As an 85 yr old senior, who doesn't like to be in crowds, I am ready to march in peaceful protest of this government that is taking over my country. One Hitler was enough for our time. Just let us know where and when, and we will answer the call.
There are marches/peaceful protests occurring at all 50 state capitols this Wed 2/5 at noon local time. Also check out for an organizing call this evening 8pm EST
I remember there was segregation in the restaurant in Grand Central Station in New York in 1958. I told this to a friend of mine from Brooklyn, and, even though she was 17 years old in 58 and she had lived in NY all her life, she didn't know this!!!
My sister just reminded me of a quote by Ruth Bader Ginsberg: "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Amen Ruth. I frequently wear a pair of RBG socks I purchased @ the 1920 Store in DC (you should look them up) and around the cuff it reads: WE MARCH ON. The soles read: I DISSENT. Yes maam, will do!
Thank-you Heather! We have been here before, haven't we? We will have to push back against the dark forces of this administration. Protest. Resist. Rise Up!!!
You bring light with your honest knowledge of the fact checked verifiable History. I am frankly terrified at others who are blatantly attempting to erase and rewrite all advancements in arena of civil rights. They seek only to destroy. You seek to educate truthfully. Thank you for bring me to tears today. We will not go back, we shall not forget.
The reminder AND history is deeply appreciated. I was an undergraduate in Chapel Hill at the time. I was unaware of the specific action of the manager in ending the sit-in. Does anyone know if he acted independently and did the actions he took came from up the line?
I expect the shock to wear off & to be able see through the torrent of tears now, any day, but it is utterly devastating to know so much, that has been SO hard won, is being destroyed with such casual indifference & cruelty. It helps to hear of the bravery & spirit with which evil has been met before.
As I listened today, I came away with a hope….to look forward to the moment when we can celebrate the end of this chaos. But first the good, hard work that lies ahead !
my first wife graduated from North Carolina A&T in the 60's (also Jesse Jackson) and she's now a civic leader in Rock Hill, S.C., and I'm still an old white guy!
As an 85 yr old senior, who doesn't like to be in crowds, I am ready to march in peaceful protest of this government that is taking over my country. One Hitler was enough for our time. Just let us know where and when, and we will answer the call.
Barbara Miller
I’m with you!
Thank you.
There are marches/peaceful protests occurring at all 50 state capitols this Wed 2/5 at noon local time. Also check out for an organizing call this evening 8pm EST
More info on Reddit r/50501
I remember there was segregation in the restaurant in Grand Central Station in New York in 1958. I told this to a friend of mine from Brooklyn, and, even though she was 17 years old in 58 and she had lived in NY all her life, she didn't know this!!!
If we protest, won't we be shot at?
If we don’t protest, we are robots.
My sister just reminded me of a quote by Ruth Bader Ginsberg: "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Amen Ruth. I frequently wear a pair of RBG socks I purchased @ the 1920 Store in DC (you should look them up) and around the cuff it reads: WE MARCH ON. The soles read: I DISSENT. Yes maam, will do!
I’m wearing an RBG T-shirt right now and wishing she was still here. I DISSENT!
This absolutely breaks my heart! Right now, I am an American disgusted by our government.
WE WILL NOT GO BACK! I don’t care what the Heritage Foundation and wealthy men want and are getting from their puppets…DonOld & his administration!
Thanks Heather, history & truth will help sustain me for the next 4 years. As Pooh would say, "Yes, Piglet it's still effin' 2025".
Woah, this one blew me away-and I've read you since 2019. What will students in 150 years make of this turn of events?
Thank-you Heather! We have been here before, haven't we? We will have to push back against the dark forces of this administration. Protest. Resist. Rise Up!!!
Thank you.
You bring light with your honest knowledge of the fact checked verifiable History. I am frankly terrified at others who are blatantly attempting to erase and rewrite all advancements in arena of civil rights. They seek only to destroy. You seek to educate truthfully. Thank you for bring me to tears today. We will not go back, we shall not forget.
Heather, I enjoy your reflections and how they compare with today.
The reminder AND history is deeply appreciated. I was an undergraduate in Chapel Hill at the time. I was unaware of the specific action of the manager in ending the sit-in. Does anyone know if he acted independently and did the actions he took came from up the line?
I expect the shock to wear off & to be able see through the torrent of tears now, any day, but it is utterly devastating to know so much, that has been SO hard won, is being destroyed with such casual indifference & cruelty. It helps to hear of the bravery & spirit with which evil has been met before.
crying for what those in power twist with their evil and greed
As I listened today, I came away with a hope….to look forward to the moment when we can celebrate the end of this chaos. But first the good, hard work that lies ahead !
You have attached history to a song that always brings tears to my eyes
my first wife graduated from North Carolina A&T in the 60's (also Jesse Jackson) and she's now a civic leader in Rock Hill, S.C., and I'm still an old white guy!