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Thank you SL - I trust you will enjoy the tour ... did you check out the Design Exploration?


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I only begin to take this in now. You have a wholesome thing about wholeness -- pardon the wordplay... This in a world that perceives only shards and fragments.

But I'll need more time and maybe enlarged images.


Likewise I have looked at the items you brought to my attention, but there's so much movement taking place, I can't respond properly yet. We should, however, bear in mind that the Russian military seems obsessed with deception, surprise and feints, and there is no surprise element in this kind of massive military build-up; yet could there be an element of deception...? If the main action were to take place elsewhere, with different actors, i.e. against Taiwan.

Maybe this grand exercise is a dress rehearsal. I simply can't see a war bringing the Russian regime anything but trouble where it matters most to them -- with the Russian population. A presidential election is coming soon, and it will be a fiasco if young men's bodies are being brought back from the front.

The problem for the Russian boss now is how to present stalemate as a victory... Well, at least if there are no body bags or zinc coffins, people will be relieved...

They could follow the Macchiavelli playbook and take over Belarus, replacing the monster with their own viceroy... Lukashenko has been a long-term thorn in Putin's side, an even sharper-witted gangster, regularly blackmailing Moscow. The screws could then be loosened just enough to return Belarus to something more like its earlier pro-Russian state of mind... Anything would be better than what they have now... But real freedom... Never.

Bemedalled control freaks. And far worse than Putin waiting in the wings...

Maybe silly to speculate.

The last time I recall any comparable build-up against a border was in 1967, when Egypt, Syria, Jordan etc. massed forces around Israel that were smashed in the pre-emptive attack that became the Six Day War. Total military victory. I don't want to comment on the dispiriting aftermath.

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Thank uou for sharing your insight Peter - this really is over my head and beyond the scope of my awareness - so, I have to trust in the deep ground of truth and integrity that empowers all hearts knowing we are born with innate healing capacity. I feel this is what we are here to do in a healing process for the whole body of life - all of us - good/bad, pro/con - the outcome will be determined by what we choose here and now - all of us. It feels so much better to be healthy and whole, I am sure - so given whatever time we have left, I hope and trust people will grow in that direction - word has it, this will come to pass and those who are so deeply entrenched in morbid denial will be recycled along with the rest of the compost - and that's ok too, as we come from and go to the cosmic heart of love - even those of us who carry the balance of odds in this 3 dimensional bind ... we are here to learn and grow through it all ....

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Insight -- no. Apart from what I wrote about your work, this was just probing and questioning. But what I did not state in the last line was how success in waging war was followed by failure in waging peace.


The work is powerful.

Sometimes a feeling like Leonardo's Vitruvian Man arose in me.

Usually I have a slight aversion to grids, although a very good friend of mine, an English artist called David Prentice, did a lot of work with them in the sixties.

Usually, I'm into images more like the Fukushima ink drawings. But also Islamic architecture and geometry -- was in the Alhambra again last fall...

I saw something, too, about Feldenkrais. This book's about one of my greatest friends, and teachers: https://www.amazon.com/Sei-Ki-Life-Resonance-Secret-Shiatsu/dp/1848190425#customerReviews

I still follow his widow, Kyoko.

I'll return to your work (which works on me).

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Thank you Peter - insight? Yes - for me at least ... and yes, if we are to wage war, we must wage peace - and may the balance be struck.

Thank you so much for the reference to the work of Sei - Ki (Life In Resonance) - YES, YES, YES!! When I get back to building the site, I will include it on the Developmental Movement/WombWalk page - so far, just a small collection of references to teachers I know and honor with deep thanks for their support. Currently. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen is offering a new 8 week

Winter Series on Building Vitality, Strength, Flexibility, Flow, and Ease through Embodying Our Muscles (started last week - scholarships available):


I highly recommend it to everyone and anyone with an interest in or need for somatic awareness and conscious embodiment of life energies. The first class (last week) is available for free - well worth a look:


I'm so happy you like the Fukushima sketches. Just a quick draw on the spur of the moment - what blows my mind is the movement of the staff in the sequence - completely unplanned!! I get that you like images over grid work - you may enjoy the small collection of pieces and doodles on the Galeraiea page:


I'm not really oriented to grid work - do stand in awe of Islamic architecture and geometry - any culture that produces that measure of intricacy and utter beauty deserves recognition and respect at the very least.

My own Design Exploration has a back story I would love to share (yet to be posted on the site) ... at the certain risk of going too far (my tendency) I would like to share that with you now (hope it's not too much!!)


I started building the Tahomahomesite in 2004 to showcase a design exploration I had been working on since the turn of the century, focused around the question, "What is happening when the magnetic poles of the planet shift?"  That question, along with a head injury in the fall of 1999 led me on a healing journey I still am just beginning to describe.

It's a long story, with several chapters ... for now, this will be enough to open the door to explore the design for yourself ... you will find the primary question/idea/discussion here on the Design Exploration page - located on the sidebar drop-down menu titled MORE:


The Design Perspectives page on the top taskbar opens to five collections of the actual drawings as they evolved over a number of years.


Briefly, I noticed six roughly defined passages through the mountains of Antarctica from coastline to the inland pole.  I wondered if lee lines of magnetism might shift through those passages.  Since there were six, I felt they could be represented by the primary and secondary colors on the color wheel - maybe even the whole tone scale dividing octaves of sound into 6 intervals. Only, the openings were not equidistant (that invites a whole new exploration around irregular symmetry of growth and change - something like that - over my head for now.)

So, taking my 6 colored pencils, I drew a grid, marked six points on a circle, and started fishing for a rhythm of movement between those points to see what would show up.  I finally found a sequence that kept opening to the next line - to my amazement, half way around the circle, I saw a 5 pointed star - kept going around, and wound up with two 5 pointed stars conjoined at the core forming a 6 pointed star ... that had to mean something!

I turned the star on it's side, shifting the axis of the grid 45* and drew the sequence again ... another 6 pointed star within the first one - a 12 pointed star.  Ok.  Now I had all 12 colors on the color wheel; 12 tones of the chromatic order in sound; 12 points on the geometric grid of movement in space ... with analogies ad infinitum ... so, I extended the lines of the grid to the edges of the page - it grew exponentially - 5 generations and it was off the page - I could only guess what 12 generations of exponential expansion would look like ... maybe the size of Mecca ...?! (See these first stars on "stars.1" of the Design Perspectives page.)

Then, I banged my head on a car door - that laid me out for a long period of learning to live and die with one breath, one breath at a time ... swimming in the spontaneous resonance of my own voice ... hardly able to walk, let alone do much at all.  So, I took a cupboard door from it's hinges, flopped myself down over a mountain of pillows on the mat, and started to draw.

I hardly slept for at least a couple of years - during which time I drew constantly, 18-80 hours at a stretch, stopping only to hoist myself to the toilet, go fix a rice cake with salsa, and hobble back to the mat to draw until sleep came, then awake to draw again, and on ... driven to know what made the colors shift in the circle - what could make the star grow ... it eventually became clear that whatever happened at the core would determine the character of the expanding star - and that was a wide open field of possibilities.

At this point, the question, again was ...,

"What is happening at the core to make the star turn?"

... it turned out that whatever I drew at the core would generate very different designs within the star ... with no set pattern ... it was a completely open possibility ... I was drawing with colored pencils on 11 x 17 inch paper ... every drawing took hundreds and thousands of hours ... after a couple of years of non-stop drawing, my mind was filled with the design, waking and sleeping, eyes open or shut!

One of the major realizations came when I saw I had been focussed in polarity, using the horizontal/vertical axis as the foundation ... eventually, I thought to see what would happen if I divided the circle into three, instead of four basic sections:

... the segment 'stars 3' shows where that went ... that was when I started to see how it could move ....

OK, as I said, that is the short answer ... enough to get you started ... over the next several years, I clawed my way through one deep void after another ... graduated to a polar grid, as you can see in 'stars 4' and 'stars 5' ... and kept on going wherever the next clue led me to explore ... I have more drawings not posted, but the ones on the site represent the different stages of the exploration.

You will find the most recent drawing on the front page of the "Peace To The Planet" page:


These days, I'm focused more on so many things (including this blog) I can hardly see straight - don't see very well anyway ... so, enough for now ... best wishes to you - and all ....

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Kathleen, thanks. Much to get my mind around. I have quite a strong sense of earth but on the whole I don't attend to this as much as I often have in the past.

I've not had a moment for looking again at your figures, best to take my time.

I may want to share them with friends, maybe with my sister who's quite creative, especially when it comes to working clay. She launched into ceramic sculpture late in life... Also , other friends I exchange with. Then I'll probably respond on your site.

I don't pretend to know America that well. Most of the time I have sent there was in New York City. Repeat visits. Also to relatives in NJ. A long round trip in 2005, starting in Chicago, spending a month with my stepdaughter's family at Los Alamos NM and much exploring the state -- the place I've felt most in America, to date, visiting an old friend at Denton (University of North Texas) and ending up again in New Jersey and New York.

More recently, several stays near Jackson MS where my stepdaughter and her family now live and time spent in Philadelphia and near Trenton. Our best friends here moved back to Philly. He's old and wants to spend his last years on home ground.

Must break off at this point, but, again, thank you. I've taken in more than I'm showing but there's much to digest!

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Thank you Peter - I appreciate the time you have given already. I am at a stage of giving up and letting go of so much I don't have time (or mind) to pursue ... foundational priority is peace of mind - relax into one breath and swim on ... for the moment, I am absorbed in looking at the tardigrade - beyond imagination - a powerful reminder that I/we know so little of what there is to know - always so much more to learn - very humbling!!

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... i also have not dissected your recent long rant - copied to notes and will look at it again - so much moving so fast and faster, chances are I will not offer a response (not even sure where to find it by now) but I appreciate your sincerity and passion for truth!!

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Kathleen, WOW, you are quite the photographer!

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What? It's not photography Mike - except the photos I got from the National Parks Service page (free) ... everything else is hand drawn with colored pencils and doodles sketched with whatever was handy. Would you like me to post an introduction to the site?

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