Documenting the hypocrisy of the house GQP fanatics is important. It seems even some of the mass media has stumbled across the story. Hopefully with enough pressure, they will finally do their jobs.
OMG. They are all out of their minds! Just now I read in Robert Hubbell’s newsletter the RW says Taylor Swift is trying to rig the Super Bowl to help Joe Biden. Good. 🤯
Thank you MLMinET,. Taylor Swift has 279 million 'followers' on Instagram. That's a substantial Audience. Even Elon's "X" has backed off by stopping all searches on "X" using any combination of words, "Taylor Swift". The NFL coverage of the KC Team has repeated reaction shots of Taylor Swift inside a Luxury Suite. Where the eyeballs go these days 'politics' follows. I suspect Taylor can handle the media frenzy & RW hysteria.
She’s a true hero-bring art to our world through her music, plus her philanthropy in cities where she performs, as well as firing up her fans to vote. (I’m not even mentioning her contribution to our economy!) Taylor Swift is an American treasure.
Agreed, Bryan. She has a voice they listen to-not just as a singer but also as an advocate for registering and voting, and for deep compassion to others. She is known by her actions. It matters.
Sorry Jen but she's a celebrity - we in this country worship celebrities! Yeah, she does the right thing many times - but shes still a celebrity. Although, I have to sit back & look at the batch of twits we have currently as "representatives" of the American people - really, how bad could she be compared to them? As Miselle said - a seat in Congress? She would only be an improvement!
Maggie-a celebrity for sure. But she is also a hero to young women-strong, independent, intelligent, compassionate, and she uses her celebrity to call young people to rise up to vote. So yes, a celebrity, but also a good human with a good heart-a person young folks can emulate. To me, she is a hero to young women and young people. I don’t use that word lightly. There are so few of those around. Just my opinion.
Your opinion hits the mark. Taylor's heroine perch was explained to me by an 11 year old in a grocery line about 2 weeks ago as she asked us to reach & hand her one of the last remaining copies of some magazine with Taylor on the cover.
I will have to ask my 13 year old Granddaughter about her songs.
This whole Taylor Swift shows us just how wing nutty the MAGA males are. She is much too woke for them. I did see some MAGA female on the UO basketball page ask why the Oregon women's basketball was having some kind of Taylor Swift day. When she found out she typed in the usual dumb response: Woke. I decided not to to answer because I didn't want a political fight on an athletic thread. This happens when some member of the cult of death decides to make things political and it is always them, not Ds.
I tend to catch them in their 'wind up' phase now that my radar is fine tuned, and insist ahead of time that they not "stir a tempest in a teacup." Catching them early really frustrates them, deliciously.
A few months back, I said I wished Beyonce would tell her followers to register and vote. Before I retired, I worked with a number of young black women, and they were very disenfranchised with the political system. I could not convince many of their need to vote.
Beyonce has been involved in non partisan voter registration drives. She has called on Congress to protect voting rights. And in 2020 urged her 155 million Instagram followers to vote for Biden.
Now that's sad; however that is the end result from gerrymandering - the feeling your vote counts for nothing and that you're not represented, even modestly. It is very sad; I know because that's how I very nearly feel; that I'm taxed without representation of any sort.
Look... The fact she has a substantial following is why oligarchs with techie toy companies are blocking searches for her and party operatives are worried. If she had a few thousand followers no one would care. What if this icon decided not just to urge people to vote but decided to start a progressive political party to give them more reasons to vote? Do you think that thought doesn't occur to a plutocratic ruing class...the same class that tried to label Pete Seeger a threat to American democracy? LOL! The fact that they cannot just love her music and have to post nonsense in partisan sites tells me all I need to know about our mass media and ruling class stooging. Think I'll look and see if she has a new album now.
I recall seeing that an IG post by TS last September encouraged over 35,000 new voter signups *the next day*. It's likely that her social media has encouraged 100s of 1,000s of new voter signups since then. GOP strategists are apoplectic because new registrants turn out at high rates and younger voters tend to vote Democratic.
I'm struggling to take in that one man and a few of his accomplices in Congress can put the whole world in jeapordy even more than it already is.
All of these comments are interesting and wise. But I live near the Capitol. How do we get a demonstration going - how do we put pressure on those few? I mean it - what can we do NOW? I want to be part of something happening NOW! And I don't know where to start.
You can start with a personal demonstration. For months during the Occupy movement, I used my lunch time to stand outside the Supreme Court with a sign around my neck "Justice as Fairness, Occupy and read from Rawls 'A Theory of Justice.' On a visit back last autumn, I had a sign "google Leonard Leo = Corrupt Courts." Standing outside the court bollards you have to tell an officer who you are and what you are doing; they are very nice. When walking around the Capitol parking lot, I only have to answer when police ask. It takes time, but gets lots of eyeballs, many many take photos even asking to pose with me, some ask questions, more thumbs up than thumbs down. And almost no rude comments. I chat with people who agree or are curious. I never respond to people who disagree and I never let them lure me into arguments. It is very pleasant on nice days with much foot traffic, although even drivers honk in approval. School groups are nice too.
Applaud your activism, lin. We disagree on how to get out of this mess, but the more people who take their voice to the street as opposed to the keyboard, the better our chances to fix what ails us.
Does it appear a war of words ? What is said is then dissected ? Whether it be Christian. Antifa. Facist . Oh what I really meant was... I was just kidding... how many ‘deals’ have been made ...then oh but wait I want this too. Sorta like bills passed OR NOT because ‘ pork’ was added ...added at the last minute AND having nothing to do with the principle .
Candidates changing their minds going in near opposite direction . Perhaps I should have started this paragraph ...”does it appear a GAME of words”.
Heather (and many others ) underscore the loss trust to our allies if we walkout on Ukraine..I point out the loss of trust to our Native Americans treaty after treaty ... Puerto Rico too and how about the Dreamers or being born in the US , a law stating they were citizens but oh wait we can change that law cause it was a bad one and deported is the next word you’re told or Social Security that what you’ve paid in all your life is now an entitlement? Was that in the fine print perhaps?
I don’t feel The Proud Boys , et al is any part of a ‘well armed Militia’ but it’s sure-fire one of the reasons gun safety/background checks/red flag/loop hole gun laws are stopped by ..for 35 years I’ve heard we need border reform and now for the VERY SAME REASON they want to deny funds/support/commitment to ‘they’ not think any border needed isnt a life long commitment?
The rise of autocracy or the fall of democracy is it not just a game of words?
George, I understand why you object to my use of Christian Nationalist. That is what they are, however. They want their flavor of Christianity imposed on us all. It. Is. Christianity. Maybe not your flavor, but to a non-theist, all the differences are just words.
It does to their 'flocks' though George, and I think that's Ally's point. Appropriated and faux christianity - certainly and obvious to us all. Yet they are a substantial faction of the coalition of 'deplorables' that have appropriated the 'leadership' flags of what used to be the gop. Hillary Clinton though, in a fit of anger unfortunately failed to distinguish the leadership from the general membership of the former republican party, which as we saw, they just pummeled her with the ill aimed reference.
George, thank you for calling members of the party of death exactly what they are. I also think I saw an article this week about death star dissing NATO.
This evening I caught a news show on which a reporter was asking T**** supporters if they would rather have four years of a dictator or four years of Biden: each responded that they'd rather have the dictator. It was beyond incredible, watching these simpletons with their smiling approvals of the Orange Skidmark. Democracy is in the balance, and we have so many uneducated fools. If you wear a MAGA hat, you are, by definition, an idiot.
I saw the same report and almost commented on Robert Hubbell about this. Let them all move to Texas and secede. Cut off all federal aid to the State. Help relocate other than crazies from there to sanity and let them elect Loser, the Dictator. to run that country. Hey, I can be as crazy as those who think a dictatorship is what we need here, like we were children in need if a good spanking to keep us in line.
If we can get 5% of the potential voters in TX to register and then vote the Democrats would take over the statehouse in Austin. The voters in TX are so disenfranchised they don't bother to even register to vote. Do you think the majority of Texan approve of the way Paxton, Abbott, Cruz and others feel above women and children being potential rape victims, or having mass shootings in their schools?
Come on Texas. You can do better. We all need you to do better.
Voting in Texas is extremely hard to do. The voting maps are so gerrymandered to result in Republican wins they resemble a crazy quilt of districts that have more angles than an octogon.
Ballot drop boxes have been practically eliminated....down to one per a population of 3,000,000. With legislation that gives the secretary of state, an Abbott appointee, the ability to null the results of a Harris County election. I could go on and on and on about what Republicans have done to create this model for how to keep a state Republican and voters suppressed.
Texas is a lesson to the rest of the nation...not an insane asylum. The rest of the nation needs to look up, pay attention, and be preemptive. Or state by state, the US will begin to look like Texas.
Precisely why I left Texass last July. It's a lost cause state because so many either can't vote or don't bother to vote because of the gerrymandering.
I truly don't see anything good happening in Texass for decades. Until repubs are ripped out of the state legislature nothing good can happen.
It's not just Texans who are confused. I have a bucketful of highly educated friends who live in other states who think the economy is doing poorly. Where does that come from? Why do people say that when all the economic indicators say the nation is having the best economy in decades and international economist say the USA has the strongest economy in the world right now.
If you can explain the reasoning behind feeling the economy is performing poorly when it is performing well, then you'll probably have the specific human cognitive behavior that keeps everyday Texans believing politicians are working for them....not oil and gas.
Susan I blame the garbage media they consume - media that tells them the economy sucks, "everybody" thinks the economy sucks, and it's the Democrats' fault.
Really? Moving is hard. I just moved from Florida to North Carolina and let me tell you how difficult that has been for us...especially as we are "seniors". Not everyone who wants to move can actually do so.
Annette where in our fairly good state did you move. Among many many hundreds of active seniors in the Raleigh/Durham area. Working away at helping to take back our state. We are from here and far away. Come and work with us.
Because most of them support each other's misinformation and conspiracy theories. My friend's progressive daughter succumbed to her husband's Qanon beliefs and moved to a small town in Texas to be with people of like mind--and then you have "misfits" like Beto and my girl, Jasmine Crockett....
I know why several retired cops I know have moved TO Texas. I wouldn't be surprised at their support of the Governor and the "states rights" philosophy.
possible reasons: 1) the weather (hahahaha); 2) they like chiggers and rattlesnakes; 3) it's too far to drive to get out of there; 4) they watch OAN and Faux News and don't know that the rest of the country pretty much hates them. OK yes, I'm joking because I don't have a clue as to why they stay there either.
They believe in the cowboy nostalgia attached to the state. Which allows them to believe in the lies they are told. But's hard to's easier to adjust than find the money, job and energy to move. And don't kid yourself....every state has its problems....not just Texas.
Wisconsin is among the most gerrymandered states in the union. We finally elected a Supreme Court judge who will eventually address the inequity, but it will take a long time to get a fair balance. And WIGOP continues to cheat. It's a shameful situation, but we're working on it. Texas, we get it.
I hope that people living in red states will keep working at it, take it a step at a time. At least in Wisconsin, there’s an excellent Democratic Party chair! In Ohio, there was a big win last year regarding reproductive freedom! One goal should be just to get Democrats to run for local elections, & statewide elections. I was shocked to learn from David Pepper (author of “Saving Democracy”) that many Republicans in red states run unopposed for their state legislature so of course red states stay red. Two great grass roots organizations are “Run for Something” and “the States Project”. They find people to run for elected office and they provide training. Good organizations to support! We need to start somewhere. Never give up!
From what I understand, the Democratic Party have up on Texas. Tell me why, after we help defeat Trumpism in the polls and reduce the risk of autocracy and the rise of the American Taliban, should we stay with the Democratic Party? After the election will be the time to start a real 3rd party, I think - Pro democracy, pro choice, pro investment in human capital, pro justice without demonizing institutions we've come to depend on, pro-climate without being rabidly anti-business. You know, rationally centrist.
You wanna bash all Texans? Blame us victims? Fine, I'll stay with you for this current battle to save democracy. But after that, f you.
VoteRiders,, has an ongoing letter-writing campaign directed to people in Texas - with information on how to get a voter ID, and what is acceptable as an ID. The wording of the letter is created by VoteRiders. As a volunteer you work with the letter template but can personalize it somewhat. The letter has information on what is needed to obtain a voter ID in the state of the person you're sending the letter to, and where that person can get more information from VoteRiders in their state. Then the volunteer addresses the envelope, puts a stamp on it, and it's ready to be mailed. It's like postcards to voters in that you can choose how many addresses to receive at a time.
As a volunteer you do pay for the copies of the letter you make, the envelopes and stamps needed. So far I've sent 25 VoteRider letters to people in Texas. After reading your comment, Gary Loft, about getting 5% of the potential voters in TX to register, I think I better send out 25 more letters.
Thank you for that information Janea and for taking the time to send out the letters.
My wife and I read a book a few years ago written by someone who had traveled to the counties in TX where something like 97% of the votes went for Trump and Republicans.
I don't remember the title or the author unfortunately, but if you take away the votes from the rural counties in TX the Democrats would easily control the TX government.
No to selling Texas....yes to voting out the crazies!
Can you imagine Putin building a gigantic home and cattle ranch there....just to laugh at us???!!!!!...just to mock us as "Land of the Free and home of the Brave"????
We have to do more than vote. We must work with the Biden-Harris campaign to educate our families and neighbors. Making financial donations helps too. Electing a Democratic Congress to stop GOP is crucial.
While my Representative and Senators represent me well, I continue to support both my current Representative and the one trying to oust a MAGAt in the House district a bit north and west of me (it is the congressional seat we gained in the last census redistribution) .
Ohh Emily Pfaff.., you're definitely a riot...! And to keep on with that "vision", I can see S-putin out there on his tractor (wearing Carhart pants, NO shirt, cowboy hat) hauling a manure-spreader. Yupprr. Now, who wouldn't want to be friends with the guy.. get a selfie with him when he's fuelin up his beatup F150 (with a 6" lift) that he bought off a local (Tex/Mex family) front yard. What? You're asking about his 'security detail'?? He wouldn't need one. He'd fit right in. Of course the smell from his pig-farm might be terrible, but it'd be blowing over into Louisiana ... just poor black folks over there - no problem. Shopping at Dollar Store and Walmart, he'd make friends.. heck, this is the land of the free.
They can Love It Or Leave It. They are free to leave at any moment. But they do not get to take the dirt with thm. The dirt (and the water, and the air), is part & parcel of the Untied States of America, belonging to all of us, not just the desperados deplorable´s.
James Vander Poel; I saw the same clip and thought wow our education has hit rock bottom when someone would say they want a dictatorship. Someone, us, the MSM and not so MSM like MTN need to not just show such clips but explain exactly what a dictatorship is and what it looks Ike for them. No one is safe under a dictatorship. A dictator is not a strong leader, they are a strongman that will do anything to protect themself and their power. A leader is a strong person who looks out for the many and understands the rule of law that stems from the constitution not the law that stems from a dictator’s wants. Look beyond the much documented information on the dictators of the world and see just how the people in those countries live. Migration to this and other countries happen because they just want to live elsewhere, it happens because they cannot live or better, survive, in the country they are leaving. I am appalled that anyone in this country would say they want a dictator in charge. They need only to look at their family history that their ancestors migrated here to escape exactly that. So thank you for posting and my apology for the long rant. We must not be silent on this.
People need to watch and advertise to their friends and neighbors the "Amrican Experience" program on PBS about "NAzi Town" the time in the early 1920-30's USA that the Nazi party was huge along with the KKK. It is fascinating and very scary too. Or Try to find Russian immigrants who won the "Golden Ticket" for their families that allowed them to come to the USA legally from Russia. It s very interesting to talk to those people about why they wanted desperately to leave Russia and come here to the USA.
“….those who think a dictatorship is what we need…..” “….. like we were children in need if a good spanking to keep us in line“
This was exactly their view/ reasoning of why we need a dictator. It was mind boggling to see them all say this. Stunning to see their openly supporting a dictatorship in the USA (and of course their dictator of choice being tfg).
Their simplistic view of things, their lack of awareness of the big picture (on any and every level)…… scary stuff! Contrary to their “thinking”, they are the “children in need if a good spanking”! Not to to keep them in line, but to wake them up!!
I saw that report. I wanted to shout at him "This is our country "of the people, by the people, for the people." If he wants a "spanking by a dictator" - he should move to Russian & the rest of us will stay here & take care of each other!
It’s easy to choose “dictator” when you enjoy the luxury of choice. Sitting in the middle of Freedom, your choices are unlimited and it’s hard to imagine not having the freedom to choose.
Connie, like the remora fish who groom sharks, they believe that the orange shark and his buddies will treat them well since those politicians tell the “remoras” that only THEY understand and support the “remoras”. The “remoras” ignore how the orange shark and buddies turn, like a criminal mob, on anyone who is not sufficiently loyal (and the acts required to show loyalty get more extreme over time).
I too saw this and have to believe not one of those that answered have any clue what living In a dictatorship is like. I doubt they have ever traveled outside their comfort zone. Brain washed cultist, the lot of them.
The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), 3 books, pretty well covers the subject in modern-day methodology. I say "modern day" because it exists in Russia along with every country that treats its people as subjects. Trouble is, one must remember it is a relatively small number of "the people" who are imposing their mentality/will via via fear and insidious retribution. The 'camps' referred to in those three volumes exist today, mostly in the form of the country itself and its thoroughly indoctrinated society (using 'society' loosely). However, I'm not saying everyone needs to read those books. But, it wouild be helpful from an objective standpoint, to be able to imagine the depths to which fellow humans can decend for whatever purpose. One necessary ingredient - a secret police.
Not only brainwashed, but totally ignorant of history or world politics. Perhaps they could try out one of the many dictatorships or lawless countries available. North Korea? Somalia? Even Russia? Or Afghanistan?
...errr.., ahh, they're Ludites? A "failing demagogue"..? Hardly. The guy is a "black hole"..., and the universe is loaded with em. Of course keeping the words we use at the 6th grade reading level .., demagogue being a 9th grade word and not understood or even pronounced, let alone spelt :) by the people you're referring to..., T-rump is simply an A--hole.
I can't take credit for it... but I did thank the author when I borrowed it the first time (and I'll have to search to rediscover where I saw it). It refers to the trail a dog leaves on the carpet.
James, Jeff Tiedrich posts some most excellent superlative descriptors of TFFG….like don’t be drinking liquids whilst reading or you’ll need to dry out your keyboard!
“We know that we look stupid, but we’re betting that our constituents are more stupider and won’t notice. As soon as we Putinize America, it won’t matter what they think at all; they can’t even ‘think to breathe’”
Overheard in the Men’s Room near the GOP bunker by Dave Fake News
James, I think the underlying factor in polls that get responses like that are on the surface shocking. But if we dig a bit deeper and ask them why they are upset, the answer would be because they HATE us. They have been convinced that Democrats, Biden - all aspects and people of the "left" are conspiring to take away what little they have left. Their jobs, their guns, their faith.
These MAGA cultists would vote for a dead whale if it was running against any Democrat. They have been trained to believe that George Soros and now Taylor Swift are in the process of establishing a world government that will somehow interfere with their being "true "Muricans".
That segment of voters might as well be regarded as permanently brain damaged. As if they had been eating eggs and lead for breakfast from birth. As if they had been dropped on their heads as a kid.
But put together, there are lot more of us and independents who will rise to the challenge. As Hubbell frequently reminds us, approximately 1/4 of registered voters are Republicans and 1/4 are Democrats. The other 1/2 (roughly) are independents or just don't register or vote.
I am confident that the 50% will reject the madness and the dictatorship. And that's my optimistic coffee talk for today.
I feel like it doesn't matter if Biden wins legitimately. I feel like the house republicans will be able to change the legal results by playing with the electoral count.
I fear what his militia will do to many innocent people.
I can't believe one loud mouth can cause this much chaos.
Lots to fear, for sure. But this might make you feel a little better.
What is the new electoral count law?
It creates a new threshold for members to object to a slate of electors (one-fifth of the members of both the House and the Senate), identifies the role of the vice president as “solely ministerial” and clarifies that Congress must defer to the slates as determined by the states.Jan 16, 2023
Yes, but it's not just the loudmouth, since he wouldn't be anything unless all those who support him didn't. Much of this is the result of some of the terrible childrearing practices that occur in this country. Authoritarian parenting, strict religious upbringing, paranoid parenting, even helicopter parenting, that can result in adults who don't or can't think for themselves. Add to the a badly in need of overhaul education system, that doesn't help kids learn to think and you have a portion of the population who seek our cultists as leaders.
I suspect that the script is written: The same people who pulled the plug on Trump (because he didn't keep his private campaign promise to hit Iran) want Biden to be the nominee so he can self-destruct and throw the election to a more manageable Trump.
Idiot perhaps, definitely fascist. MAGA is today’s American Nazi Party, which was pre-WW2’s Democratic Party of Jim Crow, which was the late 19th century’s Confederacy of the Civil War. This minority has persisted in the US since the founding. It is our generation’s turn to resist. Biden understood this in 2015.
I watched one of the MAGA rally attendees say that the “libs” look at them as being crazy … well, I’ll concede that - okay, many of them may not be crazy - but surely liars and very likely dazed and confused individuals … and quite a few are just plain selfish, hateful and evil individuals - with a few likely just being filled with jealousy!!!
They wear red hats instead of pointy white hoods. I don't see any difference between the two. My guess is they have normalized violence in their own lives.
Lisa, yes they "have normalized violence in their own lives." That's why they are not appalled, as most of us are, at the violence that is being incited by their leader -in- lies.
It is sad, Jim. They are bigots and bullies. That's been my personal experience with them. And they think it's funny. They stay in the Fox fake news lane. Or worse.
I find the interviews with magats to be infuriating. Were there any follow-up questions? The vapid answers they have about the economy send me over the cliff. (The orange 🍊 puppeteer pulls the“ Economy -Was Better”string and out it comes from the mouths of the ignorant, brainwashed puppets.)
Paradoxically, or because, Americans live in a not quite "liberal democracy" (it is no long top line status these days), where you have one side which wishes to destroy secular, multi-racial/cultural majority where helping the economically disadvantaged is a real thing.
I saw that too and kept wishing that the reporter would ask them the definition of a dictator. Watching and hearing their cheery answers convinced me they hadn’t a clue.
I saw that too. At first I was aghast at the stupidity (actually still am) but then I thought why do these reporters continue to interview these morons? Where are the interviews of people in parks, at concerts, etc. who actually like what President Biden has done. You can always find a MAGA at MAGA places so why even go there?
Our task is educating the uneducatable. That is impossible so long as they view life through a rear-view mirror, afraid of any change the future might bring.
So let’s take away all the “socialist “ benefits they receive. Social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, food stamps etc. sure someone if not them have received some form of government assistance.
It's not a perfect world, and my sympathies are with the Georgia families who lost their loved ones carrying out a task that most of us didn't know existed. One thing I do know is that we need a well-trained military and a competent civil service. And we need a president with a cabinet sophisticated enough to handle nuance and adversity. It's complicated, and if any man thinks he alone can fix it, we should know he's either ignorant or a fraud—maybe both.
Any idea how many US service members were killed during Trump's reign of terror? 65 total, some each year 2017-2020. Not to mention the Capital police who died during his tenure.
Warning: This article in Newsweek again calls the withdrawal from Afghanistan "chaotic."
That is lazy journalism. The bigger picture is that Bush had no exit plan when he brought us into Afghanistan and we spent $300 million a day there for 20 years. What a waste of money to kill terrorists, most of whom fled the country. And now the Republicans in the House choose to support Putin's puppet and Putin over our allies. They demanded a border deal and got one. And now they renege. So typical.
Re: Afghanistan withdrawal. Chaotic? Your comment coupling Bush and the history of the Afghan war is spot on. I add, the Trump Admin’s capitulation by dealing exclusively with the Taliban, releasing prisoners, and drawing down to 2500 troops deserves mention. That Biden was able to get 100K out in two or so weeks is a miracle. The rapid Afghan disintegration—predictable.
I agree. We spent nearly two decades pouring war materials into Afghanistan, a land locked country. We never ousted the Taliban and the Afghan government never gained full legitimacy. The collapse in two weeks was foreseeable. I recall the evaluation of Saigon. The South Vietnamese had nearly two years before it fell.
The fuel Don MAGA-Suck runs on is 'fear & retribution'. The concerning thing ( if not 'frightening') are all the shallow-minded minions (election deniers, et al) that will retain some of that "fuel" in their repertoire/backpack and use it to inconvenience or interfere with efforts to undue the harm that's been done by #45. So pay attention to the ludites that flew the "Trump" flag... for they are prone to be vindictive. Pay attention, don't forget who they are.
For 20 years? Bush had no exit plan when he got us into the war in Afghanistan. And Obama and Trump couldn't figure out a way to get out without hurting their legacies.
When we went into Afghanistan their GDP was so low it wasn't even measurable. Out of 191 countries they were dead last. Why the heck did we have to throw away an average of $300 million a day for 20 years and bring young people home in a box.
By 2023 we had raised their GDP to 170th so I guess it was all worth it.
Yes exactly, blocking the revival of the Silk Road for as long as we could. Afganistan was the prize in the geopolitical "Great Game" between the Russian and British empires in the 19th Century. Some things never change, except the players are different.
Will always believe trump was given an agenda to follow during that meeting - that whole episode stank, but was swept under the rug, to be replaced with other outrages.
Well said, progwoman. It is indeed not perfect. I have known a fair number of reservists who spent time in The Sandbox during the GWOT; some were engineers such as the Georgia Reservists who perished, some were combat arms, and several served special functions based on their civilian areas of expertise that was not engineering (medic/logistics/administration). All the ones I knew came back, although several lost members of their battalions.
“Biden supporters literally believe the January 6 riot was worse than what their guy is doing in Gaza. They actually, truly, sincerely believe that. That’s how stupid and crazy party politics makes you.
Biden is doing all the very worst things Democrats claimed Trump would do if re-elected. If it had come out in 2020 that Trump was plotting a genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign in which his victims would be cut off from humanitarian aid, the shrieking from Democrats would have broken glass.”
E Jean Carrol (an 80 old woman) stood up and fought this tyrant in court. It was a hard and exhausting fight. But, in the end she beat him handily. She said that upon being face to face with him that “he is nothing”. Just a big sweaty bag of wind bully and we all can beat him and save our Democracy. This big bag of wind and his sad raggedy gang in our Congress must be put out. We have the business of taking care of our country and helping defend freedom throughout the world. No more wasted time on the petty selfish loser. All of us MUST vote and tell everyone we know how important it is. The choice this time will decide if we have future choices or not.
Democracy will always prevail against fascism. The majority of people around the world are for democratic government. Our young country will not falter. The majority of the American people are quite ready to get an opportunity to vote the cynical, fear ridden, me first politicians out ....who have betrayed their oaths to our Constitution.
It’s up to us to make this happen, just as our foremothers and fathers did going all the way back to our Revolution when few people around the world thought we could win our fight against the British... who are now among our closest and staunchest friends.
The media are more helpful than not...however, the job to protect and advance our democracy is ours alone. We the People must each do our duty in this very important election year... that’s our number one responsibility so we can all move forward together as Americans dedicated to truth, justice and freedom for all.
KD, I read this recent piece and it brought together bits ‘n pieces that I’d seen brief info about over preceding months regarding what is happening in Europe. I found it interesting how much it mirrors some of the things happening in the USA. See what you think:
The conflict between the right and left wings of political beliefs is the oldest one there is. The right wing always plays its cards to keep from losing what it thinks it has while the left tries to make things better after it wins.
Orban will go the same way as the right wing of Poland ….and on the bigger stage, the way Xi will, too. People everywhere, once they experience it, always want a progressive government that helps make life better for everyone. Machinations aside…the road forward doesn’t go forward in a straight line. There are setbacks because we’re all just human beings not omnipotent ones.
The Europeans love America because our struggle to make ourselves better is ongoing. Our future and their future became unalterably linked after 1945, the Marshall Plan, NATO, international trade and more…. a very good thing for peace and prosperity in the West.
We will never turn our backs on Ukraine…Putin will be gone from the scene and trump? Are we even still even talking about his corroded do- nothing confederate “party”? He’s finished and they will come to their senses….Joe will be re-elected…with congressional majorities in both houses, to boot. The rest of this decade will be very good for democracy everywhere.
Malignant narcissists can't help themselves. They have hair trigger rage. They cannot handle criticism of any kind. They lose their shit in a New York second. He's only going to get worse.
The fact that he is the possible nomination for President, says more about what's wrong here, than what's right in this country. This is about race, greed and power over the masses.
I saw E. Jean Carrol and her attorneys on The Rachel Maddow Show last night. It was a great interview. Those ladies absolutely did God’s work. Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview with Lisa Birnbach a witness whose testimony was critical in last year’s trial was a nice touch.
Sharon, I love that Rachel did a deep back-story of E. Jean’s long & ground breaking career; I knew some of it, but not nearly all of what she’s done/accomplished—amazing woman made MORE amazing by taking on TFFG and winning! I don’t like being sexist, but between the two of them, she’s the one with the cojones! Like that when she fully “saw” him, the boogeyman that had been plaguing her thoughts just went “pffffft” into nothingness. She took her power back and left him the husk he really is.
He's losing his grip on reality. He's lost most of the moderate Republican base, doesn't appeal at all to independent voters and is left with hardcore MAGA’s. No way he wins an Election. He's a bag of wind that the media keeps blowing hot air in to. A bully and a thug but as E Jean Carrol found just a loser and a bag of wind.
E Jean & her Team were interviewed on Rachel Madden last night preceded by one of Rachel's long backgrounders covering E Jeans long & many norm busting chapters in her career thoroughly enjoyed by E. Jean with her Team flanking her.
Thank you Heather. A United States that projects strength with the resolve to pursue diplomatic solutions should be a lowest common denominator for any administration. Yet, here we are. A government divided along the lines of stability and support for allies, defense partners, trade partners, and climate partners, versus a group of GOP extremists, delighted to blow it all up in their complete fealty to a criminal.
It is well beyond disgusting.
John F. Kennedy once said “I cannot negotiate with someone who says What is mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable.” Religious hypocrite Johnson and those standing beside him are continually betraying their obligation to our allies, the Constitution, to justice, to democracy, and to every citizen (even those too willfully ignorant to understand).
On a connected note:
In the United States, in 2024, democracy is on the ballot. Recent research states 75% of people consume their news on social platforms.
With so much at stake, do you trust Musk and Zuckerberg -or is it time for an ad-free, subscriber-supported civic social network that doesn't sell or share data with marketers, shadowy political operatives, or billionaires.
Well-put, George. Except it's not just democracy on the line.
Our Heather gets closer to the real menace when she refers to "the servility of House Republicans." And yet, even with this insight, it's worse.
They've allied themselves to Putin and Trump. But because they've gone down the rabbit hole as they have, worse forms of stupidity leave them gaga for their demagogue leaders, either with Trump's stupid calls for stochastic domestic terror in the U.S., or Putin's alliances for worse -- allied to Hamas, the Ayatollahs, Orban and Modi with their hate nationalisms, maybe Saudi Arabia royal murderers, maybe Xi and all his corrupted Chinese cadres.
Worst coming from U.S. "servile" Republicans -- their total ignorance as to history, the arts, humanities, as befits the colossally depraved.
Good thing many readers here yet have decent grounding in things our fellow countrymen "servile" lack. Maybe 2024 can see the end of Putin's fawning orange U.S. ally, and restoration of decency among fellow Americans.
Does anybody really doubt that Mike Johnson and House Republicans would change their ways if something were to suddenly happen to trump? The #kochnetwork.and the CNP would carry on pulling Johnson's strings.
Phil, the “servile” ones have forgotten the mob as shown in The Godfather (book and movie) and The Sopranos. The required acts to prove one’s “loyalty” start out small, but get gradually more onerous (with threats to friends and family if one is insufficiently “loyal”). According to unattributed accounts of Republican Congress Critters, we’ve reached the threats stage.
George I do not know what pledge a member of Congress makes when sworn into office.
As a Foreign Service Officer I swore to support the United States of America.
Trump swore (on a Bible) to support the Constitution of the United States. Evidently that is a MAGA oath. It certainly merits top priority social media coverage.
As someone who embraces peace and diplomacy I am grateful to you and all in the State Department Keith. I can only imagine how political instability in the U.S. makes your work far more difficult.
At the start of each new Congress, in January of every odd-numbered year, the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate takes an oath of office. For Members of the House, the Speaker will direct the Members to rise, and the oath is administered. A Senator-elect takes the oath of office from the presiding officer in an open session of the Senate. The current oath is as follows:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.""
Just for grins and giggles, here's the one for SCOTUS Judges:
Judicial Branch: Supreme Court Justices
According to Title 28, Chapter I, Part 453 of the United States Code, each Supreme Court Justice takes the following oath:
"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.''"
Tuba THANKS! For Trump and all those Trumpublicans who voted to reject Election College results on January 6th, I conclude that they took a Hypocrite’s Oath.
Violating their Constitutional Oath, in a common sense, patriotic world, should disqualify these Turkey Turds from serving, either at the Capitol or the White House.
That Kennedy quote is exactly what the conservative libertarian position is. No compromise. Notice how it is always the democrats that must compromise?
Thank you George, well done. FYI everybody a steady stream emails of Anthony J Blinking' worldwide stops & talks are available at "Digital Experience for Government".
For example, I received a transcript yesterday of Antony's discussion with Secretary General JENS STOLTENBERG & separate confirmation of Blinken's January 29th meeting with the Prime Minister & ForeignMinister of QATAR. Good & detailed stuff.
The Republican Party is now the Trump Party, and it follows it's dear leader as an opponent and enemy of America. It is now the modern Confederate States of America and needs to be dealt with as the collection of traitors and enemies it is. Arresting 200 of them in Washington at 0600 on charges of Treason would be a good start.
From Meidastouch “A notification was read on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, revealing that the office of the Sergeant at Arms received a grand jury subpoena for documents from the U.S. Department of Justice. Although the specific grand jury investigation remains undisclosed, the development is noteworthy.”
Runragged, the plot thickens, the hounds are in the scent and the sharks are smelling blood in the water
Hopefully the DOJ has connected some pre J6 planning by House GOP leaders in support of the Capitol riot. Jordan, MTG, and company. The notion that the erased texts between Secret Service members have been recovered would be better than Ice Cream Day at wirk
I have no idea what that means. DoJ wants documents from the House? For what? Liz Cheney was in top leadership in the House and apparently -or at least not in her book- know much in the way of detail o what the trumpanzee were plotti g. The House wouldn't have documentation on a plot even these weak witted people may have put together. I'm puzzled.
I think we need to stop calling it the trump party, but the Putin Party. Seems they are taking their orders from an old Soviet communist al9ng with loads of cash....
President Biden’s election ended the country’s free fall under the previous administration. His political dexterity reset our domestic and international policies. He righted “the ship state”. It is a dangerous world out there and I want a proven leader to speak for the citizens of this country. Democracy is ours to defend. That is my stand.
Madame Professor, I do not find you either dull or prejudiced. You have US in your sights and are giving us what you see and hope we will consider. The sooner Speaker Johnson et al. can get their wits together (assuming they have wits to get together, which may be an incorrect assumption), the sooner we can all breathe freely again. They don’t understand what Putin’s Trump would mean. Hearing the Republicans who think a dictator is what we need was an experience, which if I hadn’t seen their faces, I wouldn’t have believed.
After looking carefully at the faces, I have a theory: they were all corporally punished as children, so believe what they learned from their parents and never learned to think for themselves. Do you remember when Alabama had the 50th (bottom) public school districts in the country and paddling students with wooden paddles was “legal”? Think what corporal punishment vs “go to your room and think about why I’m sending you there” (and/or a loving, careful explanation) would do for a child’s brain as opposed to yet another beating. Note: “spare the rod (Hebrew learning) and spoil the child,” a mistranslation, has been “spoiling” children for generations.
I am a political putz in nowhere land, and I didn’t underestimate the degree to which chump republicans will sink in their anti-Dem stance on everything. What is wrong with WH advisers? Every time I watch them speak on MSNBC or anywhere, I want to scream. They blather when they should be screaming. Same as MSM. Hit them with everything. There is plenty of ammunition against chump and his cronies. Revile him, mock him; his crimes and evil acts are not sacrosanct. Nor are the treasonous acts of his cronies in Congress. Mike Johnson is way worse than the one who started us down this road to hell, Kevin McCarthy. He didn’t hide it. Believe them when they tell you who they are. Joe likes to think there is some degree of normal in the Repub party. Can’t find it with my microscope. Maybe England can provide us some help with a lend/lease program. Snark aside. We are about to abandon any leadership role, anywhere. America bowing down is chump’s payment on his debt to Putnik. And he is sabotaging every needed action remotely, with help from our “free press.” He is nothing. Prick his blimp and watch Him deflate like the nothing he is.
The ranting you suggest may violate Hatch Act, since it would require naming tfg. Just a thought. Of course this administration is abiding by the rules of the Hatch Act, when the former administration didn't, but that's another issue. And do we want to sink to the same ranting level as the magats? I am Not saying administration comments shouldn't be stronger.
They know how to avoid breaking the law. Would quoting the cretin apply? Frankly, if Dems can't name their election adversary, what is the point of a campaign/election. Chump has never had a problem with naming the "enemies." Maybe I'm not clear on the definition of civil service. When I worked for the AF and NASA, I knew there were limits to public speech for me, but I worked in senatorial campaigns. Not a PR person though.
Agreed, Jeri! E. Jean said, "He is nothing. Nothing." That statement has cracked open the shell of "normalcy" around the Nothing. He will keep losing it. My hope: People will increasingly find themselves able to see the nothingness and the danger of him because E. Jean pointed it out, stuck with her conviction for four years, and won. It may take some time to sink in but the truth is out. He is nothing.
Remember the Helsinki news conference when Trump openly gave his support to Putin over agencies of the U.S.? That moment should be embedded in our brains!
Endless war. Endless death. In pursuit of what? American values?
Men, not women and children, have been engaging in this mindless pursuit for millennia and to what end? Further death? Further destruction? War has never solved anything yet it is pursued by men who invented religion to cover their tracks. Men pray to their invented gods on the weekend before resuming their lust for control by preying on others during the rest of the week.
Dance around both war and religious belief as much as we want, yet until we recognize that both serve the desire for some men to reign, women and children will always be the main ingredients for this plate of death. Governments around the world could put a stop to this insanity, but so long as men who are invested in the world's war machine remain in control, innocents will die.
That is what President Biden is trying to show US. No one in leadership understands better than he the futility of all the wars we have started since WWII. That is why we have diplomats everywhere trying to diffuse the many “hot” situations. REPUBLICANS, NOTICE: President Biden is a good man (didn’t anyone hear Gavin Newsome?) Mr. Trump is a nothing (didn’t anyone hear E.Jean Carroll?). Truth is there. Just listen for it, tell it and get to work to help Democrats in November. There’s a way for everyone.
Virginia, what I see in my world (retired cops, mostly) are not the fpotus is a "nothing". To them, he is the light shining forth of the "one, true way" where white, Christian, cisgendered, heteronormative men lead the world, and all others are subjugated to their whims and desires.
Misogyny doesn’t have a problem with rape, as far as I know (unless it’s “my wife,” I.e. property.. Hope you got to see E. Jean Carroll with her two lawyers interviewed by Rachel Maddow. The jury in the second trial was 2 women and 7 men!
Why can’t we publish the specific names of each member of Congress (both Senate and House) and where they are from who are refusing to pass the recently proposed bill for Ukraine and border control from a SINGLE NATIONAL SOURCE and do it often and publicly so all citizens can see who MAGA really consists of and who are letting Trump destroy America and the rest of the free world. They need to be defeated in each and every election.
It is stunning to me that there’s not a single voice demanding that violence of any kind NEVER should be used to solve problems, including personal and geopolitical issues. As long as economies depend on “wars” there’s no end to the hideous amoral and murderous bloodshed.
The Republican Party has sealed its fate by embracing fascism.
The fact that the various legal tools to stop a “strongman” from usurping power seem to fail should make us all take notice.
Before we rattle the weapons of war let me share with you my Army Ranger (WWII /Korea) Dad’s two words for war: Stupid and Disgusting. Let’s be the adults in the room and find a peaceful solution to all these frictions. Am I against war, you betcha. The male members of my family have fought in every war since we immigrated here in the 1920’s (grandad fought in WWI for citizenship). They taught me that war is not good for any living thing.
With regard to where our service men and women are working around the world, we too often don’t know until they are killed. Since WWII, the U.S. has been at war continuously, often without our knowing it in places we haven’t heard of. While some military action seems justified, many locations and actions lead to or are part of conflicts that can reasonably be ascribed to our being in someone else’s country, interfering with their liberties and freedoms, backing up or setting up someone’s corrupt enterprise or ruler.
HCR left out statements by Biden’s administration stating they will seek “revenge” for our dead soldiers. “Revenge” is never an acceptable justification for military action. It certainly is not the same as “self defense”, a cause for violence that Israel has corrupted with 25,000 civilians killed and many thousands more who will die. And an entire people who are being destroyed and displaced from their homeland or exterminated. I recommend reading “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine” by Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University. What Palestinians are experiencing is not new to them, nor to indigenous people. It’s rooted in colonialism and for Palestinians, particularly with the British Empire. And for too long now with the American Empire.
I recommend listening to “Lapdogs with Laptops” a talk by John Pilger, …renowned award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. …twice selected as Britain’s Journalist of the Year. …award-winning documentaries include Palestine is Still the Issue….He died on December 30, 2023.” Available at Alternative Radio, Colorado.
“A vital and independent press is essential to the functioning of democracy. ….media concentration has accelerated. This has resulted in the closing of many domestic and foreign bureaus and a sharp reduction in the number of working reporters. …..too many journalists today cozy up to power. ….Citizens are ill-served by lapdogs with laptops.”
The Vietnam War had more lessons to learn than my generation took in. Once the war and draft was over, we got comfortable. And, the wars continued in the same way with none of our close attention because we were no longer at risk. Our younger brothers and sisters were taught to see us as trouble makers, as they no longer were under a draft and lived their lives clueless facilitators.
David Souers, who said they will seek revenge and can you cite a news source carrying the video clip or their statement? I would like to look it up. Thanks.
M Tree, I just did a Google search for "revenge attack in Gaza" and came up with this Times of India video, and a synopsis of the meat of the interviews. Both Antony Blinkin and John Kirby are featured in the video.
No time to follow the link? The word "revenge" was not used, that is a journalistic interpretation of the two snippets included. The word "response" was used.
Ally House. (Oregon), thanks! I am strongly opposed to revenge for any reason. I had heard the word, response, but there are several people from the admin speaking and if anyone truly used the word, revenge, I would voice my deep concern.
Thank you.
Documenting the hypocrisy of the house GQP fanatics is important. It seems even some of the mass media has stumbled across the story. Hopefully with enough pressure, they will finally do their jobs.
OMG. They are all out of their minds! Just now I read in Robert Hubbell’s newsletter the RW says Taylor Swift is trying to rig the Super Bowl to help Joe Biden. Good. 🤯
Thank you MLMinET,. Taylor Swift has 279 million 'followers' on Instagram. That's a substantial Audience. Even Elon's "X" has backed off by stopping all searches on "X" using any combination of words, "Taylor Swift". The NFL coverage of the KC Team has repeated reaction shots of Taylor Swift inside a Luxury Suite. Where the eyeballs go these days 'politics' follows. I suspect Taylor can handle the media frenzy & RW hysteria.
She’s a true hero-bring art to our world through her music, plus her philanthropy in cities where she performs, as well as firing up her fans to vote. (I’m not even mentioning her contribution to our economy!) Taylor Swift is an American treasure.
A real catalyst for Voting ? Because young Voters must go the Polls, that's a wow.
Agreed, Bryan. She has a voice they listen to-not just as a singer but also as an advocate for registering and voting, and for deep compassion to others. She is known by her actions. It matters.
Sorry Jen but she's a celebrity - we in this country worship celebrities! Yeah, she does the right thing many times - but shes still a celebrity. Although, I have to sit back & look at the batch of twits we have currently as "representatives" of the American people - really, how bad could she be compared to them? As Miselle said - a seat in Congress? She would only be an improvement!
Maggie-a celebrity for sure. But she is also a hero to young women-strong, independent, intelligent, compassionate, and she uses her celebrity to call young people to rise up to vote. So yes, a celebrity, but also a good human with a good heart-a person young folks can emulate. To me, she is a hero to young women and young people. I don’t use that word lightly. There are so few of those around. Just my opinion.
Your opinion hits the mark. Taylor's heroine perch was explained to me by an 11 year old in a grocery line about 2 weeks ago as she asked us to reach & hand her one of the last remaining copies of some magazine with Taylor on the cover.
I will have to ask my 13 year old Granddaughter about her songs.
Maggie speaking of "representatives" seeking celebrity, did you see that Bobo Boebert finished 5th (out of 9) in a recent straw poll in her new "safer" congressional district (
My cup of schadenfreude is hot today.
MY cup runneth over!!! She needs to find another line of work - although I'm not entirely sure what that would be ? I'll stop right there.
lol John !
279 million followers! Next we’ll see trump has 280 million followers!
Thank you for a brief moment of LOL as I as sitting here so troubled by this edition, and wondering what is mine to do.
As I read your comment I almost spit my sip of coffee. Substack needs more than just a like it needs this 😂😂😂😂😂
Trump has Follower Envy!!!! 😎
This whole Taylor Swift shows us just how wing nutty the MAGA males are. She is much too woke for them. I did see some MAGA female on the UO basketball page ask why the Oregon women's basketball was having some kind of Taylor Swift day. When she found out she typed in the usual dumb response: Woke. I decided not to to answer because I didn't want a political fight on an athletic thread. This happens when some member of the cult of death decides to make things political and it is always them, not Ds.
I tend to catch them in their 'wind up' phase now that my radar is fine tuned, and insist ahead of time that they not "stir a tempest in a teacup." Catching them early really frustrates them, deliciously.
Can you imagine if she dared to run for a seat in Congress!?
LOL---seriously. The RW would claim it was the Apocalypse.
She could replace Marsha Blackburn--and from a video clip of Taylor talking to her parents about Marsha, Taylor'd be a way better senator.
Surprising more entertainers do not stand up for democracy.
A few months back, I said I wished Beyonce would tell her followers to register and vote. Before I retired, I worked with a number of young black women, and they were very disenfranchised with the political system. I could not convince many of their need to vote.
Great if there was a way to reach Beyonce.
Beyonce has been involved in non partisan voter registration drives. She has called on Congress to protect voting rights. And in 2020 urged her 155 million Instagram followers to vote for Biden.
Cannot ask for more. Thanks
Now that's sad; however that is the end result from gerrymandering - the feeling your vote counts for nothing and that you're not represented, even modestly. It is very sad; I know because that's how I very nearly feel; that I'm taxed without representation of any sort.
Just as some people believe stories in the National Enquirer and other tabloids, people believe these ridiculous accusations.
Yeah, isn't that something?
It’s probably at least partially true.
Taylor Swift is not rigging elections unless you believe that encouraging people to vote for democracy is somehow manipulative..
Look... The fact she has a substantial following is why oligarchs with techie toy companies are blocking searches for her and party operatives are worried. If she had a few thousand followers no one would care. What if this icon decided not just to urge people to vote but decided to start a progressive political party to give them more reasons to vote? Do you think that thought doesn't occur to a plutocratic ruing class...the same class that tried to label Pete Seeger a threat to American democracy? LOL! The fact that they cannot just love her music and have to post nonsense in partisan sites tells me all I need to know about our mass media and ruling class stooging. Think I'll look and see if she has a new album now.
I recall seeing that an IG post by TS last September encouraged over 35,000 new voter signups *the next day*. It's likely that her social media has encouraged 100s of 1,000s of new voter signups since then. GOP strategists are apoplectic because new registrants turn out at high rates and younger voters tend to vote Democratic.
As to the TS effect, her appeal is primarily to young women, who are increasingly trending liberal (
As they need to be since they are the most affected by Dobbs.
Time will tell, but the reporting thus far is disappointing!
I'm struggling to take in that one man and a few of his accomplices in Congress can put the whole world in jeapordy even more than it already is.
All of these comments are interesting and wise. But I live near the Capitol. How do we get a demonstration going - how do we put pressure on those few? I mean it - what can we do NOW? I want to be part of something happening NOW! And I don't know where to start.
You can start with a personal demonstration. For months during the Occupy movement, I used my lunch time to stand outside the Supreme Court with a sign around my neck "Justice as Fairness, Occupy and read from Rawls 'A Theory of Justice.' On a visit back last autumn, I had a sign "google Leonard Leo = Corrupt Courts." Standing outside the court bollards you have to tell an officer who you are and what you are doing; they are very nice. When walking around the Capitol parking lot, I only have to answer when police ask. It takes time, but gets lots of eyeballs, many many take photos even asking to pose with me, some ask questions, more thumbs up than thumbs down. And almost no rude comments. I chat with people who agree or are curious. I never respond to people who disagree and I never let them lure me into arguments. It is very pleasant on nice days with much foot traffic, although even drivers honk in approval. School groups are nice too.
Certainly in DC there are groups to join.
Kudos to you, Lin!
And, Lin, this is just how Greta Thunberg got her start & look at the impact one young girl had to mobilize folks worldwide!
Applaud your activism, lin. We disagree on how to get out of this mess, but the more people who take their voice to the street as opposed to the keyboard, the better our chances to fix what ails us.
It is not just hypocrisy - it is treason. This is a pro Putin coup attempt.
I wouldn’t bet any money on that happening.
Nah! Not going to happen! Their job is to destroy our democracy!
Let's not forget the "Christian Nationalist" part of them.
Traitors all.
Is there no punishment for treason in America?
Does it appear a war of words ? What is said is then dissected ? Whether it be Christian. Antifa. Facist . Oh what I really meant was... I was just kidding... how many ‘deals’ have been made ...then oh but wait I want this too. Sorta like bills passed OR NOT because ‘ pork’ was added ...added at the last minute AND having nothing to do with the principle .
Candidates changing their minds going in near opposite direction . Perhaps I should have started this paragraph ...”does it appear a GAME of words”.
Heather (and many others ) underscore the loss trust to our allies if we walkout on Ukraine..I point out the loss of trust to our Native Americans treaty after treaty ... Puerto Rico too and how about the Dreamers or being born in the US , a law stating they were citizens but oh wait we can change that law cause it was a bad one and deported is the next word you’re told or Social Security that what you’ve paid in all your life is now an entitlement? Was that in the fine print perhaps?
I don’t feel The Proud Boys , et al is any part of a ‘well armed Militia’ but it’s sure-fire one of the reasons gun safety/background checks/red flag/loop hole gun laws are stopped by ..for 35 years I’ve heard we need border reform and now for the VERY SAME REASON they want to deny funds/support/commitment to ‘they’ not think any border needed isnt a life long commitment?
The rise of autocracy or the fall of democracy is it not just a game of words?
It’s not too late to...
George, I understand why you object to my use of Christian Nationalist. That is what they are, however. They want their flavor of Christianity imposed on us all. It. Is. Christianity. Maybe not your flavor, but to a non-theist, all the differences are just words.
It does to their 'flocks' though George, and I think that's Ally's point. Appropriated and faux christianity - certainly and obvious to us all. Yet they are a substantial faction of the coalition of 'deplorables' that have appropriated the 'leadership' flags of what used to be the gop. Hillary Clinton though, in a fit of anger unfortunately failed to distinguish the leadership from the general membership of the former republican party, which as we saw, they just pummeled her with the ill aimed reference.
Let's just call them "MAGAts" - rhymes with "maggots" and for good reason: They're eating away at our democracy from within.
George, thank you for calling members of the party of death exactly what they are. I also think I saw an article this week about death star dissing NATO.
They are the Party Of Death 💀
The POD/formerly known as the GOP.
The “RRS”
I call them MAGAts. I refuse to call them “conservatives”. I have known conservatives. I have worked with conservatives. These are not conservatives.
I also refer to the current iteration of the Republican Party as the RFP, Republican Fascist Party. Because that is what they are.
This evening I caught a news show on which a reporter was asking T**** supporters if they would rather have four years of a dictator or four years of Biden: each responded that they'd rather have the dictator. It was beyond incredible, watching these simpletons with their smiling approvals of the Orange Skidmark. Democracy is in the balance, and we have so many uneducated fools. If you wear a MAGA hat, you are, by definition, an idiot.
I saw the same report and almost commented on Robert Hubbell about this. Let them all move to Texas and secede. Cut off all federal aid to the State. Help relocate other than crazies from there to sanity and let them elect Loser, the Dictator. to run that country. Hey, I can be as crazy as those who think a dictatorship is what we need here, like we were children in need if a good spanking to keep us in line.
Well I feel better.
If we can get 5% of the potential voters in TX to register and then vote the Democrats would take over the statehouse in Austin. The voters in TX are so disenfranchised they don't bother to even register to vote. Do you think the majority of Texan approve of the way Paxton, Abbott, Cruz and others feel above women and children being potential rape victims, or having mass shootings in their schools?
Come on Texas. You can do better. We all need you to do better.
Voting in Texas is extremely hard to do. The voting maps are so gerrymandered to result in Republican wins they resemble a crazy quilt of districts that have more angles than an octogon.
Ballot drop boxes have been practically eliminated....down to one per a population of 3,000,000. With legislation that gives the secretary of state, an Abbott appointee, the ability to null the results of a Harris County election. I could go on and on and on about what Republicans have done to create this model for how to keep a state Republican and voters suppressed.
Texas is a lesson to the rest of the nation...not an insane asylum. The rest of the nation needs to look up, pay attention, and be preemptive. Or state by state, the US will begin to look like Texas.
Precisely why I left Texass last July. It's a lost cause state because so many either can't vote or don't bother to vote because of the gerrymandering.
I truly don't see anything good happening in Texass for decades. Until repubs are ripped out of the state legislature nothing good can happen.
It's not just Texans who are confused. I have a bucketful of highly educated friends who live in other states who think the economy is doing poorly. Where does that come from? Why do people say that when all the economic indicators say the nation is having the best economy in decades and international economist say the USA has the strongest economy in the world right now.
If you can explain the reasoning behind feeling the economy is performing poorly when it is performing well, then you'll probably have the specific human cognitive behavior that keeps everyday Texans believing politicians are working for them....not oil and gas.
Susan I blame the garbage media they consume - media that tells them the economy sucks, "everybody" thinks the economy sucks, and it's the Democrats' fault.
Polling shows 3/4s of Republicans believe this. But if you ask the same people how they are doing personally, 70% of them say they are doing OK to great ( The cognitive dissonance must be deafening.
OTOH, more recent polling shows that views on the economy are trending upward across the board (
And took decades for Republicans to sew the state up. Before Ann Richards, who was probably the last great governor Texas, Texas was blue.
Republicans play the long game. Texas is a lesson to be learned from.
And speaking of mail in ballots, I just read that one of the "collective" post offices near Houston has the worst record in the U. S. for losing mail.
Where did you read that?
In my local newspaper on Sunday. I think it was an AP story. I can get the citation if you want.
Why do Texans stay in Texas?
Really? Moving is hard. I just moved from Florida to North Carolina and let me tell you how difficult that has been for us...especially as we are "seniors". Not everyone who wants to move can actually do so.
Annette where in our fairly good state did you move. Among many many hundreds of active seniors in the Raleigh/Durham area. Working away at helping to take back our state. We are from here and far away. Come and work with us.
Because most of them support each other's misinformation and conspiracy theories. My friend's progressive daughter succumbed to her husband's Qanon beliefs and moved to a small town in Texas to be with people of like mind--and then you have "misfits" like Beto and my girl, Jasmine Crockett....
I know why several retired cops I know have moved TO Texas. I wouldn't be surprised at their support of the Governor and the "states rights" philosophy.
There are too many answers to that question, which is kind of simplistic by itself
possible reasons: 1) the weather (hahahaha); 2) they like chiggers and rattlesnakes; 3) it's too far to drive to get out of there; 4) they watch OAN and Faux News and don't know that the rest of the country pretty much hates them. OK yes, I'm joking because I don't have a clue as to why they stay there either.
Lots of opportunity and money in Texas! Ignorance is bliss.
They believe in the cowboy nostalgia attached to the state. Which allows them to believe in the lies they are told. But's hard to's easier to adjust than find the money, job and energy to move. And don't kid yourself....every state has its problems....not just Texas.
Why did I move back to Georgia from NYS? Let me assure you, it had nothing to do with politics. Do I regret it? Not for a second.
I think there are a lot of Texans. About time they showed up to vote in the numbers that they should.
Have you looked into Texas gerrymandering?
No but I live in NC so familiar with the effects. Register, register, register people
Wisconsin is among the most gerrymandered states in the union. We finally elected a Supreme Court judge who will eventually address the inequity, but it will take a long time to get a fair balance. And WIGOP continues to cheat. It's a shameful situation, but we're working on it. Texas, we get it.
I hope that people living in red states will keep working at it, take it a step at a time. At least in Wisconsin, there’s an excellent Democratic Party chair! In Ohio, there was a big win last year regarding reproductive freedom! One goal should be just to get Democrats to run for local elections, & statewide elections. I was shocked to learn from David Pepper (author of “Saving Democracy”) that many Republicans in red states run unopposed for their state legislature so of course red states stay red. Two great grass roots organizations are “Run for Something” and “the States Project”. They find people to run for elected office and they provide training. Good organizations to support! We need to start somewhere. Never give up!
We need democrats to vote in Texas!! We need the national Democratic Party to put money here for messaging to get people to actually vote!!
From what I understand, the Democratic Party have up on Texas. Tell me why, after we help defeat Trumpism in the polls and reduce the risk of autocracy and the rise of the American Taliban, should we stay with the Democratic Party? After the election will be the time to start a real 3rd party, I think - Pro democracy, pro choice, pro investment in human capital, pro justice without demonizing institutions we've come to depend on, pro-climate without being rabidly anti-business. You know, rationally centrist.
You wanna bash all Texans? Blame us victims? Fine, I'll stay with you for this current battle to save democracy. But after that, f you.
Thanks, Frank for the site in this state is not easy
No doubt. I googled Democrats in Texas.
Are there folk there getting people revved up to vote? I realize it’s a large state!
We really should give Tejas back to Mexico. Fair is fair.
VoteRiders,, has an ongoing letter-writing campaign directed to people in Texas - with information on how to get a voter ID, and what is acceptable as an ID. The wording of the letter is created by VoteRiders. As a volunteer you work with the letter template but can personalize it somewhat. The letter has information on what is needed to obtain a voter ID in the state of the person you're sending the letter to, and where that person can get more information from VoteRiders in their state. Then the volunteer addresses the envelope, puts a stamp on it, and it's ready to be mailed. It's like postcards to voters in that you can choose how many addresses to receive at a time.
As a volunteer you do pay for the copies of the letter you make, the envelopes and stamps needed. So far I've sent 25 VoteRider letters to people in Texas. After reading your comment, Gary Loft, about getting 5% of the potential voters in TX to register, I think I better send out 25 more letters.
Thank you for that information Janea and for taking the time to send out the letters.
My wife and I read a book a few years ago written by someone who had traveled to the counties in TX where something like 97% of the votes went for Trump and Republicans.
I don't remember the title or the author unfortunately, but if you take away the votes from the rural counties in TX the Democrats would easily control the TX government.
If they are so pro-Putin, and want to live under a dictator, I'd think Putin could put together a plan to relocate MAGAs to Russia.
And fight in his Ukranian war
Well, they love guns, and cosplaying war, and he is running out of cannon fodder...
Abbot might try to send them by bus!
Ilene Freedman,
No to selling Texas....yes to voting out the crazies!
Can you imagine Putin building a gigantic home and cattle ranch there....just to laugh at us???!!!!!...just to mock us as "Land of the Free and home of the Brave"????
We have to do more than vote. We must work with the Biden-Harris campaign to educate our families and neighbors. Making financial donations helps too. Electing a Democratic Congress to stop GOP is crucial.
I was going to write the same. Get out and do something
While my Representative and Senators represent me well, I continue to support both my current Representative and the one trying to oust a MAGAt in the House district a bit north and west of me (it is the congressional seat we gained in the last census redistribution) .
donate to :
Ohh Emily Pfaff.., you're definitely a riot...! And to keep on with that "vision", I can see S-putin out there on his tractor (wearing Carhart pants, NO shirt, cowboy hat) hauling a manure-spreader. Yupprr. Now, who wouldn't want to be friends with the guy.. get a selfie with him when he's fuelin up his beatup F150 (with a 6" lift) that he bought off a local (Tex/Mex family) front yard. What? You're asking about his 'security detail'?? He wouldn't need one. He'd fit right in. Of course the smell from his pig-farm might be terrible, but it'd be blowing over into Louisiana ... just poor black folks over there - no problem. Shopping at Dollar Store and Walmart, he'd make friends.. heck, this is the land of the free.
I doubt there's anyone who would want Texas. We'd have to pay Mexico to take it and so far they don't seem interested.
Putin proxies probably own thousands of acres in Texas! He might be hiding out there now!!!
They can Love It Or Leave It. They are free to leave at any moment. But they do not get to take the dirt with thm. The dirt (and the water, and the air), is part & parcel of the Untied States of America, belonging to all of us, not just the desperados deplorable´s.
James Vander Poel; I saw the same clip and thought wow our education has hit rock bottom when someone would say they want a dictatorship. Someone, us, the MSM and not so MSM like MTN need to not just show such clips but explain exactly what a dictatorship is and what it looks Ike for them. No one is safe under a dictatorship. A dictator is not a strong leader, they are a strongman that will do anything to protect themself and their power. A leader is a strong person who looks out for the many and understands the rule of law that stems from the constitution not the law that stems from a dictator’s wants. Look beyond the much documented information on the dictators of the world and see just how the people in those countries live. Migration to this and other countries happen because they just want to live elsewhere, it happens because they cannot live or better, survive, in the country they are leaving. I am appalled that anyone in this country would say they want a dictator in charge. They need only to look at their family history that their ancestors migrated here to escape exactly that. So thank you for posting and my apology for the long rant. We must not be silent on this.
People need to watch and advertise to their friends and neighbors the "Amrican Experience" program on PBS about "NAzi Town" the time in the early 1920-30's USA that the Nazi party was huge along with the KKK. It is fascinating and very scary too. Or Try to find Russian immigrants who won the "Golden Ticket" for their families that allowed them to come to the USA legally from Russia. It s very interesting to talk to those people about why they wanted desperately to leave Russia and come here to the USA.
Most excellent rant, Chris!!!!
Thanks Barb. Appreciate it.
I'm in Texas and late to say it, but that's a good idea. It's unbelievable what's going on here
We in Colorado and the rest of the US are acutely aware of the political crazies there Kay. You have my empathy. Sigh
Thoughtful summary! 🤓
“….those who think a dictatorship is what we need…..” “….. like we were children in need if a good spanking to keep us in line“
This was exactly their view/ reasoning of why we need a dictator. It was mind boggling to see them all say this. Stunning to see their openly supporting a dictatorship in the USA (and of course their dictator of choice being tfg).
Their simplistic view of things, their lack of awareness of the big picture (on any and every level)…… scary stuff! Contrary to their “thinking”, they are the “children in need if a good spanking”! Not to to keep them in line, but to wake them up!!
Of course, George, it not THEY who need a good spanking….that’s only for “those others”.
Ilene, the report that I saw had a fellow stating, as I recall, that the US, like a wayward child, needs a “spanking” by a dictator.
I saw that report. I wanted to shout at him "This is our country "of the people, by the people, for the people." If he wants a "spanking by a dictator" - he should move to Russian & the rest of us will stay here & take care of each other!
I didn't see that part of the quote. Here I was being so clever
It’s easy to choose “dictator” when you enjoy the luxury of choice. Sitting in the middle of Freedom, your choices are unlimited and it’s hard to imagine not having the freedom to choose.
I lived in a solid red district and understand the frustration of Texans.
Frank Loomer shared the solution.
25 mins ago
Connie, like the remora fish who groom sharks, they believe that the orange shark and his buddies will treat them well since those politicians tell the “remoras” that only THEY understand and support the “remoras”. The “remoras” ignore how the orange shark and buddies turn, like a criminal mob, on anyone who is not sufficiently loyal (and the acts required to show loyalty get more extreme over time).
Hmmm, Connie, perhaps one day some more remora remorse?
I too saw this and have to believe not one of those that answered have any clue what living In a dictatorship is like. I doubt they have ever traveled outside their comfort zone. Brain washed cultist, the lot of them.
The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), 3 books, pretty well covers the subject in modern-day methodology. I say "modern day" because it exists in Russia along with every country that treats its people as subjects. Trouble is, one must remember it is a relatively small number of "the people" who are imposing their mentality/will via via fear and insidious retribution. The 'camps' referred to in those three volumes exist today, mostly in the form of the country itself and its thoroughly indoctrinated society (using 'society' loosely). However, I'm not saying everyone needs to read those books. But, it wouild be helpful from an objective standpoint, to be able to imagine the depths to which fellow humans can decend for whatever purpose. One necessary ingredient - a secret police.
Not only brainwashed, but totally ignorant of history or world politics. Perhaps they could try out one of the many dictatorships or lawless countries available. North Korea? Somalia? Even Russia? Or Afghanistan?
More than idiot, they’re begrudged and helpless sheep, under seduction by a somewhat skilled yet failing demagogue.
Chris, "failing demagogue" is our hope.
...errr.., ahh, they're Ludites? A "failing demagogue"..? Hardly. The guy is a "black hole"..., and the universe is loaded with em. Of course keeping the words we use at the 6th grade reading level .., demagogue being a 9th grade word and not understood or even pronounced, let alone spelt :) by the people you're referring to..., T-rump is simply an A--hole.
It's so entertaining when someone comes up with a new nickname. Orange skid mark. Brwco
I can't take credit for it... but I did thank the author when I borrowed it the first time (and I'll have to search to rediscover where I saw it). It refers to the trail a dog leaves on the carpet.
James, Jeff Tiedrich posts some most excellent superlative descriptors of TFFG….like don’t be drinking liquids whilst reading or you’ll need to dry out your keyboard!
I've been calling trump the orange anus for a few years now. That thing he does with his lips was the reason for the name I gave him.
Agreed brilliant ‘word smithing’!
“We know that we look stupid, but we’re betting that our constituents are more stupider and won’t notice. As soon as we Putinize America, it won’t matter what they think at all; they can’t even ‘think to breathe’”
Overheard in the Men’s Room near the GOP bunker by Dave Fake News
James, I think the underlying factor in polls that get responses like that are on the surface shocking. But if we dig a bit deeper and ask them why they are upset, the answer would be because they HATE us. They have been convinced that Democrats, Biden - all aspects and people of the "left" are conspiring to take away what little they have left. Their jobs, their guns, their faith.
These MAGA cultists would vote for a dead whale if it was running against any Democrat. They have been trained to believe that George Soros and now Taylor Swift are in the process of establishing a world government that will somehow interfere with their being "true "Muricans".
That segment of voters might as well be regarded as permanently brain damaged. As if they had been eating eggs and lead for breakfast from birth. As if they had been dropped on their heads as a kid.
But put together, there are lot more of us and independents who will rise to the challenge. As Hubbell frequently reminds us, approximately 1/4 of registered voters are Republicans and 1/4 are Democrats. The other 1/2 (roughly) are independents or just don't register or vote.
I am confident that the 50% will reject the madness and the dictatorship. And that's my optimistic coffee talk for today.
I feel like it doesn't matter if Biden wins legitimately. I feel like the house republicans will be able to change the legal results by playing with the electoral count.
I fear what his militia will do to many innocent people.
I can't believe one loud mouth can cause this much chaos.
Lots to fear, for sure. But this might make you feel a little better.
What is the new electoral count law?
It creates a new threshold for members to object to a slate of electors (one-fifth of the members of both the House and the Senate), identifies the role of the vice president as “solely ministerial” and clarifies that Congress must defer to the slates as determined by the states.Jan 16, 2023 › details › wha...
What the Electoral Count Reform Act Means for States
Yes, but it's not just the loudmouth, since he wouldn't be anything unless all those who support him didn't. Much of this is the result of some of the terrible childrearing practices that occur in this country. Authoritarian parenting, strict religious upbringing, paranoid parenting, even helicopter parenting, that can result in adults who don't or can't think for themselves. Add to the a badly in need of overhaul education system, that doesn't help kids learn to think and you have a portion of the population who seek our cultists as leaders.
I suspect that the script is written: The same people who pulled the plug on Trump (because he didn't keep his private campaign promise to hit Iran) want Biden to be the nominee so he can self-destruct and throw the election to a more manageable Trump.
But maybe that's just a conspiracy theory.
Idiot perhaps, definitely fascist. MAGA is today’s American Nazi Party, which was pre-WW2’s Democratic Party of Jim Crow, which was the late 19th century’s Confederacy of the Civil War. This minority has persisted in the US since the founding. It is our generation’s turn to resist. Biden understood this in 2015.
What kind of an idiot thinks that a dictator would just retire at the end of a four year term?
I dumb one.
I watched one of the MAGA rally attendees say that the “libs” look at them as being crazy … well, I’ll concede that - okay, many of them may not be crazy - but surely liars and very likely dazed and confused individuals … and quite a few are just plain selfish, hateful and evil individuals - with a few likely just being filled with jealousy!!!
MAGA rallies feed Agent Orange's narcissist need for praise.
MAGA rallies are a dating event for bigots.
MAGA rallies are a place for married cousins to gather.
MAGA rallies are a place for lonely people to gather that have been rejected by others for their cognitive dissonance.
Lisa, MAGA rallies give "mob mentality " a dangerous new name.
They wear red hats instead of pointy white hoods. I don't see any difference between the two. My guess is they have normalized violence in their own lives.
Lisa, yes they "have normalized violence in their own lives." That's why they are not appalled, as most of us are, at the violence that is being incited by their leader -in- lies.
What sad - truly sad and unappealing reasons to attend a rally!
It is sad, Jim. They are bigots and bullies. That's been my personal experience with them. And they think it's funny. They stay in the Fox fake news lane. Or worse.
I find the interviews with magats to be infuriating. Were there any follow-up questions? The vapid answers they have about the economy send me over the cliff. (The orange 🍊 puppeteer pulls the“ Economy -Was Better”string and out it comes from the mouths of the ignorant, brainwashed puppets.)
Thankfully, the interactions were short - you can only spend so much time with people who are so obviously in another world.
Paradoxically, or because, Americans live in a not quite "liberal democracy" (it is no long top line status these days), where you have one side which wishes to destroy secular, multi-racial/cultural majority where helping the economically disadvantaged is a real thing.
I saw that too and kept wishing that the reporter would ask them the definition of a dictator. Watching and hearing their cheery answers convinced me they hadn’t a clue.
I saw that too. At first I was aghast at the stupidity (actually still am) but then I thought why do these reporters continue to interview these morons? Where are the interviews of people in parks, at concerts, etc. who actually like what President Biden has done. You can always find a MAGA at MAGA places so why even go there?
Our task is educating the uneducatable. That is impossible so long as they view life through a rear-view mirror, afraid of any change the future might bring.
So let’s take away all the “socialist “ benefits they receive. Social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, food stamps etc. sure someone if not them have received some form of government assistance.
It's not a perfect world, and my sympathies are with the Georgia families who lost their loved ones carrying out a task that most of us didn't know existed. One thing I do know is that we need a well-trained military and a competent civil service. And we need a president with a cabinet sophisticated enough to handle nuance and adversity. It's complicated, and if any man thinks he alone can fix it, we should know he's either ignorant or a fraud—maybe both.
Any idea how many US service members were killed during Trump's reign of terror? 65 total, some each year 2017-2020. Not to mention the Capital police who died during his tenure.
Warning: This article in Newsweek again calls the withdrawal from Afghanistan "chaotic."
That is lazy journalism. The bigger picture is that Bush had no exit plan when he brought us into Afghanistan and we spent $300 million a day there for 20 years. What a waste of money to kill terrorists, most of whom fled the country. And now the Republicans in the House choose to support Putin's puppet and Putin over our allies. They demanded a border deal and got one. And now they renege. So typical.
Re: Afghanistan withdrawal. Chaotic? Your comment coupling Bush and the history of the Afghan war is spot on. I add, the Trump Admin’s capitulation by dealing exclusively with the Taliban, releasing prisoners, and drawing down to 2500 troops deserves mention. That Biden was able to get 100K out in two or so weeks is a miracle. The rapid Afghan disintegration—predictable.
I believe that this action would be chaotic no matter WHO was at the helm.
I agree. We spent nearly two decades pouring war materials into Afghanistan, a land locked country. We never ousted the Taliban and the Afghan government never gained full legitimacy. The collapse in two weeks was foreseeable. I recall the evaluation of Saigon. The South Vietnamese had nearly two years before it fell.
The fuel Don MAGA-Suck runs on is 'fear & retribution'. The concerning thing ( if not 'frightening') are all the shallow-minded minions (election deniers, et al) that will retain some of that "fuel" in their repertoire/backpack and use it to inconvenience or interfere with efforts to undue the harm that's been done by #45. So pay attention to the ludites that flew the "Trump" flag... for they are prone to be vindictive. Pay attention, don't forget who they are.
Afganistan is the link between China and Iran. That's part of why we were there.
For 20 years? Bush had no exit plan when he got us into the war in Afghanistan. And Obama and Trump couldn't figure out a way to get out without hurting their legacies.
When we went into Afghanistan their GDP was so low it wasn't even measurable. Out of 191 countries they were dead last. Why the heck did we have to throw away an average of $300 million a day for 20 years and bring young people home in a box.
By 2023 we had raised their GDP to 170th so I guess it was all worth it.
It was never going to end well and it didn't.
Yes exactly, blocking the revival of the Silk Road for as long as we could. Afganistan was the prize in the geopolitical "Great Game" between the Russian and British empires in the 19th Century. Some things never change, except the players are different.
… or could he have become subjugated at Helsinki?
Will always believe trump was given an agenda to follow during that meeting - that whole episode stank, but was swept under the rug, to be replaced with other outrages.
Way before that...
Chris—I agree. How else do you explain Manafort and Tillerson (awarded the Russian Order of Friendship).
I didn't know that but I'm not surprised.
Agreed, but I think it was cemented at Helsinki.
I read in The New Yorker years ago that he was spending time in Russia in the eighties. The Russians know a good mark when they meet one.
I think it was long before that. Dopey Eric said they had all the money they needed from Russia.
Anyone who thinks they are always right is in fact always wrong.
Mike, one of my favorite cartoon ladies is Maxine. She says, "I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. And I'll prove it if it ever happens."
My sentiments exactly, thank you for stating it so clearly
Couldn’t have said it better! Nicely put
Well said, progwoman. It is indeed not perfect. I have known a fair number of reservists who spent time in The Sandbox during the GWOT; some were engineers such as the Georgia Reservists who perished, some were combat arms, and several served special functions based on their civilian areas of expertise that was not engineering (medic/logistics/administration). All the ones I knew came back, although several lost members of their battalions.
progwoman. Well said!
You seem to be referring to Don MAGA-Suck? Ohh..., of course! Won't Somebody.., PULL the PLUG!
I must admit that Biden's administration has disappointed me in the foreign affairs arena. Despite this I admire Antony Blinken....
It certainly isn’t a perfect world. America is a big part of the problem on that front.
“Biden supporters literally believe the January 6 riot was worse than what their guy is doing in Gaza. They actually, truly, sincerely believe that. That’s how stupid and crazy party politics makes you.
Biden is doing all the very worst things Democrats claimed Trump would do if re-elected. If it had come out in 2020 that Trump was plotting a genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign in which his victims would be cut off from humanitarian aid, the shrieking from Democrats would have broken glass.”
E Jean Carrol (an 80 old woman) stood up and fought this tyrant in court. It was a hard and exhausting fight. But, in the end she beat him handily. She said that upon being face to face with him that “he is nothing”. Just a big sweaty bag of wind bully and we all can beat him and save our Democracy. This big bag of wind and his sad raggedy gang in our Congress must be put out. We have the business of taking care of our country and helping defend freedom throughout the world. No more wasted time on the petty selfish loser. All of us MUST vote and tell everyone we know how important it is. The choice this time will decide if we have future choices or not.
Democracy will always prevail against fascism. The majority of people around the world are for democratic government. Our young country will not falter. The majority of the American people are quite ready to get an opportunity to vote the cynical, fear ridden, me first politicians out ....who have betrayed their oaths to our Constitution.
It’s up to us to make this happen, just as our foremothers and fathers did going all the way back to our Revolution when few people around the world thought we could win our fight against the British... who are now among our closest and staunchest friends.
The media are more helpful than not...however, the job to protect and advance our democracy is ours alone. We the People must each do our duty in this very important election year... that’s our number one responsibility so we can all move forward together as Americans dedicated to truth, justice and freedom for all.
KD, I read this recent piece and it brought together bits ‘n pieces that I’d seen brief info about over preceding months regarding what is happening in Europe. I found it interesting how much it mirrors some of the things happening in the USA. See what you think:
Thanks for sharing it with me, Barbara.
The conflict between the right and left wings of political beliefs is the oldest one there is. The right wing always plays its cards to keep from losing what it thinks it has while the left tries to make things better after it wins.
Orban will go the same way as the right wing of Poland ….and on the bigger stage, the way Xi will, too. People everywhere, once they experience it, always want a progressive government that helps make life better for everyone. Machinations aside…the road forward doesn’t go forward in a straight line. There are setbacks because we’re all just human beings not omnipotent ones.
The Europeans love America because our struggle to make ourselves better is ongoing. Our future and their future became unalterably linked after 1945, the Marshall Plan, NATO, international trade and more…. a very good thing for peace and prosperity in the West.
We will never turn our backs on Ukraine…Putin will be gone from the scene and trump? Are we even still even talking about his corroded do- nothing confederate “party”? He’s finished and they will come to their senses….Joe will be re-elected…with congressional majorities in both houses, to boot. The rest of this decade will be very good for democracy everywhere.
If her comment “he is nothing” doesn’t set him off, leading to more punitive judgments, I’ll be very surprised.
Malignant narcissists can't help themselves. They have hair trigger rage. They cannot handle criticism of any kind. They lose their shit in a New York second. He's only going to get worse.
The fact that he is the possible nomination for President, says more about what's wrong here, than what's right in this country. This is about race, greed and power over the masses.
MLMinET, I think that of all the words to describe Trump, the word "nothing" probably infuriates him the most.
Exactly. Possible others: loser, poor
It's almost as if she is goading him to defame her again. Love it!
I saw E. Jean Carrol and her attorneys on The Rachel Maddow Show last night. It was a great interview. Those ladies absolutely did God’s work. Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview with Lisa Birnbach a witness whose testimony was critical in last year’s trial was a nice touch.
Sharon, I love that Rachel did a deep back-story of E. Jean’s long & ground breaking career; I knew some of it, but not nearly all of what she’s done/accomplished—amazing woman made MORE amazing by taking on TFFG and winning! I don’t like being sexist, but between the two of them, she’s the one with the cojones! Like that when she fully “saw” him, the boogeyman that had been plaguing her thoughts just went “pffffft” into nothingness. She took her power back and left him the husk he really is.
He's losing his grip on reality. He's lost most of the moderate Republican base, doesn't appeal at all to independent voters and is left with hardcore MAGA’s. No way he wins an Election. He's a bag of wind that the media keeps blowing hot air in to. A bully and a thug but as E Jean Carrol found just a loser and a bag of wind.
E Jean & her Team were interviewed on Rachel Madden last night preceded by one of Rachel's long backgrounders covering E Jeans long & many norm busting chapters in her career thoroughly enjoyed by E. Jean with her Team flanking her.
Good thing I record her show. Monday night rehearsals during her show...
Georgia Girl - I so admire Ms. Carrol - a brave woman who in fact stood up for women’s right and against the rape culture.
Thanks for sharing the Thelma and Louise clip BK! A chuckle with my coffee this morning!
"Mar-a-Gulago" !!
Thank you Heather. A United States that projects strength with the resolve to pursue diplomatic solutions should be a lowest common denominator for any administration. Yet, here we are. A government divided along the lines of stability and support for allies, defense partners, trade partners, and climate partners, versus a group of GOP extremists, delighted to blow it all up in their complete fealty to a criminal.
It is well beyond disgusting.
John F. Kennedy once said “I cannot negotiate with someone who says What is mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable.” Religious hypocrite Johnson and those standing beside him are continually betraying their obligation to our allies, the Constitution, to justice, to democracy, and to every citizen (even those too willfully ignorant to understand).
On a connected note:
In the United States, in 2024, democracy is on the ballot. Recent research states 75% of people consume their news on social platforms.
With so much at stake, do you trust Musk and Zuckerberg -or is it time for an ad-free, subscriber-supported civic social network that doesn't sell or share data with marketers, shadowy political operatives, or billionaires.
Help us finish something great together. Your investment in Civic Works is an investment in equity, justice, and democracy:
Well-put, George. Except it's not just democracy on the line.
Our Heather gets closer to the real menace when she refers to "the servility of House Republicans." And yet, even with this insight, it's worse.
They've allied themselves to Putin and Trump. But because they've gone down the rabbit hole as they have, worse forms of stupidity leave them gaga for their demagogue leaders, either with Trump's stupid calls for stochastic domestic terror in the U.S., or Putin's alliances for worse -- allied to Hamas, the Ayatollahs, Orban and Modi with their hate nationalisms, maybe Saudi Arabia royal murderers, maybe Xi and all his corrupted Chinese cadres.
Worst coming from U.S. "servile" Republicans -- their total ignorance as to history, the arts, humanities, as befits the colossally depraved.
Good thing many readers here yet have decent grounding in things our fellow countrymen "servile" lack. Maybe 2024 can see the end of Putin's fawning orange U.S. ally, and restoration of decency among fellow Americans.
Does anybody really doubt that Mike Johnson and House Republicans would change their ways if something were to suddenly happen to trump? The #kochnetwork.and the CNP would carry on pulling Johnson's strings.
Depends on the Dems, Tracy.
Phil, the “servile” ones have forgotten the mob as shown in The Godfather (book and movie) and The Sopranos. The required acts to prove one’s “loyalty” start out small, but get gradually more onerous (with threats to friends and family if one is insufficiently “loyal”). According to unattributed accounts of Republican Congress Critters, we’ve reached the threats stage.
George I do not know what pledge a member of Congress makes when sworn into office.
As a Foreign Service Officer I swore to support the United States of America.
Trump swore (on a Bible) to support the Constitution of the United States. Evidently that is a MAGA oath. It certainly merits top priority social media coverage.
As someone who embraces peace and diplomacy I am grateful to you and all in the State Department Keith. I can only imagine how political instability in the U.S. makes your work far more difficult.
Keith, they are very similar:
"Legislative Branch: Members of Congress
At the start of each new Congress, in January of every odd-numbered year, the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate takes an oath of office. For Members of the House, the Speaker will direct the Members to rise, and the oath is administered. A Senator-elect takes the oath of office from the presiding officer in an open session of the Senate. The current oath is as follows:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.""
Just for grins and giggles, here's the one for SCOTUS Judges:
Judicial Branch: Supreme Court Justices
According to Title 28, Chapter I, Part 453 of the United States Code, each Supreme Court Justice takes the following oath:
"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.''"
Tuba THANKS! For Trump and all those Trumpublicans who voted to reject Election College results on January 6th, I conclude that they took a Hypocrite’s Oath.
Violating their Constitutional Oath, in a common sense, patriotic world, should disqualify these Turkey Turds from serving, either at the Capitol or the White House.
That Kennedy quote is exactly what the conservative libertarian position is. No compromise. Notice how it is always the democrats that must compromise?
Thank you George, well done. FYI everybody a steady stream emails of Anthony J Blinking' worldwide stops & talks are available at "Digital Experience for Government".
For example, I received a transcript yesterday of Antony's discussion with Secretary General JENS STOLTENBERG & separate confirmation of Blinken's January 29th meeting with the Prime Minister & ForeignMinister of QATAR. Good & detailed stuff.
Excellent, thank you for sharing Bryan!
Signed up just now.
Thank you!
Sergeant William Jerome Rivers, 46, Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, and Specialist Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23
Thank you deeply for your service. Your memory is a blessing.
Thank you, Professor. 🙏
My green porch light will go on for 30 days in their memory.
Splendid tribute, Ally…thanks for sharing.
The Republican Party is now the Trump Party, and it follows it's dear leader as an opponent and enemy of America. It is now the modern Confederate States of America and needs to be dealt with as the collection of traitors and enemies it is. Arresting 200 of them in Washington at 0600 on charges of Treason would be a good start.
From Meidastouch “A notification was read on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, revealing that the office of the Sergeant at Arms received a grand jury subpoena for documents from the U.S. Department of Justice. Although the specific grand jury investigation remains undisclosed, the development is noteworthy.”
Runragged, the plot thickens, the hounds are in the scent and the sharks are smelling blood in the water
Hopefully the DOJ has connected some pre J6 planning by House GOP leaders in support of the Capitol riot. Jordan, MTG, and company. The notion that the erased texts between Secret Service members have been recovered would be better than Ice Cream Day at wirk
I read somewhere that a democrat had misused funds meant for security, so not J6 related. Sadly. Although I’m not sure how correct that post was.
I have no idea what that means. DoJ wants documents from the House? For what? Liz Cheney was in top leadership in the House and apparently -or at least not in her book- know much in the way of detail o what the trumpanzee were plotti g. The House wouldn't have documentation on a plot even these weak witted people may have put together. I'm puzzled.
Jen, none of us know for sure, since so far, this specific grand jury investigation remains undisclosed.
I think we need to stop calling it the trump party, but the Putin Party. Seems they are taking their orders from an old Soviet communist al9ng with loads of cash....
What a dumb thing to say.
A very good start!
President Biden’s election ended the country’s free fall under the previous administration. His political dexterity reset our domestic and international policies. He righted “the ship state”. It is a dangerous world out there and I want a proven leader to speak for the citizens of this country. Democracy is ours to defend. That is my stand.
Madame Professor, I do not find you either dull or prejudiced. You have US in your sights and are giving us what you see and hope we will consider. The sooner Speaker Johnson et al. can get their wits together (assuming they have wits to get together, which may be an incorrect assumption), the sooner we can all breathe freely again. They don’t understand what Putin’s Trump would mean. Hearing the Republicans who think a dictator is what we need was an experience, which if I hadn’t seen their faces, I wouldn’t have believed.
I was stunned to hear those interviewees say “dictator.” Absolutely stunned! The next question is WHY????
They are stupid. And they've been fed Viktor Orban crap by faux nooz for years.
They’ve been carefully taught.
Shades of "South Pacific"
Exactly what was going through my head! Who'd have thought that 80 years later it would still apply.
Sadly, Gail, it will probably always be so, given the nature of our species, Hubris sapiens.
After looking carefully at the faces, I have a theory: they were all corporally punished as children, so believe what they learned from their parents and never learned to think for themselves. Do you remember when Alabama had the 50th (bottom) public school districts in the country and paddling students with wooden paddles was “legal”? Think what corporal punishment vs “go to your room and think about why I’m sending you there” (and/or a loving, careful explanation) would do for a child’s brain as opposed to yet another beating. Note: “spare the rod (Hebrew learning) and spoil the child,” a mistranslation, has been “spoiling” children for generations.
I am a political putz in nowhere land, and I didn’t underestimate the degree to which chump republicans will sink in their anti-Dem stance on everything. What is wrong with WH advisers? Every time I watch them speak on MSNBC or anywhere, I want to scream. They blather when they should be screaming. Same as MSM. Hit them with everything. There is plenty of ammunition against chump and his cronies. Revile him, mock him; his crimes and evil acts are not sacrosanct. Nor are the treasonous acts of his cronies in Congress. Mike Johnson is way worse than the one who started us down this road to hell, Kevin McCarthy. He didn’t hide it. Believe them when they tell you who they are. Joe likes to think there is some degree of normal in the Repub party. Can’t find it with my microscope. Maybe England can provide us some help with a lend/lease program. Snark aside. We are about to abandon any leadership role, anywhere. America bowing down is chump’s payment on his debt to Putnik. And he is sabotaging every needed action remotely, with help from our “free press.” He is nothing. Prick his blimp and watch Him deflate like the nothing he is.
Follow the money.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always
The ranting you suggest may violate Hatch Act, since it would require naming tfg. Just a thought. Of course this administration is abiding by the rules of the Hatch Act, when the former administration didn't, but that's another issue. And do we want to sink to the same ranting level as the magats? I am Not saying administration comments shouldn't be stronger.
They know how to avoid breaking the law. Would quoting the cretin apply? Frankly, if Dems can't name their election adversary, what is the point of a campaign/election. Chump has never had a problem with naming the "enemies." Maybe I'm not clear on the definition of civil service. When I worked for the AF and NASA, I knew there were limits to public speech for me, but I worked in senatorial campaigns. Not a PR person though.
Yes we do want to rant.
M. Obama's words about going high when they go low are not working. Bringing popsicle sticks to a knife fight with democracy at stake is silly.
There's a reason why "fight fire with fire" is a saying. Set a back burn...
My thoughts exactly.
Agreed, Jeri! E. Jean said, "He is nothing. Nothing." That statement has cracked open the shell of "normalcy" around the Nothing. He will keep losing it. My hope: People will increasingly find themselves able to see the nothingness and the danger of him because E. Jean pointed it out, stuck with her conviction for four years, and won. It may take some time to sink in but the truth is out. He is nothing.
You're right, Jeri. Call it all out. Name it. Hiding in fear feeds the monster. Irrelevance will follow their demise.
MSM doesn't want to and Rupert absolutely won't. ALL our lives depend on truth in packaging.
For them, Agent Orange is bankable. The Washington Post stated their revenue goes up when he's on the front page.
No, I don't like. Walter spinning in his grave.
This is why I cancelled WAPO and NYT.
Me too.
Remember the Helsinki news conference when Trump openly gave his support to Putin over agencies of the U.S.? That moment should be embedded in our brains!
I, for one, have never forgotten it. That’s the day I realized what a danger he is to our country, not just a big, egocentric doofus.
And remember how obsequious he was, looking down like a scolded puppy?
Eating out of Putin’s hand
Endless war. Endless death. In pursuit of what? American values?
Men, not women and children, have been engaging in this mindless pursuit for millennia and to what end? Further death? Further destruction? War has never solved anything yet it is pursued by men who invented religion to cover their tracks. Men pray to their invented gods on the weekend before resuming their lust for control by preying on others during the rest of the week.
Dance around both war and religious belief as much as we want, yet until we recognize that both serve the desire for some men to reign, women and children will always be the main ingredients for this plate of death. Governments around the world could put a stop to this insanity, but so long as men who are invested in the world's war machine remain in control, innocents will die.
That is what President Biden is trying to show US. No one in leadership understands better than he the futility of all the wars we have started since WWII. That is why we have diplomats everywhere trying to diffuse the many “hot” situations. REPUBLICANS, NOTICE: President Biden is a good man (didn’t anyone hear Gavin Newsome?) Mr. Trump is a nothing (didn’t anyone hear E.Jean Carroll?). Truth is there. Just listen for it, tell it and get to work to help Democrats in November. There’s a way for everyone.
Virginia, what I see in my world (retired cops, mostly) are not the fpotus is a "nothing". To them, he is the light shining forth of the "one, true way" where white, Christian, cisgendered, heteronormative men lead the world, and all others are subjugated to their whims and desires.
Misogyny doesn’t have a problem with rape, as far as I know (unless it’s “my wife,” I.e. property.. Hope you got to see E. Jean Carroll with her two lawyers interviewed by Rachel Maddow. The jury in the second trial was 2 women and 7 men!
Wow Ian. A man who says what I think every day.
This is what I have always believed. But you said it so eloquently. Thank you.
Great assessment, Ian. "American values": summed up very well in your last paragraph.
Why can’t we publish the specific names of each member of Congress (both Senate and House) and where they are from who are refusing to pass the recently proposed bill for Ukraine and border control from a SINGLE NATIONAL SOURCE and do it often and publicly so all citizens can see who MAGA really consists of and who are letting Trump destroy America and the rest of the free world. They need to be defeated in each and every election.
If there is an R beside their name is all you need to know.
Yoo-hoo Yahoo
It is stunning to me that there’s not a single voice demanding that violence of any kind NEVER should be used to solve problems, including personal and geopolitical issues. As long as economies depend on “wars” there’s no end to the hideous amoral and murderous bloodshed.
The Republican Party has sealed its fate by embracing fascism.
The fact that the various legal tools to stop a “strongman” from usurping power seem to fail should make us all take notice.
Before we rattle the weapons of war let me share with you my Army Ranger (WWII /Korea) Dad’s two words for war: Stupid and Disgusting. Let’s be the adults in the room and find a peaceful solution to all these frictions. Am I against war, you betcha. The male members of my family have fought in every war since we immigrated here in the 1920’s (grandad fought in WWI for citizenship). They taught me that war is not good for any living thing.
With regard to where our service men and women are working around the world, we too often don’t know until they are killed. Since WWII, the U.S. has been at war continuously, often without our knowing it in places we haven’t heard of. While some military action seems justified, many locations and actions lead to or are part of conflicts that can reasonably be ascribed to our being in someone else’s country, interfering with their liberties and freedoms, backing up or setting up someone’s corrupt enterprise or ruler.
HCR left out statements by Biden’s administration stating they will seek “revenge” for our dead soldiers. “Revenge” is never an acceptable justification for military action. It certainly is not the same as “self defense”, a cause for violence that Israel has corrupted with 25,000 civilians killed and many thousands more who will die. And an entire people who are being destroyed and displaced from their homeland or exterminated. I recommend reading “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine” by Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University. What Palestinians are experiencing is not new to them, nor to indigenous people. It’s rooted in colonialism and for Palestinians, particularly with the British Empire. And for too long now with the American Empire.
I recommend listening to “Lapdogs with Laptops” a talk by John Pilger, …renowned award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. …twice selected as Britain’s Journalist of the Year. …award-winning documentaries include Palestine is Still the Issue….He died on December 30, 2023.” Available at Alternative Radio, Colorado.
“A vital and independent press is essential to the functioning of democracy. ….media concentration has accelerated. This has resulted in the closing of many domestic and foreign bureaus and a sharp reduction in the number of working reporters. …..too many journalists today cozy up to power. ….Citizens are ill-served by lapdogs with laptops.”
The Vietnam War had more lessons to learn than my generation took in. Once the war and draft was over, we got comfortable. And, the wars continued in the same way with none of our close attention because we were no longer at risk. Our younger brothers and sisters were taught to see us as trouble makers, as they no longer were under a draft and lived their lives clueless facilitators.
David Souers, who said they will seek revenge and can you cite a news source carrying the video clip or their statement? I would like to look it up. Thanks.
M Tree, I just did a Google search for "revenge attack in Gaza" and came up with this Times of India video, and a synopsis of the meat of the interviews. Both Antony Blinkin and John Kirby are featured in the video.
No time to follow the link? The word "revenge" was not used, that is a journalistic interpretation of the two snippets included. The word "response" was used.
Ally House. (Oregon), thanks! I am strongly opposed to revenge for any reason. I had heard the word, response, but there are several people from the admin speaking and if anyone truly used the word, revenge, I would voice my deep concern.
I think that is an example of "inflammatory journalism"...