Republicans are wiling to sacrifice their voters and their voters children?! They obviously don’t plan on needing their votes in the future or possibly don’t plan on having elections at all. My lord, the nazi comparison certainly seems on point.
Republicans are wiling to sacrifice their voters and their voters children?! They obviously don’t plan on needing their votes in the future or possibly don’t plan on having elections at all. My lord, the nazi comparison certainly seems on point.
As Eugene Robinson said tonight, every rule of journalism is you don't bring up the Nazis for comparison, "and then we have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs calling it 'a Reichstag moment,' and you know not only is it as bad as you think it is, it's worse!"
They obviously have decided victory in 2022 is paramount to anything else and they’re sticking to this short term plan— McCarthy is quaking at the upcoming commission hearings.
Republicans are wiling to sacrifice their voters and their voters children?! They obviously don’t plan on needing their votes in the future or possibly don’t plan on having elections at all. My lord, the nazi comparison certainly seems on point.
As Eugene Robinson said tonight, every rule of journalism is you don't bring up the Nazis for comparison, "and then we have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs calling it 'a Reichstag moment,' and you know not only is it as bad as you think it is, it's worse!"
Yes TC—much worse than we dreamed.
They obviously have decided victory in 2022 is paramount to anything else and they’re sticking to this short term plan— McCarthy is quaking at the upcoming commission hearings.
You bet he is, as are some other rethuglicans. Can't wait for the hearings to begin.
Not simply their children but their families and friends. Makes you want to scream in frustration at their inability/refusal to believe reality.