There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.

- Kenneth Grahame

Peace be with you, Heather and Buddy.

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That is my all time favorite quote. Three Men in a Boat. Love it so much.

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Wind in the Willows first I think…and also wonderful Three Men in a Boat

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Thank you, Professor.. the beauty of this photo evokes a sense that all “ is right with the world”. And while that is not true at this moment for many suffering, it holds promise in its beauty.

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HCR, I thank you for being the anchor in a storm, and, tonight, you are a dream catcher. I didn't even know how much I wanted be on a boat to paradise. Thank you, Buddy, for this heavenly vision.

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What a lovely thing to say. Jeannie McCormack (CA)

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I spy a palm frond. The plot thickens.

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I spy 9 albatrosses ...? Wide wingspan on the one rsing into the mystic.

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What fun. Examining photos!

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Especially Buddy Poland photos!

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Thank you for your steady flow of solid information and insights into our government these days. It means a lot to have a trustworthy source. Mary Friedel-Hunt

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This picture floods me with a deep gratitude for the beauty of the world. Thank you.

I read your observant, thoughtful, and informative pieces every day. You are a great political historian, grounding today's insanities in those of the past, generation after generation repeating the same dangerous delusions, bearing the same grudges and resentments. You have taught us, for example, that the Civil War never ended. It is gathering up steam as I write these words, dying to break out. Thank you for bringing so many current incidents and terrors back through the years to their origins. Yours is the voice I most trust, daily, on the state of the nation.

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Yes....to all this AND having the courage and wisdom to step back for refreshment and beauty! Thank you, HCR, I am so grateful for your long view and wise voice in the world!

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In the terror category "Till" the movie is out and the story of 70 years ago we have seen with our own eyes again in Memphis, TN. Just watched Amanpour from Fri where the man who was with Emmett that afternoon spoke about it. I had to turn it off when he got past the part where when Emmett came into the store he wondered whether Emmitt had remembered to say all the "yes, Srs." And "yes ma'ams" to all the folks outside. I could not listen to the rest, man's inhumanity to man. "The last witness to Emmett Till's Abduction", PBS 17 minutes

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While the ice locks up our water we string our snowshoes anew to find deep drifts in which to sleep at night. Out of the 5 below under an insular snow come drifting dreams of drifting boats when the ice let’s go.

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Lovely, Lovely, Lovely. Thank you.

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Beautiful photo. That tree does not exist in Maine.

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I'm sure is doesn't, although impressive fan palms (Chamaerops humilis) are said to grow on the southern Alaska coast, not that they are native there. I have seen fan palms and ornamental banana (which is a real if inedible banana plant, Musa basjoo) growing happily in southwestern BC, Canadian gardens.

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I saw palm trees near Penzance in Cornwall, UK and was surprised. They do well there because the Atlantic gulf stream flows toward the southern part of the UK.

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Yes, a similar current warms the ones in Alaska, and that variety of palm is surprisingly hardy.

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It just struck me the my brain slipped a gear identifying the scientific name of the Fan Palm. I should know this since I am growing them. Fan Palm is Trachycarpus fortuni.

Chamaerops is hardy too, but substantially less reliable than Trachycarpus.

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Great photo. I hope it means you are on a boat somewhere. We all need at least one day a week to rest. You work very hard. Thank you for what you do.

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Glad you’re getting a moment of r&r. Great photo - thank Buddy.

I have to ask you, though, about the article on HuffPost about the home-school program for producing little Nazis and being proud of it. (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/home-school-nazis-telegram-dissident-saxon_n_63d596c4e4b01a43638e6a0a) How much of an outlier is this? There have been fascists in the U.S. all along, and obviously white supremacy is being promoted more blatantly these days than it has been since the first half of the 20th century. But actual schools?

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This hit the news with a whimper over a week ago. I was amazed that it garnered so little press. I contacted a colleague in Sarasota about it when I first heard. This is a terrorist take over. Simply put. We don't know half of what DeSantis does in that State. Can you imagine what will happen when he hits the Oval Office?

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Aiyeee! Please say IF, not "when"! Millions of grassroots Democrats and progressives across the country will be fighting the prospect of DeSantis taking any national office with every rally, voter registration drive, postcards-to-voters initiative, and phonebank we've got. That's the fight I'll be joining. And personally, I hope to be watching a Monster's Ball of Repulsivecan candidates effectively destroy one another during the primary fight. With any luck, some rich wingnut with a big ego will also run as an independent and peel off enough independents who otherwise lean Repub, that the Democrat will walk away with the victory.

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E.M. I remember clearly in 2016, being (at first) glad that Trump got the nomination because he was so very blatantly and happily displaying exactly the traits he acted on in office, believing that, no matter how little education a person had, no one with the ability to read or hear could possibly vote for him.

I had changed my mind and expectations before the election.

I believe the base problem is the careful and effective destruction of the American educational system that has been perpetrated in my lifetime.

That having been said, please! remember:

We need to proselytize.

We need to encourage people to vote.

We need to fight to protect the right to vote.

We need to do all that and more.

We need to START NOW!

Please. Take nothing for granted.

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I think I read about this college and what was coming at it a couple months ago at least. So its been happening - just another "unimportant" item of news that the news media ignores.

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Maggie, you're right. There was talk of this happening a while ago, but no one ever thought DeSantis would actually do it. My colleague said pretty much whatever DeSantis wants...DeSantis gets.

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Sure sounds that way. Keep hoping he gets de-railed by one of these stunts hes pulling.

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God, or at least Somebody, Help US! Where have all the Cowboys gone?

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Thanks for sharing this, J L. Hope New College can survive DeSantis’s blitzkrieg!

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sgridgway, this Huffington Post article is simply horrifying. That it is “perfectly legal” and nothing can be done about it is even more frightening! Thanks for sharing this… I guess.

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OMG, have we really gone full circle? Hitler was big on training the children. Our propaganda can spin this as “patriotic,”. I assume…

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I was born shortly after WWII. There were many socially conservative types and liberal types in my youthful milieu but it seemed as though nobody except a handful of distant fringe types wanted anything to do with Hitler.

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Actually, fascism was quite popular in the 1930's, which kept us out of WWII until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. There was a good article about this, and how it's back again, in the Washington Post in 2012 that you might want to read.

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I am aware of some of it. Also of the hyper-right wing bent of some of the most wealthy. I have encountered a few mentions of this event from time to time; https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/11/trump-fdr-roosevelt-coup-attempt-1930s

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Excellent article! Thanks!

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Let's not forget Rachel Maddow's podcast "Ultra".

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Wow. Good stuff. Just started watching it -- thanks for posting this!

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Other than a few millionaires who had seemed to find ways to profit from him in the war, but that was not my social circle.

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I remember when Federal Marshalls went out and arrested these guys and confiscated their weapons. Why can'that happen again!

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Read The German Wife which has her children having to join Hitler Youth as part of the plot.

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This is why Trump wanted to visit the Boy Scouts, in my mind. Just look at Russian History and there we are. We are in it deep and no one has the courage in Washington to stop it.

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Here's an actual quote from this group:

"Without homeschooling our children,” Mrs. Saxon once wrote, “our children are left defenseless to the schools and the Gay Afro Zionist scum that run them.”

I am without words.

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Me, too! But I will add EGAD!!

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This is utterly horrifying but believable.

Jeannie McCormack

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This is horrifying.

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I did a cursory search but couldn’t find which/if states provide vouchers for the homeschooled.

Florida’s HB 1 , expected to pass, would provide vouchers for 10,000 homeschooled the first year and 20,000 each subsequent year.

I’m contacting my legislators and asking how they will prevent my tax dollars from funding neo-Nazi homeschool curriculum if HB 1 /SB are passed.

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This website says it provides online curricula to homeschooling families, and was founded in 2004.


Their page referenced above gives a pretty even-handed sounding rundown about how voucher programs work, the fact that the program's regulations vary by state, and that about 30 states have some sort of voucher program. They allude to the fact that providing vouchers, ie. public money, to homeschooling families is controversial.

That page purports to provide a link that explain which states have voucher programs, but the linked page does not cover that topic. However, this government website has a bunch of information about vouchers starting on the second page, however it gives no information about whether families that homeschool can access their state's school vouchers:


I, too, cannot find any information on which states if any give school vouchers to homeschooling families. I quite searching after 20 minutes. Someone in the education field would probably know better how to look up this information.

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Thanks for the link to this HuffPost piece. This is truly horrifying. The worst part is of course that these parents are indoctrinating their children in an ideology of white-supremacist hate that advocates brutal discrimination against black and brown people, enforced by violence they sanction. I was going to say that it's also terrible that they give all home schoolers a bad name, because some parents just want, for example, to provide a curriculum that's more advanced or uses a teaching method more tailored to their own child's learning style and gifts. But the problem is that once you make it legal for parents to home school their children, you have no assurance that children are being given an adequate education, or that they are not being indoctrinated into an ideology of hate. This Anonymous Comrades Collective run by Logan and Katja Lawrence of Upper Sandusky, Ohio is clearly failing their children on both counts, and therefore failing to raise their children to be good, collaborative citizens who uphold our Constitution and respect all Americans equally. I guess my final question is, given that their numbers are still tiny in the grand scheme of things, is this indoctrination into Nazi hate ideology any worse than what these parents would be brainwashing their children with at home, even if the children attended public school? Do we all need to put bumper stickers on our cars that say "Adolf Hitler was a mass murderer" and "We are all equal, Black, White, and Brown" so that children who are indoctrinated during home schooling will at least be exposed to one or two non-Nazi, democratic ideas? What's the fix here? Should we attempt to roll back laws that permit home schooling? Wouldn't that just provide the white supremacists with the perfect opportunity to take up all the air time with bleating about how they are being victimized and attacked and their parental rights taken away or as Katya the Nazi Mom put it, “Without homeschooling our children,” Mrs. Saxon once wrote, “our children are left defenseless to the schools and the Gay Afro Zionist scum that run them.” Would attempting to prevent this form of home schooling just backfire? Is it more effective for use to shed as much sunshine as possible on what these people are doing to their own children? After all, two of the couple's own relatives were appalled, and one of them said “That these kids don’t know anything different and probably won’t get to know anything different is just heartbreaking.”

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That is chilling.

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AND that there is so very little oversight on home schooling! Three of my grandchildren were home schooled during the pandemic, but they had lesson plans & there WAS oversight. Maybe its a state by state issue - like everything else.

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Thanks for posting this-I saved it to two of my bookmarks titled "Fascists" and "Conservatism's War on Education".

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Don’t worry about being back at it for a pinch or two. Enjoy a moment without us in your mind. We’ll survive.

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Good to take a night—or two!—off. You deserve rest and a beautiful sail to recharge.

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You’re such a North Star for so many!

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Along with this delicious capture of Ahhhh, here are wondrous words of achievement by many who are working on our behalf. https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/p/extra-extra-129?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email It is Monday morning in my part of the world and it's feeling good. Sweet dreams to all back home.

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thank you for this. Family, friends and myself all going through some trying times right now, and good news is appreciated.

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I believe we all need more of the good that is happening to inspire us. Big, big hugs to you and your family. ❤️⭐

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Thank you

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Gailiee Walker Wells!!! Magnificent,,,,,,the strength ....the power, through faith. that pain can bring., and through which good can come....

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Love the pic! Tell Buddy "thanks".

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Heather, while you are ‘seeing a little more of the world this week end,’ Buddy has transported me back to a tranquil past of an old-time, gaff-rigged schooner on a glittering sea.

It resurrects magical memories of cruising Maine on a Marconi-rigged schooner in the 1940s and stopping at Burnt Coat Cove to pick up a bushel basket of lobsters at $0.29/pound.

Those were the days.

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