or a financial catastrophe.

HCR quotes MTG saying that Biden “had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on.”

I'm inclined to hold my nose at MTG's reference to FDR, who "muzzled" the Federal Reserve, enabling long-term, low-interest credit for the building of an awful lot of factories that "made America great" (as the saying went) through the 1950s and beyond. This is what underpinned the tax base that enabled FDR's ambitious social programs. Biden has none of that, which makes MTG's comparison of Biden to LBJ a better fit. LBJ's "guns AND butter" policy led to budget crises and dollar devaluation through the 1970s.

A thought on health care: We used to have the "Hill-Burton" standard for a minimum number of hospital beds per 1000 people. This has eroded, with the result of hospital overcrowding (and consequent accelerated deaths) during the Covid crisis. I don't see Biden moving on that.

And then there's infrastructure and the environment: Why isn't Biden or anyone else talking up high-speed trains and a crash program to develop nuclear fusion? These seem to be no-brainer solutions, but they're non-starters with the Big Guy in the White House.

Regarding Russia, I have a lot to say, starting with a comment or two on this book:


EDIT: Biden's policy of ongoing sanctions against Russia has undermined the "almighty dollar" in international trade, hastening the inevitable day of reckoning, when Biden's ambitious social programs funded with borrowed money crumble into dust. And then maybe all the old people in the USA will die, like what happened in Russia in the 1990s.

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Interesting post, John. Very interesting. I am taking a look at Glazyev's piece. Thanks for the reference. We are not on the same page when it comes to Biden, however, Politics is the art of the possible, not the pefect. While I am a member of his group, I pull back some because one can't effect diddly squat if one isn't in power. So, it's not Bernie's principlies with which I take except at all. One just has to be more practical about how to get elected and implement them.

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Richard Sutherland, perhaps you will find food for thought in this recent reply to Meredith Russell:


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Continuing with Russia, under the "shock therapy" regime Russia sold off its state-owned enterprises to investors with foreign financial backing -- the new oligarchs.

Another source of revenue for the all-but-destitute Yeltsin government (as all the old people died because of the shredded safety net) was selling off former Communist Party property in every city to the new oligarchs.

The man in charge of this, making connections throughout Russia, was... Vladimir Putin.

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He’s a troll. He’s all over the place here on Substack . Do not engage.

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Thx Karen, Can I ask you to list several as I am in communication with Substack

"admins" , the Content Moderation Department & I have politely requested a call from Substack Inc counsel. Thx again

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"All over the place here on substack," said the barefaced liar.

"Do not engage" said the paid Thought Control Thug Enforcer.

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Are you a creature of Tehran or Moscow, or are you an equal-opportunity troll?

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...said Jon Margolis as he looked in the mirror.

Then he reminded himself that he wanted to be one of Biden’s paid Thought Control Thug Enforcers, but does he have what it takes?

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Trolls gotta troll.

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But, can be stopped in this forum by contract. Patform liability generally is a rapidly developing area of law. 26 states have taken initial but, mild steps to put some criminal & civil risk on platform miscreants.

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Suleimani had a very mixed reputation, American administrations viewed him mainly as a terrorist, best let Wiki speak for the story. Some might think of it as "murder" others as legitimate military target, a good riddance. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Qasem_Soleimani

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Frank Loomer,

Thank you for the input. What evidence is there that Soleimani was involved in a terrorist plot at the time he was murdered? I suspect that charge was a blatant fabrication.

Once again, the effect of this murder, for which Trump has been indicted by the Iraqi Supreme Court, was to deflate a peace initiative among Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Spokesmen from all three countries at the time said that Soleimani was engaged with this peace initiative when he was murdered.

You bring up Soleimani's involvement in Iran's support of Hezbollah. Did this in any way threaten U.S. servicemen and servicewomen and/or American civilians?

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We're talking an ongoing personal and organizational behaviour,not a spur of the moment thing. The shiite dominated Iraqi Supreme Court? You gotta be kidding, and its effect? that is tenuously put at best. Hezbollah - Shiite anti-Israeli all the way, the one power USA consistently supports in its varied Middle East engagements. I won't disagree that overall geopolitically it's "all about the oil", or that American engagement did not provide a rationale for Bin Laden et at to carry out 911 etc, or that US policy in Iraq did not spur on the development of ISIL. I won't even say that assassinating Suleiman was a great idea, but to simply condemn it as a one-sided murder is to miss the complex, messy story in the Middle East, in which Iran has played agent provocateur for quite a long time.

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Frank Loomer,

I hope you don't equate "Shiite" with "terrorist. What difference does the religious orientation of the Iraqi Supreme Court make?

You say that Iran has played "agent provocateur" in the Middle East for a long time. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark said the same thing about the United States in Chapter 1 of "The Fire This Time":


EDIT: This book is accessible free online at


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I know people don't like your comments BUT you are often correct.

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? for sure, i posted a Wiki on Suleimani, it's very hard to see the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard which was also involved in supporting Hezbollah, Syria's shiite led government as a universal "hero" of our times.

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That’s the good thing about this forum...the ability to express one’s self. If one has an open mind there are often little nuggets of perspective to consider from differing thoughts and opinions. There shouldn’t be room for rewriting facts in any forum which I think is a strong value held in this space.

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Christine, I love litlle "nuggets" particularly factual nuggets admissible at Trial or in a dispute resolution forum.

Please tell us who your "you" IS in this contractually regulated Substack Inc digital platform . Is your "you" a 'user' or a Terms of Service defined "Reader"?

This Platform is not an Elon Musk Free Fire Zone and has a contractually designated venue for disputes in SF.

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What difference does Bernie’s party affiliation matter? He is a citizen with the right to have a vote! Although your analogy about Dracula and Godzilla is humorous....it doesn’t solve the issue of the potential choices on the table...actually it might be more accurate to say “honest vs. criminal.”

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My point was that Bernie set himself apart from the Democrats by being publicly critical of Trump's murder of Soleimani.

Tulsi Gabbard was critical of Trump, too, but she was hardly a Democratic leader.

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John, “invisible hand” sounds to me like a conspiracy theory. Is that what you’re pushing?

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Sara Toye,

Do you know the difference between a conspiracy theory and an intelligence assessment?

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Yes, thank you for asking.

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Here is the data from the Harvard Harris Poll -

1) Trump leads Biden by 7 points in 2024 Election

2) 2/3 US believe we are headed for recession

3) 2/3 believe country on wrong track

4) 50% say economic situation worse

5) Biden approval 40%

6) Economy 38%

7) Handling inflation 31%

8) Immigration 34%

9) Foreign Affairs 35%

10)Crime 36%

56% believe FBI unfair toward Trump

56% Steele Dossier and Russian collusion false

70% Believe FBI violated its own standards in Trump case

71% concerned about FBI interference

53% Believe Biden involved in influence pedaling w/ son.


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What "soul"?

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she seemed sympathetic to Trump team at the hearing to set a trial date

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Pamela Moses was sentenced to six years in prison for trying to register to vote while on parole. The "fake electors" were literally trying to steal an election.

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After spending 82 days in jail her conviction was overturned because the prosecutor withheld a piece of exculpatory evidence. Now she's suing. I hope she gets a gazillion dollars and the DA loses his license. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/25/pamela-moses-sues-voter-fraud-conviction-overturned-tennessee

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I certainly hope she prevails as that case should never have gone to trial, but I doubt she would have received much justice without the media attention. From what I can tell, draconian sentences for minor crimes or misunderstandings is not all that rare, especially for POC. I saw a study that indicated that some of the longest sentences go to those who have reason to believe that they are innocent or mis-charged because, unlike career criminals who take a plea deal, they want their day in court; and that is punished severely.

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Yes this is why we need to return to restorative and away from penal systems. Many, many of our ancestors were far more progressive than we moderns.

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And take the penal system out of the greedy hands of private enterprise. Crime and its punishment is a public responsibility. Private prisons are never going to help reduce recidivism - it's contrary to their business model.

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More and less, but yes, why would we not want to reduce harm across the board? The safety of society may mean that some people remain in custody indefinitely, but some seem more eager to use the law to road rage than to perfect ways to protect society from harm. With the largest percentage of of population in prison of any nation on the planet, you might think we would have the safest streets, except we don't. I apologies for my vagueness here, but some years ago (If I recall correctly) a violent sex offender killed someone on the day of their release from prison. A spokesperson interviewed by the news was asked if the prisoner had been offered psychological treatment and the official responded the "state law" prohibited therapy until the "punishment phase" was complete,; a response that only makes sense if you value punishment over public safety. Yes, therapy has it's limits and not all of it is effective, but it is demonstrably a beneficial tool. Our recidivism rates do not speak well of current solutions. For what it's worth, my Canadian son-in-law says that he sees the US as a highly "punitive society".

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If accurate JL & with appropriate evidence factual or testimonial then anyone has the right to pursue real damages. "Damages" have defined & specific requirements depending upon the jurisdiction subject to the normal appellate process for any miscarriage of justice in a country under the Rule of Law not under the chaos of escalting retaliation.

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Ah, Tennessee: Headline for article below, “Is Tennessee a Democracy?”


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Too bad the story is behind a paywall. If you paid for all of them that would be of interest, it would be an annual small fortune for the more financially modestly endowed. My special $2/month to the NYT is good for a year, then The End. Washington Post at least is much more reasonable. Maybe a collective "bulk subscription". For a year ive signed up to Heather, but i'd also have liked Joyce Vance, and a few others. Oh well, just go back to read-only when my year is up. I'm sure the Tennessee story is a good one, part of the story of America's "imperfect union"

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Can you read the periodicals you're interested in through your local library's subscription, either online or in print? Local libraries FTW!

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Hmm, good idea. I'll have to see if one of our local libraries carries The Atlantic, et al.

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Sorry. I thought I could just post it since I’m a subscriber, and I followed directions.

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Community take note, The Atlantic article is by ANNE APPLEBAUM.✍👌

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Amen to that, MisTBlu!

BTW, love your moniker.

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Ms Brown is black and lives in Texastan. The white voters who purposefully committed crimes will be more fairly treated

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Reminds me of deSauron's dirty tricks in Floridumb, arresting formerly incarcerated Floridians who had been advised by the State that they were legally eligible to register to vote. He seems to be the more effective of the worst the Ghastly Oligarchy Party currently has on offer. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/11/04/florida-s-voter-fraud-arrests-are-scaring-away-formerly-incarcerated-voters

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Lynn, remember that Desane is running with such RAGE against life. Poor sad sack can’t even see himself without great hate and rage. I wonder if he needs to ramp up mental health clinics so he could make an appt. ?

What we want to do is focus all media attention on the state of his rage and on what that is doing to normal people’s freedom to be sane( safe under the LAW). There is a more than evil soul in there. Florida, remember the alligators! They deserve better.

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I don't know the whole story here but it's looking like more MAGA madness, the supremacist mindset. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/18/texas-troopers-inhumane-migrants-greg-abbott-border-initiative

Gen. Mike Milley is reported to have said of the MAGA "militias" that "These are the same people we fought in World War II,”.

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You know, I think the heat has finally gotten to what passes for brains in the legislative and executive sections of the governments of these states, elected and appointed, and I'm not too sure about the judiciary, although we certainly seem to be hearing more about corrupt judges and justices (looking at you , Thomas and Alito and Cannon and Kacsmaryk!) in the federal system these days. And I begin to wonder whether it was going to the heat and humidity ("It's not the heat, it's the stupidity") of Floridumb from New York that affected TheRump's brain to the extent he's displaying his complete disregard for the effect of his continual spewing of legally-self-destroying comments in social media?

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Rhonda Santis doesn’t want it to come out he’s a drag queen 😉

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"Joe Biden’s Twitter account put that line over an ad using the words of Georgia Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Turning Points Action Conference speech from last weekend...."

Heard this ad tonight driving home and almost ran off the road I was laughing so hard.

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Be careful out there Ed! We need every vote ❤️

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Thank you, Gigi!

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HCR writes: "President Biden’s policy of focusing on his job while letting the Republicans define themselves might be a smart strategy." Might be a smart strategy for us, too. Instead of fighting Republicans, which as many here have observed, doesn't work (they do the OPPOSITE of anything a Dem or lib says) - we focus on registering voters (thanks, Ira!) and donating/volunteering to campaigns wherever we can. And like Biden/Harris, win without fanfare.

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I want to see so many ads with minimal commentary but contrasting images; things that Biden has said vs what Trump has said, things that Republicans have said vs the reality they applied it to. The smoking guns of lies, maliciousness, and incompetence.

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That is a great idea! Contrast and compare. Republicans should have their words thrown back at them.

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I hope their words come back to bite them in the behind. Some must be accountable in aiding and betting

Trump with the January 6th insurrection.

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It's an "Emperor's New Clothes" situation, no? Republicans are way over the line morally and legally, but we can't just dismiss them, right? Actually, we can't just dismiss anyone, as far as human rights are concerned; and we certainly are obliged to deal with such a substantial portion of the US population. But we can perceive and declare the behavior of MAGAs is way, way, out of line, and the consequences of lies and treachery are grave. The behavior we are witnessing is very dangerous and has to end. In the end, we will fight to protect human rights.

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Yes , I agree. Our mission is to motivate people to vote! People must realize that the election in 24 , is critical to our democracy.

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Here's a post that provides the kind of "contrast" we could be talking about:


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That is a good link. Thank you.

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Thank You


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Might be better to use accomplishments as most Repubs continue to support Trump despite his many indictments, and his support for the 1% while President. We aren’t going to change Republican minds. We can reach Independents and new voters with lists of accomplishments though as Independents have been moving away from Trump as his legal problems mount. Simon Rosenberg’s Hopium newletter here on Substack is the best source I’ve found for lists of accomplishments.

An example - Biden’s policies helped create more jobs in his first two years than were created under 16 years of Bush senior, Bush junior and Trump. In just two years. And inflation was just measured as down under 2.1%, and extraordinary accomplishment in combination with how well the economy is doing.

The Biden ad is a list of accomplishments. Let’s keep it going!

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Sheila, you are 100% correct that we cannot reach most of the MAGAt RepubliQans. I would hazard a guess that there are at least 70 million people who will still vote for fpotus for a second term; it is the undecided and independent voters that technique will work for.

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Yes I agree with you. The only concern I have is with the 3rd party. I heard Joe Manchin is thinking of running against Biden for president. A lot of independents are talking about a 3rd party. Republicans, Democrats who don't like Biden or Trump. This would only take votes from Biden in 24. This is what concerns me.

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JL, yes!! Decency and competency versus exactly what you say: lies, maliciousness, and incompetence. Video doesn't lie. (At least, right now AI is being called out. Next year, who knows...)

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Yes-what they said, but also what has been done-accomplished-achieved. Biden is working for the American people-trump just drifted for self. It’s obvious.

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Think you intend “grifted” for self?

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Yes! Sorry! Yes! Multitasking is not my friend this morning! 😜

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Obvious to you and me, but when your priest or preacher says to vote for the sinner...

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Yes. And things Biden has done vs things tRump has undone...

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Yes , I agree.

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ABSOLUTELY! We're working here in Polk County, Florida to get the college students registered and to the polls, getting organizations on college campuses going.

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🙌 Thank you!

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Excellent! League of Women Voters also has a program for educating and registering highschool seniors.

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Yes, the LWV is an outstanding group, and I am a member. It is not hyperbole to say that we are now almost literally fighting for our lives. If the Republicans (MAGA) gains control of government, lives of many will be at risk. There will be unchecked attacks on the Woke people. It will be the KKK all over again, only this time on steroids since they will have the reins of government power in their hands.

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Richard-Check out this info about the Rs Project 2024 to see what's coming IF they get control of the government. I also had a good laugh when I heard some Rs admit that they really don't know what "woke" is..the best they could do was say "it's a vibe" that we can rail against. Huh?!


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No hyperbole: chillingly, all facts. And a Supreme Court to validate their lies.

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Absolutely wonderful organization- The League of Women Voters - sounds like a group of superheroes, and they are, and men can join, and the organization is non-partisan.

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P S. I graduated with an MSN from U of A. All excellent memories!

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Thank you for that work!!!!

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Wonderful!! Thank You!

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Amen and a huge second. We need to get to work to Get Out The Vote.

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Biden is shrewd like a fox. Of course he's sitting back watching Republicans fight among themselves. This would benefit Biden a victory to win.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

This is wonderful and welcome news indeed! After the recent stories of politicians trying to throw a monkey wrench into governmental institutions in order to break them, finally, a story of the pending consequences that come with trying it.

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If there was any doubt, any doubt at all, that if the Republicans seize control of government in 2024, our democratic experiment in self government is over.

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Thank you Heather.

MTG is truly the gift that keeps on giving. The Lincoln Project is having a field day with her alleged take down of President Biden. The White House needs to play this video 24/7.

The 16 Electors and Donald Trump are publicly finding out what the the expression, "phuck around and find out" means.

I couldn't be happier.

Be safe. Be well.

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It feels like someone is finally applying some brakes on our L...O...N...G....trip through Crazy Town. I’ve needed a rest stop for about six years.

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I'm looking for an exit ramp from the highway to hell Reagan and his flock put our society on over four decades ago. What did they sow, and what have we reaped? It's not been a fun ride, and disaster looms if we remain on the current trajectory.

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True J L, least a moment’s grabbed glee be wasted gloat , GET OUT THE VOTE FOLKS ! This has been going on since the Civil War and we need to put it to rest. Any American has the opportunity to see if they would lay out the facts - the TFG has actually laid it out bold and blatant ...accompanied by his band of followers who are ever so painfully and slowly going to jail one by one. Those who wish to ‘hangover’ - we will tolerate it far less than before.

We need to work even harder .

Harder for our country , Democracy, decency, and a way of life so many died to come to and fight for.