Pelosi and Jeffries don't have the same politics. She is much more conservative than he is. It's something to see that she stepped aside and gracefully passed the torch to a member of the Progressive Caucus.

That's leadership, and that is an ability to allow the future to happen. History will be very kind to her, she was and is exceptional.

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For me today? The most outrageous aspect of today's letter?

The fact that a rich white man, Donald Trump, is allowed and supported to repeatedly, viciously and dangerously attack a poor black woman, Ruby Freeman, AGAIN, with vicious lies that threaten her very life. Hanging her out to dry in a modern legal hanging.

Everyone: I am adding a link to a Go Fund Me page, for Ruby Freeman, that Sheila B posted below:


I donated. BUT, she only has $37,000 or so AFTER TWO YEARS OF ABUSE BY TRUMP. Maybe we can do better.

Trump raised $4.5 million in a day selling cards with him as superman.

Perhaps, in America, that is how we live. BUT, on this board, today, maybe we can make more of a difference for Ms. Freeman?

Who cares about left liberal or center liberal or far right or center right if ALL OF US are so impotent we cannot help a poor black woman in America under attack by a rich white man?

Ruby Freeman has had death threats. People have entered her own home to threaten her so that she had to move. She is afraid all day every day. She cannot even go shopping alone.

And? We are arguing about center left, left, right right-left, whatever, when America is actually just:


And in that upside down? We are all just impotent. If WE do get off our arses and go do something to protect Ruby Freeman?

WE will go to jail forthwith. Do not pass go.

What a mess America is.

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Damn important post to make today Mike S ! trump reinvigorating the conspiracy about Ms Freeman is a psy-op. It’s meant not only to terrorize Ms Freeman, but it’s a bat signal to his base to go all KKK, and it’s also meant to make every non-politically powerful person know: “At my choosing, I could make your life a living hell!” It’s also designed to make the rest of us impotent to any relevant action. But I do admit, I stop now and wonder: why is he choosing to reanimate this bat signal? Is it additional noise and theater and distraction? And why now? Is McCarthy really not going to get ‘the votes”? Or is this a made-for-tv reality stunt? They shut down congress for a number of days. What’s happening behind the scenes during this “no rules apply” time? Lisa DeJardin of PBS Newshour showed a video clip of where she sits with the press watching the House. She admitted she could do that because the regular rule that forbids it doesn’t apply if the House is not formed. So I wonder: “what ELSE could go on while the House is not formed?” Smoke and mirrors theory says our engagement on the Circus ( and trump’s curious reanimating of his conspiracy about Ms Freeman) is distracting us perhaps from a more nefarious goings-on taking place -because it can “legally” while the House is not formed. Then, on this Jan 6 (like a big FU to America) it suddenly calms down and McCarthy is elected as planned. One simple thing it accomplishes is to signal that chaos will again reign, so when the House once again interpretive-dances its typical game-of-chicken to the Debt Ceiling debate, the gop are already signally, “Hold my beer while I drive this whole ship of world financial stability off the cliff, if you don’t give me what I want.” The gop have already thwarted the norm of “the Peaceful Transfer of Power”, and now the norm of forming a Congress. The Debt Ceiling is the next sacred cow, I worry. When their goal is to muck up the workings of governance, norm-busting is just smacks at the Piñata of Government.

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1/6 tomorrow. Metal detectors removed from the Capitol building entrance to the House chamber (evidently the Repubs could get SOMETHING done). HARD TO SEE EVEN POSSIBLE! Boebert refuses to have her bag checked after it sets off an alarm, decrying the assault on her liberty. Tfg messages has a familiar and ominous feel. Remembering when he could not restrain himself from overtly sounding off to his troops before the siege. I feel so sorry for all the seriously committed and well intentioned legislators who much operate under these difficult and potentially dark times. They really are heroes.

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"decrying the assault on her liberty"

"Liberty" for me and not for you is nothing of the sort; yet "Republicans" now embrace it.

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Perhaps the word "liberty" should have been in quotes in order to clarify disdain at Boebert's abuse of the concept or I misread your comment.

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Excellent post and nicely put as well. Since I read a lot of history, I am always suspicious about what other nefarious deeds are taking place which we cannot see.

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Scary thoughts you write. I wonder too what is the big picture. Lisa filming yesterday from her perch caught my attention too.

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MLRGRMI, If this attack on Miss Ruby is a distraction, maybe DOJ can distract the Donald by arresting him and indicting him for treason?

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Did you notice how many of them were on their phones?

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Self-serving power plays are all that matter to the malignant narcissist. Trump patron Putin is a prime example. Tyrants create an outsider class to serve as scapegoats. The modern "GOP" scaled up the treachery techniques of Joe McCarthy.

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They are heading for the debt ceiling like a laser guided missile, MLRGRMI--and NONE of us will be just spectators when that missile detonates.

I don't think it will be "chicken" this time.

And here I was, all worried about them trying to impeach our President....

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Gus, I completely agree. It is no longer a surprise that this faction plays fast and loose with the nation's credit rating to achieve their policy aims. All especially unsurprising since so many of them seem to run failing or bankrupted indebted businesses, or in one new Rep's case, allegedly steal checks from seniors. If they'll do it on a personal scale, what qualms do they have of nationally denying SS funds from seniors by shutting down government or ruining the nation's credit with debt ceiling roulette?

As for Ms. Ruby, her character enragingly, dishonestly and unjustly attacked, and the prospect of charges against TFG to deliver her, what are DOJ & AG Garland waiting on?! I've read countless stories of 'the usual suspects' charged and held on wisps of suspect evidence and shifting testimony. We've had hours of corroborating testimony of conspiracy to overturn an election, improperly hoarded Classified documents uncovered by the FBI, and a live broadcast appeal to instigate a mob he assembled to attack the Capitol, among numerous other illegal activities. Hopefully Mr. Smith, recently given the procecutorial oversight, moves with more purpose and speed than Merrick's languid pace.

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I also wonder if there is an ulterior motive behind these shenanigans, other than attention-starved politicians angling for their cable news sound bite. I tend to think the root of this isn't just about R detractors saying McCarthy is not "conservative enough" to be Speaker. This excerpt from HCR's letter today, to me, hits it on the head:

"...but their larger project is the one the party has advertised since they were children: stopping the government from any of the actions it has called “Marxist” or “socialist,”..." What better way to halt the thing you claim is the problem than rendering it unable to convene and function at all?

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Had the same sort of feeling when I heard someone being interviewed on NPR say that the House had someone in mind that would unite the party but was not a member of the house. We have been hearing “let’s see what happens” quite often… the thing that won’t go away… then tonight I saw and heard Matt G. nominate “him”.Lauren Boebert looked up at Gaetz and smiled. My heart sank. Is this the way they keep him around?

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I just wrote to my senator, Chris Murphy, asking him to do something to protect this American just doing her civic duty. If those of us who have sane representatives, could at least contact them to urge them to do something about this perhaps enough voices could have some impact.

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I agree and will write or call today my 2 senators. Thank you for suggesting!

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Kudos for your action. I will do the same. There is a go fund me started. I edited my original comment to include the address.

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I wonder if more folks would be inclined to copy and paste a note to their senators if they had access to such. I am not a writer and wonder if anyone would like to do this. Back in the day I skipped school during grammar classes. There are so many good writers on this platform I would be embarrassed to try.

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Your writing is coherent and clear. You are entirely capable of writing to a legislator. Personal messages seem to mean more than a form letter. Go for it and know you are not alone!

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Jan 5, 2023
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Something like - Senator Murphy, although Ruby Freeman isn't a constituent she is an American doing her civic duty and she's being targeted as part of the extremist right wing smear campaign because she didn't agree to falsify election records in Georgia. What can you do to help her including consulting with the president so that she is protected. Is there also a way those who are engaged in this campaign can be legally stopped? I appreciate your attending to this important matter.

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I wonder if it's her name he is after. "Free man".

One can see him craft the sound of the voice and use specific words, almost as a code, in the footage of the Jan 6th speech rehearsal. The fear is that he tends to seduce the already warped mind. Stop clicking on his name for one. Stop putting his name into print. Each of us has control over that. Reaction is what they seem to thrive upon and it does not matter what kind. They have enough money to play the long game. The 20 are like straw buyers anyway...

In regards to Ms. Freeman, We must not stop deciding to take action because we feel helpless. There is always a way. One little step. There is a go fund me site: The Lady Ruby & Shaye Moss Fund #ladyruby.

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A go fund me to enable her to sue Tя☭mp for libel and endangering her life.

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Thanks for he go fund me info. I just contributed. And have emailed my senators asking for a bill to make the harassment a crime with substantial penalties for crimes against all election workers.

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Thank you for the Go Fund Me info. I was wondering if she had any recourse/funding for legal action.

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No knowledgeable lawyer takes a defamation case on a contingent fee—they take too long and require too much work for that to make sense. But if I practiced in Georgia (or Florida, where TFG claims to be ensconced), I would be happy to represent Ms. Freeman against Trump on that basis. It would be an honor to do so.

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I wish you lived in GA.

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Mike, thank you for shining this light on what Trump is doing. While we cannot do much, just wanted to make certain that folks here know that Freeman has a GoFundMe page that we can contribute to if so inclined. link here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ladyruby

May not seem like much but at least we can let her know personally that we are supportive and behind her. Kindness does matter.

Also, if someone here has a subscription to the Atlanta Constitution, consider writing a letter to the editor. There is a paywall; otherwise I'd post their address here.

Again, not much. But a $$ gift to the Freemans is something. Include a note on the page.

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Thank you for this link! Just donated and then shared on FB. Hoping a little more notice on that forum will help as well.

I am grateful for LFAA and love this group. I look forward to it every day!

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Thank You Sheila. I just donated as a nod to Mike S for bringing this all up, and for the unexpected anti-impotence challenge it inspired in me.

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I'm a subscriber to the AJC, but neither yesterday nor today was there any mention of Trump's remarks about Freeman in the Atlanta/GA press, at least so far as I could see. I'm not doubting the MSNBC report which HCR provided the link for, but it does seem a bit odd that nobody here has picked up on it. I will keep an eye out for any mention of it or any developments.

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Bruce, the attack happened late yesterday, probably after the deadline. Maybe they don't want to amplify Trump's ask for more violence. Please do keep a lookout though and let us know if more letters would help. Worth to me to subscribe to try and get more support for the Freemans.

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The date stamp on the MSNBC link is January 3rd at 11:03 AM, and the text accompanying it state that T***p made his statements "around midnight last night", which would imply last Monday night going into Tuesday. That would be more than enough time for the AJC to run with this story. I might have missed it in the later Tuesday edition (they constantly send updates throughout the day) or in yesterday's. It's hard to keep up with things as there's so much happening of late. It could have gotten covered up a bit. I agree that they might have decided not to throw more gasoline on the fire and thought it best not to repeat any of T***p's invective for the sake of Ms Freeman's safety. As you know, His Orangeness is not very popular here. I'll still keep eyes and ears open.

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Done and thank you for pointing this out! Totally awesome.

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Thank you for adding link! Wouldn't it be cool if the Freeman's could at least be compensated financially! Thinking of how much ill gained money tfg got selling non fungible cards I think it is.

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Not really, I am doing nothing to help Ruby Freeman. Zero.

Like all of America.

Very, very aggravating and disturbing to be completely impotent when action is needed.

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You are calling attention to this. That is always the first step. Take the compliment. I'm usually challenging you.

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Thank you for your compliment. I am honored, no joke.

If I actually did something to help Ruby, well, I would feel more deserving.

Dr. Richardson, however, deserves your credit more. I only read what she wrote and boiled over.

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You did do something. You woke me up. You alerted me to just how heinous this statement is. I am like everyone else in that sometimes we are just so darn numb from his incessant, insane barrage of 7 years' worth of diatribes that we space out.

Now I am going to copy and paste your comment. You will get quotation marks but I won't use your name.

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I thank you for reminding me of the outrage. I am dismayed to hear how little s being done to right this wrong. You are doing what often makes a critical difference when so much evil escapes our notice in the fog. My and our distractions aid our enemies.

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Speaking out is championing for justice and equality.

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Thank you.

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Mike I agree on all you said with such passion. We are impotent to help her. Let’s hope and trust that family and friends and law enforcement in her area are there to protect her from the far right Nazi party. It’s frightening for us, can you imagine how Ruby and her family feel?

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No, I cannot imagine Ruby and her family's challenge. I am light skinned with a minority name, so, I can relate to slow or no promotions compared to whites, nasty comments (that I could handle myself), people asking me the stupid question: "Where did you get your name?", (like I did not have a father), but I cannot even begin to imagine what Ruby Freeman is enduring.

However, I CAN imagine what it feels like to be impotent in an America where it is legal to abuse, torture, falsely accuse, denigrate, lie about and sick nuts on a kind soul helping out her country by volunteering to be a poll worker. A worker named Ruby Freeman.

Because? As much as I hate it, I am completely impotent to help Ruby Freeman.

Or? I would.

But if I try? I will be in jail so fast it will make your head swim. Then? Just another minority name in prison that nobody cares about. Probably deserved it right?

Disgusting all around this guy Trump. And America's support for him in SO many ways.

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"this time his posts could have more serious ramifications, according to Lisa Rubin, a legal analyst with MSNBC.

Ms Rubin wrote on Twitter that Mr Trump can be sued by Ms Freeman for defamation since he no longer has presidential immunity. Ms Freeman has already filed lawsuits against several conservatives.

“When Trump last went after Freeman, he was still president. And therefore, had she sued him for defamation, he could have raised the same defense — as POTUS, I’m immune to tort suits! — he did to Carroll’s initial claims. Whether that defense flies is still being litigated,” Ms Rubin wrote in a twitter thread.

“But Trump’s not president now. And Freeman has already sued others for defamation,” she added.

“Her suit against Rudy Giuliani is ongoing; she settled with OANN last April. I’d love to know what her lawyers thought of Trump’s newest comments & whether they’re drafting a new lawsuit.”

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Do we have to be impotent to help Ruby Freeman? Singularly yes. Couldn't a movement of many of us help? Am I being naive?

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You started people contributing right here! Good work.

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I agree. I was outraged all over again when I saw that story about death star and Ruby Freeman and her mother. It is most certainly a signal to every racist in the country who came out of the woodwork when death star occupied the WH.

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Thank you, Mike, for the GoFundMe link. Donation made.

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Me too!

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Cleaning up messes is what we do. If emoting helped at all, then we could indulge all day. But there is important work to be done. So get to it.

Just as the Jan 6 Committee spotlighted the GOP incited abuse of Ruby Freeman (and Shaye Moss). Including pressure from Trevian Ketti, a member of the Young Black Leadership Council under President Donald Trump, former R.Kelly publicist, and (Kan)Ye West PR associate.

We know all this because many people in America do their jobs the right way - including police and other government officials.

"In police body cam footage, Kutti can be heard saying: “I cannot say what specifically will take place… I just know that it will disrupt your freedom… and the freedom of one or more of your family members. … You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up.” Kutti then put a man called “Harrison Ford” on speakerphone who said he could offer Freeman protection. Ford was not, perhaps unsurprisingly, the actor of Indiana Jones fame. The man told Freeman if she confessed to voter fraud, he would offer her legal protection; if she declined, she would go to jail."



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Yes, cleaning up messes is what we do. I asked that rhetorical question in response to someone who said we are rendered impotent. I say never to that. There is a go fund me: Lady Ruby & Shay Moss Fund #ladyruby.

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Just donated!

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me too.

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Just now reading this, Mike. As a Georgian I have been outraged since yesterday. Chump Benedict Donald should keep his big noisy nose and attacks out of our state and off of our people. Off of ANYONE for that matter. I had no idea about the go fund me website, but I will be sending Miss Ruby a nice donation as soon as I hit the blue button on the right.

Many thanks to you for drawing this to our attention, and many thanks to all of the folks who "come off the hip" and donate to this sweet woman.

Maybe she'll get enough to afford a good lawyer to sue that maggot for slander!

The very idea....

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Donated, as well. Thanks, Mike and Sheila, for sharing the link!

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Just donated. Thank you, Mike S., for bringing this devastating attack on Ms. Freeman to the forefront in this horror story.

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You have it the opposite. Pelosi is a liberal progressive. Jeffries is a moderate centrist. He may be a member of the Progressive Caucus, but he has a much different definition of that word than you do.

The only way Pelosi was a "conservative" was she kept the dingbat wing at bay.

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The most I'll concede here is that I mixed terms. Yes, Pelosi is liberal, but she is liberal establishment. Jeffries is in the Progressive Caucus and he plays the same role there that Pelosi did in her role where she stands. The calm voice that guides.

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Pelosi picked and mentored Jeffries. He was and is her choice to lead the Dems. Her stellar ability was and is her breadth of understanding of the range of Dem political points of view, her ability to work with the whole 9 yards of views….that woman is an amazing consensus builder….bigger than any one party definition/delineation . I think she thought Jeffries was a Consensus builder too! And I trust her judgement!

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SEMANTICS- play nice.

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They are playing nice. Offering their own opinions.

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Joan didn't say anything I didn't agree with. Going back to my original post, I was praising Pelosi for the same thing!

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To me the true measure of Mrs. Pelosi's power was 2018, when Democratic candidates ran attack ads against her. Democrats! When that batch of renegades got to Congress and got to work with her, their sourness soon turned to admiration.

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I read that Speaker Pelosi told those candidates to say whatever they needed to say about her, but to JUST WIN.

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Sounds like her.

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I didn't imply he wasn't a good guy. He wouldn't have the caucus-wide support he does if he were otherwise. But there are people with simplistic understandings of labels.

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TC, that's more than a little condescending. "Labels" when used in politics tend to morph rapidly. And different people view the same term differently, depending on the lens of their own persuasion.

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Have we gone too far with this labeling business? It appears the nuances between the labels have become more and more finely tuned. And those labels have also become another way to divide people.

I propose we remember a Democrat is a Democrat. Looks like the Democrats in the House are reminding us of that simple way of looking at it.

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The problem here is the “use” of labels itself. Their use is lazy imo. Planting a label on someone immediately removes the nuance of one’s philosophical entirety down to a narrow misconception, often misinterpreted: lazy

Speak to specifics of policy instead

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That also is not what I was saying. Misunderstanding what someone means when they use a "label" as shorthand is one of the primary routes to political misunderstandings.

As this thread now demonstrates.

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OK TC, and sorry for any misunderstanding. I Just took your statement "But there are people with simplistic understandings of labels." to imply that your own definition of a given label is somehow more nuanced and sophisticated than someone else's. I may well have misread that. Look, Labels like "liberal" and "conservative" have become almost useless because they are thrown around so recklessly and without other context. The way I look at this is that a person describing someone else as "liberal" for example, should define the term in their own understanding. So if a person refers to Nancy Pelosi as being a "liberal", for example, they should explain patiently for the benefit of any Fox News watchers present that they are not saying she is a Communist. For my own part, I think of Pelosi as being an "establishment Democrat". And I define that last term to mean a person heavily aligned with the current power structure in the Democratic party, and more specifically, what their record of position and achievement has been since she ascended to the Speakership. So when I think of the Dem Establishment and evoke the term, this conjures up in my mind a vast array of sometimes conflicting tendencies ranging from "liberal" to flat out "authoritarian", with the overriding sense that whatever the Dem Establishment is today or has been recently, they are still infinately better at governance in the interest of the people than the Republican Establishment. Somehow though, I suspect this won't help:-)

Peace, bro?

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I didn't take it that way at all. That's why I clarified what I meant.

We're all good. At most we have a mild difference of opinion, I don't think either of us are about to declare a blood feud :)

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I’m one, sadly, appreciate the nuance

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As one of Jeffries’ constituents, I appreciate you pointing this out. Personally, I think he’s: a) kind of a tool, and b) no prize.

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Nancy Pelosi has worked with Jeffries closely, and I feel I have good reason to trust her judgement. You insult him with no evidence. Offer some specific details, or you risk looking like a troll, you know?

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Professionally presented alternative perspectives are OK.

Nancy just gave an opinion, hers.

It's OK. She did not denigrate, trash or otherwise use trolling tools.

Just said her opinion.

It's OK.

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I wouldn't say that at all. He's very effective, as is being demonstrated this week. "Effectiveness" is far more important than "political correctness," which is generally bullshit anyway when it comes to ever accomplishing anything.

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She will be considered one the greatest Speaker ever. How much conservatives loath her tells how great she was as Speaker.

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Yes, the greatest ever! And just as she guided with steeliness underneath the calm, she is ever-magnificent as she steps back from that role into that of a matriarch's who contentedly watches her diverse family stick together....

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Pelosi is actually liberal and even progressive in her personal politics. As Speaker she needed to compromise and so in that public role she appeared more conservative

Hakeem Jeffries is a relatively moderate progressive. The House Progressive Caucus members (a diverse group in every way) have been strategically exemplary. It is a perfect transfer of Democratic party power.

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Please inform what is Progressive about Jeffries? I am not aware of anything he’s done or said that is Progressive . That would help. Thanks.

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The Repub gridlock in choosing a Speaker might put the "fun" back in "dysfunctional", but it is a potentially dangerous thing not to have a functioning House.This might take a constitutional amendment, but it is clear that rules regarding Speaker of the House need to change to prevent government paralysis. What would happen if this had been a presidential election year? Insurrectionists such as the "Freedom Caucus" could prevent the Electoral certification process. Could they have used this to keep Trump as president if the Repubs had gotten a majority in the House in 2020?!

The simplest change to the rules would be that the previous Speaker remains as Speaker until the new Speaker is chosen. There would have to be a contingency plan in case the previous Speaker is not able to serve. And there would have to be language to prevent the previous Speaker from impeding the process of electing a new Speaker.

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I like that idea!

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I like that idea, too. But in this case I wonder how well it would work. Pelosi is such a lightening rod for the right that having her still in place as Speaker would give McCarthy an edge in that he would be able to portray himself as the only viable alternative to her. It's an interesting thought.

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She is a powerful and capable woman. That’s why she’s a lightening rod.

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Oh, definitely.

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And that would likely solve the problem and get him elected. Not that I want him elected, but it would solve the immediate problem.

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Plus it will enable staff members to get paid!

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David Frum, a staunch conservative but, to his credit, one who is viscerally opposed to magatism, opined in The Atlantic today that it will be better for the US if McCarthy is defeated, even if a Republican with even worse views wins the speakership. Frum’s fear is that Dems will cooperate to save McCarthy. Like Frum, I hope Dems don’t do that. Fortunately, Dems still have Pelosi in a position of influence. I think she’ll point Democratic members of the House in the right direction, and I certainly trust her judgment over Frum’s or mine.

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McCarthy would be a disaster as Speaker. He has no spine, has already agreed to way too much extortion from the Fascism caucus, and only cares about having the job, not doing the job. But the other Republican offerings are even worse. If any of these clowns ends up Speaker, it will be bad for the country, and the world.

Dems have to try to get some of the less odious Republicans to agree to vote "Present" so Jeffries can take the gavel. But if that happens, I wouldn't want to be him.

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Agree! Kevin wants the position but not the job.

Speakers control what comes up for votes, so they can green light bills that benefit corporations. In turn, corporations generously donate to Speakers. Look at how rich corporations have made good ole Mitch. Kevin wants to tap this money tree so badly he's making insane concessions.

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That would be grand and would “only” require six Republican votes, as you know. I can’t imagine that there are six Republicans willing to do that but would be very pleased to be proven wrong.

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Good idea, and it wouldn't require an amendment. Article I, Section 2, paragraph 5: simply says ; "The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and all other officers" The party in majority must be a House rule NOT the Constitutional mandate. Logically, the Speaker must be a currently elected member of the House of Representatives (which excludes Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as some have suggested) since it would make no sense to have a Speaker who could not even sit on the floor. and could make no legislation nor vote on any legislation. However, from that one partial sentence any member could hold the Office of Speaker, regardless of Party.

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Yes. Thought the same thing. Keep Pelosi until the republicans get it together.

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Michael, I like your thinking. This is ridiculous....a scene out of Shakespeare, but no fun for those of us in the “audience”.

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Not Shakespeare, more like Don Quixote, Cervantes

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I agree. The first failed vote or 2 was interesting and entertaining. Now it’s infuriating and getting frightening

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Michael Biales....wise words for dangerous times. As far as I am concerned, I see 'the 20' as enemies of our country, not as leaders who must work with everyone to build up, to heal, to continue to move our country forward. I can not imagine them dealing with world issues with respect and wisdom.

As I watched the voting for the speaker yesterday, I just became terrified at the fact of 20 republican's self -centered ignorance of what it means to participate in the priviledge to govern

this great nation. God protect us!!!

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The 20 are insurrectionists, after all. Yes, very dangerous!

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Disagree. First, if another Pearl Harbor occurred we would have a Speaker instantly. Second, Congress by design is a 'sausage factory' and the particular 2023 sausage de jure will either be a tird or bratwurst, depending on the fight amongst the GOP chefs. But this is how democracy is supposed to work. Different factions argue their was to consensus as the GOP is forced to do so now. It is a day of reckoning where the GOP factions must finally confront each other's hypocrisy. Good, we should welcome it. Third, no Speaker, no movement towards trashing-dismantling the government. I'd be happy if we had no Speaker, no House of Representatives until September when funding runs out.

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That is an interesting point of view, but come September we'd all be screwed. Not that we won't be screwed regarding funding the government come September anyway ...

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What about the disruption to the lives of the 435 yet to be sworn in? They aren't sure if the are getting paid. Most freshman are not financially independent. Newbies cannot form offices to conduct constituent services.

And remember the debt ceiling vote comes sooner than appropriations bills. It takes time to work of appropriations properly.

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This is way too serious to joke about. Not sure they care, but - until all this is settled - committee staffers won’t get paid. They must have a speaker and a rules package in place by Jan 13 or there are a bundle of financial and legislative consequences.

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Thanks for noting the importance of constituent service. I just posted a comment about that before I saw yours.

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Meanwhile the newly elected members would not be able to hire staff, which means they wouldn't be able to do constituent service -- probably the most crucial part of a representative's job. I guess you're so privileged that you don't have to think about that?

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Someone tried to convince me yesterday that this is democracy playing out. Not sure why I didn't want to gobble that explanation up.

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On the whole, I think what we see on the Democratic side is "democracy playing out." The older, whiter members learning to work with members from various constituencies. Urban members learning to pay attention to the needs of rural and small-town members. The Republican side looks more like a demonstration for a course in Abnormal Psychology.

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HA! Yes, Susan, exactly!

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Good points, I think, although I’m pretty sure no bratwurst can be found among Republican legislators.

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Yeah I agree Rex, PA and Ohio got surprise Bratwurst, our democracy is not safe until we get Bratwurst but when 'Lying Kevin' McCarthy is too 'liberal' for GOP House the better option is that we have no Speaker so House can do no harm.

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Michael--I share your concerns about what various RWNJ's could do (and have done) as a voting bloc in any federal election scenario. But it seems to me that you are right about the (seemingly unsurmountable) barrier of a constitutional amendment. There simply is no Congress until the new one is formally established after an election. And as I read it, House rules require the election of a Speaker before any and all members are sworn into office (incumbents and newbies). The House could change its rules, but any external challenges run into the constitutional provision that each house sets its on rules. And FWIW, I don't foresee any majority coalition of Reps voting to change the current arrangement--after all, it's been a hundred years since the last time "the system didn't work."

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True, but it never hurts to try, and sometimes enough people are fed up with the theatrics and with 212 Democrats and up to 40 Republicans, that might just be enough to change the rules (218 yes votes win and we don't need the Senate). I am emailing my Congressman with the suggestion offered earlier that we continue governing with the last Speaker until the new one is elected. After all we (the tax payers) are paying 83.66 per hour plus benefits and staff to each Congressperson (including the lame-brains) I don't know about you but I'd rather spend that money on something more worthwhile than allowing the republican clowns to try to destroy the legislative branch of Government, as they tried with the Executive branch from 2016 to 2020 and succeeded with the Judicial branch.

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Fay, I certainly agree that we absolutely have to keep trying.

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Wow. Thanks. Each new misuse of a procedural loophole forces another legal stipulation into the process to address that abuse. Well played

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Interestingly a similar thing happened in Pennsylvania as in Ohio. While Democrats took back the House by 1 vote, because of a death and two resignations, they were actually down 2 members when they met to choose a Speaker. Both sides claimed the right to the Speaker’s chair. In a surprise move, they elected a moderate Democrat who agreed to serve as an independent who would not caucus with either party. All done with relatively little drama in the name of having a functioning government until all the special elections are held. This is particularly important in PA because the Speaker controls what bills can make it to the floor. As a Pennsylvanian, I was astonished at the good will that produced this result.

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Andrea, thank you for explaining the reason for the D to switch to I--I had been under the impression that this was another "Kyrsten Sinema" move of deceit. Your explanation has made my day!

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I didn't know this about PA. Thanks for posting.

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I hope the saner members of the House are paying attention to what happened in Pennsylvania and Ohio! That appears to be the best way out of the current mess -- and would teach the radical right a lesson!

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Sounds like that body is represented by responsible grown ups. Lucky them!

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Thanks for this important addition to today's Letter.

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Thank you Dr. Richardson for a brilliant post. Thank you for pointing out that this has been 40 years in the making. Too many people hold Ronnie Reagan in esteem. My late daughter, Laura Fields MD once said the best thing Reagan did while President was to sleep through all Cabinet meetings. He was a terrible Governor for California too. It was under his leadership and urging that all mental health hospitals were closed and the patients turned out on the streets. He glibly said the communities will take care of them, while not funding any of the 58 Counties in California to take care of these seriously ill people. From these seeds of injustice we produced "ta-da" the one and only trumpster. I hoped in 2020 that would be the end, but obviously from all the loony tunes in the Grand Old Party of Reagan to Trump - they are still with us. I sincerely hope we reinstate Civics in all schools from at least 4th grade up so that in 20 years we again have a well informed electorate.

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Reagan really did a number on CA and then as prez. The closing of mental care facilities was horrible for Californians but as president, he cut welfare for those who needed it and he was directly responsible for the homeless situation that we have been experiencing for way too long. He and his ilk were ruthless and cruel.

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Yes, you are 100 percent right, Marlene. Reagan and his ilk were ruthless and cruel. And that’s the MO of the repub party. Heartless and selfish, lacking empathy and compassion.

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Cruelty is the point, sure hooked chump.

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He instituted taxing Social Security. A cruel move.

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Cruelty is their purpose.

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I remember. Ketchup was a vegetable.

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Reagan also initiated the de-funding of the state universities by the government which was a G.O.P. reaction to the fact that the G.I. Bill had brought so many voters into the knowledge that made them more liberal. Out of this came the college loan crisis, the resentment of those who do not see college available, thus the polarization of the nation.

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Remember what he did to air traffic controllers? Truly endangered so many lives!

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Good point.

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“Reinstating civics” presupposes that it would be taught in an unbiased way and that students would actually learn something. When I think back about the lies and omissions I was taught about US history, I have my doubts. But maybe kids should have to pass a basic citizenship exam before graduation, or, better yet, receiving a driver’s license.

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"But maybe kids should have to pass a basic citizenship exam before . . . receiving a driver’s license." Now that would be motivation!

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Civics is about how our government is meant to function, how we as citizens are meant to govern our country ourselves and for ourselves. It is a different subject and not history. History is a relating of events and people involved in those events.

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Yes, of course I do know the difference between civics and history. My point is that you can lie or slant educational curriculum for civics just as is done with history.

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I understand your point, now, Maureen -- thanks for clearing me up on it.

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"When I think back about the lies and omissions I was taught about US history, I have my doubts." I read this as speculation that the education system would teach civics as poorly ("lies and omissions") as it taught history-- and probably continues to teach history. The civics classes I had in 8th grade and senior year of high school were certainly less than comprehensive -- but better than nothing. The history classes -- abysmal.

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Point taken, but I think the political climate has changed so that government is the enemy and that could change how civics is taught.

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It's as if the crazed rabble that broke into the Capitol two years ago are back but have cleaned themselves up and donned nice duds. And they're wreaking havoc, more politely grant you, but all with the intent of bringing governing to a grinding halt.

But this is a warm-up act for all kinds of dire, destructive behavior.

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The hard liners had a plan all along. No speaker, can’t do business at all. It’s the Freedumb Caucus’s version of a HoR filabuster.

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Yeah and they get paid for doing nothing. Don't you love that job

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They are getting paid by more than one source. Doing their nothing for something for someone we don’t know. For who nor for how much? Citizens United United keeps us and the money in the dark.

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Today’s newsletter by Robert Hubbell talks about this.”Dark Money Enters the Speaker’s Race”

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Fay, the irony in this situation is that they will not be paid until they elect a speaker. Might be a leverage point with some of the new, younger Repubs to get them to vote for someone other than McCarthy. Their budgets, political future and reputations are on the line. Can’t imagine how aggravating this situation is for those expecting to actually accomplish something.

Can’t imagine the horrors facing us this summer when they have to fund the Government. Talk about a sh*t show....

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who you callin' a HoR?!

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No one. H of R = House of Representatives …short hand.

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This is extremely unsettling. And I’m hoping someone can answer my question. If they are all still congressmen and women elect, what gave the repubs the authority to have the magnetometers removed from outside the House Chamber 2 days ago? And why were they so anxious to remove them before they were even sworn in? Maybe I’m being paranoid, but it’s been gnawing at me, most likely because tomorrow is January 6

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I read online that dingbat McCarthy ordered them removed because the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol was jut a figment of our imagination. There were a bunch of peaceful tourists demonstrating their love for the real president, the one and only trumpster. What all of us watched unfolding all afternoon was staged. So it was just the scaredy cat Democrats who had those magnetometers installed to take guns away from good people like Loren Boebert who should certainly be allowed to carry her weapons onto the House floor because she needs protection from Nancy Pelosi

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I suppose the removal of the “mags” may have been purely symbolic by the Unfreedom Caucus

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Thanks Fay 😹 that must be why the Capital tour guides are now told by the repubs not to mention the Jan 6 insurrection. Just whitewash and sugarcoat like they do the rest of our history.

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If they succeed in their endeavor, I suspect the base they've been grooming for the last 40 years will suddenly realize that having total financial chaos is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting total financial chaos.

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I tend to agree with you Gail. Whether the media or conservatives will admit it America is at a good point today. The contrast began yesterday with President Biden going about the business of helping Americans (the KY/Ohio bridge) while the Republicans squabbled.

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Here is the link to the Colbert monologue from today’s debacle in Congress: https://fb.watch/hSctx7Atbw/

It is a good laugh and so true!

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Very very good! I was laughing also. Love Colbert.

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Yes, and he got a good dig in at Reagan the Monster. He WAS a monster….I couldn’t believe the maudlin outpouring when he died. Ugh! I love Colbert, too. With Heather, he keeps me sane and at least having a hearty laugh amidst all the unbridled madness….

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I’ve been taping him every night since the beginning of the terrible Trump years. Having Heather and him to read/watch daily has gotten me through the double hit of Trump and Co-vid...two plagues.

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It really does feel like the tires are still and all the rest of us are rotating... and I am not high.

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Thank you, I needed that laugh!

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Fabulous. Thank you!

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Thank you Professor, for keeping us updated, with your analysis and the news, as we watch the GOP destroy itself. I don’t think they are concerned about preserving Democracy or serving the American people or taking part in the World. They are playing games, planning ways to destroy instead of create and build, all in front of the public, including their voters. Until half the American voters, the repubs, connect the dots and see the full picture of how government either improves their lives or stands by and watches them suffer from inadequate healthcare, nonexistent gun safety, poor educational opportunities, poverty and the list goes on, they vote mainly the white Christian ticket and forgo a country that provides for all, consciously or not, rejecting equal rights, human rights and a healthy planet and future.

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Such GOP destruction will keep fragmenting —it always does— as a small group of performance clowns keep seeking the spot light for themselves. When a very small extremist group tries to wrest control of a much larger reasonable group, it never works. We just need to focus on rallying the public exhausted by these antics who do not want “the whole place” burned down.

Let’s relegate these idiotic bullies to the dustbin of history!

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How about we “prosecute” them there?

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Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that what you describe in your last sentence is exactly what they want. They do not want the world of the last ten words of your post. At all.

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I don't think the repub voting behavior is necessarily conscious decision making. It seems to be hereditary! Or knee-jerk. Cutting off their collective nose to spite their collective face.

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Irenie, very true and well written.....what scares me is the in between time, while chaos reigns....and not being able to help the Ruby Freemans of our country/world.

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"That Republicans now have a wing openly determined to destroy the federal government is not a function of a few outliers who have wormed their way into Congress; it is the logical outcome of this worldview."

And it should not be missed that the installation of this wing of a party mutated into a gang of vandals has been extremely well-funded. So long as plutocrats can buy buffoons to occupy the government to serve their interests at the expense of the well-being of citizens, democracy remains in serious danger.

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So do these 20 MAGAs think they can control the entire House by continuing to object to Kevin — or anyone else -- who does not bend to their changing demands?

Time for six OR more of the 18 new representatives to work with Jeffries given his consistent 212 votes so a bipartisan moderate can do some legislation.

As most republicans know, it’s time to dismiss these grandstanders who only delight in chaos and obstruction. And the crazies should not be on any committees.

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I am hoping like crazy that 6 R's who wanted to actually govern will, at some point when they've had enough of the shenanigans, vote "present," making Jeffries the Speaker. Of course, it would be hard for him to get anything meaningful done with the R party in shambles and full destruction mode, but at least then we would have a Speaker and be in charge of investigations.

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Karen. Yes. I've watched it work flawlessly for the last couple of days.

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Is this a glimpse of how the House is going to function for the next two years? Will the Trumplican 20 succeed in melting down the government with this antic? Really, if the House can’t move forward, organize themselves and write rules, hasn’t the Trumplican 20 succeeded? After all, there will be no legislation coming from the House and any legislation created by the Senate will gather dust. We laugh at the republicans now but I’m concerned this comedy could turn into tragedy.

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David, no question. They have won. Their antics aren't funny but a glimpse of what is to come for the future.

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It already is

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Here in the UK, we have our similar problems which have grown from the poisonous seeds planted by Margaret Thatcher, Reagan's political soulmate. Caring about society as a whole has become pejoratively called "socialism". The National Health Service, which has been the jewel of our social crown, has been deliberately eroded by 12 years of government underfunding, and is now in a state of crisis. With not enough beds, ambulances cannot transfer patients to ER and have to wait in queues that mean they are not free to answer calls. Hundreds of people are dying unnecessarily as a result. Currently, we are being subjected to waves of strikes by public sector workers - including nurses for the first time (whom we stood and applauded during the pandemic but now won't pay a fair wage). Remarkably, in spite of severe inconvenience, the public seem to be supportive. Sorry to rant. I despair.

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Our dysfunction seems to metastasize, sadly, all the world is connected. A surprise to many, I’m sure

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Thank you for this perspective. Sounds like a completely unnecessary horror show. I think the answer in these situations needs to be a "from the ground up rebellion". No politician can solve this until the people speak. And that means stronger unions - striking. It will be painful. But the infection and puss need to be excised.

(Keep ranting!)

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Constantine, this should not be in our countries. We have been so blessed in spite of our struggles. We must continue to do what we can to improve these institutions of care for all people. It is an ongoing process and challenge.

As our governments examine the areas of distribution of tax dollars, we must have oversight. Also necessary medications are too expensive. Nurses should be paid fair wages and not forced to work longer hours. There should be better communication between patient and doctors and nurses. More medical facilities should be available.

Too often it is only during a crisis that we complain. We should have trained medical personel on hand to help during emergencies.

I do want to applaud your country for taking in so many refuges from Ukraine and many other countries. There is always so much to do and there are good people who contribute and fight these battles each day. As citizens , we need to find a place to help, a place to volunteer. Even if it is as small as helping our neighbor. It is easy to be overwhelmed.

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Thank you, Emily. Our particular problem (among many others) was the Reagan/Thatcher ideology which cut away inch by stealthy inch the notion of social justice, of safety nets. Then we have had 12 years of a government which started by addressing the financial crisis of the time by "austerity measures" - ie cutting, cutting and cutting money for the public sector (police, health, teachers, etc etc). A totally perverse policy that has led to our current meltdown. We still have all health free (doctors, medicines, surgery, you name it) but it is under terrible strain. Yes, we have been welcoming to the Ukrainians, but have acted shamefully towards Afghanis who helped us while we were there, many still abandoned to the Taliban. There I go, ranting again!

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It's not just the "20." the entire party is involved. There are not "extremists" fighting "institutionalists" (aka "the establishment") There are two extremist wings.

As Harry Truman said 75 years ago: "The only 'good Republicans' are pushing up daisies." It's only more true now than it was back then.

And Ed Mess, er, I mean Meese, is still the same braindead moron he was when he was Alameda County DA back 60 years ago. I'm amazed he's still alive. He was always ga-ga, so how they know he has any problems now would be beyond me to figure out.

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I was looking up some of the latest info on Meese. All I needed to see to affirm that he is “ga-ga” was an article he co-authored titled “Clarence and Ginni Thomas embody integrity in public service” dated March 7, 2022. Ga-ga indeed.

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Oh my...BARF!

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@ Kathy J : 😱🤢!!

Dear gods...if Meese thinks that ANYTHING that Clarence and Ginni Thomas have done embodies integrity in public service...then definitely yes, Meese is seriously demented and delusional.

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Wasn’t he the one who wanted Reagan’s insanity emblazoned on our country forever, well he should be happy as the Titanic heads to the berg…

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"Just last night, in his apparent realization that the party is moving beyond him, Trump launched a new attack on Black Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman, falsely accusing her once again of delivering suitcases of fraudulent ballots in the 2020 presidential election to steal victory from him. Trump said he is fighting “the evils and treachery of the Radical Left monsters who want to see America die.”

Honestly, if the Justice Department cannot reign in this kind of vicious bullying by a rich white man against a poor black woman then the USA gets what it deserves.

In my integrated school, back in East Texas, NOBODY would have put up with a white bully picking on any of the black girls AT ALL much less at the level Trump has attacked Ruby Freeman.

No lie. If the USA cannot stop Trump's dangerous bullying of Ruby Freeman, well, we all get what we deserve.

More Trump. More hate. More violence.

Obviously, WE cannot take this into our own hands and stop it.

WE will go to jail doing that.

I am outraged and I am angry about this unchecked bullying by a rich white man and I CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, substantiatively, to STOP IT.

Or I would.

Can you say impotent? Well, there you have it. Trump has made us all impotent.

We cannot help Ruby Freeman.

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Mike-thanks for reminding us of the role that racism plays in this whole scenario. The “fight” we are experiencing from the insurrection to the speaker selection is all about preserving white supremacy. Trump knows what buttons to push. Ruby Freeman is one in a long line of Black people who are victims of the hubris of white people who suffer no consequences for their malice.

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dear gods, how sad AND angry your last line leaves me. Like Mike S., I feel impotent and enormously frustrated.

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You just did Mike. Hades slipped a murmur while licking its chops, burping out, “ Orange Marmalade.” I live in a geologically volcanic region and I heard it clearly. Thank you.

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This morning’s Steady letter from Dan Rather, appropriately titled “Burning Down the House”, further explains the chaos that Heather wisely attributes to Republican leadership not having the skills required to govern. Per Rather:

“The dumpster fire we are witnessing now has been smoldering for years, if not decades. It is what happens when people elect representatives who actively hate the idea of governance. It is what happens when people rack up victories with Fox News rants and not legislation. It is what happens when a quest for power means you’re willing to yield and appease everyone and everything that can help you secure it.”


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Thank you for that link. In reading that column, Rather provided a link to another column by Timothy Snyder, also well worth reading. No wonder opening (and reading) my substack email subscriptions often take all morning!

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I am daily amazed by how much I learn from Substack authors AND their comment contributors. Some days, I have to force myself to stop reading! 😉

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Same here. I found that during my recovery, I had to set a timer to remind myself to get up and move about. I could spend most of the day reading essays, the comments, and following the links.

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Hope you have fully recovered now, Ally!

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Well on the way. I'm 4+ weeks out, going to my 3rd PT appointment today, and really progressing nicely.

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100% AGREE!

I told a friend I feel more informed reading Substack authors than NYT and the like.

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Snyder has recently written several in his substack. One explained the results of the Jan 6 committee. Yesterday's article was about the damage of lying and the importance of media that investigates and supports truth. He draws a line from Putin, to Trump, to Santos.

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Tim’s “lies” column was spot on.

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The 20 are not the only persons trying to tear down the government; look at TFG’s nomination of Rick Perry to Secretary of Energy (after Rick had stated that it needed to be abolished) as well as his nomination of Betsy DeVos (who wants to privatize public education) to Secretary of Education.



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Ah, Betsy... In October of 1979, Jimmy Carter signed the legislation that split the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (about whose size Reagan Republicans - and, yes, they did already exist - complained mightily) into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. Since then, has there been a single Republican nominee for Secretary of Education who HASN'T been at least hospitable to, if not outright a partisan of, abolishing the Department of Education?

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DeVos took it a mile further, and wanted to eliminate public education.

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She did indeed. So sad, when a key legacy of an administration is its minions' competition in pushing odious and damaging policies even further to extremes.

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What we have witnessed the last two days is utter chaos within the R party and I can’t say I am not enjoying it. The Dems are steadfast in their resolve to stick together like glue and keep their votes for Jeffries. He would make an awesome speaker but it’s not going to happen until 2024. For now, if the R’s were smart, (they’re not) they would suggest a proposal to the Dems to vote for a moderate Republican. There aren’t any around now because they either retired or lost their seat. So imagine if they suggested someone like Fred Upton who reached across the aisle and voted with Dems re: the impeachment of Trump. This would eliminate Kevin and freeze out the 20 seditionists. It would help the R’s save face and the Dems might be able to get bills on the table. I think I’m dreaming, maybe, because the Dems may just want to wait things out, wear the R’s completely out. I kinda don’t want that though because we are not functioning as a country. Our security could be peril. Our last hope is that Cheryl Johnson, the House clerk who was appointed by Pelosi 4 years ago, actually yields the gavel, thus she is THE manager of the House. She has a tremendous educational and governmental background. She might be a perfect fit.

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Or 6 smart Rs just give Jeffries the last votes he needs to become elected Speaker.

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Hope these abominable meetings go in and on until R’s get good and tired at not winning.

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