On February 1, 1862, in the early days of the Civil War, the Atlantic Monthly published Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic,” summing up the cause of freedom for which the United States troops would soon be fighting.
We interrupt America's progress toward liberty, justice, and respect for all to bring you the Trump regime. We must start now to oppose Trump, his accomplices, and his policies and to defeat Congressional Republicans in 2026 and 2028 elections. Get active with a pro-democracy group, support the groups opposing Trump policies in court. Contact your Members of Congress, regardless of party, to demand they protect and defend our country from the authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption now taking over America.
As Josh Marshall points out, one of the more effective means to oppose will be to force votes as much as possible on unpopular policies and to highlight these. Democrats don't have the power to stop what is going on. They do have the power to highlight and communicate to the American people the deep malice towards everyone of GOP policy.
"Democrats don't have the power to stop what is going on. They do have the power to highlight and communicate to the American people the deep malice towards everyone of GOP policy."
I called both my senator's and representative's offices yesterday and pleaded with them to get on every social media platform, news outlet, podcasts, write editorials, etc. to swarm every news outlet to retaliate, update, reveal the lies and obfuscations.......
The Republican Party has all ready been destroyed. It’s gone. In its stead, something new has arisen from the ashes which has no guardrails. It doesn’t believe in anything but the desire for added wealth not unlike the planters of old. Wealth has always dictated politics and today, there is little to stop this onslaught of government by the people and for the people. Trump is truly the Antichrist of the present.
I’m reminded of the inspiration to write The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Often those of us who write understand the early moments in the morning visited by divine inspiration. After watching the memorial of one of my few heroes in my time, on the screen, Mohammad Ali, the previous day, I arose at 3 AM in tears knowing that a great man had passed. I immediately wrote the song “He Came From Dust.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T6fTjqs1Mk
Calling this “Trump Cult” only increases his digital name recognition. Also, his is not a cult, but a Fascist Coup against the Constitution of these United States of America. They have all broken the Oath of Office taken, no?
Hi Bill, a lot of my most inspired writing has occurred in the pre-dawn hours, when a phrase...or sentence is hanging there, waiting to be put down and expanded. There's magic in those hours coming out of sleep.
Bill, there are also no longer any conservatives from the former Republican Party. Name anything the Trump or the Republicans have done that could be considered conservative. (Fascism doesn't count even though it is conservative by definition).
Then don’t read it. You know who I am don’t read it unless it makes you feel good to insult others for nothing. In that case insult all you want and have a sparkling day.
I have been doing the same by email. I send a separate one for each topic. I don't know how much difference it makes in South Carolina, but I cannot give up. Thank-you for your voice.
It totally depends what they are voting on. If it's to confirm Hogsbreath, Kennedy, Gabbard or Patel, then I agree with you. Some of the others may be tolerable.
Eadie, not to make light of this but. While in the AirForce, fixing broke C5 aircraft on the Travis AFB flightline, regarding three things that we constantly were in search of: First, "the regular Crew Chief" meaning the individual who was actually in charge of the aircraft dying in the chocks. Next, who "they" are, the ones calling the shots. And, lastly "the big picture".., understanding the reason we were busting our butts on 12 hour shifts. Needless to say, to this very day we never did break the code, soda-speak. Never figuring out who the heck "they" were.., while trying to single out who (the cc)to talk to.., and then, somehow to to see "the big picture" before shift-change. This is where we are right now. Who is "they"? Who is "calling the shots"? What are things going to look like? It's snowing at the moment!
It is not about the democrats vs R, it is about any American of any party, as John Lewis says, to battle not only for the soul of American but for the constitution. The Pentagon is full of people who took an oath to the Constitution. Why are they obeying in advance?
I believe the real Antichrist is Elon Musk. He is not an elected official but acts like one and terrorizes others working within Washington. I hope some brave souls in the media focus on him and expose him for the despicable person he is.
Assuming this is a facetious comment, but I will still ask: what justification would you use to justify such an action? Because if you justify it for Musk, you open the floodgates for a renegade govrt to deport anyone, even citizens, who it regards as "enemies". As much as I detest Musk, he is a US citizen and is (and should be) accorded all the rights of any other US citizen. If there are actual crimes he should be charged with, have at it, but deportation should (and MUST) be used only in cases of illegal immigrants or those actually charged with and convicted of crimes which can lead to deportation for a former immigrant.
If you have actual crimes to charge Musk with, please state them (I might even agree with you and his actions have been extremely borderline) but as for deportation, that is at best a long way off.
No matter HOW into the wilderness the Trump regime chooses to go, I think it is crucial that we all (those of us who still believe in constitutional government) adhere to the standards that democratic constitionalism requires.
If we don't, as Pogo once noted, then "We have met the enemy and he is us."
He now has access to treasury records and all our personal information. He cannot be trusted and anyone with that access needs to be confirmed by the Senate. What will those Republicans do when he uses this information to threaten them and force them to vote his way? Already they’re cowed by him.
"The richest man in the world?" I hate that phrase. As if wealth alone proves wisdom or righteousness.
A loudmouth who thinks his fortune shields him from criticism? Tevye said it best in *Fiddler on the Roof*: *"When you’re rich, they think you really know."*
But his reckoning will come. The Trump administration has room for only one megalomaniac. And Musk knows he can't afford to have Trump turn on him—especially when so much of his fortune comes from public money, tax breaks, and government contracts.
If the "antichrist" is whomever advocates against the kindness and inclusion recommended by Jesus, there are a lot of them, including anti-DEI "Christians". Musk comes from a non-inclusive background.
"Musk’s father, Errol, was also in the mining business among other interests. He once boasted that his stake in Zambian emerald mines made him “so much money we couldn’t even close our safe”. Musk’s mother, Maye, has said the family owned two homes, a plane, a yacht and a handful of luxury cars.
Errol Musk has said that he opposed apartheid and joined the Progressive Federal party but then left because he didn’t like its demand for one person, one vote, and instead favored a more gradual reform with separate parliaments for different races. That was the liberal position inside the Musk family.
Musk’s maternal grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, moved from Canada to South Africa in 1950 because he liked the newly elected apartheid government.
In the 1930s, Haldeman was the Canadian leader of a fringe political movement originating in the US, Technocracy Incorporated, that advocated abolishing democracy in favor of government by elite technicians but which took on overtones of fascism with its uniforms and salutes."
Part of history is the unmitigated cruelty and narcissism of many of the wealthiest who passionately preach austerity for to the serfs as they devise to hold them down. Many of America's most wealthy were supportive of Hitler in the '30s and '40s.
Anti-monopoly, anti-trust, is not "communism". It is part of needed ground-rules with the consent of the governed that mitigates against extreme economic conditions, out of which both fascist and communist tyrannies arise: re. History.
J L Good Post... Didn't Hammurabi ( 18th Century B.C. ) say that the purpose of the Law was to protect the Weak from the Strong? Else we have the Law-Of-The-Jungle...
Follow the money. Weird how our ostensibly egalitarian system allows Musk to use a $250,000,000,000 to help elect Trump, while many Americans cant afford a dime to political choices.
"But the main culprit, the cancer on the body politic, is money: Money, money, money... We don't have time for each other. We don't have time for constituents, except for the givers. Somebody ought to tell the truth about that." - Senator Hollings in 2004
Patience people, sooner or later Musk will go too far and anger the Mango Menace, who as you may have noticed, angers easily these days. Or he'll go way too far and public opinion will not only shift against Elon, but will shift wildly and he will be toast. Money only goes so far, he will learn that too.
Lincoln spoke of "the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong ... the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings". Rights are common when we recognize and protect the rights of one another. SOLIDARITY, enabling diversity; the final bulwark against tyranny.
Why are they disobeying in advance? Good question. In their minds they're answering to a higher power. Are they breaching their oath of office? They are. Our solution is at the ballot box, and we failed there on Nov. 5. But, as my mom once told me in 1962 when I was facing a challenge while in the U.S. Army, serving on Okinawa at the time: "Faint heart never won Lady Fair." We're not giving up.
Courage seems to be essential, though I think there is more to it than that. We are all gonna die. What, from a (real or imagined) deathbed perspective really matters? What, when we let go of ego (and I'm not sure I ever will, but I hope I'm getting more perspective on it) is actually precious? What happens when we focus?
Since MAGA is their goal, I'm waiting for the in-depth exposition of exactly when America WAS "great", and exactly why? And what else was part of that picture? Maybe greatness was never a product of a time so much as an ongoing component of national character? Sometimes more evident than at others? " The better angels of our nature". Fools rush in where angels disdain to tread.
As the felon rapist and his minions destroy everything and steal everything we can have a national strike. Buy nothing but the essentials, starve the beast.
I have been calling for a national DEI DAY, where anyone who could be considered "DEI" calls in sick. Grind the economy to a halt. Anyone who does not fit that category can stay home and not purchase ANYTHING ANYWHERE that day, in solidarity. Business owners who fit DEI categorization close shop for the day.
Calling your reps is a good thing, but we need something HUGE to draw attention to who actually makes us America. I think it is our own TCinLA who says that DEI is the new CRT battle cry of the MAGA. (I could be wrong on that, but Tom makes many good points in his Substack.)
I don't even have any social media accounts, but if I did and had hundreds if not thousands of followers, that's what I'd be calling for.
LFAA family--can you just imagine if every one good people that we trust to give us the facts, be it on Substack or YouTube all posted calling on one day for this to happen? The exact same message from Brian Tyler Cohen, Marc Elias, the entire Medias Network, Belle of the Ranch, David Pakman, Glenn Kirshner, Joyce Vance, Stephanie Craven, etc, etc, etc?
EDIT: Add to the list above, Dan Rather and all the folks at The Contrarian.
Miselle, I like your idea, but I have to point out that one-day protests have virtually no effect, as has been proven in numerous past boycotts. Without exception, people who don't buy a product or patronize a business for a day merely DEFER their purchases until the following day. Sales figures have shown this. Nowadays, business executives who are the targets of boycotts simply roll their eyes and wait until tomorrow.
For a protest to be effective, it must be protracted, for a week or a month or even longer, if possible. An effective boycott/protest will end up causing pain to both the offender and the protester, hopefully, with the offender sustaining more injury than the protester. A protest is like a battle. Both sides will take casualties; the winner takes fewer.
I agree with much of what you are saying--that people defer and that executives roll their eyes.
I suggest it because it seems that much of the population needs visual stimulation, and this could do it. Those who support and own businesses can put a placard on their doors. Those who are unaware can go about their usual routines and wonder where is everyone? Why is there no line at Starbucks? Why is the grocery store empty?
You are 100% right that it will cause injury to the the protestor--think of what all the black people suffered!
I am concerned that all those Democrats, liberals, etc will dutifully send emails and make calls to their reps, which will be tallied and NOTHING HAPPENS.
I have a sister who is totally oblivious to the news cycle and likes it that way. She gets upset with me when I tell her exactly what is going on, which she will say "I didn't see that on the news last night." YUP, she watches the local 9 oclock news for the weather, some sports and a bit of local news, much of it which she says doesn't apply to her. I was AMAZED that last night, Chicago's WGN 9 o'clock news spent the first 20 minutes in a small panel discussion of the recent Trump initiatives!
Everything we learn is history; individual or not documented and shared, and "official". We RE-collect what we learn, in order to act in the present and plan for the future. If history "rhymes" but never exactly repeats, recognizing the relevant pattern, what "might" be applicable and what components are likely to differ? That's a science and an art.
This iteration, surely, Apache. These so-called Republicans are not the party of Reagan, let alone Eisenhour! They are not, as Heather has pointed out, 'conservatives' - they are radicals, and we must quit allowing them to fly under this false flag. Make them strike their true colors!!
Finally, someone unafraid to compare Trump to Hitler. I've studied Hitler's rise to power extensively and the parallels between Hitler and Trump are uncanny. If Trump continues on his current path we may also find ourselves in a war with some foreign country.
Agreed, although NAZIs were not the prototype for such sociopathic behavior, although they were a particularly egregious example of it. The "Mr. Hyde" side of humanity has a very long history, and sadly, we seem to resist being smarter about it.
It is true that Reagan looks responsible compared to T***P, and even W, but he (and his patrons) majorly got the ball rolling toward the place we're in now.
I was a republican as were many of my family members, since his demented fascination with his crowd size on day 2 or 3 of his first term, I and most of those close to me want to have nothing to do with him. My answer to your question Apache is, Yes the repugnantkin party needs to go the way of the Whigs, into oblivion, they no longer function as a constructive voice in our political discourse. You wouldn’t tolerate a raving lunatic at your dinner table, nor should we as a nation be forced to listen to people who have no interest in our wellbeing, they have no place at the table with us. Conservative points of view should be welcome in our conversations, as much as liberal points of view are, as long as the goal is the betterment of all Americans, and for that matter all of mankind. These days the only people showing respect for the rights of all Americans are the Democrats, the repugnantkins want to remove our rights and control us.
That is why I stress Face-2-Face interactions, and Team Sports... That was the most Rewarding Aspect of Military Service for Me & My Family... That is why I stress Mandatory Public Service... As this Society has turned Inward with the Social Media Heroin Drips, this Society has become more Anti-Social, and Dysfunctional....
No, regardless of what so many of them are up to, a one party system will never be democratic. They need reforming, as, in a different way, clearly do the Democrats.
Spoiler alert - I speak as a lifelong Independent. It’s a place far more of us need to be.
Yet that is the fault of the way the two parties have used the system they created in order to further their own ends.
The Founders profoundly distrusted ‘factionalism’ even as several of them moved to initiate it. I fear their concern has proven entirely justified.
Yes, I know. That does not solve the practical problem you mention and I’m not wise enough to know what would. Perhaps it is just sheer human cussedness. At the age of nearly 80, I’m allowed to be a curmudgeon.
Agree completely, two parties, and it's why I treasure every Constitutional Republican I can find and quickly relabel the others as treasonous "Trump Cultists".
I regard myself as "independent" or at least don't think the Democratic Party can do no wrong. But I'm a registered Democrat and as a matter of practice, very rarely, trivially, and not time recently have I voted for a Republican. Third parties are a complex issue, but in any case, none at this point are viable in high stakes elections. And yes, I think Democrats need to soul search.
Without Trump, Republicans would have self destructed had they gone with the impeachments esp Jan 6th. As well MAGA had pretty much taken over the party's base by then.
So, Zuck has really fallen down on his own intentions since 2024 when he wore this quote on his T-shirt on his 40th birthday. He bowed down to Traitor and is now owned by rocket man. What a crazy world this has become.
I actually think it’s just where he’s incorporated. There is something about Delaware laws that gives them a break or protection. Have you ever noticed how many credit card companies have addresses there and I think North Dakota? I don’t remember now that I’m retired.
The REPUBLICAN'T party doesn't have to be destroyed but those members that still have a conscience and believe in America, the Constitution and the oatth they took need to stop kissing DonOLDs ass. Afew have and with their majority of a few, it doesn't take many.
Montana... I hope that You are Right... Bear in Mind that during the 2nd Impeachment Trial, the Republican Senators & their Families were intimated by DJT's Minions... See the Recent 'Flip' by Joni Ernst regarding Hagseth's Nomination...
The REPUBLICAN'T party doesn't have to be destroyed but those members that still have a conscience and believe in America, the Constitution and the oatth they took need to stop kissing DonOLDs ass. Afew have and with their majority of a few, it doesn't take many.
DEMs can also keep suing any Trump executive order to slow down. DEMs need to form a committee for organizing a united front against Trump and Musk. Who is the new party leader?
The Dem Party is right now attempting to gain strength with the election of a new party president. One concretely hopes the rejuvenated Dem's are able to learn from the last bunches failures. One hopes.
Laurie, I really believe that planning must encompass the likelihood that there will be no more elections. (As the Führer said so lightheartedly at one of his endless campaigns. Not, of course, that he had anything to do with Project 2025 - he said so.).
Yes. I heard him say that, too. It is a great concern, and I do not know how to ensure that we will have an election again snd can vote and have our votes counted fairly. We need all the wise brain power possible working on preserving our elections and rights full time.
I really hope we'll stop this talk of no more elections. Not saying it couldn't happen but it's highly unlikely as our elections are for national, state and local offices, not to mention ballot initiatives. Also, there's whole lot of people and organizations that earn income or make profits from elections. They wouldn't be quiet.
Okay, there'll be "elections", just like there are in Hungary. With the perversions of gerrymandering, the electoral college which can usurp the weight of the popular vote, the corrupt SCOTUS and state supreme courts and judges, and varieties of voter suppression the next "election" will be barely recognizable by its representative name in a democracy. And that whole lotta people who earn money during elections may be summarily fired as easily as the felon is currently mass-firing federal employees. Everything is game for the felon, his billionaires, his billionaires' media, his bought judges and justices; so what's your reliable recourse? This is the time to remain alert, clear-eyed, and to assume the great powers that be, right now, will continue to flex their oligarchic muscle. They are so close to absolute rule they can smell it and they will try everything they repeatedly said they would do. Hopefully, the courts will gum up their progress and democratic, fiery leaders will emerge to lead a popular revolt to save us in the mid-terms.
Good points, Russell. But here's the thing: the United States of America is not Hungary. There are no points at which we meet. It's history is long but also heavy. It's government has only been an autonomous entity since 1990. Yes, Orban has been able to consolidate power but, unlike multicultural, multilingual America, Hungary's population is almost 90% indigenous Magyar and speaks only Hungarian. And yes, the far-right in the US is enamored of Orban. They are vocal but they are also a small segment of our overall population.
The issue of gerrymandering has been with us for a very long time. Admittedly, it got much worse after the 2010 census. Can we bring it back into balance? Who knows. What I do know is that vocalizing that we won't have elections again is extremely premature.
JP4M, apropos of nothing, I read a comment (can’t remember where) that said TFFFG’s utterances were like “farts in a hurricane”….OK, now THAT term will stay with me 🤪….if only he didn’t wield such “power” as the perceived “leader” of our country 🤮.
So far, his moron stupidity has gotten his bullshit smacked down with each thing he is doing, and he's now instituted the Lawyer's Full Employment Act with all the things he is being sued on and will be (the "firings" that didn't follow the rules).
Actually if you pay attention, James, there will be more tax dollars spent here and less spent in Afghanistan push pushing woke diplomacy like transgender Olympics.
Do our hopes reside with the Supreme Court as it receives a flurry of lawsuits? Will it shed its MAGA leanings and take collective action to reverse or deny the worst of Trump's policies? But then someone once said that if men were angels we'd never need government. Then Madison came along and said, supposedly, if we're not a virtuous people, we're fucked!
Be careful when you start talking about messing with the Supreme Court because there’s a good chance Trump might appoint Ted Cruz and Trey Gowdy to replace Alito and thomas. And then you have another 25 years of Supreme Court supremacy by the right
We need help from outside agents, like a European alliance. France helped us the first time, after all. Did the Union have any outside assistance during the (first) Civil War? Does anyone know?
We need to abolish the Electoral College. Until then your single vote doesn't mean shit. 500 or so supposedly unbribed folks pick the prez. The popular vote is meaningless.
Yes, Anne -Louise, I too am fearful if we continue on this path there will be no more elections. Yesterday Musk took control of the United States Treasury where all the billions in commitments are paid out of. This is ominous when a non-elected oligarch can casually shove out the person empowered to carry out that work to gain control of our finances. God help us!
Yesterday in the N Y Times yesterday there was an article. The government employee who held the sensitive position overseeing the Treasury was shoved out and forced to handover codes. I called my senators & reps and asked them if they were aware that Elon Musk had taken over the US Treasury?
I’m gonna assume they’re clear that anytime that this employee would have been fired. They would have to turn over the codes. End of your story next story.
Here is the free link you shared about the treasury take-over in the gifted version. (Tap the gift option in the upper left hand corner of a screen to share a gift.) Thank you so much for putting the link on here. Because you did, I was able to tap it and gift it.
Probably because it didn’t happen. And why are you people singling out one individual Trump could pick a senator to do exactly what those is doing and you’d have nothing to say so why don’t you look at the actions that are being done and the results that are coming and judge those.
Firstly, I file in France, where we have the rule of law. Secondly, Musk is not part of the US government, he has no Congressional confirmation, no clearance and is not legally entitled to override privacy and data protection laws.
And just like any other government employee, he can be hired and fired. There are some 30,000 FBI agents as I understand it that never had any congressional confirmation. The same goes for CIA agents. The same goes for every single government employee other than the ones in the presidents cabinet. So what’s your problem Sophie? Your problem isn’t the individual. Your problem is what he’s uncovering and you don’t like it and you should love it to death because he’s finding billions of dollars of waste and fraud and it doesn’t matter whether it’s Elon Musk finding it or someone else finding it, you’re missing the whole point.
We must include Mitch McConnell in that round up! If he had let the orange blight go to trial for either of his impeachments, the orange blight would not be president now.
Better hold onto your horses when the orange light gets placed up on Mount Rushmore for being one of the greatest presidents of all time. He’s already pretty much in control of the world and just two weeks agreements to protect our borders lowest illegal immigration in years deporting illegal criminals freeing Israel from Hamas rule soon to stop the war in Ukraine and Russia and all you guys can talk about is infrastructure like that’s a number one priority. Yikes.
They will try to come up with something to “postpone” the midterms. Dem run Stated must go ahead with those elections no matter what. Secession maybe necessary to preserve Freedom and Democracy. Last time it was to preserve slavery
You guys are like out onlinacy bay vacation here. And you talked about the states in the northeast succeeding well if they wanna do it, they should do it. In the meantime Trump is having to help California with its mismanagement of the fire situation and water control and he’s doing that despite his so-called prejudice against the left.
I understand your idea, but in this particular situation of a salt and peppering of attitudes across the nation, meaning that differing attitudes are all around us, and many of those attitudes are those of people we know and care about, a succession would be impossible. Communities and larger scale populations are diverse in their thinking, and many, if not all, of the opposing thinkers will not listen and become extremely angry. There are places where it is not even safe to express an idea.
You might argue that during the Civil War, people of different thinking lived near each other, but this situation is different.
Many people maintain the political signs and banners in their yards, on their porches, or even paint them on barns. Even people in groups where other wise thoughts are shared and common goals to help people are prominent, differ in ideas of politics and understanding.
When people of different attitudes live and work so closely together, some options are not possible. We must remember in such situations that we like the people, but we do not always like or share the same ideas. To discuss those ideas can be disastrous or possibly even fatal, if not fatal in the physical form of life, certainly fatal in other aspects of life. That means that to discuss the political ideas would result in a form of existence, isolation, or far worse which most individuals could not tolerate.
There will still be elections, of a sort. Even Russians have sort-of elections. Rest to make sure it’s not Voting In Name Only (that sort of of VINO is bad for you.)
Anne-Louise- The United States of America is not nazi Germany and we do not have a “president for life “. It’s our job to keep it that way, and we cannot concede to this power grab. I hope you can find a local grassroots action-oriented group near you and join the fight. We need you.
I've been writing about working and geting organized for the midterm election for weeks now. I was suggesting that "if we have elections at all" that would be the turning point beyond that,either we retain democracy or we lose it. Almost all my comments and replies had a mention of that scenario. Now I'm realizing that the maga intelligence know that too and I'm sure they have their plans at hand. They are advancing and implementing all those "executives orders" that trump signals without any knowledge of what's he is signing. They are destroying everything to build a new structure similar to Russia 's or Hungary,'s , to be fully functioning by the time of the midterm. That's their rush. Everything should be destroyed by then. If someone asks me today if we are going to have the election in two years I would have to answer, NO.
It is not that I want such a scenario to take place, it is that I understand what you were saying. I hope it will not happen that way. Ideally, and in my best hopes, we will have elections as we know them, without unrealistic gerrymandering, With the 14th amendment being implemented to keep traitors to our Constitution off ballots, and with safety at all polls and fair counting of the votes. I want so much to see good, fair, honest, wise people in office who respect and uphold our Constitution and our citizens and newcomers and all of their rights according to our Constitution and according to the rights of all individuals.
I don’t believe that an election will not be held. It would be a call to revolt, they want to pretend everything is great. The concern is how much gerrymandering and voter suppression will affect the outcome
Thank you Sean for bringing some sense of sanity back to this discussion. I have never seen so many negative negative in advance human beings either have a faulty crystal ball or a really bad Ouija board.
This is a problem with you insane asylum inmates in my opinion. Unless you come together and formulate a good message to Americans, JD Vance will be next in line to run the country through a an election, but by the way, there’s also a push on and I think it will succeeded to invoke or install term limits with Congress, which could be the greatest thing that could happen to the United States since it’s inception.
The DNC is holding a Convention to chose their new Leader tomorrow in DC... Lets see if they are clued in to the Purge happening in the FBI, and Justice Department... Elon Musk's Minions on-site seem to be orchestrating these Purges... The DNC still haven't figured out how they lost to DJT who did everything he could to lose the Election... If the hopelessly compromised DNC can't get a Reality-Check, is it time to create a Viable Alternative...
I hate to point this out, but Trump lost to a white man. Lost the popular vote to a white woman, but won the electoral vote by the skin of his teeth. He beat a Black woman in the popular vote and the electoral college. Sexism and racism are why the Dems lost. Trump did not increase his share of the electorate that voted for him in 2016 and 2020, but many people who voted for Biden stayed home in 2024. I suspect that most of them would not admit to themselves that they couldn't get themselves to vote for a woman. When people were polled about policies without attributing the policies to a particular candidate, they overwhelming favored Harris' policies. See Michael Podhorzer for more detailed analysis https://www.weekendreading.net/p/how-trump-won
This is what I believe. I'm no expert, but in my experience, things I've read, and people I've talked to, many women did not want to vote for Kamala. I was initially very surprised about this. I really believed, and still do, that she would have made a good president. I heard comments like, "What has she done? What qualifications does she have? All she does is laugh and smile. She doesn't answer questions. She doesn't say what she's going to do." They didn't listen to her and had a prejudice against her because she was a woman. It's as though their prejudice prevented them from even trying to listen to Kamala. They felt safer with Trump. At least he'll close the border and we won't be giving out all this aid to the "illegals." We live 1500 miles from the southern border and most of these same women have deceived the government in order to receive aid when they are far from being refugees themselves. These are suburban and city women that I know. They don't like that gay and transgender people work in the government. They like having that "one black friend" and think gay people are "cool," but don't want to live with people of color and don't mind "gays" as long as they don't influence their children. They just so happen to lack a higher education and believe, though, that they have more common sense because they have better "life skills." It was as though they had not achieved or experienced Kamala's successes, so they couldn't fathom that she could be president.
I don't blame Biden, Kamala, or the Democrats for "losing." I agreed with the Democrats' decisions, however, I underestimated the prejudices and fear that many people in the US feel which has been ignited by their lack of education, honesty, and ethics, and now they feel supported and justified by many people in the state and federal governments and within some Christian churches.
Sadly, There are many like that here in South Carolina. The other Day I read JVL's substack from the Bulwark. He quoted an article, "It's easy to believe in conspiracy theories when you don't know how things work". A college education teaches how to evalute information and research.
Some of that, Molly, such as critical thinking, can & should be taught starting in high school! I’m a big believer of education past high school, and that can come in many forms/pathways (I say this based on my experience of 40+ years working & counseling students @ a University).
Even in grade schools we learned snd taught ways of analyzing ideas and discussed them. Critical thinking in various realms of thought begins at home before preschool even. I am realizing that that does not always happen, and I applaud people who teach critical thinking with questions and without seeming opinionated or controlling.
Yes a college education, and many fine high school educations do help people evaluate information and research more. Some wise people know that without having a degree, yet some people with degrees do not think as you might expect. Still other people put down college educations or wrongly attribute attitudes to people who hold degrees. Our country is full of more ways of thinking than I had ever imagined! I find that having a degree does not make everyone agree as to what is needed in government. I also find disagreements among people who do not hold degrees. I agree with you that education is crucial, but I see often that it does not define a person’s political thoughts. I wish there were places where the good thinking skills you describe could be encouraged for everyone.
Well, they got what they wanted. In solidarity of opposition it is incumbant upon us to hold them accountable. Oppose. Agitate. Confront. At every opportunity.
It makes me sad to say that you are speaking the truth. You describe many of the people in my community. I also know young adults who didn't go to the effort to vote, despite friends imploring them with "you have to vote". The current administration has taken advantage of the fear, lack of education, loneliness and isolation too many of us are living under---which has been painstakingly put in place since the 1980s by those few benefitting now.
We would do so much better in life if we would choose to respect one another and accept one another even if we disagree. NOT EASY!!!!
Various opinions should be normal. It is vital to listen as patiently as possible. Believe me I understand "listen patiently!" Some have felt put down, or treated with disrespect for sharing their opinions with others. Whether we respect their opinion or not....listening respectfully opens the door to be able to share our opinions and talk and LISTEN to their opinions.
It is when one group rejects the person rather than their opposing views. Forming opinions that differ is normal. We must listen carefully to one another in order to , as best as possible to understand their point of view and though their opinion may be OPPOSITE from ours, we can at least be clear and able to listen and try to understand our differences.
Respect opens the door for sharing and for the ability to listen.
Thank you for painting such a defining picture. It never crossed my mind that any female would doubt another female’s capabilities based on her own lack of them. I still am learning of varied mindsets, and they are staggering! Your description helps us mentally to put ourselves into another person’s situation. It does not help the outcome of our election, but it does give me a broader scope into their narrow one.
I do know that some women, and fortunately not all of them, believe that they must vote as their husbands do. Some marriages of varied political views work. Others do not. I do not understand how the mixed views and the controlling of another person’s marking of a private ballot can prevail. I only know that in some instances, it does.
No doubt the “thought process” you described was at play, but the amount of anger directed at Democrats over their support of Israel in the Gaza War was another factor. I actually agree with supporting Israel, but felt Harris needed to make a clear distinction between how she would have handled it differently from Biden, and she didn’t have the courage or imagination to come up with a position that would have softened those voters’ resistance to her candidacy.
Lewis, IMHO, she was between a rock & and a hard place as VPOTUS, perhaps if she’d not been “in office” she might have been able to speak more freely and express her own opinions. Personally I LIKE that she didn’t conduct a “slash & burn” campaign & instead focused on efforts to lift all Americans up.
Yes, she did always try to uplift all Americans. I could not understand why everybody did not see that quality in her. However, I think many people knew they would vote against her for reasons of their own or reasons they had been fed, and they simply refused to pay anny attention to her whatsoever. That is so sad, tragic really, because here we are now!
I blame Kamala for not being aggressive enough. Trump gave her numerous opportunities to hammer him for being the disgusting human being he is and usually she just laughed him off. The best example came in the debate when he lied about the Haitians of Springfield, Ohio. She should have comedown on him like a ton of bricks but just laughed his cruelty and lies off. A great debater might have ended Trump's campaign right there.
Ah yes, act out the age old misogynistic racist trope that all too many just tut and say. You know it, "She's just another 'angry black woman.'" No matter how bright, competent, and accomplished a leader. As LBJ said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” And here we are. Living the LBJ comment.
There's a time to be angry. There's a time to aggressively point out that the other guy is just plain lying to divide us, to weaken us, to see the neighbor as an "other" to hate. As trump makes enemies around the world and right next door we, including black women, need to be getting angry. I'm an old white guy and I'm damned angry.
Black people are consciously or unconsciously brought up to suppress expressions of anger due to the history of White violence. I recommend the writings of Ta-Nehisi Coates.
I’ve said for a long time that this country would not elect a woman to the presidency in my lifetime. At 81 it seems even more unlikely. Hard to imagine that trump could be elected twice. Sad. We are still a racist, sexist country.
Yes I believe that with my heart. My heart sunk when it was announced Harris was running, I know that a big population of men hate women worse than people of color. Harris would have been wonderful for this country. Democrats need soneone running for President right now, the same as Trump did the whole time Biden was in office, NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!
We need a middle age white man. I believe Kamala would have been good for this country, but after 2016 I was looking to play it safe with a candidate that wouldn't scare the bigots.
Thank you for that perspective of bigots. Those attitudes had not secured to me, and I thought and still think Kamala is wonderful in many ways. She calls things as they are politely, yet she maintains an admirable composure. Her carefully chosen words are her tools.
Whomever we do need to pull us out of this horrific current mess, I hope we find the person soon and can be united in making the changes as needed, legally, of course. Yes, T. kept histograms in front of the smears snd on the front pages. If our best person for the job could build a fine, familiar presence while promoting the needed goodness, obvious yo everyone, how wonderful that would be!
We see varied perspectives among ourselves, and I think we have the peace and respect to share those here. Sometimes we agree, or sometimes we might vary in thoughts. Nonetheless, we all care about saving our country and respecting each other. I appreciate those qualities and everyone who contributes.
Amen, and a Constitutional Republican should also start campaigning to give those who detest the Trump Cult a choice. NOW!! Adam Kinzinger, if not you, who, if not now, when.
Hello Michael.... See Phil Balla's response below... The key Constituency were those that did not Vote... Why did they not Vote? Maybe they have given up hope? DJT, if nothing else, is a Cult Leader... Factoid:
31-Jan-2025: WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House stenographers have a problem. Donald Trump is talking so much, the people responsible for transcribing his public remarks
are struggling to keep up with all the words.
If Joe Biden's Primary Mission was to keep DJT out of the Presidency, then MISSION FAILURE... Merrick Garland was the WRONG CHOICE FOR AG... Now DJT is destroying the DoJ, and the USA.... By Destroying the DoJ, and FBI, WE are losing the Lawful Tools To Hold Them Accountable...
I don’t think, Apache, that even the most advanced AI could keep up with recording the bloviating mumble-mouth spew-o-meter that is the Bronze-O-Nator Ferret-Pelted Crook-In-Chief. Hmmmm, just now singing in my head about TFFFG is the Scarecrow’s song “if I only had a brain”!!!
Barbara and Apache -- I enjoy your conversations here!
Barbara, about AI, I'm impacted by a Zoom I attended, "At the EDGE: Conversation Series on Relational Engagement with AI," about "the entangled nature of intelligence and the ways in which AI can act as a disruptive mirror, a catalyst and a scaffold for reimagining our relationships with the world, each other, and ourselves.". https://burnoutfromhumans.net/conversation-series. It was the 1st in a series of 6 and is launched along with a free download of her new book.
Vanessa Andreotti wrote, "Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity's Wrongs and the Implications for Social Activism" in 2021. Her recent emergence as Dorothy Ladybugboss has me captivated as she allows us to participate in her struggles to co-evolve with AI. Her experience and words stretch me and then I contract back into ineloquence, so I offer this pointer, FYI: https://burnoutfromhumans.net/
After de-staffing the DoJ and FBI, Trump will start installing the Insurrectionist Criminals, whose records are now wiped clean, in those positions. It's called "weaponizing the justice system" the MO of all dictators.
Meta and x have the capacity to weld what has always been the gop’s greatest political weapon. Build apathy and distrust through confusion, contradictions, and obstructive policy. Do that long enough, and people just stay home. Now Silicon Valley has the digital profiling tools to identify those who are the most vulnerable to this tactic. They have been profiled, evaluated, and marked. Zombification and radicalization are just a scroll and newsfeed away….
Don’t hate to point this out! We need EVERYONE to let us know of ANY appropriate action to take, And make sure to contact your Congressional representatives…they must act as our representatives not just play it safe.
I would say it was more like ignorance and lack of understanding of the reality of the threats that made some people think it was about the high cost of necessities. I can’t even imagine thinking this foul mouthed overweight person who has never worked a day in his life could take us anywhere but to hell. Let’s be serious for a moment: those thousands of people who voted for trump were wrong and we will all suffer for it. We must stay calm and support each other as best we can.
The young male voters were terrified of the female excitement that accompanied the Harris campaign. They were sure not going to increase that joy with a vote. Pathetic.
It’s true that sexism and racism are why the Dems lost but it’s also true that, as much as I thought Biden was a great president in many respects, he needed to stick to his commitment to be a one term president and allow a vigorous D Democratic primary…. This was a grievous error…
I have a friend at church who got a call from another church member. My friend frequently talks to this church member but never about politics. After the election this church member called my friend and the member told her that she couldn't vote for Harris because she didn't think she had any foreign policy experience.
Do you truly think that “loss to a black woman” election was fair and square, that the party of cheating and lying did not do what they accused Democrats of doing? Trump basically said it proudly, that his buddy Elon had taken care of it.
Marilyn, I too believe there were thumbs on the scale….many efforts put in place across the country….ramped up after the gutting of the Voting Rights Act and the 👍 of Citizen’s United. A bad moon’s on the rise…..
Oh? You mean throw the baby out with the bath water just the way MAGAts want us to? Too many people think MAGAts are a "viable" alternative. I don't know about you but I don't consider Fascism a viable alternative. It's time to work with the Democratic party instead of throwing spit balls at them. Something people are much more willing to do to them than they are at the MAGA party. I guess everyone does love a circus, no matter how vile the act is.
Notice that the assumption is that the Democratic Party should be led by a guy—preferably white. I got an email from Stacy Abrams yesterday, and I hope she's regained her strength. When we worry about the working class, we should remember that it's not all white and male. Also, I think Biden made a huge mistake in throwing all his weight behind Netanyahu. I've read that if Harris had opposed him a bit, she could have improved her chances. Trump has made a lot of noise about being woke and DEI; he knows his people. But do we know ours?
TCinLA made it safely through the fires, giving those of us who are regular substack column subscribers of his "That's Another Fine Mess" hourly updates and pictures. MUCH appreciated by this mom whose son lives there.
I agree! I dearly wish that all those on the forum here would subscribe for his "That's Another Fine Mess" substack. As more and more mainstream media bends the knee and offers their bags of cash, we need to support those who speak in truth and fact.
I notice an agenda item on my HOA meeting to discuss vinyl fencing. Not only would it help in a fire it would be less maintenance and last longer than the falling down wood we have. But I can’t see them paying for 405 homes to have fencing replaced. I also saw where opening your gate helps keep the fire from jumping from the fence to the house.
I wrote to him. lets see...But all not relevant any more. Unfortunately the only thing that can stop Drumpf now is the Military. God have mercy on us, but that's wher we are. FUCK!
Yes, Apache, Dems still clueless. Out of touch with America's working classes.
How is it Republicans are so triumphal -- so proudly in thrall to such rank criminality?
Let's note how the Constitution clearly cites, for instance, what the U.S. House must do, and how – defying the Constitution – the Mike Johnson Howdy Doody House has turned over its duties to favorite convicted criminal (and he turning duties over to unelected Elon Musk) – just as the Clarence court spurned the Constitution’s insurrection disqualification clause to favor its favorite orange felon (same fat guy).
How to turn to such spineless, sycophancy? Simple, language.
For sycophancy, language need resemble that of today's Republicans. It need follow the diction Diane Ravitch tracks in “The Language Police.” It need concur with why “The ogre cannot master speech,” as Auden put it in “August, 1968.” It need immunize one to all truth, as George Orwell saw in “Politics and the English Language.”
In place of the truth, sycophants need neutered speech. Then, they can avoid human pain as did they in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” -- who rid themselves of all emotions. Learned to speak in the slogans the orange felon uses when he lies today.
Liars ever hue to cliché, abstractions, the group-think of testing and packaged textbooks, the buzz words keying tech billionaires’ algorithms.
Opposite this some yet have awareness of emotions – are awake to others – can access language our artists show in all our best humanities.
So fitting of Heather today to celebrate song, first, a long ago era's national anthem. Fitting she celebrates this, while the civil rights era also relied so on such great songs.
The Democratic party is not "clueless" they are busy trying to clean out the Augean stable created by the jerks who decided to sit this one because they were too stupid, too lazy, or just oblivious to pay attention to the Democratic platform or to participate. No matter how high falutin the discourse, it comes down to one thing....did you vote? That whole shibboleth about being "out of touch" with the working class? Garbage. How about a goodly segment of the working class not being able to see past carnival barkers and Reality TV shills? How about being just plain bought by snake oil and lies that pander to their prejudices? Let's see how the "working class" likes losing all those benefits and advances those "out of touch" Dems have brought them. You know, the programs the Democrats wanted to put in place in terms of health care, child care, education, caps on interest rates, home buying opportunities, all those "out of touch" proposals. By the way, after Springfield, Ohio was put on the map for the malicious lies about emigrants, who were the life blood of the town, eating cats and dogs and allegedly were horrified by the prejudice against them? That town, that alleged to care so much for those good people, voted an overwhelming 64% for the Convict-in-Chief. The largest Republican win in 96 years. You can't beat prejudice like that now can you? Stop playing into the blame game so loved by the MAGAts and maybe start helping to get out the vote. Let's try something new and exciting - get more that 70% of eligible voters to make the effort. Approximately 40 of the country didn't think voting was worth their while. Out of touch is a sorry excuse, a very sorry excuse to excuse laziness.
I had not seen that vote statistic an Springfield Ohio. The orwellian up is down has feet and is on the move. Your defense of Dems is right on. We don't want to match their drivel with drivel. We've got history on our side If only we could infiltrate the news cycle and make truth and civility cool again.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notions that ‘My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ “. Isaac Asimov
Out of touch, however, remain true when so many good films, novels, memoirs, and histories communicate the experiences of decent fellow Americans, and elites spend years in college learning only to ignore them all.
Guess it depends on which college is attended, wouldn't you. say? Maybe if attendance is at Oral Roberts, Liberty University, BYU, Bob Jones University and assorted colleges and universities in Florida. That's leaves a whole lot of colleges and universities that more than fulfill your criteria. The backbone of the MAGA world, besides, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia is obtuseness and the need to be a follower. That also is part of the criteria of the schools I mentioned. That is in no way all of them. I'll also throw in Wheaton College and Pepperdine. As was said about the Koch brothers by some former classmates of their prep school, "they were turned before they got here."
It’s the Roberts court … Thomas and Alito keep everybody’s attention off Roberts - the money is speech guy. That’s why he doesn’t do anything about them.
To Orwell’s splendid essay, I’ll add Victor Klemperer’s The Language of the Third Reich (Lingua Tertii Imperii, or LTI, as this Professor of Romance Languages put it), published shortly after the fall of Nazi Germany. « The LTI is destitute. Its poverty is a fundamental one; it is as if had sworn a vow of poverty. » And « Every language able to assert itself freely fulfills all human needs, it serves reason as well as emotion, it is communication and conversation, soliloquy and prayer, plea, command and invocation. The LTI only serves the cause of invocation. »
We are in the midst of a purge. There may not be any shootings or defenestrations - not yet, anyway. I do not know how long it will last. Musk seems to think September. That is the issue of the day. The FBI, the leadership of the military, the civil service, etc., etc., etc., are all being crippled. This damage will take a generation to repair. Why aren't we and the news media talking about the implications of this purge may have on average people?
This is still New... People are still in Shock that this is Happening... Wait to see if there is Movement on the Streets when the Pain Starts happening with a Collapsing USG... I have faith in the Military... There are Smart Disciplined People in Charge with Vast Resources...
Joe Biden was an Institutionist... Joe Biden failure to get re-elected has paved the way for DJT 2.0 ... He did not see how dangerous DJT is... The GOP of TDR, Eisenhower, or even Reagan is gone... Like Animals, the DNC haa to adapt or Die... The MAGAs are implementing a Purge... Like you said Cindy, if they don't realize this, the DNC, the Democratic Party will become History...
Oh, please. Just stop it. I'm beginning to believe you're part of that large group of unwashed who just bitch, moan, complain and always are looking to point a finger and blame to cast. Where were you in 2016? Pulling the same routine? Time for you to try a different dialogue or just find a different stage. Being part of the problem instead of part of the solution is sooooo yesterday.
Carol-Ann... Are You Referring To Me? I am not 'Unwashed'... I have Studied with Distinction at Nationally Recognized Top Tiered Universities... I have served with Distinction in Nat-Sec, Finance, and Law Enforcement among other things... I recognize that there are many Accomplished People on this Substack as Well... Each makes their Contribution... Politically, I am more Bernie Sanders, than Hillary Clinton... I even Contribute $$$ to the DNC... I am disappointed that the DNC does not seem to realize that they are becoming Irrelevant...
Ah, yes, Bernie, the Independent, will be with us always. Like a burr under a saddle. Never could win a primary as a Democrat or against a woman. That's why he has always run as an Independent. Democrats are not irrelevant. It goes back to the American population has gone from being one of the most educated countries in the world to one of the most mediocre. Why is that? The republicans through the auspices of the Koch family, set out 50 years ago to annihilate the public school system. How did they do that? They found the dumbest bunnies in the forrest and run them for school boards. What are the least participated elections in the country? School board election. The first thing to go was civics and the rest is history. The Democratic party saved this country's bacon after the last go 'round with the Convict-in-Chief. Biden's administration did it through raising standards, putting in place rules and regs, and managing to get through Congress a bill that would put manufacturing back in this country high paying jobs that would help the working class - but they aren't clowns, they try not to lie, and they work hard to raise the standards. Irrelevant - only if you can be duped into swallowing the snake oil and thinking a corpulent felon is prince charming come to save you.
they lost by a sliver Apache, and a lot of that had more to do with things like post-pandemic inflation overloaded on whoever held the White House. The border immigration thing... blown up sadly out of all proportion, for which we can thank a non stop Maga propaganda machine with Trump spewing repulsive nonsense , 'millions and millions of criminals' tainting good America blood, it doesn't get more demagogic than that. Now the T 2.0 was coming, voter sentiment on the economy miraculous switched up after Nov 2024, though nothing whatsoever has changed, except the rich will get to keep more of their outsized wealth and social support programs will get reduced or axed, per the Freedom Caucus.
You got it, Frank. Amazing how suddenly everyone is blaming Avian Flu for the price of eggs like it is a brand-spankin' new issue that arose this week.
I hope so, but with Trump voters? It didn't matter that the huge tax cuts went mainly to the wealthy, as the Dems have repeatedly pointed out. But with tax cuts continuing, tariffs bumping up prices, social benefits reduced or disappeared. Will it make a difference? Don't know
Most people are not interested in politics, but they know prices. Trump did not win by much. World-wide, inflation was the biggest motivator for right wing wins. We can't convince the cult of MAGA, but they are not a majority of voters.
It has seemed to me, as a "lifelong" Democrat that my party has had too little to say about human values, the better angels of our nature, and the brutal struggle that is often required to defend them. A vivid philosophy or life and government. I find that in historical political rhetoric. I see it in Lincoln. A vision. A prize to aim for, and a passion to focus on the things that matter most. Do recall leaders who had that gift? Who stirred the spirit? Who provided a focus around which like minds would gather? Not cheap theatrics, but exceptional clarity.
They can't even realize that the maga intelligence is destroying all our institutions, one at the time by having trump signings those "executive orders" without any knowledge of what he is doing . For him it's a way to show how powerful he is. Once the destruction is complete and simultaneously a new replacement system is implemented, by the time of the midterm election, we'll be in the point of no return.
In every comment and reply over weeks I was timidly suggesting that we might not have an election. Now I'm convinced that we are not going to have one.
Hello Ricardo... I Hope that You are Wrong On That... But I Fear that You are Right... Hitler, and Stalin were Elected only Once... The Damage that they did to their Countries lasted for Generations...
I believe that many of his voters simply believe that Democrats are evil and that he is the strong man who makes or will make everything better for them. While that makes no sense to me, the result is the same. They voted and promoted the thoughts, and they refuse to give any attention to anyone or anything else. They consider a Democrat foolish, and the sources of information we believe and value to be untrue and downright bad. If you talk to anyone of such an attitude, and there are plenty of them, you would understand. I grew up being taught not to discuss politics. Now I see why. Thank goodness we have these opportunities to read each other’s ideas and to share! I remain grateful for the sharing and the caring work each person does to make our world a better place with our democratic ideals being upheld.
Exactly I always get push back when I say it but the wimpy Dems who bent down to the elites to get funding while spending our tax dollars on a genocide and a proxy war gave us Trump. I have very little hope that the Dems will do much to get us out of this mess. HCR has her own share of this mess by kissing Biden’s ass and ignoring his foreign policy and lack of doing things for the poor and working class that have mostly given up on both parties.
The Achilles Heel of both Parties is that both Feed-From-The-Same-Trough... TV Ads are expensive... Conventions, Rally s are Expensive.... DJT spent less Money than Kamala because his Handlers realized that the new Media has become important... Dems need to listen to the Disaffected, and offer easy, quick remedies...
"The Black Cabinet was an unofficial group of African-American advisors to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. African-American federal employees in the executive branch formed an unofficial Federal Council of Negro Affairs to try to influence federal policy on race issues. In his twelve years as president, Roosevelt did not appoint or nominate a single African American to be either a secretary or undersecretary in his presidential cabinet, but by mid-1935, there were 45 African Americans working in federal executive departments and New Deal agencies."
Amen! All lives matter. Maybe except the ones of soulless billionaires like Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg. They ha e all sold their souls for greed and power. I want to live long enough to watch Karma in action!
Follow the money and pay attention to what Musk is doing with funding freezes, employee purges, and worming into our Treasury check-writing system. This is alarming. But it helps us with clarity in the midst of their flooding the zone and capitalizing on recent disasters.
We have many organizations for grassroots activism and filing lawsuits. Find at least one that resonates with you. Find your local squad of people you can meet in person. Diversify your financial holdings. Take care of your health. Like Joyce Vance says, we're in this together.
Hubbell: Don't worry, Trump will fail. "We must steel ourselves because things will get worse before they get better - but they will get better." Trump "is making the stupidest economic moves made by any president since Herbert Hoover."
I couldn't agree more. I was an economics major, and I can't believe that Trump would be able to find any advisor to say that major tariffs would help. The advisors must be immature ideologues.
And, importantly, Hubbell adds, "Complaining is not a strategy." Great article.
"In 2025 the U.S. government under President Donald Trump has revoked a 60-year-old executive order that protected equal opportunity in employment and has called for an end to all diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. This February 1, neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will recognize Black History Month."
The students protesting at Woolworth's were such an inspiration. Where are the protests today? Why aren't the youth rising up? What has happened??
Thank you for this important message. Yes we absolutely must stand up for our country and freedoms. Do we need to take any particular steps to be certain we still will have our election?
I think it's to our advantage that elections are controlled by the states and the localities in them. That's why we have to pay attention to who's running the show locally.
totally! not just Dems, after all there are more "independents" than the major parties combined. With neither the Pentagon or State Department recognizing Black History month, you really have to ask yourself "whither the USA"? And whoever thinks American institutions can stand up to this Project 2025 onslaught? Check out all the dismissals and firings, across the board. Otherwise sign up as a White Christian Nationalist and enjoy your newfound privilege!
By all means do these things,but remember,trump cares very little about most of this,it is all part of "the greatest show on earth". His real aim is to make money and he will do anything to accomplish it. Pay attention to how corrupt he ,his crime family and associates are and all the ways they are breaking laws and ethics to do it. He always compares himself to Al Capone (and rightfully so) , so let us bring him down the same way. Look at Panama ,they are suing the trump organization for failure to pay income taxes on his properties there, that is the real reason he is threatening them. He runs a protection racket,just like the mafia did,they would protect you from damage and harm from themselves if you paid them, he just did it with all the online guys for millions and is also doing it with the networks. How is he not already in jail or at least been charged?
After last night's rocket man takeover of our country and the Treasury Department's payment system, it appears he's now in charge. Pretty sure this country has resources to stop this madness. Don't we?
This Sunday night, February 2 at 8pm ET/5pm PT, you’re invited to join Indivisible, MoveOn, Working Families Party, and a coalition of other organizations for an action call. During the call, you will hear key movement leaders from across the country as they give us their best strategic guidance on how to take action !
During the darkest days of the AIDS crisis, we buried our friends in the morning, we protested in the afternoon, and we danced all night.
The dance kept us in the fight because it was the dance we were fighting for. It didn't look like we were going to win then and we did. It doesn't feel like we re going to win now but we could. Keep fighting, keep dancing… Dan Savage
My best friend participated in several "die ins" in DC when she lived there in the early 80's. I had read, recently of "bury in the morning, protest in the afternoon, and dance all night" mantra.
It is more than time to "kick it in the second wind" of protest.
Agree. The above conversation started by Billie Parker made me realize one of the reasons why Substack is so valuable. While everyone is feeling down and scared, this conversation inspired resiliance which is so necessary for fighting back. Resiliance leads to hope which leads to determination which leads to commitment which leads to action.
Guess it’s high time to start thinking seriously how to counter the Hate show happening in Washington, or as Paine put it…
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
"The U.S. government under the felon has just revoked the 60-year-old executive order that protects equal opportunity in employment and called for an end to all diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.Neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will be recognizing Black History Month."
Well, personally I plan to post essential Black history every single day of this month on my Substacks and social media. Hope others will as well.
Alexandra-First we have to accept that Black history is American history. If we want to know about the true history of America we can’t ignore the role that racism has played in shaping our nation and bringing us to where we are today.
Unfortunately, too many people accept the idea that skin color should be a dividing line for humanity. There’s no truth in the idea that skin color makes one superior or inferior, deserving or undeserving of rights.
Racism was invented by men with white skin. It’s the best tool they have for keeping us divided so they can rule and conquer the masses. Anyone who learns about “Black” history will see that racism is and always has been for more than 250 years an evil that is leading us to the brink of destruction.
In his book Don’t Know Much About the Civil War: Everything You Need to Know About America’s Greatest Conflict but Never Learned (1996) author Kenneth C. Davis asked, “How could a nation so constituted, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and supposedly founded on
the cornerstone of “liberty for all”, maintain a system that enslaved other human beings?”
Gina, we're saying the same thing. It's the whitewashing and now elimination of that American history that needs to be combatted. he Davis book is a new one to me - will order. Thanks!
You know how to boycott. Start by refusing them your business. Every day, call out the lies—do not let them go unchallenged. Do it on Fox News, NYT, call in to NPR and demand pushback. Call your Rep and Senators and let them know you haven’t been fooled and you expect the same of them.
Second, we need to word HARD to gain majorities in the House and Senate in two years. At the same time, we need to brace ourselves and organize for something more concerning.
I shared this post on Facebook this morning with a rather direct call-out of the anti-DEI folks in my world (stupid retired cops/spouses that they are). Waiting for their ignorant replies now.
The American Crisis was written to give heart to the few soldiers left in Washington's army after the New York defeat, when they were hiding in the woods of eastern Pennsylvania. It was first read in public to those men on Christmas Eve, 1776, after which they crossed the Delaware and took Trenton Barracks and saved the Revolution at its lowest point (which is why the paragraphs following the opening are explanations of why the war has gone as it has). I've recently been given information that not only my eighth Great Grandfather (who I knew about) but his two brothers and his youngest brother's son were among those soldiers who heard it the first time. It's the best piece of political writing for a time like this.
I grieve for the country and am finding ways I can resist in my own small corner of the country. I am volunteering at my tiny local elementary school to help in their reading program. 8
I am writing my two senators nearly every day. I am donating small monthly amounts to the DNC, the ACLU, Common Cause and Democracy Now. I am doing my best to stay informed… I am hoping and believe that if we all do what we can, we can somehow turn this around…
My sermon came inside a Pittsburgh steel mill; I pray for that man almost every day. 🙏
"If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other." -- General / President Grant. ✌🏽
I think it helps. Thank you for doing what you are doing. I like the concept of ‘altruistic cooperation’ which I read in regards to a French Tibentan monk Matthieu Ricard. I think that the pressure both socially and economically that the trump regime is placing on the people of the nation can be dissipated with a mass concerted effort of altruistic cooperation. It exists as a spectrum of course, small kindnesses in action spanning to debt jubilee or rent jubilee etc from those who can afford to do so. We mist find and embody ways to hang together (or surely we will hang apart)
I'm in a virtual group of about 75 people reading Ricard's book Happiness right now, and I find it a source of mental relief from all the negativity around us. He's a brilliant man.
Oh wonderful!! I have just received the book , as well as his ‘Art of Meditation’ and look forward to reading it. Thank you for telling me of your reading group!
Might I suggest that if your local representatives have a FB page you consider that be your "letter" writing resource. "Social" media has more visibility than each person writing a letter/email (been there done that). It's a wake up call and power for them if thousands become visible and publicly push them to alleviate this nightmare . . . . their constituents demand action or they'll find someone who will!!
Hi Debra! I have heard that their offices tally the opinions. I am not sure if it is more effective than a phone call.. but I tend to be tongue tied on the phone - I am much more articulate in writing!
Well at least now businesses can hire 100% black, women and LGBT workers without breaking a diversity quota. More power to them. Let the straight white males work the fields and sweep the streets.
None of the federal, state, or local nondiscrimination statutes have been repealed. The Exec Order revocation applies only to federal government agencies.
White women have benefited most from diversity hires. A friend passed the law bar in 1974. She went to an interview with a law firm, the attorneys who met with her said "no we are not hiring, we just wanted to see what a female attorney looked like". This is discrimination against Everyone.
I cannot refrain from chiming in. The other day the incomparable Ann Telnaes (her substack page is called "Open Windows" for anyone who's interested - I highly recommend it) published a cartoon referencing our current-day Caligula's purge of the dedicated and honorable DOJ officials and line attorneys who accepted the assignment to investigate and prosecute His Unholiness for his various crimes against our Republic. It depicted him hacking off the arm with which Lady Justice carries her scales. My spur-of-the-moment commentary, with acknowledgement to and begging indulgence of Julia Ward Howe, follows here:
"Our eyes have seen the gory monster thinking he's the Lord.
He is trampling over ev'rything our people have adored.
He has severed poor Justicia's scales, but still she has her sword!
History makes it clear: one side fights for freedom, the other fights to erase it.
From abolition to civil rights, the same forces have always resisted progress. Now, Trump is trying to erase Black history and roll back rights. But justice doesn't disappear just because they wish it would--and neither will we.
Happy Black History Month (while I'm still permitted to say that). And I say "while I'm still permitted to say that" because tonight Rachel Maddow reported the BREAKING NEWS that Trump is about to fire EVERY member of the FBI that had ANYTHING to do with the Jan 6th prosecutions... not just Jack Smith prosecuting him but ALL the Jan 6th prosecutions that put people in jail. THIS MEANS THE FBI WILL BECOME TRUMP'S PERSONAL RETRIBUTION FORCE.
Here's the link to Rachel's report. Be afraid. Be very afraid!
I saw this reported in real time, Steve, and watched slack-jawed. The expression on Rachel’s face—and she’s seen A LOT—was very sobering. Then as I watched/listened a thought was building in my mind…given WHO all, dedicated public servants to our collective security, was being seriously impacted……whoa TFFFG should be careful, like really really really careful, who he pisses off. Just sayin’…..🤷🏻♀️
I pray this dictatorial action leads to a very, very public event by all FBI agents in which they declare they will not obey! And every Democratic member of Congress should be standing with them when they say that! This is war for public opinion. Not a shooting war, but a war nonetheless. And Barack Obama should get his ass down to Washington and stop hanging out in Chicago.
My vision was very dark and disturbing…NOT something I want to see played out in our country, but he is taunting the populous and (assume) he feels as invincible as usual. Who knows?
Trump has presidential immunity, thanks to the corrupt Supreme Court. He may be poking various professional groups in the hope that one of them will crack stage of rebellion and allow him to declare martial law. How’s that for a dark vision?
My spouse came across a photo of T**** from the back... the bullet-proof vest he is wearing is rather obvious under his jacket. No wonder he sweats - that Kevlar can be toasty. Though probably lighter than the ceramic plates I wore in Phu Bai. She asked why he didn't also wear a helmet. AIM HIGH.
I can't like it because I've always felt I would risk my own life (without hesitation) to save even Trump, and still do, no matter how much I despise him. That said, his trying to cast out all who offended him, and remove their protective services makes me wonder if I could still do it without hesitation.
As a former military dependent toddler in Munich during the Nuremberg Trials and Berlin Airlift, I remember my mother's lessons of how people worshiped a dictator more popular in Germany than FDR was here in the 1930s. One of the lessons was the terrible consequences of the killing of Reinhard Heydrich (who Stephen Miller reminds me of). I don't remember details other than it was horrific and involved wiping out complete villages and thousands killed (in retribution according to my mother). I just read more of the history at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Reinhard_Heydrich
As horrible as it was, Hitler initially wanted even worse reprisals.
"...Hitler ordered an investigation and reprisals on the day of the assassination attempt, suggesting that Himmler send SS General Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski to Prague. According to Karl Hermann Frank's postwar testimony, Hitler knew Zelewski to be even harsher than Heydrich.[53] Hitler favoured killing 10,000 politically unreliable Czechs, but after he consulted Himmler, the idea was dropped because Czech territory was an important industrial zone for the German military, and indiscriminate killing could reduce the productivity of the region.[54]
According to one estimate, 5,000 people were murdered in the reprisals.[55] More than 13,000 people were arrested, including Kubiš's girlfriend Anna Malinová, who died in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. Adolf Opálka's aunt, Marie Opálková, was executed in the Mauthausen camp on 24 October 1942; his father Viktor Jarolím was also killed..."
P.S. I traveled all over Vietnam and Thailand in 1968 fixing weather equipment but only got to Phu Bai once as far as I can remember while still learning the ropes on a 3-man team before doing many more solo trips for my remaining 9 or 10 months. We were one of 2 teams from our shop trying to get a barometer to support the artillery at Khe Sanh in late January but only got to Phu Bai before a Combat Weather Tech beat us there.
Barbara, they are destroying our institutions, that are like a connecting tissue in our bodies ,without it everything collapses, one after the other . They are going to build other institutions similar to Russia 's or Hungary 's ,and that task will be completed by or before midterm election . I've been writing about the point of no return for our democracy for some weeks now. I think we have a date in about 2 years for that event.
Ricardo, if we keep our eye on the prize (a true democracy) and get our shit together, we just might turn the ship around via the 2026 midterms…but it will take us ALL to show up & not sit it out.☮️
And I also hope that the sideffects of their policies, once forcefully implemented, will produce a massive reaction against them to give us a breathing space to push back. In the meantime we need our leaders to fight harder and with a strong and clear message.
I had a dream few nights ago. I could see Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris grabbing the attention away from the moron and delivering the kind of message I was mentioning before. Just imagine!!!!
That is the comment I posted on the YouTube video of Rachel‘s report. They should very publicly altogether for the cameras for history books say WE WILL NOT OBEY!
Let the open rebellion begin! (What’s Trump gonna do, order they all be shot?)
Order they all be shot? Yes. I think he would. He’d summon the Jan 6 crowd to FBI hq. A gunfight between FBI agents and a street full of rioters would be something to see. I’m
See my reply to James. In the case of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler was the one that wanted over the top reprisals and Himmler was the one that urged some restraint since they needed the productivity of the Czechs (whom Heydrich was paying high wages to keep them producing as much as they were).
In this case, I believe Stephen Miller is the main driver, and doubt either he or Trump have thought through the consequences. If anything, I believe Stephen Miller would have drafted the orders but waited to see if Kash Patel got confirmed, while Trump is still so careless that he releases it earlier than intended.
It all matches the denials of the Heritage Project 2025 as anything more than suggestions that might be considered before the election, compared to some bragging about it being the real plan all along. Then they seemed to try not to actually do so much of it so fast before they could get everyone in place. They are incompetent liars, and continue implementing it as a rather haphazard blitzkrieg that does massive damage whether or not it completely succeeds.
The Senate needs to take the lead in slowing this down and making the Supreme Court begin to limit them to the proper roles of each branch.
Ultimately, most of them, if not all, have financial and family responsibilities . What you are suggesting Anne-Louise should be careful organized and implemented because if is not successful, we lost forever. In that scenario we have only one chance. I'm not saying no, I'm saying it's risky.
I would like to see the expression of all those stupid journalists that criticized Biden as unethical and a bad precedent for pardon his only surviving son.
I am fighting tears reading this. I know the flaws of my country. I know the blemishes of its history. I know we’ve failed many times before successes. I can’t grasp that we’ve willingly chosen to consign its future to hate, ignorance, intolerance, vindictiveness, greed and terror.
Maybe you have to start considering Marilyn that this is not "your country" anymore. All the things you say you can't grasp are happening and were chosen willingly not by " landslide" or by giving them a "mandate" but by a very narrow margin. By realizing that this is not your country doesn't mean that you should stop fighting to have it back. There are millions like you. Keep the faith and the fight alive.😉
Our divisive and shortsighted President may have put the kaibosh on all cultural observances from Black History and Women’s History months to National Hispanic Heritage Month to the Holocaust Remembrance Day to Martin Luther King, Jr’s Day etc but that doesn’t mean that the people cannot create the biggest and most joyous local celebrations ever. Our voices and our inclusion will not be silenced.
Sadness and dismay are overwhelming today. Thank you Professor, your letters are gravely important for keeping a record of the destruction of our Democratic Republic.
Actually happiness and thrills are happening in the United States today. It’s just you guys aren’t paying attention. Girls no longer have to compete with boys in sports.
Illegal criminals are being sent out of this country so they can’t rape kill and pillage
We have a lowest border crossing in four years just like that. There is a cease-fire in Gaza thanks to Trump’s threats to end Hamas, which he may do anyway.
And the antisemite Donald Trump, who you called antisemitic for years has BB in the White House as the first representative of world leaders and is standing behind Israel, and in fact, actually moved the capital where forty years of presidents wanted to do it and didn’t have the stones. Pretty soon Ukraine and Russia will come to an end.
We have already discovered $1 billion of waste fraud and abuse, and we haven’t even started to look and all that money will come back to save cities like Pacific Palisades in California and hurricane North Carolina.
Why don’t you use your browser and see much money has been found already through abuse and fraud and supporting countries with millions of dollars on needless programs such as transgender reading and other million multi million dollar programs
None of you actually want to do research you just like little lemmings and believe everything. Everybody says here it’s very sad.
When I was at Oberlin during the Vietnam War, every Wednesday at noon. (I think I have this right), we would link hands and stand on a corner of the central square where there was a rock that got painted with slogans, and stood for peace. At first it was just a handful, but more and more people joined in - students, faculty, townies.
Wherever you are, you need to find a place to stand quietly in support of the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
I truly believe we are in the middle of a bloodless coup, with the Justice Dept. and FBI firings. Every Wednesday at noon.
Well, you certainly didn’t complain when the entire justice department was going against Trump for no reasons at all and even impeached him twice and trying now to impeach him a third time. The gig is up. You’re gonna have to find a new story.
"On February 1, 2023, Tyre Nichols’s family laid their 29-year-old son to rest in Memphis, Tennessee. He was so severely beaten by police officers on January 7, allegedly for a traffic violation, that he died three days later."
And this happened in the wee hours this morning:
Feb. 1, 2025, 12:21 a.m. ET1h ago NYTimes
Justice Dept. Fires Jan. 6 Prosecutors Amid Campaign of Retribution by Trump
"The administration also plans to scrutinize thousands of F.B.I. agents tied to the investigations of President Trump and his supporters, according to people familiar with the matter."
Combine that with Patel's statement: "Patel says he would let ‘good cops be good cops’ during confirmation hearing".
Same here. We’re watching a coup happen in front of our eyes and no one is saying a word. And it’s not Trump coup-ing this time, it’s Musk with his hard drives and his aides taking control of federal personnel while people watch helplessly. Wtf is wrong with us.
Once a dictator takes control (has the Congress, the SCOTUS, controls the message, has access to all the money in the world, and is convict-in-chief of the most powerful military in the world none of the following is going to do bupkis: counting on his MAGA cult "seeing the light", writing Congressional representatives, peaceful protesting, counting on the mid-term election . . . .
Lest we forget, once Hitler garnered the Chancellorship in 1933 (which took a few years), it only took 53 days for him to completely take down what was then a democratic Germany. It took years and WWII where 55 to 85 million souls perished (out of a world population of 2.3 billion and Russia alone lost 22million), and countries were reduced to rubble.
I have immediate and extended family members and friends (one couple survived the Altadena fire but dealing with trauma) already impacted by the chaos trump has created. The outright cruelty and uncertainty is doing no favors for anyone's mental health.
I turned on reruns of Home Improvement (1991-99) and fell asleep for two hours. I highly recommend that! :)
I stopped counting on the midterm election Janet. For weeks I posted saying "if we have an election" . Unfortunately the events are leading me into a much negative view of our near future. I thought our turning point to keep or lose our democracy would be at that election, but I think it's going to be much sooner.
Bishop Marianne Budde Rev Al Sharpton, there are more. Sure the dividends extends to all churches, all peoples, cyber identity hate is that strong to split even families apart. No one is immune. It’s certain now that we will be called to physical resist and protest. For it to work it will take everyone we got. I’m not hung up what church or not that they got to, nor the color of their skin, nor what pronouns they use. Dig?
Not all Christians are Christian Nationalists. We don’t like their abuse of religion for political goals, and we think the First Amendment is a great thing.
Even German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller finally saw the light but it was too late since he was arrested in 1937, imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau and wasn't released until the end of WW 2.
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
May many more of us see the light much sooner this time...like right now!
They are in on the take over. My theory is that no one really believes in God any longer so they are just using the idea to get Earthly power. They are supporting a guy who has publicly violated every one of the ten commandments (if 'killing' can be homicide) and are encouraging their members to reject the teachings of Christ and to commit more. With every word and action, they scream 'Fuck the Golden rule, I want more money and power!'
The MAGAs and their Evangelical followers are following an idol of their own making. Trump is the catalyst. They are trying to set off their Armageddon. It's all rank heresy. Millions will be opressed, suffer, and die because of them. I'm glad that I walked away a few decades ago and became a humanist. A pox on all their houses.
Gregg, I recently saw some short “skit” online (a fellow telling a tale) about how the world was at peace, all creatures living in harmony, no poverty, hunger or disease. The “punchline” was that the rapture happened and swept to glory all the true believers….and those left behind created a peaceful paradise on earth!
Well, another one with a crystal ball there’s so many of you I wonder are you buying? Where are you buying these crystal balls and why do they all have the same message? Aren’t there any crystal balls that tell the truth?
Well, the Christian Church in the U.S. is not a singular body by a long shot. Fundamentalists and evangelicals tend to vote for the incumbent, and if you look at Project 2025, you can see their influence. Then there are the Roman Catholics who support the Pope, and those who ignore him. (Look at the Supreme Court.) There is, of course, the Black church, where I assume he has little appeal, and mainstream Protestants, mostly white but more diverse than they once were, whose numbers have been dwindling for a while. I was thrilled and inspired by Bishop Budde, and it was a joy to see how many people support her, but there are no longer any women in the pulpits of the Southern Baptist churches where I grew up.
But I was talking about "Christians" - not one particular church. If you believe in the teachings of Christ - how CAN you support trump? I don't think you can be a Christian and still support this man, who is the epitome of hatred and division.
Christian Nationalists have created a petty, vindictive and cruel deity who resembles themselves in character. Indeed, they see Trump as God’s chosen candidate, and he shows many of the same flaws as their own petty, vindictive and cruel deity.
It's not about praying - it's about bringing the religious community together to resist. In the first Trump administration I lived in rural Oregon. Local churches, Rabbis from Salem, the Sikh community, organized to protest the illegal detainment of immigrants in a local federal prison and helped to get them legal council and helped them emotionally by letting them know that there were people there to help them and were working to do so. The Sikh community was particularly impressive, always bringing vans laden with food to feed the hundred that showed up to protest. The religious community can do a lot, and as we saw with Bishop Budde, their voices can sometimes shock the conscience of the community.
I love Rev. Barber! But I like Rev. Sharpton also. He has seen and done a lot for over 50+ years. His contributions cannot be denied. The Bishop is my heroine and I know there are others out there like her.
Voices like Bishop Budde's won't shock the conscience of the maga leadership but if those voices keep multiplying and getting louder and continuous, I think the community will come out of their resignation and start organizing. We don't have much time left. The turning point in which we either lose or democracy or keep it is coming fast .
And why would you want to reject him on what basis because he freed women from men’s sports because he found billions of dollars and waste found in abuse because he freed Israel from the attack of Hamas and Gaza. Because he’s returning illegal criminals to the respective countries. Trump has had more wins in two weeks than Biden had in four years not that Biden was ever president.
We interrupt America's progress toward liberty, justice, and respect for all to bring you the Trump regime. We must start now to oppose Trump, his accomplices, and his policies and to defeat Congressional Republicans in 2026 and 2028 elections. Get active with a pro-democracy group, support the groups opposing Trump policies in court. Contact your Members of Congress, regardless of party, to demand they protect and defend our country from the authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption now taking over America.
As Josh Marshall points out, one of the more effective means to oppose will be to force votes as much as possible on unpopular policies and to highlight these. Democrats don't have the power to stop what is going on. They do have the power to highlight and communicate to the American people the deep malice towards everyone of GOP policy.
Pars Republicana delenda est!
"Democrats don't have the power to stop what is going on. They do have the power to highlight and communicate to the American people the deep malice towards everyone of GOP policy."
What real and effective protest is all about.
I called both my senator's and representative's offices yesterday and pleaded with them to get on every social media platform, news outlet, podcasts, write editorials, etc. to swarm every news outlet to retaliate, update, reveal the lies and obfuscations.......
The Republican Party has all ready been destroyed. It’s gone. In its stead, something new has arisen from the ashes which has no guardrails. It doesn’t believe in anything but the desire for added wealth not unlike the planters of old. Wealth has always dictated politics and today, there is little to stop this onslaught of government by the people and for the people. Trump is truly the Antichrist of the present.
I’m reminded of the inspiration to write The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Often those of us who write understand the early moments in the morning visited by divine inspiration. After watching the memorial of one of my few heroes in my time, on the screen, Mohammad Ali, the previous day, I arose at 3 AM in tears knowing that a great man had passed. I immediately wrote the song “He Came From Dust.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T6fTjqs1Mk
It is only the "Republican Party" when we mistakenly call it the "Republican Party". It is, in reality, the "Trump Cult". It should be so called.
What's wrong with the label 'American Nazi' party? Or 'Fascist' party'? Letting them continue using 'Republican' is sanewashing.
I can't push "like," because I don't, but I am replying because I agree. It is not the Repub party any more.
Trump Cult = MAGAts
Michael, it is the party of death.
Calling this “Trump Cult” only increases his digital name recognition. Also, his is not a cult, but a Fascist Coup against the Constitution of these United States of America. They have all broken the Oath of Office taken, no?
RINO - Republican In Name Only
It is, in reality, the American Taliban Party. They are aghast that their religious views are not the law of the land.
MAGApublicans, not Republicans. One once was a proud political party. Not even close to it today. Sad.
Hi Bill, a lot of my most inspired writing has occurred in the pre-dawn hours, when a phrase...or sentence is hanging there, waiting to be put down and expanded. There's magic in those hours coming out of sleep.
Or when driving long distance and a thought keeps running around your head until you stop and write it down or it becomes lost forever.
Bill, there are also no longer any conservatives from the former Republican Party. Name anything the Trump or the Republicans have done that could be considered conservative. (Fascism doesn't count even though it is conservative by definition).
I know. I’m a centrist. So I’m not on either end. But you already knew that.
Stop with the self-promotion. It's not a good look.
Neither is unnecessary unkindness.
Then don’t read it. You know who I am don’t read it unless it makes you feel good to insult others for nothing. In that case insult all you want and have a sparkling day.
Wow! Go find some dignity and quit being a bully. Such an uncalled for remark.
Did you listen to the song? bill is talented.
I have been doing the same by email. I send a separate one for each topic. I don't know how much difference it makes in South Carolina, but I cannot give up. Thank-you for your voice.
you inspired me to do the same. It's sa start
Some Democrats are voting with the GOP and they should be ousted from office.
It totally depends what they are voting on. If it's to confirm Hogsbreath, Kennedy, Gabbard or Patel, then I agree with you. Some of the others may be tolerable.
Hogsbreath! love it.
Who are they?
Eadie, not to make light of this but. While in the AirForce, fixing broke C5 aircraft on the Travis AFB flightline, regarding three things that we constantly were in search of: First, "the regular Crew Chief" meaning the individual who was actually in charge of the aircraft dying in the chocks. Next, who "they" are, the ones calling the shots. And, lastly "the big picture".., understanding the reason we were busting our butts on 12 hour shifts. Needless to say, to this very day we never did break the code, soda-speak. Never figuring out who the heck "they" were.., while trying to single out who (the cc)to talk to.., and then, somehow to to see "the big picture" before shift-change. This is where we are right now. Who is "they"? Who is "calling the shots"? What are things going to look like? It's snowing at the moment!
I was asking who the Democrats are that voted with the GOP? That should be easy to find out.
Thanks, MadRussian! A good sketch of struggling through the blizzard of life.
It is not about the democrats vs R, it is about any American of any party, as John Lewis says, to battle not only for the soul of American but for the constitution. The Pentagon is full of people who took an oath to the Constitution. Why are they obeying in advance?
I believe the real Antichrist is Elon Musk. He is not an elected official but acts like one and terrorizes others working within Washington. I hope some brave souls in the media focus on him and expose him for the despicable person he is.
He should be deported.
Yes and the sooner the better...
Assuming this is a facetious comment, but I will still ask: what justification would you use to justify such an action? Because if you justify it for Musk, you open the floodgates for a renegade govrt to deport anyone, even citizens, who it regards as "enemies". As much as I detest Musk, he is a US citizen and is (and should be) accorded all the rights of any other US citizen. If there are actual crimes he should be charged with, have at it, but deportation should (and MUST) be used only in cases of illegal immigrants or those actually charged with and convicted of crimes which can lead to deportation for a former immigrant.
If you have actual crimes to charge Musk with, please state them (I might even agree with you and his actions have been extremely borderline) but as for deportation, that is at best a long way off.
No matter HOW into the wilderness the Trump regime chooses to go, I think it is crucial that we all (those of us who still believe in constitutional government) adhere to the standards that democratic constitionalism requires.
If we don't, as Pogo once noted, then "We have met the enemy and he is us."
He now has access to treasury records and all our personal information. He cannot be trusted and anyone with that access needs to be confirmed by the Senate. What will those Republicans do when he uses this information to threaten them and force them to vote his way? Already they’re cowed by him.
What'll they do? They'll vote in Ernst, and keep those emails from view. They're under the cross. I meant earnest.
Sharon: -- "Force them to vote his way?" How can you 'force'' anyone to vote your way?
"The richest man in the world?" I hate that phrase. As if wealth alone proves wisdom or righteousness.
A loudmouth who thinks his fortune shields him from criticism? Tevye said it best in *Fiddler on the Roof*: *"When you’re rich, they think you really know."*
But his reckoning will come. The Trump administration has room for only one megalomaniac. And Musk knows he can't afford to have Trump turn on him—especially when so much of his fortune comes from public money, tax breaks, and government contracts.
Do you really think there is only one? Leonard Leo, the Kochs and Elon would all qualify.
If the "antichrist" is whomever advocates against the kindness and inclusion recommended by Jesus, there are a lot of them, including anti-DEI "Christians". Musk comes from a non-inclusive background.
"Musk’s father, Errol, was also in the mining business among other interests. He once boasted that his stake in Zambian emerald mines made him “so much money we couldn’t even close our safe”. Musk’s mother, Maye, has said the family owned two homes, a plane, a yacht and a handful of luxury cars.
Errol Musk has said that he opposed apartheid and joined the Progressive Federal party but then left because he didn’t like its demand for one person, one vote, and instead favored a more gradual reform with separate parliaments for different races. That was the liberal position inside the Musk family.
Musk’s maternal grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, moved from Canada to South Africa in 1950 because he liked the newly elected apartheid government.
In the 1930s, Haldeman was the Canadian leader of a fringe political movement originating in the US, Technocracy Incorporated, that advocated abolishing democracy in favor of government by elite technicians but which took on overtones of fascism with its uniforms and salutes."
That from the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/26/elon-musk-peter-thiel-apartheid-south-africa
Also see https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ng-interactive/2025/jan/29/silicon-valley-rightwing-technofascism
Part of history is the unmitigated cruelty and narcissism of many of the wealthiest who passionately preach austerity for to the serfs as they devise to hold them down. Many of America's most wealthy were supportive of Hitler in the '30s and '40s.
Anti-monopoly, anti-trust, is not "communism". It is part of needed ground-rules with the consent of the governed that mitigates against extreme economic conditions, out of which both fascist and communist tyrannies arise: re. History.
J L Good Post... Didn't Hammurabi ( 18th Century B.C. ) say that the purpose of the Law was to protect the Weak from the Strong? Else we have the Law-Of-The-Jungle...
Yes, Janet, but who gave him the power? His name wasn’t on the ballot, his enablers was.
Follow the money. Weird how our ostensibly egalitarian system allows Musk to use a $250,000,000,000 to help elect Trump, while many Americans cant afford a dime to political choices.
"But the main culprit, the cancer on the body politic, is money: Money, money, money... We don't have time for each other. We don't have time for constituents, except for the givers. Somebody ought to tell the truth about that." - Senator Hollings in 2004
Yes, Janet. But, Christie No-em? What's guiding her?
But THERE IS AN "M" :-).
And I assume Ms. Noem is being guided by the ghosts of her now deceased dogs.
Really, seriously, there is NO ONE who is actually NORMAL in the Trump orbit?
Good god.
One man did that - he refused the useless little submarine and got reviled. That action and what happened next exposed Musk for what he is.
Patience people, sooner or later Musk will go too far and anger the Mango Menace, who as you may have noticed, angers easily these days. Or he'll go way too far and public opinion will not only shift against Elon, but will shift wildly and he will be toast. Money only goes so far, he will learn that too.
In Prof. Timothy Snyder's small but powerful volume he first nots
notices that "Most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given" that why his first warning against tyranny is: DO NOT OBEY IN ADVANCE"
I recommend this book as a field guide for our current dilemma
Lincoln spoke of "the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong ... the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings". Rights are common when we recognize and protect the rights of one another. SOLIDARITY, enabling diversity; the final bulwark against tyranny.
Why are they disobeying in advance? Good question. In their minds they're answering to a higher power. Are they breaching their oath of office? They are. Our solution is at the ballot box, and we failed there on Nov. 5. But, as my mom once told me in 1962 when I was facing a challenge while in the U.S. Army, serving on Okinawa at the time: "Faint heart never won Lady Fair." We're not giving up.
The highest power of some of them is personal material and political gain. Sound like a classic "devil's bargain" to me.
Perhaps there should be a consequence to breaking that oath? 🤷♀️
Freedom comes with responsibility (including accountability). Adults often said so when I was a kid.
We do have the power but not the courage.
I agree. Courage is what’s needed.
Courage seems to be essential, though I think there is more to it than that. We are all gonna die. What, from a (real or imagined) deathbed perspective really matters? What, when we let go of ego (and I'm not sure I ever will, but I hope I'm getting more perspective on it) is actually precious? What happens when we focus?
Here's an excellent piece by Dan Rather about why we lack courage:
Dan writes really well. I think that I will sign up as a paying subscriber. Dan has excellent experience and insight.
I regard this (Dan Rather) a link to an important document. Much thanks for sharing it. I urge everyone to read it.
They are not the GOP anymore they are now MAGAts.
Since MAGA is their goal, I'm waiting for the in-depth exposition of exactly when America WAS "great", and exactly why? And what else was part of that picture? Maybe greatness was never a product of a time so much as an ongoing component of national character? Sometimes more evident than at others? " The better angels of our nature". Fools rush in where angels disdain to tread.
Beautifully stated, J.L.
As the felon rapist and his minions destroy everything and steal everything we can have a national strike. Buy nothing but the essentials, starve the beast.
I have been calling for a national DEI DAY, where anyone who could be considered "DEI" calls in sick. Grind the economy to a halt. Anyone who does not fit that category can stay home and not purchase ANYTHING ANYWHERE that day, in solidarity. Business owners who fit DEI categorization close shop for the day.
Calling your reps is a good thing, but we need something HUGE to draw attention to who actually makes us America. I think it is our own TCinLA who says that DEI is the new CRT battle cry of the MAGA. (I could be wrong on that, but Tom makes many good points in his Substack.)
I don't even have any social media accounts, but if I did and had hundreds if not thousands of followers, that's what I'd be calling for.
LFAA family--can you just imagine if every one good people that we trust to give us the facts, be it on Substack or YouTube all posted calling on one day for this to happen? The exact same message from Brian Tyler Cohen, Marc Elias, the entire Medias Network, Belle of the Ranch, David Pakman, Glenn Kirshner, Joyce Vance, Stephanie Craven, etc, etc, etc?
EDIT: Add to the list above, Dan Rather and all the folks at The Contrarian.
Please add any others I am omitting.
Miselle, I like your idea, but I have to point out that one-day protests have virtually no effect, as has been proven in numerous past boycotts. Without exception, people who don't buy a product or patronize a business for a day merely DEFER their purchases until the following day. Sales figures have shown this. Nowadays, business executives who are the targets of boycotts simply roll their eyes and wait until tomorrow.
For a protest to be effective, it must be protracted, for a week or a month or even longer, if possible. An effective boycott/protest will end up causing pain to both the offender and the protester, hopefully, with the offender sustaining more injury than the protester. A protest is like a battle. Both sides will take casualties; the winner takes fewer.
I agree with much of what you are saying--that people defer and that executives roll their eyes.
I suggest it because it seems that much of the population needs visual stimulation, and this could do it. Those who support and own businesses can put a placard on their doors. Those who are unaware can go about their usual routines and wonder where is everyone? Why is there no line at Starbucks? Why is the grocery store empty?
You are 100% right that it will cause injury to the the protestor--think of what all the black people suffered!
I am concerned that all those Democrats, liberals, etc will dutifully send emails and make calls to their reps, which will be tallied and NOTHING HAPPENS.
I have a sister who is totally oblivious to the news cycle and likes it that way. She gets upset with me when I tell her exactly what is going on, which she will say "I didn't see that on the news last night." YUP, she watches the local 9 oclock news for the weather, some sports and a bit of local news, much of it which she says doesn't apply to her. I was AMAZED that last night, Chicago's WGN 9 o'clock news spent the first 20 minutes in a small panel discussion of the recent Trump initiatives!
Does that mean that the Republican Party must be Destroyed? Similar to, "Carthago Delenda Est!" ? ...
Precisely. Flattened. Sown with salt. Cue up The Rains of Castamere . . .
Who Said That The Knowledge Of The Classics Was Useless? ... :-)
We ignore history at our peril.
Everything we learn is history; individual or not documented and shared, and "official". We RE-collect what we learn, in order to act in the present and plan for the future. If history "rhymes" but never exactly repeats, recognizing the relevant pattern, what "might" be applicable and what components are likely to differ? That's a science and an art.
If someone did, I don't want to run into them in a restaurant.
Trump ?
Seems That DJT Is Allergic To Any Knowledge Besides 'The Art Of The Grift'...
And hang Un-President Cletus J. Blather as the traitor he is.
Are you referring to Drumpf, the 💩….not my president!?
First Felon
…also Refered to as the clown 🤡?!
Trump Delenda Est
TC, I am thoroughly enjoying your clever nom de plumes for POTUS.
French-speaking nitpicker here: noms de plume.
His Substack is even better!
That should have happened in 2021. Ignore justice at your own peril.
This iteration, surely, Apache. These so-called Republicans are not the party of Reagan, let alone Eisenhour! They are not, as Heather has pointed out, 'conservatives' - they are radicals, and we must quit allowing them to fly under this false flag. Make them strike their true colors!!
They are NAZIs. Full stop.
Exactly!! We have reached the point when comparing an American president to Hitler is not an exaggeration.
Finally, someone unafraid to compare Trump to Hitler. I've studied Hitler's rise to power extensively and the parallels between Hitler and Trump are uncanny. If Trump continues on his current path we may also find ourselves in a war with some foreign country.
I just want to add, that Julia Ward Howe's music roused the North perhaps we need some rousing protest songs like "For What It's Worth" by Steven Stills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp5JCrSXkJY&list=FL7isooCW16FWRNGk--LeUKg&index=98
Agreed, although NAZIs were not the prototype for such sociopathic behavior, although they were a particularly egregious example of it. The "Mr. Hyde" side of humanity has a very long history, and sadly, we seem to resist being smarter about it.
It is true that Reagan looks responsible compared to T***P, and even W, but he (and his patrons) majorly got the ball rolling toward the place we're in now.
Sandra, They DID, didn’t you see several iterations of tRump flags during news coverage of the Jan 6th insurrection?!
Such are the GOP’s hopes for the Democratic Party.
Recall their old war cry of a permanent Republican majority (by hook or crook.)
Mostly "crook".
Or by cheating or by declaring a "mandate abd landslide"
I was a republican as were many of my family members, since his demented fascination with his crowd size on day 2 or 3 of his first term, I and most of those close to me want to have nothing to do with him. My answer to your question Apache is, Yes the repugnantkin party needs to go the way of the Whigs, into oblivion, they no longer function as a constructive voice in our political discourse. You wouldn’t tolerate a raving lunatic at your dinner table, nor should we as a nation be forced to listen to people who have no interest in our wellbeing, they have no place at the table with us. Conservative points of view should be welcome in our conversations, as much as liberal points of view are, as long as the goal is the betterment of all Americans, and for that matter all of mankind. These days the only people showing respect for the rights of all Americans are the Democrats, the repugnantkins want to remove our rights and control us.
That is why I stress Face-2-Face interactions, and Team Sports... That was the most Rewarding Aspect of Military Service for Me & My Family... That is why I stress Mandatory Public Service... As this Society has turned Inward with the Social Media Heroin Drips, this Society has become more Anti-Social, and Dysfunctional....
No, regardless of what so many of them are up to, a one party system will never be democratic. They need reforming, as, in a different way, clearly do the Democrats.
Spoiler alert - I speak as a lifelong Independent. It’s a place far more of us need to be.
I was an independent for a long time, but then I missed being able to vote in the primaries. It makes a difference casting those votes, too.
Yet that is the fault of the way the two parties have used the system they created in order to further their own ends.
The Founders profoundly distrusted ‘factionalism’ even as several of them moved to initiate it. I fear their concern has proven entirely justified.
Yes, I know. That does not solve the practical problem you mention and I’m not wise enough to know what would. Perhaps it is just sheer human cussedness. At the age of nearly 80, I’m allowed to be a curmudgeon.
Agree completely, two parties, and it's why I treasure every Constitutional Republican I can find and quickly relabel the others as treasonous "Trump Cultists".
I regard myself as "independent" or at least don't think the Democratic Party can do no wrong. But I'm a registered Democrat and as a matter of practice, very rarely, trivially, and not time recently have I voted for a Republican. Third parties are a complex issue, but in any case, none at this point are viable in high stakes elections. And yes, I think Democrats need to soul search.
Hello James... I'm an Independent as Well... I like Good New Ideas... In this Universe, Time Flows in One Direction only... FORWARD!!!
Without Trump, Republicans would have self destructed had they gone with the impeachments esp Jan 6th. As well MAGA had pretty much taken over the party's base by then.
Oh, that would make my day.
So, Zuck has really fallen down on his own intentions since 2024 when he wore this quote on his T-shirt on his 40th birthday. He bowed down to Traitor and is now owned by rocket man. What a crazy world this has become.
I see he’s planning on incorporating Meta in Texas or another state and leaving Delaware. Maybe they will succeed and we’ll be done with them.
We don’t want him in Texas! TX is bad enough already!
I actually think it’s just where he’s incorporated. There is something about Delaware laws that gives them a break or protection. Have you ever noticed how many credit card companies have addresses there and I think North Dakota? I don’t remember now that I’m retired.
Get rid of MAGA and its cultish brutality cultivate any sane Republican you can find.
The REPUBLICAN'T party doesn't have to be destroyed but those members that still have a conscience and believe in America, the Constitution and the oatth they took need to stop kissing DonOLDs ass. Afew have and with their majority of a few, it doesn't take many.
Montana... I hope that You are Right... Bear in Mind that during the 2nd Impeachment Trial, the Republican Senators & their Families were intimated by DJT's Minions... See the Recent 'Flip' by Joni Ernst regarding Hagseth's Nomination...
The REPUBLICAN'T party doesn't have to be destroyed but those members that still have a conscience and believe in America, the Constitution and the oatth they took need to stop kissing DonOLDs ass. Afew have and with their majority of a few, it doesn't take many.
Pretty much.
At the very least, Dems need to pick up a dozen torches. And not just them.
All citizens of the Republic need to serve. No more “Thank you for your service” bullshit. Serve.
Serve the cause.
DEMs can also keep suing any Trump executive order to slow down. DEMs need to form a committee for organizing a united front against Trump and Musk. Who is the new party leader?
DEMs need medias to work together. Taking and publishing polls every week is likely most helpful.
The Dem Party is right now attempting to gain strength with the election of a new party president. One concretely hopes the rejuvenated Dem's are able to learn from the last bunches failures. One hopes.
Laurie, I really believe that planning must encompass the likelihood that there will be no more elections. (As the Führer said so lightheartedly at one of his endless campaigns. Not, of course, that he had anything to do with Project 2025 - he said so.).
Yes. I heard him say that, too. It is a great concern, and I do not know how to ensure that we will have an election again snd can vote and have our votes counted fairly. We need all the wise brain power possible working on preserving our elections and rights full time.
I really hope we'll stop this talk of no more elections. Not saying it couldn't happen but it's highly unlikely as our elections are for national, state and local offices, not to mention ballot initiatives. Also, there's whole lot of people and organizations that earn income or make profits from elections. They wouldn't be quiet.
Thank you!
Okay, there'll be "elections", just like there are in Hungary. With the perversions of gerrymandering, the electoral college which can usurp the weight of the popular vote, the corrupt SCOTUS and state supreme courts and judges, and varieties of voter suppression the next "election" will be barely recognizable by its representative name in a democracy. And that whole lotta people who earn money during elections may be summarily fired as easily as the felon is currently mass-firing federal employees. Everything is game for the felon, his billionaires, his billionaires' media, his bought judges and justices; so what's your reliable recourse? This is the time to remain alert, clear-eyed, and to assume the great powers that be, right now, will continue to flex their oligarchic muscle. They are so close to absolute rule they can smell it and they will try everything they repeatedly said they would do. Hopefully, the courts will gum up their progress and democratic, fiery leaders will emerge to lead a popular revolt to save us in the mid-terms.
Wow. As if both sides of the aisle, don’t gerrymander.
You might wanna ask yourself what happened to the 13 million votes that Biden got in 2020
Good points, Russell. But here's the thing: the United States of America is not Hungary. There are no points at which we meet. It's history is long but also heavy. It's government has only been an autonomous entity since 1990. Yes, Orban has been able to consolidate power but, unlike multicultural, multilingual America, Hungary's population is almost 90% indigenous Magyar and speaks only Hungarian. And yes, the far-right in the US is enamored of Orban. They are vocal but they are also a small segment of our overall population.
The issue of gerrymandering has been with us for a very long time. Admittedly, it got much worse after the 2010 census. Can we bring it back into balance? Who knows. What I do know is that vocalizing that we won't have elections again is extremely premature.
Well, you certainly didn’t complain about gerrymandering in 2020. Did we? As Dana Carvey used to say how convennnnnnnmmient.
JP4M, apropos of nothing, I read a comment (can’t remember where) that said TFFFG’s utterances were like “farts in a hurricane”….OK, now THAT term will stay with me 🤪….if only he didn’t wield such “power” as the perceived “leader” of our country 🤮.
So far, his moron stupidity has gotten his bullshit smacked down with each thing he is doing, and he's now instituted the Lawyer's Full Employment Act with all the things he is being sued on and will be (the "firings" that didn't follow the rules).
And we'll undoubtedly be watching our tax dollars disappear with each passing motion.
Muskrat wants our treasury trough. Direct into his pockets.
Actually if you pay attention, James, there will be more tax dollars spent here and less spent in Afghanistan push pushing woke diplomacy like transgender Olympics.
An old cohort of mine described death as 'being farted into the wind eternal.' An appropriate end for TFFFG.
Lol…James, the eternal “raspberry!!!!” 🤣 Maybe new lyrics to the song “dust in the wind”?????
Barbara Keating. Wonderful re the wanna be Putin each time he opens his ugly mouth: “Farts in a hurricane!”
Thank you!
They're all saying "thank you for your leadership" since he started spouting common sense about why the helicopter hit the airliner.
Do our hopes reside with the Supreme Court as it receives a flurry of lawsuits? Will it shed its MAGA leanings and take collective action to reverse or deny the worst of Trump's policies? But then someone once said that if men were angels we'd never need government. Then Madison came along and said, supposedly, if we're not a virtuous people, we're fucked!
Be careful when you start talking about messing with the Supreme Court because there’s a good chance Trump might appoint Ted Cruz and Trey Gowdy to replace Alito and thomas. And then you have another 25 years of Supreme Court supremacy by the right
We need help from outside agents, like a European alliance. France helped us the first time, after all. Did the Union have any outside assistance during the (first) Civil War? Does anyone know?
Beginning now.
We need to abolish the Electoral College. Until then your single vote doesn't mean shit. 500 or so supposedly unbribed folks pick the prez. The popular vote is meaningless.
Yes, Anne -Louise, I too am fearful if we continue on this path there will be no more elections. Yesterday Musk took control of the United States Treasury where all the billions in commitments are paid out of. This is ominous when a non-elected oligarch can casually shove out the person empowered to carry out that work to gain control of our finances. God help us!
Musk took over the treasury??? If he did, why is this not FRONT PAGE NEWS? Please give me (us) your resource for this. Thank you.
Yesterday in the N Y Times yesterday there was an article. The government employee who held the sensitive position overseeing the Treasury was shoved out and forced to handover codes. I called my senators & reps and asked them if they were aware that Elon Musk had taken over the US Treasury?
I’m gonna assume they’re clear that anytime that this employee would have been fired. They would have to turn over the codes. End of your story next story.
I just found this. I don't know how to link the free version.
Here is the free link you shared about the treasury take-over in the gifted version. (Tap the gift option in the upper left hand corner of a screen to share a gift.) Thank you so much for putting the link on here. Because you did, I was able to tap it and gift it.
Probably because it didn’t happen. And why are you people singling out one individual Trump could pick a senator to do exactly what those is doing and you’d have nothing to say so why don’t you look at the actions that are being done and the results that are coming and judge those.
Finances and your data. It’s certainly not legal.
The government already has your information you file a tax return every year. Or did you forget that?
Firstly, I file in France, where we have the rule of law. Secondly, Musk is not part of the US government, he has no Congressional confirmation, no clearance and is not legally entitled to override privacy and data protection laws.
And just like any other government employee, he can be hired and fired. There are some 30,000 FBI agents as I understand it that never had any congressional confirmation. The same goes for CIA agents. The same goes for every single government employee other than the ones in the presidents cabinet. So what’s your problem Sophie? Your problem isn’t the individual. Your problem is what he’s uncovering and you don’t like it and you should love it to death because he’s finding billions of dollars of waste and fraud and it doesn’t matter whether it’s Elon Musk finding it or someone else finding it, you’re missing the whole point.
Act like we will until we don't.
I do not believe in hell. But I propose building one for certain people who need to go there.
Their leader is an orange helium balloon!
Let's put it at Guantonimo.
We must include Mitch McConnell in that round up! If he had let the orange blight go to trial for either of his impeachments, the orange blight would not be president now.
Better hold onto your horses when the orange light gets placed up on Mount Rushmore for being one of the greatest presidents of all time. He’s already pretty much in control of the world and just two weeks agreements to protect our borders lowest illegal immigration in years deporting illegal criminals freeing Israel from Hamas rule soon to stop the war in Ukraine and Russia and all you guys can talk about is infrastructure like that’s a number one priority. Yikes.
They will try to come up with something to “postpone” the midterms. Dem run Stated must go ahead with those elections no matter what. Secession maybe necessary to preserve Freedom and Democracy. Last time it was to preserve slavery
You guys are like out onlinacy bay vacation here. And you talked about the states in the northeast succeeding well if they wanna do it, they should do it. In the meantime Trump is having to help California with its mismanagement of the fire situation and water control and he’s doing that despite his so-called prejudice against the left.
I understand your idea, but in this particular situation of a salt and peppering of attitudes across the nation, meaning that differing attitudes are all around us, and many of those attitudes are those of people we know and care about, a succession would be impossible. Communities and larger scale populations are diverse in their thinking, and many, if not all, of the opposing thinkers will not listen and become extremely angry. There are places where it is not even safe to express an idea.
You might argue that during the Civil War, people of different thinking lived near each other, but this situation is different.
Many people maintain the political signs and banners in their yards, on their porches, or even paint them on barns. Even people in groups where other wise thoughts are shared and common goals to help people are prominent, differ in ideas of politics and understanding.
When people of different attitudes live and work so closely together, some options are not possible. We must remember in such situations that we like the people, but we do not always like or share the same ideas. To discuss those ideas can be disastrous or possibly even fatal, if not fatal in the physical form of life, certainly fatal in other aspects of life. That means that to discuss the political ideas would result in a form of existence, isolation, or far worse which most individuals could not tolerate.
Well, speaking about opposing thinkers there is not one here.
There will still be elections, of a sort. Even Russians have sort-of elections. Rest to make sure it’s not Voting In Name Only (that sort of of VINO is bad for you.)
Anne-Louise- The United States of America is not nazi Germany and we do not have a “president for life “. It’s our job to keep it that way, and we cannot concede to this power grab. I hope you can find a local grassroots action-oriented group near you and join the fight. We need you.
I've been writing about working and geting organized for the midterm election for weeks now. I was suggesting that "if we have elections at all" that would be the turning point beyond that,either we retain democracy or we lose it. Almost all my comments and replies had a mention of that scenario. Now I'm realizing that the maga intelligence know that too and I'm sure they have their plans at hand. They are advancing and implementing all those "executives orders" that trump signals without any knowledge of what's he is signing. They are destroying everything to build a new structure similar to Russia 's or Hungary,'s , to be fully functioning by the time of the midterm. That's their rush. Everything should be destroyed by then. If someone asks me today if we are going to have the election in two years I would have to answer, NO.
It is not that I want such a scenario to take place, it is that I understand what you were saying. I hope it will not happen that way. Ideally, and in my best hopes, we will have elections as we know them, without unrealistic gerrymandering, With the 14th amendment being implemented to keep traitors to our Constitution off ballots, and with safety at all polls and fair counting of the votes. I want so much to see good, fair, honest, wise people in office who respect and uphold our Constitution and our citizens and newcomers and all of their rights according to our Constitution and according to the rights of all individuals.
I don’t believe that an election will not be held. It would be a call to revolt, they want to pretend everything is great. The concern is how much gerrymandering and voter suppression will affect the outcome
Thank you Sean for bringing some sense of sanity back to this discussion. I have never seen so many negative negative in advance human beings either have a faulty crystal ball or a really bad Ouija board.
This is a problem with you insane asylum inmates in my opinion. Unless you come together and formulate a good message to Americans, JD Vance will be next in line to run the country through a an election, but by the way, there’s also a push on and I think it will succeeded to invoke or install term limits with Congress, which could be the greatest thing that could happen to the United States since it’s inception.
The DNC is holding a Convention to chose their new Leader tomorrow in DC... Lets see if they are clued in to the Purge happening in the FBI, and Justice Department... Elon Musk's Minions on-site seem to be orchestrating these Purges... The DNC still haven't figured out how they lost to DJT who did everything he could to lose the Election... If the hopelessly compromised DNC can't get a Reality-Check, is it time to create a Viable Alternative...
I hate to point this out, but Trump lost to a white man. Lost the popular vote to a white woman, but won the electoral vote by the skin of his teeth. He beat a Black woman in the popular vote and the electoral college. Sexism and racism are why the Dems lost. Trump did not increase his share of the electorate that voted for him in 2016 and 2020, but many people who voted for Biden stayed home in 2024. I suspect that most of them would not admit to themselves that they couldn't get themselves to vote for a woman. When people were polled about policies without attributing the policies to a particular candidate, they overwhelming favored Harris' policies. See Michael Podhorzer for more detailed analysis https://www.weekendreading.net/p/how-trump-won
This is what I believe. I'm no expert, but in my experience, things I've read, and people I've talked to, many women did not want to vote for Kamala. I was initially very surprised about this. I really believed, and still do, that she would have made a good president. I heard comments like, "What has she done? What qualifications does she have? All she does is laugh and smile. She doesn't answer questions. She doesn't say what she's going to do." They didn't listen to her and had a prejudice against her because she was a woman. It's as though their prejudice prevented them from even trying to listen to Kamala. They felt safer with Trump. At least he'll close the border and we won't be giving out all this aid to the "illegals." We live 1500 miles from the southern border and most of these same women have deceived the government in order to receive aid when they are far from being refugees themselves. These are suburban and city women that I know. They don't like that gay and transgender people work in the government. They like having that "one black friend" and think gay people are "cool," but don't want to live with people of color and don't mind "gays" as long as they don't influence their children. They just so happen to lack a higher education and believe, though, that they have more common sense because they have better "life skills." It was as though they had not achieved or experienced Kamala's successes, so they couldn't fathom that she could be president.
I don't blame Biden, Kamala, or the Democrats for "losing." I agreed with the Democrats' decisions, however, I underestimated the prejudices and fear that many people in the US feel which has been ignited by their lack of education, honesty, and ethics, and now they feel supported and justified by many people in the state and federal governments and within some Christian churches.
Sadly, There are many like that here in South Carolina. The other Day I read JVL's substack from the Bulwark. He quoted an article, "It's easy to believe in conspiracy theories when you don't know how things work". A college education teaches how to evalute information and research.
Some of that, Molly, such as critical thinking, can & should be taught starting in high school! I’m a big believer of education past high school, and that can come in many forms/pathways (I say this based on my experience of 40+ years working & counseling students @ a University).
Even in grade schools we learned snd taught ways of analyzing ideas and discussed them. Critical thinking in various realms of thought begins at home before preschool even. I am realizing that that does not always happen, and I applaud people who teach critical thinking with questions and without seeming opinionated or controlling.
Yes a college education, and many fine high school educations do help people evaluate information and research more. Some wise people know that without having a degree, yet some people with degrees do not think as you might expect. Still other people put down college educations or wrongly attribute attitudes to people who hold degrees. Our country is full of more ways of thinking than I had ever imagined! I find that having a degree does not make everyone agree as to what is needed in government. I also find disagreements among people who do not hold degrees. I agree with you that education is crucial, but I see often that it does not define a person’s political thoughts. I wish there were places where the good thinking skills you describe could be encouraged for everyone.
Well, they got what they wanted. In solidarity of opposition it is incumbant upon us to hold them accountable. Oppose. Agitate. Confront. At every opportunity.
It makes me sad to say that you are speaking the truth. You describe many of the people in my community. I also know young adults who didn't go to the effort to vote, despite friends imploring them with "you have to vote". The current administration has taken advantage of the fear, lack of education, loneliness and isolation too many of us are living under---which has been painstakingly put in place since the 1980s by those few benefitting now.
Peggy Letourneau,
We would do so much better in life if we would choose to respect one another and accept one another even if we disagree. NOT EASY!!!!
Various opinions should be normal. It is vital to listen as patiently as possible. Believe me I understand "listen patiently!" Some have felt put down, or treated with disrespect for sharing their opinions with others. Whether we respect their opinion or not....listening respectfully opens the door to be able to share our opinions and talk and LISTEN to their opinions.
It is when one group rejects the person rather than their opposing views. Forming opinions that differ is normal. We must listen carefully to one another in order to , as best as possible to understand their point of view and though their opinion may be OPPOSITE from ours, we can at least be clear and able to listen and try to understand our differences.
Respect opens the door for sharing and for the ability to listen.
Absolutely respect does matter. Thank you, Peggy.
Our Father who art the bullshit of conquest..
Thank you for painting such a defining picture. It never crossed my mind that any female would doubt another female’s capabilities based on her own lack of them. I still am learning of varied mindsets, and they are staggering! Your description helps us mentally to put ourselves into another person’s situation. It does not help the outcome of our election, but it does give me a broader scope into their narrow one.
I do know that some women, and fortunately not all of them, believe that they must vote as their husbands do. Some marriages of varied political views work. Others do not. I do not understand how the mixed views and the controlling of another person’s marking of a private ballot can prevail. I only know that in some instances, it does.
No doubt the “thought process” you described was at play, but the amount of anger directed at Democrats over their support of Israel in the Gaza War was another factor. I actually agree with supporting Israel, but felt Harris needed to make a clear distinction between how she would have handled it differently from Biden, and she didn’t have the courage or imagination to come up with a position that would have softened those voters’ resistance to her candidacy.
Lewis, IMHO, she was between a rock & and a hard place as VPOTUS, perhaps if she’d not been “in office” she might have been able to speak more freely and express her own opinions. Personally I LIKE that she didn’t conduct a “slash & burn” campaign & instead focused on efforts to lift all Americans up.
Yes, she did always try to uplift all Americans. I could not understand why everybody did not see that quality in her. However, I think many people knew they would vote against her for reasons of their own or reasons they had been fed, and they simply refused to pay anny attention to her whatsoever. That is so sad, tragic really, because here we are now!
I blame Kamala for not being aggressive enough. Trump gave her numerous opportunities to hammer him for being the disgusting human being he is and usually she just laughed him off. The best example came in the debate when he lied about the Haitians of Springfield, Ohio. She should have comedown on him like a ton of bricks but just laughed his cruelty and lies off. A great debater might have ended Trump's campaign right there.
Ah yes, act out the age old misogynistic racist trope that all too many just tut and say. You know it, "She's just another 'angry black woman.'" No matter how bright, competent, and accomplished a leader. As LBJ said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” And here we are. Living the LBJ comment.
There's a time to be angry. There's a time to aggressively point out that the other guy is just plain lying to divide us, to weaken us, to see the neighbor as an "other" to hate. As trump makes enemies around the world and right next door we, including black women, need to be getting angry. I'm an old white guy and I'm damned angry.
Black people are consciously or unconsciously brought up to suppress expressions of anger due to the history of White violence. I recommend the writings of Ta-Nehisi Coates.
I’ve said for a long time that this country would not elect a woman to the presidency in my lifetime. At 81 it seems even more unlikely. Hard to imagine that trump could be elected twice. Sad. We are still a racist, sexist country.
Yes I believe that with my heart. My heart sunk when it was announced Harris was running, I know that a big population of men hate women worse than people of color. Harris would have been wonderful for this country. Democrats need soneone running for President right now, the same as Trump did the whole time Biden was in office, NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!
We need a middle age white man. I believe Kamala would have been good for this country, but after 2016 I was looking to play it safe with a candidate that wouldn't scare the bigots.
Thank you for that perspective of bigots. Those attitudes had not secured to me, and I thought and still think Kamala is wonderful in many ways. She calls things as they are politely, yet she maintains an admirable composure. Her carefully chosen words are her tools.
Whomever we do need to pull us out of this horrific current mess, I hope we find the person soon and can be united in making the changes as needed, legally, of course. Yes, T. kept histograms in front of the smears snd on the front pages. If our best person for the job could build a fine, familiar presence while promoting the needed goodness, obvious yo everyone, how wonderful that would be!
We see varied perspectives among ourselves, and I think we have the peace and respect to share those here. Sometimes we agree, or sometimes we might vary in thoughts. Nonetheless, we all care about saving our country and respecting each other. I appreciate those qualities and everyone who contributes.
Amen, and a Constitutional Republican should also start campaigning to give those who detest the Trump Cult a choice. NOW!! Adam Kinzinger, if not you, who, if not now, when.
What a fine idea!
The time is now, the place is here.
Hello Michael.... See Phil Balla's response below... The key Constituency were those that did not Vote... Why did they not Vote? Maybe they have given up hope? DJT, if nothing else, is a Cult Leader... Factoid:
31-Jan-2025: WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House stenographers have a problem. Donald Trump is talking so much, the people responsible for transcribing his public remarks
are struggling to keep up with all the words.
If Joe Biden's Primary Mission was to keep DJT out of the Presidency, then MISSION FAILURE... Merrick Garland was the WRONG CHOICE FOR AG... Now DJT is destroying the DoJ, and the USA.... By Destroying the DoJ, and FBI, WE are losing the Lawful Tools To Hold Them Accountable...
I don’t think, Apache, that even the most advanced AI could keep up with recording the bloviating mumble-mouth spew-o-meter that is the Bronze-O-Nator Ferret-Pelted Crook-In-Chief. Hmmmm, just now singing in my head about TFFFG is the Scarecrow’s song “if I only had a brain”!!!
Have you noticed his sudden white eyebrows? His face has gone full technicolor again.
Barbara and Apache -- I enjoy your conversations here!
Barbara, about AI, I'm impacted by a Zoom I attended, "At the EDGE: Conversation Series on Relational Engagement with AI," about "the entangled nature of intelligence and the ways in which AI can act as a disruptive mirror, a catalyst and a scaffold for reimagining our relationships with the world, each other, and ourselves.". https://burnoutfromhumans.net/conversation-series. It was the 1st in a series of 6 and is launched along with a free download of her new book.
Vanessa Andreotti wrote, "Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity's Wrongs and the Implications for Social Activism" in 2021. Her recent emergence as Dorothy Ladybugboss has me captivated as she allows us to participate in her struggles to co-evolve with AI. Her experience and words stretch me and then I contract back into ineloquence, so I offer this pointer, FYI: https://burnoutfromhumans.net/
Thanks for the links,Joan!
Although I am unfamiliar with those letters, I appreciate your message and the familiar song very much!
He can’t shut up. He just says whatever comes into his head—like blaming the air crash on DEI before anyone knows the cause and people are grieving.
But, doncha know, he trusts his gut (ew!) and only has the “best” words…so what he says must be true!!!🤦🏻♀️
After de-staffing the DoJ and FBI, Trump will start installing the Insurrectionist Criminals, whose records are now wiped clean, in those positions. It's called "weaponizing the justice system" the MO of all dictators.
Racism and misogyny came roaring to life.
Meta and x have the capacity to weld what has always been the gop’s greatest political weapon. Build apathy and distrust through confusion, contradictions, and obstructive policy. Do that long enough, and people just stay home. Now Silicon Valley has the digital profiling tools to identify those who are the most vulnerable to this tactic. They have been profiled, evaluated, and marked. Zombification and radicalization are just a scroll and newsfeed away….
Fight back…this is your government you must defend it to the best of your ability!
Pretty soon, Ted, they will “dose” the water to encourage complacency and disengagement (dystopian I know…but if the shoe fits…).
Among other things..
People who reelected GWB were polled as not liking his policies either. It seems the more entertaining candidate tends to win, and policy is boring
Don’t hate to point this out! We need EVERYONE to let us know of ANY appropriate action to take, And make sure to contact your Congressional representatives…they must act as our representatives not just play it safe.
Ditto Hillary, Teresa….interesting info if one digs deep enough. Am so very sad that the USA is still this way.
MB you say “ Sexism and racism are why the Dems lost.”
That’s too strong, but those were certainly important contributing factors.
I would say it was more like ignorance and lack of understanding of the reality of the threats that made some people think it was about the high cost of necessities. I can’t even imagine thinking this foul mouthed overweight person who has never worked a day in his life could take us anywhere but to hell. Let’s be serious for a moment: those thousands of people who voted for trump were wrong and we will all suffer for it. We must stay calm and support each other as best we can.
Those people were out-Foxed.
Propaganda works.
The GOP stole that election fair and square..
The young male voters were terrified of the female excitement that accompanied the Harris campaign. They were sure not going to increase that joy with a vote. Pathetic.
It’s true that sexism and racism are why the Dems lost but it’s also true that, as much as I thought Biden was a great president in many respects, he needed to stick to his commitment to be a one term president and allow a vigorous D Democratic primary…. This was a grievous error…
I have a friend at church who got a call from another church member. My friend frequently talks to this church member but never about politics. After the election this church member called my friend and the member told her that she couldn't vote for Harris because she didn't think she had any foreign policy experience.
Time to start talking about politics.
🤦🏻♀️ d-oh!!! (to quote Homer Simpson)
Do you truly think that “loss to a black woman” election was fair and square, that the party of cheating and lying did not do what they accused Democrats of doing? Trump basically said it proudly, that his buddy Elon had taken care of it.
Marilyn, I too believe there were thumbs on the scale….many efforts put in place across the country….ramped up after the gutting of the Voting Rights Act and the 👍 of Citizen’s United. A bad moon’s on the rise…..
My belief, too. Racism and misogyny. When will we ever grow up?
Oh? You mean throw the baby out with the bath water just the way MAGAts want us to? Too many people think MAGAts are a "viable" alternative. I don't know about you but I don't consider Fascism a viable alternative. It's time to work with the Democratic party instead of throwing spit balls at them. Something people are much more willing to do to them than they are at the MAGA party. I guess everyone does love a circus, no matter how vile the act is.
I have a sense Wikler could help pull us through.
The one who will be the light is David Hogg, who is running for vice chair.
I like David Hogg... Dangerous Times Demand Fresh Thinking...
Yeah, unfortunately, the "establishment candidate" is ahead in the polls. Wikler should be the guy. We'll see.
Notice that the assumption is that the Democratic Party should be led by a guy—preferably white. I got an email from Stacy Abrams yesterday, and I hope she's regained her strength. When we worry about the working class, we should remember that it's not all white and male. Also, I think Biden made a huge mistake in throwing all his weight behind Netanyahu. I've read that if Harris had opposed him a bit, she could have improved her chances. Trump has made a lot of noise about being woke and DEI; he knows his people. But do we know ours?
A national DEI DAY where every person who MAGA considers "DEI" would call in sick or close their businesses would make them know who "our people" are.
she would be best. can you share her contact on PM?
Stop reading the polls, TC! I want Wikler too!
TC... How did You Make It Thru The Fires?
TCinLA made it safely through the fires, giving those of us who are regular substack column subscribers of his "That's Another Fine Mess" hourly updates and pictures. MUCH appreciated by this mom whose son lives there.
I agree! I dearly wish that all those on the forum here would subscribe for his "That's Another Fine Mess" substack. As more and more mainstream media bends the knee and offers their bags of cash, we need to support those who speak in truth and fact.
I notice an agenda item on my HOA meeting to discuss vinyl fencing. Not only would it help in a fire it would be less maintenance and last longer than the falling down wood we have. But I can’t see them paying for 405 homes to have fencing replaced. I also saw where opening your gate helps keep the fire from jumping from the fence to the house.
I wrote to him. lets see...But all not relevant any more. Unfortunately the only thing that can stop Drumpf now is the Military. God have mercy on us, but that's wher we are. FUCK!
Yes, Apache, Dems still clueless. Out of touch with America's working classes.
How is it Republicans are so triumphal -- so proudly in thrall to such rank criminality?
Let's note how the Constitution clearly cites, for instance, what the U.S. House must do, and how – defying the Constitution – the Mike Johnson Howdy Doody House has turned over its duties to favorite convicted criminal (and he turning duties over to unelected Elon Musk) – just as the Clarence court spurned the Constitution’s insurrection disqualification clause to favor its favorite orange felon (same fat guy).
How to turn to such spineless, sycophancy? Simple, language.
For sycophancy, language need resemble that of today's Republicans. It need follow the diction Diane Ravitch tracks in “The Language Police.” It need concur with why “The ogre cannot master speech,” as Auden put it in “August, 1968.” It need immunize one to all truth, as George Orwell saw in “Politics and the English Language.”
In place of the truth, sycophants need neutered speech. Then, they can avoid human pain as did they in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” -- who rid themselves of all emotions. Learned to speak in the slogans the orange felon uses when he lies today.
Liars ever hue to cliché, abstractions, the group-think of testing and packaged textbooks, the buzz words keying tech billionaires’ algorithms.
Opposite this some yet have awareness of emotions – are awake to others – can access language our artists show in all our best humanities.
So fitting of Heather today to celebrate song, first, a long ago era's national anthem. Fitting she celebrates this, while the civil rights era also relied so on such great songs.
The Democratic party is not "clueless" they are busy trying to clean out the Augean stable created by the jerks who decided to sit this one because they were too stupid, too lazy, or just oblivious to pay attention to the Democratic platform or to participate. No matter how high falutin the discourse, it comes down to one thing....did you vote? That whole shibboleth about being "out of touch" with the working class? Garbage. How about a goodly segment of the working class not being able to see past carnival barkers and Reality TV shills? How about being just plain bought by snake oil and lies that pander to their prejudices? Let's see how the "working class" likes losing all those benefits and advances those "out of touch" Dems have brought them. You know, the programs the Democrats wanted to put in place in terms of health care, child care, education, caps on interest rates, home buying opportunities, all those "out of touch" proposals. By the way, after Springfield, Ohio was put on the map for the malicious lies about emigrants, who were the life blood of the town, eating cats and dogs and allegedly were horrified by the prejudice against them? That town, that alleged to care so much for those good people, voted an overwhelming 64% for the Convict-in-Chief. The largest Republican win in 96 years. You can't beat prejudice like that now can you? Stop playing into the blame game so loved by the MAGAts and maybe start helping to get out the vote. Let's try something new and exciting - get more that 70% of eligible voters to make the effort. Approximately 40 of the country didn't think voting was worth their while. Out of touch is a sorry excuse, a very sorry excuse to excuse laziness.
I had not seen that vote statistic an Springfield Ohio. The orwellian up is down has feet and is on the move. Your defense of Dems is right on. We don't want to match their drivel with drivel. We've got history on our side If only we could infiltrate the news cycle and make truth and civility cool again.
Not just laziness. Read Palast’ statistics.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notions that ‘My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ “. Isaac Asimov
I sympathize with your urgency, Carol-Ann.
Out of touch, however, remain true when so many good films, novels, memoirs, and histories communicate the experiences of decent fellow Americans, and elites spend years in college learning only to ignore them all.
Guess it depends on which college is attended, wouldn't you. say? Maybe if attendance is at Oral Roberts, Liberty University, BYU, Bob Jones University and assorted colleges and universities in Florida. That's leaves a whole lot of colleges and universities that more than fulfill your criteria. The backbone of the MAGA world, besides, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia is obtuseness and the need to be a follower. That also is part of the criteria of the schools I mentioned. That is in no way all of them. I'll also throw in Wheaton College and Pepperdine. As was said about the Koch brothers by some former classmates of their prep school, "they were turned before they got here."
I had no idea about that voting statistic from Springfield, Ohio, and I’m especially surprised.
Contrast the prose of Lincoln vs First Felon.
It’s the Roberts court … Thomas and Alito keep everybody’s attention off Roberts - the money is speech guy. That’s why he doesn’t do anything about them.
To Orwell’s splendid essay, I’ll add Victor Klemperer’s The Language of the Third Reich (Lingua Tertii Imperii, or LTI, as this Professor of Romance Languages put it), published shortly after the fall of Nazi Germany. « The LTI is destitute. Its poverty is a fundamental one; it is as if had sworn a vow of poverty. » And « Every language able to assert itself freely fulfills all human needs, it serves reason as well as emotion, it is communication and conversation, soliloquy and prayer, plea, command and invocation. The LTI only serves the cause of invocation. »
We are in the midst of a purge. There may not be any shootings or defenestrations - not yet, anyway. I do not know how long it will last. Musk seems to think September. That is the issue of the day. The FBI, the leadership of the military, the civil service, etc., etc., etc., are all being crippled. This damage will take a generation to repair. Why aren't we and the news media talking about the implications of this purge may have on average people?
This is still New... People are still in Shock that this is Happening... Wait to see if there is Movement on the Streets when the Pain Starts happening with a Collapsing USG... I have faith in the Military... There are Smart Disciplined People in Charge with Vast Resources...
They’re institutionalists. If they don’t make big changes fast they’ll be irrelevant.
Yes. I want more Jamie Raskin, less Chuck Schumer.
Joe Biden was an Institutionist... Joe Biden failure to get re-elected has paved the way for DJT 2.0 ... He did not see how dangerous DJT is... The GOP of TDR, Eisenhower, or even Reagan is gone... Like Animals, the DNC haa to adapt or Die... The MAGAs are implementing a Purge... Like you said Cindy, if they don't realize this, the DNC, the Democratic Party will become History...
Oh, please. Just stop it. I'm beginning to believe you're part of that large group of unwashed who just bitch, moan, complain and always are looking to point a finger and blame to cast. Where were you in 2016? Pulling the same routine? Time for you to try a different dialogue or just find a different stage. Being part of the problem instead of part of the solution is sooooo yesterday.
Carol-Ann... Are You Referring To Me? I am not 'Unwashed'... I have Studied with Distinction at Nationally Recognized Top Tiered Universities... I have served with Distinction in Nat-Sec, Finance, and Law Enforcement among other things... I recognize that there are many Accomplished People on this Substack as Well... Each makes their Contribution... Politically, I am more Bernie Sanders, than Hillary Clinton... I even Contribute $$$ to the DNC... I am disappointed that the DNC does not seem to realize that they are becoming Irrelevant...
Ah, yes, Bernie, the Independent, will be with us always. Like a burr under a saddle. Never could win a primary as a Democrat or against a woman. That's why he has always run as an Independent. Democrats are not irrelevant. It goes back to the American population has gone from being one of the most educated countries in the world to one of the most mediocre. Why is that? The republicans through the auspices of the Koch family, set out 50 years ago to annihilate the public school system. How did they do that? They found the dumbest bunnies in the forrest and run them for school boards. What are the least participated elections in the country? School board election. The first thing to go was civics and the rest is history. The Democratic party saved this country's bacon after the last go 'round with the Convict-in-Chief. Biden's administration did it through raising standards, putting in place rules and regs, and managing to get through Congress a bill that would put manufacturing back in this country high paying jobs that would help the working class - but they aren't clowns, they try not to lie, and they work hard to raise the standards. Irrelevant - only if you can be duped into swallowing the snake oil and thinking a corpulent felon is prince charming come to save you.
they lost by a sliver Apache, and a lot of that had more to do with things like post-pandemic inflation overloaded on whoever held the White House. The border immigration thing... blown up sadly out of all proportion, for which we can thank a non stop Maga propaganda machine with Trump spewing repulsive nonsense , 'millions and millions of criminals' tainting good America blood, it doesn't get more demagogic than that. Now the T 2.0 was coming, voter sentiment on the economy miraculous switched up after Nov 2024, though nothing whatsoever has changed, except the rich will get to keep more of their outsized wealth and social support programs will get reduced or axed, per the Freedom Caucus.
You got it, Frank. Amazing how suddenly everyone is blaming Avian Flu for the price of eggs like it is a brand-spankin' new issue that arose this week.
Inflation and immigration, I agree.
And now, will tariffs increase inflation? Most economists say yes. If inflation increases, the people will be very upset.
I hope so, but with Trump voters? It didn't matter that the huge tax cuts went mainly to the wealthy, as the Dems have repeatedly pointed out. But with tax cuts continuing, tariffs bumping up prices, social benefits reduced or disappeared. Will it make a difference? Don't know
Most people are not interested in politics, but they know prices. Trump did not win by much. World-wide, inflation was the biggest motivator for right wing wins. We can't convince the cult of MAGA, but they are not a majority of voters.
No kidding! I am hoping they pick Wikler as chair. We need innovative, provocative, leaders who will shake things up, wake DEMS UP!
It has seemed to me, as a "lifelong" Democrat that my party has had too little to say about human values, the better angels of our nature, and the brutal struggle that is often required to defend them. A vivid philosophy or life and government. I find that in historical political rhetoric. I see it in Lincoln. A vision. A prize to aim for, and a passion to focus on the things that matter most. Do recall leaders who had that gift? Who stirred the spirit? Who provided a focus around which like minds would gather? Not cheap theatrics, but exceptional clarity.
They can't even realize that the maga intelligence is destroying all our institutions, one at the time by having trump signings those "executive orders" without any knowledge of what he is doing . For him it's a way to show how powerful he is. Once the destruction is complete and simultaneously a new replacement system is implemented, by the time of the midterm election, we'll be in the point of no return.
In every comment and reply over weeks I was timidly suggesting that we might not have an election. Now I'm convinced that we are not going to have one.
Hello Ricardo... I Hope that You are Wrong On That... But I Fear that You are Right... Hitler, and Stalin were Elected only Once... The Damage that they did to their Countries lasted for Generations...
I was never afraid of being right but this time I am.
At the same time, I'll be happy to be wrong.
Good Man...
So well put! So where is the youth opposition? They are the one's that should be terrified....
I believe that many of his voters simply believe that Democrats are evil and that he is the strong man who makes or will make everything better for them. While that makes no sense to me, the result is the same. They voted and promoted the thoughts, and they refuse to give any attention to anyone or anything else. They consider a Democrat foolish, and the sources of information we believe and value to be untrue and downright bad. If you talk to anyone of such an attitude, and there are plenty of them, you would understand. I grew up being taught not to discuss politics. Now I see why. Thank goodness we have these opportunities to read each other’s ideas and to share! I remain grateful for the sharing and the caring work each person does to make our world a better place with our democratic ideals being upheld.
Exactly I always get push back when I say it but the wimpy Dems who bent down to the elites to get funding while spending our tax dollars on a genocide and a proxy war gave us Trump. I have very little hope that the Dems will do much to get us out of this mess. HCR has her own share of this mess by kissing Biden’s ass and ignoring his foreign policy and lack of doing things for the poor and working class that have mostly given up on both parties.
There was NO LACK of doing things for the poor and working class Nora:
The Achilles Heel of both Parties is that both Feed-From-The-Same-Trough... TV Ads are expensive... Conventions, Rally s are Expensive.... DJT spent less Money than Kamala because his Handlers realized that the new Media has become important... Dems need to listen to the Disaffected, and offer easy, quick remedies...
Let's all celebrate BLACK HISTORY month in our classrooms, at our bookstores, in the malls, in our neighborhoods, in our libraries......
We can start here with our celebrations--pile on!
"The Black Cabinet was an unofficial group of African-American advisors to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. African-American federal employees in the executive branch formed an unofficial Federal Council of Negro Affairs to try to influence federal policy on race issues. In his twelve years as president, Roosevelt did not appoint or nominate a single African American to be either a secretary or undersecretary in his presidential cabinet, but by mid-1935, there were 45 African Americans working in federal executive departments and New Deal agencies."
Amen! All lives matter. Maybe except the ones of soulless billionaires like Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg. They ha e all sold their souls for greed and power. I want to live long enough to watch Karma in action!
Don’t you mean Zuckerturd, Bozo & Muck? & you-know-who as president turd 💩?
As never before.
As Robert Hubbell writes tonight, call it by its name: Coup
Follow the money and pay attention to what Musk is doing with funding freezes, employee purges, and worming into our Treasury check-writing system. This is alarming. But it helps us with clarity in the midst of their flooding the zone and capitalizing on recent disasters.
We have many organizations for grassroots activism and filing lawsuits. Find at least one that resonates with you. Find your local squad of people you can meet in person. Diversify your financial holdings. Take care of your health. Like Joyce Vance says, we're in this together.
Hubbell: Don't worry, Trump will fail. "We must steel ourselves because things will get worse before they get better - but they will get better." Trump "is making the stupidest economic moves made by any president since Herbert Hoover."
I couldn't agree more. I was an economics major, and I can't believe that Trump would be able to find any advisor to say that major tariffs would help. The advisors must be immature ideologues.
And, importantly, Hubbell adds, "Complaining is not a strategy." Great article.
Thanks, Ellie!
There is a substack writing ‘Off Message’ and the author has good ideas, a good voice and I think people here will be inspired and feel direction
Won't open page.
Try this and if clicking the link does not work, select all copy snd paste into browser https://www.offmessage.net/about?utm_source=subscribe_email&utm_content=learn_more
"In 2025 the U.S. government under President Donald Trump has revoked a 60-year-old executive order that protected equal opportunity in employment and has called for an end to all diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. This February 1, neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will recognize Black History Month."
The students protesting at Woolworth's were such an inspiration. Where are the protests today? Why aren't the youth rising up? What has happened??
Misinformation, disinformation, Fox News propaganda, and social media. People not paying attention to what’s happening.
Thank you for this important message. Yes we absolutely must stand up for our country and freedoms. Do we need to take any particular steps to be certain we still will have our election?
I think it's to our advantage that elections are controlled by the states and the localities in them. That's why we have to pay attention to who's running the show locally.
Progwoman, thank you for that comforting thought. I hope it is enough to provide the security we need if we all pay close enough attention.
totally! not just Dems, after all there are more "independents" than the major parties combined. With neither the Pentagon or State Department recognizing Black History month, you really have to ask yourself "whither the USA"? And whoever thinks American institutions can stand up to this Project 2025 onslaught? Check out all the dismissals and firings, across the board. Otherwise sign up as a White Christian Nationalist and enjoy your newfound privilege!
By all means do these things,but remember,trump cares very little about most of this,it is all part of "the greatest show on earth". His real aim is to make money and he will do anything to accomplish it. Pay attention to how corrupt he ,his crime family and associates are and all the ways they are breaking laws and ethics to do it. He always compares himself to Al Capone (and rightfully so) , so let us bring him down the same way. Look at Panama ,they are suing the trump organization for failure to pay income taxes on his properties there, that is the real reason he is threatening them. He runs a protection racket,just like the mafia did,they would protect you from damage and harm from themselves if you paid them, he just did it with all the online guys for millions and is also doing it with the networks. How is he not already in jail or at least been charged?
"His truth is marching on.” Thank you LaurieOregon.
Mump regime. Let’s call it what it is. Musk + Trump = Mump. DJT doesn’t deserve his name only on Season 2 of this Circus.
How dare they. Will not stop me from humming the the tune all day long.
Happy February! A great time to celebrate DEI. And I will dang well be looking for the businesses and organizations that do.
Our State Dept has gone from stately to deserving a whuppin’ in the woodshed. And I’ll drag Rubio there by his ears.
After last night's rocket man takeover of our country and the Treasury Department's payment system, it appears he's now in charge. Pretty sure this country has resources to stop this madness. Don't we?
This Sunday night, February 2 at 8pm ET/5pm PT, you’re invited to join Indivisible, MoveOn, Working Families Party, and a coalition of other organizations for an action call. During the call, you will hear key movement leaders from across the country as they give us their best strategic guidance on how to take action !
Thanks for this link. I just signed up for the Sunday event. See you there!
I am looking at the facts. I am interpreting them differently from you.
During the darkest days of the AIDS crisis, we buried our friends in the morning, we protested in the afternoon, and we danced all night.
The dance kept us in the fight because it was the dance we were fighting for. It didn't look like we were going to win then and we did. It doesn't feel like we re going to win now but we could. Keep fighting, keep dancing… Dan Savage
Billie, a quote often attributed to Emma Goldman (maybe true, maybe not): “If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution.”
It's true.
Thanks,Barbara.I wasn’t aware of the quote so researched.Dancer here so I’ve found the messaging for my newest t-shirt! 👕🩰💃🏼
Thank You.
"Dance, dance, wherever you may be..." (Lord of the Dance).
The Beach Boys Dance Dance Dance!
What lovely encouragement! Thank you! Now dance songs are going through my head and making me smile!
This one pops into my mind. I'm smiling, too, JP4M.
True, Billie. I was very much a part of that fight. Did you ever see that French film "120 BPM"
No. Not yet!
My best friend participated in several "die ins" in DC when she lived there in the early 80's. I had read, recently of "bury in the morning, protest in the afternoon, and dance all night" mantra.
It is more than time to "kick it in the second wind" of protest.
Agree. The above conversation started by Billie Parker made me realize one of the reasons why Substack is so valuable. While everyone is feeling down and scared, this conversation inspired resiliance which is so necessary for fighting back. Resiliance leads to hope which leads to determination which leads to commitment which leads to action.
Thank you for sharing this quote
Did you ever ask yourself why and how the aids crisis started?
Guess it’s high time to start thinking seriously how to counter the Hate show happening in Washington, or as Paine put it…
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
This is what is making my blood boil today:
"The U.S. government under the felon has just revoked the 60-year-old executive order that protects equal opportunity in employment and called for an end to all diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.Neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will be recognizing Black History Month."
Well, personally I plan to post essential Black history every single day of this month on my Substacks and social media. Hope others will as well.
Alexandra-First we have to accept that Black history is American history. If we want to know about the true history of America we can’t ignore the role that racism has played in shaping our nation and bringing us to where we are today.
Unfortunately, too many people accept the idea that skin color should be a dividing line for humanity. There’s no truth in the idea that skin color makes one superior or inferior, deserving or undeserving of rights.
Racism was invented by men with white skin. It’s the best tool they have for keeping us divided so they can rule and conquer the masses. Anyone who learns about “Black” history will see that racism is and always has been for more than 250 years an evil that is leading us to the brink of destruction.
In his book Don’t Know Much About the Civil War: Everything You Need to Know About America’s Greatest Conflict but Never Learned (1996) author Kenneth C. Davis asked, “How could a nation so constituted, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and supposedly founded on
the cornerstone of “liberty for all”, maintain a system that enslaved other human beings?”
Gina, we're saying the same thing. It's the whitewashing and now elimination of that American history that needs to be combatted. he Davis book is a new one to me - will order. Thanks!
You know how to boycott. Start by refusing them your business. Every day, call out the lies—do not let them go unchallenged. Do it on Fox News, NYT, call in to NPR and demand pushback. Call your Rep and Senators and let them know you haven’t been fooled and you expect the same of them.
Second, we need to word HARD to gain majorities in the House and Senate in two years. At the same time, we need to brace ourselves and organize for something more concerning.
I’ll be doing the same daily post, starting Feb 1 with the Greensboro sit-in protesters. On social media. Also remaining to White House.
We need a national DEI call-in-sick day.
I shared this post on Facebook this morning with a rather direct call-out of the anti-DEI folks in my world (stupid retired cops/spouses that they are). Waiting for their ignorant replies now.
You are wonderful, Ally!
Thank you. So far, nothing...
Lots of police have military background. I was unaware of what Belle said, that vets are DEI hires!
The American Crisis was written to give heart to the few soldiers left in Washington's army after the New York defeat, when they were hiding in the woods of eastern Pennsylvania. It was first read in public to those men on Christmas Eve, 1776, after which they crossed the Delaware and took Trenton Barracks and saved the Revolution at its lowest point (which is why the paragraphs following the opening are explanations of why the war has gone as it has). I've recently been given information that not only my eighth Great Grandfather (who I knew about) but his two brothers and his youngest brother's son were among those soldiers who heard it the first time. It's the best piece of political writing for a time like this.
So interesting!
Thank you so much for sharing that quotation.
I grieve for the country and am finding ways I can resist in my own small corner of the country. I am volunteering at my tiny local elementary school to help in their reading program. 8
I am writing my two senators nearly every day. I am donating small monthly amounts to the DNC, the ACLU, Common Cause and Democracy Now. I am doing my best to stay informed… I am hoping and believe that if we all do what we can, we can somehow turn this around…
"A good example is the best sermon." -- Benjamin Franklin. 💡
This truism has helped me stem the tendency within me toward racism. 🪞
https://nedmcdletters.blogspot.com/2021/02/letter-170-to-my-hero-for-black-history.html 😲
My sermon came inside a Pittsburgh steel mill; I pray for that man almost every day. 🙏
"If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other." -- General / President Grant. ✌🏽
I think it helps. Thank you for doing what you are doing. I like the concept of ‘altruistic cooperation’ which I read in regards to a French Tibentan monk Matthieu Ricard. I think that the pressure both socially and economically that the trump regime is placing on the people of the nation can be dissipated with a mass concerted effort of altruistic cooperation. It exists as a spectrum of course, small kindnesses in action spanning to debt jubilee or rent jubilee etc from those who can afford to do so. We mist find and embody ways to hang together (or surely we will hang apart)
I'm in a virtual group of about 75 people reading Ricard's book Happiness right now, and I find it a source of mental relief from all the negativity around us. He's a brilliant man.
Oh wonderful!! I have just received the book , as well as his ‘Art of Meditation’ and look forward to reading it. Thank you for telling me of your reading group!
Hooray for your good work, Jane, and it is wonderful that you are volunteering help with reading!
Jane, every bit large or small, counts….thank you and carry on!!!!
Might I suggest that if your local representatives have a FB page you consider that be your "letter" writing resource. "Social" media has more visibility than each person writing a letter/email (been there done that). It's a wake up call and power for them if thousands become visible and publicly push them to alleviate this nightmare . . . . their constituents demand action or they'll find someone who will!!
Have you gotten replies from your senators? I have written but the replies I get are "I support the president." Nothing I say seems to matter.
What a wonderful commitment! Is it more effective to write to senators and representatives or to call them?
Hi Debra! I have heard that their offices tally the opinions. I am not sure if it is more effective than a phone call.. but I tend to be tongue tied on the phone - I am much more articulate in writing!
Well at least now businesses can hire 100% black, women and LGBT workers without breaking a diversity quota. More power to them. Let the straight white males work the fields and sweep the streets.
Great reframe!
Yes, Tina, let’s flip the script and turn the tables on them….love it!!!
None of the federal, state, or local nondiscrimination statutes have been repealed. The Exec Order revocation applies only to federal government agencies.
Where are the people who took an oath to the Constitution? The Civil Rights Act
Right. Conscript them to do the jobs left vacant as a result of the mass deportation of immigrants.
I'd be afraid of how many of the conscripts wouldn't be competent, diligent, and ethical., though.
Love that, E.S. Pancoast.
White women have benefited most from diversity hires. A friend passed the law bar in 1974. She went to an interview with a law firm, the attorneys who met with her said "no we are not hiring, we just wanted to see what a female attorney looked like". This is discrimination against Everyone.
I cannot refrain from chiming in. The other day the incomparable Ann Telnaes (her substack page is called "Open Windows" for anyone who's interested - I highly recommend it) published a cartoon referencing our current-day Caligula's purge of the dedicated and honorable DOJ officials and line attorneys who accepted the assignment to investigate and prosecute His Unholiness for his various crimes against our Republic. It depicted him hacking off the arm with which Lady Justice carries her scales. My spur-of-the-moment commentary, with acknowledgement to and begging indulgence of Julia Ward Howe, follows here:
"Our eyes have seen the gory monster thinking he's the Lord.
He is trampling over ev'rything our people have adored.
He has severed poor Justicia's scales, but still she has her sword!
Our truth is marching on."
Ann Teinas’ cartoons are always exceptional!
And when he is finally engulfed
In the Hellfires that he stokes
It will be Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!!!
Spot on, Nan!!!!
History makes it clear: one side fights for freedom, the other fights to erase it.
From abolition to civil rights, the same forces have always resisted progress. Now, Trump is trying to erase Black history and roll back rights. But justice doesn't disappear just because they wish it would--and neither will we.
Happy Black History Month (while I'm still permitted to say that). And I say "while I'm still permitted to say that" because tonight Rachel Maddow reported the BREAKING NEWS that Trump is about to fire EVERY member of the FBI that had ANYTHING to do with the Jan 6th prosecutions... not just Jack Smith prosecuting him but ALL the Jan 6th prosecutions that put people in jail. THIS MEANS THE FBI WILL BECOME TRUMP'S PERSONAL RETRIBUTION FORCE.
Here's the link to Rachel's report. Be afraid. Be very afraid!
I saw this reported in real time, Steve, and watched slack-jawed. The expression on Rachel’s face—and she’s seen A LOT—was very sobering. Then as I watched/listened a thought was building in my mind…given WHO all, dedicated public servants to our collective security, was being seriously impacted……whoa TFFFG should be careful, like really really really careful, who he pisses off. Just sayin’…..🤷🏻♀️
I pray this dictatorial action leads to a very, very public event by all FBI agents in which they declare they will not obey! And every Democratic member of Congress should be standing with them when they say that! This is war for public opinion. Not a shooting war, but a war nonetheless. And Barack Obama should get his ass down to Washington and stop hanging out in Chicago.
My vision was very dark and disturbing…NOT something I want to see played out in our country, but he is taunting the populous and (assume) he feels as invincible as usual. Who knows?
Trump has presidential immunity, thanks to the corrupt Supreme Court. He may be poking various professional groups in the hope that one of them will crack stage of rebellion and allow him to declare martial law. How’s that for a dark vision?
My spouse came across a photo of T**** from the back... the bullet-proof vest he is wearing is rather obvious under his jacket. No wonder he sweats - that Kevlar can be toasty. Though probably lighter than the ceramic plates I wore in Phu Bai. She asked why he didn't also wear a helmet. AIM HIGH.
I can't like it because I've always felt I would risk my own life (without hesitation) to save even Trump, and still do, no matter how much I despise him. That said, his trying to cast out all who offended him, and remove their protective services makes me wonder if I could still do it without hesitation.
As a former military dependent toddler in Munich during the Nuremberg Trials and Berlin Airlift, I remember my mother's lessons of how people worshiped a dictator more popular in Germany than FDR was here in the 1930s. One of the lessons was the terrible consequences of the killing of Reinhard Heydrich (who Stephen Miller reminds me of). I don't remember details other than it was horrific and involved wiping out complete villages and thousands killed (in retribution according to my mother). I just read more of the history at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Reinhard_Heydrich
As horrible as it was, Hitler initially wanted even worse reprisals.
"...Hitler ordered an investigation and reprisals on the day of the assassination attempt, suggesting that Himmler send SS General Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski to Prague. According to Karl Hermann Frank's postwar testimony, Hitler knew Zelewski to be even harsher than Heydrich.[53] Hitler favoured killing 10,000 politically unreliable Czechs, but after he consulted Himmler, the idea was dropped because Czech territory was an important industrial zone for the German military, and indiscriminate killing could reduce the productivity of the region.[54]
According to one estimate, 5,000 people were murdered in the reprisals.[55] More than 13,000 people were arrested, including Kubiš's girlfriend Anna Malinová, who died in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. Adolf Opálka's aunt, Marie Opálková, was executed in the Mauthausen camp on 24 October 1942; his father Viktor Jarolím was also killed..."
P.S. I traveled all over Vietnam and Thailand in 1968 fixing weather equipment but only got to Phu Bai once as far as I can remember while still learning the ropes on a 3-man team before doing many more solo trips for my remaining 9 or 10 months. We were one of 2 teams from our shop trying to get a barometer to support the artillery at Khe Sanh in late January but only got to Phu Bai before a Combat Weather Tech beat us there.
I can attest that body armor is not very comfortable. I will comment no further about areas not covered by body armor.
Barbara, they are destroying our institutions, that are like a connecting tissue in our bodies ,without it everything collapses, one after the other . They are going to build other institutions similar to Russia 's or Hungary 's ,and that task will be completed by or before midterm election . I've been writing about the point of no return for our democracy for some weeks now. I think we have a date in about 2 years for that event.
Sorry to say.
Ricardo, if we keep our eye on the prize (a true democracy) and get our shit together, we just might turn the ship around via the 2026 midterms…but it will take us ALL to show up & not sit it out.☮️
Hope you are right Barbara.
And I also hope that the sideffects of their policies, once forcefully implemented, will produce a massive reaction against them to give us a breathing space to push back. In the meantime we need our leaders to fight harder and with a strong and clear message.
I had a dream few nights ago. I could see Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris grabbing the attention away from the moron and delivering the kind of message I was mentioning before. Just imagine!!!!
What if they refused to obey? All the thousands of them?
That is the comment I posted on the YouTube video of Rachel‘s report. They should very publicly altogether for the cameras for history books say WE WILL NOT OBEY!
Let the open rebellion begin! (What’s Trump gonna do, order they all be shot?)
Order they all be shot? Yes. I think he would. He’d summon the Jan 6 crowd to FBI hq. A gunfight between FBI agents and a street full of rioters would be something to see. I’m
He and Stephen Miller are now musing “What would Hitler do?”
See my reply to James. In the case of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler was the one that wanted over the top reprisals and Himmler was the one that urged some restraint since they needed the productivity of the Czechs (whom Heydrich was paying high wages to keep them producing as much as they were).
In this case, I believe Stephen Miller is the main driver, and doubt either he or Trump have thought through the consequences. If anything, I believe Stephen Miller would have drafted the orders but waited to see if Kash Patel got confirmed, while Trump is still so careless that he releases it earlier than intended.
It all matches the denials of the Heritage Project 2025 as anything more than suggestions that might be considered before the election, compared to some bragging about it being the real plan all along. Then they seemed to try not to actually do so much of it so fast before they could get everyone in place. They are incompetent liars, and continue implementing it as a rather haphazard blitzkrieg that does massive damage whether or not it completely succeeds.
The Senate needs to take the lead in slowing this down and making the Supreme Court begin to limit them to the proper roles of each branch.
They already know.
Ultimately, most of them, if not all, have financial and family responsibilities . What you are suggesting Anne-Louise should be careful organized and implemented because if is not successful, we lost forever. In that scenario we have only one chance. I'm not saying no, I'm saying it's risky.
Biden was wise to pardon as much as he did. Maybe should have pardoned every non-MAGAt.
You must have a crystal ball JD.
I would like to see the expression of all those stupid journalists that criticized Biden as unethical and a bad precedent for pardon his only surviving son.
Chump told us, even though he denied it. Then told us again. That whiplash confused some MAGAts but any non-MAGAt ears knew what was coming.
Thanks for your reply 👍
Thanks for the link.
You're welcome. Prepare to be shocked. Rachel looks shocked... and dismayed.
Yes. No laughter this time. Has he got enough red caps to replace the FBI with the GeStaPo?
That's the thing. He'll just fire the patriotic anti-rumpers and replace them with J6ers, Proud Boys, etc.
Steve Brant,
So the good and law-abiding protectors of our nation are being fired by our President for doing their job.
I will continue to celebrate Black History month.
I am fighting tears reading this. I know the flaws of my country. I know the blemishes of its history. I know we’ve failed many times before successes. I can’t grasp that we’ve willingly chosen to consign its future to hate, ignorance, intolerance, vindictiveness, greed and terror.
Maybe you have to start considering Marilyn that this is not "your country" anymore. All the things you say you can't grasp are happening and were chosen willingly not by " landslide" or by giving them a "mandate" but by a very narrow margin. By realizing that this is not your country doesn't mean that you should stop fighting to have it back. There are millions like you. Keep the faith and the fight alive.😉
Our divisive and shortsighted President may have put the kaibosh on all cultural observances from Black History and Women’s History months to National Hispanic Heritage Month to the Holocaust Remembrance Day to Martin Luther King, Jr’s Day etc but that doesn’t mean that the people cannot create the biggest and most joyous local celebrations ever. Our voices and our inclusion will not be silenced.
Tuck Frump and his Project 2025 puppet masters.
You misspelled fuck
Tell it like it is!
Sadness and dismay are overwhelming today. Thank you Professor, your letters are gravely important for keeping a record of the destruction of our Democratic Republic.
Actually happiness and thrills are happening in the United States today. It’s just you guys aren’t paying attention. Girls no longer have to compete with boys in sports.
Illegal criminals are being sent out of this country so they can’t rape kill and pillage
We have a lowest border crossing in four years just like that. There is a cease-fire in Gaza thanks to Trump’s threats to end Hamas, which he may do anyway.
And the antisemite Donald Trump, who you called antisemitic for years has BB in the White House as the first representative of world leaders and is standing behind Israel, and in fact, actually moved the capital where forty years of presidents wanted to do it and didn’t have the stones. Pretty soon Ukraine and Russia will come to an end.
We have already discovered $1 billion of waste fraud and abuse, and we haven’t even started to look and all that money will come back to save cities like Pacific Palisades in California and hurricane North Carolina.
Why don’t you use your browser and see much money has been found already through abuse and fraud and supporting countries with millions of dollars on needless programs such as transgender reading and other million multi million dollar programs
None of you actually want to do research you just like little lemmings and believe everything. Everybody says here it’s very sad.
Happy Black History Month! Resist!
I think everybody shares in the celebration of Black History Month resist what ?
When I was at Oberlin during the Vietnam War, every Wednesday at noon. (I think I have this right), we would link hands and stand on a corner of the central square where there was a rock that got painted with slogans, and stood for peace. At first it was just a handful, but more and more people joined in - students, faculty, townies.
Wherever you are, you need to find a place to stand quietly in support of the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
I truly believe we are in the middle of a bloodless coup, with the Justice Dept. and FBI firings. Every Wednesday at noon.
I’ve posted this several times before, but never know who sees it, so will again:
Marge Piercy poem “The Low Road”: https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/piercylowroad.html
Resist, persist 🗽✊🇺🇸
I’ll be there Mary
I’ll be there Mary!
I'll be there.
Well, you certainly didn’t complain when the entire justice department was going against Trump for no reasons at all and even impeached him twice and trying now to impeach him a third time. The gig is up. You’re gonna have to find a new story.
"On February 1, 2023, Tyre Nichols’s family laid their 29-year-old son to rest in Memphis, Tennessee. He was so severely beaten by police officers on January 7, allegedly for a traffic violation, that he died three days later."
And this happened in the wee hours this morning:
Feb. 1, 2025, 12:21 a.m. ET1h ago NYTimes
Justice Dept. Fires Jan. 6 Prosecutors Amid Campaign of Retribution by Trump
"The administration also plans to scrutinize thousands of F.B.I. agents tied to the investigations of President Trump and his supporters, according to people familiar with the matter."
Combine that with Patel's statement: "Patel says he would let ‘good cops be good cops’ during confirmation hearing".
I really cannot breathe or sleep.
Same here. We’re watching a coup happen in front of our eyes and no one is saying a word. And it’s not Trump coup-ing this time, it’s Musk with his hard drives and his aides taking control of federal personnel while people watch helplessly. Wtf is wrong with us.
Once a dictator takes control (has the Congress, the SCOTUS, controls the message, has access to all the money in the world, and is convict-in-chief of the most powerful military in the world none of the following is going to do bupkis: counting on his MAGA cult "seeing the light", writing Congressional representatives, peaceful protesting, counting on the mid-term election . . . .
Lest we forget, once Hitler garnered the Chancellorship in 1933 (which took a few years), it only took 53 days for him to completely take down what was then a democratic Germany. It took years and WWII where 55 to 85 million souls perished (out of a world population of 2.3 billion and Russia alone lost 22million), and countries were reduced to rubble.
I have immediate and extended family members and friends (one couple survived the Altadena fire but dealing with trauma) already impacted by the chaos trump has created. The outright cruelty and uncertainty is doing no favors for anyone's mental health.
I turned on reruns of Home Improvement (1991-99) and fell asleep for two hours. I highly recommend that! :)
I stopped counting on the midterm election Janet. For weeks I posted saying "if we have an election" . Unfortunately the events are leading me into a much negative view of our near future. I thought our turning point to keep or lose our democracy would be at that election, but I think it's going to be much sooner.
I think we are either at that turning point, or just passed it this weekend.
You might be right KR but I can assure you that the worst is yet to come . Hope I'm wrong.
Sadly, I don’t think you’re wrong. I just think we may be past the point of no return already.
You know the biggest community in America that has the organisation already in place to rise up and reject trump?
The Christian Church - of all denominations.
They won’t. Too many of tho$e pa$tor$ have too much at $take.
Bishop Marianne Budde Rev Al Sharpton, there are more. Sure the dividends extends to all churches, all peoples, cyber identity hate is that strong to split even families apart. No one is immune. It’s certain now that we will be called to physical resist and protest. For it to work it will take everyone we got. I’m not hung up what church or not that they got to, nor the color of their skin, nor what pronouns they use. Dig?
Not all Christians are Christian Nationalists. We don’t like their abuse of religion for political goals, and we think the First Amendment is a great thing.
Even German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller finally saw the light but it was too late since he was arrested in 1937, imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau and wasn't released until the end of WW 2.
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
May many more of us see the light much sooner this time...like right now!
Well, we should’ve spoken out during Biden. You’re absolutely correct. And Trump just stood up for the Jews or maybe you missed it
I think it’s actually blasphemy to call sharon a reverend
They are in on the take over. My theory is that no one really believes in God any longer so they are just using the idea to get Earthly power. They are supporting a guy who has publicly violated every one of the ten commandments (if 'killing' can be homicide) and are encouraging their members to reject the teachings of Christ and to commit more. With every word and action, they scream 'Fuck the Golden rule, I want more money and power!'
Christofascism defined.
The MAGAs and their Evangelical followers are following an idol of their own making. Trump is the catalyst. They are trying to set off their Armageddon. It's all rank heresy. Millions will be opressed, suffer, and die because of them. I'm glad that I walked away a few decades ago and became a humanist. A pox on all their houses.
Gregg, I recently saw some short “skit” online (a fellow telling a tale) about how the world was at peace, all creatures living in harmony, no poverty, hunger or disease. The “punchline” was that the rapture happened and swept to glory all the true believers….and those left behind created a peaceful paradise on earth!
Well, another one with a crystal ball there’s so many of you I wonder are you buying? Where are you buying these crystal balls and why do they all have the same message? Aren’t there any crystal balls that tell the truth?
Well, the Christian Church in the U.S. is not a singular body by a long shot. Fundamentalists and evangelicals tend to vote for the incumbent, and if you look at Project 2025, you can see their influence. Then there are the Roman Catholics who support the Pope, and those who ignore him. (Look at the Supreme Court.) There is, of course, the Black church, where I assume he has little appeal, and mainstream Protestants, mostly white but more diverse than they once were, whose numbers have been dwindling for a while. I was thrilled and inspired by Bishop Budde, and it was a joy to see how many people support her, but there are no longer any women in the pulpits of the Southern Baptist churches where I grew up.
But I was talking about "Christians" - not one particular church. If you believe in the teachings of Christ - how CAN you support trump? I don't think you can be a Christian and still support this man, who is the epitome of hatred and division.
Christian Nationalists have created a petty, vindictive and cruel deity who resembles themselves in character. Indeed, they see Trump as God’s chosen candidate, and he shows many of the same flaws as their own petty, vindictive and cruel deity.
And Christian Nationalism is a political movement not a religion.
All that praying won’t save us.
It's not about praying - it's about bringing the religious community together to resist. In the first Trump administration I lived in rural Oregon. Local churches, Rabbis from Salem, the Sikh community, organized to protest the illegal detainment of immigrants in a local federal prison and helped to get them legal council and helped them emotionally by letting them know that there were people there to help them and were working to do so. The Sikh community was particularly impressive, always bringing vans laden with food to feed the hundred that showed up to protest. The religious community can do a lot, and as we saw with Bishop Budde, their voices can sometimes shock the conscience of the community.
Absolutely and give me Reverend Barber any day!
I love Rev. Barber! But I like Rev. Sharpton also. He has seen and done a lot for over 50+ years. His contributions cannot be denied. The Bishop is my heroine and I know there are others out there like her.
Voices like Bishop Budde's won't shock the conscience of the maga leadership but if those voices keep multiplying and getting louder and continuous, I think the community will come out of their resignation and start organizing. We don't have much time left. The turning point in which we either lose or democracy or keep it is coming fast .
But they have been hoodwinked, my experience, anyway
And why would you want to reject him on what basis because he freed women from men’s sports because he found billions of dollars and waste found in abuse because he freed Israel from the attack of Hamas and Gaza. Because he’s returning illegal criminals to the respective countries. Trump has had more wins in two weeks than Biden had in four years not that Biden was ever president.