Hearing this out loud gets me more angry. Here we have Jimmy Carter, a president who never lied to the American ppl, being transferred to the US Capitol today. The arrogance of Trump and every legislative official who wants to whitewash January 6 and what happened inside America’s Capital is disgusting.

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thank you, Amy, for standing up! I strongly believe Trump will self destruct. And I'm deeply grateful to hear. Inspired for seeing people stand up for the truth!

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I love Kamala Harris so much, but her showing republicans what respect and normalcy and Democracy looks like, is like showing a dog how to play Rachmaninoff. I wish she would have taken a moment to call them all out and to lay down some cleverly worded rebuke to note the peril this new era brings.

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Agreed. But the GOP is so thick-headed and socially backward, they wouldn't understand. Like showing a dog how to play Rachmaninoff, just as you said :-)

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I think many of them understand perfectly well. They play dumb to appeal to the base that they created. It's one big game, adding insult to injury and there will be hell to pay when the people who have gainfully lined up to vote them in finally cotton on to the con. I don't want to doom spiral, but things are really freaking me out and I'm not sure the dems modelling normalcy is the way forward.

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Sadly, I truly don't understand the maggot mindset. Sadly, I find I'm better off (and happier) by avoiding them, and since my closest friends are all Dems, it's easy for me to withdraw into my own little world. I know that's not the best thing to do.

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Kamala Harris is truly amazing. She has such dignity and her smile is amazing. She has such poise.

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It is so ironic that on Monday, we confirmed the election of a convicted felon with few values and no humility, who only wants the power that comes with the presidency to gain attention and wealth. On the same day, we honored a president who didn't like the attention that came with the office, acted with total humility, and was a faithful servant of the people.

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Oh, HCR, , what days these are~! I think that we are indeed >bleeped<, and I lay it all at the feet of John Roberts and the Citizens United ruling that created corporate "personhood". The high court's immunity ruling is being taken as an Impunity Ruling by the unsworn-in electee. I see sorry times ahead,... steel yourselves and do good works.

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Integrity, dignity, and truth are in the shade as power and greed shines like fake gold. Again I marvel at how hollow their hearts and still have the capacity to beat.

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Heathers 01-06-25 "Letters" needs to be reprinted and posted in every government building and public school across our country. The last standing independent newspapers (if there are any) need to do an full page with Richardson's "Letter" in large bold print. It won't change the minds of MAGA's but it will help the rest of us to see in print maybe for the last time the TRUTH. Vice President Harris and President Biden need to speak out now while they still can. The danger of a South African and richest man in the world, who will soon become the unelected co-president must be the final words coming out of the current administration mouths. In the mean time Bezos is paying Melina Trump $40 million to produce a documentary about Amazon. Zuckerberg removed fact checking from Meta.

Trump did not change history, Trump has become history.

David Porter Misso Modoc County California

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"Houston..we have a problem"...........

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If 230,000 votes shifted in the 3 "blue wall" states of PA, WI, and MI and Harris won in the electoral college and/or 2% shifted in the popular vote, I feel certain Trump and his supporters would now be mounting an insurrection or the U.S. would now be in civil war. Might a bipartisan coalition soon exist to eliminate the Electoral College? https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/jan-6-2021-cannot-be-rewritten-forgotten

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I would like to be able to read Letters from an American and not have to listen. Is there any way that this is possible?

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You are not alone. The app/email setup can be confusing.

Go here==>https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/

All the Letters are there. Here is Today's ==>https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/january-6-2025


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Trump said that he won the election on two issues: immigration and inflation. But now he says that reducing prices is "really hard" and he's been advised that his deportation plan is too costly. So instead he's going to invade Greenland and Panama and rename the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of America. Perhaps one should feel a little sympathy for the architects of Project 2025 who must have spent such a lot time and resource producing a detailed agenda for the second Trump administration now only to discover that it's just to be another version of the first one: a daily whirligig of nonsense, and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

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A large section of the American populous believe this is correct behavior. I blame Hollywood, the Media, the American churches, and social media who support those elected officials and sycophant judges who cannot control themselves.

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I am grateful for adaptability.

A rapist, tax cheat, insurrectionist, traitor, serial liar, con-man and adjudicated business fraudster was certified by the electoral college and congress as the 47th president elect of the United States; "a peviously hopeful nation - which was espousing, and sometimes ataining and often striving for human rirghts, dignity, social justice, opportunity and freedom".

I am also grateful for strength, wisdom and courage to stand strong, to continuously fight, for unity of purpose to rebuild and establish a true democracy and to recover our people power from the oligarchs who have gained carte blanche to dictate, rule and ruin the lives of everyone else.

Ask me about the Global Renewal Game.

*My new slogan, -

in response to the tiki torch carrying *rascists ( I prefer to call them ethnicists - since we are all still one race - homo sapiens) marching on August 11 to 12, 2017 in the Unite The Right Ralley (or more accurately united the wrong) in Charlottesville:

*"Fools will not replace us" and "Hegemons will not enslave us"

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Sorry, Heather. I didn't sign up for your wonderful letters just to find out I needed to download an app and all that business. I love you, but not the vehicle.

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You can view her on your browser. Go to Substack.

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Jane, I hate the substack app so I don't even have it installed on my phone. I subscribe to LFAA (and several others) and read it in the email, no need to keep the app.

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Once you are there in Substack (like Jennie says above) you might want to play around with your settings as well to make sure you get what you want.

Settings are here==>https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/account

You can test your email setup there ==>https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/account/email-test


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Thank you for what you do to provide truth in the context of history. My military background dates back to Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation." They trained me and kept me. I started with the Air Force the first time at 12 and the second after college. I have watched in uniform for over 30 years as the US leadership recklessly damaged the military and the country until we have the current situation. President Trump may be the worst, but he is not the first. I plan to read your books, but I already understand that the Constitution started as a fatally flawed document, and some of the early white migrants came as conquerors and passed their evil thoughts on to generations the belief that they alone were destined to rule all others.

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The reason Donald Trump was elected president is as follows:

Joe Biden's weakness as a leader has led to a botched pullout from Afghanistan where US service members were needlessly killed, the start of a war in Ukraine that is draining the US dry and the invasion of Israel. If we had a President who was strong none of that would happen.

The invasion of our own country due to weak borders over the 4 year period that Biden was president.

The obvious decline of Joe Biden that started well before he was destroyed in the debate.

Inflation going up and real wages going down.

The absolute ridiculous dei and woke ideology has run its course, (hopefully), and Americans have woken up to how destructive it truly is

Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the absolute worst presidents in American history....and now that Kash Patel is going to head up the FBI he may go down as one of the most crooked ones too.

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Well, that it isn't it. A large enough section of the American people are not willing to fight for democracy. This has been decades in the making as the American people love schadenfreude as it has been brainwashed into them. What have we learned? Lawlessness is rewarded for those who can buy justice. Make no mistake, they all knew how this would turn out, there was no luck, no "oops". A large section of Americans will sacrifice themselves thinking that someone has it worse.

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