I heard an appropriate comment today - Trump and the Republicans killing of DEI is supposed to mean that the most qualified people get the jobs, yet the Republicans succumbed to Trump's choice and made Pete Hegseth the Secretary of Defense!

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Jan 26Edited

I think that’s part of the propaganda of control. Cults use it too. Overwhelm with volume. Confuse with contradiction’s. The key is to isolate within the group identity first, FB naturally facilitates all three.

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Jan 26Edited

Steven Hasan is the cult expert. Check out his substack.


“We have a generation of young people who can’t tell when they are being lied too”

That ain’t a country that has a strong future.

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Your 15 minutes saves me from three or four hours of listening to constantly and repeatedly, nerve-racking news in order to find the essential elements and they still don’t have what you offer.

We watch the turning back of the clock once again as the pendulum swings.

Thank You!

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Me, too. I can’t listen to American news anymore - and I only ever listen to NPR. The editorial choices, the horse-race-ism behind it all is just too much! When is somebody going to innovate a new style national news cast?

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The qualification is kissing the ring. Being a white nationalist is a plus.

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You're taking notes for grad students in 2085.

I'm making the soundtrack. Mixtape on the Titanic:


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DEI is anyone who is not a White male. Women who are behind Trump and his wanting to remove DEI are supporting sex discrimination.

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Thank you, Heather. For my sanity, health, trust and hope, I’m relying on you as my single news source.

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Heather Cox Richardson! Are you suggesting a 4th/5th of July Respect Working America March? Might the slogan of such a march be « Pay up or do your own fuckin’ work, Guys!» with key demands a living wage (a wage commensurate with a real life, not a minimum wage), universal free child care and universal health care? And if you are, count me in. And if you’re not, who will?

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The Founders, as wise as they were were no more capable of predicting the future as we are. aside from the failure to foresee permanent political parties, their greatest mistake was abandoning the parliamentary system for a democratic-republic that morphed into a more direct democracy with a strong executive with diminishing checks. Their mistake was independence from Britain rather than reform of the relationship as the other three Frontier Colonies did. Canada is looking pretty good right now.

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Wait until the first terrorist attack on the "homeland" -- Trump et all especially Hegseth will run like rats from a ship:

The Department of Defense is responsible for homeland defense. Question: What is Homeland Security? Answer: A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.

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This IS the terrorist attack.

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Heather, your writings are so wise and encouraging that I want to keep them to read and re-read. Is there some way to get the written transcript rather than something I must listen to?


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The republican congressTrump, cronies, MAGA are sending this country down a deep black hole!!

It is scary!!

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How in the world can this be happening!!?? It's beyond Democrats vs. Republicans...more like sane and middle class vs. insane and rich!!

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Class is exactly why modern political parties in the United States like to talk about anything other than class. Trump is too stupid to realize that fronting raw wealth and power uncovers what American media and social scientists have tried to hide from in the modern era...the class struggle that ultimately determines the antics of the political elites.

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No dems should be voting FOR!!

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Thank you, I so appreciate listening while I work! I've learned patience and to wait a while for the audio. I still read and share your letters/post on FBk.

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thank you Heather. As always, clear, concise truth. Republicans should be ashamed.

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