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Ronnie’s damage has grown exponentially

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Said it before, but I'm saying it again, dammit: Ronnie Ray-gun was an unmitigated disaster six ways to Sunday, first in California and later in our White House. We are still suffering the effects of his handlers' philosophy (he never had a philosophy - didn't have the brains for it - but was an apparently attractive face to put on the beginnings of American populist fascism) decades later, and their heirs are STILL trying with all their might and main to destroy American representative democracy. What a legacy!

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Yes! Reagan was a tool of big business. First in California, then the nation. They just wanted someone who would read their script and who better than an actor?! There was the added bonus of a lack of integrity. Mega jerk.

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Image, image, image. not much different than chump. He had Peggy Noonan to write scripts, and Michael Deaver to wrap him in a flag (great PR, but phony from the git go). Two of his kids were on to him. Chump had idiots and his kids were part of the schitt show. Legacy that I hope repubs acknowledge someday. I won't live long enough for that though...

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When I saw the films of the farm workers being beaten while Reagan was governor of CA, I knew who he really was. And that attitude toward the people who harvest so much of our food is despicable and continues to this day.

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Wait until trumpers have no fresh fruit or vegetables or if available the price would be prohibitive. Who did hurricane repairs in FL when no American would work? They've paid over billion dollars in taxes. I am sure that they do not have cemetery in a golf course as a deduction. Trumpers should love undocumented workers since their hero has used them repeatedly.

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The first thing I ever knew about Trump was how he stiffed the Polish immigrants who he had tear down the Bonwit-Teller Building, destroying the art work the MOMA was expecting. That’s when I knew what sort of person he is. Now I know he’s even worse than destruction of architectural history suggested.

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Lynn, I watched from my perch in the FAO (fin aid office) as education & many other social/medical/mental health services in the state were suffocated—for two terms…and then to be aghast when he was elected POTUS….knew it was a bad bad omen. Thing is, he evolved (devolved?) into what most of CA & country experienced: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2016/01/ronald-reagans-conservative-conversion-as-spokesman-for-general-electric-during-the-1950s.html

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Somehow - thats sufficient to so many of these comments - just agreeing. Couldnt say it any better.

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Ah yes - Reagan the Republican's "god"!

Even Democrats seem to hesitate at throwing stones at him. That would seem to suggest something special regarding entertainers as politicians, wouldnt it? As with sports stars, entertainers (I know a reach for tfg) appear to be above reproach? And on top of that think of the millions we throw at them. The comparison between those salaries (and bonuses) and the earnings of everyday workers? Somehow - a bit out of balance?

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