Right and Roe was settled precedent so we had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately the people that depend on it are the ones that never made enough money to be able to invest money. They’re seniors now, they’ve been having the age limit of retirement raised consistently over the years. There’s no plan to give them back everything they p…
Right and Roe was settled precedent so we had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately the people that depend on it are the ones that never made enough money to be able to invest money. They’re seniors now, they’ve been having the age limit of retirement raised consistently over the years. There’s no plan to give them back everything they paid in and you can’t refuse to contribute. My head isn’t in the sand but go ahead and pretend it is if it makes you feel superior. If you can’t make a point without insulting me keep your remarks to yourself. I don’t take anyone seriously that has to resort to personal insults and name calling. The fear mongering is coming from the Republicans. They’re using it as a threat to get extremist things passed. Look at what their first votes have been. Then they’re pushing their votes as if they’re a done deal taking advantage of a base that doesn’t understand the process. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to have financial security. Expand your view to those outside your social class.
I guess you are another woman who objects to abortion being sent back to the states. You can have an abortion any time you want one in the U. S. It may be a bit less convenient, you may have to travel to another state, but shouldn't abortion be at least a little inconvenient?
Some states prefer not to have abortions performed within their boundaries. Others do not mind. Why must your wishes be adopted by people with cultures different from yours? This is the reason we have states rights, so that different cultures can be free to practice their own ways. Folks in the South tend to be more Christian, and oppose abortion. That is their business. Folks in California tend to be Atheist and don't mind abortion. That is also their business. We don't want a monoculture in the U.S. We pride ourselves on diversity.
Take a look at the parade of Athletes in the next Olympic Games. Most other countries are monoculture, one race. When the U.S. comes out you can see that our country is the most diverse in the world, and we are proud of it. We are not all California gurls (thank the lord!)
I am not "fortunate" to have a modest retirement account, and I don't feel secure at all with the inflation we are seeing today. I worked hard and saved hard for my retirement. I inherited nothing. By force I paid more into social security than I did my retirement account, but the retirement account will pay me much more per year than social security.
I would be a multimillionaire today if I could have put those SS payments into a simple no load Index 500 fund. This was a Democrat program to begin with and as usual with their bright ideas, it is unsustainable and really a drain on the working class. Especially the young ones today who would rather be investing.
Where did I insult you and call you names? I don't need to resort to that, my arguments support themselves. It's Democrats who constantly claim that SS and Medicare will be taken away. Threatening poor old folks. It's really sad the ends that they will go to to get their way, including cheating on elections.
Right and Roe was settled precedent so we had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately the people that depend on it are the ones that never made enough money to be able to invest money. They’re seniors now, they’ve been having the age limit of retirement raised consistently over the years. There’s no plan to give them back everything they paid in and you can’t refuse to contribute. My head isn’t in the sand but go ahead and pretend it is if it makes you feel superior. If you can’t make a point without insulting me keep your remarks to yourself. I don’t take anyone seriously that has to resort to personal insults and name calling. The fear mongering is coming from the Republicans. They’re using it as a threat to get extremist things passed. Look at what their first votes have been. Then they’re pushing their votes as if they’re a done deal taking advantage of a base that doesn’t understand the process. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to have financial security. Expand your view to those outside your social class.
I guess you are another woman who objects to abortion being sent back to the states. You can have an abortion any time you want one in the U. S. It may be a bit less convenient, you may have to travel to another state, but shouldn't abortion be at least a little inconvenient?
Some states prefer not to have abortions performed within their boundaries. Others do not mind. Why must your wishes be adopted by people with cultures different from yours? This is the reason we have states rights, so that different cultures can be free to practice their own ways. Folks in the South tend to be more Christian, and oppose abortion. That is their business. Folks in California tend to be Atheist and don't mind abortion. That is also their business. We don't want a monoculture in the U.S. We pride ourselves on diversity.
Take a look at the parade of Athletes in the next Olympic Games. Most other countries are monoculture, one race. When the U.S. comes out you can see that our country is the most diverse in the world, and we are proud of it. We are not all California gurls (thank the lord!)
I am not "fortunate" to have a modest retirement account, and I don't feel secure at all with the inflation we are seeing today. I worked hard and saved hard for my retirement. I inherited nothing. By force I paid more into social security than I did my retirement account, but the retirement account will pay me much more per year than social security.
I would be a multimillionaire today if I could have put those SS payments into a simple no load Index 500 fund. This was a Democrat program to begin with and as usual with their bright ideas, it is unsustainable and really a drain on the working class. Especially the young ones today who would rather be investing.
Where did I insult you and call you names? I don't need to resort to that, my arguments support themselves. It's Democrats who constantly claim that SS and Medicare will be taken away. Threatening poor old folks. It's really sad the ends that they will go to to get their way, including cheating on elections.
Blah, blah, blah blah, blah. Get lost.
You replied to me first.
Yours is a typical response from one who cannot support their own argument. Bye!