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I think people who have never experienced cancer don't understand the emotional and mental toll it takes well beyond the physical. If people understood how fortunate we are to have the HPV vaccine they would race to have their kids get it. Stay strong, Kathy.

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Exactly this, Daria. And while I’ve been open on this forum, and with some dear friends, I have chosen not to be very public about my diagnosis. I wrestled with it, because I’d like to advocate for vaccination and condom use as Beth says above, but in the end I decided my privacy to heal was more important.

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Kathy, healing yourself is of the utmost importance. After that you can tackle the "wild boars" among us. When I was undergoing treatment and during recovery I "banished" anyone and everyone who came to me whining about their personal problems. I simply could not deal with anyone else's issues. I had strict instructions who could be admitted to my hospital room during my 10 week stay and who could visit me at home after. There is a time to stand up and fight for others. Now is not your time to do that. Now is your time to heal, from the inside out. Be kind and gentle to yourself.

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So, wow, to this news. Love you, too, Daria!

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It’s amazing how it has focused my desire to interact with fewer people, and only those I dearly care about. All in all, that’s been a good thing! We got our first Covid times dinner invite from some former neighbors, and it just feels like too much effort. But then you want to be polite! And I do like them. It’s a tough one.

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Do what your brain and body tell you to do in re the dinner invite. Ignore your heart (at least for the time being!). And yes, who knew that cancer could bring certain good things to us? I sure didn't!

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Thank you, ladies, for sharing.

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Yes! People look shocked when I say that not everything about a cancer diagnosis is bad. If you’re self reflective, like I am, it can change you in a good way. My marriage is stronger and better, and it’s been a joy to see my sometimes squabbling children be supportive towards each other, as well as to me. But for sure I am not the same person I was 7 months ago, and I imagine that unexpected survival will change me more, and that’s interesting to contemplate. Tiring, though. It’s hard work to keep my mental game strong, even if it’s invisible.

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