Please send this to every newspaper, newsmagazine, news outlet in the country and elsewhere for publication. It is, by far and away, the best indictment of the Republican Party, and defense of President Biden, that I have read!
I have tried but they do not print Heather's long letters. We need to take the most salient points and write letters ourselves. And write to the owners of papers and the board of directors and editorial boards.
Everyone here should do the same. I do all the time. They can't hear you if you don't speak up. I just sent this letter to NYT. Will be sending it to WaPo and NPR and on my social media. There are hundreds who read Dr. Cox. Everyone needs to become a voice.
I was speaking of those who read Dr. Richardson's daily letter which is in the 100s, but those 100s could grow into thousands and tens of thousands if only each person here began writing letters, sharing her posts on all their social media. Finding opportunities to form community groups. Finding opportunities to speak on local radio stations armed with her facts.
MaryPat: followers with various reasons for being here. Does NOT mean they are supporters. But many many are reporters and editors. Some are simply checking up on "the competition" and looking for ways to undercut Heather's influence. They don't speak up here, but they do elsewhere. Though the current mess in Washington has many of those distracted. My point here is that counting people who read Dr Richardson is meaningless except in the things WE do to let both media and our legislators (local too) know what is important to us. Dr. Richardson can teach us, but she cannot speak for us. We have to do that ourselves.
Agree ... but the number of HCR's subscribers, according to Substack, already is in the tens of thousands. Check it out at
As I wrote above: Followers with various reasons for being here. Does NOT mean they are supporters. But many many are reporters and editors. Some are simply checking up on "the competition" and looking for ways to undercut Heather's influence. They don't speak up here, but they do elsewhere. Though the current mess in Washington has many of those distracted. My point here is that counting people who read Dr Richardson is meaningless except in the things WE do to let both media and our legislators (local too) know what is important to us. Dr. Richardson can teach us, but she cannot speak for us. We have to do that ourselves.
Thank you for outlining what a great job President Biden has done under some of the most trying and challenging conditions since FDR took over the disaster Republicans created from 1919 to 1929, or since Obama took over the disaster Republicans created from 2001 to 2008. It is amazing that nobody seems to understand that Republicans mostly generate profoundly large economic disasters that Democrats have to clean up.
Nobody seems to be willing to say what is true: Biden has done a wonderfully capable job in his first year in the most toxic and difficult environment since 1865.
I am just about to unsubscribe from NY Times because they are putting more and more right wing nuts on as "editorialists" to attempt to ensure that if Trump wins again they can say they are unbiased by publishing junk. They are taking the German approach to appeasement prior to Hitler starting the train runs.
Also, NPR, although they did do an amazing smash job in an interview with Trump recently, is also whipping on Biden.
Everyone seems to have their own version of "Let's Go Brandon".
So, Dr. Richardson, thank you for keeping your eye on the ACTUAL truth.
It is odd because my Republican sister often ends her emails with TRUTH at the end. But, the only place I can find a truly accurate accounting of reality today is....
right on this board.
Thank you for doing the work to make it happen Dr. Richardson. I/we appreciate your efforts and hope, when the "new" wears off and fatigue sets in you remember: There is no place else to go.
If more demanded the news that's fit to print, they would. Threaten to stop subscribing or actually do it. Hit them in their wallets. FB as well. Become the powerful voice of change.
Because Media is not scientific, just reactive. And very little science is readable so it’s constructive properties aren’t noticed at first. We need some new John McPhees.
They have very little skin in the game, it seems. They have their health insurance thru their employer Really don't understand quite a bit Only intellectually
Really interesting post, Mike. Your analysis of Professor Richardson’s contribution is unquestionably accurate. She is a force for holding on to democracy.
However, I think that in today’s thread (and on many other days), the criticism of MSM is far, far overdone. I read the NYT, the New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Globe and Mail, and Harpers. And I watch specific shows on CNN (Anderson Cooper) and MSNBC (Rachel Maddow). And of course CBC.
My opinion is that I am, in the main, amazingly well-served by the media I choose to consume. The teeth-clenching false equivalencies and bot sides-ism, so rampant in the first decade of this century, has abated considerably. The media discovered that people saw through their attempts to gather a larger audience by saying nice things about both sides, and they learned a lesson. Remember, in the case of print media, they are fighting not to disappear entirely.
I don’t expect the media to be a cheerleader for Democrats over Republicans or for Liberals over Conservatives here in Canada.
I don’t expect the media never to publish articles that I disagree with vehemently. I take those as I find them, because I’m sure not going to go to Fox to hear their braying.
It’s absolutely incomprehensible to me to consider giving up the Times or the Globe. There is just so much amazing journalism in those papers beyond the political. But the political is what we are talking about here. The Times publishes Jamelle Boue, Frank Bruni, Thomas Friedman, Paul Krugman and others of that ilk. Their collective wisdom alone is well worth paying for. And they have solid conservative journalists in Ross Douthat and Bret Stephens. I rarely agree with them, but their ideas are worth thinking about often.
As for others, where would America be without Emily Bazelon, Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer?
If democracy prevails, and I suspect it will, then American journalism will have done yeoman service. American journalists at the highest levels are unequalled in the world, at least in terms of quantity. Keep subscribing!
Eric, very reasoned input and feedback. Thank you.
I have grown weary of the right wing stuff published weekly in the NY Times by Ross Douthat.
I agree that the NY Times, especially their video investigations which first brought to light the disastrous last drone strike in Afghanistan, are benchmark media reporting.
But, Ross Douthat is often way off in his assessments around Biden. WAY off.
Do you think Fox News ever allows diversity of thought on their platform. NO.
So, if we are really where Dr. Richardson would have us all believe we are, I think the NY Times should get with the program and start pulling the sled.
Because, too much diversity of reporting just confuses people who are not reading this board.
I read Ross Douthat & then check out the comments to him. Many are good at pointing out the holes in his writing. The one on his change of perspective on Healthcare is a good example. The comments were spot on. (He was against it until he needed it)
What I'm trying to look at in myself is how to not end up in a bubble similar to what we as a group decry about Fox people. It's comforting to have confirmation bias. By the same token, there is no way that I'm willing to read Marc Thiessan or Henry Olsen or Hugh what's his name.
I subscribe to WaPo as well as NYT & the Atlantic as well as my local paper.....which reports some WaPo editorials. Interestingly, they print op-ed from both right & left leaning names. Probably because Spokane is a blue city surrounded by red with Cathy McMorris Rodgers as our rep.
Hugh Hewitt, a propaganda idiot from way back. My local paper has him, thiessen, and has added Nicole Russell. She slammed Dems by quoting NY Post (Rupert’s Fox in print), among other things. Wrote to them to cancel. A bridge way too far, despite my effort to support local papers.
Ross Douthat’s change of heart reminds me of high school classmate, whose thought abortion should not be legal. “They made their bed (getting pregnant) now let them lie in it.” UNTIL . . .
He thought his underage high school girlfriend might be pregnant. His tune changed real fast. That was nearly 50 years ago. I don’t think on a deep sustainable level much has changed. Such hypocrisy has only grown.
"how to not end up in a bubble similar to what we as a group decry about Fox people"
BetsyC, I sometimes WISH to be in a bubble. Both of my sisters in Texas are staunch Republicans. Because they are my sisters (way first), I don't engage them on their thoughts. However, in the cases where I fly down to visit everyone, it is universal Republican immersion. Here, I walk a tight line of not engaging in cheers to "Let's Go Brandon" and offering some thoughts about Biden when he is cursed. Like: "I thought Biden was just following through on Trump's surrender agreement with the Taliban which required the US to pull out May 1, 2020??? This brings the house down as everyone starts talking about how tough Trump is and he would never have signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban because, THEY DON"T KNOW THAT BECAUSE OF THEIR BUBBLE.
I have a similar situation with a couple of family members. When I visit back home, (100 miles from where I currently live!!) it’s an immersion in trumpism. I see trump signs F U Biden stickers on pickup trucks. There are Let’s Go Brandon signs and stickers. I do not engage AT ALL in any political talk of any kind. It’s pointless because they are not going to change their minds, and they surely are not going to change mine. I have voted for a more liberal platform since 1972.
I wonder if you have consistently listened to Republican mantras the last decade. They constantly bash and deride and blame "the Democrats" for anything and everything. And, if they can't find a subject to scream about, they make one up. I've learned to ignore their supporter propaganda, but I do realize their goal to manipulate to gain power and prestige. And, how harmful it is for our nation. As others have said, there are many more accurate pieces in the Time so I find it worth reading. There are some of these Repug writers in the Post and Globe and other papers and online visual media. It's up to us to firmly not accept their hogwash. I love reading Heather because she helps me put into perspective what I read in other places. Like today's Biden summary. I know many good and great things he has done, but to put it in a summary helps to clarify it all.
Dangerous, I think, to start “pulling the sled”. One’s principles should be proactive, not reactive.
Not sure which Douthat articles you’re referring to me. I became much more sympathetic to him when I read of his devastating struggle with Lyme’s disease. It was a timely reminder that none of us operate in a vacuum. Life intervenes and shapes us, moderating our views and humbling us.
His Lyme disease articles are interesting. I think recently he even wrote about his thought changes on Health Insurance as a consequence of having something doctors don't even think exists: Chronic Lyme Disease.
However, him having to actually get sick and spend thousands of dollars to finally understand what challenges Americans face where health care is relevant is yet another knock against him.
He is so privileged and blind that he could not find even ONE friend or acquaintance of family member that was/is struggling with health care and listen to them. Not one.
At the moment, this post will appear like it came after the one below from me. Not so.
Sorry. I just re-read your comment and noticed you said “struggling with health care”, where I had read Lymes. That’s indeed depressing.
But it’s a consequence of the silo-ization of America.
I worked with the children of parents on Douthat’s side of the fence. Believe me, the children and the parents are dealing with their own often overwhelming problems. It’s sad out there - where “out there” is everywhere.
But that that is all so human. Professional athletes and entertainers devote their great charitable influence to sickle cell anemia or autism or childhood cancer because their child was so afflicted. Better late to the party than never.
But more important than that simplistic last sentence is the idea that we are all at the least influenced by, and sometimes even imprisoned by our circumstances.
Douthat is privileged no doubt. The fact that he couldn’t find a relative or friend similarly afflicted is just that - a fact. To be honest I don’t personally know anyone with that particular affliction.
Most of us live our lives in our own bubble and don’t look much beyond it. The very best of us do so in a serious way. It’s a profound sacrifice.
Here in Vancouver there is the infamous downtown Eastside. It is a place where people go when there is literally no other place for them. There are drug addicts, ex-cons, aged-out sex trade workers. The government spends millions and millions of dollars to (mis)manage the problem. The obvious thing to do is to find low rent housing and spread these people around the city, providing services near to each new location. But Vancouver is, of all places I’ve lived, NIMBY to the nth degree. Everybody agrees in principle. But nobody will accept such a change in their neighborhood. So people use their privilege and knowledge of the system to bat away with ease challenges to their micro-community.
This makes me crazy. But only to a point. I don’t march to oppose them. I don’t volunteer in the downtown Eastside. I just…observe.
So I can hardly feel disgust to a Ross Douthat. I think he’s principled in his beliefs. He seems to work hard and have a great deal of talent. I almost reflexively disagree with him.
Up until the Lyme articles, he really irritated me. But now I’ve seen him a bit more fleshed out. I have empathy for him. I still think his views are hard to take, but I certainly think the NYT would be the poorer we’re they not to have his input.
I think we often create straw men in our lives upon whom we affix ire. At this moment in America there’s no need to do that. The real enemy is at the doorstep, begging for attention.
"To be honest I don’t personally know anyone with that particular affliction."
Yes, but Eric, don't you know at least one person struggling with medical bills of some sort (unless you are in Great Britain or Canada).
You don't have to go very far at all in my circle to find: a person facing financial catastrophe from cancer, a car accident, in one case drug use, etc.
And you don't have to watch that very long to look at Canada with jealousy. Or Greece.
Sadly, the people who might benefit from reading this "Letter from an American," if they read any newspapers, do not read the New York Times, the Washington Post nor listen to NPR. The Wall Street Journal or the New York Post might be better choices. I hope the Gannett and Tribune owned papers pick it up.
There are lots of political Undecideds who do read and listen, and as 40% of registered voters, they are exactly who needs to be reach by this LFAA. In addition to possibility of direct influence, the other necessary but amorphous effect is to contribute to the progressive narrative in the culture war.
Kim: I'm seeing the same. I thought it was just me. For me it's Judy Woodruff's tone and her exhaustive expressions. Other reporters seem to be fine. Although I've never liked the Tamara Keith/Amy Walter analysis.
I agree. I do believe that PBS is now Republican lite. Amy Walter, especially is a little to much to the right of center to gain my respect with her analysis. She has joined the minions who find more to condemn than congratulate.
my feelings exactly! used to like Judy but not so much anymore, either, for exactly the same reasons; Tamara/Amy series the same, no one talks about the good and never about Republican obstructionism or non governance... it if wasn't for Johnathan Capeheart I would listen so much less. Too bad because it USED TO BE on my radio ALL DAY.
I think they are all going there, even Lisa Desjardins. IMO they are following the other news outlets, maybe not as bad but are definitely not asking the hard questions of the Republicans. Holding out to see if the new WH corresponded is as good as Yamiche.
It's hard to pinpoint. During the Trump years I feel there was a big focus on presenting that both parties were equally at fault for problems. Now, it's almost all about the failures of the dems to pass legislation on voting and BBB and how the dem party is fractured and in chaos. Maybe the analysis should be on why the republicans have no policies and just want to block anything and everything. I know that they (Cook Political Report and NPR) conduct polls, but I've never participated in a poll. Frankly, I don't know anyone who has. I re-watched their 1/17/22 analysis. Notice how Judy calls Trumps statements mistruths...really Judy? How about lies. Yes let's use that word now please.
I too have never ever in my long life participated in a poll, nor do I know a single person who has. That's why I always hold my nose at "reporting" by pollsters. As far as I'm concerned, they are merely playing Ouija and reporting whatever "voices" speak to them from the netherworld. So, when an anchor starts announcing "the most recent polls," I usually tune out. This isn't news as far as I'm concerned. It isn't reporting. It is creative writing being read aloud from a teleprompter. And the creator of that writing is serving up whatever might sell.
Anytime I hear poll results that are constant and frequent, I shake my head. I've never participated in any poll. Well, a statewide one many years ago. But, the fact that people are using cell phones and apps that silence strange numbers has made information-gathering very hard. I often wonder how skewed these polls are because of that.
I think “creative writing being read aloud from a teleprompter” is the best description I heard regarding polls. Given that so many people have cell phones these days and not land lines makes me also wonder how polls can be conducted. Then there are the nuances of framing questions which impact the responses people give. Maybe responses are manipulated? Do people even respond truthfully to the questions posed by pollsters? So many questions regarding polls. The polls that matter are elections. With numerous states changing their election administration to partisans, can anyone trust the results? Trump and his minions have blown up the world in ways we could never have dreamed of.
One has only to check the corporate sponsors of the News Hour to understand the shift. And Nova is sponsored by David Koch enterprises. Listen closely and there is often a mention of the right to exploit (not in so many words, of course) our endeavors into space on some Nova episodes.
Why? There are dozens of good, insightful programs available through Passport. Why in the world would you cancel because one supporter is distasteful to you? Spread your wings a little. The dramas alone are illuminating of the human condition, and of our history (better in some ways than documentaries).
Please say something specific about how the NewsHour disappoints you. I don't see it. I see multiple perspectives on all issues, calm approaches to the information needed to assess where we're going, and a great variety of voices. What are you seeing?
Hi Melinda, generally I think they do that, I agree. It's hard for me to respond accurately because I am not good at quickly recalling details like this. There is a general feeling of negativity, as if Judy Woodruff does not like Biden (who knows, they've been in DC for along time, maybe there is some water under the bridge) and that's hard for me to pinpoint because it's just a feeling I get. But I think it was during the Afghanistan event that they focused so much on what had gone wrong and the misery and hardly at all on the fact that Biden had little choice in the matter or that there weren't any good options. Not to mention that war is messy and that this one event was well done is some ways, all things considered. And, they focused on it so much for days and days and at key points in the program. It's not just what is said, it's when and how often. Then they focused on the politics of the bills the Dems were introducing and never talked about what was actually in them. They also focus on polls. Polls are a kind of news but they are about how people feel, and that's a very complicated thing. Polls are news but not the whole story. I have not seen them counter the polls with what is actually going on, i.e. the good news that HCR has outlined here, so—the disparity between polls and events. But I think it's gotten better recently. I watch every night and there is much good about the show IMO. I'm interested to hear your thoughts. You are right about calm, multiple perspectives, etc. All in all, it's a good program and vital to have it.
I agree 100% with you Kim. I, too, have noticed a general air at NPR of bias, tolerating when a guest is spouting obvious lies and Republican propaganda. I have listened to public radio since the 1970's. There is a definite shift towards bias and performance "journalism."
I have seen how British journalists question people they interview. They press and press when someone doesn’t answer the question. I don’t know why our tradition is so respectful to the interviewee instead of to the listeners. (But it was gratifying to see Mary Louise Kelly stand up to Pompeo back a few years ago. He lost it when she wouldn’t be put off.)
And the right wing faction does not like the media much less an entity as "leftist" in reputation as NPR. I believe all the media are pandering to the right in the event the Republicans really do establish an authoritarian for of government and begin instituting state run media.
Cheap shots. I'd expect more insight and thoughtful analysis than that. FB is full of this kind of thing. In fact, one thing I've noticed is the many younger people at NPR, as experienced people who have done a pretty darn good job for years, through Trump and the pandemic draw back to recoup. This is true generally right now. Low blows won't bring these younger reporters and editors the insight and experience they need. Responding with considerate and cogent thoughts on what you'd like to see will go a lot further. We've been talking about this over and over again. It works.
Thanks, Kim. It IS hard to pinpoint but you've caught the insinuations, attitudes, negativity, etc. in some commentators' and analysts' body language, even their pessimism. Biden has done an amazing amount in just one year, as Dr. Richardson writes, to stem the virus and to UNDO all the other harmful things tfg did. These are the accomplishments the news should be reporting.
Biden has been fighting with one hand tied behind his back, Republican obstructionists and two turncoat Senators! Yet he soldiers on believing that the Roosevelt/Eisenhower form of government is to make a level playing field for our citizens. I can't think of anything more honorable for a U.S. president to do for his people.
In fact, Biden is getting older -- but he embodies the values of democracy which this country has always touted, if not achieved, and he has been willing to put his old body through the rigors of fighting once again for the the working people of this country and to shore up our international standing.
I don’t understand the strategy options for Democrats in 2024. I have hoped for politicians sometimes to say they are in it for a single term and during that term will do what is right for the country, rather than what is best for their party. But if Joe says that, will the pundits spend all of their time on who would run instead? Would they try to make him a lame duck for the next three years? He must get out of D.C. more, as he has suggested. By the way, how much vacation time has he had in the past year? Compared to previous presidents?
A few months ago Biden said Yes, he was going to run again in 2024. IMO he had to say that because it's the position of strength. I've not heard him say anything about it since then. Whether he actually will run is far in the future.
I agree Mary. And concerning covid, no one knew Omicron specifically was going to come along. The next variant could have been any number of things. Where we stand on Covid now is mostly a result of Omicron and people who will not get vaccinated. Who saw that in the crystal ball. When the polio vaccine came to, people couldn't get to soon enough. There is nothing Biden can do to make these people get the vaccine.And so covid continues and evolves.
I agree. Too much about how’s Biden doing. Not enough about how’s the country doing. I wish they would spend time on climate change and less about artists.
If I can add, when I’ve watch her interview Dems, she ask the hard questions and will press in her calm demeanor and way. When Republicans are on, she handles them as if there baby kittens. Doesn’t press them at all. I had wonder if it was because she wanted them to come back on.
When David Brooks was out for several weeks in December Newshour brought in this Republican hack, Fox News shill, Gary Abernathy. Capehart handled him but Abernathy’s unctuous comments reduced Newshour credibility by several degrees. As an act of protest, I ended my sustaining support for my local PBS station until he left. Why they had to invite such a bottom feeder is beyond me. They could have done better to find a Brooks equivalent.
Abernathy is actually a columnist for the Washington Post. Yes, he is a Republican hack. I think he sounds ridiculous (his articles are no better) and as Carol C wrote...the contrast is clear.
Thanks for this post, Mike. I will be sending it to the NYT as well.
I had a lovely chance encounter with the photojournalist from my local paper that I mentioned the other day. I told him what I had posted here; he thanked me and said I was not the only person to tell him something similar (he mentioned a retired judge whom I hold in great respect). He ended with “I’m trying. We’re all trying to keep it going.”
I have the small town local paper delivered every day. Paying for news is important. It provides the money needed to pay journalists, as opposed to the the free click bait propaganda from neer do wells I stopped the NYT a year ago
Mike, I was disappointed to read that you plan to unsubscribe from the NY Times. Please read the article linked below, if you haven't. As a desperate ex producer/reporter/citizen I've needed to know what is going on in the country. Where have all the people gone? What is the emotional temper from city to city, town to town, urban and rural; the level of civil discord and cooperation. This article provides a small fraction of understanding, yet it is precious.
We are aware of Americans having separated themselves and the different chambers of news, misinformation disinformation, conspiracy theories from which people are absorbing alternative realities. Let's not do that. How different will we be from Fox diehards if we only watch or read what fits our predisposition? I force myself to watch a little Fox News and other outlets far from my political leanings. Being informed and engaged -- we know what that means. Cheers, Mike.
Yes, a few folks have posted, to my surprise, that I am making a mistake. Yes, the NY Times has historically been a good news source. But, more and more they are running guys like Ross Douthat. NY Times always, sometimes, ran right wing stuff.
But, Douthat is there all the time with some crazy analysis that makes no sense.
What is the NY Times trying to effect by giving access to far right propaganda like Douthat's? It is not appropriate in today's world.
I get that you are willing to expose yourself to Fox and alternative thoughts. I am also a fan of diversity of thought, especially at dinner parties, where it can be fun.
BUT, in today's world where Fox NEVER allows diversity of thought and ALWAYS stays on message, I think the liberal press should ....
Mike, What is it about Ross Douthat -- this one guy out of many strong journalists that has so captured your judgement? It is weird as though something he wrote has poisoned you. Mike you have been exercising critical judgement, so I'm baffled by this.
Second, the Times has also been running articles about this and that (whatever) that Biden has NOT done. Especially when he got sent packing by Georgia folks and they pushed him on voting rights.
And, they have not written any articles like Dr. Richardson's which clearly states what Biden HAS done.
In addition, they throw in cranks like Douthat.
So, maybe my critical thinking capacity has found its limit.
Or......maybe my understanding of our situation has evolved to where I think, if the Pubs are able to stay on message constantly on Fox, some of our liberal press should start staying on message to make sure we actually have,
Mike, I read the NY Times and the Washington Post, so that I can fairly say that you have not accurately described what both papers said about Biden and Harris going to Atlanta. First of all, a fair number of voting rights activists, including Stacey Abrams did not attend Biden's or Harris' appearances in Georgia. They pointedly requested if Biden didn't come with a plan for passage of the national voting rights acts not to come. As the White House didn't have a plan, the activists did not attend what they considered press opportunities for the Pres. and VP. Reporting was accurate. Many in the Black community are disappointed with Biden over the way national voting rights acts have been handled or mishandled. They had Biden's back and worked like the dickens to get him elected, now some feel he hasn't had their backs.
It would be the death of journalism were it to imitate Fox News. It would be the death of facts and the truth. From whom does Heather get the information that is provided in her Letters? Do you look at 'Notes' in the back of the Letter? What are Heather's sources? You will see two links below about the basic journalistic principles with the hope that they are helpful.
Fern, what could Biden have done differently regarding the Voting rights Act? I don't understand what Abrams and the activists think he could have done. IMO, they are just upset because it isn't passing -- but that's not Biden's fault; it's the Repubs obstructionism and Sinema and Manchin's holding out. I think it's clear the Repubs ARE NOT going to do anything bipartisan, especially when it comes to making it easier for poor and people of color to vote. What could Biden have done? I think the criticism is misplaced and unfair.
I agree, Mike. The Dems need to continue to repeat and repeat again what Biden has accomplished and to continue fighting the big lie with the simple facts: the word of election officials, judges' refusals of Trump's cases, Barr's denial of voter fraud, refusal of top Repubs to participate in fake electors scheme.
Bipartisanship is not working; Repubs have dug in their heels for good. Dems have to admit that and do something else.
Yes, I did & also noticed who "contributed research". I have also read scores of the DC DOJ's indictments, complaints, multiple amended pleadings, admissions against interest, pathetic rationalizations as officers were shocked multiple times, cognitive dissonance, plea agreements, sentencings & the most recent sedition conspiracy complaint against Co-conspirators Nos.1-11. Some of my brief observations have been posted to the Community. Would like to hear more about your experiences as a Producer.
I am particularly interested in your observations and analysis of legal activity and inactivity on the part of DOJ. Please share, if you can, your overall sense of the legal system and personal with reference to Trump's treasonous acts and other important actors involved in the coup attempt. Noteworthy reporting about Americans around the country - civil disorder, unrest, cooperation, militias, far-right organizations, etc., are also of great interest to me. My resume is in the past and for another time. Later.
I have posted many concise commemts on DOJ, Merrick Garland activity & legal work. I am not a Merrick Garland complainer. I expect a Federal Judge of 20 years to be methodical & was not surprised at all about the recent seditious Conspiracy indictment. Be certain the case is ready for trial now -- pending the addition of DOE Defendants. Trial judges not Garland control their Courtrooms. I am witnessing mtehodical DOJ prosecution and seeing it daily including the recent indictment of the muder-for- cash posting on Craig's List. Yes, Wreck was & is Treasonous with all its heavy Federal penalties.
'January 6 committee has been talking with ex-attorney general William Barr, chairman says' (CNN) Ah, this is of great interest, Bryan. Just the mention of his name brings down a shade of bloody red.
“ They are taking the German approach to appeasement prior to Hitler starting the train runs.”
This. 100% This. I was slow on the uptake. I saw the MSM sliding Right, but I mostly assumed it was because the Republican anti-regulatory & pro-wealth agendas benefited the MSM owners. Then the realization that MSM was catering to the likely winner of this battle/war smacked me in the head. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.
I refuse to pay for media to bury me and my country before the last breath.
I participated in a Pew poll once. They were supposed to pay me $100 for the trouble. I had planned to donate it but I never got it. Piss on polls. The bias is stunning to me. Walter’s “that’s the way it is” is long ago and far away. No blathering panels for Walter. The 15-20 minutes from the three biggies has so much advertising and fluff at the end that I watch BBC.
The "low approval ratings" are coming from asking people loaded questions. The thing that floored me recently (Heather wrote about this, too) was the one in which pollsters asked subjects questions about aspects of Biden's agenda they approved of. Every item they asked about in its own context were highly approved across the board. Though more Dems approved than Repubs, even a majority of Repubs approved of the items (you know, health care, school support, building infrastructure... all that stuff). In the same poll were questions that asked how people felt about Biden and the numbers dropped. Why? Because repeatedly the media talked ONLY about the things Biden has not yet had a chance to accomplish. Largely because of right wing obstruction, but also because in addition to right wing media, we have a bunch of inexperienced and poorly trained reporters and editors in the mainstream media. I write a lot of letters these days; this is a movement across the country. And it is starting to make a difference.
I even heard a young reporter today say in his report that he was realizing that he had made some assumptions that he examined, and was changing his approach. Part of what he said had to do with realizing that "both-side-ism is a false picture. There are often many, and sometimes only one, esp where ethics are concerned. He's now looking deeper into issues so he could make more accurate stories. Whoa! Women reporters in particular are stronger at this, but look at the role models they had. I am optimistic (at least more so) that our media is broadening out again and more rapidly than I expected.
I also am glad that Biden is reaching out to We, the People. WE are the one's who need to pressure our reps and senators and elected officials at all levels to pass these critically important pieces of legislation. And not let up. That's our job. For the sake of our economy AND for the sake of our democracy.
Heather, while tonight's piece is another wonderful "letter", this one-year recap would better serve democracy appearing as a guest opinion piece in WaPo or NYT. We are your choir and this is what we are not hearing in the press. Move it on to a bigger, louder choir?
There are also local and regional newspapers in every state. If we all regularly write Letters to the Editor and submit Op-Eds based of HCR's Letters, then we all can spread the good word. If HCR can stay up writing these letters almost everyday, the least we can do is follow her good example and commit to writing a few letters a day.
Here are some general guidelines and links to Maine papers, WaPo snd NYTimes.
Letters to the Editor General Information
Tips on Writing a Letter to the Editor | American Civil Liberties Union
Brilliant! I propose to myself to create a list like this for my local and regional news outlets, and set a firm intention to write one letter per week going forward. Thanks lin!
Wonderful. ThankYou. Who knows, it may become a good habit. Usually under 250 words and if you can tie it to an article in that day's edition even better. If you quote a source, cite it. Or else paraphrase. Even if they don't publish your letter, you may be part of a 'drumbeat' on a topic. Also separately and not for publication you can ask for more reporting on specific topics.
Here are links to the Connecticut Democratic Party and Democratic Town Committees. They may have Letter to the Editor campaigns.
Thanks for the push, Lin. I've just sent a letter to PBS News Hour and will send similar one to NPR and local print outlets. People need to know his accomplishments. I can't stomach Dems complaining -- can't they see what he's done and the opposition he is fighting!! I ask Where is the integrity of the media?
Folks here that notice my comments know that I’m sounding like a broken record. Each week, without fail, I have written a letter to the Tampa Bay Times. I’ve written them and had my husband send them in under his name. I’ve written to the Chairman/CEO. Still nothing. I’d like this group to also come up with names and contact information for the newspaper “heads” that might be able to post letters like Heather’s, or at least change the narrative for their papers.
You may not see a direct and immediate effect to your personal efforts in writing Letters to the Editor. But if your letter is one of many responding in similar ways to specific newspaper articles - then one may be published. And your work is part of that.
I write several letters a day. (And comments only here.) A good result is the nationals a few times a year. The regionals every couple of months. And local sometimes every month.
Since last January, I've written to national newspapers and magazines to do investigative reporting on right wing religious extremist activist Ginni (Mrs. Justice Clarence) Thomas -who has close ties with Trump and dark lord of dark money Leonard Leo. This week Jane Mayer has an essay on Ginni Thomas in The New Yorker. Did I *do* that. Of course not, but I let them know readers were interested in the topic. And I bet, I was not the only one.
Thanks for the encouragement. And I did read that long but excellent article by Jane Mayer. It was revelatory to say the least. And, again, why is only the New Yorker having stories like this?
So glad you post prolifically, lin, which makes it easier to find your needles in this haystack! Pursuant to your request today in LFAA of 1-24-22, for Heather's Herd info, please email:
Often newspapers limit Letters to the Editor publication to 1 per person per month. Maybe Tampa's limit is one per decade. Sheesh, even our local Sinclair owned paper prints opposing views. Is there any other publication in your community that takes letters? If not, maybe Tampa Bay Times needs some competition - we have a small free regional advertiser (tourist town) that also provides editorials, excellent stories and local columnists, and publishes letters. It has a liberal bent in this red neck of the woods, but everyone picks up their copy at the grocery store each week.
Yes, I agree that this letter needs to go mainstream. All I see is how Joe Biden has messed up everything and failed. I’d love to see this detailed and heartfelt letter everywhere for everyone.
We need to put things in our own words, in the context of our own lives and communities if we are to be effective. Dr Richardson teaches us so we can do that and be effective. She can't be our voice. We have to do that part ourselves.
Someone on Dr. Richardson’s Facebook posed essentially the same question, to which she responded: “You preach to the choir so the choir sings. 🙂” This is on us now.
With her keen historian's eye, Dr. Richardson has managed to see the big picture of Biden's first year and sum up beautifully what has transpired. I think we can get a bit myopic and tend to just narrow our sights on things as they occur day by day. Historians are used to seeing things on a broader scale, and using their sense of historical perspective--framing current events against the backdrop of past history--can take note of certain events which should perhaps command our attention. They take stock of events that might signal the beginning of a trend--as always with the past as a guide.
This Letter both elates and infuriates. We DO have some things to feel justifiably proud of, but the forces we are having to fight are also seemingly gaining ground. I think a rather good administration is becoming a victim of circumstances beyond its control. Yes, there have been missteps along the way, but, my God, those pale in comparison to the totally inept, complete incompetence of Biden's predecessor. I tend to think the MSM wants to go back to those palmy days of yore when the Mango Mussolini was outraging everything and everybody several times daily. It kept them busy and gave them something to do. No matter that it was trashing the country and making us the laughing stock of the world. Biden is boring. Good governance is boring. Boring, slow news days means less readers/viewers. Less bottom line. Less $$$.
We need to counter that and get the word out if the MSM won't. Spread things like this Letter and others like it as much as possible. Maybe we can get the truth out there somehow. Keep calling the Republicans what they are: a bunch of spineless cowards, devoid of any ethics or substance, who are set and determined to destroy this democracy. LISTEN TO THE HISTORIANS!! They are sounding the alarm because they've seen this script before and they know where this can lead.
Morning Lynell. They had better or...! It does seem to me that there are obligations in citizenship as well as rights and one of the most important is to get yourself out to vote regardless of the obstacles put in your way....rights have to be fought for at every moment if they are to be maintained. We can't just depend on afew thousand Stacey Abrams. If people haven't got the willpower or don't care enough to do that then they will get what the Republicans impose upon them....and they will be very unhappy but nobody in power will care a hoot.
I agree, but will Georgia's proposed "poll police", a la DeSantis, allow them to vote? And will the votes be overturned in Fulton County, our most populous and dependably Democratic county, as well as smaller majority-Black counties, if their County Election Boards are replaced by partisan politicians who can nullify the votes with the new laws already in place? Absent the passage of the Voting Rights bills, that is a real possibility. Thank you, Senators Manchin and Sinema!
Lynell, I agree that history will repeat itself, and there will be huge numbers of voters and volunteers in Georgia. However, the GOP Governor Kemp has already decided to place on the State Election Board Janice Johnston, who criticized Fulton County elections "while repeating unsubstantiated claims of falsified tally sheets" in an audit of the 2020 election. Johnston brings to the Board's five members the third Republican. This Board ordered Fulton County last year to undergo a performance review, which is underway now. We can all guess the outcome, and if Fulton doesn't pass, the State Board could vote to replace the county board with an appointed administrator, and nullification of Fulton County's votes is pretty much guaranteed.
The institution of so-called "poll police" has everybody wondering what would happen. I expect their creation to be contested in court. For an example of one of the more contentious rules, part of the new voting laws pushed by the GOP, would allow for only ONE absentee voter drop-box for all of largely rural Hancock county (over in east Central GA). It would be in the county seat of Sparta...the only one. The racial make-up of that county (2020 Census) is 69% African-American, 28% White. Hmmm...notice anything??
There's no doubt that these rules are all racially-motivated, and my guess is that those making the rules are pretty certain that the Supreme Court will allow them to stand. Randolph County (61% Black) is threatening to close 75% of the county's polling places in November, claiming that they are not compliant with the ADA Act, although all were open in a recent primary and a GOP runoff. I can't find any reference to another South or Central Georgia elections board (mostly Black) that WSBTV reported had been replaced - for no credible reports of irregularities.
Can you imagine what life would be like if trump had stayed in office? There would have been no American Rescue Plan so chances are we would be in a depression. There was no plan for distribution of the vaccine & they probably wouldn't be free. There would still not be an infrastructure bill. Yeah, I want more of that, she said sarcastically....
An exquisite piece of writing which the Democrats should reproduce and spread far and wide. Thank you, Heather, for giving us all a reason to hold our heads up high. I hope that you will send it to President Biden, so that he knows that he is admired and appreciated. Ploughing through this year has been no small feat, and it has been accomplished with merit and grace.
Yes, Rowshan, they should reproduce it. But they won't. I get so tired of Dem fund raising emails. Always screaming about what the GOP is doing and how the Dems desperately need contributions---never anything about WHAT they are going to do or what they stand for. Messaging Messaging Messaging. Will they ever get it? No one in the party is standing up and touting the successes, NO ONE as far as I can tell ( but I really don't watch TV, so perhaps I am missing some golden oratory, but I doubt it.)
Yes, I've been pretty horrified that the Dems seem to use the same marketing agencies as the Republicans with all the ridiculous hyperbole and "match" deals. So instead of delete or block, it is fun now to reply with this LFAA of 1/22/2022.
I used the DCCC comment form to send a message about the 1/22/22 LFAA. But is there an easier way to "reply". I'm a bit regretful I have unsubscribed from the flood of Dem appeals (every new candidate from anywhere sends me an email.....) I also by accident get conservative feeds plus occasional feeds from the recent president, vice president, et al. interesting how theirs are very personal appeals to join in causes. I could say more but perhaps this isn't the place.... Have a good week Ellie!!
Yes, it was quite satisfying today to zap those email solicitations with the LFAA. Maybe some staffers will start subscribing!
FYI a group of HCR Substackers has formed a group to turn good talk here into good action, and it's certainly the place to say more! For more info, email:
WE can reproduce Heather's Letter of 1/22/2022 and spread it far and wide. Fellow reader Suzette Ciancio posted a great idea:
"With every fundraising email I get from the Democratic party and the candidates I will reply with this letter and tell them that this is what they should be talking about. We all should."
I can't wait to jump on my next fundraising email.
I haven’t had any luck with our Editor at Florida Today. I sent the above 1/19 LFAA to a columnist who I thought would be receptive as sometimes it’s helpful to work up the chain.
Her response :
Kathy: Very familiar with her and follow her on FB – I’ll check with editors to see if this is being considered for our Opinion page. Thanks!
I did send today’s LFAA directly to Editor so I’ll keep you posted.🤞🤞
Great idea, Ellie! I'll do as you suggest plus share on fb. As Kathy (below) suggests, I'll also send to my local award-winning Highlands Current newspaper in the Hudson Valley and the Pulitzer Prize-winning Storm Lake Times in Iowa. Forward together!! 💪🏼💪🏿💪
I wish you a good night's sleep tonight, Dr. Richardson. Thank you for your Herculean efforts to give us context for what we read in the news, and to present a true picture in the face of so much disinformation.
Another outstanding recap of where we are. Heather, this is excellent writing...once again. Thank you.
Based on the success described here, any normal democracy would be celebrating and the President's approval rating would be 70 or 80%. Because success is a good thing, right?
Not if you are engaged in a "culture war". The forces of primitive radical right wing authoritarian populism have been mined effectively by the Oligarchs who control this nation. Conspiracy nonsense has become accepted as fact by millions of Americans.
And that nonsense has been funded by the rich. TFG is the obvious example. But he only exists on the national stage because of one person who lives in Australia. Through his media puppets, Rupert Murdoch has committed libel and slander for several years. His money loop is amazingly effective and it is essentially a foreign takeover of America. His billions buttress a TV network that babbles lies and undermines the fabric of our country every single day. And the people who watch this garbage buy the products of the companies that advertise on his channel.
Murdoch and the companies that pay him (and send money to the members of Congress who participated in an attempted coup!) are effectively running this nation. They have shut down simple efforts at establishing voting rights and helping families with childcare. I repeat: they have effectively demonized voting rights and childcare.
There is talk of economic sanctions for Putin if he takes the next step into Ukraine. I suggest that Rupert Murdoch is more of a threat to our nation than Putin will ever be. Sanction HIM! Murdoch is the Genghis Khan of media and he slaughters the truth all day long. Hannity and Carlson "yell fire in a non-burning theater" and we do nothing. They get rich and the money loop continues it's despicable destruction of our "democracy".
Terrific point about Murdoch being more dangerous than Putin. Could Biden create a cabinet post called “office of media integrity” that would focus on newspapers, tv stations and social media?” I guess that’s what FCC is, but they aren’t doing much from what I see.
Reagan's FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, and even if it were intact, the Fairness Doctrine would not cover social media. Yes, we desperately need some sort of oversight.
Another Peter Finch moment coming up. You have verbalized perfectly what has chapped my soul since the late 80's. My distress went into high gear since Rupert signed on with the biggest loser in the world. Purpose - to divide America and make it over in the image of the Gilded Age when oligarch's openly ruled. As you said, it has been successful beyond even the republicans expectations, thanks to the cohesion of vermin like white supremacists, zygote warriors, evangelical Pharisees, gun nuts, immigrant haters, and ideological , power-hungry opponents of democracy. "They have effectively demonized voting rights and child care." I would add health care and women's rights across the board.
Your last paragraph needs to be repeated ad nauseam. I thought the Koch's were evil personified and they were/are. Rupert makes them seem like Sunday School, as he incorporates every single evil agenda before 1980 into his long range plans.
"Antonio Gramsci's...key contribution was his theory of hegemony, which describes how the capitalist class maintains its power through its domination of culture..."
I have been reading these letters for a year, but never posted. I graduated with a history degree many years ago, and greatly appreciate the historical perspective Dr. Richardson brings to this forum. The Letters, like this post tonight, are always enlightening but also infuriating and frightening. The Republican efforts to create an authoritarian regime is so obvious to me, perhaps because I grew up as a reform Jew, where teaching of the Holocaust was part of our curriculum. My friends had parents who were in concentration camps. I always wondered how so many people could believe such lies and thought it could never happen here. It was one of the letters (or maybe the podcast) that finally convinced me that it is my responsibility to help defend democracy. So, I tracked down the States Project, which I heard about at an activism workshop, and started my own Giving Circle for Arizona to change the balance of power in the Arizona House and Senate. The Republicans have a very small majority, but have used it to pass voter suppression bills and hire the Cyber Ninjas to wreak havoc on our election process. We have precious little time to save our democracy and I finally feel like I'm contributing something concrete to the effort. I'm so grateful for President Biden's efforts to use the federal government to protect all citizens, but we can also start from the bottom up. For anyone who wants information on the effort to change the balance of power at the state level, their website is
IMHO your post is the best kind--walking the talk with a link to grassroots activism. I know about many progressive political organizations, but I did not know about the States Project. Thank you and I look forward to hearing more from you!
Welcome to our community! For a first post, it’s a “doozy”. It is not just a great recap of your efforts to save our democracy, it gives us a link to local activism that we didn’t know about. Thank you.
Many thanks for your action and post to us here, Cathy!
If you’re not familiar with Robert Hubbell, he too has an enriching, action-oriented, substack newsletter, Today’s Edition, each weekday, with an audio option. Additionally, he has a weekend podcast with guests — including Melissa Walker of The States Project.
Cathy, thank you for your post and your personal story and perspective. "We have precious little time to save our democracy and I finally feel like I'm contributing something concrete to the effort."
Your thoughts are valuable to me personally. Half the time I am doing stuff to help Common Cause and trying to work with the Democrat apparatus here in my area. The other half the time I am angry about what our Democracy has NOT done over the years and how it has failed large numbers of people in our so called "Democracy". Then, half the time I am thinking I will just move to Greece where my wife is a Citizen.
Your thought, this morning, made me step back and think: OK, maybe I should just be all in here and commit and work to stop it all.
But, I think, at this point, that will include significant violence. I think we have to start really understanding what the Pubs are doing and start really preparing.
Democracy needs you, Mike, NY needs you—don’t burn out! As reminded in the posts about Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed yesterday, breathe in, breathe out. He and MLK had lots to say about nonviolent resistance. Working with Common Cause and your local Democratic Party is terrific! More power to you, and we support you!
We (and the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc) will work to (quietly) prevent the violence. I have hope after watching my Proud Boy neighbor become neighborly again in the past 6 months as he benefitted directly from Biden's programs and benefits.
Hi Charlie. I'm in Tucson, also! Melissa Walker at the States Project is very responsive and has been a wonderful partner. This is a bit of a daunting undertaking, but she has been with me every step of the way.
I completely agree with Ellie Kona's "IMHO" that this (your first post!) is the best kind, Cathy. I would add that when you bring to our attention a progressive grassroots organization that Ellie Kona has not heard about before, that is a very valuable contribution. Good luck in swinging Arizona! You have inspired me to look into doing something similar in and for my home state of Georgia.
It doesn't help that the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable trust fund babies of the Washington Press Corpse continue their "unbiased" reporting by making Republican lies the equivalent of actual facts and giving "both sides" equal weight lest the Republicans say they're the "liberal media." Which the Republicans do anyway, despite the fact the Press Corpse reporting gives them an edge they in no way deserve.
The press seems hopeless. I still recall the more or less negative article the NYT ran on him when the campaign for 2020 opened. They really don’t want parts of the Bernie or Biden social programs
Always remember that Biden's negative numbers don't just come from Republican/Fox lies and propaganda. Reporting and opinion pieces in the "liberal" corporate media, very much including the New York Times and the Washington Post, CNN, NPR/PBS, and MSNBC, also bears a heavy responsibility.
What a superb post this evening, Heather. I only wish that it would appear in major media outlets across this country (and the world). The MSM seem to be dead set against Biden (of course look who owns the papers....) and through choices of words actually giving support to Republican lies and mischief. Not to call a lie a lie is a misuse of language; to fail to say that it is the Republicans who are opposed to voting rights (and say instead that the Democrats lost; of course they did, but WHO CAUSED IT?) I meant for this to be an appreciation of tonight's post with its magnificent summary of the truth of Biden's first year. Instead, I got a little carried away in the wrong direction. Apologies. We the People!! Peace and Courage to all.
I agree. I’m feeling distraught by the negative MSM posts - even the late night TV hosts are crucifying Biden. This does not bode well for the majority of us. IT. IS. GOING. TO. BACKFIRE.
One thing that concerns me on the credit President isn't getting from the electorate is the size of the mess he inherited from President Trump's dismantling and demoralizing so many of the institutions of the federal government. For instance, in ending the Afghan war he was honoring the word of the United States even if it came from President Trump's deal to get out of Afghanistan by May 1. The other part of this is the diminished intelligence available to the Biden administration that should have told him how fast the Taliban were going to sweep in. Then there is the Republican refusal to wear masks and get vaccination extending the pandemic and causing unnecessary death and extending the economic chaos it creates. There is also the number of Ambassadorships that went unfilled by the Trump administration. And let's mention the Wall where the Trump administration actually made the problem worse by removing aide to the countries that people were leaving out of desperation. We can also talk about the tax cuts for corporations with no incentives to trickle down their golden eggs in the form of higher wages. This is the common state of the country after Republican administrations. Look at the financial crisis President Bush left for President Obama. Then you see President Trump immediately taking credit for the Obama rising economy. It goes on and on. We need to cut President Biden some slack in having to repair so much before he could start moving forward. The total obstruction by the Republican Senators is a travesty of the first order. Our job now is to make sure the 1/3 of those Senators from being reelected! And, to hold onto the House and to work at the state and local level to overturn Republican legislatures and partisan thugs going after Secretary of State offices to control elections. Time for Action all!
There are no “buts” to what you have written, Cathy Learoyd of Texas, United States of America.
I hope to see none on this unified forum. I hope to see only agreement to action on unifying the vision. I hope to see no directives as to what President Biden “should” do or what he “should” say at his State of the Union address. I hope to see every comment relate to what each of us “will” do to promote democracy and election security.
I got an early start today by emailing or texting link of this HCR Letter to each member of local groups working on local politics, friends, and to friends that are foes as far as politics go.
Spread the good word. Do not suppress it in any way. Show pride in belief. Believe that all need to see and hear the good word.
Thank you Cathy. I hope you don't mind if I pull this apart - make it easier to digest point by point ...:
"One thing that concerns me on the credit President isn't getting from the electorate is the size of the mess he inherited from President Trump's dismantling and demoralizing so many of the institutions of the federal government.
'The other part of this is the diminished intelligence available to the Biden administration that should have told him how fast the Taliban were going to sweep in.
'Then there is the Republican refusal to wear masks and get vaccination extending the pandemic and causing unnecessary death and extending the economic chaos it creates.
'There is also the number of Ambassadorships that went unfilled by the Trump administration.
'And let's mention the Wall where the Trump administration actually made the problem worse by removing aide to the countries that people were leaving out of desperation.
'We can also talk about the tax cuts for corporations with no incentives to trickle down their golden eggs in the form of higher wages. This is the common state of the country after Republican administrations.
'Look at the financial crisis President Bush left for President Obama. Then you see President Trump immediately taking credit for the Obama rising economy.
'It goes on and on. We need to cut President Biden some slack in having to repair so much before he could start moving forward. The total obstruction by the Republican Senators is a travesty of the first order.
'Our job now is to make sure the 1/3 of those Senators from being reelected! And, to hold onto the House and to work at the state and local level to overturn Republican legislatures and partisan thugs going after Secretary of State offices to control elections."
Cut some slack, indeed Cathy. We do but it's the 80+ million others that voted for him that need to be addressed and be so convinced. They aren't getting the message. Biden has got to get out on the trail, week in, week out "beating the tub" on simple messages that carry weight and not just the current well intentioned "twittering". Otherwise all his successes will trip over his failures in the eyes of the people; they won't be seen over the horizon. People like the idea of a strong confident President with a sure vision of where he's going and who not only knows how but does get there. They don't just need an elderly, proficient professional with a dream. They don't want the chatter they want the results....and one is never so successful as one's last battle results......
I've been reading a lot of Richard Thaler and Daniel Kahneman of late and agree that their "Loss aversion" in decision making is weighing very heavily in the balance . Biden happens to be there when the American people are feeling that they have suffered a loss (and I'm not talking about Trump) and are faced with severe future losses....status perhaps, certainty surely, money no. In such circumstances people become oddly less risk averse when faced with only bad choices and gamble more....perhaps not on peace and democracy.
Loss aversion. May be more than a passing observation. What do all those White, church raised, hard working, tax paying, rural living guys and their gals fear most? Uncertainy? Change? Their status as White and better? The important myths of what America is (Chevrolet, Clydesdales, flags and 4th of July, unpaved country roads, work that involves muscle and sweat)? The stuff conected to aversion, IMO.
It's not something that's limited to a minority of Republican diehards, Fred. The ones you have to worry about are the Democratic voters and independents who feel that way too and are not happy with Biden's performance
Agree. Many of those adverse are Democrats and Independents with conservative values. They still want the past they are familiar with, Stuart. Many of them have voted both ways and will drop Biden if they feel underappreciated. Some of them once trusted Obama to make the world harmonious... and not threatening to their way of life. That is one reason I think we best attend to the negative tone from our liberal press as more than switching sides or to the monied interests behind their opinion pieces as good journalism may well reflect not just the story but the mood of the public beyond that of only it's subscribers or fans.
This makes me swell with pride, yet sob with frustration. I hope and pray we can find away forward. Thank you, as ever, for laying it all out there. We’re here with you 🙏🏼❤️
“Think about this,” he said, “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.”
This^ a thousand times. The do nothing GOP, the No Work GOP, the couch potato GOP, the heartless GOP, the working for the wealthy GOP, The GOP folks are sitting on their couches eating Chee-tos and lifting their phones to text, "Nope." Pick this message Dems and hammer it, hammer it home! At least bring back the talking filibuster. Make them come in to work. p.s. Thank you Heather for this great outline of all the things Biden has accomplished.
Kim, I agree that it's time to repeatedly ask “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.” And, ask it every time someone writes/posts/tweets that the Dems have done damage. It's time to turn the tables at every level and ask why we are paying these do-nothing thugs.
They’re for dismantling democracy and maintaining power over a country where they can’t win elections fairly. Their level of dishonesty, greed and malice is breath taking.
The party of “no”. But we knew that they had nothing new to offer from their 2020 platform (which was identical to their 2016 platform where Hilary Clinton was listed as the opponent.).
Please send this to every newspaper, newsmagazine, news outlet in the country and elsewhere for publication. It is, by far and away, the best indictment of the Republican Party, and defense of President Biden, that I have read!
I have tried but they do not print Heather's long letters. We need to take the most salient points and write letters ourselves. And write to the owners of papers and the board of directors and editorial boards.
I agree. Still, if hundreds write, they cannot ignore.
They really can. And have.
That is a good idea.
Everyone here should do the same. I do all the time. They can't hear you if you don't speak up. I just sent this letter to NYT. Will be sending it to WaPo and NPR and on my social media. There are hundreds who read Dr. Cox. Everyone needs to become a voice.
Thousands, not hundreds!
I was speaking of those who read Dr. Richardson's daily letter which is in the 100s, but those 100s could grow into thousands and tens of thousands if only each person here began writing letters, sharing her posts on all their social media. Finding opportunities to form community groups. Finding opportunities to speak on local radio stations armed with her facts.
1.5 MILLION followers on facebook.
MaryPat: followers with various reasons for being here. Does NOT mean they are supporters. But many many are reporters and editors. Some are simply checking up on "the competition" and looking for ways to undercut Heather's influence. They don't speak up here, but they do elsewhere. Though the current mess in Washington has many of those distracted. My point here is that counting people who read Dr Richardson is meaningless except in the things WE do to let both media and our legislators (local too) know what is important to us. Dr. Richardson can teach us, but she cannot speak for us. We have to do that ourselves.
Agree ... but the number of HCR's subscribers, according to Substack, already is in the tens of thousands. Check it out at
As I wrote above: Followers with various reasons for being here. Does NOT mean they are supporters. But many many are reporters and editors. Some are simply checking up on "the competition" and looking for ways to undercut Heather's influence. They don't speak up here, but they do elsewhere. Though the current mess in Washington has many of those distracted. My point here is that counting people who read Dr Richardson is meaningless except in the things WE do to let both media and our legislators (local too) know what is important to us. Dr. Richardson can teach us, but she cannot speak for us. We have to do that ourselves.
That was fun to see! Thanks
You also!!
Agreed. And not for the first time.
Every college and university and alumni organization...
Thank you Dr. Richardson.
Thank you for outlining what a great job President Biden has done under some of the most trying and challenging conditions since FDR took over the disaster Republicans created from 1919 to 1929, or since Obama took over the disaster Republicans created from 2001 to 2008. It is amazing that nobody seems to understand that Republicans mostly generate profoundly large economic disasters that Democrats have to clean up.
Nobody seems to be willing to say what is true: Biden has done a wonderfully capable job in his first year in the most toxic and difficult environment since 1865.
I am just about to unsubscribe from NY Times because they are putting more and more right wing nuts on as "editorialists" to attempt to ensure that if Trump wins again they can say they are unbiased by publishing junk. They are taking the German approach to appeasement prior to Hitler starting the train runs.
Also, NPR, although they did do an amazing smash job in an interview with Trump recently, is also whipping on Biden.
Everyone seems to have their own version of "Let's Go Brandon".
So, Dr. Richardson, thank you for keeping your eye on the ACTUAL truth.
It is odd because my Republican sister often ends her emails with TRUTH at the end. But, the only place I can find a truly accurate accounting of reality today is....
right on this board.
Thank you for doing the work to make it happen Dr. Richardson. I/we appreciate your efforts and hope, when the "new" wears off and fatigue sets in you remember: There is no place else to go.
Why must the media always tear down and never elevate?
Good news doesn't sell as well. It's always, always always about the bottom line.
If more demanded the news that's fit to print, they would. Threaten to stop subscribing or actually do it. Hit them in their wallets. FB as well. Become the powerful voice of change.
So our free press is a joke, Rupert actions made it so, and the MSM couldn’t wait to hop on
I would qualify that just a bit: the MSM’s advertisers couldn’t wait to hop on, so money won again.
Because Media is not scientific, just reactive. And very little science is readable so it’s constructive properties aren’t noticed at first. We need some new John McPhees.
They have very little skin in the game, it seems. They have their health insurance thru their employer Really don't understand quite a bit Only intellectually
Really interesting post, Mike. Your analysis of Professor Richardson’s contribution is unquestionably accurate. She is a force for holding on to democracy.
However, I think that in today’s thread (and on many other days), the criticism of MSM is far, far overdone. I read the NYT, the New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Globe and Mail, and Harpers. And I watch specific shows on CNN (Anderson Cooper) and MSNBC (Rachel Maddow). And of course CBC.
My opinion is that I am, in the main, amazingly well-served by the media I choose to consume. The teeth-clenching false equivalencies and bot sides-ism, so rampant in the first decade of this century, has abated considerably. The media discovered that people saw through their attempts to gather a larger audience by saying nice things about both sides, and they learned a lesson. Remember, in the case of print media, they are fighting not to disappear entirely.
I don’t expect the media to be a cheerleader for Democrats over Republicans or for Liberals over Conservatives here in Canada.
I don’t expect the media never to publish articles that I disagree with vehemently. I take those as I find them, because I’m sure not going to go to Fox to hear their braying.
It’s absolutely incomprehensible to me to consider giving up the Times or the Globe. There is just so much amazing journalism in those papers beyond the political. But the political is what we are talking about here. The Times publishes Jamelle Boue, Frank Bruni, Thomas Friedman, Paul Krugman and others of that ilk. Their collective wisdom alone is well worth paying for. And they have solid conservative journalists in Ross Douthat and Bret Stephens. I rarely agree with them, but their ideas are worth thinking about often.
As for others, where would America be without Emily Bazelon, Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer?
If democracy prevails, and I suspect it will, then American journalism will have done yeoman service. American journalists at the highest levels are unequalled in the world, at least in terms of quantity. Keep subscribing!
Eric, very reasoned input and feedback. Thank you.
I have grown weary of the right wing stuff published weekly in the NY Times by Ross Douthat.
I agree that the NY Times, especially their video investigations which first brought to light the disastrous last drone strike in Afghanistan, are benchmark media reporting.
But, Ross Douthat is often way off in his assessments around Biden. WAY off.
Do you think Fox News ever allows diversity of thought on their platform. NO.
So, if we are really where Dr. Richardson would have us all believe we are, I think the NY Times should get with the program and start pulling the sled.
Because, too much diversity of reporting just confuses people who are not reading this board.
I read Ross Douthat & then check out the comments to him. Many are good at pointing out the holes in his writing. The one on his change of perspective on Healthcare is a good example. The comments were spot on. (He was against it until he needed it)
What I'm trying to look at in myself is how to not end up in a bubble similar to what we as a group decry about Fox people. It's comforting to have confirmation bias. By the same token, there is no way that I'm willing to read Marc Thiessan or Henry Olsen or Hugh what's his name.
I subscribe to WaPo as well as NYT & the Atlantic as well as my local paper.....which reports some WaPo editorials. Interestingly, they print op-ed from both right & left leaning names. Probably because Spokane is a blue city surrounded by red with Cathy McMorris Rodgers as our rep.
Hugh Hewitt, a propaganda idiot from way back. My local paper has him, thiessen, and has added Nicole Russell. She slammed Dems by quoting NY Post (Rupert’s Fox in print), among other things. Wrote to them to cancel. A bridge way too far, despite my effort to support local papers.
Ross Douthat’s change of heart reminds me of high school classmate, whose thought abortion should not be legal. “They made their bed (getting pregnant) now let them lie in it.” UNTIL . . .
He thought his underage high school girlfriend might be pregnant. His tune changed real fast. That was nearly 50 years ago. I don’t think on a deep sustainable level much has changed. Such hypocrisy has only grown.
A perfect analogy indeed. I recently read the Orthodox Christian's Church's perspective on abortion and it was something like this:
The Church recognizes both the profound importance of life and the profound importance of the autonomy of women.
We support a Christlike approach to difficult decisions when those two, women's autonomy and life, are confronted, by the WOMAN herself.
Now that is an approach we could all take I think.
It has indeed. Wish the investigative press” would check out some of the most vocal *idiots” on this subject and see what is in their past.
"how to not end up in a bubble similar to what we as a group decry about Fox people"
BetsyC, I sometimes WISH to be in a bubble. Both of my sisters in Texas are staunch Republicans. Because they are my sisters (way first), I don't engage them on their thoughts. However, in the cases where I fly down to visit everyone, it is universal Republican immersion. Here, I walk a tight line of not engaging in cheers to "Let's Go Brandon" and offering some thoughts about Biden when he is cursed. Like: "I thought Biden was just following through on Trump's surrender agreement with the Taliban which required the US to pull out May 1, 2020??? This brings the house down as everyone starts talking about how tough Trump is and he would never have signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban because, THEY DON"T KNOW THAT BECAUSE OF THEIR BUBBLE.
So, I cannot find a bubble or I would do so.
I have a similar situation with a couple of family members. When I visit back home, (100 miles from where I currently live!!) it’s an immersion in trumpism. I see trump signs F U Biden stickers on pickup trucks. There are Let’s Go Brandon signs and stickers. I do not engage AT ALL in any political talk of any kind. It’s pointless because they are not going to change their minds, and they surely are not going to change mine. I have voted for a more liberal platform since 1972.
Cult nuts, I've got some too.
I wonder if you have consistently listened to Republican mantras the last decade. They constantly bash and deride and blame "the Democrats" for anything and everything. And, if they can't find a subject to scream about, they make one up. I've learned to ignore their supporter propaganda, but I do realize their goal to manipulate to gain power and prestige. And, how harmful it is for our nation. As others have said, there are many more accurate pieces in the Time so I find it worth reading. There are some of these Repug writers in the Post and Globe and other papers and online visual media. It's up to us to firmly not accept their hogwash. I love reading Heather because she helps me put into perspective what I read in other places. Like today's Biden summary. I know many good and great things he has done, but to put it in a summary helps to clarify it all.
I have remained gobsmacked for years hearing Rs screaming about ads behavior when in fact they were describing their own behavior in graphic detail!
They have excellented the art of projection. No doubt.
Right. No point in engaging when the message is: "Let's Go Brandon".
There are more voices trying to reach you Mike. Please listen to a few more. I'm on the waiting list for your attention!
Hey Fern. I replied to you. Sorry for delay. My apology.
No apologies. I appreciate spending time with you. In addition to the pleasure of your company, mutual respect always comes with dividends.
Fern, the pleasure is always all mine. Thank you.
Dangerous, I think, to start “pulling the sled”. One’s principles should be proactive, not reactive.
Not sure which Douthat articles you’re referring to me. I became much more sympathetic to him when I read of his devastating struggle with Lyme’s disease. It was a timely reminder that none of us operate in a vacuum. Life intervenes and shapes us, moderating our views and humbling us.
His Lyme disease articles are interesting. I think recently he even wrote about his thought changes on Health Insurance as a consequence of having something doctors don't even think exists: Chronic Lyme Disease.
However, him having to actually get sick and spend thousands of dollars to finally understand what challenges Americans face where health care is relevant is yet another knock against him.
He is so privileged and blind that he could not find even ONE friend or acquaintance of family member that was/is struggling with health care and listen to them. Not one.
It had to be himself that he listened to.
So, Eric, even his Lyme papers disgust me.
At the moment, this post will appear like it came after the one below from me. Not so.
Sorry. I just re-read your comment and noticed you said “struggling with health care”, where I had read Lymes. That’s indeed depressing.
But it’s a consequence of the silo-ization of America.
I worked with the children of parents on Douthat’s side of the fence. Believe me, the children and the parents are dealing with their own often overwhelming problems. It’s sad out there - where “out there” is everywhere.
But that that is all so human. Professional athletes and entertainers devote their great charitable influence to sickle cell anemia or autism or childhood cancer because their child was so afflicted. Better late to the party than never.
But more important than that simplistic last sentence is the idea that we are all at the least influenced by, and sometimes even imprisoned by our circumstances.
Douthat is privileged no doubt. The fact that he couldn’t find a relative or friend similarly afflicted is just that - a fact. To be honest I don’t personally know anyone with that particular affliction.
Most of us live our lives in our own bubble and don’t look much beyond it. The very best of us do so in a serious way. It’s a profound sacrifice.
Here in Vancouver there is the infamous downtown Eastside. It is a place where people go when there is literally no other place for them. There are drug addicts, ex-cons, aged-out sex trade workers. The government spends millions and millions of dollars to (mis)manage the problem. The obvious thing to do is to find low rent housing and spread these people around the city, providing services near to each new location. But Vancouver is, of all places I’ve lived, NIMBY to the nth degree. Everybody agrees in principle. But nobody will accept such a change in their neighborhood. So people use their privilege and knowledge of the system to bat away with ease challenges to their micro-community.
This makes me crazy. But only to a point. I don’t march to oppose them. I don’t volunteer in the downtown Eastside. I just…observe.
So I can hardly feel disgust to a Ross Douthat. I think he’s principled in his beliefs. He seems to work hard and have a great deal of talent. I almost reflexively disagree with him.
Up until the Lyme articles, he really irritated me. But now I’ve seen him a bit more fleshed out. I have empathy for him. I still think his views are hard to take, but I certainly think the NYT would be the poorer we’re they not to have his input.
I think we often create straw men in our lives upon whom we affix ire. At this moment in America there’s no need to do that. The real enemy is at the doorstep, begging for attention.
"To be honest I don’t personally know anyone with that particular affliction."
Yes, but Eric, don't you know at least one person struggling with medical bills of some sort (unless you are in Great Britain or Canada).
You don't have to go very far at all in my circle to find: a person facing financial catastrophe from cancer, a car accident, in one case drug use, etc.
And you don't have to watch that very long to look at Canada with jealousy. Or Greece.
Too many straw “men” in my life as I am older than dirt. Many of them carry matches that they threaten us with.
Origin of NIMBY? Don’t touch leprosariums or me starting women or black people or . . . The list is as long as prejudice.
Ah, you're back. I'm not surprised. The allure of the forum is overpowering!
Ruefully true.
It’s my big mouth.
My thought is that the source is not your mouth. Put another way, it would be most distasteful for you to piss on commenters again.
Good points Eric. You are well read!
Didn’t you ditch Fox in Canada, maybe other sources aren’t trying to emulate them. Here, they trip over themselves …
I just sent this letter to the NYT. If more here would do that, it might be read. Also NPR and WaPo.
Sadly, the people who might benefit from reading this "Letter from an American," if they read any newspapers, do not read the New York Times, the Washington Post nor listen to NPR. The Wall Street Journal or the New York Post might be better choices. I hope the Gannett and Tribune owned papers pick it up.
There are lots of political Undecideds who do read and listen, and as 40% of registered voters, they are exactly who needs to be reach by this LFAA. In addition to possibility of direct influence, the other necessary but amorphous effect is to contribute to the progressive narrative in the culture war.
Only in the spirit of know your enemy.
I so agree with this. The PBS Newshour has been weird too but Jonathan Capeheart is really good at correcting and stating the truth.
Kim: I'm seeing the same. I thought it was just me. For me it's Judy Woodruff's tone and her exhaustive expressions. Other reporters seem to be fine. Although I've never liked the Tamara Keith/Amy Walter analysis.
I agree. I do believe that PBS is now Republican lite. Amy Walter, especially is a little to much to the right of center to gain my respect with her analysis. She has joined the minions who find more to condemn than congratulate.
my feelings exactly! used to like Judy but not so much anymore, either, for exactly the same reasons; Tamara/Amy series the same, no one talks about the good and never about Republican obstructionism or non governance... it if wasn't for Johnathan Capeheart I would listen so much less. Too bad because it USED TO BE on my radio ALL DAY.
Hi MK, yes she definitely adds her opinion in her tone and facial expression, good point. I don't mind AmyW and TK. Why do you not like their segment?
I responded to Dillard Richardson's inquiry. You can read that above. I also adore Jonathan Capehart. I'm so glad he is partnered with David Brooks.
I think they are all going there, even Lisa Desjardins. IMO they are following the other news outlets, maybe not as bad but are definitely not asking the hard questions of the Republicans. Holding out to see if the new WH corresponded is as good as Yamiche.
What a loss! Yamiche was so good! And she had a TOUGH job when TFG was in the WH.
what’s bothering you about Amy’s and Tamara’s analysis segments ?
It's hard to pinpoint. During the Trump years I feel there was a big focus on presenting that both parties were equally at fault for problems. Now, it's almost all about the failures of the dems to pass legislation on voting and BBB and how the dem party is fractured and in chaos. Maybe the analysis should be on why the republicans have no policies and just want to block anything and everything. I know that they (Cook Political Report and NPR) conduct polls, but I've never participated in a poll. Frankly, I don't know anyone who has. I re-watched their 1/17/22 analysis. Notice how Judy calls Trumps statements mistruths...really Judy? How about lies. Yes let's use that word now please.
I too have never ever in my long life participated in a poll, nor do I know a single person who has. That's why I always hold my nose at "reporting" by pollsters. As far as I'm concerned, they are merely playing Ouija and reporting whatever "voices" speak to them from the netherworld. So, when an anchor starts announcing "the most recent polls," I usually tune out. This isn't news as far as I'm concerned. It isn't reporting. It is creative writing being read aloud from a teleprompter. And the creator of that writing is serving up whatever might sell.
Anytime I hear poll results that are constant and frequent, I shake my head. I've never participated in any poll. Well, a statewide one many years ago. But, the fact that people are using cell phones and apps that silence strange numbers has made information-gathering very hard. I often wonder how skewed these polls are because of that.
I think “creative writing being read aloud from a teleprompter” is the best description I heard regarding polls. Given that so many people have cell phones these days and not land lines makes me also wonder how polls can be conducted. Then there are the nuances of framing questions which impact the responses people give. Maybe responses are manipulated? Do people even respond truthfully to the questions posed by pollsters? So many questions regarding polls. The polls that matter are elections. With numerous states changing their election administration to partisans, can anyone trust the results? Trump and his minions have blown up the world in ways we could never have dreamed of.
One has only to check the corporate sponsors of the News Hour to understand the shift. And Nova is sponsored by David Koch enterprises. Listen closely and there is often a mention of the right to exploit (not in so many words, of course) our endeavors into space on some Nova episodes.
I was FF through them! Had been cluless. My passport subscription will be cancelled tomorrow! 😡
Why? There are dozens of good, insightful programs available through Passport. Why in the world would you cancel because one supporter is distasteful to you? Spread your wings a little. The dramas alone are illuminating of the human condition, and of our history (better in some ways than documentaries).
It’s important to boycott anything to do with Koch.
Please say something specific about how the NewsHour disappoints you. I don't see it. I see multiple perspectives on all issues, calm approaches to the information needed to assess where we're going, and a great variety of voices. What are you seeing?
Hi Melinda, generally I think they do that, I agree. It's hard for me to respond accurately because I am not good at quickly recalling details like this. There is a general feeling of negativity, as if Judy Woodruff does not like Biden (who knows, they've been in DC for along time, maybe there is some water under the bridge) and that's hard for me to pinpoint because it's just a feeling I get. But I think it was during the Afghanistan event that they focused so much on what had gone wrong and the misery and hardly at all on the fact that Biden had little choice in the matter or that there weren't any good options. Not to mention that war is messy and that this one event was well done is some ways, all things considered. And, they focused on it so much for days and days and at key points in the program. It's not just what is said, it's when and how often. Then they focused on the politics of the bills the Dems were introducing and never talked about what was actually in them. They also focus on polls. Polls are a kind of news but they are about how people feel, and that's a very complicated thing. Polls are news but not the whole story. I have not seen them counter the polls with what is actually going on, i.e. the good news that HCR has outlined here, so—the disparity between polls and events. But I think it's gotten better recently. I watch every night and there is much good about the show IMO. I'm interested to hear your thoughts. You are right about calm, multiple perspectives, etc. All in all, it's a good program and vital to have it.
I agree 100% with you Kim. I, too, have noticed a general air at NPR of bias, tolerating when a guest is spouting obvious lies and Republican propaganda. I have listened to public radio since the 1970's. There is a definite shift towards bias and performance "journalism."
I have seen how British journalists question people they interview. They press and press when someone doesn’t answer the question. I don’t know why our tradition is so respectful to the interviewee instead of to the listeners. (But it was gratifying to see Mary Louise Kelly stand up to Pompeo back a few years ago. He lost it when she wouldn’t be put off.)
Right on, "performance journalism" which goes along with "performance politics". Or as they say down in Texas, "all hat, no cattle".
NPR was not as concerned about the juice it took then as they now are, Eh!?
IT is always about the money, honey!
And the right wing faction does not like the media much less an entity as "leftist" in reputation as NPR. I believe all the media are pandering to the right in the event the Republicans really do establish an authoritarian for of government and begin instituting state run media.
Cheap shots. I'd expect more insight and thoughtful analysis than that. FB is full of this kind of thing. In fact, one thing I've noticed is the many younger people at NPR, as experienced people who have done a pretty darn good job for years, through Trump and the pandemic draw back to recoup. This is true generally right now. Low blows won't bring these younger reporters and editors the insight and experience they need. Responding with considerate and cogent thoughts on what you'd like to see will go a lot further. We've been talking about this over and over again. It works.
Thanks, Kim. It IS hard to pinpoint but you've caught the insinuations, attitudes, negativity, etc. in some commentators' and analysts' body language, even their pessimism. Biden has done an amazing amount in just one year, as Dr. Richardson writes, to stem the virus and to UNDO all the other harmful things tfg did. These are the accomplishments the news should be reporting.
Biden has been fighting with one hand tied behind his back, Republican obstructionists and two turncoat Senators! Yet he soldiers on believing that the Roosevelt/Eisenhower form of government is to make a level playing field for our citizens. I can't think of anything more honorable for a U.S. president to do for his people.
In fact, Biden is getting older -- but he embodies the values of democracy which this country has always touted, if not achieved, and he has been willing to put his old body through the rigors of fighting once again for the the working people of this country and to shore up our international standing.
I don’t understand the strategy options for Democrats in 2024. I have hoped for politicians sometimes to say they are in it for a single term and during that term will do what is right for the country, rather than what is best for their party. But if Joe says that, will the pundits spend all of their time on who would run instead? Would they try to make him a lame duck for the next three years? He must get out of D.C. more, as he has suggested. By the way, how much vacation time has he had in the past year? Compared to previous presidents?
A few months ago Biden said Yes, he was going to run again in 2024. IMO he had to say that because it's the position of strength. I've not heard him say anything about it since then. Whether he actually will run is far in the future.
I agree Mary. And concerning covid, no one knew Omicron specifically was going to come along. The next variant could have been any number of things. Where we stand on Covid now is mostly a result of Omicron and people who will not get vaccinated. Who saw that in the crystal ball. When the polio vaccine came to, people couldn't get to soon enough. There is nothing Biden can do to make these people get the vaccine.And so covid continues and evolves.
I agree. Too much about how’s Biden doing. Not enough about how’s the country doing. I wish they would spend time on climate change and less about artists.
Once again, I agree with you. Thank you.
If I can add, when I’ve watch her interview Dems, she ask the hard questions and will press in her calm demeanor and way. When Republicans are on, she handles them as if there baby kittens. Doesn’t press them at all. I had wonder if it was because she wanted them to come back on.
I think you are right. I have noticed this with many reporters. Pile on and interrupt the Democrats. Obsequious with the Republicans.
When David Brooks was out for several weeks in December Newshour brought in this Republican hack, Fox News shill, Gary Abernathy. Capehart handled him but Abernathy’s unctuous comments reduced Newshour credibility by several degrees. As an act of protest, I ended my sustaining support for my local PBS station until he left. Why they had to invite such a bottom feeder is beyond me. They could have done better to find a Brooks equivalent.
Abernathy shows what Republicans have to offer as argument. Very little. So the contrast is made clear. Maybe that’s worth something.
That is a constant with them. Just enough to scare PBS though.
Abernathy is actually a columnist for the Washington Post. Yes, he is a Republican hack. I think he sounds ridiculous (his articles are no better) and as Carol C wrote...the contrast is clear.
With you Kim! Jonathan rocked it Friday too in the Brooks & Capeheart segment!
He sure did!
Thanks for this post, Mike. I will be sending it to the NYT as well.
I had a lovely chance encounter with the photojournalist from my local paper that I mentioned the other day. I told him what I had posted here; he thanked me and said I was not the only person to tell him something similar (he mentioned a retired judge whom I hold in great respect). He ended with “I’m trying. We’re all trying to keep it going.”
I have the small town local paper delivered every day. Paying for news is important. It provides the money needed to pay journalists, as opposed to the the free click bait propaganda from neer do wells I stopped the NYT a year ago
Mike, I was disappointed to read that you plan to unsubscribe from the NY Times. Please read the article linked below, if you haven't. As a desperate ex producer/reporter/citizen I've needed to know what is going on in the country. Where have all the people gone? What is the emotional temper from city to city, town to town, urban and rural; the level of civil discord and cooperation. This article provides a small fraction of understanding, yet it is precious.
We are aware of Americans having separated themselves and the different chambers of news, misinformation disinformation, conspiracy theories from which people are absorbing alternative realities. Let's not do that. How different will we be from Fox diehards if we only watch or read what fits our predisposition? I force myself to watch a little Fox News and other outlets far from my political leanings. Being informed and engaged -- we know what that means. Cheers, Mike.
Hi Fern,
Yes, a few folks have posted, to my surprise, that I am making a mistake. Yes, the NY Times has historically been a good news source. But, more and more they are running guys like Ross Douthat. NY Times always, sometimes, ran right wing stuff.
But, Douthat is there all the time with some crazy analysis that makes no sense.
What is the NY Times trying to effect by giving access to far right propaganda like Douthat's? It is not appropriate in today's world.
I get that you are willing to expose yourself to Fox and alternative thoughts. I am also a fan of diversity of thought, especially at dinner parties, where it can be fun.
BUT, in today's world where Fox NEVER allows diversity of thought and ALWAYS stays on message, I think the liberal press should ....
join the fight.
Don't let one bad apple spoil the barrel. Just delete it. (Oh, this has me missing fresh-from-the-mill cider!)
Mike, What is it about Ross Douthat -- this one guy out of many strong journalists that has so captured your judgement? It is weird as though something he wrote has poisoned you. Mike you have been exercising critical judgement, so I'm baffled by this.
Fern, first, nobody is perfect. :-)
Second, the Times has also been running articles about this and that (whatever) that Biden has NOT done. Especially when he got sent packing by Georgia folks and they pushed him on voting rights.
And, they have not written any articles like Dr. Richardson's which clearly states what Biden HAS done.
In addition, they throw in cranks like Douthat.
So, maybe my critical thinking capacity has found its limit.
Or......maybe my understanding of our situation has evolved to where I think, if the Pubs are able to stay on message constantly on Fox, some of our liberal press should start staying on message to make sure we actually have,
"Fair and Balanced".
Mike, I read the NY Times and the Washington Post, so that I can fairly say that you have not accurately described what both papers said about Biden and Harris going to Atlanta. First of all, a fair number of voting rights activists, including Stacey Abrams did not attend Biden's or Harris' appearances in Georgia. They pointedly requested if Biden didn't come with a plan for passage of the national voting rights acts not to come. As the White House didn't have a plan, the activists did not attend what they considered press opportunities for the Pres. and VP. Reporting was accurate. Many in the Black community are disappointed with Biden over the way national voting rights acts have been handled or mishandled. They had Biden's back and worked like the dickens to get him elected, now some feel he hasn't had their backs.
It would be the death of journalism were it to imitate Fox News. It would be the death of facts and the truth. From whom does Heather get the information that is provided in her Letters? Do you look at 'Notes' in the back of the Letter? What are Heather's sources? You will see two links below about the basic journalistic principles with the hope that they are helpful.
Here's to some enjoyment on this bright, cold winter's day.
Fern, what could Biden have done differently regarding the Voting rights Act? I don't understand what Abrams and the activists think he could have done. IMO, they are just upset because it isn't passing -- but that's not Biden's fault; it's the Repubs obstructionism and Sinema and Manchin's holding out. I think it's clear the Repubs ARE NOT going to do anything bipartisan, especially when it comes to making it easier for poor and people of color to vote. What could Biden have done? I think the criticism is misplaced and unfair.
I agree, Mike. The Dems need to continue to repeat and repeat again what Biden has accomplished and to continue fighting the big lie with the simple facts: the word of election officials, judges' refusals of Trump's cases, Barr's denial of voter fraud, refusal of top Repubs to participate in fake electors scheme.
Bipartisanship is not working; Repubs have dug in their heels for good. Dems have to admit that and do something else.
Thank you, FERN, for posting Dias' & Healy's piece; they are alert to cognitive paradigms
(if you will).
I think, therefore, I will. Did you read the article Bryan? Obviously, I recommend it.
Yes, I did & also noticed who "contributed research". I have also read scores of the DC DOJ's indictments, complaints, multiple amended pleadings, admissions against interest, pathetic rationalizations as officers were shocked multiple times, cognitive dissonance, plea agreements, sentencings & the most recent sedition conspiracy complaint against Co-conspirators Nos.1-11. Some of my brief observations have been posted to the Community. Would like to hear more about your experiences as a Producer.
I am particularly interested in your observations and analysis of legal activity and inactivity on the part of DOJ. Please share, if you can, your overall sense of the legal system and personal with reference to Trump's treasonous acts and other important actors involved in the coup attempt. Noteworthy reporting about Americans around the country - civil disorder, unrest, cooperation, militias, far-right organizations, etc., are also of great interest to me. My resume is in the past and for another time. Later.
I have posted many concise commemts on DOJ, Merrick Garland activity & legal work. I am not a Merrick Garland complainer. I expect a Federal Judge of 20 years to be methodical & was not surprised at all about the recent seditious Conspiracy indictment. Be certain the case is ready for trial now -- pending the addition of DOE Defendants. Trial judges not Garland control their Courtrooms. I am witnessing mtehodical DOJ prosecution and seeing it daily including the recent indictment of the muder-for- cash posting on Craig's List. Yes, Wreck was & is Treasonous with all its heavy Federal penalties.
'January 6 committee has been talking with ex-attorney general William Barr, chairman says' (CNN) Ah, this is of great interest, Bryan. Just the mention of his name brings down a shade of bloody red.
You always speak for me better than I can. Thank you Mike S
Jeri, I speak pretty poorly honestly.
I don’t think so, maybe it’s because you read my mind so much. I think you eloquently express so much that needs to be heard.
A wonderful summary by Dr. Richardson, as usual. Also a very insightful by Mike S.
thank you.
“ They are taking the German approach to appeasement prior to Hitler starting the train runs.”
This. 100% This. I was slow on the uptake. I saw the MSM sliding Right, but I mostly assumed it was because the Republican anti-regulatory & pro-wealth agendas benefited the MSM owners. Then the realization that MSM was catering to the likely winner of this battle/war smacked me in the head. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.
I refuse to pay for media to bury me and my country before the last breath.
Sophia, I grow tired of the radical, right wing stuff by Ross Douthat. That stuff he writes is nutty.
I participated in a Pew poll once. They were supposed to pay me $100 for the trouble. I had planned to donate it but I never got it. Piss on polls. The bias is stunning to me. Walter’s “that’s the way it is” is long ago and far away. No blathering panels for Walter. The 15-20 minutes from the three biggies has so much advertising and fluff at the end that I watch BBC.
I don’t believe the polls are actual. I sense that they are figments of someone’s imagination and should be treated as such.
They are so bogus. People are paid big money for these, yet they are football fields away from accuracy.
The "low approval ratings" are coming from asking people loaded questions. The thing that floored me recently (Heather wrote about this, too) was the one in which pollsters asked subjects questions about aspects of Biden's agenda they approved of. Every item they asked about in its own context were highly approved across the board. Though more Dems approved than Repubs, even a majority of Repubs approved of the items (you know, health care, school support, building infrastructure... all that stuff). In the same poll were questions that asked how people felt about Biden and the numbers dropped. Why? Because repeatedly the media talked ONLY about the things Biden has not yet had a chance to accomplish. Largely because of right wing obstruction, but also because in addition to right wing media, we have a bunch of inexperienced and poorly trained reporters and editors in the mainstream media. I write a lot of letters these days; this is a movement across the country. And it is starting to make a difference.
I even heard a young reporter today say in his report that he was realizing that he had made some assumptions that he examined, and was changing his approach. Part of what he said had to do with realizing that "both-side-ism is a false picture. There are often many, and sometimes only one, esp where ethics are concerned. He's now looking deeper into issues so he could make more accurate stories. Whoa! Women reporters in particular are stronger at this, but look at the role models they had. I am optimistic (at least more so) that our media is broadening out again and more rapidly than I expected.
I also am glad that Biden is reaching out to We, the People. WE are the one's who need to pressure our reps and senators and elected officials at all levels to pass these critically important pieces of legislation. And not let up. That's our job. For the sake of our economy AND for the sake of our democracy.
Heather, while tonight's piece is another wonderful "letter", this one-year recap would better serve democracy appearing as a guest opinion piece in WaPo or NYT. We are your choir and this is what we are not hearing in the press. Move it on to a bigger, louder choir?
There are also local and regional newspapers in every state. If we all regularly write Letters to the Editor and submit Op-Eds based of HCR's Letters, then we all can spread the good word. If HCR can stay up writing these letters almost everyday, the least we can do is follow her good example and commit to writing a few letters a day.
Here are some general guidelines and links to Maine papers, WaPo snd NYTimes.
Letters to the Editor General Information
Tips on Writing a Letter to the Editor | American Civil Liberties Union
How to Write a Successful Letter to the Editor | NRDC
Maine Newspapers LTE Guidelines
Submit a letter or column - Bangor Daily News
Send a Letter to the Editor of The Ellsworth American
Send a Letter to the Editor of the Mount Desert Islander
Letters to the Editor - Press Herald
Letters to the Editor - Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel
Letters to the Editor - Lewiston Sun Journal
National Newspapers LTE Guidelines
Send a letter to the editor – The Washington Post
How to submit a letter to the editor - New York Times
Brilliant! I propose to myself to create a list like this for my local and regional news outlets, and set a firm intention to write one letter per week going forward. Thanks lin!
Wonderful. ThankYou. Who knows, it may become a good habit. Usually under 250 words and if you can tie it to an article in that day's edition even better. If you quote a source, cite it. Or else paraphrase. Even if they don't publish your letter, you may be part of a 'drumbeat' on a topic. Also separately and not for publication you can ask for more reporting on specific topics.
Here are links to the Connecticut Democratic Party and Democratic Town Committees. They may have Letter to the Editor campaigns.
Thank you Lin for the links! This need to be in the MSM and everywhere else! I’m also sending to local papers and radio new shows.
Your effort is worth it. Multiplied by all of us it can help.
Thanks for the push, Lin. I've just sent a letter to PBS News Hour and will send similar one to NPR and local print outlets. People need to know his accomplishments. I can't stomach Dems complaining -- can't they see what he's done and the opposition he is fighting!! I ask Where is the integrity of the media?
Folks here that notice my comments know that I’m sounding like a broken record. Each week, without fail, I have written a letter to the Tampa Bay Times. I’ve written them and had my husband send them in under his name. I’ve written to the Chairman/CEO. Still nothing. I’d like this group to also come up with names and contact information for the newspaper “heads” that might be able to post letters like Heather’s, or at least change the narrative for their papers.
You may not see a direct and immediate effect to your personal efforts in writing Letters to the Editor. But if your letter is one of many responding in similar ways to specific newspaper articles - then one may be published. And your work is part of that.
I write several letters a day. (And comments only here.) A good result is the nationals a few times a year. The regionals every couple of months. And local sometimes every month.
Since last January, I've written to national newspapers and magazines to do investigative reporting on right wing religious extremist activist Ginni (Mrs. Justice Clarence) Thomas -who has close ties with Trump and dark lord of dark money Leonard Leo. This week Jane Mayer has an essay on Ginni Thomas in The New Yorker. Did I *do* that. Of course not, but I let them know readers were interested in the topic. And I bet, I was not the only one.
Thanks for the encouragement. And I did read that long but excellent article by Jane Mayer. It was revelatory to say the least. And, again, why is only the New Yorker having stories like this?
Two answers: they aren't the only ones. And even if it were, every story starts somewhere.
So glad you post prolifically, lin, which makes it easier to find your needles in this haystack! Pursuant to your request today in LFAA of 1-24-22, for Heather's Herd info, please email:
ThankYou Very Much. And right back at ya. I appreciate your good help and good comments.
Excellent. Again thanks for all you do, lin, and yes, you do have an impact!
Often newspapers limit Letters to the Editor publication to 1 per person per month. Maybe Tampa's limit is one per decade. Sheesh, even our local Sinclair owned paper prints opposing views. Is there any other publication in your community that takes letters? If not, maybe Tampa Bay Times needs some competition - we have a small free regional advertiser (tourist town) that also provides editorials, excellent stories and local columnists, and publishes letters. It has a liberal bent in this red neck of the woods, but everyone picks up their copy at the grocery store each week.
Try writing directly to reporters, or editors. CEOs are the last people to write to.
Excellent! Thank You! Lin
Yes, I agree that this letter needs to go mainstream. All I see is how Joe Biden has messed up everything and failed. I’d love to see this detailed and heartfelt letter everywhere for everyone.
We need to put things in our own words, in the context of our own lives and communities if we are to be effective. Dr Richardson teaches us so we can do that and be effective. She can't be our voice. We have to do that part ourselves.
Someone on Dr. Richardson’s Facebook posed essentially the same question, to which she responded: “You preach to the choir so the choir sings. 🙂” This is on us now.
Submit it to NYT et al.
With her keen historian's eye, Dr. Richardson has managed to see the big picture of Biden's first year and sum up beautifully what has transpired. I think we can get a bit myopic and tend to just narrow our sights on things as they occur day by day. Historians are used to seeing things on a broader scale, and using their sense of historical perspective--framing current events against the backdrop of past history--can take note of certain events which should perhaps command our attention. They take stock of events that might signal the beginning of a trend--as always with the past as a guide.
This Letter both elates and infuriates. We DO have some things to feel justifiably proud of, but the forces we are having to fight are also seemingly gaining ground. I think a rather good administration is becoming a victim of circumstances beyond its control. Yes, there have been missteps along the way, but, my God, those pale in comparison to the totally inept, complete incompetence of Biden's predecessor. I tend to think the MSM wants to go back to those palmy days of yore when the Mango Mussolini was outraging everything and everybody several times daily. It kept them busy and gave them something to do. No matter that it was trashing the country and making us the laughing stock of the world. Biden is boring. Good governance is boring. Boring, slow news days means less readers/viewers. Less bottom line. Less $$$.
We need to counter that and get the word out if the MSM won't. Spread things like this Letter and others like it as much as possible. Maybe we can get the truth out there somehow. Keep calling the Republicans what they are: a bunch of spineless cowards, devoid of any ethics or substance, who are set and determined to destroy this democracy. LISTEN TO THE HISTORIANS!! They are sounding the alarm because they've seen this script before and they know where this can lead.
Rev Warnock, Stacey Abrams, Marcus Flowers...Vote Blue in '22.
Morning Lynell. They had better or...! It does seem to me that there are obligations in citizenship as well as rights and one of the most important is to get yourself out to vote regardless of the obstacles put in your way....rights have to be fought for at every moment if they are to be maintained. We can't just depend on afew thousand Stacey Abrams. If people haven't got the willpower or don't care enough to do that then they will get what the Republicans impose upon them....and they will be very unhappy but nobody in power will care a hoot.
Right, you are...Morning, Stuart!
I agree, but will Georgia's proposed "poll police", a la DeSantis, allow them to vote? And will the votes be overturned in Fulton County, our most populous and dependably Democratic county, as well as smaller majority-Black counties, if their County Election Boards are replaced by partisan politicians who can nullify the votes with the new laws already in place? Absent the passage of the Voting Rights bills, that is a real possibility. Thank you, Senators Manchin and Sinema!
I agree, Nancy, the news is bleak. But I find it hard to believe that Georgians will stand idly by and watch it happen.
Lynell, I agree that history will repeat itself, and there will be huge numbers of voters and volunteers in Georgia. However, the GOP Governor Kemp has already decided to place on the State Election Board Janice Johnston, who criticized Fulton County elections "while repeating unsubstantiated claims of falsified tally sheets" in an audit of the 2020 election. Johnston brings to the Board's five members the third Republican. This Board ordered Fulton County last year to undergo a performance review, which is underway now. We can all guess the outcome, and if Fulton doesn't pass, the State Board could vote to replace the county board with an appointed administrator, and nullification of Fulton County's votes is pretty much guaranteed.
Thanks, Nancy, for this inside information.
Don’t forget Kemp stole his election and we couldn’t do anything about it. Also remember the voting machines erased the night before the audit…
The institution of so-called "poll police" has everybody wondering what would happen. I expect their creation to be contested in court. For an example of one of the more contentious rules, part of the new voting laws pushed by the GOP, would allow for only ONE absentee voter drop-box for all of largely rural Hancock county (over in east Central GA). It would be in the county seat of Sparta...the only one. The racial make-up of that county (2020 Census) is 69% African-American, 28% White. Hmmm...notice anything??
There's no doubt that these rules are all racially-motivated, and my guess is that those making the rules are pretty certain that the Supreme Court will allow them to stand. Randolph County (61% Black) is threatening to close 75% of the county's polling places in November, claiming that they are not compliant with the ADA Act, although all were open in a recent primary and a GOP runoff. I can't find any reference to another South or Central Georgia elections board (mostly Black) that WSBTV reported had been replaced - for no credible reports of irregularities.
Thank you, Bruce. Everyone in Georgia, as well as the rest of this country, need to see today's letter from Heather, and your intelligent analysis.
Thank you, Bruce. Well said.
Can you imagine what life would be like if trump had stayed in office? There would have been no American Rescue Plan so chances are we would be in a depression. There was no plan for distribution of the vaccine & they probably wouldn't be free. There would still not be an infrastructure bill. Yeah, I want more of that, she said sarcastically....
Thank you. Sigh.
An exquisite piece of writing which the Democrats should reproduce and spread far and wide. Thank you, Heather, for giving us all a reason to hold our heads up high. I hope that you will send it to President Biden, so that he knows that he is admired and appreciated. Ploughing through this year has been no small feat, and it has been accomplished with merit and grace.
Yes, Rowshan, they should reproduce it. But they won't. I get so tired of Dem fund raising emails. Always screaming about what the GOP is doing and how the Dems desperately need contributions---never anything about WHAT they are going to do or what they stand for. Messaging Messaging Messaging. Will they ever get it? No one in the party is standing up and touting the successes, NO ONE as far as I can tell ( but I really don't watch TV, so perhaps I am missing some golden oratory, but I doubt it.)
You might be, like the video above. Most Americans watch a lot of tv.
Yes, I've been pretty horrified that the Dems seem to use the same marketing agencies as the Republicans with all the ridiculous hyperbole and "match" deals. So instead of delete or block, it is fun now to reply with this LFAA of 1/22/2022.
I used the DCCC comment form to send a message about the 1/22/22 LFAA. But is there an easier way to "reply". I'm a bit regretful I have unsubscribed from the flood of Dem appeals (every new candidate from anywhere sends me an email.....) I also by accident get conservative feeds plus occasional feeds from the recent president, vice president, et al. interesting how theirs are very personal appeals to join in causes. I could say more but perhaps this isn't the place.... Have a good week Ellie!!
Yes, it was quite satisfying today to zap those email solicitations with the LFAA. Maybe some staffers will start subscribing!
FYI a group of HCR Substackers has formed a group to turn good talk here into good action, and it's certainly the place to say more! For more info, email:
WE can reproduce Heather's Letter of 1/22/2022 and spread it far and wide. Fellow reader Suzette Ciancio posted a great idea:
"With every fundraising email I get from the Democratic party and the candidates I will reply with this letter and tell them that this is what they should be talking about. We all should."
I can't wait to jump on my next fundraising email.
Great idea from Suzette! I now look forward (sort of😜) to receiving those fundraising emails.
A LFAA reader commented this week that a Gannett -owned newspaper in south Florida published one of Dr. Heather’s letters !
I’m sending today’s Letter to our local Gannett editor.
We'd love to know which one. Tampa Bay Times has been ignoring our letters to the editor.
Palm Beach Post:
I haven’t had any luck with our Editor at Florida Today. I sent the above 1/19 LFAA to a columnist who I thought would be receptive as sometimes it’s helpful to work up the chain.
Her response :
Kathy: Very familiar with her and follow her on FB – I’ll check with editors to see if this is being considered for our Opinion page. Thanks!
I did send today’s LFAA directly to Editor so I’ll keep you posted.🤞🤞
Woo hoo, Kathy, for you and other such necessary spots of hope in Florida!
This is such a great idea. Can't wait to begin forwarding this fine letter.
Great idea, Ellie! I'll do as you suggest plus share on fb. As Kathy (below) suggests, I'll also send to my local award-winning Highlands Current newspaper in the Hudson Valley and the Pulitzer Prize-winning Storm Lake Times in Iowa. Forward together!! 💪🏼💪🏿💪
I guess you'll be getting a few....courage and good luck in getting the candidates to raise their game thus and actually make a difference
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
I totally agree, Rowshan. Well said! Plus, masses of beloved relatable stars--and "real people"-- should make videos conveying this information!
I'd be surprised if President Biden isn't "Someone".
I have always wondered who "Someone" is!!
Your writing is beautiful and powerful. I wish the media would shift its focus to Biden's accomplishments.
Totally agree! Got to play the GOP’s game!
... AND the failures and pointless obstruction of the Republicans!
I wish you a good night's sleep tonight, Dr. Richardson. Thank you for your Herculean efforts to give us context for what we read in the news, and to present a true picture in the face of so much disinformation.
Another outstanding recap of where we are. Heather, this is excellent writing...once again. Thank you.
Based on the success described here, any normal democracy would be celebrating and the President's approval rating would be 70 or 80%. Because success is a good thing, right?
Not if you are engaged in a "culture war". The forces of primitive radical right wing authoritarian populism have been mined effectively by the Oligarchs who control this nation. Conspiracy nonsense has become accepted as fact by millions of Americans.
And that nonsense has been funded by the rich. TFG is the obvious example. But he only exists on the national stage because of one person who lives in Australia. Through his media puppets, Rupert Murdoch has committed libel and slander for several years. His money loop is amazingly effective and it is essentially a foreign takeover of America. His billions buttress a TV network that babbles lies and undermines the fabric of our country every single day. And the people who watch this garbage buy the products of the companies that advertise on his channel.
Murdoch and the companies that pay him (and send money to the members of Congress who participated in an attempted coup!) are effectively running this nation. They have shut down simple efforts at establishing voting rights and helping families with childcare. I repeat: they have effectively demonized voting rights and childcare.
There is talk of economic sanctions for Putin if he takes the next step into Ukraine. I suggest that Rupert Murdoch is more of a threat to our nation than Putin will ever be. Sanction HIM! Murdoch is the Genghis Khan of media and he slaughters the truth all day long. Hannity and Carlson "yell fire in a non-burning theater" and we do nothing. They get rich and the money loop continues it's despicable destruction of our "democracy".
Yes, I am having a Peter Finch moment.
Terrific point about Murdoch being more dangerous than Putin. Could Biden create a cabinet post called “office of media integrity” that would focus on newspapers, tv stations and social media?” I guess that’s what FCC is, but they aren’t doing much from what I see.
Reagan's FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, and even if it were intact, the Fairness Doctrine would not cover social media. Yes, we desperately need some sort of oversight.
Would that be restricting the freedom of the press?
Thanks, my first though was that would be pushed by Republicans to no end.
Right about that, but they distort everything with Rupert’s 24/7 blather
Another Peter Finch moment coming up. You have verbalized perfectly what has chapped my soul since the late 80's. My distress went into high gear since Rupert signed on with the biggest loser in the world. Purpose - to divide America and make it over in the image of the Gilded Age when oligarch's openly ruled. As you said, it has been successful beyond even the republicans expectations, thanks to the cohesion of vermin like white supremacists, zygote warriors, evangelical Pharisees, gun nuts, immigrant haters, and ideological , power-hungry opponents of democracy. "They have effectively demonized voting rights and child care." I would add health care and women's rights across the board.
Your last paragraph needs to be repeated ad nauseam. I thought the Koch's were evil personified and they were/are. Rupert makes them seem like Sunday School, as he incorporates every single evil agenda before 1980 into his long range plans.
And you are having an Antonio Gramsci moment.
"Antonio Gramsci's...key contribution was his theory of hegemony, which describes how the capitalist class maintains its power through its domination of culture..."
(Find the pdf of "An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci" by opening the link in the tweet.)
I think this is hugely important analysis to tie human psychology and behavior to money, particularly the global politico-economy.
I have been reading these letters for a year, but never posted. I graduated with a history degree many years ago, and greatly appreciate the historical perspective Dr. Richardson brings to this forum. The Letters, like this post tonight, are always enlightening but also infuriating and frightening. The Republican efforts to create an authoritarian regime is so obvious to me, perhaps because I grew up as a reform Jew, where teaching of the Holocaust was part of our curriculum. My friends had parents who were in concentration camps. I always wondered how so many people could believe such lies and thought it could never happen here. It was one of the letters (or maybe the podcast) that finally convinced me that it is my responsibility to help defend democracy. So, I tracked down the States Project, which I heard about at an activism workshop, and started my own Giving Circle for Arizona to change the balance of power in the Arizona House and Senate. The Republicans have a very small majority, but have used it to pass voter suppression bills and hire the Cyber Ninjas to wreak havoc on our election process. We have precious little time to save our democracy and I finally feel like I'm contributing something concrete to the effort. I'm so grateful for President Biden's efforts to use the federal government to protect all citizens, but we can also start from the bottom up. For anyone who wants information on the effort to change the balance of power at the state level, their website is
IMHO your post is the best kind--walking the talk with a link to grassroots activism. I know about many progressive political organizations, but I did not know about the States Project. Thank you and I look forward to hearing more from you!
Thank You, Cathy. I'm with Ellie on this - Excellent work! And thanks for link to States Project. We have to start from the bottom up!
Your first post is invaluable. Thanks for your activism at the state level, especially in AZ. Hope your organization is helping to rid us of Sinema.
Welcome to our community! For a first post, it’s a “doozy”. It is not just a great recap of your efforts to save our democracy, it gives us a link to local activism that we didn’t know about. Thank you.
Many thanks for your action and post to us here, Cathy!
If you’re not familiar with Robert Hubbell, he too has an enriching, action-oriented, substack newsletter, Today’s Edition, each weekday, with an audio option. Additionally, he has a weekend podcast with guests — including Melissa Walker of The States Project.
Love Hubbell, a great read after LFAA! He also frequently cites Jessica Craven’s “Chop Wood, Carry Water” where she posts easy-to-follow action links:
It was Jessica Craven's workshop where I first learned about the States Project! I subscribe to her newsletter.
FYI a group of HCR Substackers has formed to turn good talk here into good action. Jessica is speaking at our next Zoom meeting. For more info:
I love how YOU so often bring Hubbell and Craven to our classmates here in LFAA!💙
Cathy, thank you for your post and your personal story and perspective. "We have precious little time to save our democracy and I finally feel like I'm contributing something concrete to the effort."
Your thoughts are valuable to me personally. Half the time I am doing stuff to help Common Cause and trying to work with the Democrat apparatus here in my area. The other half the time I am angry about what our Democracy has NOT done over the years and how it has failed large numbers of people in our so called "Democracy". Then, half the time I am thinking I will just move to Greece where my wife is a Citizen.
Your thought, this morning, made me step back and think: OK, maybe I should just be all in here and commit and work to stop it all.
But, I think, at this point, that will include significant violence. I think we have to start really understanding what the Pubs are doing and start really preparing.
And, I don't think we are.
Democracy needs you, Mike, NY needs you—don’t burn out! As reminded in the posts about Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed yesterday, breathe in, breathe out. He and MLK had lots to say about nonviolent resistance. Working with Common Cause and your local Democratic Party is terrific! More power to you, and we support you!
We (and the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc) will work to (quietly) prevent the violence. I have hope after watching my Proud Boy neighbor become neighborly again in the past 6 months as he benefitted directly from Biden's programs and benefits.
Just sent them a note to learn more. Thanks
Hi Charlie. I'm in Tucson, also! Melissa Walker at the States Project is very responsive and has been a wonderful partner. This is a bit of a daunting undertaking, but she has been with me every step of the way.
Yay! University of Arizona alum here! You two save democracy, okay?!
I completely agree with Ellie Kona's "IMHO" that this (your first post!) is the best kind, Cathy. I would add that when you bring to our attention a progressive grassroots organization that Ellie Kona has not heard about before, that is a very valuable contribution. Good luck in swinging Arizona! You have inspired me to look into doing something similar in and for my home state of Georgia.
And my daughter's current home state of Wisconsin!
Whilst defending Sen. Blumenthal's Senate seat in my temporary home state of CT.
It doesn't help that the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable trust fund babies of the Washington Press Corpse continue their "unbiased" reporting by making Republican lies the equivalent of actual facts and giving "both sides" equal weight lest the Republicans say they're the "liberal media." Which the Republicans do anyway, despite the fact the Press Corpse reporting gives them an edge they in no way deserve.
Harry Truman....."When the press quits abusing me, I know I am in the wrong pew!"
The press seems hopeless. I still recall the more or less negative article the NYT ran on him when the campaign for 2020 opened. They really don’t want parts of the Bernie or Biden social programs
See my comment above: "performance journalism". And it is not even a good performance.
Very well said TC. I completely agree.
Always remember that Biden's negative numbers don't just come from Republican/Fox lies and propaganda. Reporting and opinion pieces in the "liberal" corporate media, very much including the New York Times and the Washington Post, CNN, NPR/PBS, and MSNBC, also bears a heavy responsibility.
What a superb post this evening, Heather. I only wish that it would appear in major media outlets across this country (and the world). The MSM seem to be dead set against Biden (of course look who owns the papers....) and through choices of words actually giving support to Republican lies and mischief. Not to call a lie a lie is a misuse of language; to fail to say that it is the Republicans who are opposed to voting rights (and say instead that the Democrats lost; of course they did, but WHO CAUSED IT?) I meant for this to be an appreciation of tonight's post with its magnificent summary of the truth of Biden's first year. Instead, I got a little carried away in the wrong direction. Apologies. We the People!! Peace and Courage to all.
I agree. I’m feeling distraught by the negative MSM posts - even the late night TV hosts are crucifying Biden. This does not bode well for the majority of us. IT. IS. GOING. TO. BACKFIRE.
One thing that concerns me on the credit President isn't getting from the electorate is the size of the mess he inherited from President Trump's dismantling and demoralizing so many of the institutions of the federal government. For instance, in ending the Afghan war he was honoring the word of the United States even if it came from President Trump's deal to get out of Afghanistan by May 1. The other part of this is the diminished intelligence available to the Biden administration that should have told him how fast the Taliban were going to sweep in. Then there is the Republican refusal to wear masks and get vaccination extending the pandemic and causing unnecessary death and extending the economic chaos it creates. There is also the number of Ambassadorships that went unfilled by the Trump administration. And let's mention the Wall where the Trump administration actually made the problem worse by removing aide to the countries that people were leaving out of desperation. We can also talk about the tax cuts for corporations with no incentives to trickle down their golden eggs in the form of higher wages. This is the common state of the country after Republican administrations. Look at the financial crisis President Bush left for President Obama. Then you see President Trump immediately taking credit for the Obama rising economy. It goes on and on. We need to cut President Biden some slack in having to repair so much before he could start moving forward. The total obstruction by the Republican Senators is a travesty of the first order. Our job now is to make sure the 1/3 of those Senators from being reelected! And, to hold onto the House and to work at the state and local level to overturn Republican legislatures and partisan thugs going after Secretary of State offices to control elections. Time for Action all!
There are no “buts” to what you have written, Cathy Learoyd of Texas, United States of America.
I hope to see none on this unified forum. I hope to see only agreement to action on unifying the vision. I hope to see no directives as to what President Biden “should” do or what he “should” say at his State of the Union address. I hope to see every comment relate to what each of us “will” do to promote democracy and election security.
I got an early start today by emailing or texting link of this HCR Letter to each member of local groups working on local politics, friends, and to friends that are foes as far as politics go.
Spread the good word. Do not suppress it in any way. Show pride in belief. Believe that all need to see and hear the good word.
Glass half full and filling up more!
Thank you Cathy. I hope you don't mind if I pull this apart - make it easier to digest point by point ...:
"One thing that concerns me on the credit President isn't getting from the electorate is the size of the mess he inherited from President Trump's dismantling and demoralizing so many of the institutions of the federal government.
"For instance, in ending the Afghan war he was honoring the word of the United States even if it came from President Trump's deal to get out of Afghanistan by May 1.
'The other part of this is the diminished intelligence available to the Biden administration that should have told him how fast the Taliban were going to sweep in.
'Then there is the Republican refusal to wear masks and get vaccination extending the pandemic and causing unnecessary death and extending the economic chaos it creates.
'There is also the number of Ambassadorships that went unfilled by the Trump administration.
'And let's mention the Wall where the Trump administration actually made the problem worse by removing aide to the countries that people were leaving out of desperation.
'We can also talk about the tax cuts for corporations with no incentives to trickle down their golden eggs in the form of higher wages. This is the common state of the country after Republican administrations.
'Look at the financial crisis President Bush left for President Obama. Then you see President Trump immediately taking credit for the Obama rising economy.
'It goes on and on. We need to cut President Biden some slack in having to repair so much before he could start moving forward. The total obstruction by the Republican Senators is a travesty of the first order.
'Our job now is to make sure the 1/3 of those Senators from being reelected! And, to hold onto the House and to work at the state and local level to overturn Republican legislatures and partisan thugs going after Secretary of State offices to control elections."
OK, ignore my comment above yours, you did what I recommended. :-)
Thank you Mike - the headline would be useful when forwarding!!
Thank you, Kathleen and Mike S. I was tired when I wrote it so it does reflect a bit of stream of consciousness writing.
A nice list of Republican failures.
And number each failure separately. On its own line. Make it easy reading for the Publicans.
Thank you Cathy—you are absolutely correct!
Cut some slack, indeed Cathy. We do but it's the 80+ million others that voted for him that need to be addressed and be so convinced. They aren't getting the message. Biden has got to get out on the trail, week in, week out "beating the tub" on simple messages that carry weight and not just the current well intentioned "twittering". Otherwise all his successes will trip over his failures in the eyes of the people; they won't be seen over the horizon. People like the idea of a strong confident President with a sure vision of where he's going and who not only knows how but does get there. They don't just need an elderly, proficient professional with a dream. They don't want the chatter they want the results....and one is never so successful as one's last battle results......
I've been reading a lot of Richard Thaler and Daniel Kahneman of late and agree that their "Loss aversion" in decision making is weighing very heavily in the balance . Biden happens to be there when the American people are feeling that they have suffered a loss (and I'm not talking about Trump) and are faced with severe future losses....status perhaps, certainty surely, money no. In such circumstances people become oddly less risk averse when faced with only bad choices and gamble more....perhaps not on peace and democracy.
Daniel Kahneman "Thinking fast and slow"
Richard Thaler "Misbehaving" and "Nudge"
Loss aversion. May be more than a passing observation. What do all those White, church raised, hard working, tax paying, rural living guys and their gals fear most? Uncertainy? Change? Their status as White and better? The important myths of what America is (Chevrolet, Clydesdales, flags and 4th of July, unpaved country roads, work that involves muscle and sweat)? The stuff conected to aversion, IMO.
It's not something that's limited to a minority of Republican diehards, Fred. The ones you have to worry about are the Democratic voters and independents who feel that way too and are not happy with Biden's performance
Agree. Many of those adverse are Democrats and Independents with conservative values. They still want the past they are familiar with, Stuart. Many of them have voted both ways and will drop Biden if they feel underappreciated. Some of them once trusted Obama to make the world harmonious... and not threatening to their way of life. That is one reason I think we best attend to the negative tone from our liberal press as more than switching sides or to the monied interests behind their opinion pieces as good journalism may well reflect not just the story but the mood of the public beyond that of only it's subscribers or fans.
Very true, Fred. Outside of the Washington/NYC "bubble" things probably look a little different to a progressive's ardent wishes.
Thank you, Cathy. All you have stated is so true!
This makes me swell with pride, yet sob with frustration. I hope and pray we can find away forward. Thank you, as ever, for laying it all out there. We’re here with you 🙏🏼❤️
Yes we are, and Thank you and God bless you in your work!
Thank you - so much easier to point out flaws than successes. Progress is hard; criticizing the effort is so much easier.
“Think about this,” he said, “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.”
This^ a thousand times. The do nothing GOP, the No Work GOP, the couch potato GOP, the heartless GOP, the working for the wealthy GOP, The GOP folks are sitting on their couches eating Chee-tos and lifting their phones to text, "Nope." Pick this message Dems and hammer it, hammer it home! At least bring back the talking filibuster. Make them come in to work. p.s. Thank you Heather for this great outline of all the things Biden has accomplished.
Kim, I agree that it's time to repeatedly ask “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.” And, ask it every time someone writes/posts/tweets that the Dems have done damage. It's time to turn the tables at every level and ask why we are paying these do-nothing thugs.
They’re for dismantling democracy and maintaining power over a country where they can’t win elections fairly. Their level of dishonesty, greed and malice is breath taking.
Yes. Their point is to do nothing.
But Republican obstruction is not doing nothing.
You are so right Ellie. Intentional sabotage.
The party of “no”. But we knew that they had nothing new to offer from their 2020 platform (which was identical to their 2016 platform where Hilary Clinton was listed as the opponent.).
As I recall, in 2020 there was no platform at all, other than allegiance to tfg!
I believe you are correct, Ellen. Thank you for reminding us.