Everything Trump says is untrue, always, as well as in this case. First, my field is aviation safety. Washington National (DCA) is a very over-crowded airport. There was a near miss there last year that rattled the FAA. But Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his friends in Congress insisted (in the FAA Reauthorization Act last year) that the FAA add 5 extra flights in order to make it more convenient for them to get home (more direct flights and eliminate the need to go to an alternate airport---Dulles or Baltimore). The FAA was forced to do this while knowing that the risk of an accident would be increased. The two Democratic senators from VA and MD tried to take the requirement out of the FAA Reauthorization bill, but were not successful.
Thank you for a piece of truth in the swirling muck of lies. Air traffic control work is, without a doubt, the most stressful job that can be had. Can anyone imagine how the air traffic controllers feel today after their president intimated they were mentally deficient? When a crash occurs while the aircraft is under their control and guidance, these men and women are devastated. How cruel was the Felon to suggest the air traffic controller was mentally incompetent? All this was said before anyone had any information to give a truthful account of how this happened. The question that came to my mind was why military aircraft fly in civilian airspace. We will have to wait for the truth to come out if that can happen when the Felon's toadies are in charge of the investigation.
Trump is just projecting his own sub-par intelligence in that blame game statement. I seriously question trump's mental ability to understand & follow through with the duties of President. He needs to be removed from office. "We the people" are going to have to stand united in large mass against Trump's administration & Congress and demand he stop endangering the populace.
Can you imagine if 200 million people stopped buying eggs at the same time? And refused to buy them until the price went down to pre-covid prices? The price of eggs would go down. Now imagine all airports went on strike and shut down and we all demanded the recent actions Trump has taken were not only reversed but improved with the hire of more air traffic controllers? We do have power as a United people. We need to start using that power to save our country.
With regards to the price of eggs, the price will come down once they get a handle on the Avian flu. Until then the price will be high because the disease has caused a huge number of flocks to be destroyed. You are right about the strikes. That is a tactic that works well. It has been proven many times over. (Support your local library. There in lies truth!)
I think they believe that the Army helicopter was at fault and are on the offensive as a result. There was a female crew member in the helicopter, and so they went on full attack about DEI. Typical Republican hate blaming the 'other'. Chump 'owns' recebt disruption at the FAA. I am so disgusted by this new Administration and their every action.
Pitty the female crew member's family. The Felon will try to put the blame all on her, never mind she may have been the finest and most talented member of the crew. The cruelty of the Felon has no bounds.
The good news is that the NTSB is in charge of investigating. They are independent. They will have a preliminary accident report in 30 days (and a final one probably in 18 months). The FAA is desperately short of Air Traffic Controllers because, as Judi says, they work under incredible stress. Imagine having hundreds of people's lives in your hands for every minute you are at work. As with most accidents, the cause will be complicated and involve many factors. The DoD will also investigate. I would not trust their report or anything much coming out of the DoD in the near future. In the best of times, their reports can be missing information.
I remember when Reagan fired all the air flight controllers when they tried to unionize back in the early 1980s. I hated Reagan from the get-go. Trickle-down my ass. He was the first since WWII to try to tear down the government and the constitution. His lies were not as obviously smarmy as Trump's, but they were lies none-the-less. Welfare queens, for example. And not even pulled from one sample but wholly made up to divide the country. Hang in there friends. Make some noise.
Thank you, Heather for being one of my strongest daily voices of truth and reason as we struggle to navigate through the current administration and all its blatant nonsense!
I have lived through a lot in my 78 years & steadfastly believe that we must seek & share truth in journalism in all topics. I am forever grateful to my daughter Colleen for “adding” you to my list of experts who research & broadcast the facts!
You have solidified my faith that the future of our country will survive and thrive, as our forefathers intended.
I have been flying airplanes for over thirty years. I am a Certified Flight Instructor, CFII, and an Advanced Ground Instructor with a multiengine rating. I piloted a Cessna 441 turboprop on-demand Part 135. I will be teaching a pilot ground school tomorrow. Let me say this, the ability to pilot an airplane or act as a controller has nothing to do with race, color, national origin or any of the other characteristics Trump is laying out there. Some of the best pilots and ATC controllers I know are women and people of color. Trump is simply wrong.
Great! With one little exception: Rather than a "bribe" with respect to Zuckerberg, I think a more appropriate term is "blackmail." "Nice little company you have there . . . Be a shame if something happened to it." And recalling that he threatened to "jail" Zuck for booting him off Twitter.
Thank you for your crucially important audio Letter from ann American, Heather. This morning I feel beyond words, but please know I appreciate you and your presentation immensely and feel so moved.
So excellent! You are a gem, Heather! We need your clear mind and ability to gather facts and weave them into a full garment so much now! I am heartened that there are those who are cognizant of what is happening across the board and that there is some resistance to this onslaught. Its going to be a very, very bumpy ride but we cannot bail!
I like the new defination of DEI: Despicable, Evil, Inept. Thank you so much for a new way to use DEI. I was thinking today (Ido that sometimes) that if 1/3 of air traffic controllers called off ill, the airports would not be able to function. Stew in that mess T! And the small CA airport who has no controllers because the FAA sold their work contracts to a company who drastically cut the pay & benifits for existing workers- Who is this company & who thought workers would just accept the terms to have a job. The loonies are on the lawn..
I think it's interesting that “individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities.." was said clearly.
This is much more concrete than the implication that there is moral, character failing due to gender, race, & all the other culture attacks. Mental ability is measurable & concrete. "Common sense" is an just an utter bullshit phrase used to diminish & dismiss. Let's go with this, let's eliminate that "impossible" slippery spectrum where right & wrong can't be defined regardless how well we've establish clear lines of ethical conduct, it being said it is entirely subject. Let's see how well logic holds without their theology. They are dumber than boxes of rocks, having only base cunning, & no real intellect. Everything they say is rationale for flawed theological foundations. So, I say, ok, let's bring back the retard word again for now & see what that really means. (It never fairly applied to the honestly cognitively challenged.) Executive function is so obviously NOT a strength of theirs. And, that is an excellent measure of merit. Being smart isn't the only merit, but it is important in leadership. WAY more important than ability to lie.
In my opinion, Trump is a DEI hire: #Despicable #Evil #Inept
Everything Trump says is untrue, always, as well as in this case. First, my field is aviation safety. Washington National (DCA) is a very over-crowded airport. There was a near miss there last year that rattled the FAA. But Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his friends in Congress insisted (in the FAA Reauthorization Act last year) that the FAA add 5 extra flights in order to make it more convenient for them to get home (more direct flights and eliminate the need to go to an alternate airport---Dulles or Baltimore). The FAA was forced to do this while knowing that the risk of an accident would be increased. The two Democratic senators from VA and MD tried to take the requirement out of the FAA Reauthorization bill, but were not successful.
Thank you for a piece of truth in the swirling muck of lies. Air traffic control work is, without a doubt, the most stressful job that can be had. Can anyone imagine how the air traffic controllers feel today after their president intimated they were mentally deficient? When a crash occurs while the aircraft is under their control and guidance, these men and women are devastated. How cruel was the Felon to suggest the air traffic controller was mentally incompetent? All this was said before anyone had any information to give a truthful account of how this happened. The question that came to my mind was why military aircraft fly in civilian airspace. We will have to wait for the truth to come out if that can happen when the Felon's toadies are in charge of the investigation.
Trump is just projecting his own sub-par intelligence in that blame game statement. I seriously question trump's mental ability to understand & follow through with the duties of President. He needs to be removed from office. "We the people" are going to have to stand united in large mass against Trump's administration & Congress and demand he stop endangering the populace.
Can you imagine if 200 million people stopped buying eggs at the same time? And refused to buy them until the price went down to pre-covid prices? The price of eggs would go down. Now imagine all airports went on strike and shut down and we all demanded the recent actions Trump has taken were not only reversed but improved with the hire of more air traffic controllers? We do have power as a United people. We need to start using that power to save our country.
With regards to the price of eggs, the price will come down once they get a handle on the Avian flu. Until then the price will be high because the disease has caused a huge number of flocks to be destroyed. You are right about the strikes. That is a tactic that works well. It has been proven many times over. (Support your local library. There in lies truth!)
I think they believe that the Army helicopter was at fault and are on the offensive as a result. There was a female crew member in the helicopter, and so they went on full attack about DEI. Typical Republican hate blaming the 'other'. Chump 'owns' recebt disruption at the FAA. I am so disgusted by this new Administration and their every action.
Pitty the female crew member's family. The Felon will try to put the blame all on her, never mind she may have been the finest and most talented member of the crew. The cruelty of the Felon has no bounds.
The good news is that the NTSB is in charge of investigating. They are independent. They will have a preliminary accident report in 30 days (and a final one probably in 18 months). The FAA is desperately short of Air Traffic Controllers because, as Judi says, they work under incredible stress. Imagine having hundreds of people's lives in your hands for every minute you are at work. As with most accidents, the cause will be complicated and involve many factors. The DoD will also investigate. I would not trust their report or anything much coming out of the DoD in the near future. In the best of times, their reports can be missing information.
- Pulled Quote -
''MeidasTouch posted: “Trump's handling of this situation should be treated as one of the biggest scandals in presidential history.”''
Sadly and probably horrifically it will be lost in the many scandals to follow.
Thank you for the audio, Heather. This has been a terrible month for civil servants. We pledge allegiance to the flag, not the fascists! https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/i-pledge-allegiance-to-the-flag-not
I remember when Reagan fired all the air flight controllers when they tried to unionize back in the early 1980s. I hated Reagan from the get-go. Trickle-down my ass. He was the first since WWII to try to tear down the government and the constitution. His lies were not as obviously smarmy as Trump's, but they were lies none-the-less. Welfare queens, for example. And not even pulled from one sample but wholly made up to divide the country. Hang in there friends. Make some noise.
Thank you, Heather for being one of my strongest daily voices of truth and reason as we struggle to navigate through the current administration and all its blatant nonsense!
I have lived through a lot in my 78 years & steadfastly believe that we must seek & share truth in journalism in all topics. I am forever grateful to my daughter Colleen for “adding” you to my list of experts who research & broadcast the facts!
You have solidified my faith that the future of our country will survive and thrive, as our forefathers intended.
I have been flying airplanes for over thirty years. I am a Certified Flight Instructor, CFII, and an Advanced Ground Instructor with a multiengine rating. I piloted a Cessna 441 turboprop on-demand Part 135. I will be teaching a pilot ground school tomorrow. Let me say this, the ability to pilot an airplane or act as a controller has nothing to do with race, color, national origin or any of the other characteristics Trump is laying out there. Some of the best pilots and ATC controllers I know are women and people of color. Trump is simply wrong.
Great! With one little exception: Rather than a "bribe" with respect to Zuckerberg, I think a more appropriate term is "blackmail." "Nice little company you have there . . . Be a shame if something happened to it." And recalling that he threatened to "jail" Zuck for booting him off Twitter.
100% this. All of these tech companies are desperate to avoid being targeted by regulation or investigated for anti-trust violations.
Thank you for your crucially important audio Letter from ann American, Heather. This morning I feel beyond words, but please know I appreciate you and your presentation immensely and feel so moved.
So excellent! You are a gem, Heather! We need your clear mind and ability to gather facts and weave them into a full garment so much now! I am heartened that there are those who are cognizant of what is happening across the board and that there is some resistance to this onslaught. Its going to be a very, very bumpy ride but we cannot bail!
I like the new defination of DEI: Despicable, Evil, Inept. Thank you so much for a new way to use DEI. I was thinking today (Ido that sometimes) that if 1/3 of air traffic controllers called off ill, the airports would not be able to function. Stew in that mess T! And the small CA airport who has no controllers because the FAA sold their work contracts to a company who drastically cut the pay & benifits for existing workers- Who is this company & who thought workers would just accept the terms to have a job. The loonies are on the lawn..
NOT Despicable, Pete......I go with Despicable and Deplorable.
I totally enjoyed this post!
Trump and his voters are not of superior intelligence. He proves it every day he opens his mouth. The country is screwed!
I think it's interesting that “individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities.." was said clearly.
This is much more concrete than the implication that there is moral, character failing due to gender, race, & all the other culture attacks. Mental ability is measurable & concrete. "Common sense" is an just an utter bullshit phrase used to diminish & dismiss. Let's go with this, let's eliminate that "impossible" slippery spectrum where right & wrong can't be defined regardless how well we've establish clear lines of ethical conduct, it being said it is entirely subject. Let's see how well logic holds without their theology. They are dumber than boxes of rocks, having only base cunning, & no real intellect. Everything they say is rationale for flawed theological foundations. So, I say, ok, let's bring back the retard word again for now & see what that really means. (It never fairly applied to the honestly cognitively challenged.) Executive function is so obviously NOT a strength of theirs. And, that is an excellent measure of merit. Being smart isn't the only merit, but it is important in leadership. WAY more important than ability to lie.
Thank you for what you do. It's so important!
Isn't it time for people of principle to quietly and systematically organize a viable third party untethered to Big Tech?