Thank you.

Desantis has finally face-planted and his “never back down” campaign tucked its tail between its legs and crawled back under the rock that thus despicable scumwad crawled out from.

I feel bad for the decent folks in Florida that didn’t vote for this hateful bigot or his cowardly GQP minions that infest the highly gerrymandered state government. They’re stuck with horrible laws and a general mess of a state (steaming pile of poo is probably not far wrong) . .

Funny how Fox noise and the useless mass media are silent about record highs in the stock market. . . They always seem to be quick to point blame at Prez. Biden if anything’s less than ideal, but it seems credit doesn’t work that way.


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George, the people in Florida definitely have a steaming pile of poo. In fact, everywhere that Rs prevail has the same stink. And it's not just poo; it's the smell of death of everything that is decent, compassionate, just, and truly democratic.

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And the smell of Covid deaths too!

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Yes. Look at the death rates from Covid per state. Florida is toward the top of the heap. Same is true for pediatric hospitalization rates in Florida due to Covid. It drives me nuts (among many other things) when I hear DeSantis talk about "what a great job we did with Covid in Florida". I wonder how the people in Florida who have lost loved ones or children, or are suffering from long Covid fell about what a great job Governor Ron did?

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My guess he's bragging about how well Florida did during COVID because he lifted COVID restrictions so early in order to help/keep their economy going. As usual it's the money that counts! What are a "few" COVID deaths when you can brag that you opened up the state economy!

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By lifting restrictions and allowing young people to flood the beaches during spring break. DeSantos sent those young people home with Covid and were instrumental and killing grandma and grandpa. He’s such a hero.

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That has been his point - business liked his lifts. Same her in Iowa. Kim allowed some businesses to make their own decisions and avoided mandates. Got her popularity and that is all.

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Yup, and then fired the people that kept the stats and replaced them with partisan fanatics so their death numbers looked better . .

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This could apply every where, but a lot of cases of Covid went unreported. I had covid- like a cold, tested, stayed home. No reporting to a hospital. BTW I was vaccinated and am an "old" person.

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Looking back on the pandemic, more deaths in the south. Also they have the lowest ranking in education. Any relation? One person I know told me what a low rate of Covid there was in a certain red states and then showed me how high it was for blue states. I pointed out that Montana had a population of under a million. New York City area had over 9 million. Her point?

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Math is hard for some folks. They like to claim blue states and cities have higher crime, but per capita, it’s WAY higher in red states and cities.

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I celebrate every day that we no longer live in Florida.

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Oh yes. We have a relative who lives in South Dakota and she has kept track of the COVID deaths there and posts messages almost daily to the Gnome who is the governor, a death star minion who has a dog and pony show going and doesn't seem to realize that she has sovereign tribal nations there.

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Covid is alive and well, just not overpowering hospitals. Lucky us we still have the flu going around, too.

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Even Ken Burns calls Florida a fascist state.

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...and the body count is rising.

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Yesterday I brought up the question of how to deal with the argument that abortion is murder.

There was some useful discussion on this thread:


However, some important points were not clarified.

In general, I think it is my civic duty to develop well-considered views on every issue that is prominently discussed when we think about who to vote for. Around here, I think it is important to be ready to clarify and explain one's views on controversial subjects, and I have always been willing to do so. I have accumulated a number of my posts on a wide range of issues in my substack "notes" here:


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Well considered views from a drumpf humper?


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Thank you for noticing how ridiculous he is.

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Sort of like how some people’s obsession with Putin and Russia is ridiculous?


“This moment has been a long time coming. A shallow peruse of the past brings us back to 1990–91, when Michail Gorbachev accepted Washington’s assurance — without a signed document, imprudently — that NATO would not expand eastward from the reunified Germany.

As is well-known, 30 years of betrayals and diplomatic dishonesty followed as Moscow sought a new security architecture that would provide the Russian Federation a place in that “common European home” for which Gorbachev longed.

“I am extremely pessimistic,” Hahn says of the outlook for U.S.–Russian relations. “I can’t see that, even with an agreement between Russia and Ukraine, the West will cease trying to expand NATO. They will try to repeat the same scenario unless something changes in the West itself, in Washington.”

The world turns, even as the West declines or is incapable of turning with it. The teaser on The Duran’s segment with Gordon Hahn reads, “Russia ends 300 years of west-centric foreign policy.” This is big. It rarely gets bigger. History’s mysterious ways lie before us.”

Referenced conversation here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_MJi5H6HKU

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Another troll heard from.

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Did NATO ever attack Russia? Russia is not the victim. Its current head of state is an OLD Soviet and many of those in the government are as well. NATO expanded AT THE REQUEST of the new members. Why? Because the history of the region has been one of eager beaver leaders to expand their borders by force. Russia is not, no were they ever the victim in all this.

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How is Russia, who has a habit of throwing dissidents out of windows, the hero in your narrative? Are you afraid of democracy and human rights?

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Correct. We will never take this drumpf humper seriously. N-E-V-E-R.

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The spirit of trollish censorship is very much alive around here.

Beth Cobb wants to pretend that I'm a Trump supporter, chilling discussion of the question that I bring up. Like it or not, the question of abortion is a central issue in American politics these days.

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No, the question of forced birth and taking away a woman's right to choose the best course of action for herself and her family is the central issue.

My wife had several miscarriages one of them when the fetus was at 18 weeks. The baby was delivered -- dead. We didn't have to worry about your NAZI friends John, telling us that the doctor couldn't deliver the baby because it may be considered an abortion and the doctor wasn't willing to give up his practice to end up in jail. And this is was in a state that now has a 13 week abortion ban. Several OB/GYNs have left that state now and few medical students are specializing in women's health.

An abortion should be between a woman and her doctor -- period.

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Abortion is health care. Pregnancy can go wrong in a million different ways; pregnancy is too complicated to legislate, especially by legislators ignorant of women's anatomy and how the human body works. Some stupid legislators thought that an ectopic pregnancy could be removed from the fallopian tube and reimplanted in the uterus. It's not possible; there is no procedure to do that. Ectopic pregnancies are NEVER viable. Bringing such a pregnancy to an end can save the life of the pregnant person as well as their fertility. Legislators have no business practicing medicine without a license.

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Before Roe was overturned, a woman at our local Catholic hospital was denied a life-saving abortion. Fortunately an ambulance took her to a non-religious hospital 20 minutes away and she received the care she needed. Today that hospital has become a part of Henry Ford Health Systems - no religious affiliation and safer for women!

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Period. Yes.

It's ironic that the political party that wants small government and believes in "individual rights" over a social safety net - inserts itself between a woman and her doctor. It is outrageous.

Women have been having abortions in North America for as long as humans have been here. In recent years we figured out how to do it safely. But now, many women will seek the "old back room way" because they have no other choice.

And those same cruel people (white males, mostly) insist on the "right to life" until the kid is born. Then they take a walk when mothers can't feed, provide healthcare or educate their offspring. It's beyond cruel. It is sick.

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Well said!

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Why keep the name of the state a secret? Let those who plan to move in be informed of their risks. Let those current residents who might have the means and opportunity to seek a healthier place to live be aware of their health risks as well.

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Gary Loft,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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I totally agree with you!

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No John, we are aware from enduring your posts that we can't fix stupid. Good luck to you.

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I would push the like-button but for the “good luck” part.

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Jen Andrews,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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Yes, it certainly is and each woman should have the right to make her personal CHOICE according to her own PERSONAL beliefs.

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I replied to your post and several others here:


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Actually John, I equate you to a Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson.

"I just ask questions".

That is not a compliment either.

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Rickey Woody,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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I humbly suggest Liberal Democrats like me like it.

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You bounce between calling Dr Richardson childish names and intelligent comments to explain your views. The first type of post is useless; the second invites reasoned debate. Which type of comment is the true John Schmeeckle?

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One who loves to drive comments in whatever direction he chooses, and prove his cleverness. A troll

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He's part of the reason I've backed off reading/responding to HCR comment section-so much for 'reasonable discussion'.

He must be a real joy to be around: demanding constant attention, changing the subject, no matter what it is, being contrary for the sheer sake of it, insisting he's always right, demeaning/dismissing other's arguments.

Sick of it.

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Sounds like an apt description of a certain US politician sucking all the air out of a certain US political party. Which isn't altogether a bad thing, since it exposes the devastating sickness of that party's followers. Sunshine being the best disinfectant, after all.

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Me too, but I think that's his purpose. Chaos rules the fools

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I replied to your post and several others here:


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Please stop responding to him. He feeds on our responses.

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Don Plummer,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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I suspect John is probably frustrated when Heather’s Letters veer from interesting historical connectivity to current events, with the emphasis on bringing awareness of the history, and just regurgitating media/government sources in what what amounts to tribal political punditry, a la Rachel Maddow.

As to childish names, that’s in the eye of the reader. Genocide Joe Biden could be a childish name. It could also be an accurate descriptor, depending on the reader’s awareness, both currently and historically.

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Tom High,

You may take an interest in my replies to a bunch of others here:


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You mischaracterize my criticisms of HCR's routine hypocrisy, while avoiding the question I raise:

How to cogently rebut the claim that abortion is murder?

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I don't think, as a people, left, right, or center, we are ready to address the subject of 'abortion is murder'. I have been watching this debate unfold for ~50 years now and only seen it devolve into political theater on one side and a defensive crouch on the other. Very little real public discussion has occurred around this very tender subject, only slings and arrows. The question we must first ask is "How do we talk to each other about abortion in a way that is humane and just?". I am old enough to remember why Roe v Wade was passed in the first place; we had a public health emergency caused by women getting illegal abortions in unsafe conditions. I really don't see this fact entering into the debate anywhere: I only see black-and-white, all-or-nothing sound bites designed to stir up fear and hatred. You will not get an answer to your question on this or any other forum because we are not ready to even talk about this yet, let alone arrive, as a nation, at a consensus of what we value about children, women, men, and life in general.

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I certainly wouldn't refer to the Troll's 'Reader' & 'Author' contractual disruptions as "debate".

Important here is the opinion that Substack Inc is NOT immune per Section 231. Substack cannot run away like META & Google.

It appears Substack Inc has not learned anything from Casey Newton's smooth 'Platformer' departure . That departure was a major blow to Substack Inc. in the Industry. Deeper discussion on 'Hard Fork' podcast.

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Steve Abbott,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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Why do you say she espouses routine hypocrisy?

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Deborah Timlin,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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John, how to rebut abortion is murder. Is not even worth rebutting. Why even bring it up? Among the people on this site - not a question.

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Harvey Kravetz,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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One cannot murder something that is not viable.

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Heather Kirk,

Sir Edward Coke would seem to agree with you. See the quote here:


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If the mother dies, the fetus dies... THAT is murder

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Unlike some I don't entirely discount that point of view. (https://yadontknow.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-pro-life-vote.html)

But would you favor forcing people to donate blood or a kidney? I wouldn't. Women sacrifice much more and should not be forced.

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Here is how you address the notion that abortion is murder: 1) The notion that an individual human person with rights has been formed at conception is a religious idea not shared by most people, not even many religions. 2) The definition of life has nothing to do with heartbeats. We remove people from life support with good heartbeats daily. It has to do with the ability to be aware and function as a sentient individual. The physical structures for that are not connected to each other until around 22-24 weeks of gestation. 3. Just like the complex decision to remove a loved one from a ventilator, the decision to prevent full development of a part of your own body is an intrinsic right of autonomy that has no single true answer, and the state should never be involved in. Between the consequentialists (who look to the resulting conditions as ethical guide) the non-consequentialists (who refer to a single code of action that is invariably ethical no matter what the outcome) there is no 'right' answer except for the directly involved person, who has a moral framework of their own in the situation.

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So...if a woman is pregnant, it's really nobody's business except the woman and perhaps the father if he decides to be a responsible partner?

So...you are suggesting that we have control over our own health futures...?

Sounds almost "libertarian"!

Seriously, though, one of the biggest problems with this whole discussion is that there are religious people (Supreme Court Justices!) who are imposing their religious values and points of view on the rest of us. That's the fight.

Believe anything you want. Worship whatever magic mumbo jumbo you want. But keep it to yourself. That's my "moral framework" and the founders of our country would agree!!!!

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Yep. Evangelicals were on the record as being just fine with Roe v. Wade until 1979. Excerpt from Polloitico article: "Even James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family who later became an implacable foe of abortion, acknowledged in 1973 that the Bible was silent on the matter and therefore it was plausible for an evangelical to believe that “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being.” In 1979 Paul Weyrich, Lee Atwater, Phyllis Schlaffly et al saw it could be a way to peel off evangelicals in the south to a partisan position and flip seats.

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Bill Alstrom,

I replied to this second post and several others here:


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Not interested. Thanks but no thanks.

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I replied to your post and several others here:


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Go away, troll. We’re on to you. (And don’t bother trying to start one of your endless streams of increasingly nonsensical replies.).

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Don't respond to him. He'll go away only if we ignore him completely.

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Please, please please! Do not feed this troll by responding to his screeds. Please.

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Marching onto another' s stage and setting up your own pulpit, uninvited .

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Jennifer Whatley,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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It seems to me that the central point in all this is what legal rights the state has in deciding about this most intimate of situations. It seems to me that the first decision to be made is if abortion qualifies as murder. I would not qualify myself as an expert on this question, but from what I've gathered over a long lifetime of listening to various opinions on the subject, I've pretty much convinced that there is no generally accepted answer in cases preceding a state of viability outside the womb (whenever we agree that is, if we figure that in any other way than practical medical experience). Since, therefore, there isn't a general consensus, then calling it murder is more a question of self-qualified opinion than legal fact. And self-qualified opinion should not be the basis for legal convictions about anything so crucial in human society. I suppose I'd be more willing to concede the point if all those making such laws were qualified physicians or human biologists, but clearly that is not the case in any legislature. Far more often it seems to be either personal preference based on upbringing or some other influence or religious dogma, neither of which qualifies as medical or biological certainty.

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James Quinn,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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I am honestly conflicted about the issue. I strongly believe that abortion should not be used as a birth control mechanism, nor do I think it should ever be done casually. Not being a woman, I am obviously somewhat apart from what it would mean to have one, although I have known women who've made that decision. Yet the predominance of thinking to which I'm privy suggests that neither is generally the case, and certainly not in any case I'm personally aware of. But I'm equally of the opinion that blanket laws such as those enacted by abortion opponents are often quite bereft of any human factor, and that, to me, is anathema. This is perhaps the most intensely human decision that anyone ever makes, and to assume that it can somehow be justly judged through the lens of ideology rather than on a case by case basis seems utterly inhuman.

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Once again, this constitutes an opinion, and it came at a time when women were hardly considered equal to men or entirely capable of legal or logical thought. This is a hurdle women and their concerns have had to deal with since the beginning of civilization. It would be interesting to note how a woman would have reacted to Coke's opinion.

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Basically, when Coke said something was law, everybody agreed with him.

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If your ideas and notes were so great on your substack site, you would not need to advertise your site on Heather’s.

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Jennifer Britton,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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Against my will, I am wishing a pregnancy upon you that's put your life in danger....

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Sophia Demas,

I replied to your post and several others here:


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I have blocked this stinking pile of fecal material and yet it still appeared today.

Somehow the bot is back, once again promoting it's own substack toilet bowl of opinions and "information"

Anyone have further ideas how to block it? I've checked and supposedly it js still blocked, which has me now totally convinced that this is a bot/foreign operator.

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Substack: why have block and mute buttons if they neither block nor mute? I really want to know how to get rid of this petty annoyance (troll). Why continue to post trash from him when it is obvious his aim is to disrupt?

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I did not know how to block till someone here informed me. When I did it, I had the option of block or mute, I chose block. Since I entirely expected a nasty retort and it didn't arrive, I assumed the block meant it wouldn't go to my email notifications. (I generally don't open them from him anyhow) Now I wonder if I should MUTE him, but when I tried today, I saw he was still "blocked" but the mute wasn't an option. I DID, however, see that I could click on his name and report him to Substack. This is a different reporting that just reporting his comments.

I have no issue with people having disagreements on here, as long as they aren't rude or insulting. I DO have an issue with someone repeatedly copy/pasting the same comment, or having about 20% off ALL POSTED comments come from one person.

I also get tired of this guy's self-promotion of his own Substack. The LFAA comment group has a number of well-regarded published authors, some of whom, also have a Substack. I rarely see them even mention their works in the comments unless someone replying to them does so. (I can think of three right off the top of my head, I'm sure there are others.)

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Miselle, I think if you FIRST "mute", THEN "block", you won't have to deal with trollish nonsense again. Since you already blocked but didn't mute, you may have to unblock, then mute, then block again. If you try this, please let me know how it works. I've reported this troll dozens of times, but that doesn't seem to get any response, or have any effect.

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Bad enough that he intentionally disrupts polite discussion, but he insults other readers and HCR. Why can't we get rid of this parasite?

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I replied to your post and several others here:


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Replies, part 2

@Harvey Kravetz,

The "Christian Nationalist" faction of Trump's base goes around saying abortion is murder. How does one thoughtfully provide a contrary view to an independent-minded voter who hasn't really thought about it?

@James Quinn, you might want to check the quote from Sir Edward Coke immediately below: He says abortion is a crime, but not murder.

@James, You may take an interest in this quote from that preeminent English jurist Sir Edward Coke:

"If a woman be quick with childe, and by a potion or otherwise killeth it in her wombe, or if a man beat her, whereby the child dyeth in her body, and she is delivered of a dead childe, this is great misprision, and no murder; but if he childe be born alive and dyeth of the potion, battery, or other cause, this is murder; for in law it is accounted a reasonable creature, in rerum natura, when it is born alive."


@Bill Alstrom (again), I will suggest that it is possible to think through and apply moral principles without leaning on religion.

@Jennifer Britton, Huh???

@Jennifer Whatley, That appears to be what you just did.

@Miselle, You describe me as a "stinking pile of fecal material."

Here's a better quote:

"Maybe it's not too late

To learn how to love and forget how to hate"


@Sophia Demas, Shame on you.

@Margaret, Your assessment is way off target.

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John, you may want to drop citations of 16th century, pre science witch burners as relevant. This was a citation of "precedent" in Alito's decision in Hobbs case overturning Roe, and we have made some progress in both methods of determining fetal development, and percieving women as human beings with agency in their lives since then. Rather than "quickening" (i.e. IT MOVED!") we now understand that peripheral nerves conducting reflex arcs through the neural tube tissue, but unconnected to a brain for perceptive capacity is not any kind of indication that an individually aware or viable human is present. And may I say, anyone who describes themselves as an accidental expert on a complex topic is generally ...not.

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p.s. In response to your final sneer, by chance I stumbled across the 1776 definition of happiness, as used in the Declaration of Independence.

(The definition, couched in a double tautology with the definition of safety, is in the original May 1776 independence resolution.)

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You sneer and then sneer some more, while ignoring my point.

Sir Edward Coke WAS the law, for the Founders as law students. Coke clearly stated that abortion was NOT murder.

That was the point of this whole discussion.

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Replies, part 1

I'm going to reply to a lot of people all at once, but first some thoughts about the question.

1. I think that the laws in each state should be consistent. In most states, if you harm a woman and cause her to miscarry, you are guilty of murder or manslaughter. In those states, the same should go for an abortion doctor.

2. Perhaps we can all agree, with President Clinton, tbat making unwanted pregnancies less common is a desirable goal.

3. Question: If a pregnant woman smokes crack and does brain damage to her fetus, is she guilty of anything?

@JennSH, I hear your point about stuck-on-stupid legislators for whom doctrine trumps common sense. Perhaps, for the benefit if such people, ectopic pregnancies should be renamed.

@Bill Alstrom, your point that concern for the fetus without corresponding concern for child care after birth (including economic resources for struggling families and single parents) is well taken.

@Steve Abbott, "Consensus" on the state level happens repeatedly when laws are passed.

@Deborah Timlin, regarding HCR's hypocrisy about democracy, see https://substack.com/profile/85178460-john-schmeeckle/note/c-47634297

Regarding the hypocrisy of HCR's support for Ukraine, see https://substack.com/profile/85178460-john-schmeeckle/note/c-46724624

Regarding HCR's hypocritical support of the exploitation of illegal immigrants, see https://substack.com/profile/85178460-john-schmeeckle/note/c-43632467

Regarding the hypocrisy of HCR's support of the "rules-based international order," see


@Gary Loft, you make an unworthy reference to my "Nazi friends" as you evade discussing how to rebut the assertion that abortion is murder.

@Jen Andrews, where is the discussion of whether abortion is murder?

@Christine, you state accepted thought for a group. Others will be unwilling to accept unless the question of murder is answered.

@Rickey Woody, of the people who answer, you are of the worst.

@DLJohnson, this is a forum.

@Lynn Spann Bowditch, there is no worth.

@Don Plummer, of what you have said, half or more is unthoughtful.

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Are the veg options? Some tandoori with all that heat!

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Ah, perhaps "a dish that is best served cold."

You might try The Voice:


And Ozzy is positively chilling:


"...colder than the Moon":


And from way beyond the fringe:



EDIT: Some additions to the menu:

Downpressor Man


Stepping Razor


"...you know it meant no mercy..."


"That child blew a child away..."


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What kind of takeout is available on the fringes?

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Comment deleted
Jan 23
Comment deleted
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I was amazed by the vote too. Interesting idea.

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Yup - so much for Mr. “Textualist” Gorsuch.

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I wonder what kind of coercion Roberts used on the Handmaiden to swing her vote his way.

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That is all I can think of is the Handmaid's Tale. Babies used to prove a man's masculinity. Next let's keep track so the Commanders can keep their position. We are at the point where doctors are punished for performing abortions even necessary ones. Will they be executed and set up as examples to those thinking about the edict?

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George: I like it. Also seize the assets of Fox propaganda network and split it up. Reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine

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George Egan for Prez!

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People! We either believe in the rule of law or we don’t. Will it be perfect? We already know it’s not. But better than the “just act already” as that is what the evil Tepubs are doing. Otherwise it’s just might makes right?


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TFG used the stock market to extoll the virtues of his economic policies, whatever in the hell those were. He recklessly avoided the seriousness of Covid in order to maintain the illusion of his economic prowess, forgetting that the indexes are just one element of a healthy economy.

The Biden administration has taken a holistic approach in creating a robust economic climate, and that is now evident in the record highs of all 3 indexes. Great job, Joe 👏👏👏

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I'll be the first to fault the media for its coverage of the Biden Administration. But there's no escaping reporting today about the stock market records, including on Fox.

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But are they breathlessly claiming the president has done a "great job" with the economy like they do every time a Repub is in office?? Shrub and Cheetolini got massive amounts of undeserved credit during their time in office since the market was basically responding to massive corporate welfare (unfunded tax give-aways).

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Breathless reporting v. Barely a mention. Propaganda methods range from creating myths to omission of facts, or as KAC said “alternative facts.” Chump as the “Golden Calf” was a masterpiece

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MSM has a big problem. Palmer today had a thoughtful essay about how both sides hyped DeSatan and made him into something he wasn't which became apparent as soon as he was on the national stage.

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Agree 100%

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Shrub and Cheetolini! Clever!

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Well, the thing about a rising economy that grows on average, keeping up with inflation hopefully, you are going to break records, repeatedly. Just like global temperatures repeated break records. And so breaking a record really doesn't mean much, as it is so common.

That said, I'm *not* saying the Biden administration hasn't managed the economy well. They have.

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So start with that, then. The first line is the one that sticks in people’s heads...why is it so hard to praise Biden?

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He lacks charisma, doesn’t have the sparkling personality of chump, or Cruz, or other shinny objects. Just tries to get the job done for all. And is pilloried for it. Too many are mesmerized by bull Schitt.

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Yes, he's so boring I can hardly listen to him, but a tireless achiever for the good of this country. I actually prefer to watch trump in horrific fascination, like paying to watch a horror movie to get scared, while his claim to presidential fame is the art of disbanding and playing golf. How is it possible that so many millions of people see any kind of virtue in the latter? Is it really all about the entertainment quotient?

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Hard to watch any of it anymore, for more than five minutes. Way over with "horrific fascination"

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Biden may go down as one of our great presidents, but he is a lousy candidate. Having witnessed national elections since Truman v Dewey I can tell you that personality weighs more than policies all too often. Think Truman v Dewey, Ike over Stevenson, Ragean over Carter and Mondale, W over Gore, trump over Hillary. Clinton over Bush and Dole. Obama over McCain and Romney. Each is a good example of personality over their rival.

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I agree except that W had the charisma of a wet rag. But the propaganda was world class. Yes, a dynamic speaker would be wonderful, but chump was so horrible, I would vote for a slug instead. Rupert's nonsense is a game changer. As Derek del Gaudo said on old Twitter, "I used to rig card games for a living. I'd watch people sit down and lose everything, again and again. But they didn't lose because they "played by the rules" and we didn't. They lost because it wasn't a game. It just looked like one. Democrats think it's a game."

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How did Biden beat Trump so decisively in 2020, then?

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Perhaps Gaza?

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Do you condemn your friends and family when you don't fully agree on how to respond to a problem?

The relationships and diplomatic solutions between peoples are never winners. The Middle East has been a hot bed of grievance and intended unbalanced power solutions since the population grew sufficient to bring people in contact with each other.

Did anybody consider what role the off shore natural gas discoveries may be having on this war? Google Netanyahu and Leviathan.

Biden doesn't control the Netanyahu government. It is even questionable whether withdrawing financial support or ending weapons replenishment would cause pressure or just send Israel to another government.

In the bad old days, we would have toppled Netanyahu's government for its insolence. We would have never allowed the Netanyahu government to affect American public opinion in the way that it has.

The rule of law restrains as well as protects. Biden is angry with Netanyahu. He's angry at being tarred with the same brush of genocide. He's doing everything he can to supply Gazans with humanitarian assistance. He's doing everything he can to constrain a wider war.

Why not create a coalition of Jewish, Christian, and Muslims around the world to bring forth resounding world support for a two state solution? Instead we complain our president doesn't control Israel.

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Thanks, excellent comment.

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Thank you Paula

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How simplistic of you.

And Biden is doing everything he can to constrain a wider war? By bombing Yemen?

Toppling governments to affect public opinion? Do you realize how much your CIA mindset is little more than propagandized empire sycophancy?

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Historically, the S&P 500, the Dow and NASDAQ have been leading indicators of an imminent recovery. Also, historically the market hates uncertainty.

Republicans love to sow uncertainty by spreading doom and gloom and making mountains out of molehills.

So, for us to see the markets soaring to new highs in an election year especially, is very good news for the economy.

The downside is whether or not the MAGANAZIs in Congress can tank the economy by not funding the government and/or helping Ukraine and Israel.

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It can’t be said often enough that the stock market isn’t the economy. Of course, as a retired person, whose income depends on how well my investments do (or don’t do), the fate of the markets is critical to my economic well-being.

Still, the stock market isn’t the economy.

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They are profiting off 'greed inflation'. This inflation we are being burned with is pure corporate greed. Anybody noticing how plastic garbage bags are shrinking and won't hold the garbage anymore? Pure greed. I went to buy a bag of milk chocolate chips and they were over $6.00.

This is corporate whores experiencing record profits of our hard earned dollars. They aren't backing down. This inflation is hurting Biden. It's hurting us. Now when these greedy bastards take from us, more and more and then the bottom falls out. Their asses are covered. They have corporate welfare. What about the rest of us. It cost a fortune to be poor in this country. We need boycotts. How do we take our power away from the same people who crash our economy over and over again? Greed has a high body count.

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Won't argue the merits here, do remember that wages are broadly beating inflation now, and given that the rate of inflation is way down, and that unemployment is also way down, to historic lows.

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I hear you. You're right. However, when families are taking on more jobs to cover their rent, utilities, and groceries, that is the real pain they are feeling. That's why they don't give Biden any credit. They don't want Agent Orange necessarily. They want relief at the checkout. That pain is directly happening due to corporate greed. They don't hide it. They are making bank right now. Jamie Dimon just gave himself a 4.3% raise.

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That’s Jamie for you. He’ll squeeze the last penny from his depositors of under $15,000 for that raise. As for food prices: time for price controls and rationing. That would bring home climate change and what it means to those who grow our food. Even make believers of Republicans!

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I've seen in the UK that some stores have stopped selling American products like Pepsi because of corporate greed. We do need price controls. The Biden Administration needs to talk about this. This is what people are screaming about.

There's an article in ProPublica about how Walmart's gift card program is allowing scammers to grift consumers. It's in the billions. They make money off the fees on the card. They refuse to deal it. They are all whores of Wallstreet. They make me sick. Our country has its own built- in grift. Privatize it and there you go. Like our Healthcare system.

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Lisa, you just articulated my complaint every time I go grocery shopping. Needed items go up in price every time I enter the stores. It is obviously because of greed of the producers and the idea “because I can” in price hikes. That isn’t Biden’s fault. It’s the portfolio voters and Citizens United decision.

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Citizens United needs to go. But that won't happen due to the Radical Right of Supreme Court.

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That is exactly truth in reporting Lisa59!

No one is making huge increases in items except corporations. Biden doesn’t set prices.

A bag of dry cat food”blue-buffalo brand has skyrocketed.... who would pay $ 37..... for a bag of dry cat food..., bastards. Let them eat dry cat food!

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This is out of control. The hedge fund dudes and the alt-right Billionaires have us tearing our neighbors down instead of pointing the finger at them.The finger they are showing us is their middle one. They want everything privatized. That is what A.L.E.C. is trying to accomplish, that's what Project 2025 is. They want it all!!!l.

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And until we the people get this they will keep pointing that middle finger at all of us. Let’s break some fingers!!!!!

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I agree 100%. I'm writing my Senator about this. Again. We the people need to get their shit together. And quit watching Fox Entertainment.

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When is crashes, it is the economy.

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True and if it is so great why is the homeless population increasing.

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Wealth inequality, lack of adequate social support policies, spread over time.

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And maybe low minimum wage jobs and the high cost of healthcare. Many people don’t make a living wage.

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Agreed 100%, i'm sure you could expand the list.

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Yes I think you are right, I was thinking racism too.

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A little over 50% of Americans have stock, 401K, retirement, or IRA's. Maybe that's why so few people pay attention to it. We poor people are not affected by it for the most part.

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Check employment levels as well, cutbacks when tax revenues decline, it is complicated.

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I agree Marla and Gary. To add to that, I believe the stock market is a rich man's game that the small time investor accidentally benefits from. It is not the economy...and by economic standards, unemployment, growth, wages, inflation....etc....Biden has done a remarkable job for the middle American. The stock market...I believe is an alien creature that presents itself as an indicator.

Thus, the media's lack of coverage on the stock market gains is not as nearly disturbing to me as it's lack of coverage on reduced unemployment, increased economic growth and wages, and reduced inflation.

Now let's talk about polling....and how the questions affect their results.....

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For sure it’s only one indicator.

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I have thought the stock and the commodity markets are basically untethered from legislation and a thing apart. I do not think the current administration is actually managing the economy. Whatever regulations that may still be in existence are toothless. The markets keep rolling along no matter who is in elected office. I think legislators in states and the federal government are like emperors with no clothes when it comes to the $ markets. Meanwhile housing costs and healthcare costs (to name just two essentials) are like runaway trains. I think the markets are a thing apart from governments. Wealth is being sucked out and unavailable to make lives better for the collective citizens of a single state or the country as a whole. Even though I support Biden over Trump I do not give credit to the Biden administration for the markets. I posit, in reality, it is out of the hands of legislators in the U.S. and some other countries as well. Just putting the idea out there for debate. If I could draw a cartoon it would include a juggler named Wall Street juggling balls labeled housing, healthcare, gun regulation, utilities, food, education, employment, etc. There would be a so-called legislator looking the other way--not watching the juggler--with his/her hand out to a lobbyist. Wish I could draw.

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Evil hypocrites. I may even live to see “classic” repubs ditch chump. If he is elected, and continues current and past mental decline, they will use 25th amendment to replace him with a billionaire-selected alternative faster than a speeding bullet. Maybe even a Putin-selected one.

Thank you for your sympathy for people who didn’t vote for DeSatan. Save some for Texans who despise every thing about Abbott. We may be half the population but the cheating is master class.

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You'll be happy to know in

Dixville Notch - 6 for Haley; 0 for chump

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Some hyperbole here maybe, Jeri?

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TRUTH not intended to deceive.

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Steaming pile of toxic algae, fish kills, and radioactive waste from phosphate strip mining injected out of sight, out of mind into our aquafirs. Florida used to be blue, may we dems reclaim our state before it is completely ruined.

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They probably offered DeSantis the VP if he would quit. I hope Floridians move on from him, almost as much as I hope Texans move on from the Antichrist, Abbott and his minions....Paxton and Patrick.

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After what DeSantis had to say about “...kissing the ring, etc.” and then turning around and endorsing him is beyond hypocritical!!! A disgusting person.

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I feel quite certain everytime DeSantis speaks that he is (and has been) angling for a VP nomination, maybe in the hopes of surviving the rapidly declining Trump.

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Notice who VP choice is

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Ewww, yes.

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Bet it is an old guard repub. Ready to ditch the trash

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I regret the unfortunate language in which this message is couched. Clearly the messager has learned nothing from the careful and balanced language of the author of 'Letters from an American'. His is the language of the MAGA Republicans and the Fox News polemicists. It misreads and misrepresents our valued correspondent.

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The mass media sucks. I am grateful to people like Prof. Richardson for telling us about the good things Biden is doing. I assume that journalists that don't support Trump get threatened, or are worried about it. Again, anything to undermine our democracy.

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George, love your comments. But gee wheez George take off the kid gloves.

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I feel sorry for the folks in the Republican Party because of their parentage, their belief it still believed in something not related to Trump or they were just patriotic Americans who knew and loved our Constitution and the rule of law it supported. What are they now left with, a lying insurrectionist with no respect for any law and any person not a dictator already. The Republican Party needs some leaders to stand up and bring them back into our lawful society.

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Yes, after two years, it's great to have the stock market back up again. I have heard and seen this covered on NPR, NYT, and MSNBC.

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Yes, they are hypocrites and unpatriotic ones if they don't even have the common decency to shout hooray when America is doing well and give credit to the Biden Team for making it happen. That's a terrible way to behave and it's bad for the country.

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MSNBC reported it more than once!

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Three quick points:

1. I'm a NH voter and will be writing in Joe Biden's name on my ballot tomorrow. There can be no other choice.

2.Thankfully the tiresome political ads will be ending for the time being. Sorry for those of you who must endure them.

3. And hopefully trompy will never set foot in our fine state ever again -- and that said foot will soon have an ankle monitor placed just above it.

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"...have an ankle monitor placed just above it." Bravo Doug !

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Amen, and thanks for that write in vote!

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Damn the ankle monitor. He needs to be in a good x 10 padded cell, permanently the rest of his miserable life!

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Works for me! But I don't see the need for padding. Standard concrete block walls are fine.

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The podding might be good it would drowned out his ranting.

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And barbed wire and pointy stakes. Must have those pointy stakes

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Doug, I was showing respect for his hair, and his ass. He’s going to need all the padding he can muster when he gets locked up. They will be after that cherry to pop it in grand style!

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Oh my goodness, Daniel! You gave us quite a visual!😃

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I'd be fine with a significant enough physical accident to see him forever more in a wheelchair drooling into his lap. Maybe we'd see what color he actually is and what hair he actually has.

That one of our formerly great political parties adores an illiterate man-child who wears makeup and an elaborate 'do no one can comprehend is...incomprehensible.

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Is it incomprehensible after Reagan or W?

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Reagan was a fraud, but people "knew" him from movies. He knew how to deliver lines. So dumpty is a sad slide down from him, I'd think. W....well, he was the manipulable choice of the Brown Brothers Harriman descendants. And don't forget Cheney, who was expected to be the grownup in the room but mostly just made himself wealthier as he spun business to the failing Halliburton.

For now, at least, the Ds are trying. Let's hope the R voters finally figure out they're being played.

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Or DeSanits. Sununu totally caved on "never supporting Trump." What a hypocrite. Can't wait for him to be out of politics.

DeSantis has totally messed up as governor of FL, with his abortion ban, his installing far-right religious zealots into university BODs, firing prosecutors and going after drag queen bars.

My wife's hairdresser had his 40th birthday party at Hamburger Mary's in Jacksonville. He reserved a table for 28 and over 40 showed up. We all had a blast. Several of his guests as well as him got up on stage with the drag queens. So much fun!

DeSantis wants to shut down all of these clubs. Hopefully, he never wins reelection anywhere in the US again.

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Gary, I love the story of the drag bar celebration! I hope Ron DeSantis' name becomes as infamous of Joe McCarthy. Agree about Sununu -- never did care for any of his family's politics (John Sr, John Jr or Chris.) He intimated in an interview over the weekend that he didn't want to serve in Washington, except maybe as president. I hope the only running he does in the future is his family's ski area.

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Enjoyed the anecdote, Gary, put a smile on my face. Keen did topple a gerrymandered voting district, right? I hear he shifted the vote 15 points or so, to squeak in with about 500 votes over the "other guy".

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From one NH voter to another, I also plan to write in Biden's name on the ballot, as the leader of the Democratic party in NH has requested we do. I will also be glad when the noxious ads stop and the even more noxious candidate signs are removed from our street/road sides (I will give them 1 day, then my truck, a few friends and I will start the job ourselves - we've still got enough snow here to make a having decent bonfire safe :)

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Just avoid breathing the smoke; those signs are coated paper, and may be as toxic as the messages.

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Steve, I'm in Nashua -- you? Just a caution though about sign removal. I believe that candidates who are no longer running have an obligation to have their supporters remove signs promptly, but those still in the race can leave them up until the election. I believe it's a 1st amendment issue about political speech being protected. I could be wrong; perhaps if someone is knowledgeable about this they can affirm/correct me.

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Doug, I've got friends in Rochester; I helped them move there 2 years ago. Staunch Democrats.

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Rochester's just north of Dover (next town up), where my mother was from.

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Thanks Doug, I'm in Concord. I am aware of the hefty penalties of removing or defacing political sighs - $1000.00 per offense in Concord, before elections or on election day. But after an election, they are de facto fair game, though the candidate's people are responsible for removing them within 3 days, I think. This almost never happens, as you know. Anyway, it is doubtful I will be making a bonfire from political signs this year - that part was just bluster :)

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I didn't know that. But still, I suspect that removing Biden, Haley or Trump signs (primarily, no pun intended) between now and November (or at least the nominating conventions) would be problematic, as *that* election hasn't happened yet. Removing candidates' signs who have dropped out is fair game.

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I'm a NH voter as well and my husband, son and I will be writing in Joe's name. I'm eager to get this hideous amoral shell of a man out of our state.

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I too am a NH voter and will be voting for President Biden on Tuesday.

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Good luck, Doug (and us!)

Tony Dokoupil of CBS Mornings was out and about in NH yesterday interviewing voters. I thought he did a fine job of keeping it "neutral" and letting the voters have their say. I was left feeling that NH has some pretty level-headed folks!



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I think we do. NH ranks right up there with states having the highest level of education. However, I think level-headed people are everywhere (as are dunces.) The media manipulates our perception of voters, I think (and I'm not an anti-media person at all.)

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I would prefer a ball and chain affixed to his ankle, but would happily accept an ankle monitor.

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One of each?

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Mr. Gagne, are you actually having to write Biden's name on your ballot, or were you speaking figuratively? 'Not complaining, mind you, thanks for the vote. But didn't they print a ballot with candidate(s)?

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Biden is not on the ballot here, as New Hampshire, by *state law, must* hold the first in the nation primary. The DNC chose to support S. Carolina as having its primary first, and Biden agreed. However, NH has no choice in the matter, short of changing the law which lawmakers are loath to do: it must go first (after Iowa's caucus.) Since for all practical purposes Biden is running unopposed to gain the nomination, his campaign opted not to put him on the ballot here. (There is a Republican primary in NH this year, as there are several with their name on the ballot.)

In a related bit of news, robocalls have gone out over the past few days here, using a synthesized Biden voice, asking voters NOT to write him in. This is illegal, and is being investigated.

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Well, at least that explains the robocalls.

Every time I look at it, this primary/caucus "system" we have in the U.S. seems to be about the most cranky, opaque, and balkanized arrangement I've ever seen. At first glance, it would seem like an argument for a national election law to standardize the process. But on reflection, I think it may be best to have significantly different election procedures for each state and county -- in order to really steal an election (as opposed to just screw it up with disinformation), you have to do it one county at at time.

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Nominating a party candidate for president is certainly a long, drawn-out process, but it's a way to winnow out the contenders to finally arrive at a choice. I see the value in that. And, although I tend to agree with folks who say NH is far too small and lacks the diversity of the rest of the U.S., I must say I enjoy the retail politics aspect of getting to meet various candidates, shake hands, and ilsten to them before voting in the primary. It's a unique opportunity that I selfishly enjoy, and unavailable to most voters in other states.

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I'm not sure the primary process is very good at winnowing out the chaff from the wheat with regard to candidates. The primary process produced Donald Trump.

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Jenn, that's true. But it also produced Obama, Hilary Clinton (who got more votes than trompy) and Biden, among others. It's not perfect. In '20, I was unsure until I went into the voting booth whom to vote for -- I liked Pete B, Amy K (who I did vote for), and Kamala H. I'm happy that Joe Biden won.

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You were right the first time. America needs a standard set of election laws imposed at the federal level so as not to be the disUnited States of America!

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Well, that flies in the face of the Constitution, which says that individual states are responsible for running elections. I neither have a problem with that, nor see one.

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Having the federal government run elections could be pretty dangerous, for example if Trump gets elected again.

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That is exactly right. The idea that an election can be stolen is ludicrous, unless you've never left your zip code.

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Keep us posted, Doug, if you can.

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I dread walking the gauntlet of Haley or Trump supporters when approaching the voting station, and state law forbids wearing or carrying candidate-specific signage into the building. Perhaps I can be like that old woman I read about yesterday who flipped off the MAGA bus here in town!

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LOL, for true?

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Yes, from what I read. The person who reported it couldn't take a photo because they were driving.

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No trick left behind, use every dirty trick and then some, Daniel Segretti style.

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so very, very true....

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That’s a whole ‘nother story. I saw something today that the Democratic grassroots are actually having a high time getting out the vote. It had to do which the scheduling of the Primary voting date. Too long of a post for now so goodie that news item.

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Tom Keen flipped a seat in the Fl legislature thanks to a massive, grass roots effort !

It was a “high time”! 💙


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I appreciate that my peers here over looked the careless typos and understand what appears to be so much gibberish

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There is an edit function (I use it a lot.)

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I know Doug 😔 Thank you for reading my note anyway

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Elucidate, please. Is having a "high time" getting out the vote a good thing? (If you could post the news article, that would probably clear it up.)

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Sorry Dirk, it was maybe NYT. High time meaning enjoying getting folks to vote - like a community service but truly enjoying it and it sounded a bit contagious. Did you ever get involved in some community service that felt so good, it inspired everyone involved? That sort of high time.

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Doug, excuse me for being off topic on here for a minute, but do you happen to live in southern New Hampshire in the Hampton Beach, Exeter, Epping, Kingston, or Portsmouth area?? I have a book entitled, '' Incident at Exeter'' that is about this thing flying around there back in September of 1965 that was scaring the bejeebers out of the residents there with blinding red lights on it and some witnesses claimed it would chase them while they were driving down the streets and roads outside of town and the Exeter police even saw it. I wonder if they ever figured out what that thing was? My opinion is, that it was one of the super secret projects of a the so-called '' Shadow Government'' thing that is so secret that even the President isn't allowed to reveal it's existence. Sounds insane to me. Have you ever heard anyone mention that incident at Exeter that happened that long ago??

I am hoping TFG never sets foot outside a prison again when these trials are over and done with. I am so sick and fed up with that career criminal.

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John, I live just north of the southern border with Mass., not on the Seacoast (but I'm extremely familiar with that area.) In Sept of '65 I'd have been in 5th grade. I have no memory of that incident; the one I recall hearing about supposedly took place in the 50s and involved a purported alien abduction. The former Pease AFB is just down the road from Exeter -- perhaps it was something from there, dunno. (That was a SAC base, so it had nuke bombers; I can't imagine what might have caused that incident.)

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Doug, thank you very much for your reply. I have read the book, ''Incident at Exeter'' by John G Fuller many times and i never get tired of reading it. I even know the Exeter area quite well myself by reading that book, and studying the ''Google Earth'' thing i have on my computer. I noticed quite a few places and institutions of learning have the name ''Phillips'' on them. I have did the ancestry thing and found out that i have ancestors in my family tree from Massachusetts and New Hampshire dating back to the late 1700s.

I have also suspected that thing could have been something from the Pease AFB too, and that book mentioned that Pease was a SAC base. I have wondered why they would want to scare the people in the area by chasing and hovering over cars like that?? One guy named Norman Muscarello was hitchhiking up HWY 150 from Amesbury, MA and that think swooped down at him and he dove in the ditch. Scary stuff!!

What did they do with Pease AFB? The government shut down Moody AFB here in Georgia also, where my Father was stationed when he was in the Air Force many years ago.

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The day following the Iowa caucuses was a blessing here in Iowa.

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Doug, You just made my day.

Now I can relax a bit.

I dread looking at the news in the morning because just seeing trumpy’s name is sickening; not a good send off for any day!

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Samm, I respectfully disagree: I wake up each day hopeful to read that trompy stroked out late the previous evening.

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You made my day Mr. Gagne

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Aw thanks, Gjay15, but call me Doug. I'm only 68.

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“‘It’s every woman’s worst nightmare and it was absolutely unbearable. We need leaders that will protect our rights and not take them away ...’”

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Here's the link to that video for sharing: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1749161319519912355?s=20

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I saw it on MSNBC and saw her interviewed by Jen Psaki. It’s great and it hits home!

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No fooling around in that straightforward, to the point, story.

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Thank you, Alexandra!

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Losing the most personal human right of all over her body should motivate every woman voter in this country to vote against Donald Trump a very nasty man who basically hates women…is, I suspect afraid of them and most definitely does not deserve to be president of a country with more women then men…if he wins it’s because women didn’t do what they should regarding the vote…and it could be argued provided him with the opportunity to take away more rights too, like contraception….

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Well stated, Joan.

I'm still haunted by the fact that 58% of white, female voters pulled the lever or punched the ballot for the Mango Mussolini in 2016 while covering their parts that would otherwise be readily grabbed sans consent by him with their other hand.

I am surprised that the Biden campaign and Democrats in general have not made the connection between Trump's Access Hollywood Statement and the righteous victory of E. Jean Carroll, awaiting yet another victory as well.

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I completely agree..and the Biden folks need to toughen up their Dobbs attack …today Kamala gave it a shot and that should just be SOP daily from here on out….i think it’s by far their strongest attack point…perhaps they can invite Carroll to assist them….for all the ‘effort’ to identify Biden’s accomplishments…and there are many…it’s the deeply human damage he has done to us women that I think is by far the most compelling reason to get rid of him….AND I’d like to see this attack also address other ‘potential’ human rights losses identified by Alito and Thomas which are on their ‘favorites list’….its not just access to contraception!

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What I understand is that the campaign has hired a former writer of the Daily Show starring Jon Stewart. I am thinking that’s an excellent move!

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Damn, I miss Jon Stewart

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Harris gave an excellent speech today in WI. I believe she is crossing the US with her message.

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Daniel, isn't it just amazing that Trump's "christian" supporters ignored

his profane and degrading remarks on that bus?? That should be a huge clue that these followers are NOT Christians as exemplified by the teachings of Jesus. How dare they spout off about his being "ordained by God." I don't think evilness, hatred, injustice, mockery of those different from ourselves, and especially judgmental words and actions would be characteristics of someone "ordained by God."

What a world!!

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There are women who wave the misogyny flag for their man. I could throw up. Or the self righteous spiritual warfare ones saving the world from Satan. Like Moms From Liberty. They are so full of shit. One recently arrested for shoplifting and the other having 3-ways with her malignant narcissist predator grifting husband.

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"Amen, Sister!"

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And the men who care about them. The list of states that will see an exodus of educated voters is getting longer.

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As a current resident in Panamá I can tell you that a lot of people are migrating from all the civil unrest in South America up through the jungle and into Panamá. The Panamanian government loads these people on busses and transfers them up to Costa Rica. They do the same thing there moving migrants on up to Nicaragua. I’m not sure what happens from there. I do know that the dense jungle that used to keep South America and Central America has no been thoroughly breached by enough desperate people as to make the way easier to navigate. Not necessarily safer by any means as we are seeing cases of dengue fever here now. People have lost family members from it yet keep on coming. Covid is coming up with the migrants as well but the government has been pretty aggressive with pushing vaccinations here so there doesn’t seem to be that much of an issue with it spreading-yet. I’m hoping it stays that way.

As repressive governments flourish, economies collapse and climate changes immigration will be one of the largest issues that our government will be facing. We had better get responsible people(adults)in Congress who will actually work to get meaningful legislation through and into law. Republicans are not serious people and have no business in the hall of government right now.

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Thank you for this important comment.

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Thank you, SPW.

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The delicious irony of Trump's Supreme Court appointments overturning Roe vs. Wade? It will be years before Republicans recover. It's hurting the GOP in both federal and state elections and could make the difference in Democrats winning the presidency and Congressional majorities (especially in the House).

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Not worth the crippling loss of female human rights and ongoing dehumanization of women.

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Agree. But maybe, just maybe, the backlash and motivation will lead to a federal law legalizing abortion nationwide.

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Let us hope. Heads up, after dancing around the issue, Haley recently said she would sign a national abortion ban.

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She is chump with a skirt on

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yep, she's going to step in and ride the wave. Young, dynamic and pro-choice.

Then the Project2025 boys deploy, and all is lost.

Please be careful over there, we need you with us.

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Yes, she is not to be trusted. Screw those people!

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The worst statement she has made is that she would pardon Trump if elected.

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She also said she would pardon Trump and the January 6th insurrectionists.

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Yep! A non-starter for several reasons.

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Michael, I know you agree. And I appreciate it. But it's not the same as waking up and having to LIVE this shit.

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Those GOP dogs caught the car ... (splat)

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Since they did it, we must enjoy & leverage the win because of their underestimation of what telling the voters how to handle their very private rights to personal sovereignty. Did they even consider there might be backlash? No, because that is how little credit they give to women having more “strength” than they ever consider. Little did they know .....

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Please god, May it be so. And continue to be so.

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27 million women live in a state with an abortion ban !!

Tom Keen flipped a seat in the Fl Legislature. He said constituents ‘ primary concerns were Reproductive Health Care Rights and property insurance.

Republicans recently filed a fetal personhood bill(FL HB1519).DeSantis is back governing/dictating so it will be interesting to see if he learned anything on the campaign trail…or not !

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At least he stopped the Florida Legislature from giving $5 million to Trump’s defense fund.

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Yes! So, I guess he really doesn't want to be TFG's VP?? I do worry about what he us going to do now that he is " back" as Governor.

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As the LSD kicks in, I'll say he will start to solve real problems and strive to improve life for Floridians.

Now, with the hallucinations over, it's back to reality: he appears finished at a young age as a future presidential candidate. And he's term-limited to seek re-election as governor in 2026. But would the power behind the throne, Casey DeSantis, try to succeed him?

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OMG.... for a second I forgot about Casey whose ambition outstrips Ron’s!!

Do you think she is electable?

Both of them seem to be devoid of good judgement!

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Electable? Very much depends on 2024 results in Florida. Are enough people fed up enough to elect Democrats in decent numbers? I'm too far removed from the state's politics to venture a educated guess, but from what I read Casey has interpersonal skills that elevate her potential much higher than her congenitally awkward spouse.

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Medical students interested in OB/GYN specialty are moving to states that respect women's health care and won't lock up a doctor for performing life saving abortions.

Texas women are in for some really long wait times to see an OB/GYN and the quality of care will decline over time. They need to vote the MAGANAZIs out.

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Seems Joe Biden’s plans to rebuild infrastructure is working! Bravo!

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And a big thanks to Pete Buttigieg!!

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All present national and state Senators and House Representatives should be required to take a test on the US Constitution. Too many of them clearly do not know what it says. If they don't pass, then they should not be allowed to vote in those bodies untll they have taken a course and passed the test.

After they pass the test, they should be required to sign a pledge (again?) to abide by and uphold the Constitution. Ditto for high school seniors: No graduation untll you pass the test. Somewhere in our social media, easy livin' age, we have a helluva lot of uneducated people running the country and voting for themselves.

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Make them take the citizenship test . . .

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And add those running for president and VP?

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Of course.

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Most couldn’t pass high school. But the leaders know better, just didn’t pass Sunday school

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Paul Gosar's family told everyone he was nuts. Don't vote for him. They need a drug test and a mental health evaluation.

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Maybe these idiots are just greedy and mean. I have noticed that mean people get old too..

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There’s my favorite , new line.” They didn’t pass Sunday School.” Thanks, Jeri.

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And don't forget to include the word "support", fgs.

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Deeds not words show one’s true being...

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Yes! And the Biden Administration has been in action. (The Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to name two). Meanwhile the R's in the House have done absolutely nothing but try to create conflict and seek revenge.

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And the Chips Act which lead to a $20 billion investment by Intel in Columbus, Ohio. I guess Ohio Republicans don't give the Biden administration credit for that.

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If I had extra campaign cash, I'd send it to Senator Sherrod Brown, who is in apparent trouble and already has to serve with J.D. Vance. Ohio deserves better.

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Yes indeed. But LOL should we send Senator Brown a tip just because he has to deal with J.D. Vance?

I will take a look into his campaign and send him a bit for his reelection.

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He's a decent guy, and I'm sure a tip would be appreciated.

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I just send $26, for whatever that is worth.

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Thank you

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Republicans don't credit Democrats for anything; only blame. People are saying that if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullmanure.

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My so-called "representative" just sent out an email claiming credit for the reopening of a bridge in his district in east central Ohio. Of course, he voted against the infrastructure act.

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You need to send him back an informative reply, and remind him that not all the people in his district are stupid and easily fooled, and instead are paying close attention to his shenanigans.

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Well, they've put a lot of effort into sabotaging progress.

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Trump talked about rebuilding infrastructure, but that's all....

But words can kill, and and also can announce the virtue or depravity of souls. Lies count for the latter. Words speak, but actions speak louder.

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Both are important and go hand in hand.

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Thank you for such an uplifting newsletter. You keep me going!

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Playing politics at the lowest imaginable level has prevailed over legislation and governance in one of our major political parties, as nicely summarized again in today's letter. It has reached the point of excruciating to realize that the ONE remedy for this is 10 months away and by no means assured insofar as multiple states have a predominance of voters who support those whose actions turn the knives sunken deeply into the democratic process. I can only hope that this stark contrast between governance and chaos mongering becomes increasingly clear to the general public and a groundswell of resolution to clean house on the traitorous lot of them will grow within the party that has enabled them, as well as amongst the still slumbering nonaligned and Democratic voters.

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I share your hopes.

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Jan 23Edited

Are you still on this letter ? I'm gonna' pick a new date; let me know as soon as you get it, so I can refresh the info.

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Sad that the people of Florida are left with draconian laws in the wake of Ron’s failed run.

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My guess as a Floridian? He’s only just begun. This state will become an alt-right Nazi stronghold. With his manipulated supermajority, there’s nothing to stop him. He altered the constitution here to allow him to run while holding the governorship-what’s to stop him from altering it again to eliminate term limits for his role? Yeah-it keeps me up at night.

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I'm worried too. He's vindictive and cruel and he's going to take his loss out on Florida's citizens for the next 3 years. All is not well down here.

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He will set his goons loose.

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The “State Guard” training at Camp Blanding...have you read about them? About the literature claiming the attendees will “be a part of history”...? What’s that supposed to mean? And his adherence to Moms of Liberty, Mike Flynn, and the destruction of the Sarasota School system, and local universities, not to mention attacks on the hospital board here as well as Disney. Now he has all that money from donors ...I’m truly fearful of his reprisals against citizens here. He’s a bully and now he’s angry...and determined to show how tough he can be before he tries again in 2028. We will be his proving ground.

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Don't forget his private army called the Florida State Guard. He's also put his people in charge of law enforcement. FDLE etc.

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There are some great new Biden/Harris ads for sharing/reposting/emailing:

On tffg boasting about overturning Roe:


Using clips of Nikki Haley commenting on tffg's mental decline and bizarro clips of tffg


Dr. Austin Dennard being forced to flee Texas to get the heath care she needed to save her life.


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Thanks Alex !

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All great ones that are coming out punching!

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Jan 23Edited

It is interesting the the Wall Street journal, which heretofore has published doom and gloom articles about the economy responded to the stock market record highs with an article admitting that the economy has improved and that consumer confidence has been growing since October. Where has the vaunted news reporting staff been for the last 3months, eh? In other words, the WSJ continues to mistake the stock market for the economy.

And, the Journal today also published an article on Dean Phillips’ campaign, in which it managed to malign Phillips while giving full voice to his lopsided view of Biden. The Jounal thought the article significant enough to promote it in its free view offerings. Some things never change, do they…

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To see, understand the economy, "KEM," we need to go our humanities.

Novels, memoirs, films, songs, and other arts.

They track the myriad of complications, "loose ends," and other complexities social and natural which make our economy, our lives. Barbara Kingsolver has done it most magisterially recently in "Demon Copperhead." Richard Russo, Stephen King, and Walter Mosley have been doing it regularly for years. Mary Karr. Bob Seger. Martin Scorsese. Bruce Springsteen. Writers from the gay and related communities DeSantis and his aligned hypocritical Florida "mothers for liberty" have for years been banning, cat-calling, warring, pushing hate and fear on schools and libraries.

Such a horse race in our Heather's column today, 51st anniversary of that key Supreme Court decision -- horse race because, for every glimmer of decency, how many names for and instances of mediocrity, vulgarity, and -- again and again -- hate do we see surging in a world where almost no one thinks to cite our humanities?

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I think that there is truth in the saying "Let me make the ballads of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." (It's attributed to a bunch on people and I'm not sure which, if any said it). My school history book credited "Uncle Tom's Cabin" with swaying public opinion toward abolition. The arts still influence our culture enormously, but we've ceded most of their custody to corporations.

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Good, J. L.

What was the movie where someone posed similar note, asking who was the foreign minister, or some other title of leading politician of Michaelangelo's time?

Of course no one remembers the grubbers for power then, said the one asking the Q., but everyone remembers the artist.

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One of the wonders of the world. There are others with many differing talents, but few who have astonished so many.

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Was it Renaissance Man?

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I don't think it was "Renaissance Man," Les.

Orson Welles has some great lines in "The Third Man" on how key artists (Michaelangelo, Leonardo) and the entire renaissance emerged from all the most sordid political and power aspects of their time.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's screenplay for "Good Will Hunting" has some great lines, too, when Robin Williams observes the massive difference between actually experiencing art (such as Michaelangelo's on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel) and keeping one's safe distance simply by impersonally reading about it.

But I still can't recall the movie where someone put in their minor place the most powerful figures of their time compared to at least one artist we all remember from that time.

Maybe your "Renaissance Man," Les, but I don't recall ever having seen it.

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Very good. There is a scene with that idea in it in Danny DeVito's film.

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Well we all know who owns the Wall Street Journal.

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The stock market is the economy for the wealthy, and the seductive hope for people who would like to be better off but can't figure out how to be frugal and save. WSJ caters to the rich and hopeful, and if they begin to see which side their bread is buttered on, they will be a force against Republican chaos. Speaking ex cathedra, forgive me!

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The WSJ has become a sad right-wing propaganda rag (much worse than it used to be) since selling out (wasn't it Murdoch that bought it a few years back?).

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Rupert will never become human, Dorian Gray and his deal with the devil…

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I lived in Houston for three years, and I liked the city a whole lot, but I'm thinking that maybe it's time to give Texas back to Mexico. Give people who want to leave some time to relocate, and then we can say "Vaya con Dios."

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Naaah give it to the First Nations, like Canada did. There will still be issue, but anything is better than the GOP in Texas. The poor people of Texas and Florida and......

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Thank you, Texas is purple, but they have a red sharpie

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Betsy, Mexico would love getting all the chemical, gas and oil production in Texas. Texas has 1/3 of the nation’s chemical GDP and 60% of the oil and gas GDP. The US might be in a world of hurt if it had to depend on Mexico for their natural gas, gasoline, diesel, plastics, etc.



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Que lastima pobrecitas & pobrecitos. 🙏🏻

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Que inteligente, mi companero abogado!

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Loved Houston, why Abbott has tried to replace the city govt

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KEN PAXTON STIPS to an "Abuse of Office Judgment": Per the Texas Tribune's Patrick Svitek in "The Brief" on 1/19/24, Ken Paxton [will] accept Judgment [& will] not contest any facts in a Whistleblower's [abuse of power] case.

Allyson Walker confirmed PAXTON's stipulated Judgment in today's TEXAS TRIBUNE, 1/22 The Brief. If anyone has the Judgment, please post it.

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