Perhaps the posts demonizing Israel and support for Israel didn’t strike you as they did me. One person referred to the Hamas massacre of October 7 as an action they approved that supposedly ‘uncloaked’ Israeli genocide. Mass murder reveals that the people killed were genocidal? There’s more, I’m not ‘readi…
Perhaps the posts demonizing Israel and support for Israel didn’t strike you as they did me. One person referred to the Hamas massacre of October 7 as an action they approved that supposedly ‘uncloaked’ Israeli genocide. Mass murder reveals that the people killed were genocidal? There’s more, I’m not ‘reading in’ to see it, but I have no stomach for repeating more of it. There is also thoughtful discussion, including from you, for which I am grateful.
Thank you, Joan. I jumped over most of that thread so I probably missed the posts you are referring to, which I agree are disgusting and offensive. I think that whole thread was out of place and inappropriate. Today those were at the top of LFAA by the time I came in, and they grew rapidly tiresome, so after posting that post, I just wheeled down until I got to letters actually responding to Heather's column. I value LFAA and wish people would remember what it is about (American history and it's influence on current American affairs), and respect it by sticking to the theme of Heather's Letter of the Day. I read a lot, and people who want to get extensively into other topics should perhaps find one of the many substack columns where that is the topic of discussion.
I am giving thought to what I am subscribed to, and though I appreciate being part of the LFAA community, it has gotten repetitive and time-consuming and too often just petty. When half of it is off-topic, I don't get much out of it. I'll continue to read the letter, but I'll let my paid subscription go when it runs out in March. More of my stuff is being picked up elsewhere now, with some direct requests coming in. I'm getting started with action too, and it's time to focus more on getting out the vote and raising awareness.
Though I'm not fond of Facebook, LFAA has a great community there too. Many of the people I most appreciate here are also on other substack columns I frequent too (such as Hubbell and Vance and Simon Rosenburg). It's been a hard decision to make, after being here from the beginning, and there are people I'll miss. You are one of them.
Annie, I like your perspective.
Perhaps the posts demonizing Israel and support for Israel didn’t strike you as they did me. One person referred to the Hamas massacre of October 7 as an action they approved that supposedly ‘uncloaked’ Israeli genocide. Mass murder reveals that the people killed were genocidal? There’s more, I’m not ‘reading in’ to see it, but I have no stomach for repeating more of it. There is also thoughtful discussion, including from you, for which I am grateful.
Thank you, Joan. I jumped over most of that thread so I probably missed the posts you are referring to, which I agree are disgusting and offensive. I think that whole thread was out of place and inappropriate. Today those were at the top of LFAA by the time I came in, and they grew rapidly tiresome, so after posting that post, I just wheeled down until I got to letters actually responding to Heather's column. I value LFAA and wish people would remember what it is about (American history and it's influence on current American affairs), and respect it by sticking to the theme of Heather's Letter of the Day. I read a lot, and people who want to get extensively into other topics should perhaps find one of the many substack columns where that is the topic of discussion.
I am giving thought to what I am subscribed to, and though I appreciate being part of the LFAA community, it has gotten repetitive and time-consuming and too often just petty. When half of it is off-topic, I don't get much out of it. I'll continue to read the letter, but I'll let my paid subscription go when it runs out in March. More of my stuff is being picked up elsewhere now, with some direct requests coming in. I'm getting started with action too, and it's time to focus more on getting out the vote and raising awareness.
Though I'm not fond of Facebook, LFAA has a great community there too. Many of the people I most appreciate here are also on other substack columns I frequent too (such as Hubbell and Vance and Simon Rosenburg). It's been a hard decision to make, after being here from the beginning, and there are people I'll miss. You are one of them.