Another watershed moment in American politics where outside forces join the plainly cancerous depravity of Republican attempts to destroy the economy. Why? Why must our economy be destroyed? What is the goal of destroying the nation economically? Other nations have called for this destruction from within. Why has the Republican Party cen…
Another watershed moment in American politics where outside forces join the plainly cancerous depravity of Republican attempts to destroy the economy. Why? Why must our economy be destroyed? What is the goal of destroying the nation economically? Other nations have called for this destruction from within. Why has the Republican Party centered it’s political depravity on destroying the United States of America by climbing in bed with our foreign enemies? I am not the 135 pound boy you sent to Viet Nam in Nixon’s army. Now I am the 250 pound fully grown and pissed off adult you have to face down. And that my friend is what you are looking at.
I am mad and I did not go to Viet Nam. I demonstrated against the war. I read your letter and I am mad at this Cabal of people who call themselves republicans as they are intent on destroying our country. They have co-opted the American flag yet intent on destroying all we have fought for and what it symbolizes. My Dad and his brother paid a huge price personally as they fought for Democracy in. WW 2. How can we allow these self serving radicals of republicans the power to take our votes away through voter suppression. Making it difficult for people to vote is another step towards destroying Democracy.
I am going to fly our flag proudly. We are country who fought for Democracy. The right wing has usurped our flag. The radicals drive around in their trucks flying two huge American flags with Fuck Mills across their rear window. I am going to reclaim the flag. I feel it has been usurped by these right wing radicals.
We have worked hard for our independence and freedom. I believe in equal rights for all. My hope is my grandchildren will live in a country for Justice for All. It is sad to see there is this radical group who is intent on destruction of the values this country was founded on.
Another watershed moment in American politics where outside forces join the plainly cancerous depravity of Republican attempts to destroy the economy. Why? Why must our economy be destroyed? What is the goal of destroying the nation economically? Other nations have called for this destruction from within. Why has the Republican Party centered it’s political depravity on destroying the United States of America by climbing in bed with our foreign enemies? I am not the 135 pound boy you sent to Viet Nam in Nixon’s army. Now I am the 250 pound fully grown and pissed off adult you have to face down. And that my friend is what you are looking at.
I am mad and I did not go to Viet Nam. I demonstrated against the war. I read your letter and I am mad at this Cabal of people who call themselves republicans as they are intent on destroying our country. They have co-opted the American flag yet intent on destroying all we have fought for and what it symbolizes. My Dad and his brother paid a huge price personally as they fought for Democracy in. WW 2. How can we allow these self serving radicals of republicans the power to take our votes away through voter suppression. Making it difficult for people to vote is another step towards destroying Democracy.
I am going to fly our flag proudly. We are country who fought for Democracy. The right wing has usurped our flag. The radicals drive around in their trucks flying two huge American flags with Fuck Mills across their rear window. I am going to reclaim the flag. I feel it has been usurped by these right wing radicals.
We have worked hard for our independence and freedom. I believe in equal rights for all. My hope is my grandchildren will live in a country for Justice for All. It is sad to see there is this radical group who is intent on destruction of the values this country was founded on.