Quite simply, Trump is hoist on his own petard, as you've so convincingly demonstrated, Heather. For years and years, he and his supporters have been advocating political violence and cheering when it occurred--committed by them, of course. Now, a wee bit of it has been visited on him.

It didn't help Teddy Roosevelt. It didn't help George Wallace. And it won't help the Orange Shitgibbon. He will get lots of sympathy for a few weeks, but then people will lose interest, and will start focussing on other things, like the two candidates' proposed programs. And they will see that Trump still has no real program, other than to destroy government and enslave the American people. And as the word is spread all around the world about the demented Project 2025, it and Trump will become more and more unpopular, and Americans will see that the project will not only curtail their liberty but cut into tourism and trade--who wants to visit a police state, after all.

In other words, this too will pass.

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My only difference I see to your comment Jon is that the MSM will not let this fade and the RNC starts today and this will be milked to ad nausium and especially since that insurrection isn’t complicit speaker of the house is going to create some kind of committee to investigate this, because God knows, the FBI, Secret Service, and DoJ are simply not intelligent or trustworthy enough to get to the bottom of how this could happen.

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Let Mr. Mikey do his worst. The committee will find that proper gun control would have prevented the crime; there is no reason for any civilian to have an AR-15. (The weapon was purchased legally). You don't need an AR-15 to hunt deer.

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Time for the Bully Pulpit and surrogates to get loud and persistent. The MSM will cover it.

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I think you're right, the attempt on his life will not really move the needle on the undecided vote, it merely animates the base.

Trump's platform is clear and simple though. Stop the migrant crisis, dismantle DEI, and support American industry. All which resonate with the middle of the country. Biden has campaigned on open borders and DEI, so no matter what he says or does at this late stage, he's already lost on those two issues. He can try to make an argument on the economy but with groceries permanently costing double or more, it'll be a tough sell.

Plus Dems everywhere are losing heart over the decline of Joe, and that undermines one reliable and important thing they do so well, get out the vote.

Time to focus on the Senate and cut one's loses.

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Yes, Trump was a victim but when the Secret Service tried to get him to safely, he fought against them and went for photo opportunities.

That made him vulnerable to a second shooter .

It also made vulnerable the people trying to help him do their job and also it made the people who came to see him vulnerable - someone might get killed again.

This was a terrible disregard.

And now those pictures are being reproduced and distributed.

But there is something wrong with those pictures as I just described. In Bob Dylan’s song lyrics, “ everybody’s gotta serve somebody,” he points out the reality.

I worry about someone who can’t accept that someone else needs to be in charge, for the public good, every once in a while.

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Definitely NOT corrupt Trump who will follow Project 2025 and be a DICTATOR. Trump needs to go to trial, get convicted and go to PRISON!

Anyone who is INFORMED knows this.

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I think that Heather Cox Richardson, and other such well informed, rational people should speak at length at the Democratic convention -- however futile it may seem to try to spell out the facts in a calm and objective manner.

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How can we make that happen? Maybe look up the DNC contact information and we can all suggest it.

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Please keep continuing to herald our ideals while illuminating our faults and weaknesses so we can course correct.

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I fear this is a transformational moment in the campaign. The classified documents case against Trump has been dismissed, the other cases are looking doubtful. Will his near-death experience, both literally and politically, now change him? His behavior at tonight's Republican convention will be the first indication. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/attempted-assassinations-take-heavy

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We can't let ourselves give way to this kind of despair. The assassination attempt has actually presented Democrats with a number of opportunities, especially on gun control. The weapon used by the would-be assassin was purchased legally. The Democrats can say, totally honestly, that if their ideas on gun legislation had prevailed, the weapon Crooks used on Saturday night wouldn't have been available to him. There is no reason for any civilian to have such a weapon. You don't need an AR-15 to hunt deer.

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Hi Jon, And Trump might agree with a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15, given that he was for gun control before he was against it and banned bump stocks as president. But I doubt he will agree to it during the campaign for fear of losing the gun nuts.

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The case can be appealed.

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Yes, but this doesn’t absolve Trump at all …. I think Jack Smith will appeal to remove Cannon … he can point to all sorts of crazy rulings over the past months. He doesn’t expect for the case to happen before the election, but he is like a “dog with a bone.” He will never give up. Lots of good legal analysis on Lawfare Podcast.

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Yes, but is there any chance of a reversal before the election? "Let us pray."

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I am giving up on that... we need a big Democratic win. Trump will then get what he deserves. That this issue festers is not such a bad thing... it can be kept alive as an issue as an unresolved case, corrupted by partisan influence. J.Thomas advised Cannon who has denied justice in delaying.

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The BIG PROBLEM: that debate. People can’t unthink it.

Everyone I talk to say they don’t want to vote for something who:

“Lost their marbles”

“Can’t talk “

“Is senile”

“Can hardly walk “. (His wife had to help him off the stage).

WE have confidence in him but many voters DO NOT.

I championed Joe. I donated almost $1000. I phone banked for Joe. I stood over 3 hours waiting for him to talk at the Detroit rally (after practically a 1/2 mile walk). I BELIEVED in Joe. I believe he has been our best president in decades. But I am afraid if we keep him as our candidate we will LOSE!

We will have preserved Joe’s honor, but we will have lost our DEMOCRACY to a CORRUPT DICTATOR! Is it worth the chance?

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I dont normally chime in on political matters this way, but I decided to take the plunge here.

I have total respect and gratitude for President Biden’s career work and Leadership on behalf of ALL Americans. I too, want to celebrate Joe Biden’s Victory, but see his Victory through the lens of his decision to pass his agenda and goals to another potential Democrat successor who he will proudly endorse and encourage ALL of us to support, as the next President of our great America.

President Biden does not Need to prove he is still fit to be a leader. He unquestionably is. He has No Need to apologize for the aging process we all will inherit in time. He has No Need to apologize for having a minor lifelong studder. The shame falls on those who

Laugh or make jokes or criticize. Do they laugh when a blind man trips and falls. Do they pass negative judgements against their aging parents, or their own Child who has a studder? We all know that there are those who do just that. I’m grateful I am not one of them.

President Biden will still serve his country and fellow Democrats in this critical race to win this election and he will do so best by serving as a leading advisor to the colleague to whom he passes his torch of courage, and his former place as our Democratic nominee .

Our way of life in the Democratic America that we all know and Love depends on defeating MAGA and their dangerous puppet. President Biden has a following of supporters who Love and trust him. He will survive the disappointment of an unexpected sudden change is this election if he will make the decision now, to step aside. He will do so with his head held high and his pride and legacy intact.

I dont think he will ever recover if he makes the wrong decision and must endure the chorus that shouts “I told you”.

Biden is an honest and intelligent leader.

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If he steps down now, he can say he's never lost an election for national office. Considering that he has run in 9 (prior to this one), that is quite a record.

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The BIG PROBLEM: that debate. People can’t unthink it.

Everyone I talk to say they don’t want to vote for something who:

“Lost their marbles”

“Can’t talk “

“Is senile”

“Can hardly walk “. (His wife had to help him off the stage).

WE have confidence in him but many voters DO NOT.

I championed Joe. I donated almost $1000. I phone banked for Joe. I stood over 3 hours waiting for him to talk at the Detroit rally (after practically a 1/2 mile walk). I BELIEVE in Joe. I believe he has been our best president in decades. But I am afraid if we keep him as our candidate we will LOSE!

We will have preserved Joe’s honor, but we will have lost our DEMOCRACY to a CORRUPT DICTATOR! Is it worth the chance?

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No smart reasonable Democratic candidate would want to replace Biden at this late stage. They're better off setting up for a run in 2028. Which means you're probably down to some real wildcards, or, old horses who think this would be their one and only shot to make it into the game. Whereas a healthy Biden is probably the candidate with the best shot against Trump. Maybe this is where Hunter can really help out.

No matter who's the candidate, the triple whammy of the migrant crisis, cost of living, and support for DEI, has soured the centrist voter. They're motivated for change, whereas Dems are losing steam as fast as Joe's ability to string cogent sentences together.

I'd be shocked if Trump wasn't elected. Perhaps the effort should go into holding the Senate.

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I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I would like to hear the medical report from the Doctors that treated him. It’s very odd that so far it’s crickets. And it’s way over due.

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Heather, I wish that this July 14th commentary of yours could be read/heard by every single American household, Democrat, Republican, Independent, and others; every single American of voter age.

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Marlo.. Looks like YOU can’t unthink it.. Many have.

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