I did 10 years. Because a physics PHD these days now takes 6+ years, since you have to learn about all and understand all of the contributions of all of the giants in the field before you can make any new progress. The giants being for example Newton, Einstein, Faraday, Feynman, Maxwell, Schrodinger.
I did 10 years. Because a physics PHD these days now takes 6+ years, since you have to learn about all and understand all of the contributions of all of the giants in the field before you can make any new progress. The giants being for example Newton, Einstein, Faraday, Feynman, Maxwell, Schrodinger.
Great going, Matt. You're probably in my generation because if you spent ten years in college recently, that ten years could easily have cost upwards of $700,000, which is $683,000 more than what I paid for twelve years. True, yesterday's dollar was worth more than today's, but the disparity is still real.
I did 10 years. Because a physics PHD these days now takes 6+ years, since you have to learn about all and understand all of the contributions of all of the giants in the field before you can make any new progress. The giants being for example Newton, Einstein, Faraday, Feynman, Maxwell, Schrodinger.
Great going, Matt. You're probably in my generation because if you spent ten years in college recently, that ten years could easily have cost upwards of $700,000, which is $683,000 more than what I paid for twelve years. True, yesterday's dollar was worth more than today's, but the disparity is still real.