Biden must act now against the thugs involved in Project 2025, having Heritage Foundation president Roberts tried for treason, having the author of the hit list arrested and tried for issuing threats, and barring Orban from ever returning to the U.S., except for official visits with U.S. officials.

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I totally agree. HOWEVER, if Biden does anything like this now, it's with a high risk of severe backlash. We're walking a razor's edge right now.

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It frightens me that so many willfully ignorant Americans don't seem to understand these horrors planned and already in motion by Trump and his backers. More mainstream media needs to discuss the realities of Trump, Project 2025, the hit list, the oligarchy promised by Trump, the many lies by Trump used to feed "BS" to people, and the reasons for nationalizing a bad interpretation of a religion on our country. Lastly, we need to encourage more people to vote before losing our country to this charlatan. Thank you for your work.

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I had people telling me things like "strengthening the family" how can that be wrong? They are clueless and won't think beyond what they have been told.

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Thank you heathercoxrichardson for your consistent, fact based, clear eyed perspective both historical and present day. It keeps us strong

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When do the overtly stated statements like those from the heritage foundation become treasonous? Is there nothing the DOJ can do to stop this catastrophe hidden in plain sight?!

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I actually agree. At what point does the government react to a real and tangible threat to our country when the calls are coming from inside the "house".

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These statements have long since passed the point of being treasonous. Their author(s) should be arrested, tried for treason, and jailed for life.

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Focus on the Ballot Box.

The thing Tru-mp wants most is for the Dems to run somebody other than Biden at the top of the ticket. (The only thing the felon loves more is the current infighting.)

Think about it. They are already doing everything they can to be sure that the vote is challenged in any state the Felon loses. They have primed state officials wherever possible to challenge the vote in any case. This just throws open the doors to further election sabotage. ALL of it extra-legal, of course. But, throwing the electoral college process into chaos means Congress - under wildly convoluted and untested processes - gets to decide.

Do we really want a scenario where Mike Johnson becomes president??

(As the AP explains: “If there is no president whose election has been certified by Congress, for example, the Speaker Of the House becomes president. If there isn’t a speaker in office, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate becomes president.)

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

This is just the opposite of what I read today in an "Atlantic" article. The "Atlantic" article said what Trump dreads the most is the Democrats' dumping Biden and putting in a new candidate. Makes sense to me. With Harris or Whitmer or Shapiro, Trump would not be able to use the candidate's age and cognitive state as issues, and would be forced to defend his record and Project 2025--both equally appalling. Note also, if you believe in "following the money," that the money is abandoning Biden. Big donors, like Hollywood moguls, have put their donations on hold until Biden is replaced on the ticket. Already some $90M is at stake from this.

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Hi Jon — That’s the B’rer Rabbit approach. Trump will do what he does best - lie, lie and then lie. No slander is beneath him. He’ll even say they’re all too “young and inexperienced” (and, elitist lawyers, to boot)”. The stream of lies will be deafening to the fence-sitters and those not paying a ton of attention.

The Atlantic has been anti-Biden for quite awhile now (which baffles me, but here we are). Big donors “put money on hold” — of course they did. If Biden isn’t the candidate, then his existing war chest is useless to anyone but Kamala Harris. So, hang on to that checkbook for a couple of weeks until it’s sorted where it needs to go. Plus, the NYT is reporting on a couple of conversations with “people” who know “people.” Here’s the response from the PAC that is at issue:

“A Future Forward adviser would say only that the group expected contributors who had paused donations to return once the current uncertainty about the ticket was resolved.”

I would be happy if this were an election where Harris was the primaried candidate, but that isn’t the case. Still, I believe a vote for Biden IS a vote for Biden-Harris, and that either one, or (especially) both — make the best executive leadership this country has seen in its collective lifetime.

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Yikes! Mikey.

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Once again, you are a thoroughly superior source for news than any "official" news source we have right now.

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I try to stay up to date with the constantly evolving political landscape (much thanks to you!) however there is one angle to project 2025 that I haven't heard anyone address. Given the recent ruling that bribes are okay as long as they are paid after-the-fact as gratuities" added to Project 2025's goal of having Trump controlling EVERYTHING, what would prevent him from "requesting" kickbacks of millions or billions for every government contract he approves? (ala Putin aka organized crime) I don't think that Trump's goal of becoming president is so much to stay out of jail as to rake in the unimaginable amounts of money he would be able to pocket. Please tell me I'm wrong.

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I agree: the post-bribery bribes now condoned by the Supreme Court for government officials just bookends Citizens United as conduits for the Putin-like oligarchy of which Trump dreams.

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