Yet there is method in their madness. They unleash chaos, discord, and dysfunction, and yet through it all, the very rich get much richer and more influential, and the poor get poorer and more disenfranchised. The had-to-be-named-by-the-Ministry-of-Truth "Fair Tax Act " does just that, along with every thing else they champion.
Yet there is method in their madness. They unleash chaos, discord, and dysfunction, and yet through it all, the very rich get much richer and more influential, and the poor get poorer and more disenfranchised. The had-to-be-named-by-the-Ministry-of-Truth "Fair Tax Act " does just that, along with every thing else they champion.
Yes, there is a method to their madness, and bottomless pockets of wealth to pay for the continuation of it. It’s the Aleppo Effect; reduce the society to rubble, and recognize them as our feudal overlords. I think we can safely assume that when the MOB (Manipulating Old Buggers) talks of the “Second Coming”, they are referring to feudalism, not anything that guy from Nazareth stood for.
They have no idea of what Jesus stood for and yes, they would love feudalism, so they could be lords of the manor with all the privileges that went with that while the peons did all the work and got very little.
My recollection is the Jesus said to aid the poor, eschew wealth, not to shoot at your enemies, and to go ahead and pay your taxes. I doubt he'd be welcome in Republican circles today.
And those so-called "Job Creators" are somehow shedding living-wage jobs as fast as they can, with automation, consolation, and off-shoring. Could it be that the real "Job Creators" are an array of worker/consumers with enough money to spend? I mean, who hires just for the heck of it?
Do the ultra wealthy create wealth or markets, or do they primarily control them? I was taught in socially conservative (pre-Reagan) Ohio public schools that monopoly had proved to be a very bad thing.
Indeed. And true irrespective of the measure's ultimate fate. There's Olympic-level obfuscation flooding public discourse, as the men behind the curtains keep assembling the largest wealth piles in history.
There is a battle between Mitch and Qevin as to which one is the cruelest of the two. I have to believe Leonard Leo gave them their orders and they are all flying with it. Mitch is that kind of a guy who definitely provides the poison, when you least expect it.
Yet there is method in their madness. They unleash chaos, discord, and dysfunction, and yet through it all, the very rich get much richer and more influential, and the poor get poorer and more disenfranchised. The had-to-be-named-by-the-Ministry-of-Truth "Fair Tax Act " does just that, along with every thing else they champion.
Yes, there is a method to their madness, and bottomless pockets of wealth to pay for the continuation of it. It’s the Aleppo Effect; reduce the society to rubble, and recognize them as our feudal overlords. I think we can safely assume that when the MOB (Manipulating Old Buggers) talks of the “Second Coming”, they are referring to feudalism, not anything that guy from Nazareth stood for.
They have no idea of what Jesus stood for and yes, they would love feudalism, so they could be lords of the manor with all the privileges that went with that while the peons did all the work and got very little.
My recollection is the Jesus said to aid the poor, eschew wealth, not to shoot at your enemies, and to go ahead and pay your taxes. I doubt he'd be welcome in Republican circles today.
Totally a socialist. He said give up your goods and follow me. I think we should fly that over Joel Olsteen's (sp?) church.
More of a slouching rough beast.
And those so-called "Job Creators" are somehow shedding living-wage jobs as fast as they can, with automation, consolation, and off-shoring. Could it be that the real "Job Creators" are an array of worker/consumers with enough money to spend? I mean, who hires just for the heck of it?
Do the ultra wealthy create wealth or markets, or do they primarily control them? I was taught in socially conservative (pre-Reagan) Ohio public schools that monopoly had proved to be a very bad thing.
Indeed. And true irrespective of the measure's ultimate fate. There's Olympic-level obfuscation flooding public discourse, as the men behind the curtains keep assembling the largest wealth piles in history.
A magician’s magic is distraction. We’ve heard almost nothing about McConnell lately. I doubt his stripes have changed
“Don’t pay me no nevermind, watch those circus clowns over there while I prepare to pull this elephant out of my er, um, hat”
There is a battle between Mitch and Qevin as to which one is the cruelest of the two. I have to believe Leonard Leo gave them their orders and they are all flying with it. Mitch is that kind of a guy who definitely provides the poison, when you least expect it.
Those "elephants" are hauling away your quality of life. Our posterity's as well.
Republicans are as cynical as they are venal and amoral.
I think this says it ALL. I think their citizenship should be revolved!
True. And Dastardly.