In less than 40 minutes today in snow-covered Washington, D.C., a joint session of Congress counted the certified electoral votes that will make Republican Donald Trump president of the United States at noon on January 20.
"Trump has managed to avoid legal accountability by using every possible means to delay the federal case brought against him for his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.''
This is a classic authoritarian strategy. Successful dictators exploit existing systems, bending legal frameworks and norms to consolidate power while undermining the very institutions meant to hold them accountable. It highlights the fragility of democracy when leaders manipulate the system for personal gain.
In addition to Heather's newsletter, our friend Timothy Snyder's Substack is essential reading as well during these dark times:
Thank you. We MUST NOT STOP. We must Continue SPEAKING, WRITING, INTERVIEWING & KEEPING OUR HONEST, OPEN DISCUSSION ALIVE through the coming weeks of formalities.
We must find a way to keep hope alive for ALL of US working daily to hold our own families accountable and be able to answer honestly to our neighbors, our children & theirs, that we are doing what we can to stand strong for our Democracy.
Please do not give up. Please find your best words to support our Way of Life in this Experiment called Democracy…a government of and by the people of this great land of “freedom for all.”
As a non-theist and an American, I respect your right to say "UNDER GOD."
But, I do not respect how MEAN and CRUEL the Evangelicals (white Christian Nationalists) have become or the patriarchal structure of most world religions.
If your God is the triune God represented in the Christian Bible, then do everything in your power to get those you worship with to UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE ALL of the lessons Jesus teaches as relayed in the New Testament.
Yours is one of a few comments that have significance. We cannot indulge in exchanging criticisms and laments. There are too many of those. We should urge AG Garland to publish the Jan 6 report about Trump. It is an utmost interest of voters. If he does not, he is alfter all another participant for betraying citizns.
Let's hope, Hiro, that Garland pays as little attention to what Trump wants as Trump pays to what America wants. Publish away, Merrick, while we still have freedom of speech.
Hiro, my understanding is that Trump II immediately went forum shopping Judge Cannon FL to get temporary relief, from JACK's Report -- could be very temporary.
As a US Marine I have always respected the rights which many have died to protect and preserve.
I too have a firm belief in separation of church and state for the many reasons listed below but fundamentally because of John Locke's treaties on "A letter Concerning Toleration" as written in 1689.
The Gov't is a body of laws - not men/women. No law can be enacted that must have an associated penalty for what must be a spiritual journey and belief of one's own heart vs. mandated by another. No magistrate (gov't official) can legislate how to believe no more than I'd be willing to let another tell me about my live or achieve my own eternal destiny as I believe. We have churches and other places to contemplate, discuss and grow our spiritual lives.
I agree with everything above but your last "under god reference" and really wish the "holy men" of the damn GOP and those wishing to claim the hearts of many by faux patriotism/nationalism would just understand they're really just asserting power over others.
It personally hurts my heart to see the flag, a symbol of our nation, defiled but also deeply believe it's a person's fundamental right to protest in accordance with the 1A. And just the same about POC, LGBTQ community that "offend" the "sensibilities" of others (sic) - the USA is the melting pot of all aspects of creation (if you so believe) and is "E Pluribus Unum" of our founders. They knew a lot about state sponsored religion in old Europe.
My USMC aspects demands that I respect and honor the rights we fight and die to protect and preserve for our families, friends, neighbors and fellow country persons. I pray we the people can keep DJT in check until we can truly restore equality and power to the people that consent to be governed by democratic values.
Ya....about that "One Nation Under God" business: that was done more to combat communism than to support any religious movement supposedly inherent within this nation. Our founders made it clear that there would be a "separation between church and state," and yet, we are all still wrestling with this concern especially since 1957 when "God" was forcibly entered in the governmental picture. As an atheist, and also one who resents the inclusion of statements such as "In God We Trust", I have concerns about how all of us ever reached this vision that a God, in fact, does exist. Could it be, possibly, that long ago folks could not explain the physical and transformational realities of our world in scientific principles? Before Galileo who was arrested for heresy, daring to challenge the church on matters of the universe, or Copernicus who dared place the sun at the center of the universe, rather than admit that it was earth as the center, there was little introduction to the masses of natural phenomenon. Consequently, people turned to the church for reasoning of these phenomenon. The tide coming in or out? Well, that must be "God's work." The eclipse of the sun or moon?'s "God's work, off course." And blizzards, rain, lightning, etc. etc. etc....why, "God's work, off course." What was it that Goebbels had always claimed to Hitler? “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." And now, we're stuck with Trump for 4 years. Michael Corthell referred all of us to a wonderfully written article by Timothy Snyder on the possibilities of a "shadow cabinet." We had that at one time during the W. Bush years. The Green Party led by Jill Stein developed a "shadow government" complete with a cabinet. I used to follow it and wonder what ever did happen to the Green Party's idea. We need to revitalize that idea today.
“Under God” was added in 1954. It was not part of the original Pledge of Allegiance. Since there is supposed to be separation of state and church, whose God are we under? None.
Carol, I understand where you are coming from, though I am atheist. You see the world through your faith and given your comment, you desire freedom of expression for everyone. It makes no difference to me (to paraphrase TJefferson) whether you worship one god or twenty.t
Now, if you were a Christian nationalist, you would not be able to honestly say that you want us to support democracy. This is how I understand your comment about free speech and keeping hope alive for ALL OF US. if
Sadly, as I am sure you are aware, from John Rousas Rushdoony to the current crop of Christian Nationalists, they most assuredly do NOT want a democracy. It has way too much diversity, too much freedom of expression. So CNs support whoever is the best wrecking ball to our liberalism, to the separation of powers and our freedoms as delineated in the U.S. Constitution. Historically, Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer come to mind, two Christian thinkers who stood up against the Nazis.
Ooo thank you… for jostling my head and heart … I need to take a deep breath & do more reading, expand my vistas, my understanding of Christian Nationalism.
Carol O, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote, except for the last sentence. "Freedom for all" also means freedom from religion, if one chooses.
Although I do feel that we are all f*cked in the short term, I agree that we do not throw up our hands. Let's focus on the midterms. And pray to whatever is your higher power. I feel that my prayers are being answered--there is serious infighting in MAGA-world....
Yup, Carol, we must keep on trying. We cannot give up! But we need to be realistic and focused!
Trump Has “The Country” Behind Him
We Gotta Dealt With It — But It Won’t Be Easy!!
Remember: 77,303,573 Americans voted for Trump. 77,303,573 Americans!!! That number is larger than the 75,019,257 Americans who voted for Harris - 2+ million larger.
Yes, we can listen to Republican politicians speaking on January 6, 2021 as they criticize what was going on in the Capitol building. Back then - 4 years ago, they didn’t like what they saw as their lives were in danger.
Bottom line: Forget about what they said back then and don’t even bitch about their quick about face during the next several weeks - their No Impeachment votes, their ring kissing, etc. Yes, this behavior is hypocritical, bla, bla, bla!
Instead, I urge everyone to listen to what the people who Trump was “loving” on that day. Listen to what the 77,303,573 Americans said on November 5, 2024. They are saying, “We want Trump! We LOVE Trump.”
In a couple of weeks, Trump will probably pardon the 1250 (or so) Jan. 6 convictions, and what will the 77,303,573 Americans be saying? My prediction: “Right on, Bro!”
Why WOULDN’T Trump pardon Enrique Tarrio? There are 77,303,573 Americans (at least) who will be saying, “Right on, Bro! Trump is the kind of GOVERNMENT we voted for!”
They are saying - no SHOUTING: “We are tired of a government that is always telling us what we CAN’T do. We like a guy like Trump who flips the bird at the government. And, look, that stupid government can’t catch Trump. Maybe that’s because he didn’t really do anything wrong!! Stormy is imaginary. He didn’t steal secret documents. If he did, he’d be locked up! The 2020 election WAS stolen, and WE - the Mighty MAGA Faithful are conquering the corrupt swamp monsters.”
Yes, we can listen to liberal politicians and commentators talk on and on about how AWFUL pardoning Enrique Tarrio (et al) is for our democracy. BUT, there are 77,303,573 Americans (at least) who are SCREAMING, “Right on, Bro!! Go for it, Bro!!”
The Hicks, McConnell, McCarthy, Rubio, Graham, etc. remarks and behaviors are HYPOCRITICAL. BUT, what the 77,303,573 Americans are saying has been CONSISTENT since the “Golden Escalator.”
Oh GOD! Here we go down an off topic slippery slope that never ends. Every philosophy discussion leads to this because it's the biggest question that nobody can solve. I've been down this road too many times. Get a room! I refuse to get sucked into this black hole 🕳️
You are, of course, correct....and yet.....some of us may still need a bit of space in which to grieve...just a bit. Watching that offensive clip of Harris calling the electoral count and that thug refusing to shake her hand was a shame on us all. We have afforded him a cosy office in the seat of power and we pay his bills and give him a good life and fine benefits. How dare he act like a bigoted(?) unprincipled thug in the public forum at the heart of our democracy? Was he hoping to earn a treat from his felon-elect?
Robert Reich is also great reading. His recent article regarding the obstacles in Trump's path - namely the federal courts, the majority of which have judges appointed by Democratic presidents - was particularly hopeful for the long haul.
I also highly recommend Paul Krugman. Since leaving The NY Times he has started publishing on Substack. In a few weeks he already has over 70,000 subscribers.
I hope that Merrick Garland will release Jack Smith's report. It will lay out the federal charges against Trump. If his lawyers objected to those charges, the should have encouraged him to go to trial so that they could present their objections. Since they chose instead to avoid a trial, the evidence should be presented to the American people to decide for themselves.
After their failure to fight, I "fired" Reich, Hubbell, Roseberg, et al. We were attacked and Russian psy ops tilted the election. Most likely Trump will be a dictator on day 1.
I am sickened by the attitude of the Democrats. They know that Trump is ineligible, via the 14th Amendment clause 3 to take the oath, but they acquiesce. They know we lost the cold war.
In 2017 Trump started a quest to eliminate "quality" and "justice" within a government he deemed the deep state. At that time, he tried but was unable to completely eliminate civil service which has been in place since the administration of Rutherfraud B. Hayes, another ethically challenged president.
Come Jan 20, he says he has dozens of executive orders rarin' to go, to finish the job. Sonce 2018, SCOTUS has given him tools to do it. .So long Administrative Procedure Act. So long civil rights. So long mis amigos, Jesus y Maria.
A "unitary executive" doesn't need no friggin' judges.
I read an article yesterday that send he’s having trouble filling positions in the ranks because they don’t pass the loyalty test. I think Susie Wiles and Stephen Miller are determining who passed the test.
Thnx for uplifting reminder about federal court judges! Biden has spent all of his energy on protecting all of us from what he & most of us are concerned about…T’s unedited fly-by-seat of his pants behaviors, declarations, invitations to whomever to become involved in Trump’s current moment.. Greenland, etc etc.
Do not expect too much from democratic judges, as I see it they let him off the hook in all his criminal proceedings and as a backstop there is the SCOTUS, which is in his pocket.
Thank You, Michael, for sharing Tomothy Snyder's excellent suggestion of a British type "shadow government" (although, as he recommends, it does need a better name) to protect our democracy. How about "U.S. Conscience"?
In the comment sections of regular mainstream news or on "mainstream" substacks like Dan Rather (who I respect) I have started telling people about non-mainstream substacks like Heather's, Timothy Snyder's, etc. It seems as if few people who read more mainstream pieces, substack or not, do not know about the ones I read. I must subscribe to at least 5-6 and also the MeidasTouch network. I think it is a good idea to start telling people about them.
Let's have a "shadow cabinet" as Timothy Snyder has suggested. It would keep our attention on the alternatives to the policies that will be enacted by Trump's cabinet. Keep the dialogue alive and counter the mad mad world of MAGA and the Oligarchs.
True, and he isn’t changing now. He’s badmouthing Juan Merchan, the judge sentencing him in the business records fraud case. His lies are so pervasive his groupies believe him.
By showing weakness by relaying on slow legislators and even slower attorney general. Just to name a few reasons. Hope this answer your well taken question theff.
Carol, that, in a nutshell, (speaking of nuts😳) sums up the life of Donald Trump. The sad part is that those of us who were not brought up like that are now going to suffer.
His lawyers' statement SHOULD read, "TRUMP 'would not be in the public's best interest.'"
Yes this is how he ‘gets away with it’ delay, deny, disinformation, lie upon lie repeated while threatening , bribing, intimidating those minions to follow suit. That’s how Autocrats work and further obvious why the playbooks of those famous now are followed.
Why isn’t the having a felony makes one NOT eligible for presidential placemen working …oh ..because it wasn’t codified? But ‘ established law ‘ …oh right that wasn’t codified either… principles got dissected then damned
..have all those votes thrown out been checked for accurate disposal…no.
..have the gerrymandered districts been redefined, redrawn…no.
..have laws been changed so defense can no longer be exacted …
..can a sitting president pardon himself…or a person already convicted ..depends
..Will the people call foul when they get bit , ‘if’ is not even questioned…when they get to the internment camp-went to the wrong address?..too late!
What is their soul worth for those ‘Christians’…
Welcome to 2025 ..
I’m still trying to make sense of it all cause I pretty well know where it’s headed …
There is only one parallel example to this exact situation that we face as a country now, and that is Nazi Germany in the 30s, when Hitler was elevated to lead Germany after leading an insurrection to overthrow the government. We should all know what’s coming folks.
Perfect analogy Jane. I only hope that Merrick Garland put the pants on this time and, for the record and in the name of decency, release Jack Smith's report to the public.
Ricardo, i hope someday soon there is a critical forensic analysis of Garland's slowness to initiate action against Trump immediately after Jan 6, and then again after the discovery of the classified documents at Mar a Lardo. I believe he and McConnell are the 2 people most responsible for Trump's success in avoiding justice of either the legal or political sort.
I was wondering last night -- how soon does the convicted felon get the docs back that he stole? And now that he has immunity, how many more will he steal, and possibly share with our enemies? It's a chilling thought, adding to what other American carnage lies ahead.
Doug, I fear that in Biden giving Merrick Garland “a second chance” at elevation after his failed effort at appointment to SCOTUS, he failed to take into account Garland’s very much more judicial temperament than the attack dog temperament often more useful as Attorney General.
I loved your comment Doug, you are 💯 % on target 😀.
As for how long the convicted felon would get back the documents he stole to share with our enemies, I advice you not to blink because you might miss the whole event 😉
Sorry Carole, it's impossible to mend the original mistake of nominating him for such fundamental job. Maybe if the party as a whole put pressure on him 24/7 we can accomplish the goal.
Yes, we failed to do even that, then of course we have had media opining that maybe Democrats caused all this by trying to hold him accountable. And Americans are so gullible they gobble that garbage right up.
Yes, but he got a 3 month sentence that was shortened to one month, and there was no provision attached that he couldn’t run for office. That is a glaring problem in American politics, as well as the DOJ “rule” that you cannot prosecute a sitting president. Congress could have kept Trump from running again with an impeachment conviction, but McConnell had to save his own butt.
Trump’s infamous threat to be a one-day dictator, coupled with his growing territorial claims (Greenland, Panama, Canada), set the stage for international conflict. “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” Trump said. Retaking the Panama Canal is “required” if shipping costs aren’t lowered, he claims. Mocking outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “governor” of the “Great State of Canada” is more than Trump just being a jerk. His demands and bluster bring to mind Hitler’s pre-World War demands for territory (the Rhineland, Sudetenland). Most concerning is Trump’s invoking “national security” as a rationale for land grabs. Years of Trumpublican fear-mongering over U.S.-Mexican border security sets the stage for military action. Who would stop Trump from establishing a “buffer zone” by ordering an invasion of our Southern neighbor? World leaders bent the knee to Hitler. The result was catastrophic.
According to history, Ruth Ben Ghait , and many/several others , Stalin, Mussolini, Putin, Assad, Mao T., Ghadhaffi, the list is long…wanna bes …longer. But the victims….millions.
We have the opportunity to push back loud and fast. We have the benefit of history to see what not pushing back looks like. Join with local activists. Start an Indivisible group. Look for ways to help. Read Timothy Snyder's On Freedom. You might be right, but if we don't give up in advance, you might not be.
I know folks are talking. I would think the old RC spiritual bouquet for here or to others and snail mail as well. Social Justice bouquet where we state in five different ways and methods what we pledge to do for the week to another human being. The other idea is every county in this country by virtue of the old land grant act has a cooperative extension agency. They have 4 zH clubs fur the young usually but not always rural. One could take that club concept and run with it in local and regional areas. The old women. Club seen humorously in the Musical Man was a real thing and Sndrew Carnegie used them fir his library system after he had in some ways sen the light.Talkibg and individual acts need also a community web of support and interaction. If it showing to get dark or even not because so much of community still recovering from years of neglect so so so needed. As far as I know anyone constant a 4 H Club.
On order to maintain an environment of liberty and justice, we as citizens have a responsibility to deal with each other in a spirit of good faith, even and probably especially when in conflict. There is simply no law or legal framework that can be designed so cleverly that it cannot be turned malicious when good faith fails to prevail.
Joseph Welch called it "decency". Call it what you will. It is the self discipline to speak honestly, and to refuse to resort to cheating. It is the capacity to care about things beyond and in addition to personal self-interest. An excessively self-centered personality and/or society can turn nasty fast, and there are plenty of historical examples. It seems to me that we as an aggregated society are not paying enough of a focused attention to that.
This brings to mind the question asked by attorney Joseph Welch of Sen. Joe McCarthy at the end of his infamous investigation on UnAmerican Activities.
“At long last, have you no sense of decency?” What used to be the Lincoln has none.
Exactly, and her last sentence is chilling...."They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’” How authoritarian can you get?
But nooooo, you cannot compare Trump to Hitler or other dictators. That’s not fair! Even if he has played out every trick in the fascist dictator’s handbook, he’s still a great guy and loves the American people [/end MAGA main stream media mode]
Michael, you are right, but the system in this case helped Trump along by not bringing charges for the stolen documents immediately, by not charging Trump with insurrection immediately, by letting Trump and friends judge shop and the 11th circuit not holding Cannon to account for her bad behavior, for Georgia pretending it was Willis who was the criminal instead of Trump and friends. That's part of the authoritarian game too and clearly Trump's friends have learned how to play it well and we will all suffer for it.
Number One unindicted co-conspirator: Merrick Garland, for continuing the Democratic tradition established by Eric Holder of not holding the rich and powerful accountable for their crimes.
Number Two unindicted co-conspirator: Joe Biden, for continuing the Democratic tradition of not insisting that the Attorney General do his job.
To be sure we are entering a period of unprecedented corruption but one that could have been prevented by simply applying the law equally. As someone who lost a substantial portion of my retirement savings in the financial meltdown I understand the rage that drives many MAGA voters and am perplexed at the blindness of so many Democrats.
We don't know how to fight. In retrospect, had a Jack Smith filed cases immeditedly after Jan 6, 2021, things would be different.
Those MAGATS are marks. At the same time, hate Trumps economics.
I go back to Nixon who let the dollar float. That opened our economy for a takeover. Thus we sold manufacturing, the goose that laid the golden egg. We are now more vulnerable than anyone in the media has expressed.h Half of our "allies" are working with BRIC to undemine our currency.
Trump has his own "currency." So does Musk. We'll see who will be the "marks."
I would argue and say that Republicans led by Mitch McConnell let us all down during the impeachment process. Unfortunately, the Constitution really doesn't have a good process in place for an actually effective impeachment mechanism. It is and always has been practically impossible to hold an American president to account, especially when the legislature is likely within his party's control or at least is split. That's a puzzling oversight for the Founders who supposedly designed the whole thing around checks and balances and the *default assumption* that power corrupts and that having an unaccountable king (like George III) was the worst thing.
That said, I agree that Merrick Garland has been an abject failure in this regard, and honestly every sitting public official who got off without even a warning or having to appear in court was a travesty.
Make no mistake about it, the Fascists are now in control of our government. And let's not be naïve, they're not going to relinquish this power in a peaceful process 2 or 4 years hence. Jan. 6, 2029 will look nothing like what transpired yesterday. The possible/probable solution: Elect a super majority of Democratic Senators and Representatives. Even then, the going will be rough.
I think the Jack Smith draft report is finished. Write to Merrick Garland and ask him to release the Jack Smith report. You can do it here. Select “Messages to the Attorney General” from the drop down menu
There is one track left to combat this authoritarian strategy. The release of the special prosecutor's reports is imperative. Smith and Garland should release as much as possible, preferably all of it. If Trump's lawyers succeed in burying it, history will be deprived of vital details for decades if not forever. These reports will reinforce the findings of the January 6 Committee and the Mueller's report to help future citizens combat outrageous behavior by those in power.
Michael Corthell, I agree. You described the authoritarian Trump strategy accurately and then, the way I see it, turned to the other side in this contest and said that democracy is fragile. I think you mean democracy is inherently fragile and many serious, well educated people agree with you. I agree, too, though I think democracy isn’t as fragile as it appears right now.
I’m with those critics who say our response to this threat has been weak. We’ve been slow to understand how serious it is; so serious that our traditional reliance on debate, compromise, bipartisanship, and the language of conciliation doesn’t fit the moment. AG Garland is a fitting example of how Democrats responded (although we should note he is a member of the Federalist Society and may have divided loyalties.)
Now we learn from post-election analyses that uncommitted voters felt that Democrats would not fight for them. Who can blame them?
Justice delayed proved again to be justice denied. 😢 Thus start the two weeks of dread. 🤢 Attorney General Garland: ¡release that report! ⚖️ G-D bless President Biden and Vice President Harris. 🙏 As a sixty-seven year old, I may not last long; I am ready to fight. ✌🏽
A grim day for America indeed. One of Thomas Jefferson's favorite authors was Tacitus, the greatest of Roman historians whose theme was how power corrupts the human spirit. One of his most famous lines is: Cupido dominandi cunctis adfectatibus flagrantior est. "Lust for absolute power is more burning than all passions."
The new Trump administration. To cite another Roman historian, Livy, foedum inceptu, foedum exitu: "Foul at its inceptiuon, foul in outcome".
Nothing good will come out of this administration, Nothing... Drumph is a criminal, nothing but a criminal, and will always be a criminal. We need to oppose everything he does, with all of our strength.
Let's hope the Smith report will be published after all and before inauguration day. If nothing else, more people will be able to read black on white about the criminal that 70+ million voted in as our next president. Shame on them!
This nation's lonely eyes have failed to see him for what he is, or the real and salient prosecusions would have been enacted in the timely manner required. Now expecting him to deliver for democracy is ludicrusly naive.
Not sure I understand. I thought that his passivity in appointing a Special Counsel played a major role in why we are in the situation we now find ourselves. More information, please.
Exactly, kdsherpa. I responded to Ricardo's comment by saying Garland's failure to quickly take action against Trump, along with McConnell, is the reason Trump avoided justice., and that Garland's failure needs to be critically and forensically analyzed by legal scholars
Clearly I misunderstood the post by Anne-Louise Luccarini re Garland, which in a way-too-quick reading I interpreted as her asking for help from Garland. I have opposed every move, or rather failure to move, on the too many legal sanctions Garland could have addressed. I have made no exceptions to Garlands failure to act responsibly--I think he deserves disbarment and any legally available consequences to his betrayal of his position. I have also commented in frequent posts on why he was placed in this position and backed by Biden. My sincerest apologies to Anne-Louise and to you and to all who were tangentially confused by my inexcusable, lazy failure to stay in tune with all the noble efforts put forth.
"They conclude that releasing Smith’s report would not ‘be in the public interest." Indeed! Policy in 2025 will soon be run for the pleasure of Oligarchs and Sociopaths only.
I was driving when Bill Barr's "summary" of the Mueller report was broadcast on NPR - the way he spun that report was to make its conclusions unrecognizable.
When they say the public interest, they mean THEIR interest.
I am astonished where we are in America right now. We already get little to no information. The fact most Americans get their “news” from influencers is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read. Joe Rogan is now trusted to relay information in a clear and truthful manner that has the responsibility of journalism? But on the other hand, we can’t even count on real news outlets to have reporters ask follow up questions or point out blatant lies in real time. Trump just goes on shows, lies without any challenge and they head off to commercial like it’s true.
Bezos has completely discredited his tag line “democracy does in darkness” by stifling editorials supporting candidates and a cartoonist who clearly depicted the state of America. I see zero difference from the oligarchs in Russia and I’m guessing Trumo doesn’t either. That’s what he likes about Putin….the giant successful scam he’s been able to run for two decades. He is literally mirroring Putin’s playbook.
Putin has gotten the nillionaires in all industries to support him (business, finance, media) and in return let’s them do whatever they want as long as they give him gobs of money and let him retain power. And he agrees not to poison or imprison them.
I highly doubt the rank and file Trumo voter signed up for that.
Well, now Meta joins Twitter at eliminating all fact checking so that the 1st amendment free speech now includes lying. It is our constitutional right to lie. I am sure Zuckerberg will make lots of money by eliminating the folks needed to fact check. The rich get richer, eh?
I'll never forget the handshake and look that passed between them, 11 November 2018, in Paris, as Putin arrived and moved past the Trumps to take his allocated place in the front row.
This country is now under fascist rule, manned by the forces that Trump pretends are just his forces. Many with morbid maudlin compunction blame the Republicans and the MAGA cult. What they refuse to acknowledge is that the Democratic Party, by its actions largely begun under the degenerate Bill Clinton, whose moral character shames not Trump's, put millions out of work forever by proudly promoting NAFTA , the beginning of the end for working Americans. The starter to "moving to center." How many MAGA ranks were filled by those former, left-trusting workers disenfranchised by Clinton's sell-out? This country will never be regained by the existing Democratic Party in charge as it now exists. Only a meaningful rebuilding of the Democratic Party completely to exemplify its principles--now only a fabric of pretense by ruling Democrats--will unMAGAfy the voting majority.
They won’t believe it anyway. It will be some deep state conspiracy or something or other. That is one of the greatest harms that the felon-elect has done to this country…everything is fake news. The only thing you can believe is what “he” tells you.
But at least it will exist in the public record. Every awful thing this man has done must be recorded meticulously, at least for whatever future historians write about how we allowed this monster to kill our democracy, slowly, and then all at once.
Yet, they won’t. The perfect storm is upon us. A corrupt, criminal party that exists to destroy the government, that will bring oppression and retribution to the populace meets a weak, spineless party that is so wedded to the now dead “norms” that they look and govern like fools. It’s predator meets prey and I have never felt more disturbed, disappointed and disgusted by this collapsing system known ironically as the United States.
If Dems won't act on our behalf then we must prod them on. I just added my Senators phone numbers to my contact list and am planning on calling them every day. Every.Single. Day. and we all need to do this religiously.
Opposition did not help with the outcome of the election that has brought Trump and his minions back into the power of the once greatest nation in the world.
I am confounded at the response of my Christian friends and relatives (not all but TOO MANY!!!!!) who voted for this manipulative wealthy criminal. Take note of the many "riding in on his coattails"!!! They are just like him....greedy for power and position and the wealth of this nation which they have NOT earned....they do not deserve. The blood of everyday patriots has been shed...bodies broken physically and mentally....from violent service and sacrifice to preserve freedom here and throughout the world!
Hold on!!!! This will be more than a bumpy ride!!!!
Beautiful historical references! Always feels like I’m not alone - though my education is patchy my devotion endures - strong and righteous for my little ones, and my oldest too, with fewer opportunities than I have been given. The mother in me believes I must stand strong for OUR COUNTRY.
The pattern of tyranny is ancient, and I think that that should give us pause. We keep fighting kindred battles against the essentially the same enemy, same basic script with new generations of players. What are we missing here? Don't we need to develop a different strategy?
And truth can win out if we stand bravely together. With our hearts and minds focused on TRUTH.
Even if this gets buried in the mash of ‘news’ we can RESURRECT OUR BATTLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS .
I am ‘out of my depth’ clearly. And fired up with indignation as a woman so recently freed (from the kitchen, the babies, etc) to join the conversation.
"That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings." - Lincoln
Kings don’t have any more “divine” rights than the lowest of their subjects. We got rid of that divine assumption when we revolted against king George.
Celeste, you are 💯 % right but I could not, yet, figure out how. For some time I trusted our leaders and legislators but I lost faith in them. I know they tried but they were very ineffective and the result is in front of us.
There are degrees of trust, and trust in competence is different from trust in character. All of us are fallible. The thing is that we can only self-govern, do the democracy thing, if we grasp enough of our circumstances, in the moment and along well-informed paths of future probabilities and accept adult responsibilities for building liberty and justice for ALL. WE have to set the overall agenda, and identify (well before election day) fiduciaries (able and trustworthy representatives) to carry it forward. That's mandatory for the kind of society most of us claim to revere.
"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" -- Churchill
J L, I never questioned the character of our legislators in part because each individually is different. I just questing their effectiveness as a group to confront and solve the kind of situation we are facing now. Agree with you regarding the weaknesses and imperfections of the Democratic system which is always evolving as an experiment trying to reach for a "more perfect " form of government. I think that one of the greatest contradiction of the system is that in order to be really Democratic, should allow the existence of the "enemies whiting " and convive and compete with them confident that democracy is a better system and everything would be for the better. But not always. We were run over by a relatively small group of anti Democratic people that at the international level is undermining our foundations and as we speak, replacing it with something very similar to fascism. Once they are established it won't be easy to undone what they have created. I'm not quite sure we'll have elections in two years and much less in four. Unless you call what they do in Russia or Hungary ,"elections". And i don't think our leadership and legislators are aware of this situation and / or would know how to confront this nightmare.
We are backpedaling because of the infiltration of the courts. We must uphold the integrity of the system of laws, FAIR laws, that are applied to all. I believe a terrible injustice was done by the inaction of Merrick Garland in applying our laws without hesitation or fear. This must be reversed. We have an election to win in 2026, correcting the course of Congress is imperative to bolster our system of laws. The integrity of our courts is a must.
A man who lies habitually has no place in any of our several levels of Government! He and his guilty henchmen produced an indelible stain on our Federal Government.
I heard parts of his rantings at his FL residence today. Lies and exaggerations! Dripping faucets, whales, Greenland, Canada, just on and on and on…absolute outrageous lie about only one death at the capital “day of love” and it was a rioter…not a single mention of police. He also spoke in the present tense of being president. Duh!!! Not yet, buddy. I was yelling in the car at the radio! OMG 😱 No one there challenged a word he said.
Not even those 2 quotes approach what we are facing already and not because we didn't know what to expect. The fact that is happening to America makes it much worse.
"They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’” This statement makes me extremely angry. It would not be in the interest of the incoming administration to publish it.
Ally House, I don't think he has the courage specially if he is under pressure not to release the report. But maybe if our leaders and legislators put at least the same amount of pressure...maybe...? If they don't, they'll be as coward as the AG is.
The irony of today’s events led by VP Kamala Harris to certify the election results to move forward with the smooth transition of power was not lost on me. I don’t believe it was lost by the many who cared. Trump’s lack of accountability and all those giving into him is maddening. Attorney General Garland has failed us. The report done by Jack Smith needs to be public. If Trump has nothing to hide let everyone see and read it. By forcing the report into more litigation Trump is screaming he’d guilty. My two cents. Thank you, Heather Cox Richardson for your letter tonight. Our democracy depends on all of us.
We, the American people, need to know the contents of the report, not have become another instance of Trump getting away with criminal behavior by stalling, and appealing, and stalling again. Justice delayed is justice denied, and the truth concealed is the truth lost.
Disinformation is a given, but democracies can cope with it as long as a preponderance of citizens strive to reject lies and liars. And also to honor those who do so when doing so takes courage. Unfortunately we have seen "big lies" in societies go septic, and the consequences when they do. Democracy is inherently "messy", and that's by design. "Sloppy" is something different, and a sloppy democracy will tend to be neither wise nor enduring.
I am not a foe of free (genuinely free, as in freedom from monopolies) enterprise, and believe it is both a reasonable component of essential liberty; and a societal boon. Yet freedom is not just unqualified freedom to do whatever one pleases. One cannot create an ENVIRONMENT of freedom, a "free society", without accepting the responsibility for honoring and protecting human rights for all.
Also, some functions of a society are too vital and/or too dangerous to be outside of societal control, to be in some way subject to private whims and agendas, rather than public supervision and control. Some functions, such as intrusive surveillance, and incarceration, are prime tools of tyrants, and should not entrusted to private entities. Some necessary powers are subject to misuse even when closely regulated, making unceasing vigilance and checks and balances essential.
That is for more reasons than seems appropriate to open here, but among them is openings for security risks and significant conflicts of interest* inherent in handing governmental functions over to billionaires, such as national rocket science. Contracting in one thing, and this more recent degree of loss of comprehensive oversight is another. Also, government contracting should not be enabling private mega-monopolies, or oligarchies. Monopolies, be it of markets or political power (and historically, one enables the other) are the enemy of democracy.
The darkness has arrived. Democracy has dimmed. We are left with White Canes nearly invisible to each other except for their tapping and clatter and the repeated apology, "So, sorry, I didn’t know you were there," as we stumble into each other.
To me, the saddest point in an overall very sad day was Kamala Harris speaking about defending democracy and the Constitution as if that was what she was actually doing. She was not. When she spoke, she was gaslighting us. She knows the Constitution contains the means by which Trump can be denied the presidency because he is an adjudicated insurrectionist. She knows section 3 of the 14 amendment exists. But she sidestepped the very language of the constitution that could’ve saved democracy and saved the Constitution itself. History will show that she failed in her duty to defend and protect the Constitution today. History will also show that every Democrat failed and their duty because they also swore an oath and also know about section 3 of the 14th amendment. This is a very dark day in America and not just because of who Trump and his people are, but also because of who we now know the Democrats are… Weak and unable to defend our nation from the incoming fascist presidency of Donald Trump. I am devastated. 😢💔🇺🇸
I haven't seen such grace under pressure in many, many years. Gaslighting indeed Steve. Vice President Harris has earned the respect of history. She stood in the House of Representatives performing her job with great decency and respect for our Country. Be careful when a cause you believe blinds you to goodness.
I agree, Barbara, as much as my emotions are with what Steve has said. I am devastated as well. But Kamala Harris didn't really have a choice. If none of the members of Congress objected to the certification, she couldn't be the lone person to refuse to certify. She was executing the role she was given under our rules of democracy, as you said with "decency and respect" and with amazing "grace." Had she refused, it would have been suicidal for her. My anger and frustration are with the members of Congress, all of whom were petitioned by many of their constituents to honor their oath to the Constitution and reject the certification of an insurrectionist. It would have taken only 20% of each body to raise an objection. I am still struggling to understand why that didn't happen.
If Kamala had wanted to, she could have spent the time since the election organizing the Democrats so that there would have been a united "use Sec 3 or the 14th Amendment" group ready to take action yesterday. That would have been "political leadership" worthy of a President of the United States. I would not have expected her to do something yesterday "all alone". That would have looked crazy. What I hoped and prayed for (happening behind the scenes) was that the Democrats - united - would spring this Constitutional trap on the GOP. But they did not. The Democrats as a party failed to defend and protect the Constitution.
Steve, the Democrats have failed in so many ways by trying to hold to traditions and standards against the flooded zone. I realize it was the "high road" to take, but from here it also looks a heck of a lot like obeying in advance. Your thought that they've had almost 2 months to create a Constitutional trap is intriguing; I don't think they had the power to do it, within the structures of our founding documents as interpreted by this "originalist" $COTUS where words mean what they want them to mean. Without that, we would have another insurrection on our hands.
Barbara, I agree that what Harris displayed was decency. But look at what we got with decency. One of the principles of science is to respect the results of an experiment. We tried decency and it failed.
Decency and getting what we want are mutually exclusive. We are decent because this is who we are. We are decent in the face of the rottenest people because we refuse to become like them.
We have had a historically significant defeat. We will still stand if we chose.
It’s like we are playing chess with someone who consistently changes the rules (for their benefit only) and gets away with it, because we are decent and seek to maintain a veneer of civility. We must understand that every single interaction is a negotiation which we can approach with good faith, but not naïveté. Good faith informs us that we do not share the same goal as those with whom we are engaging.
Barbara, I've seen the videos of Nixon and Gore, when they were in a comparable situation. Kamala Harris had much more pressure on her, and did it better.
"blinds me to goodness"? Fascinating phrase. Is it "good" to ignore the Constitution... ignore what the Founding Fathers created: a method to protect the Constitution from fascism? I am not blind, Barbara. My eyes are wide open. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you are giving her a pass for doing what she did? Perhaps you should read Sarah Kendzior's two best-selling books about how deep corruption goes in America.
I do read your Bluesky posts and Kendizor's as well, Steve. I have respected your work and I supported what you were doing. I took issue with your coming down on Anne-Louise.
I am supporting the Constitution and the Democratic Party Leaders.
I hear a lot of burn it all down talk on these comments. I read a lot of anger and pain. What I don't read are any solid plans for change. The Democratic Party Leaders are not going to push the 14th Amendment. We lost. Raging at people who disagree with you is not like you, frankly. Neither is screaming at the people who like you.
Disrespecting the Democratic Party Leaders is not the best avenue at this time.
If you respect my work and know Sarah Kedzior's work as well, then you hopefully now know we are on our own... we have been played. Sarah posted yesterday an excerpt from her book "They Knew" explaining how Biden and others let Trump get away with what he did. I posted Biden saying (when interviewed by Ben Meiseles) that "Trump's failure to follow the Constitution is of no concern to me" (I'm paraphrasing).
Want to get to know me better? Know that I am trained originally as a civil engineer. Engineers know that when a building is so poorly designed that it collapses you do not just build it back the way it was. You redesign the building so it is stronger / won't collapse again. This philosophy was applied to the "human social system" by a number or brilliant thinkers I had the honor of studying with. One of them... Riane Eisler... is still alive. The others (Buckminster Fuller, W. Edwards Deming, Russell Ackoff) are not.
The work I am doing (when not hoping to find a politician who is not corrupt) involves bringing this "redesign society" process to the public through the museum I opened here on Route 66 in the summer of 2023.
You ask "How do we rebuild and fight?" We do that by *not* putting back together something that will just fall apart again. To paraphrase Bucky Fuller, "We must design a new system that makes the existing system obsolete." We must become innovators... as the Founding Fathers were.
Right now I am most interested in building a coalition of the most fundamental segment of the Government--the voter.
I see three things:
1. Combat the corrupt media by supporting and promoting alternate media. We have got to wean people off of the disinformation and propaganda agendas of mass media.
2. Work to overturn Citizens United. give politics back to the average American. How do we do this?
3. Work to combat voter suppression. How do we influence Red States in this?
Thanks for sharing Tristan's essay. I've gotta go... have a lot of work to do.
P.S. I have not looked at who you are in detail before. Just too many people in my social media life. No offense intended. I have only so much energy in a given day. But I just took a quick look at your substack and see your "conscious living" theme. I wish people were more conscious... of the reality my sister (who's a Buddhist) mentioned once: "separateness is an illusion'. Not an easy way for me to live, but I'm doing the best I can given how I'm wired (autistic).
That's an interesting post, Barbara. I think we may need to think as Lin-Manuel Miranda did when he wrote Hamilton the way he did. Tristan Snell did not choose that photo without layers of meaning.
This conversation is extremely interesting, and I agree with your disappointment that the 14th amendment was not pushed hard enough by Democrats. (Since when do Democrats really push anything, right?) Perhaps the reason is fundamentally that the American electorate chose to put Trump back in power and Harris simply respected that (foolish) decision.
😂😂😂 You really went there? She’s a human being and her intellectual lens is what it is and my lens is what it is. If you don’t think section 3 of the 14th amendment exists and could’ve been used, that’s your privilege. You’re entitled to your opinion. But don’t tell me that my opinion has less value than Heather’s. It is factually legally and constitutionally accurate… and supported by a whole lot of people much more prominent than me (if we’re gonna get into this whole reputation thing). Lawrence Tribe said it should’ve been used … many others interviewed by Jessica Denson. So, I respectfully request you do more research before you say somebody’s opinion isn’t as valuable as somebody else’s. Thanks for listening.
Anne-Louise, our collective sorrow is made worse for you because of your illness and loss. As if just mourning what could have been in America now that we’re faced with tfg’s imminent takeover (and what that means for our allies) isn’t hard enough … get yourself better first and then get back in the fight. 😚
Bless you Anne-Louise, that must have been like a punch in the gut. I lost my brother 2 years ago on the last day of the year, it was shocking how much it hit me. I trust you will recover from the bug, that will probably be the easier recovery after your loss. To go quickly like that as my brother did is a blessing, I like to think his guardian angel said to him that it was time to go home and he said “sure I’d like that”, he was on the other side before he hit the ground, it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it, I hope that helps you, if even just a little 🙏❤️
Anne-Louise - Please accept my condolences on the loss of your brother. I did not mean to poke you at a personal level. But I have a built in defense mechanism when it comes to having someone's so-called authority / reputation used to negate my own well-reasoned opinion. Because we don't know each other, you have no way of knowing how I arrive at the opinion I have. You also have no way of knowing that I *will* study new information when presented to me. But being told "This other person is right and you're wrong because they have a big reputation" does not do it for me. Again, I'm very sorry you have been sick and recently lost your brother. Take care.
Steve. Take a breath. You are out of control, attacking everyone. You lost. He will be President. I suggest you take some time to yourself. Grieve all the way through. And apologize to Anne-Louise.
I beg to differ. Steve is not “attacking everyone.” And “You lost” is unfair. It’s WE LOST! And we lost by fighting fair and by obeying the rules whilst across the aisle they fight unfair and by their own rules. We need to put a stop to this. As long as we allow it we will continue to lose.
It’s time to take to the streets to confront Republican legislators who are propping up our old dictator by ignoring reality. Enough of this tomfoolery. It’s now our duty to defend the USConstitution against domestic enemies. Get on it.
I have been with Steve for some time here and on Bluesky. I don't know you, but I know Steve and we have had some good exchanges. This is why I spoke so personally to him. Steve did lose in his personal quest for invoking the 14th Amendment. This is why I phrased my comment like I did.
It seems in your haste to scream at someone you have gotten in on a conversation you know little about.
How about everyone take a breath, stop screaming at each other and advocate for sane change. Do the hard gut work of winning local and State elections. Your "manifesto" is an unrealistic rant.
Barbara, you speak for me. This is a very precious community. I'm listening to some music I love, will have a hot glass of something nice, and go to bed. My brother was pruning his roses: one of them is now in a vase on my table. It's a Peace rose.
"Personal quest"? This is not "personal". This is "constitutional". Please don't act like you know me when all we have done is see comments from each other. The attitude you are demonstrating here is proof of how little you know about who I am. This is not your fault. It is a consequence of social media implying we are all a family even when we know nothing of each other's personal histories... have never sat down to a meal together (or at least been on a lengthy zoom with each other). This is advice I give to anyone I come across: If you really want to get to know someone, don't just exchange comments. In comments you learn what someone says. You don't necessarily learn why they say what they say.
Are you my mother? Wow... talk about being in attack mode! Shame on you! I went to bed last night not knowing Anne-Louise's personal tragic situation... just apologized to her. Now, I request you apologize to me. If you cannot see my point of view, that's fine. We live in a country where people (for the time being) can disagree without being attacked... a quality you are not evidencing here. And for the record, Anne-Louise did not offer a factual counterpoint to my opinion (which I share with Prof. Lawrence Tribe and many others). She said "Heather is the famous historian here. You should listen to her". That's not using facts. That's why I laughed in my response.
I hope you have calmed down by now. Have a great day.
Steve, define "adjudicated". When I read the definition, I, an anti-Trumpist who wished for his removal from the public consciousness, I don't recall his guilt "adjudicated" in a conclusive verdict in a trial . To me, that is the gold standard which Garland's Justice Department failed to meet. I wonder if this has been a case of pursuit of the perfect being the enemy of the good, but the conclusions in Smith's report have not yet been adjudicated. Your insistsnce that he can be constitutionally prevented from taking office is, unfortunately, premature.
And then, assume his guilt WAS adjudicated. If I haven't seen proof, then what about the millions who still today believe Trump won in 2020? Seriously, to this never-Trumper, your bombast seems dangerous. You deserve to be ignored.
Je, I went down the "adjudicated" rabbit hole yesterday. There were about as many definitions as there are different fora for being judged. The definition from the Oxford dictionary is:
past tense: adjudicated; past participle: adjudicated
make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter.
"the Committee adjudicates on all betting disputes"
act as a judge in a competition.
"we asked him to adjudicate at the local flower show""
Mirriam Webster said this:
": to make an official decision about who is right in (a dispute) : to settle judicially
The school board will adjudicate claims made against teachers.
intransitive verb
: to act as judge
The court can adjudicate on this dispute."
Investopedia says:
"Adjudication describes the process of a judge or other authority resolving issues between two parties whether they're individuals or legal or public entities."
I think that (I am not a legal scholar, nor a historian) with regard to the 14th Amendment, Section 3, what $COTUS did was say that, with respect to determine the adjudication of a federal election, Congress of the US was the sole arbiter.
That does seem to be the sticking point, Ally. Those advocating for using Sec 3 argue that the House impeachment meets the definition of adjudication even without the Senate conviction, and that the Colorado Supreme Court also confirmed that Drumpf was an insurrectionist but that did not allow them to keep him off the ballot. The US Supreme Court didn’t dispute that finding (that he was indeed an insurrectionist), but upheld the ruling that he couldn’t be kept off the ballot. I don’t know enough to know who’s right about whether objecting to the count yesterday would have been the proper remedy, but it seems pretty clear that if he’s sworn in, the stipulation in Sec 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution will have been violated. Anyone who has taken an oath to the Constitution who participates in or enables his being sworn in is violating that oath.
Teri Kanefield was a guiding force for me, though I’ve not seen or followed much lately. Her well reasoned arguments against those like Lawrence Tribe walked me from the edge many times. Pundits gonna pundit, and theory is not always a path forward. Sadly the same can be said for those advocating something, something, something regarding the ERA. Rabbit holes seldom return results IRL but can sap lots of energy.
As I follow this thread I’m looking for validity to your opinions. Back them up with something besides that’s what Tribe says. You would demand we all respect your opinion while you refuse to respect others opinions. You take what they share as a personal attack and become a bully. This is shown in every one of your insulting replies. You’ve put everyone on the defensive. You have to earn respect not demand it.
I was hoping to find your reasoning about what exactly Harris could have done during the certification.
“We” re-elected Donald Trump. That was possible because we Americans want instant gratification and we have become complacent, believing that we deserve to have all the freedoms and riches the US can offer… we no longer practice the work ethic that built this country. We embrace the next bright and shiny thing. We want it easy.
It appears that this degradation is typical in the rise and fall of civilizations… even families, think of the saying “shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in 3 generations”.
Now you add in TV, Movies, Video Games, Smart Phones, Social Media, AI and a pandemic. Consider how we’ve experienced the degradation of the family and our communities. Our social fabric wore thin and has now ripped. We Americans are sick and lonely, desperate for some kind of connection. Quick fixes (rants, drugs, food, alcohol,) are sought but don’t deliver… they don’t nourish us.
The world I grew up in has morphed into something very different, due to the above. Seeing is no longer believing. What do you do when you don’t know what is real, what to trust?
We will have to adapt but our “profits above all else” mentality will hinder us. I now see that I was naive when I thought we had returned to “normalcy” with the election of Biden. It’s going to take a long time… and normalcy will be redefined. Americans seem to place blame over seeking solutions. We spend an inordinate amount of time looking back and trying to establish “whose fault was it.” Are “Democrats weak… and unable to defend our nation”? That’s as frustrating as saying we wouldn’t have a drug problem in the US if we could keep drugs from coming into the country. Our foundation is crumbling. Can we Americans focus and do the hard work to rebuild our great nation? We will need to work together to rebuild and it’s going to be a long term process. Actions will speak louder than words. I pray we have the strength.
But who has the power to initiate the process for using it? Is a vote required? According to Robert B. Hubbell's News Letter post tonight ("The Constitution Prevailed," invoking section 3 of the 14th was not applicable.
Per Robert Hubbell:
"Nonetheless, the Electoral Count Reform Act (and its predecessors) created a mechanism for Congress to object to electoral ballots. In 2022, the grounds for objection were narrowed to the following:
'(I) The electors of the State were not lawfully certified [or]
(II) The vote of one or more electors has not been regularly given.'
Given the narrow grounds for objection, there was no legitimate basis for objecting to electoral ballots on the ground that Trump was disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment because he “engaged in insurrection.
As the Supreme Court made clear in Trump v. Anderson, Congress has the exclusive authority to disqualify Trump under the 14th Amendment if it so chooses. But it cannot do so by objecting to electoral ballots lawfully certified by the states pursuant to the Constitution."
Yes, they did. They did exactly what they were appointed to do. Tragically, the problem is bigger than the Unjustupremes. They are catastrophic symptoms and manifestations, not the root cause.
I think a 60% vote in the Senate is required to keep a former insurrectionist in official status and it’s likely they knew that the Senate would have enough on board to override the complaint.
You could get more agreement and traction here if you pointed your finger at Merrick Garland, which seems to be who your really angry at. Instead, at least on your comments on today's letter, you have pointed your finger at the Vice President, the top author on Substack, and everyone who has responded to you. As the old saying goes, when you point your finger at someone you have three fingers pointing back at you. Your Substack bio suggests that you prefer a world based on love to one based on domination. Your comments don't reflect that today. You don't even mention the election certification, which was the LFAA topic today, and the duty of the President of the Senate. There's a pretty smart group here, and they know that. Most of them also about Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which you keep referring to. That's completely off topic. Tell it to Merrick Garland. The Vice President didn't sidestep the Constitution, she followed it to the letter. And with grace.
I think you know this. Which means YOU are the one doing the gaslighting. You say you would have had Kamala Harris hijack the proceeding. That's a Trump move, and even Mike Pence knew it was wrong. He just wasn't able to stop it until the insurrection came crashing through the doors. Constitutional trap my ass. What have you been smoking? I haven't read Kedzior. Does she have proof? I've worked in engineering myself and I know what you're saying. Your saying that the foundation is bad. That means it must be removed. Of course the foundation is the Constitution. That says a lot about you and your motives.
You say that your opinion has more value than Heathers. You say that you have different lenses.
Heather has 1.8 M followers on Substack. You claim to have 338 followers. Those are the lenses, like telescope lenses. I think the reason you're here is obvious. But then the same thing can be said of all the commenters here, including myself. We are riding her wings. Most of us believe in her though. You think you are superior.
Yes, Democrats failed to vote for whatever reason. Times are tougher than they ought to be. But propaganda and corruption are nothing new, as HCR reminds us. We can fix this.
You have skills. I was going to say you should run for office. But I think you have other plans.
The foundation is just fine. Your conspiracy theories are wrong. So you say you want a new revolution? Well you can count me out.
I came here to remark the same. They, those currently in office, did not invoke Amendment 14 section 3 of our Constitution. I would love to hear Heathers thoughts on why they did not.
I agree that she should’ve forced the issue concerning the 14th Amendment. She may have lost in the end, but at least the action would have forced a second look. The Supreme Court did NOT rule that Trump could serve — only that he had to be on the Colorado ballot. Democrats fold too easily!
Steve Brant, (stop IMAGINING a Wiser Way Forward....and start MOVING YOURSELF FORWARD!!!!)
What a weak and cowardly criticism of Kamala Harris!!!!
What are you doing????
As a man why are you not standing up to Trump face to face!!!! Maybe you were speaking of yourself when you used the word "coward"!!!!
Kamala Harris came from humble beginnings. She had a great mom who worked hard and gave an example with her life of sacrifice and duty to her family!!! Kamala Harris has served as a great lawyer, placing criminals who were legally convicted of serious crimes in jail. She has served the state of California and this nation as a responsible official as well as our Vice-President!
I read about section 3 of the 14th amendment a while back and never saw it mentioned again. Have all these people been threatened with bodily harm to themselves or their families? The Dems have been AWOL about challenging all the lies and wrong doings of the republicans for the last four decades and that’s why the US is well into what they’re calling the second Gilded Age. I once asked my congressman and a Senator on two different occasions whether they had ever sat down with a Republican colleague and asked them what’s going on with their party and they couldn’t give a straight answer. I don’t believe there is any public debate going in either place.
While “And today, America’s democracy stood.” is a true statement, it failed throughout AG Garland's tenure as AG. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states:
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
The fact that many election deniers remained throughout Congress, and some continue to do so in conflict with fundamental law in the United States means that democracy does not stand today, it did not stand yesterday, and has not stood since the criminal-elect and the planners, funders, co-conspirators, and accessories after the fact not only remain free of prison, they remain active in Congress and State Legislatures throughout the United States.
Was the Congressional vote on January 6, 2025 representative of a "peaceful transfer of power" or did it really represent a surrender to a criminal using the Office of the Presidency to remain free from prison and the corrupt oligarchs orbiting around him to enrich their wealth?
If there is to be no justice for horrific crimes and betrayal of the United States, why should anything be a crime?
The alternative to certifying the election is insurrection. The Democrats did not spend the last 4 years laying the groundwork to reject the results if they lost. Thus, had they tried that, we'd be in civil war. Yesterday was not capitulation. It was saving one's strength and ammunition to fight smarter another day.
My response doesn’t suggest a violent uprising. It was because AG Garland decided to “Save his strength” instead of holding people to account as Constitutionally required. I consider Garland’s entire term to have been capitulation.
Fair enough, George. I would love an explanation from Garland. Did he deserve the benefit of the doubt? From following other blogs, it seems that justice has strict rules to follow to achieve a proper verdict, and it's thus quite slow. That's to our benefit when the defendant is one of the good guys, and a detriment when the defendant is one of the vile pieces of sh*t masquerading as a worthy human. Could Garland have started earlier without all the evidence gathered during the prosecutions of all those convicted of the Jan 6 crimes, or was he wise to wait?
In any case, no final verdict has been rendered in Smith's attempted prosecution, and the Senate failed to impeach him, so the 14th amendment doesn't come into play, regardless of what we know. Is that a capitulation or a loophole?
While granted I am backseat driving, multiple parallel investigations could have been started directed upon logical groupings of those involved before, during, and after. January 6 was funded, incited, and executed. Subsequently, evidence was destroyed (such as Secret Service texts). Personnel in critical roles were appointed in the brief time leading to the attempted coup. And certainly a significant attempt to obstruct, delay, and even defund investigations and prosecution. Trump and his MAGA accessories effectively delayed to the point where the investigation and evidence will be precluded from the light of day with a tip of the hat to Aileen Cannon -probably the next Supreme Court “justice”. Based upon the violence, severity, and extreme threat to the very foundation of the nation, this should have been addressed by an aggressive AG intent on holding elected officials to account for their betrayal. Not someone writhing in their chair struggling not to be perceived as “too political.” Capitulation from my perspective -leaving the country and our allies in peril.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe the people who tend to agree with the Democratic Party’s platform and policies and approach are too worried about seeming as crazy and rabid and eager to lynch as the other side, because that would give that other side the chance to say, “See? We’re not doing anything that they wouldn’t do.”
To an extent. However the reason President Obama nominated Garland is that the President thought he would be readily confirmed because throughout Garland’s career he was seen as centrist. He probably would have been a solid, competent Justice, but not someone I would choose as an assertive defender of the guardrails of democracy. Sally Yates, Preet Barara, and a handful of others would have been a much better AG for the United States.
Kamala may have proclaimed that democracy ruled today but I disagree. Heather detailed events exactly as I remember them. Ugly, outrageous, and propagandized as only Goebbels has taught other authoritarians. As Marx said, do you believe them or your lying eyes. My eyes saw what they saw. The cult can rewrite the script all they want to, the truth was even on Fox. There is no excuse for anyone to buy the cult crap. But as Goebbels knew well, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth for some. These neo-Nazis can fool the cult ignoramuses because they have been bamboozled for decades by those who want to rewrite and rule. I reject the hostile take over by neo-Nazis. It’s not Madison Square Garden that they play in now. It’s the throne of the free world. That democrats believe in the democratic laws and traditions has assured the interlopers that they will not be opposed. But opposition exists, in all those who see, report, and never stop passing on the objective truth.
The pursuit of a Democratic form of Government does not mean we always get our way. What is so important is that we do not walk off the field when things get tough, and we have a different opinion of things. It is supremely important we respect our leaders at this time especially when we are disagreeing.
If we don't hang together, they will have indeed splintered us apart and thereby won the Democracy.
Let's face what we are facing Barbara. Following the rules of decency and democracy it's fundamental in normal and even in periods of turmoil but what's happening now it's beyond that, they didn't plan for a four years national experiment and if it's not good we'll try again some other time. They are here to stay and not just here but all over the world. They are talking about that project openly. Open your eyes please.
My eyes have been open for over 60 years of political activism when:
We took down Nixon, the Viet Nam War, got Roe v Wade passed, elected Clinton, Carter, Obama, Biden. elected State legislators and Governors, marched in Civil rights protests, marched in protesting wars, marched for women's rights, campaigned, donated, wrote letters, wrote editors, wrote our congresspeople, knocked on doors, made campaign phone calls (did phone banking for Harris most recently), campaigned for so many people for over 60 years it has become a blur.
I have been waiting for people to take to the streets and stop complaining so much. I am seeing my generation die off and am left wondering where the people are coming behind us because I am not seeing them on the horizon.
My eyes are opened to the reality of people wanting to blame and complain rather than roll up their sleeves and do the dirty work necessary to a Democracy. 15 million people did not vote in the 2024 election. I see too many people staring at their phones all the time. I see a compliant voter mesmerized by a corrupted media.
I see plenty Ricardo. After all the bloodshed for Civil rights, seeing MLK shot, seeing RFK shot, seeing Malcom X shot, holding women's marches for our rights and seeing the rise of racism and misogyny verified in a political party I see too much.
Barbara hope my comment had not offered you. What happens is that all the ways people used for the last 60 years, time frame you mentioned, won't work in this new reality. Maybe in conjuction with other ways to be urgently determined. My comment come out of a deep concern about our future as a nation in the hands of international fascism. That is what we are facing. The republican party no longer exist. We can't talk, negotiate, make deals, march against and try to push forward together with what replaced the former party.
I just heard that the infamous judge Cannon put a temporary stop to de release of Jack Smith 's report.
Barbara, I honestly salute you service of 60 years 👏
I watched the whole disgraceful episode in live feed on line. It’s fairly obvious Trump had his minions carry out Jan. 6, but he of course evaded responsibility as did his congressional colleagues, funders, and organizers of the event. Only the people who carried out the Capitol attack got caught, and Trump will pardon them.
Agreed with you but recognize it's extremely urgent. Once they are established and expanding and growing roots all over it will be almost impossible to prevail.
Yes Emily, I've noticed and you are quite right about the current situation but bear with me that it's just the beginning and it's going to get much worse. Thanks for your reply 👍
I too believe my lying eyes JD. Well said, with one exception. Kamala didn't proclaim that democracy ruled today. She said that it stands. She did her job today, and did it better than Nixon or Gore did. She knows that we are not at war yet. But in the sense that "truth is the first casualty of war" you are quite correct. Meanwhile, I think it's our duty to honor the free and fair election. We can protest about many things but not that. Let's not start the revolution too soon.
I couldn't watch the country today. I don't have the stomach for it. I will watch former President Carter's DC Final State Honors this week.
I will not watch, or listen to, or read anything about the upcoming inauguration. It sickens me. Physically sickens me.
I have almost fully stopped watching the nightly news. Reputable news including PBS. I tune in for the weather only. I simply can't stomach anything about that man or his corrupt minions. I moved to The MeidasTouch Network, LegalAF, PoliticsGirl, Substack and other independent news media. MTN refuses to play clips of him, they are pro-liberal, pro-democracy, and deliver truth. Throughout the day.
I will continue to do all I can to fight the good fight, but I can't stand looking or hearing that man. I cannot be the only one!
Sorry, but “not watching” won’t solve the problem. You have to DO SOMETHING. Burying your head in the sand is giving in. Time to take action and fight the good fight. Democracy (your liberty and freedom) demands it. Call your senators and congressperson and demand action to stop this madness. RIGHT NOW. Call every day. Every day. Get on it.
Janice, I understand. But I will watch it until I vomit. And then I will watch it some more. It's difficult to stare into the abyss, but I consider it my civic duty. I seek the truth and decency, even where it is rarely found.
Ain't gonna watch it live. I'll watch it on repeat. I don't want to give the tangerine taint any numbers of positivity, which he will cherish, as much as he has that capability.
Two of the four lawyers arguing against the release of Jack Smith’s report are Todd Blanche and Emil Bove, whom Trump has tapped for the No. 2 and No. 3 positions in his Justice Department, answering to Pam Bondi. I’m sure that, if approved by the Senate (or just acting), they will bury the report if it hasn’t been released prior to their tenure. Nothing like having your private attorneys running the Justice Department.
Trump expected Jeff Sessions to behave the same way, but Sessions had more respect for the office and for the rules governing attorney ethics. Giuliani and Eastman did not. I don’t think Trump’s DOJ attorneys will respect the rule of law either. There is no deep state either. What Trump is really saying is that he wants the government offices under his personal control.
Verily, verily I say unto you, Heather Cox Richardson, that truer words have never been spoken.
It was a much discussed and ballyhooed moment, yet still it bristled with historical and palpable importance, when the classy and gracious President of the Senate ratified the People's choice with a grace, stoicism and professionalism that was as far from the coarse, vulgar, and vituperative nature that defines the brown-shirted thuggery and unhinged ribaldry of MAGA, as Pluto is from the Sun.
All the while, smarmily smiling, faux Christian "Little" Mikey Johnson sat next to, yet seemingly further away than the Congressional dais seemed to reflect, his far more human counterpart leading the Senate for her final time.
I believe that the strongest and most important portion of Heather's Epistle tonight is found within one of the later paragraphs wherein she so accurately noted--"Even the Trump v. US Supreme Court decision, which undermined the key principle that all Americans are equal before the law by declaring Trump above it, got less attention than its astonishingly revolutionary position warranted, coming as it did just four days after President Joe Biden looked and sounded old in a televise presidential debate."
This paragraph catches the big marlin like Hemingway's old man on his last fishing trip did, with similar craftsmanship.
Finally, to Machiavellian Mitch McConnell, Mikey Johnson, Kevin McCarthy, and to all the look-alike GOP cult members slavishly serving the Seditionist Sociopath, I whisper the Bard's warning in their collective ears----"Cowards die a thousand deaths, the valiant but once".
That's a very short list ML. He is definitely one of the worst. Just remember his hand in "citizens united ", the impeachment trials in the senate and his manipulation to get extreme right judges nomination to the SCOTUS.
Thank you for your letter. It is indeed chilling to see the culmination of efforts to dismantle the rule of law, leaving democracy teetering on the brink. Your observations about the erosion of accountability and the normalization of insurrectionist behavior resonate deeply.
We must demand the release of Jack Smith’s report—not just for transparency but for the survival of the republic. The report represents a vital record of truth in an era where lies have become currency. Its suppression would send a clear message: that the powerful can act with impunity while the rest of us bear the consequences.
The legal system’s failure to hold Trump accountable thus far underscores why the report is necessary. It could serve as a crucial tool to educate the public, reveal the depth of Trump’s criminality, and reinforce that no one—not even a president—is above the law. The argument that its release might interfere with the presidential transition is laughable when compared to the damage already done to our democratic institutions by shielding Trump from accountability.
We must remember that January 6 was not an aberration; it was the result of years of undermining democratic norms. Trump’s reemergence and the complicity of Republican leaders like Mike Johnson only deepen the wounds inflicted on our democracy. The fact that Trump’s legal team is working overtime to block the report’s release shows they fear its impact—an acknowledgment of its potential to ignite widespread demands for justice.
Now is the time to rally Americans around the principle of equal justice under the law. Smith’s report must see the light of day, not just to document the crimes of the past but to remind us of the stakes of the present. Without accountability, we risk entrenching autocracy, where the powerful are untouchable and democracy is little more than a façade.
Let us urge Attorney General Merrick Garland to reject Trump’s attempts to bury this report. Let us call upon Congress and the press to amplify its findings. And let us ensure that the American people understand what is at stake: not just this moment, but the very idea of government by the people, for the people.
Thank you for your continued vigilance and clarity in articulating these issues. Together, we must fight for the truth to prevail.
The whole situation seems very strange to me. If you look back on the origins of American history, first there were the monarchs and emperors in Britain who ruled by force - the king had armies, and resistance was met with blood. Little by little over several hundred years, though civil war and revolution, more freedom and more choice was gained by some of the British people. Even that was not enough for some, who set sail for America where freedom would be available in greater measure. Not to everyone, of course - only to the wealthier. However, once again after massive struggles and tribulation, freedom was gained by all. What a triumph! What an example to the rest of the world of national sanity, and what a great country can be built from it!
And now you seem determined to throw it all away. I can honestly say that what is happening in America at the moment is breaking my heart - a feeling I'm sure is shared by many Americans, and millions of people around the world.
I went to the Mall yesterday to see what is different since the day 4 years ago when I witnessed the insurrection begin. Walked around for an hour or so, just scoping out the new limits of the fencing-off. Much further away from the Capitol now, tho of course a real mob could tear thru it. But the snow (4-5 inches), slush and ice woulda slowed anyone down, and also would have vastly reduced the number of people who showed up that day at the Ellipse at the White House (remember, that rally went on for over 3 hours) and at the battlefield later. Too bad this year's weather did not occur on Jan 6 2021.
The morose cops, scattered 'round the place, bored and cold and disgusted...
It all looked like the last gasp of a military leadership failure, still trying to fight the last war instead of the next one...
I still look at the Capitol and see the site of democracy's suicide.
You laid it all out clearly and unambiguously Professor Richardson: Today's Letter should be required reading in every High School classroom in the country. It won't be, but perhaps some brave souls will include it in their Civics lessons.
The exploding head "mind blown" emoji comes to mind with this statement from tffg's lawyers demanding that Jack Smith's report not be released to the public since it "would not be in the public interest." What still seems incredible to me (and always will be) is how despite the violent insurrection event on Jan. 6, 2021, the most unqualified, inept, unintelligent malignant narcissistic subhuman tffg STILL somehow was able to become POTUS again for the second time.
And I would say more but it seems a futile effort; best to buckle down and do our best to resist the coming reign of terror and try to keep safe the most vulnerable in our population: the elderly, the military vets, the non-binary and transgender folx, the non-whites, and the children - for without education, the MAGAt/GOP regime may never end.
"And yet, today, Trump’s lawyers wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding he prevent the public release of the final report written by special counsel Jack Smith about Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. They say it would disrupt the presidential transition by “giving rise to a media storm of false and unfair criticism” and interfere with presidential immunity by diverting Trump’s time and energy.
Having reviewed the two-volume report, the lawyers objected to its claim that Trump and others “engaged in an unprecedented criminal effort,” that Trump was “the head of the criminal conspiracies,” that he hatched a “criminal design,” and that he “violated multiple federal criminal laws.” They also took issue with the “baseless attacks on other anticipated members of President Trump’s incoming administration, which are an obvious effort to interfere with upcoming confirmation hearings.”
They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’”"
They are his puppets. I have never seen legal writing like theirs, the most recent example being their letter to SCOTUS extolling tfg’s awesome deal-making skills. I’m sure tfg reads and demands this ridiculous prose. And they accede.
- Pulled Quote -
"Trump has managed to avoid legal accountability by using every possible means to delay the federal case brought against him for his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.''
This is a classic authoritarian strategy. Successful dictators exploit existing systems, bending legal frameworks and norms to consolidate power while undermining the very institutions meant to hold them accountable. It highlights the fragility of democracy when leaders manipulate the system for personal gain.
In addition to Heather's newsletter, our friend Timothy Snyder's Substack is essential reading as well during these dark times:
Thank you. We MUST NOT STOP. We must Continue SPEAKING, WRITING, INTERVIEWING & KEEPING OUR HONEST, OPEN DISCUSSION ALIVE through the coming weeks of formalities.
We must find a way to keep hope alive for ALL of US working daily to hold our own families accountable and be able to answer honestly to our neighbors, our children & theirs, that we are doing what we can to stand strong for our Democracy.
Please do not give up. Please find your best words to support our Way of Life in this Experiment called Democracy…a government of and by the people of this great land of “freedom for all.”
As a non-theist and an American, I respect your right to say "UNDER GOD."
But, I do not respect how MEAN and CRUEL the Evangelicals (white Christian Nationalists) have become or the patriarchal structure of most world religions.
If your God is the triune God represented in the Christian Bible, then do everything in your power to get those you worship with to UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE ALL of the lessons Jesus teaches as relayed in the New Testament.
Dig deep into Dominionist (i.e. Johnson, the speaker of the house, Hawley et al) dogma, only the "elect" will get a vote: male observant Christians.
You left out white.
My feelings exactly, Gary.
Amen and Amen.
Thank you Michael & thank you Carol O. I concur with your pulled quotes from yet another "Best Ever" LFFA from Professor HCR.
Be Safe All.
Yours is one of a few comments that have significance. We cannot indulge in exchanging criticisms and laments. There are too many of those. We should urge AG Garland to publish the Jan 6 report about Trump. It is an utmost interest of voters. If he does not, he is alfter all another participant for betraying citizns.
Let's hope, Hiro, that Garland pays as little attention to what Trump wants as Trump pays to what America wants. Publish away, Merrick, while we still have freedom of speech.
Hiro, my understanding is that Trump II immediately went forum shopping Judge Cannon FL to get temporary relief, from JACK's Report -- could be very temporary.
As a US Marine I have always respected the rights which many have died to protect and preserve.
I too have a firm belief in separation of church and state for the many reasons listed below but fundamentally because of John Locke's treaties on "A letter Concerning Toleration" as written in 1689.
The Gov't is a body of laws - not men/women. No law can be enacted that must have an associated penalty for what must be a spiritual journey and belief of one's own heart vs. mandated by another. No magistrate (gov't official) can legislate how to believe no more than I'd be willing to let another tell me about my live or achieve my own eternal destiny as I believe. We have churches and other places to contemplate, discuss and grow our spiritual lives.
I agree with everything above but your last "under god reference" and really wish the "holy men" of the damn GOP and those wishing to claim the hearts of many by faux patriotism/nationalism would just understand they're really just asserting power over others.
It personally hurts my heart to see the flag, a symbol of our nation, defiled but also deeply believe it's a person's fundamental right to protest in accordance with the 1A. And just the same about POC, LGBTQ community that "offend" the "sensibilities" of others (sic) - the USA is the melting pot of all aspects of creation (if you so believe) and is "E Pluribus Unum" of our founders. They knew a lot about state sponsored religion in old Europe.
My USMC aspects demands that I respect and honor the rights we fight and die to protect and preserve for our families, friends, neighbors and fellow country persons. I pray we the people can keep DJT in check until we can truly restore equality and power to the people that consent to be governed by democratic values.
Ya....about that "One Nation Under God" business: that was done more to combat communism than to support any religious movement supposedly inherent within this nation. Our founders made it clear that there would be a "separation between church and state," and yet, we are all still wrestling with this concern especially since 1957 when "God" was forcibly entered in the governmental picture. As an atheist, and also one who resents the inclusion of statements such as "In God We Trust", I have concerns about how all of us ever reached this vision that a God, in fact, does exist. Could it be, possibly, that long ago folks could not explain the physical and transformational realities of our world in scientific principles? Before Galileo who was arrested for heresy, daring to challenge the church on matters of the universe, or Copernicus who dared place the sun at the center of the universe, rather than admit that it was earth as the center, there was little introduction to the masses of natural phenomenon. Consequently, people turned to the church for reasoning of these phenomenon. The tide coming in or out? Well, that must be "God's work." The eclipse of the sun or moon?'s "God's work, off course." And blizzards, rain, lightning, etc. etc. etc....why, "God's work, off course." What was it that Goebbels had always claimed to Hitler? “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." And now, we're stuck with Trump for 4 years. Michael Corthell referred all of us to a wonderfully written article by Timothy Snyder on the possibilities of a "shadow cabinet." We had that at one time during the W. Bush years. The Green Party led by Jill Stein developed a "shadow government" complete with a cabinet. I used to follow it and wonder what ever did happen to the Green Party's idea. We need to revitalize that idea today.
Agree but at some juncture somebody must do something, not just say the right words. This is class warfare and the super rich keep winning.
“Under God” was added in 1954. It was not part of the original Pledge of Allegiance. Since there is supposed to be separation of state and church, whose God are we under? None.
My teachers did not have answers for us in 4th grade… I remember this now.
Carol, I understand where you are coming from, though I am atheist. You see the world through your faith and given your comment, you desire freedom of expression for everyone. It makes no difference to me (to paraphrase TJefferson) whether you worship one god or twenty.t
Now, if you were a Christian nationalist, you would not be able to honestly say that you want us to support democracy. This is how I understand your comment about free speech and keeping hope alive for ALL OF US. if
Sadly, as I am sure you are aware, from John Rousas Rushdoony to the current crop of Christian Nationalists, they most assuredly do NOT want a democracy. It has way too much diversity, too much freedom of expression. So CNs support whoever is the best wrecking ball to our liberalism, to the separation of powers and our freedoms as delineated in the U.S. Constitution. Historically, Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer come to mind, two Christian thinkers who stood up against the Nazis.
Ooo thank you… for jostling my head and heart … I need to take a deep breath & do more reading, expand my vistas, my understanding of Christian Nationalism.
Carol O, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote, except for the last sentence. "Freedom for all" also means freedom from religion, if one chooses.
Although I do feel that we are all f*cked in the short term, I agree that we do not throw up our hands. Let's focus on the midterms. And pray to whatever is your higher power. I feel that my prayers are being answered--there is serious infighting in MAGA-world....
Yup, Carol, we must keep on trying. We cannot give up! But we need to be realistic and focused!
Trump Has “The Country” Behind Him
We Gotta Dealt With It — But It Won’t Be Easy!!
Remember: 77,303,573 Americans voted for Trump. 77,303,573 Americans!!! That number is larger than the 75,019,257 Americans who voted for Harris - 2+ million larger.
Yes, we can listen to Republican politicians speaking on January 6, 2021 as they criticize what was going on in the Capitol building. Back then - 4 years ago, they didn’t like what they saw as their lives were in danger.
Bottom line: Forget about what they said back then and don’t even bitch about their quick about face during the next several weeks - their No Impeachment votes, their ring kissing, etc. Yes, this behavior is hypocritical, bla, bla, bla!
Instead, I urge everyone to listen to what the people who Trump was “loving” on that day. Listen to what the 77,303,573 Americans said on November 5, 2024. They are saying, “We want Trump! We LOVE Trump.”
In a couple of weeks, Trump will probably pardon the 1250 (or so) Jan. 6 convictions, and what will the 77,303,573 Americans be saying? My prediction: “Right on, Bro!”
Why WOULDN’T Trump pardon Enrique Tarrio? There are 77,303,573 Americans (at least) who will be saying, “Right on, Bro! Trump is the kind of GOVERNMENT we voted for!”
They are saying - no SHOUTING: “We are tired of a government that is always telling us what we CAN’T do. We like a guy like Trump who flips the bird at the government. And, look, that stupid government can’t catch Trump. Maybe that’s because he didn’t really do anything wrong!! Stormy is imaginary. He didn’t steal secret documents. If he did, he’d be locked up! The 2020 election WAS stolen, and WE - the Mighty MAGA Faithful are conquering the corrupt swamp monsters.”
Yes, we can listen to liberal politicians and commentators talk on and on about how AWFUL pardoning Enrique Tarrio (et al) is for our democracy. BUT, there are 77,303,573 Americans (at least) who are SCREAMING, “Right on, Bro!! Go for it, Bro!!”
The Hicks, McConnell, McCarthy, Rubio, Graham, etc. remarks and behaviors are HYPOCRITICAL. BUT, what the 77,303,573 Americans are saying has been CONSISTENT since the “Golden Escalator.”
Happy New Year!
liked for the truth.
Can't say there wasn't another, "but that woman" can't be president went along.
The patriarchal system is fighting for ITS right to rule. I am sick of it all.
At least it did not say "Under Jesus." I would say if the power hungary people today made that call that is what they would add.
Oh GOD! Here we go down an off topic slippery slope that never ends. Every philosophy discussion leads to this because it's the biggest question that nobody can solve. I've been down this road too many times. Get a room! I refuse to get sucked into this black hole 🕳️
You are, of course, correct....and yet.....some of us may still need a bit of space in which to grieve...just a bit. Watching that offensive clip of Harris calling the electoral count and that thug refusing to shake her hand was a shame on us all. We have afforded him a cosy office in the seat of power and we pay his bills and give him a good life and fine benefits. How dare he act like a bigoted(?) unprincipled thug in the public forum at the heart of our democracy? Was he hoping to earn a treat from his felon-elect?
I didn’t watch … too heart breaking in my imagination..She’s a true WARRIOR, role model for ALL of us.
Truly right on.
Robert Reich is also great reading. His recent article regarding the obstacles in Trump's path - namely the federal courts, the majority of which have judges appointed by Democratic presidents - was particularly hopeful for the long haul.
I also highly recommend Paul Krugman. Since leaving The NY Times he has started publishing on Substack. In a few weeks he already has over 70,000 subscribers.
I hope that Merrick Garland will release Jack Smith's report. It will lay out the federal charges against Trump. If his lawyers objected to those charges, the should have encouraged him to go to trial so that they could present their objections. Since they chose instead to avoid a trial, the evidence should be presented to the American people to decide for themselves.
I emailed Garland with the cut/paste from Heather asking for the release
After their failure to fight, I "fired" Reich, Hubbell, Roseberg, et al. We were attacked and Russian psy ops tilted the election. Most likely Trump will be a dictator on day 1.
I am sickened by the attitude of the Democrats. They know that Trump is ineligible, via the 14th Amendment clause 3 to take the oath, but they acquiesce. They know we lost the cold war.
In 2017 Trump started a quest to eliminate "quality" and "justice" within a government he deemed the deep state. At that time, he tried but was unable to completely eliminate civil service which has been in place since the administration of Rutherfraud B. Hayes, another ethically challenged president.
Come Jan 20, he says he has dozens of executive orders rarin' to go, to finish the job. Sonce 2018, SCOTUS has given him tools to do it. .So long Administrative Procedure Act. So long civil rights. So long mis amigos, Jesus y Maria.
A "unitary executive" doesn't need no friggin' judges.
MTN is fighting !!
“Unlike ABC and other corporate media, when Trump attacks the MeidasTouch Network, we fight back.
If Trump tries to come after us in the future again—which I am sure he will—we will make his life hell.
I will personally take his deposition for days, grill him, and make sure the deposition video is released publicly on our YouTube channel.
We will never settle with him or run away from him.”
I find they are full of themselves, When Ben interviewed Biden, didn't ask him about the Russian takeover, about Trump's threats, etc. Softball.
I have been giving him unsolicited advice -- get a lawyer and sue Fox for numerous business torts, Fox is vulnerable post Dominion.
But Timothy Snyder fought and is still fighting the "good fight". Harris and Buttigieg could be part of the "shadow cabinet".
Harris acquiesced. IMHO yesterday was a day of disgrace.
Snyder lives in an ivory tower. Those of us on the front lines could be living in gulags if Trump has his way -- if we survive.
I don't know about Buttigieg.
I don't know what you think Harris could have done.
I read an article yesterday that send he’s having trouble filling positions in the ranks because they don’t pass the loyalty test. I think Susie Wiles and Stephen Miller are determining who passed the test.
Thnx for uplifting reminder about federal court judges! Biden has spent all of his energy on protecting all of us from what he & most of us are concerned about…T’s unedited fly-by-seat of his pants behaviors, declarations, invitations to whomever to become involved in Trump’s current moment.. Greenland, etc etc.
Do not expect too much from democratic judges, as I see it they let him off the hook in all his criminal proceedings and as a backstop there is the SCOTUS, which is in his pocket.
Thank You, Michael, for sharing Tomothy Snyder's excellent suggestion of a British type "shadow government" (although, as he recommends, it does need a better name) to protect our democracy. How about "U.S. Conscience"?
Maybe …. ‘Decency Council’
How about “Loyal Opposition”? Loyal to the Constitution.
How about Guardians of Democracy?
How about "Goverrnment in Exile"?
Excellent article by Timothy Snyder.
In the comment sections of regular mainstream news or on "mainstream" substacks like Dan Rather (who I respect) I have started telling people about non-mainstream substacks like Heather's, Timothy Snyder's, etc. It seems as if few people who read more mainstream pieces, substack or not, do not know about the ones I read. I must subscribe to at least 5-6 and also the MeidasTouch network. I think it is a good idea to start telling people about them.
Let's have a "shadow cabinet" as Timothy Snyder has suggested. It would keep our attention on the alternatives to the policies that will be enacted by Trump's cabinet. Keep the dialogue alive and counter the mad mad world of MAGA and the Oligarchs.
Excellent, thank you for sharing!
TRUMP HAS spent his ENTIRE life AVOIDING accountability.
Trump has defined the meaning of "Justice delayed, Justice denied."
Yes, justice has been denied the American people to see this man held accountable for his crimes. An injustice to all of us.
True, and he isn’t changing now. He’s badmouthing Juan Merchan, the judge sentencing him in the business records fraud case. His lies are so pervasive his groupies believe him.
He also bad mouthed Biden yesterday - as his own election was certified. A stink bug has more class than the orange menace.
And he’s more puffed up than ever, with his reelection.
You can extend your characterization to his whole family and still be 💯 %right.
Kathy, there's no reason for him to change by the contrary since there weren't any consequences for him.
…it worked..
And when it gets overturned on appeal will you accept that result?
And when we had the opportunity of a life time, we squandered.
How so?
By showing weakness by relaying on slow legislators and even slower attorney general. Just to name a few reasons. Hope this answer your well taken question theff.
Agree, the democrats have been incredibly weak.
Carol, that, in a nutshell, (speaking of nuts😳) sums up the life of Donald Trump. The sad part is that those of us who were not brought up like that are now going to suffer.
His lawyers' statement SHOULD read, "TRUMP 'would not be in the public's best interest.'"
..his lawyers likely have…not him!
Yes this is how he ‘gets away with it’ delay, deny, disinformation, lie upon lie repeated while threatening , bribing, intimidating those minions to follow suit. That’s how Autocrats work and further obvious why the playbooks of those famous now are followed.
Why isn’t the having a felony makes one NOT eligible for presidential placemen working …oh ..because it wasn’t codified? But ‘ established law ‘ …oh right that wasn’t codified either… principles got dissected then damned
..have all those votes thrown out been checked for accurate disposal…no.
..have the gerrymandered districts been redefined, redrawn…no.
..have laws been changed so defense can no longer be exacted …
..can a sitting president pardon himself…or a person already convicted ..depends
..Will the people call foul when they get bit , ‘if’ is not even questioned…when they get to the internment camp-went to the wrong address?..too late!
What is their soul worth for those ‘Christians’…
Welcome to 2025 ..
I’m still trying to make sense of it all cause I pretty well know where it’s headed …
don’t have to agree with it though
I believe that his time will come...and it may be at a time when he has not control...just sayin'
We have all been waiting…
How so?
There is only one parallel example to this exact situation that we face as a country now, and that is Nazi Germany in the 30s, when Hitler was elevated to lead Germany after leading an insurrection to overthrow the government. We should all know what’s coming folks.
Perfect analogy Jane. I only hope that Merrick Garland put the pants on this time and, for the record and in the name of decency, release Jack Smith's report to the public.
Ricardo, i hope someday soon there is a critical forensic analysis of Garland's slowness to initiate action against Trump immediately after Jan 6, and then again after the discovery of the classified documents at Mar a Lardo. I believe he and McConnell are the 2 people most responsible for Trump's success in avoiding justice of either the legal or political sort.
I was wondering last night -- how soon does the convicted felon get the docs back that he stole? And now that he has immunity, how many more will he steal, and possibly share with our enemies? It's a chilling thought, adding to what other American carnage lies ahead.
Doug, I fear that in Biden giving Merrick Garland “a second chance” at elevation after his failed effort at appointment to SCOTUS, he failed to take into account Garland’s very much more judicial temperament than the attack dog temperament often more useful as Attorney General.
JohnM, Garland would have had a better legacy as a spurned SCOTUS nominee than what he'll have, methinks.
Methinks you are correct,…sadly.
I still think that Garland is somehow compromised.
I loved your comment Doug, you are 💯 % on target 😀.
As for how long the convicted felon would get back the documents he stole to share with our enemies, I advice you not to blink because you might miss the whole event 😉
Is there any way to put pressure on Garland to release the documents? I only have mutant R for Congressional reps
Sorry Carole, it's impossible to mend the original mistake of nominating him for such fundamental job. Maybe if the party as a whole put pressure on him 24/7 we can accomplish the goal.
I emailed him
Garland is busy writing his book about how he saved the DOJ. A historical novel that will be a little loose with the facts.
Expect Merrick Garland to ultimately support the criminals. He is .corrupt
That is the precise parallel that concerns me.
Hitler actually went to jail after the attempted putsch and before becoming Chancellor…just sayn’.
Yes, we failed to do even that, then of course we have had media opining that maybe Democrats caused all this by trying to hold him accountable. And Americans are so gullible they gobble that garbage right up.
Yes, but he got a 3 month sentence that was shortened to one month, and there was no provision attached that he couldn’t run for office. That is a glaring problem in American politics, as well as the DOJ “rule” that you cannot prosecute a sitting president. Congress could have kept Trump from running again with an impeachment conviction, but McConnell had to save his own butt.
At least Hitler spent nine months of his five year sentence in jail.
Trump’s infamous threat to be a one-day dictator, coupled with his growing territorial claims (Greenland, Panama, Canada), set the stage for international conflict. “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” Trump said. Retaking the Panama Canal is “required” if shipping costs aren’t lowered, he claims. Mocking outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “governor” of the “Great State of Canada” is more than Trump just being a jerk. His demands and bluster bring to mind Hitler’s pre-World War demands for territory (the Rhineland, Sudetenland). Most concerning is Trump’s invoking “national security” as a rationale for land grabs. Years of Trumpublican fear-mongering over U.S.-Mexican border security sets the stage for military action. Who would stop Trump from establishing a “buffer zone” by ordering an invasion of our Southern neighbor? World leaders bent the knee to Hitler. The result was catastrophic.
Please be mindful that the man is a meth head.
Exactly what I thought about all day yesterday.
I did not know the report was ready u til I read it here.
Think Franco, Castro, and numerous other caudillos. Think Putin.
According to history, Ruth Ben Ghait , and many/several others , Stalin, Mussolini, Putin, Assad, Mao T., Ghadhaffi, the list is long…wanna bes …longer. But the victims….millions.
Exactly. Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
We have the opportunity to push back loud and fast. We have the benefit of history to see what not pushing back looks like. Join with local activists. Start an Indivisible group. Look for ways to help. Read Timothy Snyder's On Freedom. You might be right, but if we don't give up in advance, you might not be.
I know folks are talking. I would think the old RC spiritual bouquet for here or to others and snail mail as well. Social Justice bouquet where we state in five different ways and methods what we pledge to do for the week to another human being. The other idea is every county in this country by virtue of the old land grant act has a cooperative extension agency. They have 4 zH clubs fur the young usually but not always rural. One could take that club concept and run with it in local and regional areas. The old women. Club seen humorously in the Musical Man was a real thing and Sndrew Carnegie used them fir his library system after he had in some ways sen the light.Talkibg and individual acts need also a community web of support and interaction. If it showing to get dark or even not because so much of community still recovering from years of neglect so so so needed. As far as I know anyone constant a 4 H Club.
On order to maintain an environment of liberty and justice, we as citizens have a responsibility to deal with each other in a spirit of good faith, even and probably especially when in conflict. There is simply no law or legal framework that can be designed so cleverly that it cannot be turned malicious when good faith fails to prevail.
Joseph Welch called it "decency". Call it what you will. It is the self discipline to speak honestly, and to refuse to resort to cheating. It is the capacity to care about things beyond and in addition to personal self-interest. An excessively self-centered personality and/or society can turn nasty fast, and there are plenty of historical examples. It seems to me that we as an aggregated society are not paying enough of a focused attention to that.
J L, paying attention won't return business as normal. We are dealing with an orde ,from the top down that is the opposite of what you call decency.
This brings to mind the question asked by attorney Joseph Welch of Sen. Joe McCarthy at the end of his infamous investigation on UnAmerican Activities.
“At long last, have you no sense of decency?” What used to be the Lincoln has none.
Exactly, and her last sentence is chilling...."They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’” How authoritarian can you get?
Up is down and black is white—“not in the public interest.” Here we go.
Write the Justice dept & ask for the release
Which "public" are they referring to?
But nooooo, you cannot compare Trump to Hitler or other dictators. That’s not fair! Even if he has played out every trick in the fascist dictator’s handbook, he’s still a great guy and loves the American people [/end MAGA main stream media mode]
Michael, you are right, but the system in this case helped Trump along by not bringing charges for the stolen documents immediately, by not charging Trump with insurrection immediately, by letting Trump and friends judge shop and the 11th circuit not holding Cannon to account for her bad behavior, for Georgia pretending it was Willis who was the criminal instead of Trump and friends. That's part of the authoritarian game too and clearly Trump's friends have learned how to play it well and we will all suffer for it.
Number One unindicted co-conspirator: Merrick Garland, for continuing the Democratic tradition established by Eric Holder of not holding the rich and powerful accountable for their crimes.
Number Two unindicted co-conspirator: Joe Biden, for continuing the Democratic tradition of not insisting that the Attorney General do his job.
To be sure we are entering a period of unprecedented corruption but one that could have been prevented by simply applying the law equally. As someone who lost a substantial portion of my retirement savings in the financial meltdown I understand the rage that drives many MAGA voters and am perplexed at the blindness of so many Democrats.
We don't know how to fight. In retrospect, had a Jack Smith filed cases immeditedly after Jan 6, 2021, things would be different.
Those MAGATS are marks. At the same time, hate Trumps economics.
I go back to Nixon who let the dollar float. That opened our economy for a takeover. Thus we sold manufacturing, the goose that laid the golden egg. We are now more vulnerable than anyone in the media has expressed.h Half of our "allies" are working with BRIC to undemine our currency.
Trump has his own "currency." So does Musk. We'll see who will be the "marks."
I would argue and say that Republicans led by Mitch McConnell let us all down during the impeachment process. Unfortunately, the Constitution really doesn't have a good process in place for an actually effective impeachment mechanism. It is and always has been practically impossible to hold an American president to account, especially when the legislature is likely within his party's control or at least is split. That's a puzzling oversight for the Founders who supposedly designed the whole thing around checks and balances and the *default assumption* that power corrupts and that having an unaccountable king (like George III) was the worst thing.
That said, I agree that Merrick Garland has been an abject failure in this regard, and honestly every sitting public official who got off without even a warning or having to appear in court was a travesty.
Totally agree about McConnell. Just think about where we'd be if he had stood up to the Orange Menace.
I agree with you but the Republican response was to be expected. That made a robust Democrat response all the more impotrtant.
Make no mistake about it, the Fascists are now in control of our government. And let's not be naïve, they're not going to relinquish this power in a peaceful process 2 or 4 years hence. Jan. 6, 2029 will look nothing like what transpired yesterday. The possible/probable solution: Elect a super majority of Democratic Senators and Representatives. Even then, the going will be rough.
I think the Jack Smith draft report is finished. Write to Merrick Garland and ask him to release the Jack Smith report. You can do it here. Select “Messages to the Attorney General” from the drop down menu
There is one track left to combat this authoritarian strategy. The release of the special prosecutor's reports is imperative. Smith and Garland should release as much as possible, preferably all of it. If Trump's lawyers succeed in burying it, history will be deprived of vital details for decades if not forever. These reports will reinforce the findings of the January 6 Committee and the Mueller's report to help future citizens combat outrageous behavior by those in power.
Michael Corthell, I agree. You described the authoritarian Trump strategy accurately and then, the way I see it, turned to the other side in this contest and said that democracy is fragile. I think you mean democracy is inherently fragile and many serious, well educated people agree with you. I agree, too, though I think democracy isn’t as fragile as it appears right now.
I’m with those critics who say our response to this threat has been weak. We’ve been slow to understand how serious it is; so serious that our traditional reliance on debate, compromise, bipartisanship, and the language of conciliation doesn’t fit the moment. AG Garland is a fitting example of how Democrats responded (although we should note he is a member of the Federalist Society and may have divided loyalties.)
Now we learn from post-election analyses that uncommitted voters felt that Democrats would not fight for them. Who can blame them?
Justice delayed proved again to be justice denied. 😢 Thus start the two weeks of dread. 🤢 Attorney General Garland: ¡release that report! ⚖️ G-D bless President Biden and Vice President Harris. 🙏 As a sixty-seven year old, I may not last long; I am ready to fight. ✌🏽
Email Garland ask for release of report
Keep fighting. Trump is not president yet. Biden is.
Evil is a word that comes to mind.
A grim day for America indeed. One of Thomas Jefferson's favorite authors was Tacitus, the greatest of Roman historians whose theme was how power corrupts the human spirit. One of his most famous lines is: Cupido dominandi cunctis adfectatibus flagrantior est. "Lust for absolute power is more burning than all passions."
The new Trump administration. To cite another Roman historian, Livy, foedum inceptu, foedum exitu: "Foul at its inceptiuon, foul in outcome".
Nothing good will come out of this administration, Nothing... Drumph is a criminal, nothing but a criminal, and will always be a criminal. We need to oppose everything he does, with all of our strength.
Let's hope the Smith report will be published after all and before inauguration day. If nothing else, more people will be able to read black on white about the criminal that 70+ million voted in as our next president. Shame on them!
Merrick Garland, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
“You-who-who”….have thus far deeply let us down…
This nation's lonely eyes have failed to see him for what he is, or the real and salient prosecusions would have been enacted in the timely manner required. Now expecting him to deliver for democracy is ludicrusly naive.
Not sure I understand. I thought that his passivity in appointing a Special Counsel played a major role in why we are in the situation we now find ourselves. More information, please.
Exactly, kdsherpa. I responded to Ricardo's comment by saying Garland's failure to quickly take action against Trump, along with McConnell, is the reason Trump avoided justice., and that Garland's failure needs to be critically and forensically analyzed by legal scholars
Clearly I misunderstood the post by Anne-Louise Luccarini re Garland, which in a way-too-quick reading I interpreted as her asking for help from Garland. I have opposed every move, or rather failure to move, on the too many legal sanctions Garland could have addressed. I have made no exceptions to Garlands failure to act responsibly--I think he deserves disbarment and any legally available consequences to his betrayal of his position. I have also commented in frequent posts on why he was placed in this position and backed by Biden. My sincerest apologies to Anne-Louise and to you and to all who were tangentially confused by my inexcusable, lazy failure to stay in tune with all the noble efforts put forth.
Turned. Too late now.
I have sleeping mask on. Tired of seeing so many horror stories and this is going to be one more.
"They conclude that releasing Smith’s report would not ‘be in the public interest." Indeed! Policy in 2025 will soon be run for the pleasure of Oligarchs and Sociopaths only.
How arrogant of them to believe the American public shouldn’t know, just like with Bill Barr editing the Mueller report.
I was driving when Bill Barr's "summary" of the Mueller report was broadcast on NPR - the way he spun that report was to make its conclusions unrecognizable.
When they say the public interest, they mean THEIR interest.
I am astonished where we are in America right now. We already get little to no information. The fact most Americans get their “news” from influencers is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read. Joe Rogan is now trusted to relay information in a clear and truthful manner that has the responsibility of journalism? But on the other hand, we can’t even count on real news outlets to have reporters ask follow up questions or point out blatant lies in real time. Trump just goes on shows, lies without any challenge and they head off to commercial like it’s true.
Bezos has completely discredited his tag line “democracy does in darkness” by stifling editorials supporting candidates and a cartoonist who clearly depicted the state of America. I see zero difference from the oligarchs in Russia and I’m guessing Trumo doesn’t either. That’s what he likes about Putin….the giant successful scam he’s been able to run for two decades. He is literally mirroring Putin’s playbook.
Putin has gotten the nillionaires in all industries to support him (business, finance, media) and in return let’s them do whatever they want as long as they give him gobs of money and let him retain power. And he agrees not to poison or imprison them.
I highly doubt the rank and file Trumo voter signed up for that.
Well, now Meta joins Twitter at eliminating all fact checking so that the 1st amendment free speech now includes lying. It is our constitutional right to lie. I am sure Zuckerberg will make lots of money by eliminating the folks needed to fact check. The rich get richer, eh?
Dies in darkness
I'll never forget the handshake and look that passed between them, 11 November 2018, in Paris, as Putin arrived and moved past the Trumps to take his allocated place in the front row.
This information must be made public. There is an election in 2026, don't forget. Americans need facts. FACTS.
I doubt the young men who worship the likes of Joe Rogan can and are willing to read.
It will be leaked before they can bury it. We deserve to hear the honest truth.
Justin, praying someone pulls out the finger holding the dam!
I certainly would!
This country is now under fascist rule, manned by the forces that Trump pretends are just his forces. Many with morbid maudlin compunction blame the Republicans and the MAGA cult. What they refuse to acknowledge is that the Democratic Party, by its actions largely begun under the degenerate Bill Clinton, whose moral character shames not Trump's, put millions out of work forever by proudly promoting NAFTA , the beginning of the end for working Americans. The starter to "moving to center." How many MAGA ranks were filled by those former, left-trusting workers disenfranchised by Clinton's sell-out? This country will never be regained by the existing Democratic Party in charge as it now exists. Only a meaningful rebuilding of the Democratic Party completely to exemplify its principles--now only a fabric of pretense by ruling Democrats--will unMAGAfy the voting majority.
They won’t believe it anyway. It will be some deep state conspiracy or something or other. That is one of the greatest harms that the felon-elect has done to this country…everything is fake news. The only thing you can believe is what “he” tells you.
But at least it will exist in the public record. Every awful thing this man has done must be recorded meticulously, at least for whatever future historians write about how we allowed this monster to kill our democracy, slowly, and then all at once.
problem is that the folks who should read it won't
Yes,I agree.Dems need to oppose every single thing that Rs propose just like Rs did to Obama.Every.Single.Thing.
Yet, they won’t. The perfect storm is upon us. A corrupt, criminal party that exists to destroy the government, that will bring oppression and retribution to the populace meets a weak, spineless party that is so wedded to the now dead “norms” that they look and govern like fools. It’s predator meets prey and I have never felt more disturbed, disappointed and disgusted by this collapsing system known ironically as the United States.
If Dems won't act on our behalf then we must prod them on. I just added my Senators phone numbers to my contact list and am planning on calling them every day. Every.Single. Day. and we all need to do this religiously.
I just added my Senators' phone numbers to my Contact List.
They may not have the opportunity.
Opposition did not help with the outcome of the election that has brought Trump and his minions back into the power of the once greatest nation in the world.
I am confounded at the response of my Christian friends and relatives (not all but TOO MANY!!!!!) who voted for this manipulative wealthy criminal. Take note of the many "riding in on his coattails"!!! They are just like him....greedy for power and position and the wealth of this nation which they have NOT earned....they do not deserve. The blood of everyday patriots has been shed...bodies broken physically and mentally....from violent service and sacrifice to preserve freedom here and throughout the world!
Hold on!!!! This will be more than a bumpy ride!!!!
Beautiful historical references! Always feels like I’m not alone - though my education is patchy my devotion endures - strong and righteous for my little ones, and my oldest too, with fewer opportunities than I have been given. The mother in me believes I must stand strong for OUR COUNTRY.
The pattern of tyranny is ancient, and I think that that should give us pause. We keep fighting kindred battles against the essentially the same enemy, same basic script with new generations of players. What are we missing here? Don't we need to develop a different strategy?
Carol, there's nothing else I can add to your wonderful comment. 😁
And truth can win out if we stand bravely together. With our hearts and minds focused on TRUTH.
Even if this gets buried in the mash of ‘news’ we can RESURRECT OUR BATTLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS .
I am ‘out of my depth’ clearly. And fired up with indignation as a woman so recently freed (from the kitchen, the babies, etc) to join the conversation.
"That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings." - Lincoln
Thank you, JL.
Kings don’t have any more “divine” rights than the lowest of their subjects. We got rid of that divine assumption when we revolted against king George.
Some of us did, anyway. Some people only seem happy when they can lord it over others.
And doomed to failure. This magavirus must be squashed and swept into the trash.
Celeste, you are 💯 % right but I could not, yet, figure out how. For some time I trusted our leaders and legislators but I lost faith in them. I know they tried but they were very ineffective and the result is in front of us.
There are degrees of trust, and trust in competence is different from trust in character. All of us are fallible. The thing is that we can only self-govern, do the democracy thing, if we grasp enough of our circumstances, in the moment and along well-informed paths of future probabilities and accept adult responsibilities for building liberty and justice for ALL. WE have to set the overall agenda, and identify (well before election day) fiduciaries (able and trustworthy representatives) to carry it forward. That's mandatory for the kind of society most of us claim to revere.
"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" -- Churchill
J L, I never questioned the character of our legislators in part because each individually is different. I just questing their effectiveness as a group to confront and solve the kind of situation we are facing now. Agree with you regarding the weaknesses and imperfections of the Democratic system which is always evolving as an experiment trying to reach for a "more perfect " form of government. I think that one of the greatest contradiction of the system is that in order to be really Democratic, should allow the existence of the "enemies whiting " and convive and compete with them confident that democracy is a better system and everything would be for the better. But not always. We were run over by a relatively small group of anti Democratic people that at the international level is undermining our foundations and as we speak, replacing it with something very similar to fascism. Once they are established it won't be easy to undone what they have created. I'm not quite sure we'll have elections in two years and much less in four. Unless you call what they do in Russia or Hungary ,"elections". And i don't think our leadership and legislators are aware of this situation and / or would know how to confront this nightmare.
Thanks for your comment 👍
We are backpedaling because of the infiltration of the courts. We must uphold the integrity of the system of laws, FAIR laws, that are applied to all. I believe a terrible injustice was done by the inaction of Merrick Garland in applying our laws without hesitation or fear. This must be reversed. We have an election to win in 2026, correcting the course of Congress is imperative to bolster our system of laws. The integrity of our courts is a must.
Yes Celeste, what happens in 2026 is fundamental for the future of this nation and hopefully democrats had this lesson learned by then. 🤞
A man who lies habitually has no place in any of our several levels of Government! He and his guilty henchmen produced an indelible stain on our Federal Government.
Livy’s quotation fits Trump exactly.
I heard parts of his rantings at his FL residence today. Lies and exaggerations! Dripping faucets, whales, Greenland, Canada, just on and on and on…absolute outrageous lie about only one death at the capital “day of love” and it was a rioter…not a single mention of police. He also spoke in the present tense of being president. Duh!!! Not yet, buddy. I was yelling in the car at the radio! OMG 😱 No one there challenged a word he said.
Not even those 2 quotes approach what we are facing already and not because we didn't know what to expect. The fact that is happening to America makes it much worse.
Who is supposed to stop all these firings???
Yep Livy was right.
"Never award power to those who love it too much."
Roman proverb
"They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’” This statement makes me extremely angry. It would not be in the interest of the incoming administration to publish it.
Unfortunately it's in the hands of a spineless attorney general.
Hopefully an "Anonymous" source will get ahold of it.
Agreed, and he has this one chance to salvage the tatters of his reputation. Does he have the courage?
Ally House, I don't think he has the courage specially if he is under pressure not to release the report. But maybe if our leaders and legislators put at least the same amount of pressure...maybe...? If they don't, they'll be as coward as the AG is.
The irony of today’s events led by VP Kamala Harris to certify the election results to move forward with the smooth transition of power was not lost on me. I don’t believe it was lost by the many who cared. Trump’s lack of accountability and all those giving into him is maddening. Attorney General Garland has failed us. The report done by Jack Smith needs to be public. If Trump has nothing to hide let everyone see and read it. By forcing the report into more litigation Trump is screaming he’d guilty. My two cents. Thank you, Heather Cox Richardson for your letter tonight. Our democracy depends on all of us.
Thank you Heather for every one of your Letters. 😁
Ditto, thank you Heather.
Your final sentence emphasizes “all of us” & our choices/actions now. Thank you, Vicki
We, the American people, need to know the contents of the report, not have become another instance of Trump getting away with criminal behavior by stalling, and appealing, and stalling again. Justice delayed is justice denied, and the truth concealed is the truth lost.
"Democracy dies in darkness".
Unfortunately the guy who runs the paper is consenting in advance.
Democracy dies in disinformation.
Disinformation is a given, but democracies can cope with it as long as a preponderance of citizens strive to reject lies and liars. And also to honor those who do so when doing so takes courage. Unfortunately we have seen "big lies" in societies go septic, and the consequences when they do. Democracy is inherently "messy", and that's by design. "Sloppy" is something different, and a sloppy democracy will tend to be neither wise nor enduring.
And in Bezos.
I am not a foe of free (genuinely free, as in freedom from monopolies) enterprise, and believe it is both a reasonable component of essential liberty; and a societal boon. Yet freedom is not just unqualified freedom to do whatever one pleases. One cannot create an ENVIRONMENT of freedom, a "free society", without accepting the responsibility for honoring and protecting human rights for all.
Also, some functions of a society are too vital and/or too dangerous to be outside of societal control, to be in some way subject to private whims and agendas, rather than public supervision and control. Some functions, such as intrusive surveillance, and incarceration, are prime tools of tyrants, and should not entrusted to private entities. Some necessary powers are subject to misuse even when closely regulated, making unceasing vigilance and checks and balances essential.
That is for more reasons than seems appropriate to open here, but among them is openings for security risks and significant conflicts of interest* inherent in handing governmental functions over to billionaires, such as national rocket science. Contracting in one thing, and this more recent degree of loss of comprehensive oversight is another. Also, government contracting should not be enabling private mega-monopolies, or oligarchies. Monopolies, be it of markets or political power (and historically, one enables the other) are the enemy of democracy.
* illustrated by Bezos and Musk.
The darkness has arrived. Democracy has dimmed. We are left with White Canes nearly invisible to each other except for their tapping and clatter and the repeated apology, "So, sorry, I didn’t know you were there," as we stumble into each other.
The Jack Smith report must be released in the public’s interest.
Or leaked. It's in the same category with the Pentagon Papers.
I care,
The Jack Smith report released and protection for Jack Smith and his family!!!!
Who are we if we cannot support the few and the brave!!!!
To me, the saddest point in an overall very sad day was Kamala Harris speaking about defending democracy and the Constitution as if that was what she was actually doing. She was not. When she spoke, she was gaslighting us. She knows the Constitution contains the means by which Trump can be denied the presidency because he is an adjudicated insurrectionist. She knows section 3 of the 14 amendment exists. But she sidestepped the very language of the constitution that could’ve saved democracy and saved the Constitution itself. History will show that she failed in her duty to defend and protect the Constitution today. History will also show that every Democrat failed and their duty because they also swore an oath and also know about section 3 of the 14th amendment. This is a very dark day in America and not just because of who Trump and his people are, but also because of who we now know the Democrats are… Weak and unable to defend our nation from the incoming fascist presidency of Donald Trump. I am devastated. 😢💔🇺🇸
I haven't seen such grace under pressure in many, many years. Gaslighting indeed Steve. Vice President Harris has earned the respect of history. She stood in the House of Representatives performing her job with great decency and respect for our Country. Be careful when a cause you believe blinds you to goodness.
I agree, Barbara, as much as my emotions are with what Steve has said. I am devastated as well. But Kamala Harris didn't really have a choice. If none of the members of Congress objected to the certification, she couldn't be the lone person to refuse to certify. She was executing the role she was given under our rules of democracy, as you said with "decency and respect" and with amazing "grace." Had she refused, it would have been suicidal for her. My anger and frustration are with the members of Congress, all of whom were petitioned by many of their constituents to honor their oath to the Constitution and reject the certification of an insurrectionist. It would have taken only 20% of each body to raise an objection. I am still struggling to understand why that didn't happen.
If Kamala had wanted to, she could have spent the time since the election organizing the Democrats so that there would have been a united "use Sec 3 or the 14th Amendment" group ready to take action yesterday. That would have been "political leadership" worthy of a President of the United States. I would not have expected her to do something yesterday "all alone". That would have looked crazy. What I hoped and prayed for (happening behind the scenes) was that the Democrats - united - would spring this Constitutional trap on the GOP. But they did not. The Democrats as a party failed to defend and protect the Constitution.
Steve, the Democrats have failed in so many ways by trying to hold to traditions and standards against the flooded zone. I realize it was the "high road" to take, but from here it also looks a heck of a lot like obeying in advance. Your thought that they've had almost 2 months to create a Constitutional trap is intriguing; I don't think they had the power to do it, within the structures of our founding documents as interpreted by this "originalist" $COTUS where words mean what they want them to mean. Without that, we would have another insurrection on our hands.
Barbara, I agree that what Harris displayed was decency. But look at what we got with decency. One of the principles of science is to respect the results of an experiment. We tried decency and it failed.
Decency and getting what we want are mutually exclusive. We are decent because this is who we are. We are decent in the face of the rottenest people because we refuse to become like them.
We have had a historically significant defeat. We will still stand if we chose.
Ed, and then you try again differently but you have to have the will.
Agree with "differently"
Decency, reason, logic,...all failed, so now we need something different.
It’s like we are playing chess with someone who consistently changes the rules (for their benefit only) and gets away with it, because we are decent and seek to maintain a veneer of civility. We must understand that every single interaction is a negotiation which we can approach with good faith, but not naïveté. Good faith informs us that we do not share the same goal as those with whom we are engaging.
One can never win at a contest where the other side cheats.
"getting away with it is the problem!"
Are we too afraid to send him to prison in order to save our Democracy???
Ed, don't forget the "will" part.😀
Barbara, I've seen the videos of Nixon and Gore, when they were in a comparable situation. Kamala Harris had much more pressure on her, and did it better.
She had to contend with the kindergarten level behavior of the Republican Speaker behind her and a hostile, sneering bunch in front of her.
Frankly my heart was breaking for her the whole time.
"blinds me to goodness"? Fascinating phrase. Is it "good" to ignore the Constitution... ignore what the Founding Fathers created: a method to protect the Constitution from fascism? I am not blind, Barbara. My eyes are wide open. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you are giving her a pass for doing what she did? Perhaps you should read Sarah Kendzior's two best-selling books about how deep corruption goes in America.
I do read your Bluesky posts and Kendizor's as well, Steve. I have respected your work and I supported what you were doing. I took issue with your coming down on Anne-Louise.
I am supporting the Constitution and the Democratic Party Leaders.
I hear a lot of burn it all down talk on these comments. I read a lot of anger and pain. What I don't read are any solid plans for change. The Democratic Party Leaders are not going to push the 14th Amendment. We lost. Raging at people who disagree with you is not like you, frankly. Neither is screaming at the people who like you.
Disrespecting the Democratic Party Leaders is not the best avenue at this time.
Again. Now what? How do we rebuild and fight?
If you respect my work and know Sarah Kedzior's work as well, then you hopefully now know we are on our own... we have been played. Sarah posted yesterday an excerpt from her book "They Knew" explaining how Biden and others let Trump get away with what he did. I posted Biden saying (when interviewed by Ben Meiseles) that "Trump's failure to follow the Constitution is of no concern to me" (I'm paraphrasing).
Want to get to know me better? Know that I am trained originally as a civil engineer. Engineers know that when a building is so poorly designed that it collapses you do not just build it back the way it was. You redesign the building so it is stronger / won't collapse again. This philosophy was applied to the "human social system" by a number or brilliant thinkers I had the honor of studying with. One of them... Riane Eisler... is still alive. The others (Buckminster Fuller, W. Edwards Deming, Russell Ackoff) are not.
The work I am doing (when not hoping to find a politician who is not corrupt) involves bringing this "redesign society" process to the public through the museum I opened here on Route 66 in the summer of 2023.
You ask "How do we rebuild and fight?" We do that by *not* putting back together something that will just fall apart again. To paraphrase Bucky Fuller, "We must design a new system that makes the existing system obsolete." We must become innovators... as the Founding Fathers were.
Right now I am most interested in building a coalition of the most fundamental segment of the Government--the voter.
I see three things:
1. Combat the corrupt media by supporting and promoting alternate media. We have got to wean people off of the disinformation and propaganda agendas of mass media.
2. Work to overturn Citizens United. give politics back to the average American. How do we do this?
3. Work to combat voter suppression. How do we influence Red States in this?
Just some thoughts.
This just showed up in my email:
Thanks for sharing Tristan's essay. I've gotta go... have a lot of work to do.
P.S. I have not looked at who you are in detail before. Just too many people in my social media life. No offense intended. I have only so much energy in a given day. But I just took a quick look at your substack and see your "conscious living" theme. I wish people were more conscious... of the reality my sister (who's a Buddhist) mentioned once: "separateness is an illusion'. Not an easy way for me to live, but I'm doing the best I can given how I'm wired (autistic).
That's an interesting post, Barbara. I think we may need to think as Lin-Manuel Miranda did when he wrote Hamilton the way he did. Tristan Snell did not choose that photo without layers of meaning.
This conversation is extremely interesting, and I agree with your disappointment that the 14th amendment was not pushed hard enough by Democrats. (Since when do Democrats really push anything, right?) Perhaps the reason is fundamentally that the American electorate chose to put Trump back in power and Harris simply respected that (foolish) decision.
Harris swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. That supersedes anything anyone else might say is her job.
That is correct.
"Gaslighting" isn't meant to be complimentary.
Yes. I know. I was calling Steve out because he accused VP Harris of gaslighting.
Sorry, but Dr Richardson in today's letter recounted all that, with her historian's depth of vision and understanding.
😂😂😂 You really went there? She’s a human being and her intellectual lens is what it is and my lens is what it is. If you don’t think section 3 of the 14th amendment exists and could’ve been used, that’s your privilege. You’re entitled to your opinion. But don’t tell me that my opinion has less value than Heather’s. It is factually legally and constitutionally accurate… and supported by a whole lot of people much more prominent than me (if we’re gonna get into this whole reputation thing). Lawrence Tribe said it should’ve been used … many others interviewed by Jessica Denson. So, I respectfully request you do more research before you say somebody’s opinion isn’t as valuable as somebody else’s. Thanks for listening.
Steve, I can't handle this. I've been sick in bed for week and got up yesterday to go to my brother's funeral. Poke someone else.
I am so sorry, Anne-Louise. These are rough times but for you, especially. Stay focused on taking care of yourself. My best to you.
Thanks, Marlene. Terrible times for all of us, when it's hard to see the road in front. Good advice! I'll try to start with a proper night's sleep.
Anne-Louise, our collective sorrow is made worse for you because of your illness and loss. As if just mourning what could have been in America now that we’re faced with tfg’s imminent takeover (and what that means for our allies) isn’t hard enough … get yourself better first and then get back in the fight. 😚
I am so sorry for your loss Anne-Louise. My sincere condolences to you and your loved ones.
Barbara, thank you so much.
Anne-Louise, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing my sister. Holding you in my heart.
Hang in there Anne-Louise. This is all sickening stuff and it is only going to get worse. Sending you good vibes.
Take care. Others can resist.
I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your brother and your illness. Please accept my condolences and get well soon.
Thank you, Kathy. Very much appreciated. Condolences do help to ease things.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Thank you, friend.
Hugs, Ann-Louise. 💔
Bless you Anne-Louise, that must have been like a punch in the gut. I lost my brother 2 years ago on the last day of the year, it was shocking how much it hit me. I trust you will recover from the bug, that will probably be the easier recovery after your loss. To go quickly like that as my brother did is a blessing, I like to think his guardian angel said to him that it was time to go home and he said “sure I’d like that”, he was on the other side before he hit the ground, it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it, I hope that helps you, if even just a little 🙏❤️
It does, Dick.
Anne-Louise - Please accept my condolences on the loss of your brother. I did not mean to poke you at a personal level. But I have a built in defense mechanism when it comes to having someone's so-called authority / reputation used to negate my own well-reasoned opinion. Because we don't know each other, you have no way of knowing how I arrive at the opinion I have. You also have no way of knowing that I *will* study new information when presented to me. But being told "This other person is right and you're wrong because they have a big reputation" does not do it for me. Again, I'm very sorry you have been sick and recently lost your brother. Take care.
Dear Steve, I understand. Thanks for writing.
Steve. Take a breath. You are out of control, attacking everyone. You lost. He will be President. I suggest you take some time to yourself. Grieve all the way through. And apologize to Anne-Louise.
I beg to differ. Steve is not “attacking everyone.” And “You lost” is unfair. It’s WE LOST! And we lost by fighting fair and by obeying the rules whilst across the aisle they fight unfair and by their own rules. We need to put a stop to this. As long as we allow it we will continue to lose.
It’s time to take to the streets to confront Republican legislators who are propping up our old dictator by ignoring reality. Enough of this tomfoolery. It’s now our duty to defend the USConstitution against domestic enemies. Get on it.
I have been with Steve for some time here and on Bluesky. I don't know you, but I know Steve and we have had some good exchanges. This is why I spoke so personally to him. Steve did lose in his personal quest for invoking the 14th Amendment. This is why I phrased my comment like I did.
It seems in your haste to scream at someone you have gotten in on a conversation you know little about.
How about everyone take a breath, stop screaming at each other and advocate for sane change. Do the hard gut work of winning local and State elections. Your "manifesto" is an unrealistic rant.
Barbara, you speak for me. This is a very precious community. I'm listening to some music I love, will have a hot glass of something nice, and go to bed. My brother was pruning his roses: one of them is now in a vase on my table. It's a Peace rose.
"Personal quest"? This is not "personal". This is "constitutional". Please don't act like you know me when all we have done is see comments from each other. The attitude you are demonstrating here is proof of how little you know about who I am. This is not your fault. It is a consequence of social media implying we are all a family even when we know nothing of each other's personal histories... have never sat down to a meal together (or at least been on a lengthy zoom with each other). This is advice I give to anyone I come across: If you really want to get to know someone, don't just exchange comments. In comments you learn what someone says. You don't necessarily learn why they say what they say.
Are you my mother? Wow... talk about being in attack mode! Shame on you! I went to bed last night not knowing Anne-Louise's personal tragic situation... just apologized to her. Now, I request you apologize to me. If you cannot see my point of view, that's fine. We live in a country where people (for the time being) can disagree without being attacked... a quality you are not evidencing here. And for the record, Anne-Louise did not offer a factual counterpoint to my opinion (which I share with Prof. Lawrence Tribe and many others). She said "Heather is the famous historian here. You should listen to her". That's not using facts. That's why I laughed in my response.
I hope you have calmed down by now. Have a great day.
Steve, define "adjudicated". When I read the definition, I, an anti-Trumpist who wished for his removal from the public consciousness, I don't recall his guilt "adjudicated" in a conclusive verdict in a trial . To me, that is the gold standard which Garland's Justice Department failed to meet. I wonder if this has been a case of pursuit of the perfect being the enemy of the good, but the conclusions in Smith's report have not yet been adjudicated. Your insistsnce that he can be constitutionally prevented from taking office is, unfortunately, premature.
And then, assume his guilt WAS adjudicated. If I haven't seen proof, then what about the millions who still today believe Trump won in 2020? Seriously, to this never-Trumper, your bombast seems dangerous. You deserve to be ignored.
Je, I went down the "adjudicated" rabbit hole yesterday. There were about as many definitions as there are different fora for being judged. The definition from the Oxford dictionary is:
past tense: adjudicated; past participle: adjudicated
make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter.
"the Committee adjudicates on all betting disputes"
act as a judge in a competition.
"we asked him to adjudicate at the local flower show""
Mirriam Webster said this:
": to make an official decision about who is right in (a dispute) : to settle judicially
The school board will adjudicate claims made against teachers.
intransitive verb
: to act as judge
The court can adjudicate on this dispute."
Investopedia says:
"Adjudication describes the process of a judge or other authority resolving issues between two parties whether they're individuals or legal or public entities."
I think that (I am not a legal scholar, nor a historian) with regard to the 14th Amendment, Section 3, what $COTUS did was say that, with respect to determine the adjudication of a federal election, Congress of the US was the sole arbiter.
That does seem to be the sticking point, Ally. Those advocating for using Sec 3 argue that the House impeachment meets the definition of adjudication even without the Senate conviction, and that the Colorado Supreme Court also confirmed that Drumpf was an insurrectionist but that did not allow them to keep him off the ballot. The US Supreme Court didn’t dispute that finding (that he was indeed an insurrectionist), but upheld the ruling that he couldn’t be kept off the ballot. I don’t know enough to know who’s right about whether objecting to the count yesterday would have been the proper remedy, but it seems pretty clear that if he’s sworn in, the stipulation in Sec 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution will have been violated. Anyone who has taken an oath to the Constitution who participates in or enables his being sworn in is violating that oath.
Teri Kanefield was a guiding force for me, though I’ve not seen or followed much lately. Her well reasoned arguments against those like Lawrence Tribe walked me from the edge many times. Pundits gonna pundit, and theory is not always a path forward. Sadly the same can be said for those advocating something, something, something regarding the ERA. Rabbit holes seldom return results IRL but can sap lots of energy.
Google is your friend: Search on Trump insurrectionist. PS You say I "deserve to be ignored"? Really. Okay. Bye bye
As I follow this thread I’m looking for validity to your opinions. Back them up with something besides that’s what Tribe says. You would demand we all respect your opinion while you refuse to respect others opinions. You take what they share as a personal attack and become a bully. This is shown in every one of your insulting replies. You’ve put everyone on the defensive. You have to earn respect not demand it.
I was hoping to find your reasoning about what exactly Harris could have done during the certification.
“We” re-elected Donald Trump. That was possible because we Americans want instant gratification and we have become complacent, believing that we deserve to have all the freedoms and riches the US can offer… we no longer practice the work ethic that built this country. We embrace the next bright and shiny thing. We want it easy.
It appears that this degradation is typical in the rise and fall of civilizations… even families, think of the saying “shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in 3 generations”.
Now you add in TV, Movies, Video Games, Smart Phones, Social Media, AI and a pandemic. Consider how we’ve experienced the degradation of the family and our communities. Our social fabric wore thin and has now ripped. We Americans are sick and lonely, desperate for some kind of connection. Quick fixes (rants, drugs, food, alcohol,) are sought but don’t deliver… they don’t nourish us.
The world I grew up in has morphed into something very different, due to the above. Seeing is no longer believing. What do you do when you don’t know what is real, what to trust?
We will have to adapt but our “profits above all else” mentality will hinder us. I now see that I was naive when I thought we had returned to “normalcy” with the election of Biden. It’s going to take a long time… and normalcy will be redefined. Americans seem to place blame over seeking solutions. We spend an inordinate amount of time looking back and trying to establish “whose fault was it.” Are “Democrats weak… and unable to defend our nation”? That’s as frustrating as saying we wouldn’t have a drug problem in the US if we could keep drugs from coming into the country. Our foundation is crumbling. Can we Americans focus and do the hard work to rebuild our great nation? We will need to work together to rebuild and it’s going to be a long term process. Actions will speak louder than words. I pray we have the strength.
What should/could Harris and the other Dems have done today re section 3 of the 14th Amendment?
Used it!
But who has the power to initiate the process for using it? Is a vote required? According to Robert B. Hubbell's News Letter post tonight ("The Constitution Prevailed," invoking section 3 of the 14th was not applicable.
Per Robert Hubbell:
"Nonetheless, the Electoral Count Reform Act (and its predecessors) created a mechanism for Congress to object to electoral ballots. In 2022, the grounds for objection were narrowed to the following:
'(I) The electors of the State were not lawfully certified [or]
(II) The vote of one or more electors has not been regularly given.'
Given the narrow grounds for objection, there was no legitimate basis for objecting to electoral ballots on the ground that Trump was disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment because he “engaged in insurrection.
As the Supreme Court made clear in Trump v. Anderson, Congress has the exclusive authority to disqualify Trump under the 14th Amendment if it so chooses. But it cannot do so by objecting to electoral ballots lawfully certified by the states pursuant to the Constitution."
The Injustices 6 really screwed America.
Yes, they did. They did exactly what they were appointed to do. Tragically, the problem is bigger than the Unjustupremes. They are catastrophic symptoms and manifestations, not the root cause.
I think a 60% vote in the Senate is required to keep a former insurrectionist in official status and it’s likely they knew that the Senate would have enough on board to override the complaint.
Steve Brant,
You could get more agreement and traction here if you pointed your finger at Merrick Garland, which seems to be who your really angry at. Instead, at least on your comments on today's letter, you have pointed your finger at the Vice President, the top author on Substack, and everyone who has responded to you. As the old saying goes, when you point your finger at someone you have three fingers pointing back at you. Your Substack bio suggests that you prefer a world based on love to one based on domination. Your comments don't reflect that today. You don't even mention the election certification, which was the LFAA topic today, and the duty of the President of the Senate. There's a pretty smart group here, and they know that. Most of them also about Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which you keep referring to. That's completely off topic. Tell it to Merrick Garland. The Vice President didn't sidestep the Constitution, she followed it to the letter. And with grace.
I think you know this. Which means YOU are the one doing the gaslighting. You say you would have had Kamala Harris hijack the proceeding. That's a Trump move, and even Mike Pence knew it was wrong. He just wasn't able to stop it until the insurrection came crashing through the doors. Constitutional trap my ass. What have you been smoking? I haven't read Kedzior. Does she have proof? I've worked in engineering myself and I know what you're saying. Your saying that the foundation is bad. That means it must be removed. Of course the foundation is the Constitution. That says a lot about you and your motives.
You say that your opinion has more value than Heathers. You say that you have different lenses.
Heather has 1.8 M followers on Substack. You claim to have 338 followers. Those are the lenses, like telescope lenses. I think the reason you're here is obvious. But then the same thing can be said of all the commenters here, including myself. We are riding her wings. Most of us believe in her though. You think you are superior.
Yes, Democrats failed to vote for whatever reason. Times are tougher than they ought to be. But propaganda and corruption are nothing new, as HCR reminds us. We can fix this.
You have skills. I was going to say you should run for office. But I think you have other plans.
The foundation is just fine. Your conspiracy theories are wrong. So you say you want a new revolution? Well you can count me out.
Used it how?
That was not gaslighting.
I came here to remark the same. They, those currently in office, did not invoke Amendment 14 section 3 of our Constitution. I would love to hear Heathers thoughts on why they did not.
Thank you. So would I. Perhaps Heather will comment on this at some point.
I agree that she should’ve forced the issue concerning the 14th Amendment. She may have lost in the end, but at least the action would have forced a second look. The Supreme Court did NOT rule that Trump could serve — only that he had to be on the Colorado ballot. Democrats fold too easily!
Steve, on the Democratic side, it's more of the same.
Steve Brant, (stop IMAGINING a Wiser Way Forward....and start MOVING YOURSELF FORWARD!!!!)
What a weak and cowardly criticism of Kamala Harris!!!!
What are you doing????
As a man why are you not standing up to Trump face to face!!!! Maybe you were speaking of yourself when you used the word "coward"!!!!
Kamala Harris came from humble beginnings. She had a great mom who worked hard and gave an example with her life of sacrifice and duty to her family!!! Kamala Harris has served as a great lawyer, placing criminals who were legally convicted of serious crimes in jail. She has served the state of California and this nation as a responsible official as well as our Vice-President!
Show some respect! Show some support!!!
I read about section 3 of the 14th amendment a while back and never saw it mentioned again. Have all these people been threatened with bodily harm to themselves or their families? The Dems have been AWOL about challenging all the lies and wrong doings of the republicans for the last four decades and that’s why the US is well into what they’re calling the second Gilded Age. I once asked my congressman and a Senator on two different occasions whether they had ever sat down with a Republican colleague and asked them what’s going on with their party and they couldn’t give a straight answer. I don’t believe there is any public debate going in either place.
Thank you Professor.
While “And today, America’s democracy stood.” is a true statement, it failed throughout AG Garland's tenure as AG. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states:
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
The fact that many election deniers remained throughout Congress, and some continue to do so in conflict with fundamental law in the United States means that democracy does not stand today, it did not stand yesterday, and has not stood since the criminal-elect and the planners, funders, co-conspirators, and accessories after the fact not only remain free of prison, they remain active in Congress and State Legislatures throughout the United States.
Was the Congressional vote on January 6, 2025 representative of a "peaceful transfer of power" or did it really represent a surrender to a criminal using the Office of the Presidency to remain free from prison and the corrupt oligarchs orbiting around him to enrich their wealth?
If there is to be no justice for horrific crimes and betrayal of the United States, why should anything be a crime?
The alternative to certifying the election is insurrection. The Democrats did not spend the last 4 years laying the groundwork to reject the results if they lost. Thus, had they tried that, we'd be in civil war. Yesterday was not capitulation. It was saving one's strength and ammunition to fight smarter another day.
My response doesn’t suggest a violent uprising. It was because AG Garland decided to “Save his strength” instead of holding people to account as Constitutionally required. I consider Garland’s entire term to have been capitulation.
Well said, George.
Fair enough, George. I would love an explanation from Garland. Did he deserve the benefit of the doubt? From following other blogs, it seems that justice has strict rules to follow to achieve a proper verdict, and it's thus quite slow. That's to our benefit when the defendant is one of the good guys, and a detriment when the defendant is one of the vile pieces of sh*t masquerading as a worthy human. Could Garland have started earlier without all the evidence gathered during the prosecutions of all those convicted of the Jan 6 crimes, or was he wise to wait?
In any case, no final verdict has been rendered in Smith's attempted prosecution, and the Senate failed to impeach him, so the 14th amendment doesn't come into play, regardless of what we know. Is that a capitulation or a loophole?
While granted I am backseat driving, multiple parallel investigations could have been started directed upon logical groupings of those involved before, during, and after. January 6 was funded, incited, and executed. Subsequently, evidence was destroyed (such as Secret Service texts). Personnel in critical roles were appointed in the brief time leading to the attempted coup. And certainly a significant attempt to obstruct, delay, and even defund investigations and prosecution. Trump and his MAGA accessories effectively delayed to the point where the investigation and evidence will be precluded from the light of day with a tip of the hat to Aileen Cannon -probably the next Supreme Court “justice”. Based upon the violence, severity, and extreme threat to the very foundation of the nation, this should have been addressed by an aggressive AG intent on holding elected officials to account for their betrayal. Not someone writhing in their chair struggling not to be perceived as “too political.” Capitulation from my perspective -leaving the country and our allies in peril.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe the people who tend to agree with the Democratic Party’s platform and policies and approach are too worried about seeming as crazy and rabid and eager to lynch as the other side, because that would give that other side the chance to say, “See? We’re not doing anything that they wouldn’t do.”
To an extent. However the reason President Obama nominated Garland is that the President thought he would be readily confirmed because throughout Garland’s career he was seen as centrist. He probably would have been a solid, competent Justice, but not someone I would choose as an assertive defender of the guardrails of democracy. Sally Yates, Preet Barara, and a handful of others would have been a much better AG for the United States.
Kamala may have proclaimed that democracy ruled today but I disagree. Heather detailed events exactly as I remember them. Ugly, outrageous, and propagandized as only Goebbels has taught other authoritarians. As Marx said, do you believe them or your lying eyes. My eyes saw what they saw. The cult can rewrite the script all they want to, the truth was even on Fox. There is no excuse for anyone to buy the cult crap. But as Goebbels knew well, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth for some. These neo-Nazis can fool the cult ignoramuses because they have been bamboozled for decades by those who want to rewrite and rule. I reject the hostile take over by neo-Nazis. It’s not Madison Square Garden that they play in now. It’s the throne of the free world. That democrats believe in the democratic laws and traditions has assured the interlopers that they will not be opposed. But opposition exists, in all those who see, report, and never stop passing on the objective truth.
The pursuit of a Democratic form of Government does not mean we always get our way. What is so important is that we do not walk off the field when things get tough, and we have a different opinion of things. It is supremely important we respect our leaders at this time especially when we are disagreeing.
If we don't hang together, they will have indeed splintered us apart and thereby won the Democracy.
“Respect our leaders at this time.” I will never join the cult. Nor will I respect the perps (neo-Nazis)
Now JD. You know exactly who and what I am referring to. Let's focus on the Democratic Party.
Take a moment everyone please.
Let's face what we are facing Barbara. Following the rules of decency and democracy it's fundamental in normal and even in periods of turmoil but what's happening now it's beyond that, they didn't plan for a four years national experiment and if it's not good we'll try again some other time. They are here to stay and not just here but all over the world. They are talking about that project openly. Open your eyes please.
My eyes have been open for over 60 years of political activism when:
We took down Nixon, the Viet Nam War, got Roe v Wade passed, elected Clinton, Carter, Obama, Biden. elected State legislators and Governors, marched in Civil rights protests, marched in protesting wars, marched for women's rights, campaigned, donated, wrote letters, wrote editors, wrote our congresspeople, knocked on doors, made campaign phone calls (did phone banking for Harris most recently), campaigned for so many people for over 60 years it has become a blur.
I have been waiting for people to take to the streets and stop complaining so much. I am seeing my generation die off and am left wondering where the people are coming behind us because I am not seeing them on the horizon.
My eyes are opened to the reality of people wanting to blame and complain rather than roll up their sleeves and do the dirty work necessary to a Democracy. 15 million people did not vote in the 2024 election. I see too many people staring at their phones all the time. I see a compliant voter mesmerized by a corrupted media.
I see plenty Ricardo. After all the bloodshed for Civil rights, seeing MLK shot, seeing RFK shot, seeing Malcom X shot, holding women's marches for our rights and seeing the rise of racism and misogyny verified in a political party I see too much.
Barbara hope my comment had not offered you. What happens is that all the ways people used for the last 60 years, time frame you mentioned, won't work in this new reality. Maybe in conjuction with other ways to be urgently determined. My comment come out of a deep concern about our future as a nation in the hands of international fascism. That is what we are facing. The republican party no longer exist. We can't talk, negotiate, make deals, march against and try to push forward together with what replaced the former party.
I just heard that the infamous judge Cannon put a temporary stop to de release of Jack Smith 's report.
Barbara, I honestly salute you service of 60 years 👏
All I keep hearing is how the Democrats messed up, are messing up, will mess up. Things are hopeless. Things are awful...........
Tell me what you folks plan to do.
I watched the whole disgraceful episode in live feed on line. It’s fairly obvious Trump had his minions carry out Jan. 6, but he of course evaded responsibility as did his congressional colleagues, funders, and organizers of the event. Only the people who carried out the Capitol attack got caught, and Trump will pardon them.
This country is changing for the worse daily. I can't bear what's happening.
We will find a way to prevail.
In solidarity of purpose we will prevail! Yes! we can!
Agreed with you but recognize it's extremely urgent. Once they are established and expanding and growing roots all over it will be almost impossible to prevail.
Ricardo Grinbank,
Haven't you noticed buddy....they already have.
Dictators ie "strong men" have been increasing throughout the world! We can add Canada to the list.
These people are like the Mafia. They want to give the orders and take no responsibility for the carnage!!!!
Yes Emily, I've noticed and you are quite right about the current situation but bear with me that it's just the beginning and it's going to get much worse. Thanks for your reply 👍
Right on target JDin, Bravo 👏
I too believe my lying eyes JD. Well said, with one exception. Kamala didn't proclaim that democracy ruled today. She said that it stands. She did her job today, and did it better than Nixon or Gore did. She knows that we are not at war yet. But in the sense that "truth is the first casualty of war" you are quite correct. Meanwhile, I think it's our duty to honor the free and fair election. We can protest about many things but not that. Let's not start the revolution too soon.
I couldn't watch the country today. I don't have the stomach for it. I will watch former President Carter's DC Final State Honors this week.
I will not watch, or listen to, or read anything about the upcoming inauguration. It sickens me. Physically sickens me.
I have almost fully stopped watching the nightly news. Reputable news including PBS. I tune in for the weather only. I simply can't stomach anything about that man or his corrupt minions. I moved to The MeidasTouch Network, LegalAF, PoliticsGirl, Substack and other independent news media. MTN refuses to play clips of him, they are pro-liberal, pro-democracy, and deliver truth. Throughout the day.
I will continue to do all I can to fight the good fight, but I can't stand looking or hearing that man. I cannot be the only one!
Thank you Dr. Richardson.
I sure don’t plan to watch the Orange Menace take the oath of an office that he doesn’t honor.
Agreed. Thank you for responding.
Sorry, but “not watching” won’t solve the problem. You have to DO SOMETHING. Burying your head in the sand is giving in. Time to take action and fight the good fight. Democracy (your liberty and freedom) demands it. Call your senators and congressperson and demand action to stop this madness. RIGHT NOW. Call every day. Every day. Get on it.
You're stronger than I am. I applaud you.
You are not alone, Janice.
Janice DeFelice,
You are not the only one!!!
Janice, I understand. But I will watch it until I vomit. And then I will watch it some more. It's difficult to stare into the abyss, but I consider it my civic duty. I seek the truth and decency, even where it is rarely found.
Ain't gonna watch it live. I'll watch it on repeat. I don't want to give the tangerine taint any numbers of positivity, which he will cherish, as much as he has that capability.
You as well are stronger than I am. I applaud you too. I am keeping up on many platforms. Also work full time. I catch up at night.
Two of the four lawyers arguing against the release of Jack Smith’s report are Todd Blanche and Emil Bove, whom Trump has tapped for the No. 2 and No. 3 positions in his Justice Department, answering to Pam Bondi. I’m sure that, if approved by the Senate (or just acting), they will bury the report if it hasn’t been released prior to their tenure. Nothing like having your private attorneys running the Justice Department.
Trump expected Jeff Sessions to behave the same way, but Sessions had more respect for the office and for the rules governing attorney ethics. Giuliani and Eastman did not. I don’t think Trump’s DOJ attorneys will respect the rule of law either. There is no deep state either. What Trump is really saying is that he wants the government offices under his personal control.
Verily, verily I say unto you, Heather Cox Richardson, that truer words have never been spoken.
It was a much discussed and ballyhooed moment, yet still it bristled with historical and palpable importance, when the classy and gracious President of the Senate ratified the People's choice with a grace, stoicism and professionalism that was as far from the coarse, vulgar, and vituperative nature that defines the brown-shirted thuggery and unhinged ribaldry of MAGA, as Pluto is from the Sun.
All the while, smarmily smiling, faux Christian "Little" Mikey Johnson sat next to, yet seemingly further away than the Congressional dais seemed to reflect, his far more human counterpart leading the Senate for her final time.
I believe that the strongest and most important portion of Heather's Epistle tonight is found within one of the later paragraphs wherein she so accurately noted--"Even the Trump v. US Supreme Court decision, which undermined the key principle that all Americans are equal before the law by declaring Trump above it, got less attention than its astonishingly revolutionary position warranted, coming as it did just four days after President Joe Biden looked and sounded old in a televise presidential debate."
This paragraph catches the big marlin like Hemingway's old man on his last fishing trip did, with similar craftsmanship.
Finally, to Machiavellian Mitch McConnell, Mikey Johnson, Kevin McCarthy, and to all the look-alike GOP cult members slavishly serving the Seditionist Sociopath, I whisper the Bard's warning in their collective ears----"Cowards die a thousand deaths, the valiant but once".
I put most of the blame for tfg’s return on Machiavellian McConnell.
That's a very short list ML. He is definitely one of the worst. Just remember his hand in "citizens united ", the impeachment trials in the senate and his manipulation to get extreme right judges nomination to the SCOTUS.
Just to name a few.
Agreed, MLMinET.
Dear Heather,
Thank you for your letter. It is indeed chilling to see the culmination of efforts to dismantle the rule of law, leaving democracy teetering on the brink. Your observations about the erosion of accountability and the normalization of insurrectionist behavior resonate deeply.
We must demand the release of Jack Smith’s report—not just for transparency but for the survival of the republic. The report represents a vital record of truth in an era where lies have become currency. Its suppression would send a clear message: that the powerful can act with impunity while the rest of us bear the consequences.
The legal system’s failure to hold Trump accountable thus far underscores why the report is necessary. It could serve as a crucial tool to educate the public, reveal the depth of Trump’s criminality, and reinforce that no one—not even a president—is above the law. The argument that its release might interfere with the presidential transition is laughable when compared to the damage already done to our democratic institutions by shielding Trump from accountability.
We must remember that January 6 was not an aberration; it was the result of years of undermining democratic norms. Trump’s reemergence and the complicity of Republican leaders like Mike Johnson only deepen the wounds inflicted on our democracy. The fact that Trump’s legal team is working overtime to block the report’s release shows they fear its impact—an acknowledgment of its potential to ignite widespread demands for justice.
Now is the time to rally Americans around the principle of equal justice under the law. Smith’s report must see the light of day, not just to document the crimes of the past but to remind us of the stakes of the present. Without accountability, we risk entrenching autocracy, where the powerful are untouchable and democracy is little more than a façade.
Let us urge Attorney General Merrick Garland to reject Trump’s attempts to bury this report. Let us call upon Congress and the press to amplify its findings. And let us ensure that the American people understand what is at stake: not just this moment, but the very idea of government by the people, for the people.
Thank you for your continued vigilance and clarity in articulating these issues. Together, we must fight for the truth to prevail.
In solidarity, Elaine Cimino
This yes all this. Working to make 2026 the comeback to the judgment against him.
Well said, EC
The whole situation seems very strange to me. If you look back on the origins of American history, first there were the monarchs and emperors in Britain who ruled by force - the king had armies, and resistance was met with blood. Little by little over several hundred years, though civil war and revolution, more freedom and more choice was gained by some of the British people. Even that was not enough for some, who set sail for America where freedom would be available in greater measure. Not to everyone, of course - only to the wealthier. However, once again after massive struggles and tribulation, freedom was gained by all. What a triumph! What an example to the rest of the world of national sanity, and what a great country can be built from it!
And now you seem determined to throw it all away. I can honestly say that what is happening in America at the moment is breaking my heart - a feeling I'm sure is shared by many Americans, and millions of people around the world.
Thanks for this – it tracks with my experience.
I went to the Mall yesterday to see what is different since the day 4 years ago when I witnessed the insurrection begin. Walked around for an hour or so, just scoping out the new limits of the fencing-off. Much further away from the Capitol now, tho of course a real mob could tear thru it. But the snow (4-5 inches), slush and ice woulda slowed anyone down, and also would have vastly reduced the number of people who showed up that day at the Ellipse at the White House (remember, that rally went on for over 3 hours) and at the battlefield later. Too bad this year's weather did not occur on Jan 6 2021.
The morose cops, scattered 'round the place, bored and cold and disgusted...
It all looked like the last gasp of a military leadership failure, still trying to fight the last war instead of the next one...
I still look at the Capitol and see the site of democracy's suicide.
Believe me, we know it, but for some of our fellow Americans it’s back to the same mistreatment they’ve always faced.
You laid it all out clearly and unambiguously Professor Richardson: Today's Letter should be required reading in every High School classroom in the country. It won't be, but perhaps some brave souls will include it in their Civics lessons.
Thank you for what you do.
Yes, thank you Heather.
The exploding head "mind blown" emoji comes to mind with this statement from tffg's lawyers demanding that Jack Smith's report not be released to the public since it "would not be in the public interest." What still seems incredible to me (and always will be) is how despite the violent insurrection event on Jan. 6, 2021, the most unqualified, inept, unintelligent malignant narcissistic subhuman tffg STILL somehow was able to become POTUS again for the second time.
And I would say more but it seems a futile effort; best to buckle down and do our best to resist the coming reign of terror and try to keep safe the most vulnerable in our population: the elderly, the military vets, the non-binary and transgender folx, the non-whites, and the children - for without education, the MAGAt/GOP regime may never end.
"And yet, today, Trump’s lawyers wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding he prevent the public release of the final report written by special counsel Jack Smith about Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. They say it would disrupt the presidential transition by “giving rise to a media storm of false and unfair criticism” and interfere with presidential immunity by diverting Trump’s time and energy.
Having reviewed the two-volume report, the lawyers objected to its claim that Trump and others “engaged in an unprecedented criminal effort,” that Trump was “the head of the criminal conspiracies,” that he hatched a “criminal design,” and that he “violated multiple federal criminal laws.” They also took issue with the “baseless attacks on other anticipated members of President Trump’s incoming administration, which are an obvious effort to interfere with upcoming confirmation hearings.”
They conclude that releasing Smith’s report “would not ‘be in the public interest.’”"
Proving that it is in the public interest.
Trump’s attorneys have an incredible amount of chutzpah, as does Trump himself.
They are his puppets. I have never seen legal writing like theirs, the most recent example being their letter to SCOTUS extolling tfg’s awesome deal-making skills. I’m sure tfg reads and demands this ridiculous prose. And they accede.