Thank you for this clear and accurate description of what Trump and the Republican Party are trying to do to our institutions and to our republic. God help us.

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WE help us, Nancy! That’s our charge. We have a lot of work to do, and we are up to the challenge.

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I don't know if Biden writes his own speeches but HCR has regularly highlighted some eloquent and pointed lines. I would like to see them provoke attention in more places than here. Many of our circumstance are demanding adult responses, and the "GOP" is certainly not providing them.

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We must do our part by sharing these reports with any who might be uninformed.

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I send to 14 friends each day, some of whom really appreciate the wisdom, and a few of whom are willfully ignorant, but I'm hoping that at some point they manage to digest the threat we're under.

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I've been posting every day to Twitter X and FB with a pull quote from Heather's text and a photo from her sources. It feels like a sacred obligation at least until Nov 2024. Thank you Heather!

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Promoting the truth and bringing light into the now darkened corners of our nation is a sacred trust and a constant obligation, or we run the risk of losing our precious democracy.

Yes, please forward Heather's marvelous daily essays every way you can. The Washington Post's motto, which it doesn't always adhere to, is instructive: "Democracy Dies in Darkness." As Anthony and Nancy and Terry and many others here have commented, we must spread the word, the truth, like wildfire so that we can say to all that America democracy is alive and strong.

Let's replace the pernicious misinformation and hatred-laden words of Trump and his misguided followers with truth and light and thereby grant the continuation of an ever-stronger democracy to our kids and grandkids and their grandkids.

Let's not be the generation that stood aside and watched our precious democracy replaced by vicious authoritarianism.

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History has shown us where those two roads lead.

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Yes, we must fight fire with fire! Spread the word like wildfire!

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Called a "back fire" set in front of a raging wildfire, so when the two meet, the fuel is gone.

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HCR writes:

"The attempt to create distrust of large financial institutions is part of a larger attempt to destabilize the institutions of democracy."

HCR wants us to TRUST Big Money that pollutes and corrupts our political system.

However, HCR does usefully point out that Trump's brain, like that of Biden, is turning into mashed potatoes. Lock them both up, in a minimum security nursing home.

(But never fear, the same corrupt Establishment that is running both Trump and Biden is prepping Neo Nikki and Ron Con to be our next team in the White House.)

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I think that you would agree that a Trump win in November is a worst case scenario? Assuming that, what should the Democratic party (or an independent) do in your opinion to better assure that. Who should be the candidate that will win the electoral college? At this point, the DNC believes its best chances are with Biden/Harris. Not everyone agrees, but I do. It appears HCR does too. Would I rather see a much younger Bernie-type in there? Yes. But I don't know who that person is, and just do not see a way forward that betters the odds come November. What I want is for Trump and the Republicans to be defeated - period. I'd be interested in knowing your thoughts.

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And as each day passes, we have less time to do anything different.

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Joe "Cocaine Nose" Biden is worse than Trump. Trump is a loose cannon who makes dirty deals with the Establishment that is running our country into the ground. Biden IS the Establishment.

HCR is an intellectual prostitute who puts in late nights whoring for Biden.

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Nasty name-calling only shows your ignorance. Griping about what you think is wrong doesn't help either. Unless you have a solution to what you think the matter is, most of us would prefer you shut the fk up!

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Good grief man - I tried. You appear to be in the (thankfully small) group that would see this country burn to the ground so that it can be rebuilt. People who would just as soon see Trump in there, knowing full well he would indeed burn it to the ground. And then something (I don't know what) rises up from the ashes. Is that your preference? My preference is to build on what we have and not go backwards. And just so you know - I personally am a single issue voter. Climate change. That's my hot button, and for good reason. Putting Trump back in there is existential for that reason alone, not to mention the myriad of other reasons.

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What a hilarious comment!

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Please, please--stop feeding this troll.

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I'd like Trump and the Trumpians to be completely and totally defeated. I think there are a few Republicans left but they have to work in a bully culture.

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Go away, troll.

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Please report him.

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I have done!

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...said Biden Bigot the Troll as he looked in the mirror and thought he saw a troll.

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Your reaction only proves the truth of my comment.

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Trolling the banks in toto, John? Regardless whether you think they and other corporates run just on greed, they provide wide ranging, vital services. Heather's point was very focussed. Stick to the point.

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Please report him.

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I think this has been a recurrent issue. You'd think he'd be happier with more of his own kind, as opposed to trolling this site. Some users have sometimes found his opinions to their liking, but i find he just can't help battering at those who challenge him, with citations on his clip notes galore. I had a "friend" who's ultra conservative Catholic who once could not help signing up to a local atheist dump on religion site then contesting everything that crossed his path. I think he finally quit, but he was definitely a troll here. He belonged to a Holy Mother of God kind of place, just NOT Pope Francis kind of place. lol. I think some people who feel strongly about something sometimes become "man" the fortress kind of folk, who just seek out opposition to "hold them at bay" or something like that.

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I did, for the second time. I really don't know what it's going to take for the admin to remove him from the site. We all pay to come here and learn and converse with others who actually want to find solutions to these issues. This person continues to be rude and nasty, and never seems to make a valid point on anything.

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In toto?

I made the point that moral hazard is now baked into the system. Stick your head in the sand, if you really want to.

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HCR wants us to TRUST a corrupt system that has institutionalized moral hazard, with the Federal Reserve continuing to prop up undead "zombie banks":


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It is just as wrong headed to say all financial institutions are bad as it is to say they are all good. While I don’t like the idea that financial services make too much money from other people’s money, there is a definite need for them to exist and provide the services they render. Attacking entrenched institutions and replacing them with chaos does not preserve us. We need to make them better at serving all of us.

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I have to agree. I would start by re-instituting the Roosevelt-era "Glass-Steagall" firewall between commercial banking (home mortgages and small business loans) and Wall Street investment banking.

The next step is to dry out the insane derivatives market, whose eventual implosion (if left unattended) will bring the whole system crashing down.

p.s. I suspect that the members of the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee are well aware of the threat, but Congress is gridlocked as the House Republicans consume themselves.


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p.p.s. perhaps you remember the Reagan-era Savings and Loan crisis, when the S & Ls were forced by law to buy junk bonds, which eventually ruined them. Your tax dollars at work...

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She isn’t saying that. She’s explaining tfg’s fears and attacks by crazy right wingers.

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Malware risk.

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And then there is the global problem of zombie CENTRAL banks including the Federal Reserve:


"The era of zombie central banks is upon us. And it’s set to pose a political challenge for central banks that is unlike anything they’ve ever faced.

"In economics, something becomes a zombie when, despite having negative profits as far as the eye can see, it continues to exist. Economists have documented the existence of zombie firms. They’ve even identified a few types, such as zombie banks, that recur throughout the world’s economies, like character archetypes recurring throughout the world’s folktales. The central bank is a new arrival to this taxonomy of economic zombies....

"The United States punts the financial burden to the future. When the Fed runs operating losses, it starts a tab with itself. The Fed then has to pay itself back with future profits before it can remit anything back to the Treasury Department. The Federal Reserve’s tab is now around $90 billion, and it’s growing. That is a burden for future generations already facing challenges ranging from entitlement reform to climate change."

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Our banks are turning into zombies, as Biden and the Vampire Liberals suck money out of foreign countries to pay for Worthwhile Programs, adding to the ever-growing pile of Unpayable Debt, using the imperial power of the Almighty Dollar to steal from the rest of the world until the whole rotten system collapses.

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On one hand, you are right: the same wealthy cohort runs the country no matter what party is in the White House (see: The Creature for Jekyll Island, and Thirteen Bankers, for example). On the other hand, the real problem Trump poses is that Trump wants to throw it all away and become a dictator. And his Christian Nationalists want to regress society back to the way it was in the Middle Ages: where there are a few wealthy land barons, everyone else are peasants, and the Church runs everything. At that point, there would be NO investment in fission or any advancement of science at all. There would be total climate denial, total abandonment of international commitments and the US would become an ally of Russia and China. All personal freedoms would be lost. That is the promise of MAGA.

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I have to ask if what you wrote is a collection of boogeyman talking points designed to impress the simple-minded.

Trump could never become a dictator except with the whole-hearted support of the Establishment in a time of extreme crisis, which perhaps is what they intend. But Biden is and always has been a creature of the Establishment; Delaware is a suburb of Wall Street.

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Have you read his plan for 2024? Have you been following what has happened in Hungary and Poland, not to mention Brazil and Turkey? People have been working out a pretty good blueprint for how to transition a democracy to an authoritarian state. And, even though Trump himself may no longer be up to the intellectual challenge, his sycophants have been paying attention and studying the playbooks. Don't be lulled into complacency.

Sure, the oligarchy needs to be removed from public power, they already have enough power in the marketplace, they don't need more in governance. The question is how to most effectively wrest power from them and return it to the people? Trump is definitely not the way to go. He is turning the whole power over to them.

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This is a bot. Ignore it.

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...said Botley the Troll

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Your scurrilous description of President Bidens brain turning to mashed potatoes despite any evidence to the contrary reveals your real standards. Take your weasels self out if here, back to Trumplandia.

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I'm not a Republican or a Trump supporter. If you google "Biden confused," you will see that Trump recently had a "Biden moment" when he confused Haley with Pelosi. Both Trump and Biden are unfit to be President.

We're in for mashed potatoe moments as far as the eye can see...

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An astute friend suspects former Gov. Chris Christie will make a successful end run. Not sure how good THAT would be?

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It seems to me that, while DeSantis is a stealth neo-con, Christie is open and up-front about his blood lust:


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Thanks. After reading that article (free 7 day subscription) I don't think its author proves either of his points: 1) Christie didn't conflate Assad with Yemen, he just ran two ideas together, and 2) Nowhere does Christie say he'd put US boots on the ground in the Mideast. I don't like him, but I think Bruce would talk some sense into him, if, heavens forbid, Biden and Kamala come up short and Trump's brain liquifies in time.

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We all are responsible for passing HCR's messages on to 'more places.' If you have fifty friends and relatives, make sure you pass her words on to each one of them, and tell them to do the same.

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Yes, JL, I was captured by the lines quoted from President Biden's speech. The words felt as poetic and memorable as many of President Lincoln's. They should be further shared and memorialized during his presidential campaign, and beyond.

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Poetic yes, and I think there is a element of poetry in all human speech, even technical writing, but also memorable are those lines that identify and underline indispensable truths, and while I don't always think that Biden has been wise, we are seeing some gems from him amid the usual political pablum. What if we took "government of the people, by the people, for the people" absolutely seriously? And triaged the current configuration into compliance?

Wooo. Scary.

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It's as shame that he can't speak more clearly and powerfully. It would make a big difference. Maybe some TV ads where his speech has been improved electronically?

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Biden is a conversational speaker rather than a dynamic orator or "showman." His brand of deeply patriotic sincerity doesn't play well in media environment built on rah-rah hype. His cabinet is filled with people who are, like their boss, competent and low-key. The damage that the media has done in its persistent carping on Biden's age hasn't helped the cause either.

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Our President Joe Biden is someone of experience . He has given his life to serve within this country. His positions have been assigned to him over and over again. His decisions have not always been perfect....he continues to grow in experience. He listens to his advisers and to us.

He loves this country....He is a great leader.

Jill Biden is a wonderful partner...still working....teaching....listening to our younger citizens. They are a great team!!!

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You have no argument from me. The problem is that those qualities are no longer valued by a populace conditioned to bluster and hype.

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Do we want governance or entertainment?

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And do we want democracy or authoritarianism/fascism?

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“Deeply patriotic sincerity”??

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His cabinet is filled with people who are, like their boss, duplicitous corporate whores. Fify.

But that’s nothing unusual in a broken political and governmental system owned by monied interests.

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Add fanatical Zionists, though the categories often overlap.

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Don’t like this idea—it would backfire. His speech is fine. He speaks thoughtfully. You have to listen to hear him, which is a good thing, rather than him ranting and raving like some people we are only too familiar with!

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The mainstream media is failing us daily...their job is to report on all news that is worthy not just the latest thing Trump said.

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"The only corporate social responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits."

-Milton Friedman

We have allowed that to become law. If we have unalienable human rights we also, as a consequence logic if not honor, have human responsibilities. The "Chicago School" is a rubber stamp for sociopathy, as we are seeing.

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The GOP???? Surely you jest. The ironies.

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HCR’s book Democracy Awakening

Should be required reading for all. Even for those who may bother and still naysay.

Sure we have been here before with greed and racism using ignorance and hate to fuel their fights. But not this close. He Trumpf had a run at it and has learned a little about what not to do or to do faster. WE MUST STOP Him!

If America fails I believe all democracies will shrivel. Pick a candidate or two and support with all that you can afford. Sign up to register voters and even work the polls in you area. Always take advantage of any opportunity to speak the truth and show this importance of voting and yes voting democratic and why.

The Democratic Party and it’s leaders need our help.

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I finished this book a while back a bedtime, and I'm very glad I did! It was definitely depressing to read at bedtime, but the book went fairly quickly after all.

Regarding your second to last paragraph, I think European democracy will be just fine if US democracy fails. But with that said, the US in the present administration at least supports NATO and gives military aid to Ukraine. Europe will definitely have to rally if Trump wins.

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How not surprising. Contrary described you well.

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My point, as discussed on the other side of that link, is that HCR's effort to promote "trust in our banks and financial institutions" is dangerously misguided.

Perhaps you disagree?

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Watch the latest Hopium video. Simon Rosenberg makes it very clear what each of us can do. We are up for it, Nancy. Together.


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I love what Simon is doing at Hopium. I have heeded his call for support in critical races all around the country. It’s very heartening to be a part of collaborative actions making steadfast difference. THIS is the work to reclaim our democracy.

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Goodness gracious, when I read critical races my mind went immediately to "critical race theory". Along with "woke", these are the dumb rallying terms used by the right.

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Me too. When I get discouraged with the news media meaningless polls, Simon perks me back up and charges me with (small) things I can do. Sharing Simon’s blogs and videos is one thing EVERYONE can do. :)

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Can’t recommend Hopium strongly enough for those of us who want realistic analysis plus meaningful actions that make a difference.

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Thank You Juliette.

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Juliette: This was great! Thank you so much for sharing.

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Thank you so much for sharing this website it was very insightful and perfectly laid out. I plan to share that with a few of my Republican friends.

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We're gonna wash that man right out of our hair and send him on his way.

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Let's destroy them at the ballot box this November!

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Of crucial importance, to assure that all our votes will be accepted and counted will require each individual voter to scope out and PLAN just by what means she or he will place their vote.

Learn the deadlines pertaining to HOW YOU WILL VOTE.

Months in advance (NOW?) everyone should inquire within your local voting district, to confirm that your name is still on the voter rolls! (Among the many techniques employed by Republicans in recent years to suppress voting has been to remove thousands of voters from the voter rolls. If your name is not on your local voter roll, you will probably not be able to place your vote. If you learn that your name has fallen off the voter rolls where you will vote, you will need to re-register right away because could it take months for your new registration to take effect!)

I welcome further suggestions or organization on this crucial topic.

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The League of Women Voters (which welcomes men -- I am a member) maintains an immensely helpful web site:


where you can not only check your voter registration status but find out about other actions we can take.

It's terrific!

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Just checked it out, Bob. Easy to use! I am also periodically advising friends to check their registrations.

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Good advice.

Spread the word.

I live in Washington state where everyone votes by mail.

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You can go down to your city hall and tell them you would like volunteer. They should connect you from there.

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Trump and his minions are furiously tearing the fabric of our society apart. They are seeking to sow distrust in every institution. Of course, the Not Freedom Caucus and the unethical, bought and paid for SCOTUS make matters even worse.

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TFFG attacks anyone and everyone whether they are national heroes or just criticize him for something he said, like "de-bank". This is the cofeveve of 2024. He is unable to keep his adversaries straight anymore -- Nancy & Nikki, Biden & Obama...

His Christmas message of "MAY THEY ROT IN HELL" was barely mentioned by the press and certainly not by the MAGANAZIs or the cowards in the GOP.

Imagine any other person saying those words and they would be incessantly criticized and ostracized.

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If anyone rots in hell, it’ll be Trump!

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By the way he looks and sounds, he's rotting away now!

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Sure would be nice if we could count on a HELL!

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🤣 Gary , my first laugh this morning.

Cofeveve ,is the epitome word , huh IPad! Truly encapsulates the disarray. A myriad of people try squeezing the blood out of the turnip . Others trying to make sense of nonsense.

Me thinks the oxygen ratios sucked up by all the MAGA din has caused world mental chaos.

Is there a stabilizing pole left?

A whole lot of shaking (up) going on...too much for me today.

Be your Sunday a day of rest. 🥰


Snuggle up under a comforter.

Be happy.


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I have several "stabilizing poles:" HCR and other substack newsletters: Robert Hubbell, Simon Rosenberg, Mary Trump, Tim Snyder.

I always -- always! -- read with a critical eye, but these sources have been immensely helpful.

Especially including the fact that they occasionally admit to an error and issue a correction.

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Yes, they are comforts to me , since the get go. Thanks , Bob🫶

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Patricia I love the visual of us all snuggled up under our comforters learning, doing and saving democracy! Thank you!

~signed by a lady snuggled up under her comforter

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21 Jan 24

DEFEAT him at New Hampshire’s ballot box on Tuesday : https://johnadamsingram.substack.com/p/nh-gop-voters-may-defeat-the-indicted

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@JennSH from NC

We will stand fast against the Trumpunklicans and repair damage to the fabric of our society.

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