And so the self-absorbed chaos continues at the hands of the GOP-not caring a whit about their actual purpose in being elected -only about personal aggrandizement, turmoil, and drama, drama, drama. I’d compare them to hormonal middle-schoolers, but honestly, middle schoolers act with more decorum and decency. It’s sick and sad behavior-it could be hilarious if it wasn’t so damn demoralizing to see how low they have allowed themselves to sink. Many of them belong in jail for the insurrection, including Perry, Biggs, and Jordan, instead of holding the House hostage with their shenanigans. I am beyond disgusted.

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Jen, Regrettably we are witnessing the inevitable outcome of a Party whose policies and aspiration, for some time, mostly have been centered on issuing tax cuts to corporate donors and other “friends,” on appointing judges to ram a regressive ideology down our gullets, and on agendas largely arising from greed and from self-serving impulses.

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Barbara, sadly agree with your comment. "We the People..." must find our way again. The enemies of freedom are loving this idiosy.

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Emily, Thank you for your reply. I merely would add that our LFAA community repeatedly provides fecund ground for formulating next steps.

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What is LFAA?

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LFAA is the acronym for Dr. Heather's daily Letter From an American which you likely just read. Happy New Year and keep reading every single day. It's the first thing I do once I have my cup of coffee (from Black & White Roasters) each morning.

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I do also and am having my cup right now (with a little smoked black cardamon in it. This mess was predictable as it was clear before the votes that Keystone Kev did not have the number he needed. I find it somewhat amusing that the largest vote getter is Jeffries. I don't know how this will be resolved as compromise is a dirty word to the hold outs. The only sane R in this report is the R which Heather quoted.

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Oh, holy cow, I should have known that. I read the Letter every morning! Thanks!

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I'm usually drinking coffee while I read. (I generally have three a day)

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Don't feel bad DebbieM when I first saw LFAA I too didn't realize what it stood for..... you learn a lot from reading all comments. Have a great day! I hope the sun is shining in Ohio too!

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I will have an okay day as long as Jim Jordan isn't elected Speaker. Disgusting representative of Ohio.

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I had the same question. Thanks for getting this clarifed.

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All of Us This Time.

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Probably will threaten to shut down the gov, unless tax cuts for their biggest donors are passed.

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I worked at middle school, they were way more accomplished than this. None were downright evil…

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I'll even put a word in for Seniors who have been accepted at their colleges of choice--a group that makes you want to go home and take a long nap--and they are ladies and gentlemen by comparison. As Dr. Richardson points out, this is a real 19th-century free-for-all. I'm waiting for them to start throwing things. Oh what a show this would be if our country were not at stake.

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I will put in a word for any high schoolers I was around. I was thinking also about what might happen. Since they have removed the metal detectors, it might be a shootout.

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I have often wondered if a mass shooting IN Congress is what it would take, sadly, to wake up Republicans to the urgent need for the improved gun safety laws advocated by groups like March for Our Lives, founded by Parkland mass shooting survivors. By removing the metal detectors, after not removing their own gun nut extremist members, the Republican House has made such a massacre possible. All it would take would be a bunch of these hotheads wearing concealed handguns onto the House floor for “protection”, then one of them whipping it out when s/he “felt threatened” during one of these speakership shouting matches, or any other shouting match started by the extremists. One shot is fired, all the other right wing gun nuts who also conceal-carried onto the floor panic and also whip out their guns and start shooting, and when the smoke clears you have multiple gunshot fatalities and injuries, all inflicted on House members and staffers by other House members. Think it’s a far-fetched scenario? Remember back when nobody could imagine a President inciting an armed mob to attack Congress, trying to overturn the election?

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Elizabeth M: One who have to consider if they used the gunfire as an excuse to assassinate Democrats...Jus' Sayin'.

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Good point. And then they’d claim the portable “stand your ground” “doctrine”: “I felt threatened! That Democrat was comimg at me shouting ‘For God’s sake PUT DOWN THAT GUN!’ I had to shoot him to defend myself!”

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It could happen since they smartly removed the metal detectors.!

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I don't think that a mass shooting in the House would do anything to "wake up" the pugs, because in the next Insurrection, they will be spared. Their fellow Maggots will only slaughter (and rape) the Democrats.

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Perhaps throwing feces like many other animal species would do. It does look like a melee at a zoo.

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Zoos are way more organized and controlled. This mess is more like a rugby game--kill the guy with the ball.

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I work in an elementary school and feel the same! I had a fourth grader who told me his ideas for inventing a car that would run on its own captured carbon monoxide. I had to look up what he was talking about afterward. There is hope for our future! If we can survive these clowns in Republican “leadership” now. What would be a better word for what they do? They don’t lead. Fox Followership.

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You’re right - and that speaks volumes. These folks are just tall toddlers. SMDH

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Tall toddlers. Love that description!

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Except actual toddlers aren't evil and calculating. These GOPers are self serving egotists.

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"how low they have allowed themselves to sink"

Have Republicans "allowed" themselves to sink to the bottom of the septic tank?

Or, have Fox News REQUIRED them to sink into that soft, repulsively smelling bottom?

Fox News regularly arouses their huge audience that then pushes the Republicans to perform ever more stupid hat tricks for them.

Which came first? The nuts in the Republican Party or the Fascist owners and personalities of Fox News?

I think Rupert moved here, after Australia smartly kicked him out, specifically to convert this country into a fascist nation run by himself and his Nazi buddies.

Republicans need his money and his buddies' money and are just doing what they are told.

Including Trump.

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The loonies are now in the drivers seat. They were here long before Fox News, beginning January 20, 1981.

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Exactly. When Reagan took office the shiza storm to dismantle a functional government --and turn what was left into an engine to enrich the plutocracy -- began. Removing metal detectors is reminiscent of Reagan having the solar panels Jimmy Carter had installed on the roof of the White House ripped out Day One of his eight years of orchestrated destruction on the federal government. Think of all the unnecessary challenges we have faced due to that bought-by-billionaires bravado. And here we are, 41 years later, enduring the same insanity. Thank God it is in the House and not the White House.

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Yes. Yes. Yes. To think that some people actually view Reagan as a great president, when he was part of the cesspool of Republicanism, without heart for the common American, and with the intent of tearing down anything reminiscent of decent policies.

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Reagan was the front man for political terrorists like Jesse Helms.

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It still rankles me that people remember Ray Gun fondly. He is responsible for so many of the problems that we see today.

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Thanks for the nickname. I didn't have one for the monster.

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I hear how wonderful he was....and I cringe.

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Again I have to ask. If there is no Speaker seated, who approved the removal of the metal detectors?

Frankly, let them shoot each other for all I care.

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Unfortunately, they are more likely to shoot Dems. However, they really are crazy enough to shoot each other!

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Linda, that is a very good question!

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I’m afraid they would shoot the Democrats.

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Linda B. Googled you guestion…is no speaker how did they/who removed Metal detectors. As far as I can figure it was “the Republicans”.

New Republic 1/3/23

“Agenda items already parroted most by Republican members are mostly steeped in conspiracy and cynicism. And their first major action, even without a House speaker, was to make it easier to bring weapons into the Capitol. So while there may be an entertaining element to the “Republicans in Disarray” narrative, one thing is unfortunately certain: The corrupt, dangerous far right will maintain stride in this Congress.”

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He had solar panels removed? Never knew that one - sure does say a lot but then there was the welfare queen thing? Talk about stupidity - what a difference between our "actor" president & the president of Ukraine!!! Maybe its the water or the air here?

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Jan 4, 2023
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According to Carey (earlier comment) Reagan had the ones installed by Carter removed! President - not Congress.

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However destructive, feeding a plutocracy can be seen as a sort of a philosophy. These mutant renegades don't even have that! They're in it strictly for self-promotion. The more bombastic their threats the better. Matt Gaetz threatened to vote for Jeffries for heaven's sake....

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I have to agree. Ronald Reagan was a complete whacko.

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Remember that the Koch Brothers came on the national political scene about the same time. They were far right of Reagan, hard as that is to imagine. David’s run for VP on the Libertarian ticket was as unsuccessful as their ideas were unpopular. Then they spent the following decades to the present patiently creating a highly effective, well-funded infrastructure to promote a weak federal government, an end to business regulation, replacing public with private education, governance by an elite few, etc. Now, it’s said, the Koch tentacles are everywhere. Koch-sponsored think tanks, IHEs, non-profit orgs, judicial training programs, along side political contributions and lobbying efforts, are nationwide in scope. The only thing strong enough to counter the billions at their command is our votes, constant vigilance and activism. I mention this only because Koch too often gets to fly under the radar. His political enterprise is a force to be reckoned with. However, if people understand its goals, that now parallel much of the MAGA Republicans’, they will be as unpopular as ever. The challenge, as always, is how to get people at large to see how they and the system are manipulated by interests like this. The last two federal elections offer hope.

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State elections as well.

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More like a car full of clowns all going in different directions rather than "driving"!

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Love the clown car image, how fitting!

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Doesnt it fit, tho? Plus the Dems standing around eating popcorn! A lot more uplifting picture rather than thinking about this crew screwing up the entire government.

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The John Birch Society was here spouting the same craziness since at least the 20s and possibly before. Rupert Murdoch was an extremely toxic opportunist who was able to corral these people into an audience and then start to manipulate them for his insane, extremist ends.

I really hope the Dominion lawsuit can end the obscenity called the Fox News Corp.

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Very interesting "chicken or egg" thoughts, Mike. I think that the MAGAt base was planted in the (gods help us) Tea Party wing that was created in the RBS administrations (Reagan, Bush, Shrub in my junior high brain). Following Obama's victory in 2008, it became increasingly acceptable to "say the quiet parts out loud" in the racism department. Following the golden escalator ride, all the quiet parts got shouted from every TV, radio, etc. that gave fpotus more air time than any on person should receive.

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The Perfect Grift

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We are now learning what happens when the clowns actually come in. Sadly, we were right when we sang the song, thinking such not possible until the House is a clown-surround.

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Although I am so with you in your representation of the disgusting chaotic Republicans, I sit here in utter glee. What we witnessed yesterday was biblically personified and I could not have asked for a more decimated GOP performance: They splendidly reenacted the story of the Tower of Babel while the Democrats came off like a heavenly harmonizing choir....

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Yes, I have to agree that at the same time I'm frightened for our nation (but NEVER to the degree so far that I was during the he-who-shall-not-be-named era), I am enjoying their acting out in public.

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Jan 4, 2023
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Janet R (CO): I don't know who actually brought popcorn into the chambers. However Ted Lieu had his picture taken outside his office w/ a bag of popped popcorn. I copied it from TCinLa's Substack article. Here's that link (tried copying to here w/o luck but was able to do so to my FB groups.) https://tcinla757.substack.com/p/poor-widdle-qevin?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Yes, I am with you. It would almost be comical if We The People were not getting the short end of the stick. Two more years of this infantile, mean-spiritedness makes me sick. Nothing will get done to help the American people. It has been a bit heady to see what can get done when conscientious, hard working legislators roll up their sleeves and pass legislation that actually HELPS people. I am trying not to let myself get depressed with Day 1 of the Republican shitshow completed but damn. This is taxpayer money paying these evil buffoons and it is a bit much to watch.

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Although, I wonder if this may lay the groundwork for the more moderate Republicans in the House actually voting with Democrats and leaving the extremists to throw their feces.

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I was thinking about that yesterday - just six Republicans would have to cross the aisle to elect Jeffries as the next Speaker. Perhaps something like that, or some other semblance of a coalition will become more realistic if this shit show runs long enough for the representatives to miss a paycheck.

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I am sooo hoping for that!

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Matt Gaetz has already threatened to vote for Jeffries, who looks more distinguished by the second, as if he was threatening to throw a hand grenade. Wouldn't it be something if the moderates took his bluff and voted for Jeffries? That would magically create a bipartisan coalition that would truly get things done....

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That would be the best outcome for the Country - the current GOP would never allow something that is good for the country. (:-)

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This concern is why Biden and the Democrats rammed through so much important, helpful to ordinary Americans, legislation over the past 2 years. Whenever I am down about the repugnants' political shit show, I go on Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg's website: He has regular, wonderful interface with citizen leaders all over the country, awarding infrastructure grants and marveling at local improvements and innovations, regardless of party. He is of my kids' generation (2 of them went to school with Chasten!), and there is our hope!!

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"...middle schoolers act with more decorum and decency..." and with much better judge of character. Their BSometers are always on high alert.

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I was going to be more crass “let the sh*t show begin!”

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Let's not forget Gaetz, who is credibly accused of sex trafficking a minor, and Mr. Pants-on-fire from Long Island, who may not even be qualified to hold the job. The GOP House appears to be a cesspool of narcissists, insurrectionists, perverts and criminals. Will the real GOP Congressmen/women please stand up?

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Every person needs to actually CALL their representative and tell them how to vote. (I used to work as the legislative v.p. in PTA, we set up a network to flood our legislators' phones with how we, as their employers, wanted them to vote.) There is power in numbers.

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I like this. It would be cool if 1.5 million herders called their representatives all at once every time a vote is coming up.

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It is their tactic, to wear down voters AND it creates a baseline of apathy towards government in non voters, keeping non voters apathetic and out of the process, maintains their dwindling base of power. Their media friends can continue their strategy narrative, “Washington is broken, Gov is ineffective, we need to drain the swamp”, and morphs into, “Only I can fix it!” a few months before the 2024 election.

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I’m going with “hilarious,” not least because it’s my experience as a lifelong progressive that the right does a far better job of sinking itself than the middle or the left ever do of convincing The Average American of their venality.

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Having taught 8th grade for 15 years I applaud your comments, Young teenagers certainly show a lot more care, concern and dignity than these toddlers screaming "somebody took my toy."

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Well said. Thank you.

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Well, not ALL middle-schoolers. I remember some like ghast, madge, bobblehead, and the rest. The bullies.

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Jan. 6, 2023 we saw the chaos the extremist Freedom Caucus has created in the GOP.

I'd be tickled if enough fed-up true Republicans vote with Democrats & make Hakeem Jeffries the Speaker! That would be JUSTICE!

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I wish. Not a chance. The only difference between the GOP factions is adherence - or not - to procedural niceties. They have the same seditious antidemocratic objectives. Only some are more impatient than others. The difference between William F. Buckley Jr and Rush Limbaugh. Of George F. Will and Tucker Carlson. Of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. A difference of style not substance.

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And until we start seeing some indictments and prosecutions for criminal behavior, I think the gop are on to something that we are being naive about: “There is no one to hold the evil to account”. Rise to a certain level of wealth and whiteness and you have a free pass/get-out-of-jail-free-card, it seems. I only write this because I don’t see “Justice” happening from DOJ. Perhaps there’s no there there? Yet we wait patiently, hopefully for the ship to be stabilized by accountability. When do we stop waiting, and wake up to the horrible truth? And more worrisome, What do we do then? We have waited for the DOJ like embattled settlers waiting for the Cavalry. But it doesn’t come. And we are being slaughtered by mis/disinformation, and straight up corruption and domestic terrorism. Are we ready to wrap our minds around a true implosion of the American Experiment? How do you fight when we don’t know why accountability is not demanded from the Leader-Class? When our “Champions” refuse to act and deliver the justice the constitution demands? When is patience foolishness?

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"When is patience foolishness?"

MLRGRMI (love that name).....

We are forced into patience. Because, IF we do something about the sad state of affairs ourselves we will forthwith be carted off to prison the next day.

So, we wait.....and.......wait.........and.........snore..........and.....wait.

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Excellent illustrations of the “difference of style not substance.”

Welcome back, lin+! Hope 2023 is kind to you.

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Freedum Circus.

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LOL-you forgot the "b" @ the end for the first word ("freedumb")

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Actually, they're too dum to spell dumb correctly, so Carey got it right. 😈

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Exactly, Lin. The song remains the same.

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There is a big difference between the men you cited. Buckley, Will, and Reagan preached policies. The renegades that follow the other three use Congress as their Tik Tok platform where they can post selfies doing their stupid dance and self-promote. They have no interest in policies and would cut off their nose to spite their face. Matt Gaetz has already threatened to vote for Jeffries. That tells you everything....

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lin, Today I heard the very worst of them, "the freedom caucus" called the "Taliban 20." lol !

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Well said, lin!

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@S L Brad, As someone who has spent considerable calories this past month observing (and engaging) while Freedom Caucus extremists have been extracting concession after concession from Kevin McCarthy, as he desperately attempts to get enough votes to become speaker, I would maintain, among the many possible outcomes, Republicans voting with Democrats to make Hakeem Jeffries the Speaker is not among them.

Nonetheless, I do see a possible just outcome. While presently the so-called moderate, establishment Republicans (e.g., members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus) are all united in urging House members to support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, were McCarthy to accede to any further hardcore Freedom Caucus demands, said action could trigger a reaction from the more powerful establishment Republicans.

Here I would note, for some time, “moderate” Republicans and centrist Democrats have been engaged in preliminary discussions about a possible contingency candidate if McCarthy, after multiple ballots, cannot get to 218 votes. Hence were McCarthy to accede to further concessions, or were his bid for Speaker to fail, or were Steve Scalise, viewed as the most viable alternative and also more acceptable to the Freedom Caucus, to be nominated, establishment Republicans, who already have signaled a willingness to work with like-minded people across the aisle and who have indicated concerns regarding concessions already extracted, conceivably could join with Democrats to find a consensus Speaker. (I would note, this past Monday, that powerful establishment Republican Don Bacon announced he would run a candidate against Scalise were he nominated.)

Admittedly, I don’t understand why establishment Republicans already haven’t concluded that McCarthy is empowering the very members who are dragging the Party down, let alone holding the Party hostage and setting the agenda for the next 2 years. But that is a discussion for another day.

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Thank you, Barbara. McCarthy, like Lindsey Graham, tending that way for a long time, has finally become a cheap whore. It makes my skin crawl to watch him.

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Dean, While I suppose I am stating the obvious, I wish every citizen, over the next 2 years, and beyond, would get engaged as though the republic were in grave danger, because it is.

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I quite agree, Barbara, and more even than that. It has dawned on me that President Biden's oft-repeated and seemingly hyperbolic statement is literally true. We are fighting for the soul of the nation.

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Dean, I recall award winning citizen-journalist Bill Moyers saying the same about 20 years ago, and, while the words then were true, the words, alarmingly, are even more true today.

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All Republicans are Fox News prostitutes.

Rupert tells them what to do and if they don't?

The beatings begin.

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Besides this letter, I get a lot of insight from the YouTube channel clips of "Beau of the Fifth Column" and in the last two weeks or so, he had repeatedly stated that the GOP has not learned their lessons from the midterm elections, theorizing that the loonie-bin members of Congress that are prone to the most outrageous tweets and social media posts, those members mistakenly believe their number of retweets is suggestive of their success.

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Miselle, Thank you for the reference. The analysis surely rings true.

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ReTweets R Us gang are they?

Geniuses, all of them, just ask them.

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Thank you, Barbara, your post gives me hope! I appreciate your depth of knowledge. Much better than my perhaps naive idea that some Democrats should change their vote to McCarthy to give him a majority. He has shown himself to be a weak leader.

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Dorothy, I greatly appreciate your affirming reply. Thank you for writing.

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Rupert Murdoch will be mad if if any Republicans defect.

So, count on it, as long as the Republican Party Leader, Ruper Murdoch does not allow the Republicans to defect, they will not.

That would be the last election they ever won. Fox News would destroy them.

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Mike, Please, do not call 'Faux' news even if it is their 'name' only. Yep Murdoch, don't forget the Koch bunch. I frankly muse about how much support could be won for an all out boycott of any products that in any way support these anti American monsters; Koch, Murdoch, etc. You know hit them where it hurts, in the wallet. I'd love to get that rolling.

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I think Kasich has the more realistic model, an moderate Republican leaning coalition that Democrats can support in lieu of the bomb throwers

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Love Kasich!

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I would love to see just one do it, just to see the calamity as the rest of the GOP goes berserk.

What makes ME almost berserk is the thought that (*)ucker, Hannity and Shapiro could influence the choice of Speaker: 2nd in line for POTUS!!!

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All it would take would be for a few Republicans to vote PRESENT. It would probably only take about ten voting PRESENT to reduce the majority vote threshold from 218 down to 212, giving Jeffries the gavel.

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I'd love to believe that possible too SJ, but the realist in me just won't swallow that kool-aid. Sadly, those you would have 'tickle you' are Americans second, R's first. They've drank from the pitcher of money, power, self absorbed importance - and hear only their own voices and like ones in their self affirming echo chamber, they've little chance at redemption; the addict is the last to know. Kasich > thbbt. No juice. He expended his capital long ago as a coat tail rider on the 'alleged' Reagan revolution. Hell, he gave rise to the 'freedom from any law and order caucus'. He made flowery nice talk and posed himself as a 'compassionate conservative', saying all the right things - yet doing little but lip service... and most Ohioans of money and influence fawned and spread the gospel of 'R'. Meanwhile, in the cradle of envy rocked Jordan. While jordan sucked, then bit his thumb, democrats got smug in the belief that they were intellectually superior to R's - 'cuz it was spread far and wide, so it 'must' be true; grading their own papers, hardened that certainty and they quit listening; I have no evidence they have learned anything. I have looked very long and hard for such evidence.

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D4N: important opinions to consider as we attempt to understand the chaos and emptiness of the Republican Party.

where have all the Americans gone???gone to money and power, most everyone....when will they/we ever learn....when will we ever learn.....

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Singing with you-sadly...

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Yes, SJ Brad, a fusion speaker would be the worst nightmare for the Freedom Caucus. Meanwhile they scream and shout and disrupt, they enjoy that.

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That would be a fine day, and not as unlikely as it may currently appear. Just wait for a few of the dim bulbs to walk out in a huff, then hold the vote.

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We can but dream.

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Which one of these whack-job Republicans will be the first to pack heat on the House floor? And brandish their gun in debate to stress a point?

For now it makes the government look nuts and out of control. But as we learned two years ago, some of these people will do just about anything to destroy democracy and revel in the attention they receive.

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Sad and true. Bent on destroying our democracy. Maybe they'll end up strengthening it because the people might just decide they'd rather keep it. "We'll see what happens."

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And when they run to their master for help and guidance, they get it in the familiar words: "We'll see what happens".

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The only justice, seeing the traitorous Kevin pay for his trip to MarALardo

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Maybe these imbeciles will try to resolve their differences by pulling out their "heat" and showing us how useful it can be in sorting out issues in the House chamber. Democrats, don't forget to wear your helmets and body armor!

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Wild West reenactments in The Capitol, by the wild, far-right Republican extremists__ this horrible possibility may be what these lunatics are imagining.

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"Contrary to the popular imagination, bearing arms on the frontier was a heavily regulated business."


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“Tombstone had much more restrictive laws on carrying guns in public in the 1880s than it has today,” says Adam Winkler, a professor and specialist in American constitutional law at UCLA School of Law. “Today, you're allowed to carry a gun without a license or permit on Tombstone streets.”

Thanks for sharing this enlightening article, lin*!

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Or anywhere else in AZ.

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"The practice (gun control) was started in Southern states, which were among the first to enact laws against concealed carry of guns and knives, in the early 1800s."

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And Governor Reagan's response to Black men carrying openly was to change California's open carry laws...

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The term was used as a metaphor.

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Amazing how much progress we've made since then, Lin.

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They already tried it once, on Jan. 6. So why not again?

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Must remember one Senator badly beat an opponent with his cane.

Elected Republican officials shooting friends or foes might not be a good look to get Republicans re-elected

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I wish I could see the humor, long gone, I fear

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ThankYou Jeri Chilcutt. Exactly. Only my bad angel is enjoying any of the GOP circus. Clowns are scary.

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It wouldn't be the first time physical altercations happened on the floor of Congress. We haven't seen the likes of this voting in over 100 years, perhaps that will be the next repetition of history.

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Michael, I think you have right Lens to examine the current House chaos. 'Some of these people' are willing to destroy democracy and some have already tried and have criminal exposure. Prosecute them in the first quarter of 2023.

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It sure looks as if no one in Congress who aided the coup attempt will face any legal consequences. Thus it's more likely to happen again.

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You may be correct Michael but, the statute of limtations has not yet expired.

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Good point. Charging sitting members of Congress would set off a firestorm. If it's going to happen, DOJ might be inclined to wait until first charging the people at the top of the conspiracy, as in Trump and his immediate henchmen.

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That prosectorial strategy is certainly a viable scenario.

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Exactly. When Reagan took office the shiza storm to dismantle a functional government --and turn what was left into an engine to enrich the plutocracy -- began. Removing metal detectors is reminiscent of Reagan having the solar panels Jimmy Carter had installed on the roof of the White House ripped out Day One of his eight years of orchestrated destruction on the federal government. Think of all the unnecessary challenges we have faced due to that bought-by-billionaires bravado. And here we are, 41 years later, enduring the same insanity. Thank God it is in the House and not the White House.

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The more I learn about the B-grade film actor who got into the White House, the more my lip curls (that bizarre gesture so often performed by characters in minor novels). Here in Australia we just thought he had Alzheimer's, and sniggered. "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Well, I won't start on that. His last performance was also stage-managed - the noble symbol of a riderless horse in his funeral procession.

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The riderless horse has been in many 20th Century Presidents’s funerals. Very Old US tradition

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Not understood by a foreigner raised on old Westerns. In fact, a bit of quick research tells me that it's universal and dates from ancient Rome - the fallen warrior. I bow and withdraw the remark.

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I am still curious as to who approved removal of the metal detectors since they can't take any action till a speaker is elected?

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??? Good, sad, question.

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Worse than sad. Looks wilful.

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Right, Sandra??? Dangerous

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A % of the government IS nuts and out of control.

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My guess is that they were already carrying as of yesterday.

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Cannot "❤" this. I think you are absolutely right, and some of those "legislators" should be locked up, in a place separate from their guns.

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Spot on.

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The Glockenspiel player! She may be just the one to get the squatter out of the Speaker's office very quickly.

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My money is on MTG.

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Her name hasn't appeared yet in despatches. (But SURELY not... Putin, Bolsonaro, De Santis, global warming - and MTG with a gavel - No-o-o-o.)

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Gosar. He's been having wet dreams about shooting AOC and others for a while now.

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Did you see him in animated conversation with AOC yesterday? Lots of smiles and agreeable head nodding. She seemed extremely gracious and he even smiled at her. Would love to have overheard that conversation.

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Yes, I saw the video. According to AOC (on MSNBC), he had asked her what chance there was that any Democrats could be persuaded to vote for McCarthy. I don't know how she responded, but it was probably something along the lines of, "That's a problem for your conference."

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Mine too!

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Jan 4, 2023
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“The two of them may wind up having a duel.”

Oh please, yes! From your lips….

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Narcissist duelers vying for attention. May they both draw at the same time 😉

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Totally off her rocker and won the last election. Sad that voters support such recklessness.

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But clearly electable because she’s now been elected twice

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Bet she is today.

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I thought she already did?

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Jan 4, 2023
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No metal detectors? Is it a death wish? They had all the citizens armed in Tombstone and it did not go well, way back when.

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Full list of House Republicans who voted against McCarthy and appear united in their determination to destroy the foundation of our Democracy:

Andy Biggs of Arizona

Dan Bishop of North Carolina

Lauren Boebert of Colorado

Josh Breechen of Oklahoma

Michael Cloud of Texas

Andrew Clyde of Georgia

Eli Crane of Arizona

Matt Gaetz of Florida

Bob Good of Virginia

Paul Gosar of Arizona

Andy Harris of Maryland

Anna Paulina Luna of Florida

Mary Miller of Illinois

Ralph Norman of South Carolina

Andy Ogles of Tennessee

Scott Perry of Pennsylvania

Matt Rosendale of Montana

Chip Roy of Texas

Keith Self of Texas

It's time for the Democratic Party to make them NOTORIOUS, along with their media enablers!

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Fern, that looks like the list of co-conspirators mentioned in Trump's Insurrection indictment.

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Dream, baby dream! The Insurrection indictment is not a reality, yet, as it absolutely needs to be.

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"Pending" indictment maybe?

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'Maybe baby, …

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Makes me religious again. C'mon God!

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Funny, that. <sarcasm font>

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Fern, thanks for the list. We’ve seen their names before, but probably not on the roll of names for confirmation of President Biden on January 6.

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Some time ago a commenter pointed out what may be one of the most responsible books emerging from the MAGA Circus.

The book AMERICAN FASCISM by Brynn Tannehill is a frightening description of what is occurring to America right this day with radical elements determined to threaten to destroy Government to ensure their extreme ideology becomes asserted as a normal thread of conduct.

I am still absorbing the book and just the descriptions of Fascist tools for short circuiting and controlling functions as occurs in the House Speaker fiasco today is a very chilling experience.

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Art, thank you. American Fascism is the subject that I most want to know more about. Does the book cover Trump's and the Republican Party's roles? Although I have a several #1s, Art, this one is at the top of the list. I am interested in the book in any event, and if it deals with those two contributors, you have cut my search to zero. Salud!

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I recalled some incidents reported in it and am revisiting Wm Shirer’s “The Nightmare Years 1930-1940.”

It details incredible similar actions by Hitler and the Third Reich’s sinister overthrow of the Versailles Treaty and development of the ultimate Fascist Government.

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It’s surgical in its appraisals of the examples of Fascism in the current Republican strategies.

Tannenhill’s dissection of Fascism and what it is is well worth the read.

In fact the final Chapter Eleven “The (Nearly) Inevitable Plunge,” alone justifies the books study. This is a very serious book.

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Published April, 2021. I think it’s going on my kindle …

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A Confederacy of Dunces if ever there was one.

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Chip Roy nominated Donalds (R) for Speaker on the 4th Round & the Never Kevin bloc was holding just as yesterday ... so far.

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Thanks, Fern, for this list.

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I'm trying to find a civil way to describe this scramble, but it's far past my bedtime and all I can think of is Bugs Bunny saying "What a bunch of maroons!"

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These maroons eat their young.

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I'd be OK with them eating each other. Netflix stock would go through the roof if they televised it.

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Maybe that should be "morons" ?

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Bugs would say "maroons" but, yes, morons was what he meant.

See Also: https://tenor.com/view/what-a-maroon-bugs-bunny-bugs-bunny-idiot-gif-13894395

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BB: "That's all folks"

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(Front teeth)

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McCarthy keeps conceding bits of his power to the GOP extremists, and then they demand more concessions. He's put himself in this situation with his craving to be Speaker, and it is fun to gloat. BUT it's not fun thinking about the impact on US politics, policies, stability, and global credibility. Plus, how many Americans are following the news and understand the implications of the GOP's chaos, incompetence, and extremism? How many will remember any of this next time they vote? Not enough.

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The more they get away with (the entire party included) the worse they get. When you elevate narcissism to virtue, it is not surprising that chaos reigns. Its a hell of a way to run a government, but at least their puerile treachery appears to be wearing thinner with a growing share of the the public.

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But the 74 million chump voters still have Dem hate as their focus, at least the ones in Texas

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Florida, too.

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And Arizona.

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Bobo barely scraped by and she clearly didn't care. Their days are numbered.

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Yes. One flew over the coocoos' nest.

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Voters may not remember this particular debacle, but I'm guessing that it will be just the first, with two years of likely chaos to follow.

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I don't understand why no one seems to be considering the possibility that Santos gets extradited to Brazil (or expelled, if he's not a US citizen) or that Congressmen party to the January 6th conspiracy get arrested, tried and jailed.

Does crime really pay best?

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It appears to, when you're in Congress. As the DOJ is currently proving, they handle cases involving politicians as if they were radioactive. Republicans have already convinced much of the public that the DOJ is a partisan tool of Democrats. Never mind that more Republicans are investigated because they're the ones doing the most crime.

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For all its vast military, industrial and financial might, for all its influence to date, it is the United States of America that will become untouchable if the country continues to prove incapable of putting its house in order.

Does the US really have to keep providing Putin and all rivals and enemies with anti-American propaganda they couldn't invent if they tried?

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Don't give up on Justice yet. By definition it must be thorough which means slow.

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I hope that’s true, but I’m afraid the DOJ will be afraid to let Jordan, et al pay the price because they’re elected.

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Sorry, I just cannot make sense of that.

Elsewhere in this thread I wrote about the fashion for gaining high office as a good dodge for keeping out of prison. Used with some success by pioneers Berlusconi and Netanyahu.

Surely it is doubly important to insist on the criminal responsibility of our elected representatives.

Otherwise we all become not just helpless witnesses to crime but accomplices.

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I want to be wrong. I hope I am.

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I sympathize. No fun, the Cassandra act.

However, I am not playing that game just now, I am just asking the kind of questions any child might ask.

Trouble is... at this moment in time, we all need to learn the language of insanity... while remaining sane ourselves. It's an awkward balancing act.

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You're right. But this is politics, whether it should be or not. Right and wrong don't figure in. As much as we'd like to see the DOJ stay above politics and bring justice where it must be (the higher the office, the greater the need for accountability), the DOJ has already been hamstrung by the so-called "60-day" rule, which has no legal force, but is obeyed by the DOJ nonetheless. Even if the DOJ has, for example, Donald Trump, dead to rights with a mountain of evidence, he can still run for office, and any attempt to hold him accountable is called "political" by Republicans and the right-wing press. So this is a cold shower on the DOJ's determination to hold him or any other elected politician) to account.

What totally baffles me is the insistence of both Republicans AND (some) Democrats that (a) the Office of the President must be protected and (b) the way to do that is to sweep Trump's misdeeds under the carpet and move on. That notion is patently absurd, yet it is a common one.

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But then... is not the republic you describe patently absurd, as legality is of the essence in a republic?

Currently, we seem to have a republic that's crumbling like an old bridge that has never been either correctly maintained or adapted to carry modern traffic, so that all its design flaws have become both flagrant and dangerous. All the more so at a time when there are despots-in-waiting and a large part of the population is hankering after despotism.

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To answer your question, yes, it is absurd. But that's where we are. I agree with the rest of what you said.

To me, the problems stem, in part, from the fact that the writers of the Constitution had a blind faith that anyone elected to office would have the best interests of the country at heart, rather than their own self-interest. So they provided no mechanisms for dealing with faithless elected officials.

Even the very few statements regarding consequences for breaking oaths are entirely dependent on keeping the oaths in the first place. The Constitutional definition of treason is so narrow as to be virtually useless. Every mechanism for dealing with bad Congresspeople or Presidents requires good Congresspeople to enforce them. What do you do when the "good" Congresspeople are afraid to do anything because it will jeopardize them politically?

We have a political body that is difficult and outrageously expensive to get into, and most of those who do get there spend the majority of their time and energy trying to stay there. So, yeah, it's absurd.

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Good simile, the bridge.

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Any serious background to the suggestion of a link between Santos and Bolsonaro?

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The short answer is “Yes”

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Disturbingly, yesterday Rep. Crenshaw responded when asked about the days chaotic voting: “It’s almost like the Democrats had paid off people to make this chaotic”. So even if the gop are completely responsible for all the F*%#ing chaos yesterday, Crenshaw & MSM still plant the seed that it’s really the Dems fault. Crenshaw knows all you have to do is plant the seed. He’s like “The Sower” in that respect.

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The Pubs know the drill.

Screw up everything in sight and blame the "Dems".

It works.

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Brings to mind:

"Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors. Familiarize yourselves with the chains of bondage and you are preparing your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of those around you, you have lost the genius of your own independence, and become the fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises." - Lincoln

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This is better than having them do the job. You think this is ugly, wait till they really get down to business.

I wouldn't worry too much about foreign impressions. They've already gotten a look at the circus.

Do your worst, Republicans. Knock yourselves out (of power).

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Sort of like ignoring the clowns with the flamethrowers…

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Such as Elon?

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No worries. If the Rs do as promised, the resulting endless parade of subpoenas and dog and pony "investigative" committees will keep lots of people glued to their cable news channel of choice. Then those people will amplify the shenanigans to their Facebook and Twitter feeds. We'll all be so sick of it by 2024, we'd be willing to replace them all with broken doorknobs.

To be honest, I'm ready to do that right now.

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It is my hope that their chicanery can be actively used against them. Give 'em hell.

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Very few is my belief. Many are working and raising families with not a lot of time to do the work needed to go behind the scenes.

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You're correct, of course. I'm more concerned with the people who do have time and resources to follow the news, but choose not to.

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Jan 4, 2023
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It's only a flesh wound!!!


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The very idea of Jim Jordan becoming Speaker - Jordan who was one of Trump's inside insurrectionists - is an affront to those officers who were injured or killed almost 2 years ago, to every veteran who has served and protected this nation, to the extent of some sacrificing their lives, to every family who have ever lost a member in service to this nation and its democracy - Jim Jordan who carries enough baggage re: sexual abuse of students under his charge - is an abomination. McCarthy would be a terrible Speaker but Jordan would be worse.

Are there not at least 6 mature, responsible, public-service oriented, Republicans with a sense of obligation to this nation who could support Jeffries as Speaker so that those who were elected to do the nation's business (instead of contributing to the continuation of Trump's march toward fascism) could get on with numerous items of the people's business. Why else are we taxpayers being expected to foot the bill?

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Thank you Professor for your thorough report. Yours is the first I've read that mentioned removal of the famous mags. Seems Repubs really fear those mags and Boebert will be carrying tomorrow for sure and MTG will escape her fines.. Don't we all feel safer now. And speaking about uncivil and not honorable reps, how can George Santos vote without being sworn in? They are the party of "do as I say, not as I do" and in total denial of January 6 TREASON and Covid stupidity. And their opponents want to remain anonymous. 🤐🙄👀🤡. Oh what a tangled web you weave!

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Actually, I saw the report that our beloved Heather saw. Because I Stream, and watch MSNBC so much, when I turn on my TV, it comes up with that station automatically in the morning. As I came out to eat lunch, I turned the set on. From that point on, I was hooked by the Sterling quality of the Comedy unfolding before my eyes. I was on MSNBC that I heard of the different Faustian bargains being offered to the members of the nihilistic Fascist wing of the Republican Party, by McCarthy, and what he had already acceded to.

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I wondered about that with George Santos voting. WTF?

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NO ONE in the House gets sworn in until after they elect a Speaker! I never knew that! So, technically the Speaker is always elected by people who are not actually MOC's yet! They are, however Members-elect

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Thanks Cheryl. RIP GOP, which should be called SOP. Sleaze-Oid-Party. Santos is right up there with tfg lowering the bar. Dems should not ignore their lies.

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Yes. It's customary to use the phrase "member-elect of the House" as though it referred to persons who are about to serve as US Representatives -for the very first time-. But everyone in that chamber who's eligible to vote for Speaker is someone who ran for election in November 2022 and won: each of them, from Madame About-to-be-Emerita-Speaker Pelosi down to pipsqueak persiflageur Santos, is a member-elect right now.

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My question too, Santos is nothing yet, is he? Any opponents of repub governmental insanity have been anonymous for decades

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Sadly, he is a Member-elect, so is entitled to vote as are all the others.

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If they are not yet sworn in, how can they vote? That doesn't make sense. We should be sure to film them swearing their allegiance to American democratic values and be ready to juxtapose that onscreen with their coming lies when they break their oath during their years in office.

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The House, unlike the Senate, is designed for churn - every House member goes to the polls every two years, and in theory it would be possible to have an incoming class of Representatives all of whom are first-termers. In short, the House, unlike the Senate, needs to be self-bootstrapping. So the one vote that can and must take place before any (other) member can be sworn into the House by the new-or-reelected Speaker is the election of that Speaker, and it follows that members-elect can and must participate. Until and unless the deplorable Mr. Santos resigns or is ejected, he IS the elected representative of record for his district, and he IS both entitled and obliged to vote for Speaker of the House.

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Prof. Cox Richardson's post for today highlights some important things that bode well for Democrats. Enough GOP voters repudiated extremist election liars that there was no mid-term red tsunami. We have seen McCarthy, Stefanik and others show their hypocrisy by first condemning Trump and Trump acolytes and then kissing Trump's ring (*ss) to gain power without principle. Stefanik's sellout was just featured in a long read in The New York Times, and such pieces gain some traction among disenchanted Republicans and Independents. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/31/us/politics/elise-stefanik.html

McCarthy has shown he will give the extremists anything they want and conduct a circus for the next two years if elected, while failing to serve his constituents. Republican cowards will anonymously speak the truth to the media but will not join together to oppose the crazies in their caucus. They will seat a confessed con man, Santos, to gain McCarthy one vote, so they show no ethical guardrails at all.

And the kicker is that they want Fox "News" personalities to save them by supporting McCarthy or someone other than Jordan. This is a total failure of leadership for the whole nation to see. I'm encouraged, actually.

In our Congressional district, which a Democrat won by less than 1% of the vote, enough establishment Republicans, including fundraisers, opposed a MAGA candidate being "groomed" ;-) by Bannon to flip the district blue. Now our representative, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, is a national media favorite and has two years to work hard and serve her constituents, all of us: Democrats, Republicans, Independents, people who have tuned out because they struggle too hard to make a living, care for their kids and afford medical bills.

We may be seeing the breaking point of polarization in this leadership cage fight.

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Oh glory, a flicker of light

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GaryS: truer words were never written.....

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I think it's less that Kevin McCarthy would be running a circus than that the circus is already running -him-.

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And that requires his craven, sellout cooperation.

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That's a necessary condition of the circus, yes, but not a logically sufficient one. If the circus weren't so circus-y, Kevin might have been elected on the first ballot with the help of radical rightwingers anticipating that they could cash in later on limiting the Speaker's ability to operate any closer to the center than they do. But a CNN analyst whose name I don't have pointed out that the object of this exhibition is to humiliate McCarthy personally (and, I will add, very publicly). Apparently being seen to inflict this humiliation takes top priority even over the persecution of J6 Committee members and the Benghazification of Hunter Biden's laptop. With "friends" and "patriots" like that, who needs enemies?

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"I’m not the one,” the California Republican told fellow House Republicans, emerging from the huddle to deliver the same message. “We need a fresh face,” because the two I've got aren't working......

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On a roll this morning John, keep ‘em coming! Today should provide more cannon fodder.

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Hey, look over there, not here are the chaos of two-faced McCarthy, Stefanik, and all other election liars and Trump sycophants who changed positions to stay in power. And to boot, you're saying something that isn't true. Oh, that's a Republican habit these days.

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Republicans - too stupid to find their ginormous posteriors with both hands on a clear day with a three hour advance notice.

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Couldn't find it? It was handed to them, as the saying goes....

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I actually Laughed Out Loud. :-)

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Bravo, John!!!

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And I thought the comment section was a must-read yesterday! I knew it was going to be worthy this morning!

Ah, if only this wasn't such a horrible mess for our nation.

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🤣👏 OMG well said!

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Or too busy kissing someone else’s to find their own.


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I like that word 'ginormous'. Sounds like an infection or intestinal disorder. Yeah, a BIG infection and very INFLAMED intestines.

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With a map, flashlight and to Boy Scouts to help. /snark

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Hey, TC! No booty shaming! That’s where their brains and personalities are located! Murc’s Law says they can’t help themselves!

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TCinLA.....and yet, so many followers

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When it becomes apropos to quote Boehner as an authority on what

BUTTHEADS the right wing 'Freedom Caucus' are to governing, you have PROOF that 'the inmates are running the asylum'. As a reminder of how anti-governing Boehner is, here is a Politico quote of Boehner in 2010. "Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: 'We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.'"

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I haven’t forgotten Boehner, I haven’t even forgotten Tom Delay or Denis Hastert. Good memory is a curse sometimes

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A Gift and a Curse.

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And don't forget the never charming Newt Gingrich. Yes, quite the line up of scoundrels and off-scourings of the Republican sewers that have been paraded behind the Speaker's podium for the nation's delectation. No scumbag is too low for the 'Pubbies to drag up out of the mud at the bottom of the barrel.

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This behavior of the repubs is foreboding of - for instance - the Sept. Debt Ceiling? If they do what they're doing to each other, think what they will try to do to us . They have sent a message - burn the mother down !

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Yes. They are digging their own graves if they bring on a default.

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and also maybe ours

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They cost taxpayers plenty and harmed many lives with their past govt. shutdown theatrics, and their posturing on COVID claimed many lives. Malicious fools with power often leave a wake of peripheral casualties.

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Why my sense of humor has taken permanent leave

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I’m not sure I’m reading the right letter. You’re describing the vote for one Speaker of the House? In the United States? A Democracy? A historical and relatively simple procedure. Should we tell the repubs to read the Constitution if they are unsure how to accomplish this task without the help of their real leader, that guy hiding in his former beach Whitehouse or on a golf course, somewhere far from the decisions of the party he’s destroying. No change there. Leader in name only.

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The party created its own monsters run amok.

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Tea party evil run amok.

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I wrote my Red Rep and said that as long as the GOP is going to make out in public, he should be embarrassed and give up salary for those days.

Gaetz' letter is performative. I hope Cap Architect says "people will be moved when they have assignments, including a new speaker".

I heard Justin Amash offered to be speaker, but he might have been enjoying a little sarcasm.

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Thank you for contacting your 2nd district representative. Living in beauty comes with the cost of red representation. Thank you for representing!

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Ah, thank you, my Co Oregonian! (From the navy blue alcove...)

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In very deed!!

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I find myself this morning far less interested in the neurotic maneuverings of adolescent MAGA House Republicans than in the plight of millions of Ukranian refugees who have been dispossessed of everything by the brutality of Russian neo-Czarist geopolitical paranoia! Their lack of protection from Winter’s cold, loss of family and the relative poverty of surrounding host countries affords them scant protection from protracted Russian cruelty!

“About a third of Ukrainians have been forced from their homes since Russia invaded in February, according to the United Nations. Nearly 8 million refugees have been recorded in Europe, in what the United Nations said was the fastest-growing displacement crisis since World War II.” (Washington Post)

America can do much more than simply bankroll weapons for the Ukrainian resistance! That’s where the more significant fight for democracy is being waged!

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Thanks Jon. Pissing and moaning in this time of mortal conflict, while starvation and freezing are real specters for so many souls is not a good look for this crowd. Being tired and discouraged by the humiliation congress is self indulgently lapping up is not a reflection of the crisis we have upon us. It is a reflection of all we loath. I know what is in your hearts and mine so let’s just hold the worlds hand for a bit. Remember we have each other’s back, all of us, all the time. Decency is the beacon on our hill. We are writing a continuum to our history now. We are going to endure. We are going to prevail. Again. As my grandad Slim used to say when he outlined us for chores, “ what’s worse than having to clean up a pile of shit? “ We chorused the answer. “A bigger pile of shit! “

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