What is happening to rational minds in this country?! How could any low or middle class person believe the right wing propaganda. Jan 6th, Trump broke law, he continues to break our nations laws...he is a criminal.

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Because they are misinformed that’s why! Or they do not read nor pay attention news. They listen to what their local “tribe” says and stay with their pack

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A heavy-hearted day for a host of reasons. And for much of the facts laid out here. And I remain grateful for all the ways the truth lay bare in HCR's letters.

Heavy too is my heart for the act of strength, courage and integrity that Kamala Harris, in her role as president of the Senate, will embody today. In anticipation of this day, my admiration of her is greater still. And perhaps sadly, I haven't any intention of watching it unfold.

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It looks like white men are fearing they will continue losing power over better educated non-whites and women. Especially white men appear to have a major problem with having to compete on merit. They are at the core of this cult of masculinity supported by a bunch of Christian Taliban, fascists, and fractions of other dimwits, who want to destroy democracy to install a magical, fantasy dictator they believe will fix whatever their complaint is.

Imho, it is no coincidence that this is happening along side the gutting of public education and allowing every Dick, Tom, and Mary to chose home schooling and tax payer funding of religious charter schools.

Maybe this is how the American experiment ends: a bunch of confused and enraged dimwits handing over the shiny city on the hill to criminals in the hope that what the scammers told them is true ... Breaks my heart to witness stupidity rule once again just like it did when the Germans voted for the Nazi party in 1932 ...

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How ironic that those white male patriarchs are the MINORITY

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Thank you as always, Dr. Richardson, for your insights! As I attempt to navigate what seems to be random insanity, I keep coming back to how much the current shift toward dictatorship and fascism, that is, the shift toward a single, white adult male ruler who traffics in violent deeds and rhetoric, comes back to toxic masculinity. In toxic masculinity, men feel an existential threat unless they are actively engaging in interpersonal dominance: shooting something, or someone, having sex with someone, whether consensual or not, or winning a competition, whether fairly or by deception. Dominance might be rhetorical manifest in name-calling or disrespectful behavior as is so common for Donald Trump, but can be observed in copycat politicians, such as Pierre Poilievre. This is nothing new. These waves resurface as backlashes in the dialectic sway between rulership by an inclusive plurality (which includes those outside of the white, male, heterosexual, Christian demographic, such as LGBTQ plus individuals, women, people of color and those of diverse religious affiliations) and leadership by a unified one. We are certainly going through a particularly nasty phase. My only solace is that the dialectic will once more swing in the other direction. It cannot happen soon enough! Heaven help us until then.

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These people are off their rocker!!

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I can outline steps to leave behind this dying state of our country's democracy and find a way to live in a place where my way of life is respected.

First, we must stop thinking of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence as admirable documents written by wealthy enslavers and rich, affluent northern businessmen ( not women and not blacks). It was not a conference to write a caring document. They had gathered together because they knew that the previous document, the First Congressional Congress of 1774, could not function in specific categories, and this meeting was a power struggle between northern and southern states that has persisted throughout our history.

Second, the governors of all the democratic states must have a state referendum asking for a vote on leaving, separating, or divorcing from the federal government.

Third, if the answer is yes, the governor must set a date to inform the federal government when this separation will occur. It should be at least two years later, on the first of the year. (The federal government will have fewer senators, members of Congress, and money.)

Fourth, committees, conferences, and meetings should be formed to organize this separation.

Fifth, at the date of this separation, the state should have in place the following:

a.) A new state personal income tax code with all loopholes and deductions corrected and an appropriate tax schedule for the wealthy and the working citizens.

b.) A new tax code for corporations with an appropriate tax schedule.

c.) the elimination of the state senates. The state House of Representatives will be the only state governing body, and one person, one vote, will make decisions.

d.) have in place a law making it a crime for any member of the government, congressman, or political party to receive any funding from anyone other than private citizens and the state. All lobbying by a corporation or a billionaire would be illegal.

e.) establish a way to collect and use money customarily sent to the federal government.

f.) They have established their social security program with appropriate payments for their senior citizens.

g.) Have a health program that would be universal and available to all living in their state.

h.) Plan to increase their national guard and fund their military armies.

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I believe the question of secession was settled in 1865. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secession_in_the_United_States

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How was it settled? I have studied numerous discussions about secession, and most historians believe that the decision of Texas versus white did not apply to the decision.

Also, what difference does it make if our Supreme Court says it is unconstitutional? What will they do to arrest the states or invade them?

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Perhaps there is disagreement amongst historians on the impact of Texas v White, but one to always find disagreement amongst historians on just about any point. It was settled in 1865 as the states that attempted to secede were considered to be in a state of rebellion as opposed to entities separate from the United States. It's not what SCOTUS would do but the executive branch. Examples are not only Lincoln but Washington in Shay's rebellion, and Eisenhower in Little Rock establishing federal sovereignty. The Constitution also grants the Congress the authority to quash insurrections. Perhaps the question then is an attempt to secede an insurrection? I like your platform but am curious as to reasoning on single houses of legislatures as Nebraska is the only state with one house.

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Thank you for your comment.

You are correct about the disagreement among historians. In the current state of our country, the need to consider states leaving the union is pressing. I firmly believe that 2025 will mark the beginning of the end for our democracy. Erosion has already begun, and in just four years, our democracy could be a thing of the past. Never in our nation's history have the conditions been so ripe for a ruling class to seize control of the United States of America, potentially leading to the loss of our democracy.

Our country is home to 813 billionaires worth a staggering $5.7 trillion. These individuals hold the power to sway the election of candidates, influence Congress, and even determine the presidency. They can also dictate the wages of the working class. The billionaires already exert significant control over the free press and all the major institutions in our society, including Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. In the 2024 primary election, Elon Musk alone contributed 130 million dollars to Trump's campaign, and it's possible that billionaires collectively donated one billion dollars to influence the past election.

What can the federal government do if three states, California, Oregon, and Washington, decide to leave the union? Nothing

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Agreed. It's curious that the party that complains the loudest about unelected persons is now being unashamedly guided by an unelected billionaire. I am still wondering what the reasoning behind single house legislative bodies is.

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Regarding the single-house legislating body, the idea of a Senate was a lousy compromise by the northern states to get the less-populated southern states. To me, the Senate has been very destructive in our history. In reviewing other countries, the government forms the unicameral (one-house) system, which impressed me as it is less confusing and is widely used by many prosperous countries.

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Well Rocco, you sure pose quite a few government management programs. I do not like the rhetoric being bandied about but, I do believe we, the people, can and will find a way to continue to be The United States Of America. Deep breaths before we (all) speak might stop the senseless mean spirited & hurtful remarks. The whole world is listening & laughing at us for this folly.

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The whole world is not laughing at us and please don’t say such things. We NEED to come together as a people. Make plans to defend ourselves as a large group rather than individuals just posting here.

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I would like to suggest to my fellow Heather followers to read The Turner Diaries, an inspiration not just to Timothy McVeigh, but to many of the people mentioned in this analysis, including, I’ll bet you, Elon Musk and JD Vance. It is also an interesting composition- it makes me think of nothing so much as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion… Once you read it, you won’t have the same perspective…

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Thank you Reagan!!

They pay no attention to truth !!

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I hope Letters from an American continues to come to me in written form. Audio doesn't stay with me.

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Folks like this guy are watching and listening to too much propaganda networks!

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