These republicans are off the rails. I will never understand the people that vote to put these cowardly bigots in office.

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For Representative Scott Perry (R-PA), "righteous causes" are obviously more important than governing. One has to wonder what these folks in the Congress think that their constituents elected them to do. Surely some of them represent veterans or current members of the military, and when the emphasis is on righteous causes instead of proposing a bipartisan bill that will provide for the needs of members of the military and their families, it's unclear what their conception of their job is and whom they think they're helping.

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Republicans will keep trying to destroy whatever they don’t like, consequences be damned. Only one thing will stop them - a crushing defeat in 2024.

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It is really upsetting that people so evil exist on this planet and call themselves Americans. The Republican extremists are what I refer to as Bad Americans. We must hope that our politicians are able to hammer out something that is more healthy for our nation and its people. Why are there so many female Republicans who seem to hate women? Is this self-loathing? Or just hatred of poor people? Whatever it is, it is sick, and degrades us all.

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Reading through this letter, I had difficulty breathing, but at least we can take comfort from this, from Politico:

“I take solace in the fact that this is not going to become law and we have an opportunity to correct it,” said Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, of the path forward. “But it’s really very disturbing how divisive all this has become, the degree to which the Republican majority wants to attack diversity. Bottom line. Attack trans people. Attack women. Attack people of color.”

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This is indeed (another) sad day for America. It seems that the Republicans have lost the “script”. Instead of believing that they are elected to serve the good of the country, they believe they are elected to do everything in their power to get re-elected. I heard a comment made by a House Republican to Tommy Tuberville that “we’ve got your back”, referring to Tuberville’s holding military appointments hostage. They are not thinking about about national defense, they are thinking about sticking it to the libs.

A sad, sad day indeed.

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Thanks Dr. Richardson. There is an expression in economic theory that bad money drives out good. We have a lot of bad money in Washington, it will require a huge effort to get it out of the system. The battle has only begun.

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I have no words that are not incoherent or profane, and I will leave it at that. For now.

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Righteous is not right.

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Heather, thank you for including fiery quotes from Representatives Sherill, Houlahan, and Casten. The acquiescence from GOP Representatives is especially notable and shameful. Their loyalty to power and party again triumphs over duty to country and military.

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Well done HCR. Well done Representative Sean Casten. Vote for and support Democrats at all levels.

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Good for Rep. Casten.

As for Scott Perry, God willing there's an indictment with his name on it coming soon.

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Our nation's current and retired military, who fought for our freedoms and rights, must be so proud of Congress right about now.

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As a mother of a gay man and a daughter of a man who landed on Omaha Beach on D-day and survived to meet my mother, this particular essay is more troubling than usual not so much about the crazies or McCarthy but about the so called moderate Republicans who are too cowardly to stand up for our armed forces. I think there is a level of corruption existing in Congress that our founding fathers didn’t foresee. Instead of standing up for the principles deeply embedded in the US history, these people who appear to be moderates—are actually harming our government because their primary objective is keeping their jobs and not rocking the Republican boat. Biden’s optimism is comforting but these so called American leaders are very bad news.

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This extremist right wing values packing into one of the most important legislative bills is quite simply unacceptable.

Every single American needs to be made aware of this dangerous voting agenda and be confronted with the reality of just how genuinely damaging this vote is to our common National Security and will become if the Republican extremism is allowed to continue.

Supporters of the Republican Party must be confronted with a choice; either keep their values out of National Security or else they risk losing their securities and the freedoms that are truly dependent upon a nonpartisan National Defense Authorization Bill.

As for Democratic voters throughout the country this cowardly agenda as seen in the vote for conservative values over and above National Security should be a clarion call wake up alert that should galvanize everyone of them into political action activism that is fully focused on dismantling, dismissing, and disintegrating the entire Republican Party establishment while treating any and all of its conservative supporters as if they are a deadly unwelcome disease poisoning the American body and soul of our democratic society.

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I would want Sean Casten in my foxhole! What an articulate, spot-on response to the lunacy of the far right.

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