Deutsche Bank has already said they want nothing to do with any new deals with him, and those loans are coming due so Deutsche Bank has the right to seize any of his assets and property. He will be of no further use to Russia if he can't keep some semblance of power. Two of his FL banks have already severed ties with him. As you sow , so shall you reap and that crop is due for harvest soon.
I saw that somewhere as well. Cannot seem to find it again. That is the first thing that gave me hope when the brainwashing and white supremacy has gained such a foothold in the trumplican party. Russian involvement in the NRA is also very disturbing with all these arsenal owners who have been programmed. They appear to have been programmed to believe Armegeddon is coming and weapons of mass destruction are critical to have. And who is behind all the entertainment media of massive amounts of films on destruction and dystopia. It is hard not to believe that there has been a very long preparation for all of this, and I am NOT any conspiracist bauble. After 5 years of fighting against the key weapon of the overthrow of our country in the form of a reprehensible baby Hitler who could NEVER have done with without the tremendous backing and infiltration of so many pinheads. Has Russia been inviting so many of our officials to the Kremlin to perform partial lobotomies? Is it biowarfare in their tea and the red hats in rallies?
Perhaps I have become a conspiracy bauble. Whatever, I am very disturbed and we need to look at so many threads behind this evil tapestry.
On a good note, I changed my browser yesterday and suddenly my freedom of speech that was suspended by YT for two months disappeared. The only thing I had done was to try to educate people about Seditionist behaviors. Oh, I maybe also used the words Nazi, KKK white supremacists, Qanon and "screams of the dying white patriarchy" a bit in my rants as we were being pounded by the lies about our 2020 election by the inbumbents and their cult followers. Now I see that it was a vacation from idiocy out there. I now prefer the sane confines with all of you in this stimulating, Cox-Richardson, Anderson Shelter, as I rest up for the long haul.
Do u think he will repay his Russian Oligarch loans via Deutsche bank? He has secret service protection, so I bet he declares bankruptcy again.
Deutsche Bank has already said they want nothing to do with any new deals with him, and those loans are coming due so Deutsche Bank has the right to seize any of his assets and property. He will be of no further use to Russia if he can't keep some semblance of power. Two of his FL banks have already severed ties with him. As you sow , so shall you reap and that crop is due for harvest soon.
Yes, and then there’s reaping the harvest that earns him the orange jumpsuit to match the hair.
We can but hope. There may be enough co-conspirators that they may need a whole wing just for them
Guantanamo comes to mind. Give them fishing poles to feed themselves.
This gives me hope that the QAnon cult will die.
You have to elaborate, Jeanne, so that we can share in your hope. DT’s financial demise somehow links to the death of QAnon?
I read an article (I will have to search for it now) about how cults die out when their leader disappears or loses power. w`
I didn’t mean to post yet! My dog jumped on me. 🐾 I think he gave Osama Bin Laden as an example, and Sadam Hussein.
I saw that somewhere as well. Cannot seem to find it again. That is the first thing that gave me hope when the brainwashing and white supremacy has gained such a foothold in the trumplican party. Russian involvement in the NRA is also very disturbing with all these arsenal owners who have been programmed. They appear to have been programmed to believe Armegeddon is coming and weapons of mass destruction are critical to have. And who is behind all the entertainment media of massive amounts of films on destruction and dystopia. It is hard not to believe that there has been a very long preparation for all of this, and I am NOT any conspiracist bauble. After 5 years of fighting against the key weapon of the overthrow of our country in the form of a reprehensible baby Hitler who could NEVER have done with without the tremendous backing and infiltration of so many pinheads. Has Russia been inviting so many of our officials to the Kremlin to perform partial lobotomies? Is it biowarfare in their tea and the red hats in rallies?
Perhaps I have become a conspiracy bauble. Whatever, I am very disturbed and we need to look at so many threads behind this evil tapestry.
On a good note, I changed my browser yesterday and suddenly my freedom of speech that was suspended by YT for two months disappeared. The only thing I had done was to try to educate people about Seditionist behaviors. Oh, I maybe also used the words Nazi, KKK white supremacists, Qanon and "screams of the dying white patriarchy" a bit in my rants as we were being pounded by the lies about our 2020 election by the inbumbents and their cult followers. Now I see that it was a vacation from idiocy out there. I now prefer the sane confines with all of you in this stimulating, Cox-Richardson, Anderson Shelter, as I rest up for the long haul.