So true! Lots of parents that will do anything to AVOID their children being educated. No science, no civics, book banning etc. I can´t imagine what they are afraid of. Can you?
Diane How true. I have difficulty thinking of parents insistent on banning books that they have never read.Indeed, I wonder if they ever read books.
The Hasidim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) rank among the worst in New York City and in Israel. Major public funding is provided for schools that do not teach science, math, English, and other ‘secular’ material. Especially in Israel these folks are then subsidized for life to study religious texts.
Remember, the PRIMARY tactic used by the Republican Party is FEAR. Make people afraid of everything, propose no solution other than electing Republicans, and use public education as the enemy (because knowledge is the arch enemy of fear). The result is to move ever forward toward autocracy and fascism. Anyone seeing that anywhere in the USA these days? Florida comes to my mind.
You are so very correct Rusty Fairbanks. For me personally, I must remind myself of this truth because when you read how much bolder by the day these Republican-Far-Right politicians are becoming, it does scare the bejesus out of anyone that values our way of life and personal freedoms. We must keep our wits about us and remember the importance of staying informed and voting accordingly.
Dave I had a junior high semi-civics course. We visited local government and the fire department where, in 1956, I first voted in a presidential election. (The voting age was 21 back then)
We'd have to get every high school teaching a civics class first MaryPat. There are some who wouldn't want their kids to be that well informed.
So true! Lots of parents that will do anything to AVOID their children being educated. No science, no civics, book banning etc. I can´t imagine what they are afraid of. Can you?
Diane How true. I have difficulty thinking of parents insistent on banning books that they have never read.Indeed, I wonder if they ever read books.
The Hasidim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) rank among the worst in New York City and in Israel. Major public funding is provided for schools that do not teach science, math, English, and other ‘secular’ material. Especially in Israel these folks are then subsidized for life to study religious texts.
Remember, the PRIMARY tactic used by the Republican Party is FEAR. Make people afraid of everything, propose no solution other than electing Republicans, and use public education as the enemy (because knowledge is the arch enemy of fear). The result is to move ever forward toward autocracy and fascism. Anyone seeing that anywhere in the USA these days? Florida comes to my mind.
You are so very correct Rusty Fairbanks. For me personally, I must remind myself of this truth because when you read how much bolder by the day these Republican-Far-Right politicians are becoming, it does scare the bejesus out of anyone that values our way of life and personal freedoms. We must keep our wits about us and remember the importance of staying informed and voting accordingly.
Your question is, of course, rhetorical and quite accurate.
Dave I had a junior high semi-civics course. We visited local government and the fire department where, in 1956, I first voted in a presidential election. (The voting age was 21 back then)