As HCR suggests, the Iowa caucuses are not as concerning as they sound. Adding to HCR's important points about the Iowa caucuses, Robert Hubbell had the following to say:

The American electorate does not look like Iowa caucusgoers. For example, per NPR (in 2021), white evangelicals represent 14% of the US population (compared to 50% of caucusgoers in Iowa).

Similarly, 61% of Americans are white, compared to 97% of Iowa caucusgoers.

And 36% of Americans believe Joe Biden’s election in 2020 was not legitimate, compared to 66% of Iowa caucusgoers.

The point is obvious: Exercise caution when attempting to extrapolate Trump's victory based on a skewed sample of Iowans who attended the low-turnout caucus on Monday.

Why does this matter?

Although Trump is not technically an incumbent president, his dominance in the Republican party grants him quasi-incumbent status. So, the fact that he garnered only 51% of the vote in a state overrepresented by white evangelical MAGA voters is a troubling sign for Trump—and a hopeful sign for Biden.

Indeed, the signal in the noise is this: Nikki Haley beat Trump in one county—Johnson County. What’s in Johnson County? Answer: The University of Iowa. So, too, with Story County, home to Iowa State University, where Trump won by only 4 percentage points (34% for Trump vs. 30% for Haley).

What’s the lesson? In Iowa counties with younger, more educated voters, Trump loses or barely wins among die-hard Republicans. As I said, the Iowa victory contains troubling signs for Trump.

So, keep the Iowa results in perspective. While important, the caucuses didn’t warrant the wall-wall coverage they received on Monday evening—and do not suggest a general election victory by Trump.

Nonetheless--and this is me talking, now, not Robert Hubbell--be prepared to work hard for a Biden victory in November. As TCinLA says, those GOPers who voted for Haley and DeSanctimonious in the caucuses are probably going to vote for the slimeball. (I think some of them will not bother to vote, but you and I can't take that to the bank.) We need to work like hell to make sure we don't lose our Democracy to one of the most vile, evil H. sapiens ever to walk the planet.

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To add to your work order: finished and mailed 125th of 225 GOTV postcards for the election of Tom Suozzi to replace George Santos. It’s a contribution those of us who can’t do phone calls or be poll workers, or run for office can do. The special election is February 13th.

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I wrote 79 postcards for Tom Suozzi as well. It feels good to take action and all of these slime balls need to be stopped.

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I wrote so many for Tom Suozzi.........


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I made phone calls for Tom Suozzi over the weekend and am scheduled to do so a couple more times. It is easy and rewarding to work for Democracy. Thanks to all of you doing what you can, too.

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I’ll second that Emily👏 thank you all for the actions ...walkin’ the walk🙌

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From a friend that organizes post card writing, I’m going today to buy stamps. The price goes up on Sunday.

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I wrote postcards for the 2022 midterms for a group called Postcards For Swingstates.Iwrote 200 cards and sent them to Pennsylvania.The organization sent me the postcards,a mailing list and directions for what to say on the cards.I paid the postage.I really enjoyed doing this also.Does anyone here know of any group that operates this way?

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Another group is https://postcardstovoters.org/. You buy the cards as well as the postage, but there are lots of "Vote" postcards out there on Etsy and other places that aren't that expensive--they postage is by far the bigger investment. You have to write a sample postcard to get your handwriting approved, and then the way they work is quick response--they send enough addresses for a few days worth of cards that you mail right away. I have done (and am continuing to do) postcards into NY-3 for both postcards to voters and Activate America. Postcards2Swingstates won't be going for the 2024 election until May.

I find that writing a few postcards every day is calming--I feel like I am doing a little something, and there's no stress involved, unlike (for me) phone banking or canvassing. But my resolution this year is to make myself do phone banking even though I don't like it. I did my first shift into FL HD 35, which just flipped yesterday! I award myself credit for 1 vote. May or may not be true, but given that the margin was under 600 votes, it stiffens my resolve.

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I like phone banking rather than canvassing to people’s homes .I live in a very red county in red Ohio and knocking on doors here is just not my cup-of-tea.I like writing postcards the best though.I didn’t have to provide a sample of my handwriting before but can see why they might want that.

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Do they have to be hand written? If I generate printer pc & sign them? Hand writing them must be like doing calligraphy , you get into a meditative state.

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But of course! Some of us are not very tech savvy. As long as addresses and who, when, what , where are clear, it’s any which way you can. It’s the card that counts.

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The organizations I use are all handwritten. There may be others.

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My 21 y.o. nephew can't read cursive (& it's not being taught in schools), only printing- would hate to lose those voters.

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Honestly - I find that ridiculous. (lack of cursive) My grandchildren are not learning it either - they are 9 and 10. When and WHO thought that was a good idea? Do they (educators) think these kids will print their names in signing a check? Oh wait - likely just use a card or their phone!

On the other hand, at this point in my life, I have gone back to printing rather than writing (other than my signature) so possibly not such a downer after all.

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Good point. At least one of the organizations makes that point and asks that you print.

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I also wrote postcards before the 2020 election, and will do so again. I wish I had the contact information for the organizers!

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Thank you Robbie. I signed up for this. Now… where does one get post cards?

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Thanks to all you gals who get it done! Postcard parties are a great way to do this and create community

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Thanks so much! I just contacted them. Would others like this post if you are planning to do this as well? It would be encouraging to see how many HCR fans participate!

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I did the same Victoria. I will try to find the info.

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Actually, the Postcards to Voters group emphasizes and requires handwritten cards for the friendly outreach it provides. I can handle a few a day, 15-20, and sign each one with only my first name.

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I wrote postcards too and now am doing so for Tom Suozzi...I am so happy that these have a shorter message (in the past I felt like I was writing my college dissertation on a card!). I just ordered more cards through Amazon. They were $15 for 100 cards but if you can get them for free, all the better.

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Hi Victoria, I couldn't find my info from last time I sent postcards but I went on the site - Postcards for Swingstates. It will start in May and I just signed up to receive updates.

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Thank-you.Am going to their site now.

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I’m finishing up my postcards today and will bring them to my post office. It’s what I can do.

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When I took my 200 postcards to the Post Office during the midterms in 2022, the man who works there insisted on paying the postage for me. He said, "You did all the hard work. It would make me feel as if I did something to contribute to this effort by paying." I was very moved by this gesture and thanked him. Even though I live in a very RED area, there are a few of us here willing to help the Dems get elected, even if it isn't likely to happen where we live. These particular cards were going to Dem voters in a number of cities in TX, who hadn't voted in a while. Hope the cards made a difference.

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Thank you for the story. It’s a bit of warmth on a cold day!

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Boy, that just brought tears to my eyes...you are both fantastic!

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Well done, Virginia! I have also been writing cards for Tom Suozzi but, not anywhere close to the number you have written!! Thanks.

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Thank You, Virginia!

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"36% of Americans believe Joe Biden’s election in 2020 was not legitimate"

Nice post David. But that fact is astounding

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24% of Americans claim the "evangelical" moniker.

At least another 10% are serious Catholics.

So, at least 36% of the American electorate grew up learning to Believe what the white man at the front of the church was selling them and NOT learning to discern and explore and question.

So, when a white man tells them what to believe? Those white folks believe what they are told to believe, like the good Christians they are.

Especially in the Evangelical Christian church, NOT believing whatever the white man at the front of the church is selling on Sunday comes with the dire consequence of hell and damnation.

So, It is not really astounding that a bunch of people trained to believe that for which there is no evidence transfer that skill to Trump's BS glad handed out without evidence.

No, not at all surprising. In fact, it is predictable.

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Mike S There is a video that I would love to show to our ‘white American Christians.’ Jesus as a Semite was dark skinned. This was reflected in images of him during the early centuries.

Then Jesus became whiter and whiter. He had been almost ivory pure for centuries.

Now Africa is the continent where Catholicism is the fastest growing. There Jesus’s image has become blacker and blacker.

For white evangelical “Christians,’ I suggest that they replace the image of their orange-skinned god with the historically accurate image of a Semitic looking Jesus. Incidentally, wouldn’t that be a more appropriate symbol for the United States where ‘whites’ are projected to be in a minority within about 15 years?

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Keith, in the middle 60s I was in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, teaching in a Catholic boys school run by Irish priests. At school, the boys did all the Catholic things, but they also believed all the local pagan ways as they thought there were ghosts among other things. One of my fellow African teachers told me not to whistle because I would attract evil spirits. There was also lots of juju around. Perhaps this has changed since then. I know you spent some time in Africa as well.

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Michele When I was filming in the Southern Sudan in 1954, I saw a ‘pagan church’ that had various semi-human images. At the same time the Catholic Church was seeking to proselytize. I got a movie shot of a young Sudanese with a sling shot as a priest was speaking in a foreign language.

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I'd love to see that. In Sierra Leone they had men's and women's societies for making a child an adult. The representatives were called "devils" although I think that might have been an European designation. People could see the Bundu "devil", representing the women, but not the men's. It may have been prohibited just for women. We have many photos of various "devils" dancing. I can't imagine how hot it must have been under all that raffia and the mask as well. Many had bells attached to their legs to set up a rhythm. Once there was kind of pull featuring a long pole. The spirits were in charge of it. The man who worked for us, Thomas participated and the pole dragged them all over.

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Imagine if churches started displaying images of a dark-skinned Jesus. The cries of "DEI" would drown out the choruses.

Speaking of skin tone, there's an excellent Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Orlando. When descending on a long escalator, you can't miss the large mural of Jesus. His skin is lighter than mine, which genetically is Northern European pale.

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Mike The story of the Virgin Mary is, perhaps, more convoluted than ‘sun screen’ Jesus. After initial focus on the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, as well as the women who were integral to Paul spreading the Gospel to non=Jews, the male Catholics tended to push the Marys aside [Who cooked and served the last supper?}

By the Nicene Council in 325, Mary, Jesus’s close friend, had been dismissed as a prostitute. I believe that the image of the Virgin Mary only became a biggie centuries later—about 1000?

Then the story of ‘immaculate conception’ seemed believable. Also, there was the push for nunneries in which rich women took the vows AND bequeathed all their worldly goods to the Church. This was a significant source of Church funding.

A century later priests (not popes) were forbidden to marry (or even fiddle around?). In part this was to prevent priests from accumulating wealth and leaving it to family rather than Church.

As with indulgences, MONEY often was behind papal policies. When Martin Luther objected, the s++t hit the fan, and so emerged Protestantism. [Martin later married a former nun.]


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Thanks for a quick history lesson that I hadn't heard (except for Martin Luther and Protestantism. Increasingly, now that I'm old, the world is finally coming into focus.

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Mike, I’d caution that not all Christians deserve being lumped into the “evangelical” witless crowd that “believe what the white man in the pulpit” is telling them. Not all churches are fire breathing cauldrons of hate and false witness. Many Christians abhor this overarching accusation; instead taking the Word in context of the Good News of salvation rather than condemnation of Hell for not following “The Old Testament Law”

We are not associated with that crowd. Religion is faith based, not logical or able to be “proved”. For those who actually use Christ’s teachings as a basis for conduct, this message is exactly opposite of the evangelicals

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Yes. These are the people who seek an strong father figure to reassure them and tell them what to think (unthink). Many of them were raised in traditional homes, where father was the boss, and they, as children, were never encouraged to think for themselves. I suspect many were also corporally punished. When you accept religion, you give up your right to think for yourself. Religion, is the only socially sanctioned delusion.

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Cult: A small unpopular religion

Religion: A large popular cult

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A large popular cult with political power, protected by the State (usually).

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And with that parent to instruct, command, and punish, you never have to take responsibility for anything you do or say, because everything is in accordance with some god's wishes, working in "mysterious ways". I was brought up Episcopalian by two very rational and intellectual parents, which may explain why I don't "get" why anyone would want to "turn it over to" Jesus, or whoever. How demeaning such cults or religions or social/political movements are.

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Yes. It's a way to insure that people continue to think and act like children. But what a price to pay to never have the experience of being an adult who is at least partially an agent in one's own life. It's one very unfortunate result of our long dependency because of our big brain which takes 25 years or so to actually mature. During that dependence we are vulnerable to all kinds of environmental insults, including religiosity, that shapes the wiring in our brains. It takes someone pretty determined and fortunate to have a good temperament to wrest themselves free from the hold that early religious brainwashing can have. Teaching children that those myths and stories are facts is a form of child abuse because it can prevent the child from ever being able to see the world more accurately. Such a waste.

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It is astounding and I think I read that in a choosing a jury for one of his trials in NYC, two of the pool held up their hands when asked about that. They were not seated. I also think I read that he held up his little hand too. I think he was present to intimidate the jurors, who are being kept in secret and in a secure place for their own safely. It is so sad that we have arrived at this kind of intimidation from the death star and other Rs. This is what thugs do.

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Joe "bought-and-paid-for" Biden received more money (by far) from the Israel lobby than any other senator in history:


Reuters says the same thing:


Perhaps it is well to remember that Israeli settler extremists in the West Bank are terrorists, and therefore Israel, funding the settlers and giving them guns, is a state sponsor of terrorism.

See “France Calls West Bank Israeli Settler Violence a ‘Policy of Terror’”




and "The Rise of Settler Terrorism" (published in Foreign Affairs)


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You are taking up too much space on this comments forum. I have to scroll too much to get to other people's opinions. You are like a drunk at a party that everyone is tired of listening to. Sometimes "less is more"?

You certainly have a right to state something. But Jeeesh, what if you saved some space for the thousands of others who might have something interesting to say. There ARE other places to vent!

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Bill -- well, in fairness to John, he deleted a comment he made to me yesterday, accusing me of being stupid after I set a trap for him, which he fell into. My subsequent reply to him left him nowhere to run, so he deleted his comment, lest it show his mistake.

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...said Mr. Make-believe fantasy-land liar.

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Really. Hmm. So I'll ask my question again, John: either Russia bombs discriminately, targeting the civilian population, or indiscriminately, meaning there's a problem with their control systems. Which is it, John? But no matter what the cause is, such bombings are war crimes. Get over it. Goodbye.

(Yes, I know he's a troll, but I won't be called a liar.)

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I have said what I have to say.

In general, if I get trolled a lot, then I say more than I otherwise would.

If you could request that those whose posts contain nothing but mockery and insults hold their peace, that might cut down on the number of posts surrounding my presentation of my point of view.

p.s. You didn't want to say anything about Joe "Bought-and-paid-for" Biden, a wholly owned subsidiary of the so-called pro-Israel lobby as Israel staggers belligerently toward annihilation. Perhaps Biden should register as a foreign agent?


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John S


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Oh ok so it’s not just Biden the Democrat being bought but also Mike Johnson the Republican. Gotcha.

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I think you were replying to this post: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/january-16-2024/comment/47501141

At the top, the Republicans are every bit as bought-and-paid-for by various special interests (prominently including the Israel lobby) as the Democrats.

Trump is a loser; he's getting nibbled to death by legal piranhas who don't like the taste. (So Republicans will end up choosing between Neo Nikki and Ron Con.)

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Here is my peace plan for the Middle East:

1. Israel faces an existential crisis as soon as the U.S. "aid spigot" gets cut off for whatever reason (including possible American political or economic crisis).

2. Any viable solution must enable Israel to be secure without constant infusions of American aid.

3. This requires peace with Israel’s neighbors, including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

4. This requires undoing the Nakba terrorist atrocity and withdrawing to the U.N.-mandated pre-1948 borders.

5. This can only be done in the context of peaceful economic integration throughout the region, for the benefit of all. A lasting peace must be guaranteed individually by each permanent member of the U.N. Security council, and endorsed by Israel’s neighbors.

6. The recent Hamas atrocities were sparked by provocations (yet again) at the Dome of the Rock. The dream of rebuilding the Temple of Herod must be given up and replaced by the will to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in its correct location.

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Ferr crisssakes John.... how many of your friends know you are on here associating with this bunch of dumb-clucks? Huh..? Of course, "Schmeeckle" is probably some concoction you came up with..., but maybe not. What ethnic origin or nationality is carried by that name? Did it come out of Klienaspach c-1848? I'm not making fun here...because I wonder how it might help me understand you a little better. I'm no rookie. I've been around this world. I've been able to observe all brands of humanity.., shapes, colors, mannerisms, creeds. So, where are you? Really. Ooops mispelling: it's KLEinaspach.

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My impression is that around here there is a good number of thoughtful people who get intimidated by heavy-handed Biden operatives.

I suspect that, as the Biden campaign goes slowly off the rails and down the drain (together with the Trump campaign), the environment around here will clear up considerably and people will feel freer to engage with the ideas that I bring to the table.

The story of my ancestor Martin Schmuckli, immigrant from Switzerland to Einod in Kleinaspach parish, is here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Ancestral_Memories:_The_Schm%C3%BCckle_Family_in_Einod

My y-DNA shows Norse origin. I am an ethnic mix of German, English and Scottish and Dutch, in that order, mirroring the ethnic mix of pre-Ellis Island white Americans. The ancestry of both of my parents goes back to both the Mayflower and to Virginia before the Mayflower.

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So John can you tell me why Mike Johnson stated that he would fire federal employees who walked out in protest over US policy in Gaza?

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I would start by asking if Johnson's statement is related to the the fact that AIPAC was his largest campaign contributor:


I will suggest that at the top, everyone is on the take: They're all bought and paid for.

Even Supreme Court justices (except for Clarence Thomas, who has a different boatload of ethics problems) get "made" with million-dollar book deals that get paid for by public libraries across the country.

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David’s post was very thoroughly written and Christopher, your counterpost was extremely salient. What to make of this blizzard of granular information from a granular state?

I have long been a proponent of the idea that Trump would not survive the primaries and that would be the beginning of the end for him or a consequence of the real end for him. Sorry for the woolly phrasing there. Essentially I thought he’d be driven out by ongoing prosecutions with at least one trial going on OR Trump would already have been convicted by now and would be irrelevant or (foolish me) even in jail.

How was I wrong? Let me count the ways.


I thought that an AG of even modest foresight who had witnessed 1/6 would have realized the deadly serious threat that Trump posed and began his investigation at the top or at least ran it concurrently with that into the bottom feeders. I cannot express how disappointed I am in Garland’s failure to show even rudimentary prescience by so doing. And to top it off I am insulted by his placatory speech of some two years ago, trying to teach us how investigations “work”. If his tenure does not define the word “failure”, then I have misunderstood that word all my life.


A couple of years ago I thought that one or two pragmatic, morally sound candidates would emerge and that in unison they would attack Trump day after day, but by bit shaking leaves off the “credibility tree” that seems to be his and his alone.

I cannot express my outrage and disappoint sufficiently at what has bubbled to the top of the toxic stew of Republicanism - Ron deSantis and Nikki Haley. DeSantis is extraordinarily unpopular with the media I consume. I do not feel the same level of animus for him. To me, he’s a wannabe, the kid who wants to run rings around the others to be the apple of the teacher’s eye. Some of his efforts are kinda sorta laudable (99 counties), but the fact that he used Florida as a launching pad to gain favor with broader America was disgusting. Picking fights that he couldn’t lose (in an immediate sense), signing a 6 week abortion ban *at midnight* so as not to leave visual evidence behind are just two ways in which he put what he thought was his own good ahead of the good of the people who elected him to make their state a better place. My imagination conjures, “Turn around for a minute. Poof! I’m a strong man”. And DeSantis is the village that charisma clearly skirted.

I had mild hopes for Nikki Haley. I didn’t know her well, but from a distance her resume looked good, she was clearly telegenic, and she *had* taken down the Confederate flag.

But how bitterly she has disappointed me. I just wanted someone to be a fearless schoolmarm to Trump’s deranged catalog of behavior - the kind of principal who would sum the evidence and then expel him from school.

Alas, she displayed early on that her greatest fear was displeasing anybody, least of all the hulking MAGA crowd silently banging their billy sticks in hand. So she refused to attack Trump with the flimsiest of overriding pretexts - “he was the right President for the time”. Really? You could have fooled me when Covid struck and he wrote his ode to bleach.

Yesterday in the wake of her Iowa debacle - it’s got to be hard to lose to DeSantis - she was asked on CNN what she thought of the EJ Carroll rape hearing court to which Trump was going in order to preen.

In a classic Haley move, she led with the big lie and then tried to obfuscate it with a word salad of breathtaking proportions. “I haven’t really paid much attention to that case” - followed by 30 seconds of less than artful dodging.

What??? You haven’t paid attention to a RAPE case against the President, already civilly revived. A zombie case that refuses to leave the public eye. Really? Really? You just *missed* that - as if this was some kind of back page news? It never caught your eye that a woman of success and style was hustled into a Bloomingdale’s change room and viciously attacked?

My, what small eyes you have.

I had already metaphorically crossed her name off with a pen before. Now, equally metaphorically, I dragged my pen through her name viciously, ripping the paper in the process. Don’t play me for a fool.

Between Heather’s article and David’s post, I saw more of what most frightens me now - a troubling indicator that we are beginning to grasp at straws in order to snatch meagre victory from the vicious jaws of defeat. Trump is a force. He has, it seems, unlimited money to wave his court cases off into the sunset. His hold on the MAGA base is like nothing I’ve ever seen. They LOVE him. He’s fun, he’s daring and most of all he validates them. And yes, he has to beyond that base, but he is. The Democrats’ hold on voters of color is shrinking. College students are turning to him (maybe largely because there is genuine famine in Gaza now).

I, for one, would like to see a monumental Trump gaffe. Like incontrovertible evidence of him romping with one of Epstein’s toys. I think everybody who knows this story feels sickening revulsion at the terrible treatment these girls suffered. As a father myself, it is soul destroying. That is one crime that would sink Trump to the bottom of the ocean in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, as with so many other situations in America there is real, physical fear of Trump who would set his goons on anybody who threatened his path.

These are dark days. The darkest yet. My hope is that when these fucking R primaries end, Biden will finally get some oxygen. Right now you might as well put a halo over Trump’s head.

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The place to start looking for evidence of Biden vote fraud is the 2020 Massachusetts primary, with identical 4% swings between the exit polls and the official results, in Biden's favor, away from both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren:


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What's life like there on Earth II, little Schmeeckle, where the sky is green and the grass is blue?

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Please just do not respond to Troll Schmuckele.

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TC, you write a well regarded Substack. This troll is repeatedly reported. He is insulting, divisive, spreads misinformation and apparently uses this forum to self-promote his own Substack over and over.

He has been reported multiple times by many here.

Can you enlighten us of the behind the scenes actions of Substack administrators as to why our reports about his actions are ignored?

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I wish I could enlighten everyone on this. I've never heard back from anyone about any of the many troll reports I have made. The report is given to the owner of the Substack, and they take the action or not as they see fit. I have seen some trolls here get zapped, but I think HCR likely takes the Academic's position on free speech and leaves them. Myself, I have the policy at TAFM of comments being open to paid subscribers only, as does Robert Hubbell; this cuts off almost all trolls, since they're cheapskates and won't pay to promote their trollery.

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You mock me without responding to the documented point that I made.

There is a hard core of paid Biden Bigots around here who routinely harass me.

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HA HA HA HA! That’s hilarious. John Sméagol blaming others for harassing…

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Awwww... i think we hurt his little feelings. All his fake news links is a total waste of space.

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Nah! Just plain folk with common sense who see you as a freeloader on others writer’s space!

Basta! Enough!

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Laughing at you.


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What did you think as you accepted Biden's money?

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poor John - victim? Nope.

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Victim? Biden Bigots, by harassing me, identify themselves for others to see.

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You could just, I don't know, go away?

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So could you.

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Biden Bigots identify themselves for all to see.

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(Dave Dalton was present.)

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Hey Ivan, how are Russian trolls paid? You said in a reply to me that there are a lot of sick people on this site. And I told you to pound salt. We don't get paid to support Biden. We do it for free.

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Lisa59, i wonder where he gets all of those fake news links he posts?? I also proudly support Buden for free.

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So do I. And I really don't need the money anyway, as I continue to get my monthly check from Soros, as most of us here do -- am I right?

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Joe "bought-and-paid-for" Biden received more money (by far) from the Israel lobby than any other senator in history:


Reuters says the same thing:


Perhaps it is well to remember that Israeli settler extremists in the West Bank are terrorists, and therefore Israel, funding the settlers and giving them guns, is a state sponsor of terrorism.

See “France Calls West Bank Israeli Settler Violence a ‘Policy of Terror’”




and "The Rise of Settler Terrorism" (published in Foreign Affairs)


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I have a suggestion, John. Let's resolve this issue based on the number of young children killed on each side, for they are the only true innocents in this whole business. They don't give money to politicians on either side. They don't influence their peers or their children in either direction. They don't carry weapons. They don't understand the ongoing differences and the conflicts that have roiled this area for so long that time itself has become meaningless. They know only the incomprehensible terror of being in a war zone, as children have done since we begin killing each other en masse over four millennia ago. The real problem here is our mad determination to sort ourselves into groups and sects and factions and all the other reasons we've found to amplify our differences at the expense of our common humanity. How about that. Let's concentrate on that one, shall we.

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Sick people? I am rational and empathetic. That’s sick? Wow.

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You get paid to say that you do it for free.

p.s. I don't recall that I said there were a lot of sick people around here, but I could have. I think that there are a lot of healthy people around here who get intimidated by the paid Biden trolls.

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Projection tactics now?? I bet you learned that from your God, Donald TUMP.

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p.s. Trump is a loser, he's getting nibbled to death by legal piranhas.

And then the Republicans will have to choose between Neo Nikki and Con Ron.

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Hubbell always talks me down from the ledge! Also there's this from the NYT today - what tffg won in Iowa was 60,000 votes. It's crazy that that has anything to do with electing a president at all. But David's last line is worth repeating, every day: "We need to fight like hell to make sure we don't lose our Democracy to one of the most vile, evil H. sapiens ever to walk the planet."

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MSM needs wall to wall coverage to keep ad rates up, truth or informative be damned.

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And yet the only coverage they provide is akin to a horse race! They are not talking about the threats to our democracy, they are not talking about the deeply unpopular policies that tfg would put in place, they are not talking about the stark differences between him and Biden, etc.

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When I saw on Monday that is how they were going to roll starting at 4 p.m., I turned off the TV.

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DeSantis finally said something I agree with- Fox and conservative media are deferential to Trump out of fear of losing viewership. It’s all about money. And everyone I know who watches Fox et al, are angry and basically brainwashed.

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I posted yesterday that this is similar to 2016 all over again.

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Also bear in mind, this is a REPUBLICAN primary, there is no Democratic vote to compare it with.

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Please just do not respond to Troll Schmuckele.

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I have blocked him before. Why do his comments continue to show up?

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How did you block him? I have no knowledge of how to do that. I just keep reporting him over and over and over and advise all to do so. Eventually the administrators of the site will block him.

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Click on his name.

That takes you to his page.

Click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.

You should have a choice of muting, blocking, etc.

Usually I don't see them again.

He is seeping through.

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Blocked and reported. Thanks for the directions.

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In all honesty, as much as I regularly disagree with John S, I'll argue for his right to post here. Unless someone is posting dangerously vile abhorrent language that may put people at risk, I loathe censorship. We can read or scroll past his comments.

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Not when he is outright insulting, or he copy pastes the SAME EXACT comment over and over (once 22 times, I counted and reported each one)

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He is paying to comment here. His $$$$ to a good cause

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you hit the 3 dots on the right, and there's a "report" option

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Chris Rey,

Without responding to the point I made, you use the original spelling of my family name to insult me.


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Too much time, money, and attention was paid to 110,000 voters. Way too much. Somebody should calculate how much the campaign cost per vote, for perspective.

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My husband and I were laughing how Iowans love that these morons spend millions in their state. The little cafe/diners get a leg up.

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I agree with your points and hope you are proven right, but younger voters have to show up and vote for Biden in the general and he is rapidly losing that crucial demographic because of his continued support for the Israeli government’s war in Gaza. Fair or not, this is a troublesome reality for the Biden campaign.

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Yes. We should be very worried.

The greatest fear I have is that not enough younger voters (under 60) will show up to vote. They may be alienated by the Gaza situation. But I worry more about the perception of Biden as an old man. I happen to think Biden's age is an asset. And he has been the best president in my lifetime. But I am part of his generation.

Losing the presidency to fascism is an awful idea. But perhaps even worse are all those down-ticket races where we may lose. Those jobs that are the nuts and bolts of our society. I am terrified.

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My own kids and their friends/colleagues say they WILL vote, but ONLY on the down-ticket races. They get lots of their news from unfiltered reports, direct feeds from reporters, NGOs, and others who post interviews/videos that lay bare the death and destruction in Gaza. They know about the Hamas atrocities, but can’t countenance the Israeli response, and they blame Biden. It reminds me of the weekly body counts and film from the field broadcast on the evening news when I was a kid. Those numbers and images (along with the Pentagon Papers, My Lai, and pictures of nepalmed civilians) turned middle America against the Vietnam War. I really worry that lack of support from younger voters, coupled with our archaic Electoral College system, will leave us with Trump.

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Thanks for the feedback. At the risk of being a wise guy, could I suggest to them that Biden is not the president of Israel? I'm not saying that Biden couldn't be more forceful in dealing with Bibi. But there is clearly a generational divide telative to the plight of Israeli Jews.

My generation has embedded in my brain and DNA the pictures of the Holocaust. October 7th made me scream "No More!".

And yet, I weep for Gaza.

The bottom line is a choice between a president who does 90% of everything right and a fascist narcissist who will destroy us. And the US.

NOT voting is a vote for fascism.

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Not voting is a choice, just like choosing to vote, for a particular candidate, is a choice. It is certainly not a vote for fascism, more likely a vote against a corrupt duopoly that is leading us towards fascism.

Keep up the vote shaming, Bill. That’ll bring those young ‘uns around.

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Any vote not for Joe Biden (or whoever the Democratic candidate for president is this year) is a vote that COULD have been for democracy. This is a battle with a fascist monster who was responsible for thousands of Covid deaths, who committed rape and fraud, who has threatened to dismantle the entire apparatus of Federal oversight of the environment, who has pledged to round up millions of people and either put them in camps or deport them (the people who produce our FOOD). That's just for starters.

Joe Biden is far from perfect. Show me a perfect president and I'll build a statue. But he is the best thing we have right now. Please read Project 2025 from the Heritage Foundation. Not voting for Biden is voting for THAT. And yes, not voting should be shamed and IMO, it should be mandatory. Read about Australia.

Your "duopoly" is a fantastical rationalization for not getting just what you want. It was probably Bernie. Who I voted for, BTW. The only one I like better is our Senator Warren. But I live in a real world.

There is a freight train of destruction, of a party that wants to establish a National Religion, who wants women to be subservient and without reproductive rights.

That train is packed with people who are worried about being "replaced by others". They should be worried. And they should be replaced.

Vote or don't complain when they come for you and your friends.

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100%, Bill. But we (USA) either directly or indirectly provide the weapons. That’s why my kids say they’ll withhold their support. I try to tell them that I’ve often voted for “the lesser of two evils” but they come back at me, saying they’re already tired of doing that. It’s their votes. In the end.

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IMO, not voting when we're staring down the barrel of the "no more elections ever" gun is kind of like not wearing a mask in a pandemic. You may not INTEND to get anyone sick unto death, but you may end up doing it, all the same.

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I keep coming back to my vote is a chess move, not a Valentine paraphrasing Rebecca Solnit.

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I understand their concern for Gaza, however, that is one (a huge one) of many global issues. If not voting for Biden gets us Trump we lose on Climate Change, we lose on improved gun control (40,000 people die in the US annually from gun violence) and Ukraine doesn't get much needed assistance.

I would think that the fact that Trump wants to drill, drill, drill would encourage them to hold their noses and vote for Biden.

The reports that young people aren't going to vote for Biden is pushing me to sign up with our local Indivisible group to talk to and register young voters.

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Bill, you are not alone.

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Me too! I keep debating if I should renew my passport so I don't die under a fascist government

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....he idea of replacing American democracy with an authoritarian who will enact Christian nationalism is not generally popular.

The term "Christian nationalism" degrades the teachings of Jesus Christ. Can't we please add 'faux" to the term - "faux-Christian nationalism?"

Also, the term "evangelical" is wrongly applied to this group of cruel and hateful people-

evangelical /ē″văn-jĕl′ĭ-kəl, ĕv″ən-/


Of, relating to, or in accordance with the Christian gospel, especially one of the four gospel books of the New Testament.

Of, relating to, or being a Christian church believing in the Bible as the sole source of religious authority, in salvation only through conversion and spiritual regeneration, and in the necessity of public witness to faith.

Of or relating to the Lutheran churches in Germany and Switzerland.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

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In Andrew L Whitehead's book TAKING AMERICA BACK FOR GOD he gives lots of statistics re Christian Nationalism & saying it does not necessarily mean that it has anything to do with Christianity even tho it may be preached in a so called christian church. If u have not listened to or read Tim Alberta, it helps define what this group of faux Christian's are about. I hope it will clarify your understanding .

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Thanks Carole I will check him out. Do you listen to John Fugelsang on progressive radio. He is brilliant in my opinion. His parents were both believers and worked for the church. He is also and is very good.

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No I do not. I am not a christian & altho I can "translate " teachings into a more universal type system, I prefer Pema or UU people

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I am a non-theist and have attended UU services years ago. I have no beef with the UU's.

John Fugelsang is what I would call a Christian. He is a student of Christ's teaching in the Bible like the parables and the sermons. Did Christ actually say these things? I have no idea but they are good lessons I think.

But he is also a progressive and dislikes the GOP and calls them out like HCR does.

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kind of like what Tim Alberta is doing. I hope more speak out & more people are listening

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Yes, but!

Drilling down on every election in the past 30 years provides the same picture. The Republican Party is the minority party in the US. They represent a clear minority of voters in the House and the Senate. They have systematically and cunningly gained dominance in Congress and they have gamed the electoral college system to win the presidency despite losing the popular vote for president in the last 4 presidential contests.

Poll after poll for over 30 years, clearly indicates that the Republican Party has not and cannot capture the heart and mind of most voters with their divisive, extremist policies. Their winning ways are the result of fueling imbedded racist beliefs of an aggrieved white population who flatly reject multiculturalism. They believe government should not serve equally everyone. They believe preferential treatment, if given, should go to white people. They believe white Anglo Saxon protestants (WASPS) are the sole reason the US is the greatest country on earth; all 'others' are vermin, sub-human or undeserving of equal status.

Republicans historically have signaled racist, bigoted and xenophobic beliefs because it was the key to their systematic capture of the majority of state houses. They understand that if you control a state, you can control the voting apparatus, the state courts and the composition of the districts.

When you breakdown the vote, the results are always what we have know for decades. White people vote for people who reflect their view of what America should be. Trump is a bona fide racist and has proven his desire to elevate white heterosexual people over all others. MAGA is make America great again for white people. There is no other issue of greater importance for Republicans. Republicans are engaged in wholesale purification of race. No different than Hitler and the Nazis.

Let me ask, no matter how we break it down, does anyone seriously believe that Iowa is going to shift blue? This election will come down to a handful of swing states and a tiny percentage of votes that tilt ever so slightly the Electoral College, one way or another. That's not democracy in action; its an outcome dictated by decades of election engineering.

Win or lose, the chaos and turmoil of the last couple decades will surely continue and probably get much worse. Systemic changes must be made! Fundamental precepts must be put in place! This won't happen until a representative democracy is resurrected and when majority rule is ensured at the ballot box, in the halls of Congress, and in the Supreme Court. Faith and trust in government must be restored! The judicial system must purge judges and attorneys who have made a mockery of the system by putting their personal beliefs before the rule of law.

This is a cause that will require all hands on deck. This is the second Civil War to save the Union. This is NOT just another election that must be won.

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And yet, by and large, the mainstream media continue to ignore facts like these.

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The AP article, in today's Grand Rapids (MI) press, gives absolutely no context to the Iowa vote, no mention of turnout or comparison with votes in previous primaries.

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Sad. The news makes him seem like a winner. If it energizes Dems to vote, well maybe it’s ok. But I worry it does the opposite

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I wish there was a mute button for trump. He needs a ventriculocordectomy, a procedure used to "debark" a dog

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Also exercise caution when, after listening to analysis, you are tempted to relax. There are other factors at work. Biden needs a lot of help and part of that is for those still complaining about him they need to face up to their choices.

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It's hard to believe that all that media noise went to that small bunch of non-typical voters. Someone should have made the observation that most of these folks were the die-hard Trump's cultists, those that can overlook the insurrectionist, those that have guzzled his Kool-aid, those that neither acknowledge nor appreciate the Constitution and the rule of law. That is a loud but very small percentage to the US populace or voters. The MSM did the rest of us no favors by ignoring these facts.

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All the statistics you quote to put the Iowa caucuses in perspective may be correct. But Trump got the numbers he needed to win the contest.

As he did with Electoral College votes in 2016.

Experts are saying team Trump has a savvy strategy and is running a smart campaign on the ground.

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Perfectly said.

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Joe Petticone wrote, in the Bulwark, that if you look at the projected New Hampshire numbers for TFG (43.5%) and compare them to previous incumbents, things don’t look good for TFG. Lyndon Johnson got 48% and he withdrew; Gerald Ford got 48% and lost the general election; and George H. W. Bush got 58% and lost the General election.

We can work hard and win; it’s been done before.


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As a young boy I had to walk through many snowstorms alone to get to school. Our American Serviceman in WWll fought the battle of the Bulge in the most Horrendous weather. My father after being shot down in a B-17 at the end of the war was forced to march 300 miles in the coldest winter in German history. So our congressman cannot make an essential meeting for the good of the country because of the threat of snow. Does the speaker of the house feel a pea under 27 mattresses. Apparently!

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Yes, Christopher, decent people will endure -- and go on living, winning -- for decency.

Let's note above all that Dems are not yet at all running for the November elections later this year.

Republicans seem to be running, but as they have no realistic programs, we might rather say that, like a dead carcass, they are only putrefying.

Take the southern border. Republicans want no realistic program there. They just want to amplify their hatreds of brown people. Nothing more.

They have their crook, rapist, fraud, stoker of stochastic terrorism, grabber of private parts, he himself in layers of orange cosmetics and diapers.

That's all they have. It's continuous. Spiraling only deeper in poisons of their own making.

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Well done! Thank you, Christopher Groesbeck. These are reminders we need.

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Republicans don't want to do the hard work of governing. They just want to get paid for doing nothing.

What can we expect from a group of traitors and seditionists? What should we expect from a party that has fallen in with a shallow grifter and charlatan that has sold his soul to the devil, and apparently Putin, as well?

Take a step back, and see just how far governance has fallen in the U.S. over the last 30 years. 100% of the blame falls on the Republican Party with a huge assist from the MSM.

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Christopher...that's not why. If that's what he said, it's not the real reason. He is getting short on r votes because he is losing members to illness and other leave issues (think Santos). I laughed hardily at this ny times article about rep luna and the proxy vote. Gifted:


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MK, it would seem that perhaps especially when "the shoe is on the other foot," would be a superb time to look hard at opportunities for bipartisan cooperation. Cooperation in the service of governing our country would seem to be precisely the antidote to the party-over-country dilemma we have continually faced ever since Newt Gingrich organized the legislative R's. ...and THANK YOU for the NYT article!

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A wimp. In looks and actions

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My dad was also in the Battle of the Bulge. He said that it was the coldest winter on record and it was 6 weeks before he saw the inside of a building.

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This is resilience!

Thank you for sharing.

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He doesn’t have the votes

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“ Speaker Johnson has pushed off House votes until Wednesday out of apparent concern about the snow in Washington today.”

Snowflake. Do. Your. Job.

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I laughed out loud when I heard that on radio today. Sure, guy, it's the snow. For real. Our schools didn't even close.

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Well, life in Louisiana just doesn't prepare you for many things.

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His part of the state is known as Looserana.

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Particularly snow! I remember December 1989, when the temperature stayed at 24F for 4 days. Everything froze, including pipes at the airport. No plumbing anywhere!

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Tobogganing down the Hill?

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Johnson is looking at porn with his son and drinking warm holy water with his son today.

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lol Chris

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A breath of hope in your letter today--but still, the percentages of those supporting Trump's proposed policies is too high for comfort. If only we can keep his plans for deconstructing our democracy front and center before the American public...

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The Lincoln Project's latest ad is priceless. Here's the link-


God made a dictator - Indeed!

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Quite powerful. I hope this runs 24/7 far and wide where maggots will see it.

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Excellent!! How can I share? & post elsewhere?

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I did it & will share it widely

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Agreed Brenda...and as long as MSM keeps trump and his republican cult front and center there will be conformist who find comfort in destroying everything that does not mirror them and their distorted mentality. The dehumanization projected by the republicans and their evangelical hypocrites confounds every word Jesus pleaded for the world to follow. Mind boggling and so very sad. We cannot allow this to happen. Stand up, speak up and bring forth the vote to destroy this mockery of all that is dignified and humane.

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And hence Rolyac, the pressing need to support ANYTHING smacking of humane bipartisanship (like Rep Luna's proxy vote exception for peripartum women representatives). The national version of what we need in the world as a whole.

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Read Strongmen, Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat. A great document of what is happening and how dangerous our time is.

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I think, in my most rational moments, that Trump, if he is the Republican candidate will, once again lose by a landslide. The question that remains for me is whether or not the Dems can retake the house and keep the Senate so that the social injustice that drives these people can be repaired.

It's the percentages of those supporting Trump at the Iowa caucus that I find more disturbing and help me understand how twisted, still, it seems some people are about morality, rule of law, and democracy, rather than terrifying. I think those demographics and numbers that voted for him mean there is a huge amount of work that needs to be done to fix the entrenched social systems that created this mess.

In a nutshell.... corrupt leaders are only a symptom of decades and centuries of ingrained systemic social injustice.

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But they don’t read!!!!

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And it appears he has a good ground game that produces. How to counter that?

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I'd be very interested in seeing the results of that poll about support for Trump's policies compared to the results of a poll where instead of asking "Do you support, Policy X," they asked "If Trump were elected and implemented Policy X, would you support him?" My hypothesis is that the numbers would be vastly higher in the second poll, because I think that there are a lot of hard-core Trump supporters who have no idea of what his policies are and don't particularly care.

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Exactly! They believe the big lie because he speaks it... I wonder if the EWMs even remember the 8th Commandment... And my trump supporting family members do not even know that he has been convicted... Stating "no convictions have occurred...", let alone what his crimes are... Frighteningly amazing and hateful.

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Victoria, I asked my Trump supporting neighbor how she and her family could vote for a criminal. Her voice rose to a fevered pitch as she shouted, "He's NOT a criminal. Yet."

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Evangelical White Men

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They are not supporting his policies. They are trying to express their grievance at “the system is rigged”, as Trump famously said. His “I’m powerful and can do anything I want (including rape and fraud)” stance is inherently appealing to those who feel screwed and see little in the status quo to preserve.

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Exactly- just look at how many Americans admire outlaws. Jesse James, Billy the kid, Gambinos. It is as if sticking it to the government is admirable.

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Remember, too, Rickey, America's first indigenous literature.

These were tall tales that began emerging almost 200 years ago, including those by Davy Crockett, Sut Luvingood, the Uncle Remus stories, and many more by preachers, lawyers, and other genteel educated at the time writing under pseudonyms.

They involved bear hunting, alligator wrestling, social disruptions, and many other ways to make fun of the privileged and established. And they lifted vernacular American English over the snooty Brit models.

Eventually, by the time of Dashiell Hammett (a hundred years later -- about 100 years ago now) -- U.S. English and American imagination would totally rule.

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LegalCat, that's the crux of the situation. They DO NOT CARE.

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I have seen polls where they do exactly that, and you are correct. It works the both way, too. Dems less likely to approve if told it is Trump's policy, GOP more likely.

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As always, the voice of reason and decency. But here are three numbers that the media seem to miss:

1. Of Iowa’s 2 million registered voters (700K Republicans), Trump got less than 3%. Of course the primary was only for Republicans, so, as noted, he got about 8% of those Republicans.

2. Trump got ~55,000 votes. In 2016, before he had the cult followers he has now, he got 45,000 votes. So, after his presidency and the now fanatical loyalty after eight years, he got ~10,000 more votes…in a more deeply red state.

3. With ~110,000 votes after spending $123,000,000, that works out to about $1,000 a voter. If this isn’t the most grotesque picture of a phony process that should make Republicans ashamed, nothing will.

Sure , the weather was bad, but when is January in Iowa not bad? The worst scandal isn’t Trump or Republicans. It’s the obsession of the media - left and right - with a home-room style election that brings out fewer people than the University of Michigan can fit into their stadium.

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This makes me smile and do the dance of joy. I canceled my NYT subscription yesterday. The media played Agent Orange like the Second Coming of Christ in Iowa. I would love to read anything that didn't have his mug shot front and center. I wish shitpants would go away permanently. Charles Koch knows he's toast. There next useful idiot is 'the is no racism' Haley.

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I am not subscriber to the NYT, but i get several emails from them every day, i now delete all of them.

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I like the cooking ones.

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I would like to add something to Haley's no racism comment.

Goggle YouTube Man Holding BLM sign in Arkansas. I tried to post a link but it's not coming up correctly.

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Republicans ashamed, nah, that ship sailed long ago. Now they are proud evil.

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"With ~110,000 votes after spending $123,000,000, that works out to about $1,000 a voter."

Way to go America!

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Yes, but, er, INFLATION, er, um, high cost of groceries, um, high cost of gasoline, um, I can only go out to eat 3 or 4 times a week now, um, my cable bill is too high, um, my property taxes have doubled in 5 years, um, I can't get homeowner's insurance, er, I can barely afford one pack of cigarettes a day and only a 12 pack on weekends.. All of it is Joe Biden's fault. Ok, my wife and I are bringing home $2,000 more a month now, but you know, Joe Biden is evil..../S

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Nailed it.

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Them’s Rudy Giuliani numbers

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MSM is in an interesting position. They can tell the truth and hold the powerful accountable ( which will serve the majority of Americans well).....OR they can make money for the company, please their shareholders and avoid bomb threats to themselves or their families from the thug-groomed supporters of the liars. Follow the money. Oh for the days of Tim Russert on Meet The Press.

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Oh for the days of Tim Russert, indeed.

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Great visual graphic of numbers

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Bottom line is that I would love to see less percentages going to Trump or really to the others, also. Iowa is not our yardstick. We knew Trump would win there. Was hoping Haley would give him a run for her (Kochs) money but look who came in second...Awkward Ron! They are all in New Hampshire right now. Well, not Trump, because he is busy at his second rape trial re:E Jean Carroll. That SOB wants to stare her down and make her even more uncomfortable. I read that Judge Kaplan has assigned new names to the jurors for fear Trump would go after them. What kind of crap is that where a former president has to be dealt with kid gloves because he may kill somebody? Wish Kaplan would use his power of the bench to slap Jerk in prison should he try disrupting or speaking again in court. Can at least one judge find the courage to do so?

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I was daydreaming today about him acting up badly in court and the judge saying “I remand the defendant to custody immediately, Bailiff please cuff and remove him”. Sigh, wish we could rip that rich white guy cloak of invincibility from him forthwith!

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I really have my hopes on that pending cholesterol stroke. He's an evil whore who would take the nickels from his dead mother's eyes.

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And then bury her at his golf course for the tax break!

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As I understand it if Trump loses in NY his golf course may be sold, with the subsequent buyer requiring her casket be removed. This could get interesting! ;-)

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Oh my, that's hysterical. The way this family behaves one would think they were born in a double wide in Eastern Kentucky.

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Easy on those folks there 'Lisa'.

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I'm laughing. Wife #1 didn't get her mausoleum. My guess is she wasn't planning on being buried on the 9th hole. She's going to haunt his ass.🤣

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Is it possible to haunt a vampire

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Maybe. I do think MAGAQ politicians sleep hanging upside down.

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Dear me!

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Yeah, and I don’t think they’d let him have hairspray or face bronzer in jail!

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Only if he wanted to asphyxiate himself. 😇

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Thank you for mentioning Koch money. When I heard that Hayley was running with Koch money in Iowa, my first thought was of learning from “Starving the Beast” that Iowa was the first public university attacked with Koch money. If she knows, she is DEFINITELY no fit to be president. Is everyone aware that Koch Industries, having refused to leave, is still working away in Russia.

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Oh yes they are and I believe they were the only American company not to pull out of Russia. See, their daddy started that factory in Russia around 1927. They have kept it going (glass factory) along with other business ventures there. Hypocrites!

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Daddy refined the oil that kept Germany and Russia's tanks rolling during WW2. The Koch kiddos had a nanny that was a full on Nazi. They embrace the Nazi platform.

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Actually several US companies are still operating in Russia like Sbarro, Tenneco, Riot Games, Quicksilver, Patreon, Nordson, Iridium, Huntsman Corporation, Guess, Fleetcor, Carl's Jr, Champion X, Align Technology.


Koch Industries isn't mentioned but one of the companies mentioned about could be a Koch subsidiary.

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Thank you! I was unaware that others were still there. UGH!

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Thank you for the list. We need to be aware of rogue companies.

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"It is clear by now that the neocon intra-party has orchestrated the GOP primary season with a firm hand and followed a carefully crafted plan. Their last remaining problem is to make sure that Haley edges out Trump in the primaries. That is going to be tough, unless some event forces Trump to withdraw or implodes his support."


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“White evangelicals heartily endorse a crook and a rapist apparently because they expect that he will put in place the world they envision, one controlled by white, patriarchal evangelical Christians.”

I believe it is time to stop using the wrong term when describing the “religious” support for Trump.. It should be called out clearly for what it is first and foremost..Fascist Christian Nationalism..A movement of The Council for National Policy..CNP..Written about here by Anne Nelson..https://washingtonspectator.org/nelson-cnp/

And told about in this upcoming Documentary https://www.badfaithdocumentary.com/

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The Council for National Policy is the antithesis of Christianity ✝️. Everything they are promoting and planning for is against what Jesus preached. Instead they are what Jesus Christ and all the disciples warned us about. Jesus said that people like those promoting CNP would come “in My name”, but they are liars. The Project 2025 is a nightmare for the vulnerable. Jesus said “what you do to the least of these, so you do to Me”. The purveyors of this rich man’s filth for the abuse of fellow Americans must be put down. By ballot, or by law, or whatever. No American should be a slave or serf and that’s what these rich, entitled pigs want. That they are doing so in the name of God - false teachers. 2 Peter 2 How was the weather for that first Republican primary in Iowa???

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Kay, I remember the trope from decades ago that if Jesus were to return to preach his teachings, he’d just be crucified again. Sadly, I think this is true.

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I agree because they would say HE was dangerous again and want to silence him. Their policies are repugnant - they walk in darkness

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Barbara, if Jesus were to return to preach his teachings, would Trump's followers flock to Jesus, or would they in a mob-like movement, trample Jesus to get to Trump?

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I think they would choose the golden calf.

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Most definitely.

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I recommend the fabulous satirical 2006 novel by Roland Merullo, "American Savior".

Nope, correction, I HIGHLY recommend it

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Kay, thank you for speaking my heart. The hijacking of Jesus, his Word, faith in him is an abomination. They are Nazis, pure and simple-and there is NOTHING of Christ in them.

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That is so true, Jen. They are the polar opposite of Christ.

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From a post yesterday “Evangelicals have dropped the cross and raised their middle finger.”

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Evangelicals define their religion as the Religion of Prosperity. It's about climbing to the top. It's about money. They preach it from the pulpit. That is a big reason they love Depends Donnie.

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I know some do - but not all believe that way. I know this because my late mother’s side of family is all Evangelical. Some object to the “Religion of Prosperity” line espoused by certain preachers linked tightly with Trump. I believe the more people of Faith point out how divergent from Christ’s teachings the current Republican regime has become the more likely we can get some help in saving our democracy. It is like watching Rachel Maddow interview Liz Cheney. Rachel said “we don’t agree on anything - but” they both want to preserve our democracy. Trump and his backers are what Jesus told us not to be. The more Trump talks about his plans, the more difficult it is going to be for an actual Christian to justify voting for trump. And if you are truly a believer - you can explain it now or explain it at judgement. Now - you get second chance.

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That was a great interview! Also saw her recently on The View & it was a lively, respectful, discussion. Whoopie recommended folks get the Audible version of Cheney’s new book (she narrates it herself) & said the info in it is astounding & important.

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A nice little book

The American Dream vs. The Gospel of Wealth -Norton Garfinkle

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NPR had a story yesterday about evangelicals who think Trump has been anointed by God to save the country from an evil. It was a very strange story. Evangelicals seem to have lost their way.

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Evangelicals have lost their way, look no further than that religious fanatic monster Kenneth Copeland. Evil is ingrained into his soul.

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Save them from “an evil”…..hmmmm, have they looked in the mirror? Of course they think their way is the (far) right way & all are “free” to believe only what they believe.

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I suspect that the "evil" is the trans phenomenon.

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I’m concerned about the snow job being done to the American public.

115,000 caucus goers created such a big stink about their “god” representing 1 percent of delegates...

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It was not the caucus goers that created the stinky hoopla. It was the media. Done for ratings which =$$$$$. Which is demanded by shareholders as their right. Clickbait infotainment is as lucrative a drug for the American people as heroin, Oxy, or fentanyl.

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49% of a football-stadium size group of (98% white) voters didn’t want Trump.

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And the 51% that wrote his name on a piece of paper and put it in a bag as their vote was about 55,000 out of the 110,000 who showed up in the subzero weather out of 780,000 registered republicans. So there’s that to think about.

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But when it is just Trump, they will vote for him.

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Ransom, do the numbers. They will, but even most of the rest of the Rs probably won't. And that is a very tiny portion of voters in Iowa. No Dems involved. That's the sweet part.

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Can I have some of whatever it is you have recently ingested? You are thinking there is any part of that party where there are sane people?

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I pay attention to what people are actually saying and doing, TC, as does Heather. I think she did a bang up job of analyzing the Republican caucus in Iowa. I don't assume that the turnout is at all representative of all Republicans in Iowa. Or that all Republicans meet the criteria you hold for judging their sanity. We can't tell what most Republicans think or believe in Iowa, because the caucus sample is too small and distorted. So we can't project results onto the rest of Iowa, and we sure can't project their results to other states, let alone to the general election in November.

You are a cynical negativist. I am a cynical optimist. I refuse to let people like you drag me down. So while you are looking at the cracks, I am looking at the common connections and ways to build on them. We might still lose, but I can guarantee that negativity will get in the way of winning.

Here's an irony for you: a member of our select board calls himself "a progressive voice". VT has an official Progressive Party, so he is not allowed to call himself a Progressive. He has one goal: trying to get the town to convert to electric vehicles. His stance is that of an authoritarian, and so is his behavior. As a result, he is a constant obstacle to the SB actually addressing concerns and needs expressed by the town. Our town is tiny and we are highly rural, with rural roads and poor radio and cell reception that fades out when you go round a hill. We are not in a position to pay for very expensive vehicles that also need to be refitted to use as a police vehicle (unproven so far in even cities). I will skip his attempt to change out our dated oil boiler attached to a damaged chimney for a heat pump boiler except to say that the heat pump would be located in the heated basement. It would draw heat from the air around it to heat the water that heats the basement. Everybody else in the room saw the flaw in his reasoning, but it went right past him, and he persisted until the question was called 4-1. Unfortunately, the electric police cars are in the budget, and that may result in the budget not passing- first time in a very long time. That came out of our authoritarian "progressive voice" too. Also, the police dog got cut, and every one, R & D, is pissed about that. That will not fly.

My point here is that some people who think they are progressive are not. This man wants things his way, period. But there are old-style Republicans who think in progressive terms- willing to attend to things in the long term. I assure you that while I disagree with them in some particulars, they are often the people who will seriously consider changing how things are done in order to benefit the town. I get along fine with them- and I am left of almost every body.

There are the reactionary white wingers around too. I just learned that the chair of the town Republican Party committee is a member of Moms for Liberty (think book bans and limiting school curricula) and some other extreme right wing groups. We have avoided that until now. One person on our Dem committee is considering running for school board.

It's going to be an interesting town meeting come March. The town is talking back, and it's interesting to see the unusual alignments.

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Sorry, I think she did the same thing I was planning to do, which was to push that Trump's not as strong as he thinks. I think that is true even with the information I put up, but he is still stronger than we wish he was. After eight years of him, I think everyone on our side wishes he'd get zapped somehow.

My first reaction to reading Chris Cillizza's analysis was I didn't like it. I've come over the years to understand when I hear something from someone I usually agree with that my reaction is I don't like it, that I have to look at it and see what's there. In the case of what Chris posted, turn on the calculator on your computer and run the percentages and turn them into numbers and then do some simple arithmetic, and he's right.

None of us are wrong to wish he'd get zapped. And with everyone saying what is now the "party line," it's easy to fall in line without thinking about it. We want it to be true, so we treat it as if it is.

But we have to be clear-eyed if we're going to save ourselves, because we're the only ones who can. It might sound like I am taking a winger position to say we have to do our own research, but we do; we just have to be careful that we are using real data, unlike what the other side does. We've learned the institutions now are not what they used to be, sadly. Renewal is needed everywhere.

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Let's hope so, but the numbers put up in TCinLA tonight come from reliable non MSM sources. Read his post tonight.

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In my earlier reply I placed two links that tell of a clear and present danger to the security and sovereignty of the United States..Fascist Christian Nationalism..They are organized, well funded and very dangerous..They must be crushed..They use Trump as a useful idiot to achieve their Democracy ending plan, while allowing him to continue his grift, grievance and retribution.. I urge this community to follow those links, see and read about CNP The Council for National Policy..Pass it far and wide..these people must be crushed.

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Thanks for posting them. I saw them yesterday; have known for a while about the Dominionist theology & the Seven Mountain Mandate…..scares the bejesus outta me! Goes hand in hand with Project 2025 and Mandate 47. A mashup of these is like an absurd Monty Python horror show.

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Thanks for mentioning Monty Python. We have to do the hackin’ and the hewin’ this round since we definitely didn’t learn the Latin.

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The Christian White Nationalists Billionaires are freaking me out. They are freaking out our Allies as well. This is the real danger at our doorsteps. They have already bought 6 Supreme Court Justices. They have tried to control the media. Sinclair Broadcasting is a right wing propaganda nightmare. They are everywhere and growing. If MSM would post some of the over 900 pages of their Autocratic plan that would be helpful. People aren't going to sit down and read that. But they need to know now. Unless your a multi millionaire, the rest of us can kiss our own asses goodbye.

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I read a frightening synopsis of their Project 2025 plan. It’s all about the “morbidly rich” and corporations. Everyone else is just there to serve them.

There were specific points on implementation of Project 2025. Yes - it is an overthrow of life as we know it and have known it in the United States. It turns the US into an oligarchy. It’s not the US in the 1950’s it’s a totalitarian state to serve the wealthy.

I don’t know how to do the link but go to:


They have synopsis of Project 2025 and further links

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I've been reading parts of it. I hear a thud when I read it. It's my chin hitting the floor.

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When I first became aware of this many months back, I assumed it was an Onion spoof piece. Boy was I wrong, and thus became defcon 5 alarmed at this slivery, slippery effort to insinuate itself into our body politic. All hands on deck to thwart this effort.

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Same here. I feel like I'm screaming about a 4 alarm fire. And MSM says don't worry, it's just a cat in a tree.

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Jan 17, 2024
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Exactly! Malignant narcissists self destruct. Koch, Leo and the rest of them are over Shitpants. They've got their sites focused on Haley. She is much more easy to manipulate for their cause of ownership of the masses. DeSantis's ego is bigger than their own. They don't want the competition. Haley is the new Scott Walker. Scott was Charles Koch's lap dog. The MSM has their heads up their own asses. They are useless. Someone commented here with a link to a study from Columbia University how the Washington Post and the NYT supports the right in their leading stories. Not Democrats as they claim. Profits over truth, is their motto.

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People who support chump are proud of not knowing, sad to say

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When Jordin Klepper interviews MAGAQ at rallies it's hilarious. They report that they "Don't read the details". They just want a place to hangout with other like minded bigots, homophobics and misogynistic peeps and have a few beers.

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Lisa59…too right…I watch his and others’ interviews slackjawed at the lack of critical thinking (or any thinking really) and wonder if they might be infected with some kind of logic-eating parasite. That said, I don’t wish to dictate what anyone else should think/believe.

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It’s the ones that say Trump as a dictator is just peachy that scare me. I’d point out the gap between educated and uneducated voters but I’d sound elitist. A conundrum for sure.

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Let 'er rip

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Freedumb for everyone.😅

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perfectly describes a man i used to know.

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Your level of awareness is important to spread to young people who are misinformed and not aware of the facts that will destroy their futures..They are an important voting block who must have the truth..

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I'm working it. I'm incapable of small talk. I go right to the core. You think it, I'll say it. Saves time.

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That is very good advice, Sam. There is no time to waste with these dangerous cretins. Now is the time to get started with your views on this.

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From a global perspective, parallels can be drawn between those rural areas dominated by religious extremism and Afghanistan with their Taliban - places like Iowa and Kentucky with the book banning stuff and all that.

But the American version is far more dangerous... for the planet.

It is deeply disturbing to watch when it encroaches onto the national stage - Pompeo, DeVos, Sessions, Miller, Bannon and that crowd were terrifying..... but what they are lining up this time is far far worse.

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If you don't mind, i want to throw in another one, Roger Stone. Isn't he the one that wants to assassinate 2 of our House members???

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On Project 2025: Check this infographic to see how a dictatorship would change your life.

"What Does A Trump Dictatorship Mean For You? Check PROJECT 2025."


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I can't stand looking at his face, though!

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Sorry. Can't help you with that one...

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Thank for posting this

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Thank you. Been waiting for this!

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Thank you Dr. Richardson for your explanation of the changing political landscape. A long term problem we have had is that if the citizens support a policy or reject it, there seems to be little effect on the office holders in Washington. All too often the concept of government of, by and for the people is only a noble and distant goal. The former failed president takes advantage of this with his scapegoating and blame shifting to great effect. His answer to our problems is to slash and burn everything.

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I’d be very interested in seeing polls of the policies Biden wants to accomplish and then contrasting them to Trump’s.

With the numbers in today’s letter I feel many people would realize they really don’t want Trump.

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Marcella, here is a link re the Biden/Harris Admin: https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/

And here is Trump’s Agenda 47: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47

All I can say after experiencing both Admin’s, one of them actually delivers & the other only (mostly) makes promises.

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Barbara - I read the some of the document transcripts and hit the links on the Trump’s Agenda 47 that you posted. Trump is deranged. That Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing. His comments to the UAW 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜 and to the auto industry as a whole. Blah Blah Blah Blah 🤡

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Yes. Biden has accomplished quite a bit!! That’s why I think contrasting actual polling percentages would help his campaign.

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If MSNBC is available to you, you can learn from lawyers, judges, etc., many of the policies of both.

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I do understand and appreciate the majority of Biden’s policies. I’m thinking his campaign would benefit by showing actual poll numbers on the items Dems want to accomplish. I haven’t seen many polls on Biden’s complete agenda (and accomplishments) like the ones mentioned on Trump in HCR’s letter.

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White evangelicals and their rapist candidate have something in common: Orange Jesus! Check this infographic to how Orange Jesus and his 12 disciples are a danger to women.


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