While we take some degree of solace in the internal strife of the Trump movement, we are still faced with the grim reality that American voters are among the most ill-informed electorate on the planet. They are easily distracted by the next shiny thing placed in front of them and so the ‘cultural war’ strategy might just work. We will all need to wait a little longer to see if the MAGAts feel betrayed when all that was promised remains illusory a year or two into the new administration. I’m betting they won’t. After the uproar about grocery prices, Americans, oblivious to the contradiction between word and action, spent record amounts on Christmas items and travel. I believe it was Mencken who reminded us no one ever went broker underestimating the American voter. How prescient was he?

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In the late 1970s, I first noticed the nacent culture wars, coincidentally the rise of conservative media conglomerates. The right learned the circus phenomena of sensationalism which meshed well with "old time revivalism."

As much as I hoped for a Harris victory, I knew the subterranean culture fire would not die. Now I pray that it's full conflagration will allow it to burn out. The difficulty is finding out how to limit it and cut off its fuel. It is no accident the Right is targeting public education, which I have worked in and long believed the last bastion of democracy.

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Who are you praying to for that culture war burn out? Note: thoughts and prayers haven't mitigated gun deaths or mass shootings.

We can't count on "the Right" burning out on its own. The arc of the moral universe needs someone to nudge it toward justice. That's us, I figure.

WE the PEOPLE have our work cut out for us. 🦉✊

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Most assuredly, it will be "the people." It's has taken 40 plus years to fully erupt. My "prayer", as all prayers are is a desired outcome. All outcomes are the results of action.

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“A democratic form of government, a democratic way of life, presupposes free public education over a long period; it presupposes also an education for personal responsibility that too often is neglected.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

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It would indeed be lovely if there was a crack in the highly successful 'culture war' themes used in GOP tactics for decades. But with so much mis and dis information available to and preferred by most GOP voters, this may not happen.

Any cuts to basic services in deeply red areas, causing 'pain' to the middle and lower classes will be under reported and blamed on the 'left'. The convenient foil for FOX.

I hope I am wrong. I hope smashed futures and dreams will galvanize the nation away from the return of the Gilden Age. We will see.

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I believe Americans agree E. Jean Carroll regardless of what party they belong to. Sexual assault is a crime, and she is a real person. I feel we must address sexuality. I remember the media commented Bill Clinton was attractive; today we would view this differently. A good male role model I feel is a good husband and father.

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Today's letter reinforces my fear that the significant legislative achievements of Mr. Biden's presidency will be undone by the Republicans in congress.

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Excellent expression of where we are and how we got here , hopeful of what we will do about the new robber barons. Vigilance. You help us have it.

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Yes! Good God, I hope Trump’s cupidity wrecks MAGA ! Fingers crossed everybody !

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First, what American citizens benefit financially from war? Second, when we talk about voters being uneducated, does this reflect on our public schools. Third, when was the last time you read the entire federal budget? The schools in my county are paid by county property tax, plus we voted for then voted again one half cent tax for schools. I propose groups of Americans take parts of our federal budget to see what our money is used for.

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Rats! Why do I have to get another app?????

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What additional content can I access as a paid subscriber?

And how do I link to it? So far I cannot see anything. Thanks.

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