Chip Roy said, in July, 2021, that his plan was : “Eighteen more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That's what we want." His aim was to win the 2022 elections. Instead, Biden and crew passed bipartisan legislation to improve the lives of Americans.
Now we see the same playbook on immigration—yell about it, but refuse to do anything about it.
As my grandfather used to say “we need to work to get the bums out!” I’m contacting five friends to urge them to make sure that their voter registration is current. I’m suggesting that they each contact 5 friends. When the primary election comes, I’m going to make sure that they vote. The vast majority of registered voters don’t vote. We need to change that this year.
Mary, yes! I always send around an email and post about Democratic candidates and links to more granular recommendations for candidates like judges and school board. I'm on a deadline and haven't had time to explore this online tool, but this Blue Voter Guide recommended by Robert Hubbell looks like it could be invaluable:
"I frequently receive requests from readers for information on what candidates they should support in their area. provides answers to those questions by allowing you to create an online voter guide specific to your home districts. Check out the link at Blue Voter Guide."
Alexandra, don't overlook Jessica Cravens. Her "Chop Wood, Carry Water" Substack gives damn near all the contact information to participate as deep as your time permits.
Yes, Cravens' Chop Wood Carry Water is a daily for me, too. But this BlueVoterGuide looks like it will allow Dems in any state to craft their own specific ballot guides. I've never seen that before!
Jessica Craven is an amazing and powerful force of nature. As Ransom suggested, she offers an easy to use "tool kit". You will especially enjoy her weekly recaps of the positive stuff happening around the country.
Bill, I am all in for getting people to vote, but, I am worried about when "we" win. Then what?
Trump will be the nominee and when he loses, his resistance to losing will be more organized and have more support in Congress. He is building up support for taking over whether he wins or loses.
So, when he next loses, and, then successfully manages to overturn the election through his arse kissers in Congress, what will we do then?
I think we have to start thinking about this because Trump does not care about the election outcome and neither do Republicans in Congress. They all plan a takeover regardless of who "wins" the voting. Three years of expanding the "belief" that Trump won in 2020 and Biden "stole" the election have had a big effect.
What do we do when Republican's just takeover after it appears Biden wins?
If there is no plan for a response to a Trump takeover in the presence of evidence of his loss, then, he will be successful because there won't be time to develop and implement a coordinated response.
Mike, you pose a critical question. I like your phrase "when he next loses," but think it nearly impossible for Trump to do anything about it. Congress has changed the laws so the house is only a vote counter after the Electoral College totals are certified.
When Joe (or another Democratic nominee) wins this next election, if there is another uprising it will be met with stiff and overwhelming force. Biden is not going to sit in a dining room and watch the nation collapse. He will act promptly and protect our government and elected officials.
And here's the thing. When you are president, you have the big guns and the prisons. One phone call from POTUS and anything like the January 6th debacle would be crushed.
Mike, your concern about the ‘what happens’ is legitimate. I know most people here hate Greenwald, and will disagree with much of this, but he lays out the scenario from the perspective of the Trump supporters who will be responding to a Biden win, especially if Trump is either denied ballot access, or in jail.
Bill, I always appreciate your comments. It’s so easy to get lost in the what-if’s, especially living in Florida. So much appears to be out of my control…but not how I choose to respond/act.
Thanks, Ransom! Also, if anyone is in Los Angeles we are having a fundraiser for the Blue Voter Guide on Saturday! Come meet me there! Saturday, 1/20, from 2 - 4pm in the Larchmont area. We want to ensure that Blue Voter Guide can buy all their data for 2024 (!).
We usually all focus on specific campaigns, candidates, and measures. Blue Voter Guide is different—it's focused on voters, and it aims to do one thing: quickly give them confidence in their choices. is live now for the March 5th California primary. Head there and enter your address to see it in action.
I'll try, but I'm not sure when we have to move Linda's Mom from rehab to her new care facility. It might have to be later next week. Be carefull in the rain.
Alexandra Sokoloff was the one who mentioned in last night's exchange. I mentioned you to her and she shot back that you are her daily dose.
Gotta stay awake Alan. We all have to do what we can. I just applied to be a poll worker yesterday for the March 5 primary. There was a long list of places they neede help with. I can at least do that.
"Immigration problems, workers’ salaries, women’s health? Democracy? The RNC is an organized crime syndicate--writing letters won’t change them and the media only serves as a conduit for BS. It’s more about buying and consumer reports on the local “news.”
Dan, The story linked to your profile about the extraordinary rules made by the NC legislature are chilling. And yet they are of a piece with the demolition of our democracy that's occurring in so many Republican controlled states. It's like a tsunami of actions that will stay in place until they reach the SCOTUS where, one hopes, they'll be found to be a violation of several bedrock principles of the COTUS.
And from today’s letter it would appear the last two Democratic Presidents have done as much, if not more, to deter the flow of undocumented migrants than the repugnican’s fuhrer, trump.
Dawna. It the same old story everywhere. Political decisions made for the wealthy and powerful while people have uranium (and other things)in the water. We can bet that the wealthy and powerful don't live on their pig farms or near whatever else they own. I might ask who is doing the scut work on the pig farms and any number of other agricultural entities....right, immigrants for the most part. Or some poor uneducated sod like my niece's husband in southern Illinois. Last night NBC had a story about seeing cancer in much younger people. When asked the doctor did mention the environment. The R party is a crime syndicate which has become the party of death.
We are in the process of making a real and unsustainable water crisis. Here in Oregon we have have a big problem in a part of eastern Oregon where the water has been ruined by nitrates (I think i am remembering this correctly). Most of the people affected are poor and often Hispanic. The wealthy assume that their money will save them, either their McMansion on some hill or other homes elsewhere, often overseas. I am sorry they own the Cubs because I know lots of Cub fans including my bro-in-law. I once went to a Cubs game with my dad and uncle. probably before they owned them. Global climate change....what's that says every R climate denier. We want to make money.
You got that right. It's interesting about the Uranium in the wells. I was recently in Missoula Montana where there is a big sign around a construction site that reads "President Biden Bipartisan Infrastructure Project." I looked into it and what they are constructing is improving a naturally occurring wetland that will serve to handle storm runoff and help detoxify the fertilizer and petroleum sludge that runs off along with stormwater. They are also partnering with the University of Montana to seed the area, known affectionately as "Cattail Corners", with native grasses and flowers. When it is finished, Cattail Corners will be an even more inviting space for people to enjoy in addition to cleaning up the environment. There is a hands-on exhibit in the children's section of the public library demonstrating how this project works. Now that is something to crow about. I'm going to look into other similar projects across the nation. Let's not let the Koch Bros do us in.
! Susan, coincidentally, I adore Missoula and and love a lot of folks there ! Thanks for sharing 'good' things actually happening; especially in a place I adore. (Though I've never actually 'been there', it's on my bucket list, which I may have to fast track...) Brava sistuh !
On that note, if SCOTUS decides in favor of the Koch brothers fishing interests, the case they are on now, you will have to PAY for all that uranium in your drinking water.
I was not saying anything about writing to the Repugs. I've written them off long ago. Write to tell DEMS to get off their asses and DO something might be effective, as well as columnists and journalists who pedal paplum infotainment. Like that self important jackass Aaron Blake at WaPo. You probably missed the email to him I posted on Heather's Letters a few weeks ago about his "The Campaign Moment". I all but reamed him a new asshole. Let them know they are just shit. Yada Yada...
Dawna, totally with you here. Fellow Nebraskan who feels the pain of Rs in charge of the state. They do NOT want govt "interference" in their polluting ways. They do NOT want food support for children. They do NOT want women to be in control of their own health. They DO want to totally ban abortion for any reason, and they refuse to fund any type of help for families. Having obviously been pulled up by their parents' wealthy bootstraps, they have no empathy for the poor. I am often ashamed to say I live here.
Outstanding. I love Montana. The current case in support of a childs right to a safe environment is laudable. I lived in the Bitteroot valley in the 90’s. Idaho is home now. Working on groundwater issues and human rights issues and ranked choice voting of course.
The League of Women Voters has been doing this for years--it’s However, it’s nonpartisan, which is why we have maintained credibility with voters. When I’ve volunteered in our St. Louis office answering phone calls during elections, people call us and are happy when ballot summaries are available for their interpretation: Missouri is notorious for ambiguous ballot wording and it’s inspiring to know there are voters who value their vote by being informed of their choice. The only issue is that does not go online until close to the election time, here it’s two weeks before the election date. This is just one example of how voting is going to succeed: there are many people who are working hard to keep our right to vote a RIGHT--just keep fighting and don’t be discouraged!🗽
BVG was available for only some states (swing, I think) until it was broadened to all 50 for the 2024 election. An immense amount of volunteer effort has gone into it. I find it a particularly good tool for down ballot races, about which people sometimes don’t know much.
Exactly. I THINK but am not sure BVG will also include explanations for amendments on the ballot, which are nearly impossible to understand. And we election workers cannot explain them (neither allowed nor probably even possible!).
That’s what the League of Women Voters does well...explain the pros and cons of ballot measures. BVG looks to be good for presenting the Democratic candidates and the list of their endorsers, as well as ballot measures. No pros and cons.
You can also contact your local.Democratic party for information about candidates running for non partisan races like judges. In my state GA the Democratic party cannot endorse candidates until after the primary. That's good and bad. Good because you don't want your local party deciding that for you, but bad because it's hard to know if a candidate that's running for a judicial seat is a Democrat or Republican and it's not like they'll let you know either. We rallied a behind a couple of duds only to find out how they lean after they got on the bench. We promptly voted them out in the next election cycle.
I know where to get the information for myself, but I have quite an extensive mailing list with voters in all states. If this Blue Voter Guide actually allows them a quick way of looking up the best candidates in their particular district, that is gold.
In NC, the legislature turned nonpartisan judicial races into partisan races. Currently, the NC Supreme Court has a Republican majority, which voted to uphold heavily gerrymandered maps. What a shock!
They tied Governor Cooper's hands before he was sworn into office and they keep taking powers way from him. I refer to NC when I want people to imagine what a Democratic president would have to deal with if the previous Republican president had implemented Project 2024. There would be nothing he or she could do because the federal government would be stripped to the bone.
I'm originally from NC and have family there. They're the only Republicans that I'm related to. It takes all my energy to stay involved because of my grandchildren. It's devastating.
Tracy, I don't know about GA, but in general the prohibition is against endorsing candidates in contested Democratic primaries. This isn't hard to understand: endorsing in a contested primary is bound to be divisive. Local Democratic groups can't publicly oppose the Democratic nominee in the general election either.
We don't elect judges in MA -- district attorneys, sheriffs, etc., yes, but not judges. From what you say it sounds as though judges in GA are elected on a nonpartisan basis, i.e., their party affiliation, if any, doesn't appear on the general-election ballot. Are these races even included on the primary ballot?
Yes, I know that Blue Voter Guide be available in all 50 states in 2024. It will include races that one rarely hears about: judges, school boards, mayors, sheriffs, prosecutors, ballot measures! It will really help!
I’m a Delaware native--I was an 18-year-old voter in 1972--the first time 18-year-olds were allowed to vote and was proud to vote for Joe Biden for Senator! Best wishes in your new home--I miss our “Small Wonder” state but married a St. Louis man 50 years ago🥰 and love St. Louis, especially the people (we’re the blue dot in the now red sea).
I graduated from UD in the early 1980's and lived here for a while in my early 20's. It was a pleasure voting for Senator Biden and working on his 1988 presidential campaign. I still have his Thank You letter to the volunteers.
My first time voting as well. Massachusetts. I don't remember who was on the ballot besides McGovern. My brother and sister in law recently visited and liked your adopted city very much. I found Cahokia fascinating many years ago.
Mary, I appreciate you writing. I would note, since 2016, my line has been “Whatever your first issue of concern, participating in the democratic process had better be your second. Because without engagement in free and fair elections, progress of any kind is far less likely.”
Kathy, Thank you for your affirming reply. I would note I am part of group intent on building a nationwide pro-democracy movement rooted in mutual respect, personal responsibility, and social accountability and also wedded to the rule of law and the Constitution. Though currently in its formative stage, we, nonetheless, are at the point of reaching out to standout figures to help bring recognition to the project designed to galvanize the country to rise up for freedom and democracy. We envision a nationwide call to action: uniting, inspiring, and energizing people, who know we are under threat, to commit to participating in saving our democracy and also, hopefully, waking up those asleep to the necessity and urgency.
@Pensa_VT, Thank you for asking. Our project tentatively is titled “Rise Up For Democracy Before It’s Too Late.” I will be sure to keep this community apprised of our progress.
"Ya'll spin, spin, spin; and I don't know how ya'll are standing right now because you should be quite dizzy from all the spinning that you're constantly doing when it comes to spinning the truth.." Priceless!
Totall agree. She captured the outrage we all have been feeling as the time to call in his grossly deficient account seems so long overdue. Go, Congresswoman!! I bet she'd easily manage to talk down NY's Stefanik.
Thanks for sharing this, Richard. I am absolutely in awe of her courage to give the Republicans the scolding they so desperately need to hear. Especially the "Gentlewoman from South Carolina", who is the walking epitome of white privilege.
Ashley, Congresswoman Crockett is really, really good. I saw her interviewed on MSNBC and she came across as cool, collected and in control. She is definitely more than "just another pretty face." I predict a rapid rise for her. She is the complete package.
Great minds think alike, Richard! I just posted a YouTube of her remarks she gave a few days ago, about Republican spin a/k/a alternative facts! Here, I'll post her YouTube page, from which you can choose which issues you care to hear from her:
Jeri, that is the curse of the gift of long life. Please know that you have friends here, and that the efforts you make in other arenas make up for outliving your cohort.
I realized at my husband's funeral that most of his family and friends had predeceased him. Should not have been surprised, but first time I had really thought about it. Thinking back, funerals for young people (niece drowned at 19) had so many mourners. Those of us who have beaten the odds should be grateful every day, while remembering those who didn't. Thank you all, great community at LFAA
I’m in my 70s as well and I remember that the majority of the electorate hasn’t voted in the past but I’ve never felt this way about an upcoming election before and I really hope other people are scared too so they vote and not let an extremist, self-serving nut back in the WH.
Yes Mary, and don't forget Jessica Cravems "Chop Wood, Carry Water". She gives the contact info on damn near everything one needs to paticipate in making all that happen.
Chip Roy said, in July, 2021, that his plan was : “Eighteen more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That's what we want." His aim was to win the 2022 elections. Instead, Biden and crew passed bipartisan legislation to improve the lives of Americans.
Now we see the same playbook on immigration—yell about it, but refuse to do anything about it.
As my grandfather used to say “we need to work to get the bums out!” I’m contacting five friends to urge them to make sure that their voter registration is current. I’m suggesting that they each contact 5 friends. When the primary election comes, I’m going to make sure that they vote. The vast majority of registered voters don’t vote. We need to change that this year.
Mary, yes! I always send around an email and post about Democratic candidates and links to more granular recommendations for candidates like judges and school board. I'm on a deadline and haven't had time to explore this online tool, but this Blue Voter Guide recommended by Robert Hubbell looks like it could be invaluable:
"I frequently receive requests from readers for information on what candidates they should support in their area. provides answers to those questions by allowing you to create an online voter guide specific to your home districts. Check out the link at Blue Voter Guide."
Alexandra, don't overlook Jessica Cravens. Her "Chop Wood, Carry Water" Substack gives damn near all the contact information to participate as deep as your time permits.
Yes, Cravens' Chop Wood Carry Water is a daily for me, too. But this BlueVoterGuide looks like it will allow Dems in any state to craft their own specific ballot guides. I've never seen that before!
Gotta check it out. Thank you.
Ditto... I read her too.
Yes, Jessica Cravens is one of my “must reads”!
Ditto.. I read her too.
Never heard of her! ! Will look her up. Thank you.
Jessica Craven is an amazing and powerful force of nature. As Ransom suggested, she offers an easy to use "tool kit". You will especially enjoy her weekly recaps of the positive stuff happening around the country.
Bill, I am all in for getting people to vote, but, I am worried about when "we" win. Then what?
Trump will be the nominee and when he loses, his resistance to losing will be more organized and have more support in Congress. He is building up support for taking over whether he wins or loses.
So, when he next loses, and, then successfully manages to overturn the election through his arse kissers in Congress, what will we do then?
I think we have to start thinking about this because Trump does not care about the election outcome and neither do Republicans in Congress. They all plan a takeover regardless of who "wins" the voting. Three years of expanding the "belief" that Trump won in 2020 and Biden "stole" the election have had a big effect.
What do we do when Republican's just takeover after it appears Biden wins?
If there is no plan for a response to a Trump takeover in the presence of evidence of his loss, then, he will be successful because there won't be time to develop and implement a coordinated response.
Mike, you pose a critical question. I like your phrase "when he next loses," but think it nearly impossible for Trump to do anything about it. Congress has changed the laws so the house is only a vote counter after the Electoral College totals are certified.
When Joe (or another Democratic nominee) wins this next election, if there is another uprising it will be met with stiff and overwhelming force. Biden is not going to sit in a dining room and watch the nation collapse. He will act promptly and protect our government and elected officials.
And here's the thing. When you are president, you have the big guns and the prisons. One phone call from POTUS and anything like the January 6th debacle would be crushed.
Mike, your concern about the ‘what happens’ is legitimate. I know most people here hate Greenwald, and will disagree with much of this, but he lays out the scenario from the perspective of the Trump supporters who will be responding to a Biden win, especially if Trump is either denied ballot access, or in jail.
This is an astute assessment, Mike. There are so many "belief" stories about "stolen" elections that something needs to be preemptively addressed.
Agree 100%, Mike.
Future casting and doomscrolling are similar non-productive energy wasters Mike. I only know because I've done those.
Bill, I always appreciate your comments. It’s so easy to get lost in the what-if’s, especially living in Florida. So much appears to be out of my control…but not how I choose to respond/act.
Thanks, Ransom! Also, if anyone is in Los Angeles we are having a fundraiser for the Blue Voter Guide on Saturday! Come meet me there! Saturday, 1/20, from 2 - 4pm in the Larchmont area. We want to ensure that Blue Voter Guide can buy all their data for 2024 (!).
We usually all focus on specific campaigns, candidates, and measures. Blue Voter Guide is different—it's focused on voters, and it aims to do one thing: quickly give them confidence in their choices. is live now for the March 5th California primary. Head there and enter your address to see it in action.
RSVP and/or donate here.
I'll try, but I'm not sure when we have to move Linda's Mom from rehab to her new care facility. It might have to be later next week. Be carefull in the rain.
Alexandra Sokoloff was the one who mentioned in last night's exchange. I mentioned you to her and she shot back that you are her daily dose.
Thanks to you, Mary Hardt, and Ransom Rideout (!) for your posts and the important information.
Gotta stay awake Alan. We all have to do what we can. I just applied to be a poll worker yesterday for the March 5 primary. There was a long list of places they neede help with. I can at least do that.
"Immigration problems, workers’ salaries, women’s health? Democracy? The RNC is an organized crime syndicate--writing letters won’t change them and the media only serves as a conduit for BS. It’s more about buying and consumer reports on the local “news.”
Well said, Dawna.
Dan, The story linked to your profile about the extraordinary rules made by the NC legislature are chilling. And yet they are of a piece with the demolition of our democracy that's occurring in so many Republican controlled states. It's like a tsunami of actions that will stay in place until they reach the SCOTUS where, one hopes, they'll be found to be a violation of several bedrock principles of the COTUS.
And from today’s letter it would appear the last two Democratic Presidents have done as much, if not more, to deter the flow of undocumented migrants than the repugnican’s fuhrer, trump.
Dawna. It the same old story everywhere. Political decisions made for the wealthy and powerful while people have uranium (and other things)in the water. We can bet that the wealthy and powerful don't live on their pig farms or near whatever else they own. I might ask who is doing the scut work on the pig farms and any number of other agricultural entities....right, immigrants for the most part. Or some poor uneducated sod like my niece's husband in southern Illinois. Last night NBC had a story about seeing cancer in much younger people. When asked the doctor did mention the environment. The R party is a crime syndicate which has become the party of death.
We are in the process of making a real and unsustainable water crisis. Here in Oregon we have have a big problem in a part of eastern Oregon where the water has been ruined by nitrates (I think i am remembering this correctly). Most of the people affected are poor and often Hispanic. The wealthy assume that their money will save them, either their McMansion on some hill or other homes elsewhere, often overseas. I am sorry they own the Cubs because I know lots of Cub fans including my bro-in-law. I once went to a Cubs game with my dad and uncle. probably before they owned them. Global climate change....what's that says every R climate denier. We want to make money.
Lake Erie - a ‘great lake’ is covered in algae blooms yearly. My former home state - their answer ‘it takes time’ and blaming less cattails!!!
You got that right. It's interesting about the Uranium in the wells. I was recently in Missoula Montana where there is a big sign around a construction site that reads "President Biden Bipartisan Infrastructure Project." I looked into it and what they are constructing is improving a naturally occurring wetland that will serve to handle storm runoff and help detoxify the fertilizer and petroleum sludge that runs off along with stormwater. They are also partnering with the University of Montana to seed the area, known affectionately as "Cattail Corners", with native grasses and flowers. When it is finished, Cattail Corners will be an even more inviting space for people to enjoy in addition to cleaning up the environment. There is a hands-on exhibit in the children's section of the public library demonstrating how this project works. Now that is something to crow about. I'm going to look into other similar projects across the nation. Let's not let the Koch Bros do us in.
! Susan, coincidentally, I adore Missoula and and love a lot of folks there ! Thanks for sharing 'good' things actually happening; especially in a place I adore. (Though I've never actually 'been there', it's on my bucket list, which I may have to fast track...) Brava sistuh !
On that note, if SCOTUS decides in favor of the Koch brothers fishing interests, the case they are on now, you will have to PAY for all that uranium in your drinking water.
I was not saying anything about writing to the Repugs. I've written them off long ago. Write to tell DEMS to get off their asses and DO something might be effective, as well as columnists and journalists who pedal paplum infotainment. Like that self important jackass Aaron Blake at WaPo. You probably missed the email to him I posted on Heather's Letters a few weeks ago about his "The Campaign Moment". I all but reamed him a new asshole. Let them know they are just shit. Yada Yada...
Indeed; Attack the 'microphones, cameras, and Networks' giving them public Oxygen !
Dawna, totally with you here. Fellow Nebraskan who feels the pain of Rs in charge of the state. They do NOT want govt "interference" in their polluting ways. They do NOT want food support for children. They do NOT want women to be in control of their own health. They DO want to totally ban abortion for any reason, and they refuse to fund any type of help for families. Having obviously been pulled up by their parents' wealthy bootstraps, they have no empathy for the poor. I am often ashamed to say I live here.
Outstanding. I love Montana. The current case in support of a childs right to a safe environment is laudable. I lived in the Bitteroot valley in the 90’s. Idaho is home now. Working on groundwater issues and human rights issues and ranked choice voting of course.
Ditto here in Ideeho.
The League of Women Voters has been doing this for years--it’s However, it’s nonpartisan, which is why we have maintained credibility with voters. When I’ve volunteered in our St. Louis office answering phone calls during elections, people call us and are happy when ballot summaries are available for their interpretation: Missouri is notorious for ambiguous ballot wording and it’s inspiring to know there are voters who value their vote by being informed of their choice. The only issue is that does not go online until close to the election time, here it’s two weeks before the election date. This is just one example of how voting is going to succeed: there are many people who are working hard to keep our right to vote a RIGHT--just keep fighting and don’t be discouraged!🗽
My mother belonged to the League. Keep up your good work!
BVG was available for only some states (swing, I think) until it was broadened to all 50 for the 2024 election. An immense amount of volunteer effort has gone into it. I find it a particularly good tool for down ballot races, about which people sometimes don’t know much.
MLMinET - that was my impression, thanks! And the down ballot races are exactly what I'm hoping to be able to get more of my email list voting in.
Exactly. I THINK but am not sure BVG will also include explanations for amendments on the ballot, which are nearly impossible to understand. And we election workers cannot explain them (neither allowed nor probably even possible!).
That’s what the League of Women Voters does well...explain the pros and cons of ballot measures. BVG looks to be good for presenting the Democratic candidates and the list of their endorsers, as well as ballot measures. No pros and cons.
BVG. Black Volkswagens Go?
Blue Voter Guide
Don't assume people know your acronyms. I have no idea what BVG is. Acronyms do to the flow of prose what a dead cow does to the flow of a stream.
Well that’s a great visual!
You can also contact your local.Democratic party for information about candidates running for non partisan races like judges. In my state GA the Democratic party cannot endorse candidates until after the primary. That's good and bad. Good because you don't want your local party deciding that for you, but bad because it's hard to know if a candidate that's running for a judicial seat is a Democrat or Republican and it's not like they'll let you know either. We rallied a behind a couple of duds only to find out how they lean after they got on the bench. We promptly voted them out in the next election cycle.
I know where to get the information for myself, but I have quite an extensive mailing list with voters in all states. If this Blue Voter Guide actually allows them a quick way of looking up the best candidates in their particular district, that is gold.
You're awesome, Alexandra!
In NC, the legislature turned nonpartisan judicial races into partisan races. Currently, the NC Supreme Court has a Republican majority, which voted to uphold heavily gerrymandered maps. What a shock!
They tied Governor Cooper's hands before he was sworn into office and they keep taking powers way from him. I refer to NC when I want people to imagine what a Democratic president would have to deal with if the previous Republican president had implemented Project 2024. There would be nothing he or she could do because the federal government would be stripped to the bone.
I'm originally from NC and have family there. They're the only Republicans that I'm related to. It takes all my energy to stay involved because of my grandchildren. It's devastating.
Tracy, I don't know about GA, but in general the prohibition is against endorsing candidates in contested Democratic primaries. This isn't hard to understand: endorsing in a contested primary is bound to be divisive. Local Democratic groups can't publicly oppose the Democratic nominee in the general election either.
We don't elect judges in MA -- district attorneys, sheriffs, etc., yes, but not judges. From what you say it sounds as though judges in GA are elected on a nonpartisan basis, i.e., their party affiliation, if any, doesn't appear on the general-election ballot. Are these races even included on the primary ballot?
Yes, I know that Blue Voter Guide be available in all 50 states in 2024. It will include races that one rarely hears about: judges, school boards, mayors, sheriffs, prosecutors, ballot measures! It will really help!
Alas, no guide for Delaware yet. :-( I just moved here and would like to learn more about the down ballot candidates.
Here’s a link for information:
I’m a Delaware native--I was an 18-year-old voter in 1972--the first time 18-year-olds were allowed to vote and was proud to vote for Joe Biden for Senator! Best wishes in your new home--I miss our “Small Wonder” state but married a St. Louis man 50 years ago🥰 and love St. Louis, especially the people (we’re the blue dot in the now red sea).
Thank you, Linda!
I graduated from UD in the early 1980's and lived here for a while in my early 20's. It was a pleasure voting for Senator Biden and working on his 1988 presidential campaign. I still have his Thank You letter to the volunteers.
I never intended to be away for so long.
My first time voting as well. Massachusetts. I don't remember who was on the ballot besides McGovern. My brother and sister in law recently visited and liked your adopted city very much. I found Cahokia fascinating many years ago.
Mary, I appreciate you writing. I would note, since 2016, my line has been “Whatever your first issue of concern, participating in the democratic process had better be your second. Because without engagement in free and fair elections, progress of any kind is far less likely.”
Barbara, you said a mouthful there!! I’ll be sharing that philosophy!! Thank you!!
Kathy, Thank you for your affirming reply. I would note I am part of group intent on building a nationwide pro-democracy movement rooted in mutual respect, personal responsibility, and social accountability and also wedded to the rule of law and the Constitution. Though currently in its formative stage, we, nonetheless, are at the point of reaching out to standout figures to help bring recognition to the project designed to galvanize the country to rise up for freedom and democracy. We envision a nationwide call to action: uniting, inspiring, and energizing people, who know we are under threat, to commit to participating in saving our democracy and also, hopefully, waking up those asleep to the necessity and urgency.
Does this group have a name, yet, Barbara Jo?
@Pensa_VT, Thank you for asking. Our project tentatively is titled “Rise Up For Democracy Before It’s Too Late.” I will be sure to keep this community apprised of our progress.
Biden’s speech on standing up for democracy!
Thank you Barbara!! Yes please keep us informed!!
Barbara, looking forward to hearing about it. I recommend the book “Beyond Contempt” as a guide for how to talk to people whom you want to inspire.
In Barbara's case, what she stated was a full 'heartful' Kat. I've appreciated her for some time now. jmho ~
Gentlepersons: I'm sure that you know of Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett from Texas, taking the place of Barbara Jordan. At the Hunter Biden hearing, this is what she had to say to the Republicans:
"Ya'll spin, spin, spin; and I don't know how ya'll are standing right now because you should be quite dizzy from all the spinning that you're constantly doing when it comes to spinning the truth.." Priceless!
Totall agree. She captured the outrage we all have been feeling as the time to call in his grossly deficient account seems so long overdue. Go, Congresswoman!! I bet she'd easily manage to talk down NY's Stefanik.
I'd love to see her up against Stefanik, K!
Thanks for sharing this, Richard. I am absolutely in awe of her courage to give the Republicans the scolding they so desperately need to hear. Especially the "Gentlewoman from South Carolina", who is the walking epitome of white privilege.
Ashley, Congresswoman Crockett is really, really good. I saw her interviewed on MSNBC and she came across as cool, collected and in control. She is definitely more than "just another pretty face." I predict a rapid rise for her. She is the complete package.
Great minds think alike, Richard! I just posted a YouTube of her remarks she gave a few days ago, about Republican spin a/k/a alternative facts! Here, I'll post her YouTube page, from which you can choose which issues you care to hear from her:
I love that woman! Hard to believe that there are enough of those kind of Texans to voter her in....
Yes, without a doubt, Jasmine Crockett is a rising star. Hallelujah!
Preach, Congresswoman!!
Thank you Richard. That was awesome!
Go Jasmine Crockett! 💕
Too old to have five friends left.
You have dozens here, Jeri
A stimulating comfort, thank you
Jeri, that is the curse of the gift of long life. Please know that you have friends here, and that the efforts you make in other arenas make up for outliving your cohort.
I realized at my husband's funeral that most of his family and friends had predeceased him. Should not have been surprised, but first time I had really thought about it. Thinking back, funerals for young people (niece drowned at 19) had so many mourners. Those of us who have beaten the odds should be grateful every day, while remembering those who didn't. Thank you all, great community at LFAA
I know what it's like.
You have me Jeri!
Hey, Jeri. That's tough.
sorry to hear.
Jeri, I’ve branched out to kids, nieces, nephews and grandchildren
Daughter and granddaughters not too far away, but busy as beavers.
I just make sure that they’re registered and that they vote. Not too time intensive.
One too young, others OK. So thankful they are not magats, although they live in red zone
I’m here for you, Jeri! Hugs!
From my experience herein, you are 'not' too old where it counts the most Jeri; Your brave heart and inquiring mind.
Tired heart and mind, but still can recognize evil and try to live golden rule. Thank you D4N
Absolutely!!! This is a critical year. I like your idea of making sure people vote.
Yes, there are depths of inactive voters, the best part of almost half the total electorate, more or less true since "I" was a kid, 70 odd years ago.
I’m in my 70s as well and I remember that the majority of the electorate hasn’t voted in the past but I’ve never felt this way about an upcoming election before and I really hope other people are scared too so they vote and not let an extremist, self-serving nut back in the WH.
Yes Mary, and don't forget Jessica Cravems "Chop Wood, Carry Water". She gives the contact info on damn near everything one needs to paticipate in making all that happen.