Well, that is a great question. I very much think the 1% will benefit from an educated work force. But once the work force is educated, they will most likely vote out the system that gives Elon Musk $200 billion and now asking for even more when Tesla is underperforming.
Education is a must if we are to be a successful self-governing society. Self governing cannot just be channel surfing and sitting back to watch. We simply cannot adequately self-govern unless we adequately grasp what is going on. Those who benefit from corruption don't really want the general public to know what's going on. It would definitely cramp their style.
16 million new business applications under Biden. It's difficult to navigate starting and running a business if you lack basic reading and math skills.
I've worked with almost a dozen start-ups since 2000 and I have been approached by several others that I walked away from. You're right J L, without an education it is almost impossible to successfully start-up and run a business.
I have a high school buddy (Class of 1958) who has bought, hook, line and sinker, the BS argument made by Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan that there are "Makers and Takers," and that the Takers are principally black and brown-skinned persons and that the Democrats are Socialists. He has two principal problems: 1) lack of critical thinking skills, and 2) racism.
Which system most favors the interests of the 1%?
Well, that is a great question. I very much think the 1% will benefit from an educated work force. But once the work force is educated, they will most likely vote out the system that gives Elon Musk $200 billion and now asking for even more when Tesla is underperforming.
Education is a must if we are to be a successful self-governing society. Self governing cannot just be channel surfing and sitting back to watch. We simply cannot adequately self-govern unless we adequately grasp what is going on. Those who benefit from corruption don't really want the general public to know what's going on. It would definitely cramp their style.
16 million new business applications under Biden. It's difficult to navigate starting and running a business if you lack basic reading and math skills.
I've worked with almost a dozen start-ups since 2000 and I have been approached by several others that I walked away from. You're right J L, without an education it is almost impossible to successfully start-up and run a business.
I have a high school buddy (Class of 1958) who has bought, hook, line and sinker, the BS argument made by Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan that there are "Makers and Takers," and that the Takers are principally black and brown-skinned persons and that the Democrats are Socialists. He has two principal problems: 1) lack of critical thinking skills, and 2) racism.
Any system they can craft the terms in their favor -private equity, anyone? Now there's a racket!
Private equity is buying up single family homes across the nation, driving up the cost of home buyers. This needs to be regulated.
"Hospitals owned by private equity are harming patients, reports find"