The problem - we all know what it is - is that the GOP electorate doesn’t watch/access/listen to any source where this info would be disseminated, brilliantly articulated or not. They’re in their churches being told Dem policy is evil and sinful. They watch, listen to and engage with people who purposely (and purposefully) mislead them. …
The problem - we all know what it is - is that the GOP electorate doesn’t watch/access/listen to any source where this info would be disseminated, brilliantly articulated or not. They’re in their churches being told Dem policy is evil and sinful. They watch, listen to and engage with people who purposely (and purposefully) mislead them. They read material that is blatantly false. Their legislators lie, twist and deceive with a straight face. No big fish is held accountable for criminal, or worse, activities. The highest court in the land is compromised.
The upshot is that altogether, this crap appears to them to be truth. Then when laws that have come from Congress and befitted people, like the infrastructure funding, is claimed by MAGAts, when laws that benefit people but can be fraudulently perverted, like Rick Scott’s claim that the Dems cut Medicare by $280B when Medicare was empowered to negotiate drug prices and this is the amount that was saved, when good policy is obstructed and negatively impacts people and is blamed on the Dems, the puzzle pieces all fit for Republican voters and they believe. So if the time comes when rotten proposed laws like that detailed in Dr HCRs letter actually happen, and people find out they’re so much worse off, and it’s blamed on the Dems, this part of the electorate will believe it. And vote accordingly.
You describe this well. The other, and to me very sad part of this comment, it that the targeted people now WANT, with all their hateful hearts, these horrible things to happen, believing with every fiber of their being, that they will be excluded from the disaster this would cause.
So why aren't we sending teams out to these people. Listening to them, finding their real problems and offering the help they need. People in these States see us, the 'Dems' as caring only for city dwellers. We need to show them, in their own home towns that we care about them too.
The problem - we all know what it is - is that the GOP electorate doesn’t watch/access/listen to any source where this info would be disseminated, brilliantly articulated or not. They’re in their churches being told Dem policy is evil and sinful. They watch, listen to and engage with people who purposely (and purposefully) mislead them. They read material that is blatantly false. Their legislators lie, twist and deceive with a straight face. No big fish is held accountable for criminal, or worse, activities. The highest court in the land is compromised.
The upshot is that altogether, this crap appears to them to be truth. Then when laws that have come from Congress and befitted people, like the infrastructure funding, is claimed by MAGAts, when laws that benefit people but can be fraudulently perverted, like Rick Scott’s claim that the Dems cut Medicare by $280B when Medicare was empowered to negotiate drug prices and this is the amount that was saved, when good policy is obstructed and negatively impacts people and is blamed on the Dems, the puzzle pieces all fit for Republican voters and they believe. So if the time comes when rotten proposed laws like that detailed in Dr HCRs letter actually happen, and people find out they’re so much worse off, and it’s blamed on the Dems, this part of the electorate will believe it. And vote accordingly.
You describe this well. The other, and to me very sad part of this comment, it that the targeted people now WANT, with all their hateful hearts, these horrible things to happen, believing with every fiber of their being, that they will be excluded from the disaster this would cause.
Amazes me how purblind the hard right has become.
We need Walter Cronkite again and for our overall society to depend on! Remember?
So why aren't we sending teams out to these people. Listening to them, finding their real problems and offering the help they need. People in these States see us, the 'Dems' as caring only for city dwellers. We need to show them, in their own home towns that we care about them too.