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Dang, Michele, did you have Katie Porter in your class? What a wonderful civics lesson you gave your students! They will never forget you. Brava πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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I wish. This was a small school near Salem. Rural and very Catholic community.

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Nonetheless, you gave each of them β€œfood for thought”. Perhaps, they have left their religion or the party of NO.

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Some are liberal, but not all. I have a few who are very religious and members of the party of no. And since Stayton is a rural community and the district draws from the rural area and towns nearby, I would say it's a very conservative area. I have an ex-colleague out there who is often dismayed by those she knows. I'm afraid that death star brought out in people what she would rather not see.

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Are you against rural people governing themselves the way they see fit?

The political divide is clearly between urban folk who need more restrictive government, and rural folk who can afford to be more libertarian and who require less government services.

If we have a minimalist federal government, then cities can adopt more restrictive liberal policies, and pay for them with city taxes.

If we did this there would be less bickering between urban and rural dwellers.

Why not adopt such a policy?

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