I am beginning my celebration early. I just gave a ❤️ to every post here. I will stop by a truckstop in about an hour, I’m on my way back home on my truck drive work schedule, and I’m going to buy a bag of Reese’s pieces and eat it. I am a health food person, this is not typical behavior. I’m also thinking about swinging by Food 4 Less in South Sacramento and grabbing a bottle of Jager Meister on my way home. We are also not alcohol drinkers. But this is a special occasion.

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OK, I bought the candy. As I was paying for it, the gentleman who took my money has darker skin color than I have. He wished me safe driving. I told him I’m having a good day, and I said, “do you know why?“ And he said yes, because it’s negative 45° today.


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Your joy brings me joy, Roland 😊

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I agree, I have a huge grin on my face! Thanks Roland!

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“And he said yes, because it’s negative 45° today.” This is great! Thank you for sharing and enjoy the Jager Meister!!

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YOU GO, DUDE! I have a cheeky sauvignon blanc awaiting me to open tonight...yeah, a white wine which us "libtards" are always accused of savouring. Well, I'm "savouring" watching sanity return to our government today. Your happiness is our happiness. YOU ROCK!! Stay safe!

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I will have my usual Carlo Rossi Red Wine to celebrate.

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Love it! I have my tiny bottle of champagne in the refrigerator ready for my celebration!

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Have a safe and joyous day!!!

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Perfect plan!

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This is a fantastic party post. WooHoo!

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Best. Pun. Ever. Love it. Thanks, Roland. Me: chocolate splurge. And this weekend, my family and I are having Thai delivered. And somehow, in spite of the fact that it is heading toward zero degrees tonight, I feel ensconced in a special kind of warmth. Relieved of a stress I didn't know was that bad until it fell away.

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OMG Negative 45 today, got to pass that on. Amazing.

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Drive safetly and try to avoid flailing Trumporcs on the road.

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Thank you Stuart. Driving safely is my life. I wouldn’t dream of cracking that Jager Meister until 9 o’clock, when I plan to be wide awake and celebrating with my wife. YAY DEMOCRACY IN THE USA 🇺🇸 🎉🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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That’s 9 AM Pacific Time, the witching hour of noon at the inauguration.

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Take two aspirin before you go to bed. Jager is tough stuff.

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I agree Roland and as posted a couple of day ago,"We the People, 2021 All the People!

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Avoid them only if they prove a hazard to your vehicle. Otherwise . . . .

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Watch out for the wind today! CA seems to be having quite the weather.

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35-40 mph winds for D.C. today. Whoosh! Out with the old...In with the new!

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Yes, the winds of change, that’s what I’ve been thinking for the last 12 hours

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Sending a hug to you, Roland. I am so happy today, I could hug the world!

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Oh my goodness you should’ve seen Canoga Park on my way out of LA, not to mention the mountains between LA and Bakersfield (hi Ted! Hi Kevin McCarthy!). Gusts up to 30+ mph, fortunately I had a load in the trailer, that glues you to the road even in a wind. Tumbleweeds, garbage, leaves, dust storms . . .

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Just a physical symbol of all the garbage being swept away ...

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But with luck, no more significant fires - and maybe a little rain soon!

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And hi Leona‼️ I almost forgot Leona. Leona and Ted are asleep right now

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Way too much Prosecco here but I am SO happy!

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I love your infectious joy. And a celebration of Reese's sounds like a good start.

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As it happens, we're having a turkey for dinner tonight, which is not common for us to have except for Thanksgiving. I realized the timing and significance and declared that tonight's turkey dinner was a THANKSGIVING to be sure!

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I rarely drink but I bought a bottle of organic wine!

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Buy two bags of Reese’s Pieces and enjoy that drink!

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That’s a tempting thought

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I’ll drink to that. ❤️

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Go for it, Roland. Sounds like a good plan to me.

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Just reading this Friday. Great post and thread. Yes. Celebrate. A different world now. Same crises but real leadership. Negative 45 is a winner. Lets keep on moving down the road to restore/transform America. Hope you had a good celebration.

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I am so impressed that you are able to stay so in tune with everything while you are driving on the road, Roland! Thanks for being part of the circle whilst on the road and keeping America going!

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While I have continued to read HCR's letters over the past few days, I have been remiss about posting anything myself. My "little" brother died on Saturday, and there is a huge hole in my heart. We all have a family story and he was a significant part of mine. I no longer have a verifier, one who can validate or refute my memories.

All this to say, thank you, Heather, for your overview of the past four years, especially one that echoes my own. I wouldn't want them repeated, but I certainly needed to have them chronicled. May we never have to live through anything even vaguely similar. The damage inflicted upon us by 45 and his lackeys will be haunting us for decades to come.

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I love your comment “I no longer have a verifier, one who can validate or refute my memories.” I lost my best friend, my sister, 3 years ago and this really describes perfectly part of my heartbreak! I am so sorry!

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My deepest sympathies to you, too, Deborah -- and my thanks.

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My deepest condolences to you and Deborah.

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Thank you, Marlene.

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I am sorry for your loss, Rowshan. May your brother’s memory be a blessing.

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Thank you, Deb!

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Thank you, Suzette!

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My deep condolences. I've had a similar loss of family memory and even though several members, now gone, left written stories, those accounts are only paper leaves covered in dead ink. Nothing can compensate for loved ones lost.

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For sure, Dan! My heartfelt sympathies to you, too!

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Rowshan, no need to apologize. We are all grieving with you. And we are glad you're back.

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That's very sweet, Linda. My thanks to you!

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So very sorry to know that you are mourning your dear brother, Rowshan. I join my voice with all the others here... you are not alone. Take care.

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Many, many thanks, Judith!

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Blessings, Rowshan.

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Thank you, Lynelle! I feel those blessings ❣️

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Rowshan, sincere condolences for your loss.

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Many, many thanks, Daria❣️

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Rowshan, I feel very strongly for you. Such a sibling is a treasure.

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Thanks so much, Lindsay❣️

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There's nothing to thank, Rowshan. All my best to you!! Lindsay

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Rowshan, we send you our deepest sympathy. Hoping your warm memories will carry you through.

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How kind, Carla! Thank you!

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May your understandable grief be lifted at not also having to read about the destructive actions of DJT. Peace be with you. It has been a sorrow-filled time. 💙

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It has, indeed, Marcy! Thank you.

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Rowshan, I’m so sorry for your loss of your brother. My condolences to you and your family. Marian

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Thanks so very much, Marian!

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Rowshan, you're welcome. Take care. Best, Marian

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Sincere condolences for your loss.

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Thank you, Lynn.

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I, too, send condolences, Rowshan. I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother, your verifier. May you be blessed with comfort in this time of grief.

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Oh Rowshan, I am so sorry, and I am aching for you and your family. We care and we’re glad you are here. I wish I could give you a hug....

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I send you my heartfelt condolences, Rowshan. I lost both my "little" brothers much too soon, and you just said eloquently something that I remember feeling but had no words for, that "I no longer have a verifier, one who can validate or refute my memories." Peace to you. You're not alone.

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My deepest sympathies to you, Rowshan.

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The American Carnage speech seems like it took place yesterday, but his presidency feels as if it has gone on for an eternity.

The most intellectually, morally and dispositionally unfit person who has ever served as President is leaving Washington – hopefully for the last time in any official capacity. If the US Senate can do one thing right, it would be to vote in favor of the Article of Impeachment and ensure Donald Trump will never haunt the halls of government again.

Oh, happy days!

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Heck--the last WEEK has felt like 6 years. Urf.

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I think many of us will sleep like babies tonight.

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Speaking of American carnage, this story explains the clues from the very beginning. https://apple.news/A4B8_o20lS_WWgAUXdFv5IA

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Although the pseudo populism disappeared quickly, Tя☭mp's character was out in the clear for all to see from his first speech slandering all Mexicans as criminals and rapists. His history as a bigot and crook had been public in NY for decades. There was a lot of willful blindness from the start.

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You know, I cannot help but think of that "carnage speech" and think about 400,000 people who died on his watch because of his intentionally incompetence. Now is seems as if that speech was one of his tasteless but prophetic projections.

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He brought the pain he imagined. His vision was realized, sadly...

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As a Brit in the UK , this is a GREAT day for the USA! Congratulations Mr President Biden.

As Prof HCR will know, her wonderful and much read 'Letters from an American' has a direct genetic forebear in the late Alistair Cooke's 'Letter from America'. This was a weekly 15 minute radio series on life in the US, aired on the BBC in the UK, the Commonwealth and BBC World Service and which ran without interruption from 1946 to 2004. That is a unique record of 58 years, covering 12 US Presidents, from Harry Truman in 1945 to George W Bush , in office in 2004.

Cooke was an Englishman who emigrated to New York as a reporter for the BBC , in 1934. His radio series was universally popular. He died in New York City at the age of 95, a month after his last 'Letter'.

My question for the redoubtable Prof HCR therefore is how long can she keep going.with her 'Letter" ? A daily Letter is a massive task, but a coherent diary from Trump through to the end of Biden'e first term would be a great gift to all those who value that most old fashioned of concepts, the truth.

I wish HCR and all her readers a great 2021.

Jonathan Vernon-Hunt


East Sussex, UK.


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Hello Jonathan! I believe that HCR has committed to writing these letters for 100 days into President my Biden's term. Fingers crossed!!

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I don't know how the "my" slipped in there!!!

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He’s my president, my Biden, as well. The last guy was not my president, I would never vote for a Hitler imitator.

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Adolf had bigger hands.

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Actually if my only choice was DT or Hitler, I think I would have voted for Hitler. A neat thought exercise.

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It was one of those joyful "happen-stances". I'm tripping over myself with happy today, too!😉❤

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Finger drag... happens all too often!

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(Re finger slips: we don't notice those things any more. At least I don't.)

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😁 funny!

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Thank you for the reminder. I need to listen to those old shows. I remember Alistair Cooke as the host of Masterpiece Theater. He might be why I chose to marry a Brit. Well, him and the Beatles.

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Me, too! I waited a long time for Paul McCartney and then gave up for the enchanting Capt. John Adams.

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"Cookie-baby" was much loved on PBS. Fabulous "quasi-fireside" style and marvellous voice...over and above the lucidity, perspicacity and ambiant empathy...he cared about the world understanding the real America.

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We LOVE Alistair Cooke

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Oh yes. Wasn’t he wonderful!?

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Thank you, Jonathon, Cooke’s perspective must have been fascinating. Quite a long run he had! I’m all for a similar long run with Heather’s Letters and chats if it were possible. 😉

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I love your post, thank you Jonathan

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I was once on a plane in the late 70’s and Cooke and his wife were passengers. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I was enamored (still am) with Masterpiece Theater.

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I'll add my voice to the many telling you how much you've helped us maintain our sanity through 45s nightmare administration. Your ability to calmly synopsize current events and offer us a birds eye view that only a deep knowledge of history can give, has brought order and understanding to these chaotic times. I am forever grateful, and hope you keep up your great work. (5 hours and 10 minutes to go!)

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After Joe Biden says, “So help me God,” a little after noon today, I’m going out on my deck with a big steel bowl and a steel spoon and bring them together to make a raucous sound of celebration.

Tomorrow we can survey the wreckage and roll up our sleeves, but today is to celebrate.

Hooray for Joe Biden, hooray for Kamala Harris, and hooray for America!

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Celebration plans: Hubs and I will be out in the yard banging wooden spoons on saucepans. We are in the midst of a 3-day snowstorm, so we'll be wearing tall boots. But I think we'll leave the hats, jackets, and mittens inside. Just us, the deep silence of the snowy woods, and our clamor!

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A nice image. Doesn't the bible say something somewhere about making a joyful noise?

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At this moment I am sitting in bed drinking my first cup of coffee, contemplating what lies ahead. Tears of joy? relief? fill my eyes, and I am comforted in knowing that soon to be steering this grand, but imperfect ship(5 hours!) we call democracy will be the noble, principled Joseph Biden and beside him, his equally gifted partner Kamala Harris.

That said, my reason in writing is to thank you, Heather, for shining your light into my life every day since last spring (yes, I came late to your party). Even on the darkest of days I could count on your daily injection of truth, every morning, like sunshine.

I am so grateful for Letters from an American...and will continue to look forward to your daily insights

A thousand thank you's(well, at least 300+ since I first subscribed),


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Trump has continually shown us all who he was, from before he ever entered the race for President. I remember people saying to give him a chance, but it was clear from the start that he would not be bound by the conventions and norms of what was usual, so while I've been shocked by what he has done, I have not been surprised. What has surprised me is the incredible level of sycophantic complicity of the Republican party, coupled with the level of ignorance in the general voting population that kept his support level so high amongst both of those groups.

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Yes, the sychofancy ( probably not a word) has been breathtaking.

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Yep—sycophancy, though.

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psycho-fantics! New word to use here.

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Yes, the craven corruption and dealing-with-the-devil to an extent I never imagined... and I suspect we will learn more about the Russia connection as well. The Deep State does exist, only it’s the one pointing the finger.

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And after the President and Vice-President are sworn, Kamala in her official capacity as Vice-President will swear in the two new Democratic Senators from Georgia. A black woman, a black man and a Jew are headliners at that ceremony. RBG and John Lewis will be in attendance also approving of the work these three along with a white man will be doing for ALL Americans and those who seek American citizenship. I cannot stop happy dancing.

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Don’t forget a gay man in the cabinet as well. Ought to keep white supremacists up at night for good.

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And a trans woman Jewish doctor at a high position in the Dept of Health. That should give some bigots indigestion for months.

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I don't want them to have "agita"--I want them to revel in the expansive quality of care they too will now experience. I consider it "grace-led-coincidence" that this very day my young Black, Transgendered daughter is working with new interns at OU Medical School on physician empathy and awareness in communicating with LGBTQ patients. All for good.

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That is absolutely wonderful Tommye!!!

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My thoughts exactly! I am so thrilled--and I hope they choke on their bile.

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Isn’t that something??👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Yeah, I love that. May they all be protected by guardian angels.🙏

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And a trans person! Wonderful !

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Richard Grenell

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It all feels so good. I love that they are bring all these smart people of different backgrounds who are still united by the desire to serve us all. It feels like poking my head out the window of a stuffy room to suck a lungful of clear, cool air.

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I had not heard from all my print and media sources about when and how Warnock and Ossoff would be sworn in. Thanks, Sally, for that and the rest of your take!

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When Jon Ossoff is sworn in as the first Jew ever elected to the Senate from Georgia, it will be on a book of Hebrew scripture once owned by the rabbi who decades ago forged the alliance between Black and Jewish Georgians that helped propel Ossoff to a stunning electoral win.

Ossoff on Tuesday said he would use the book once owned by Rabbi Jacob Rothschild whose leadership of the Temple — where, as it happens, Ossoff celebrated his Bar Mitzvah — when he is sworn in on Wednesday, hours after Joe Biden is inaugurated as president.

“Rabbi Rothschild was an outspoken civil rights activist and ally of Dr. [Martin Luther] King,” Ossoff’s campaign said, noting that Rothschild’s family had loaned Ossoff the bible.In his statement, Ossoff’s office framed his swearing-in as a culmination of the alliance, noting that he was first mentored, as an intern, by the late congressman John Lewis, a hero of the civil rights era.

“Congressman Lewis instilled in Ossoff the conviction to fight for justice and human rights, as well as a deep commitment to the historic bond between Jewish people and the Black community,” the statement said.

Ossoff, 33, will be the youngest person in the Senate.

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I am soooo excited for these two men to take their place in history!

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Kimberly, thanks for this background. Much appreciated.

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Tikkun Olum! ( go out and repair the world!)

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Wonderfully enlightening summary. Thank you!

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That happens this afternoon Wednesday the 20th is my understanding.

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At 4:30pm EST 1:30 Pacific Time.

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I am so excited for this! I believe it should be around 4:30 today

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I'm going to go against my normal, innate pessimism and say the following: In almost exactly 3 1/2 hours, I will be able to say for the first time the words "Madam Vice-President". That is incredibly exciting, and it is a great thing for the country!

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Was typing too quickly in my excitement!

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0 days, 9 hours, 41 minutes, 1 second

until Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 12:00:00 noon (Washington DC, District of Columbia time)

My thoughts this evening/morning go to the new administration about to take office. The memorial ceremony in front of the Lincoln Memorial felt like we had come back to reality and empathy for each other and those we had lost, the 400,00, to COVID-19. We are now free to mourn together, and free to breath the fresh air around us that is announcing that spring was coming after the dead of a dark winter we experienced just two weeks ago with the insurgency at the Capitol. We looked at the 400 lights along the reflecting pool and the lights pointed vertically framing the Washington Monument and felt a twinge in our hearts for a country we love and which we almost lost. This is now Inauguration Day and I can't wait to see what has been planned if this evening is the preamble. Three past Presidents will be at the swearing in, the current Vice President will represent the current administration. The virtual parade, the concert with all the big name performers will be an Inaugural for the People not the few elite. I hoping President Biden's speech will have a signature sentence or two akin to JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." There is a confidence returning to me that our journey now will allow a better time to blossom and for there to be well-being for ALL the People. One where we value our differences and do the right thing by each other in our pursuits of happiness.

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I am hoping former President Carter will be with us if not virtually, at least in spirit.

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Maybe he will make a virtual appearance. I'm sure at 96 years old it would be risky for him travel to be there in person.

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Yes, I know that he was not going to be able to attend in person, and rightly so. Just wanted to add his name as a supporter for our new President.

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I like it that President Biden in his Inaugural Speech mentioned talking with President Carter last night.

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You know, I had a feeling he would mention President Carter and when he did, I gave my TV a high-five!

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Carter said that's why he and Rosalyn will not be there in person, too hazardous in the age of covid.

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I read a news report that all of the other living former presidents and their spouses will be in attendance. That’s right, you heard it first here: all of the other living FORMER presidents

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I was 9 years old and remember my my crying when Carter lost.

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Grateful to be reminded of the PAST. Celebration will begin as the sun rises...a walk in the neighborhood to remind me that working for Biden during the election may be the smartest decision I ever made for my community. Next...school board meetings and City Hall. Democracy did not happen by accident. It must be tended. Oh, and a plate of M ‘n M cookies made with blue M ‘n Ms, a Biden T Shirtb( “Biden and the woman who made Brett Kavanaugh cry”), and I will touch up the blue streaks in my hair Friday.

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My pedicures have been blue polish for the past 4 years, but red is my favorite color, damn those Retreads for co-opting that, but blue happens to be a good color for toenails!

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Good morning everyone! I admit to feeling a wee bit giddy this morning. I heard on Marketplace Morning Report this morning that among the SEVENTEEN executive orders Biden is signing this afternoon is one that rescinds the EO that prevented all of us from teaching about racism, sexism, homophobia, and white supremacy. Hurrah!!! There was quite the discussion in yesterday's post and I am delighted that he put this on top of his To-Do list.

I have many friends and colleagues who are "sorors" in Kappa Alpha Kappa, the sorority that was so influential in Vice President (woo hoo!!!) Harris's time at Howard. This is probably the first time I have been happy about a Greek organization's influence. I hope all of us have peaceful, joyous times today. I will be celebrating with a glass of something tonight--lots of teaching to do today in between dancing in front of the TV.

I am so unsurprised that the Deranged Criminal leaving the WH refused military transport for Biden. It is just the last gasp of a petty disgusting, baby in the guise of a petty disgusting adult. Buh bye--I hope the indictments start raining down at 12:30 PM EST.

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So grateful he's overturning that EO! Yay!

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Thank God!!😊💖

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That is excellent news about the educational reform! Amen to all that you said.

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Excellent! Happy ‘pearls’ to you, Linda! 💙

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I wore mine in my Zoom with students!

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Dear Dr. Richardson, thank you, thank you for all the chronicling of Trump’s term and for placing it in context of history. The stain and stench of his time in office will stay with us for some time. The damage even longer. In less than six hours we will have a new administration and the first ever female Vice-President! I know the United States has much work ahead to repair the damage done by Trump and his henchmen and that we must stay vigilant to defend and protect our democracy. Watching and listening to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden at the memorial for the 400,000+ people who have died of COVID19 was beautiful and moving. Presidential speeches, empathy, caring for others. I raise a toast to you, Dr. Richardson, to this community, and to all of us who have a chance to work with our soon to be President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris. 🥂

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I am perplexed that everyone skips over Bob Woodward's revelation that Trump knew how bad the coronavirus is in February, 2020 -- but wanted to 'play it down' for the public. I think that Trump's statement to Woodward is on the record, and everyone should know it. It changes how one should describe Trump's year ofnot doing anything about the coronavirus.

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Heather touched this in passing. What I had read was that, yes, they knew that COVID was bad, and they also knew that trying to slow it down would impact "the economy," which was Trump's one, mostly-inherited, success story. In the absence of a ready-to-use vaccine, they made a conscious decision to go for herd immunity in the most brutal fashion possible: let everyone catch COVID, and let the them live or die, and get it all over with. That it would crash the entire hospital system of the US either didn't occur to them, or they didn't care. And they seem to have the authentic slaveholder attitude toward lowly "workers," who don't get days off for grieving lost parent, spouses, or children: buck it up and get back to work, keep the economy strong, and keep making those billionaires.

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I will have to comment every time I see this "herd immunity" label. their plan was NOT the definition of herd immunity (which involves mass vaccinations) their plan was nothing less than willful natural selection.

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And that kind of herd immunity (not the vaccine kind) encourages mutations like we are seeing from Britain, future mutations that the vaccine may notnprotect us from.

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Trump lying and calling the virus was A CAMPAIGN STRATEGY. He strategically called it a hoax in order to attract huge crowds to his election year rallies. He knew that riling up folks in person was something he was good at, and if he told the truth about the virus, his rallies would be small and unexciting--and he might lose the election. To shore up his lie that the pandemic was a hoax, he disparaged wearing a piece of fabric. His campaign strategy was a conscious decision that directly led to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying unnecessarily.

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At the very least, campaigning against the one obvious mitigation strategy (masks) and holding mass spreader events showed disregard for the well-being of all of us, including his supporters. At the very least, it is negligent mass homicide. Given Tя☭mp's attitude toward the people hardest hit, 'negligent' is being generous.

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Addendum. Again, as I recall, these decisions were being made last spring, and I think back then they were estimating the death toll at something like 3% of those infected, which would be nearly 100% of the population. 3% of 300M people (round numbers) is 9M deaths, and that sticks in my mind as the number I spitballed back in March or April. I can't remember exactly, since the numbers were changing daily. But I can only assume they did the same calculation, and decided 9M deaths -- or whatever actual number they came up with -- were "acceptable losses."

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Not arguing with you Here at all but it infuriates me that they could consider any losses “acceptable” when all it takes to reduce / prevent the spread of this is masks, hand washing, and social distancing. That they not only didn’t promote these simple life saving methods but actually argued against them by spreading misinformation and outright lies is unconscionable.

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Dr. Fauci, in March 2020, was estimating that 100,000 to 200,000 Americans would die from the virus. https://n.pr/35ZVwSZ

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I agree, Bob. Another instance of dereliction of duty?

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Dumpty’s atrocities are so numerous, I doubt they can all be listed in the daily letter. But I remember that, as well. And I remember the Texans that fell in line with the herd immunity ridiculousness! Vote them out!

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They should call it the Malign Activities Grievance Act, so that the MAGA hats will have a new, more appropriate meaning.

(They are red, which is already fitting.)

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