- Pulled Quote -

“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation,” he said, “enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling [or] disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit…. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is the most consequential technology of our time, perhaps of all time.” - President Joe Biden

Let's get to work!

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In my opinion, Joe Biden is one of the best, but one of the most underrated and undervalued presidents of the United States - especially as a human being. Thank you, Mr. President; thank you, Joe.

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Thank you, Dutch Mike and thank you, Heather! I watched Joe Biden's speech and I was proud of him and proud of America. I don't look forward to what is coming next and yet we have this great community to stand with, and Heather at the helm. May we stand strong.

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Dutch, the naysayers will disagree, but history will agree with you.

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HISTORY WILL AGREE ! We’ve got to carry Joe’s torch in the coming four years. Passing it among each other so that Trump n his Billionaireboys don’t succeed in snuffing this most brilliant historical sign of our DEMOCRACY at Work & in Full Steam Ahead through every challenge and distraction they throw on our playing field! A mess of mixed metaphors! Gnite dear friends and collaborators!

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Carol, being friends and ad hoc collaborators is necessary but that alone is unfortunately insufficient, as is just having a coordinated collaborative approach. Fortunately, being friends and ad hoc collaborators with a coordinated collaborative approach for when we need it is necessary and will be sufficient.

As one of my spiritual advisors, W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993), often asked, “By what means?” If anyone has a coordinated collaborative approach, I’m all ears. Otherwise, I have a suggestion. Subscribe to my newsletter. Here’s what it won’t cost you: I’m not charging a subscription fee. Here’s what it will cost you: the time it takes to read an essay that I’ll do my best to keep under 1,200 words (roughly a 5-minute read) each Tuesday, and of course I hope you will provide me with your feedback in your newsletter comments.

If that interests you, here’s a link to my first newsletter which I just published on Tuesday: https://substack.com/home/post/p-154848354

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The spudering of an ole man who allowed an inept ole AG to not go after the most pernicious monster in American history. Had he pursued the insurrection charges, there would be no President Donald Trump on January 20, 2025. I don’t want to hear anymore of this half-senile ole fart. And besides, he didn’t commute the life sentence of our longest political prisoner, Leonard Peltier. He is aware of the injustice of this Nstive American activist.

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Ah, Bill, there are times when you make a great deal of sense, but this is not one of them.

The primary fault does not lie with either Biden or Garland, but instead with one of our two ossified political parties which began its descent into authoritarianism with Goldwater, continued with Nixon, and has now given us Trump, all aided and abetted by a weaponized Electoral College, n American electorate, a good half of which has utterly failed in its primary duty, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, all in thrall to a man who has pulled off the greatest con job ever perpetrated on this nation, and finally a Supreme Court who gave him a virtually free pass on his road to rule.

Three times during their recent journey toward this present moment, that party had an excellent chance of altering their destructive trajectory - once in 2016 when they recognized the danger posed by Trump and yet allowed him the nomination in spite of his manifest unfitness for the presidency, again in 2021 when their leadership, having seen and publicly stated that Trump was responsible for the assault on the capital, failed to follow through during his second impeachment, and finally in 2024 when they slavishly pandered to his raging paranoia, faux victimhood, vengefulness, and a campaign largely based on fear, ignorance, prejudice, and plethora of lies, false promises, and increasing incoherence.

Neither Biden nor Garland pulled those levers for Trump, but rather half a nation who ignored the evidence right in front of their eyes, much of it put there by Trump himself and his myrmidons, made a hero out of a felon, and traded their responsibilities as citizens for the price of a dozen eggs and fear of all those hungry Haitians seeking ‘pet food’.

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Well said, James.

My only regret about President Biden's excellent speech is that this is the one he should have made years ago and could have repeated regularly. He has been too old school nice. Americans needed to hear this said with fire and anger. The middle class has been hollowed out. Instead of touting employment stat victories we should have been continuously harping on how we need to solve more problems in health care, child care, elder care, housing, retirement programs and food deserts.

It wasn't Biden's efforts at working across the aisle that created epic new programs - it was a slim majority in Congress during the first two years.

The "oligarchy", the unfair tax system, the flood of dark money into politics didn't just happen. It has been a fact of life for decades.

And the misinformation and disinformation campaign by the Morbidly Rich and Religiously Perverted should have been a major battle from day one.

The next sane administration will set up a Cabinet Level fact checking Communications Department that will clarify and tell the truth daily to the world.

For now, it will be up to the DNC and leaders like Senators Chris Murphy and Elizabeth Warren to offer up direct challenges to the avalanche of hogwash and bullshit flowing from Republicans. Blue State Governors will be the backbones of democracy.

That being said, Biden's legacy will be enhanced with the perspective of time. Just like Jimmy Carter, their qualities of character and empathy will be admired. They did more good for their nation in their one term presidencies than all the modern Republican presidents did combined - except for Ike who was the last Republican who was a president of all Americans.

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"He has been too old school nice. "

Exactly. If there is one problem with Biden, it's this. He's trying to play a chess game, playing be the rules whilst his opponent is continually spitting and punching him in the face. That may be nice and honourable, but it simply doesn't work.

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He has 2 days to act.

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Dutch, the flip side is he would have been caricatured as "the old man yelling at the clouds" had he played the anger card. He promised a different Washington when he was inaugurated. I think that's about impossible these days for anyone to accomplish.

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In Friday's news, the story is Biden regrets being all policy and no politics. Not taking more credit for accomplishments. Big yes. Zero PR. Politics gave him the chance to do policy.

We now know what happens when the truth is whispering a few times and the lies are thundering 24/7.

Let's not make that mistake again, please? If we need to put $$$$ into launching a news outlet, let's do it.

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“Old school nice” (meaning good natured, compassionate kind, charitable) is not what a large chunk of Americans admire. Interview after interview with Trump voters proves that what they admire is the exact opposite: old school nasty (meaning, for example, unkind, spiteful, uncharitable). Perhaps we are entering the age of nastiness. Trump, psychologically projecting his own inner self as always, calls anyone he doesn’t like “nasty.”

Apparently, his voters have a lot of inner unrecognized nasty they project on people like Trump. Pretty soon nastiness will be acceptable, celebrated. It will be virtuous to be aggressive, unfriendly, uncharitable, spiteful, dishonest, brutal. Niceness will be for wimps. MAGA t-shirts emblazoned “Loud and proud MAGA Nasty” will be hot sellers.

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Jennifer, MAGAs delight in being nasty, in your face people. It's their chance to get back at those people that they think wronged them in some way usually by being recognized as citizens who deserve rights and therefore sorta leveling the playing field although i would argue that is not actually the case in many instances.

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You are absolutely right. Most of us here are still wondering "how in the world could you vote for such an asshole??" Well, BECAUSE he is an asshole. The Trumplodytes vote for the Convicted Orange Felon BECAUSE he is an asshole. That's the key. They vote for him because they wish to be just like him: a misogynistic, racist, reckless, narcissistic asshole with no regrets, no responsibility and no accountability. It's all about ME: just grab that pussy, grab that money, and f*ck everybody else.

Nastiness IS already being celebrated in America, by decorating the White House with this orange, blobby and sorry excuse for a man. My prediction is that he will post a video on Xitter of himself masturbating in the president's chair, and his cultist followers will absolutely love it.

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Why are mostly only Republicans interviewed? Where are the interviews with Democratic voters? Why does it only matter what Republican voters want and admire? Maybe more would be okay with the "old school nice" and compassion, empathy, kindness, etc., if it was to become the norm again. And that will only happen if other voices are heard.

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Biden sensibly has played the cool hand at appropriate moments. I’m not one to say exactly what’s most appropriate in tough global or national political situations. But the fool is the one who simply reacts.

Many feeling the burn of defeat in the last Presidential election, rush to ask why Democrats shouldn’t learn to act more like Republicans, take up their methods, weaponize the polity. Seize power by whatever means. True,these are just voices of desperation and venting is to be understood. We should understand that a successful response is not borne of imitation.

Strength rises from the principles that motivate us to care about democratic principles. These are our guiding star. Without that we are blind and we will lose heart and fail. We will become a replica of all that we formerly opposed. This is not only the lesson of history, but the lesson of our future.

I like Biden’s key phrase, everyone “gets a fair shot.” We may not yet have achieved that perfection, but it won’t be for lack of trying. And the actuality of it sure beats blathering about some shiny city upon a hill.

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I will forever be a wimp.

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Unfair tax system, is this a joke? They controlled the WHite House, Congress and Senate the first two years and didn't do a goddamn thing about taxes.

His son was a tax cheat. He pardoned him.

What planet are you living on?

As for disinformation Zuckerberg called out Biden and his administration for demanding posts be censored THAT WERE TRUE.

If he didn't like big money in politics why did he give the medal of freedom to George Soros. The Democrats raised over a 1Billion dollars

twice what the Republicans had.

Good riddance

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To be replaced by something catastrophically worse, from a party that breaks all the old rules and standards.

Wait until you see their lies and broken oaths turn out for the real losers and suckers that voted for them. Do they think they will come out of this ill gotten power grab any better than the rest of us.

They booted the pilots and are claiming they know how to fly the plane with incompetent and malicious pretenders.

What could possibly go wrong.

I imagine it like a bunch of professional wrestlers putting on "entertaining" performances that will cost the audiences more than they can ever imagine.

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So, you’re an intellectual?

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Thank you Bill, I hope to be around for the next sane administration.

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My concern is Biden failed to stop winning by election denying. Once done, it might be impossible to eliminate. End of democracy

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Voters don't take the Oath of Office. Their primary duty is to inform themselves well enough that they elect representatives, who when elected, will honor that oath. In that task, voters have failed dismally. I'm convinced that a majority of those who voted for FELON47 could not pass a 6th-grade civics test. Did voters realize that they were facing a binary choice: the rule of law or Trump? How are we ever going to be able to elect good public officials when a large portion of the electorate lack critical thinking skills and can't distinguish fantasy from reality? This is the biggest challenge our democracy faces, and will be made even tougher by the gusher of lies we can expect from the new administration, and their amplification by right-wing media and normalization/equivocation from mainstream corporate media.

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I think that many of those who cast their ballots for the convict were absolutely convinced that he would "restore" them to their "rightful place" at the top of society, just like their ancestors (or wished for ancestors) of southern "aristocracy", that is to say antebellum slave holders. What I see are men (and their wives) who are terrified of "others", like BIPOC, LGBTQ+, immigrants, non-Christians, and educated people. Some others, although I suspect a smaller percentage, want their perception of what a strong businessman is (although the multi-bankruptcy guy doesn't look like that to me). Even more (and maybe this is the "refuse to vote" crowd) could not vote for a woman, much less a woman of color.

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Hate Trumps logic. Hate Trumps economics. Hate Trumps justice.

That hate was exacerbated and extenuated by Russian psy ops. Not only do they admit it, they brag about it.

Joe has 2 days to act.

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Ally, I think you have the exact reasons why MAGAs vote for someone like death star. Not only are they terrified, but also angry because someone who doesn't look like them has a chance and some rights. It is no longer enough to be white, a white male, straight, Christian, here for more than a generation, and yes, not very well educated.

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Ally, don’t make it so complicated. We now know that social media was used on a youngish white male portion of the electorate that spends an in inordinate amount of time online on social media much on TiK Tok. Their minds have been corrupted and led to believe in you guessed it, the second coming. And so where were the massive wave of women disgusted with losing their rights?

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Americans don't want to conscientiously work at being a good citizen. They want a "good" (meaning entertaining) fight or an even more entertaining show. That's why Republicans have adopted the WWE style of politics, combining the fight and the show into constructing a false "reality" that the racist, sexist, and uneducated voter was willing to vote for. It turns out that America has a lot of racist, sexist, and uneducated voters....and they include both Trump voters and people who didn't vote.

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As usual, Ally, your observations elevate the stream of commentaries. The factors you mention are certainly at play. In addition, the "refuse to vote" crowd includes a substantial number of Americans who just don't care enough about the obligations of citizenship to bother.

I applaud the wording in your lead sentence: "those who cast their ballots." You highlight a key point I have come to embrace, first suggested by Eric Liu some time ago. It is this: All constitutionally qualified voters do vote in every election. I call the first group "active" voters; they cast a ballot and know then who received their vote. The second group I call "passive voters." They always vote for the winner of every election and only know who received their vote once the ballots are counted.

Our challenge, in part, is to accurately inform and motivate more of the passives to change to active. That process requires more words to describe than there is space for here.

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I guess that's right. Just the awful slogan/acronym 'MAGA' is an anachronistic longing for this mythical golden age, which actually never existed. It's what fascists do. And of course "the other," as you point out, is responsible for the country's decline from this fantasy wonderland, as well as all the woes of the angry underachievers who consume such nonsense. As usual, there's a kernel of truth in tRump's lies, which makes them trickier to counter. Real wages have stagnated for decades. Housing is too expensive. It's become punishingly hard to make a decent living at smaller-scale farming. Flyover country is suffering. Of course IQ45 had no answers in his first term, and I doubt any attendee at a tRump rally could point to a single enacted policy that helped them. Quite the contrary. The first-term tariffs killed the market for U.S. soybeans as China stopped buying. It's never come back, but tRump helped make Brazil great again. Not to mention trying to take away his supporters' healthcare, nutritional assistance and all other social safety net benefits, while degrading the environment they live in. The final puzzle piece that doesn't fit is that so many tRump voters profess to be "Christians" yet support a godless, amoral monster who demonstrates his utter lack of humanity, decency and character with every utterance. Basic morality, right and wrong, just doesn't seem to be part of the equation for his voters. I guess the country's moral rot is as big a factor as the atavistic aspirations you point to.

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Right on target. It was blatant racism and misogyny that held them from voting for Kamala. They would rather have a convicted felon, swindler and rapist as president than a woman of colour.

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Ally, we are on the same page.

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1000% correct, Ally.

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Yeah, I agree, I think that's the simple truth. To quote a friend, "it's the misogyny, stupid."

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Correction - rule of law or ruled by law which exempts certain folks.

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Yes, some of the blame does fall on the voters. I’ve read opinion after opinion dissecting what Democrats did wrong, but the buck stops with the voters. They either stay informed or not. They pay attention to what’s going on or not. They choose to mire themselves in misinformation or not. They choose to show up on Election Day or not.

If we have a catastrophic four years, the voters assume some of the blame for that.

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While Katz had sufficient reason for his rant it was too one-sided. Quin gave a balanced sensible summary of our dilemma. It was so painful to listen to Biden's farewell address. Absent trump, Biden would have been recognized as a great president. But the nice, decent guy was opposed by a bully and manipulative liar extraordinare. So we dive into the great unknown called the future. God help us all (this from an atheist).

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If you love your neighbor you're not really an atheist.

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‘Real’ atheism, as opposed to the more strident version promulgated in a number of books is generally a pretty quiet state of being. We’re not trying to sell anybody on anything or shove our beliefs down someone else’s throat. We believe strongly in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, understanding that the fusion of church and state has generally been a disaster for those who don’t share whichever faith is fused with the state. We understand human spirituality and the impetus to faith in all its forms, and we accept its existence without prejudice. And we know that atheists can be as upright and moral as anyone else. Our sole real objection to people of faith is when they assume otherwise.

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So, atheists hate their neighbors? Or neighbor haters are atheists? Ridiculous either way. You really should make an effort to get to know some atheists. It isn’t difficult, we aren’t hard to find, and I bet you’ll enjoy doing so.

Respectfully, Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist

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I agree. I’m just upset. I harken to the idea that when you lose, you are a loser. Biden is a complicated history. He has been on the wrong side at times; pushing segregation ideology, allowing Clarance Thomas to be nominated his probably biggest mistake. I think Biden was not a great PR for himself. Yes he enacted wise legislation I won’t deny him this. But I think his initial inaction at the border doomed him and his VP. He simply didn’t want to follow Trump by enacting strong security and this ultimately cost him and his VP. And it’s not just another missed opportunity. This one is the big one. Fours years of massive rearranging the bureaucracy and turning it into an autocracy. This is a big loss and it remains at his feet. Ironically, it was a republican Senator that came close to removing unlimited monies from campaigns. John McCain did well but the Supreme Court nipped that. I have sometimes called the United States the illegitimate bastard child of England. We almost got it right but not quite. From the planters who towed the slave trade to the oligarchs of today, it never ceased. So with a few bright places in our history, namely saving western civilization during the mid 20th century, we now fully enter a deep and dark place in the world. My opinion. And to be fully can, I’ve never felt that this was my place to live. For a brief time in the 1970s, I lived in Europe and I felt refreshed. My mistake was to return.

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You've swallowed the Republican version of Biden's administration, hook, line, and sinker. I hope you find a way to consider the nuanced complexities of the challenges you say he failed at. If not... your loss.

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I’m not a partisan. You apparently are. I think for myself. And i have some difficulties if some Republican talking points and mine are the same. I place much fault with democratic wokism. As close as I am to ideology of the democratic, I think they are their own worse enemy.

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Believe me, I’m upset too. Or more accurately deeply saddened.

I have sometimes called the United States the illegitimate bastard child of England. We almost got it right but not quite”

How could we get it right, that first time around. We’ve had over two centuries to improve on the original. Not that we haven’t made some horrendous stumbles along the way, the latest of which is Trump 2.0.

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the resilience of our institutions. This comes most often from the right in an attempt to deflect the conversation away from what they know is a problem but are too deeply dug into Trump’s orbit to admit, even to themselves.

Having watched the relevant portion of Pam Bondi’s confirmation hearing, I’m hardly sanguine about that resilience, particularly the one she’s about to head. We know the power Trump now holds over his current set of Cabinet appointees, even her record didn’t already make her inclinations clear.

In the end, we have to depend on continuing the fight in every way we can, and hope that before the midterms enough Trumpists will see enough of the harsh light his new term is likely to shine on his motives and actions to swing them into our column, even if it’s in opposition to him rather than a full compliance with us.

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Bill, the thread from the planters to the oligarchs of today is a great observation. Since we are the land of "opportunity" the masses hold out that view that we all can become an oligarch.....

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Any reasonable analysis of Trump’s life and record makes it plain he would have felt right at home as a member of the Slavocracy.

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Bill, live wherever you like my man, as long as you're able to feed your face, repair your body til you croak, and have somebody to do the dishes for ya, have a nice day. You're just a number. I pity you being homeless.

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Far from it I’m doing quite well sorry to say.

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Perhaps so, Bill

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Well said. I also need to point out our liberal leadership's failure to address the continuous assault of death by a thousand cuts approach the CONservatives have taken. While the liberals stopped focusing on legislation, the conservatives took the Lewis Powell Memo and went to work with the thousand cuts using a scalpel. Occasionally, they would try the hammer approach to distract their real intentions as was strategized in the book Democracy in Chains - Nancy MacLean. the Memo is the root of Project 2025.

As the CONservatives took small cuts at the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, reproductive rights, and the administrative agencies, the liberal leaders when they held majorities did little to counter these assaults. Their inaction has lead us to this point as they relied on the court system for defense. If you read the Memo, it targeted the court system as a long range plan to fill it with ideological picks that would come from law schools filled with like minded teachers. It has taken decades to get her, but here we are.

The liberals have got to realize that we are viewed as the enemy, not competitors and start acting as such.

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Thank you, Rickey Woody, for bringing “Democracy in Chains” to our attention. I read it early on and learned about the Kochs, whose history should be known to all Americans. That they fund Hegseth’s former jobs with veterans’ groups is another reason he should not be Secretary of Defense. Russia and Nazi Germany are the source of their fortune and the remaining brother continues to aid Putin. Hegseth is the perfect “useful idiot” to join Trump. Watch for Trump Tower Moscow.

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James, an excellent post, thank you. Biden is not responsible for the R party becoming the party of death. They chose that for power and money, aided and abetted by the Supreme Court and the Congress who could have done something. The Supreme Court gave him carte blanche to be lawless and the Congress aided and abetted him when the Senate should have voted to make the impeachment stick. Now we have a R Senate who will confirm most of the awful nominees for various posts. We will not be better or safer or healthier. At one point in my long life I thought we were making some progress, but now I will spend most, if not all, of my final days, watching the country circle the drain. I do hope for the younger people that I am wrong.

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James, I hear what you are saying, and I agree with what you wrote. Nevertheless, Bill still has a point regarding the efficacy of going after Trump after Jan. 6th. I can't tell you how many times I've said to myself: "when the hell are they going to slam the door shut on this future felon?" The Jan. 6th committee had all the evidence; all their ducks were in a row, and Trump new it. It was Trump who controlled the dynamics of his fate in the courts, which clearly implies Garland's lethargy on this matter. My belief is that Garland got the DOJ job because of the travesty of McConnell's manipulations to deny him a SCOTUS position. Unfortunately, he didn't make the most of his good fortune. He did well in the Oklahoma bombing committed in April of 1995; somewhere along the way, he lost the killer instinct to convict one who would destroy more, over a period of time, than Timothy McVeigh could ever conjure. Although, in my high school youth of that time, I never supported Goldwater, I don't think one can blame much on him. After all, he laid out the facts in front of Nixon and either told him or forced him to resign. I also don't believe he would have let the Israelis slide on the attack on the USS Liberty in June of 1967 had he won the presidency over LBJ. That's just my opinion. The individual that I believe you may want to mention is Reagan. His governorship of California signaled in a far better trajectory for what we now have than Goldwater ever did.

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The idea of 'reacting' to maga is a waste of energy. Biden did great things, but, dealing with dangerous forces like the present Republican party and Donald trump requires an effective use of the Department of Justice and I am safriad Garland was asleep at the wheel. Trump should be in jail, along with Mitch Mcconnell. Take the gloves off, Democrats and overcome what is the most serious attack on the American way of life since t he 'Civil War'.

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Trump likely would be in jail or at least up for trial if he’d not run again, which is most likely the primary reason why he did so. But to assume that Garland was ‘asleep at the wheel’ is to underestimate the challenge involved in legally pursuing a man who is at the time running for the presidency. So much of this business is a new thing in our history that the process of indicting and bringing such a man to trial is unprecedented and can be hard to appreciate to those outside the process.

It is true that our legal system often appears to bend over backwards in what can seem like a deliberate attempt to protect the guilty equally as well as the innocent. But it is those same built in safeguards that prevent us from being the kind of nation Trump would like us to be, in which the politically powerful can pursue their opponents with utter impunity.

It is immensely frustrating to me that this man is now about to become president again. He is anathema to everything we ought to stand for. But as with the First Amendment, to attempt to alter or short-circuit it for one particular case, no matter how. justified it may seem, would be a very slippery slope from which there would be no full return.

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Trump had judges ready to bail him out at the highest court in the land. I don’t know how starting earlier would have changed the outcome.

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Thank you. You phrased your response much more eloquently than I could have. I was prepared to respond with, "BS!" It is very easy to blame President Biden. His hands were full from day one. He had to prioritize many threats. I think he did the best he could which turned out to be pretty darned good. Put the blame on Republicans and their co-conspirators who plotted and schemed every chance they got. It is they who value their personal wealth and power over what is best for our country. Full stop.

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If only Howard Dean's 50 state strategy would of been picked up by these democrats. But not?????????????? Dems are low keyed while they get walked all over by repugs.

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Thank you, you're much kinder than I am.

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Well yes except for the fact that he has NOT pardoned Peltier which is unforgivable. And his atrocious hypocrisy in supporting Israel with continuing millions (billions?) in aid which were used to commit genocide against Palestinians while simultaneously mouthing sympathy for Palestinian civilians whose lives have been systematically destroyed with American weapons. His minions like his press secretary have repeated egregious attacks on those who have protested this war and supported the rights of Palestinians not to be victims of unabashed war crimes and flagrant continued violations of international law. Yes Biden gave lip service to condemning Netanyahu’s murderous war but they were pretty hollow considering how complicit the U.S. has been in the prosecution of this war and Biden’s unwavering practical support of Israel.

Indeed I do give him high marks on the domestic front but that too is tempered by his attacks on the rights of students to free speech without retribution which has been rampant and his abject failure to follow through on his promise to be a one-term president undoubtedly contributing to Trump’s win. Both he and the entire DNC have been toothless mid-20th liberals completely inept at fighting this push toward oligarchy and yes, in my opinion, clear fascist threats. Rather than supporting the most progressive members of their party they sabotaged Bernie at every opportunity and have taken what they perceive to be the “safe road” of centralism and facilitating the GOP at every turn - Democrats voting to confirm Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett? Caving on immigration? Kamala - who I like but who reneged on her most liberal positions in an effort to appeal to voters - which as we saw failed epically? And their still appalling and indefensible refusal to allow a Palestinian to speak at the convention after shamelessly giving (and exploiting) the parents of a hostage and other pro-Israel speakers prime time?

Biden achieved important and admirable advances through many of his domestic policies and legislation and for that I am grateful. But in the end his and the DNC’s incompetence and unwillingness to take on Trump, MAGA and the far right with effective political strategies have left us where we are today. (And I’m not referring to the debate which was shaped more by idiot pundits than the reality). Credit where credit is due but he remains a deeply flawed president who was complicit in war crimes and unwilling to take the moral ground. The ongoing Israeli BS justifying bombing hospitals, schools, and every other civilian target under the pretense they were attacking Hamas also sits right in Biden’s lap (along with most of the Congress). Regrettably I think this greater legacy will overshadow his other accomplishments.

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I do not know enough about the Peltier case to comment on it.

The Israeli/Palestinian/Gaza business would challenge Solomon. For every reason there is to support Netanyahu’s policies there is an equally valid reason not to. The shadow of the Holocaust hovers over all of us in ways impossible to calculate, almost in the same way as the shadow of slavery ad of our crusade against those who held the land before us continues to hover over us here in the US. The only real issue in three is that the killing of large numbers of those with whom we disagree has never solved anything with any kind of permanence, and until and if we ever learn that lesson these sorts of things will go on.

Our elemental problem is one which continues to bedevil us. It is our stubborn determination to separate ourselves into all sorts and kinds of groups based largely on artificial categories - racial, religious, political, financial, social; you name it, some mob somewhere has used it to distinguish itself from some other group. There is actually only one category of differentiation that is based on anything non-artificial - sex - and even there the differences are fluid.

So we create these boundaries, debate across them, glare across them, and all to often start killing each othe over them when in fact there is only us - Homo sapiens - the most ill-named mob on the planet.

As to the DNC’s incompetence in taking on MAGA, yes, most of their problem stemmed from not offering an alternative sufficient to sway voters away from Trump. And that is all they could have done. They are, after all, not the DOJ. But there have always been at least two very different visions of America held by Americans themselves. This has been true ever since Jefferson and Monroe formed the Democratic Republican faction to combat the Federalists during Washington’s presidency. The nature of the visions themselves have varied from time to time, but became solidified with the creation of formal political parties in the 1830’s. And so I return to a portion of my next above paragraph, because that’s what we’ve stuck ourselves with.

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Except you seem to view these choices as immutable or impossible. I disagree with your comment and belief about Netanyahu and the Israeli state. There is simply no justification for what Israel has done in Gaza and is now doing in the West Bank which are just continuations of their decades-long disproportionate responses which violate international law. No one disputes the horror of the Oct 7 attack but it occurred in an historical context which the West, and especially the U.S. willfully choose to forget and deny. Israel’s decisions are not immutable or inevitable. They are conscious choices based on very specific political goals.

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Thank you for this coherent statement of what I have been feeling and trying to say here in various ways. Blame it on Trump, one man. But this is not the lesson. The man cannot help who he is. He's been testing since his day one and gotten away with everything. He never gives up. The GOP betrayed the country and itself. And ultimately the electorate; half of us got us here, some ignorant, some selfish. This experiment is proving to be impossible, a failure. We cannot have a democracy with vultures. We have shown ignorance, selfishness and uncaring. It devolved to this. Trump is perversely showing us ourselves.

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I wouldn’t count the old girl out just yet. She’s weathered at least one more powerful storm than Trump. I’m betting there’s going to come a moment when enough Trumpists realize that he really doesn’t give a damn about them to begin turning the tide.

As I’ve noted before, we’re really very new at this Republic business. I’m nearly 80, so I could have talked to a man who fought in the Civil War. And a man who fought in that war could have talked to a man who fought in the Revolution and was there at the Founding. We’re that close to it.

I’m not exactly a cockeyed optimist, but neither am I ready to give up on this experiment. None of us should be.

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Thank you for your optimism. I find myself wavering. I need to read this steadfastness from you and some others lest I turn into my father who gave up entirely on people. Humanity! (Melville, Bartleby) (But my dad had his friends!) I am in your age group.

It is amazing that after the defeat of Trump in 2020 there was hope that this nastiness is turning around, come to a head. But it has deep roots we realize. Trump was steadfast and he gathered a storm around him. And as is said in these comments, people who are either with us or not, just tune out and shrug. They have their own lives in front of them... until this "thing" hits them.

It's so clear we need involvement of the people to have a democracy of the people. I tend to feel that many just want their freedoms, democracy, given to them as an inheritance. A present.

And then, as Biden says, and many others are also warning, we are evolving into (or are) an oligarchy... this time mega robber barons doing more great harm than philanthropic work it seems.

I am not ready to give up.But I am worried about how and when this turns around or if it takes hold for a long time.

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By the way, as a 5 year old in the Bronx NY we went to the parades on the Grand Concourse on Memorial Day. My uncle was in the parade, a hero of sorts in WW2. But at the end of the parade, a goose bump promoting prideful display, came the oldest soldiers, a few Civil War soldiers who were variously pushed in wheelchairs. They came after the others, the soldiers from the ensuing wars (incl WW1, WW2). And we stood up and cheered, waving flags.

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Still, the consideration that Biden should have pardoned Leonard Peltier remains. Count me as a Biden voter who was extremely disappointed by that omission, and his failure to ratify the ERA.

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well said.

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Thank you.

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Don't worry, Bill Katz, you won't be hearing anymore from the "half-senile ole fart" as you call him. You will be hearing ad nauseam from the orange old fart lunatic and his despicable side-kicks. Joe Biden may not have done everything you wanted, but he accomplished a great deal in spite of Republican obstruction and constant lies. And as always, trump will falsely take credit for these accomplishments since they will come to fruition during his term. The Biden bashing needs to stop.

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Yep! Did Lincoln get bashed?

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Unfortunately, he did.

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Every president has his pros and cons. To your above list I would add cutting off military aid to Israel, but that would probably have been blocked by the MAGA congress. The Dems should have gotten rid of DeJoy and acted on the voter roll "cleanup" and laws enacted by red states to cheat in the election. Joe did a great job on the economy and in supporting Ukraine. I would fault the rest of the DEM party for not getting much done (Ethics laws for supreme court justices?, statehood for P.R.? A 3 lies and your out law on Faux News, et al?

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Withdrawal of military aid to Israel would have been blocked by a Democratic Congress, especially after it had come under attack from Lebanon, Iran and Yemen.

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Yes you and Carl are correct. The Jewish lobby in this country is extremely effective. Purposely so in order to insure unmitigated support of Isreal. It’s a shame of our modern times that this country wasn’t able to really fire a peace settlement. They say you can’t force peace but when you are the sole supporter of a country, I think there is potential. Chairman Arafat was the biggest loser when he refused the peace offering. Granted the whole of the West Bank wasn’t mandated but it was very generous offering. So both sides are at fault but America must take the greatest blame.

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Nah, Bill.

Israel would have continued on its path with or without our support. And that path has to be its self preservation.

The greatest blame for the devastation of Gaza ought to be assigned to the monsters who started this war by slaughtering 1200 people and taking more as hostages. Hamas has been the aggressor here. Hamas is the Taliban/KKK/Nazis/ISIS....a Mafia.

And even in the face of certain defeat, Hamas did not surrender - sacrificing thousands of their own. HAMAS could have stopped the war at any time, but it did not. With the support of Hezbollah and Iran it continued to rain rockets on Israel.

Should the response of Israel to such an attack have been different? Sure. Is Netanyahu a cold blooded monster? Yes. But I have yet to hear what the proper strategy should have been to defeat Hamas without the destruction that occurred. I am listening...

And now we have a chance at peace. Why did Hamas finally agree to a cease fire? Because it lost the support of Iran and Hezbollah due to Israel's actions. I hate that it is true - but when faced with an enemy that is at its core is committed to your destruction (river to the sea!), you don't bring anything to the fight other than superior strength.

Blaming Joe Biden for a conflict created by, continued by and supported by the enemies of peace and democracy is ridiculous.

The destruction of Gaza has been beyond awful. But sometimes there are insane leaders who refuse to surrender in the face of all reasoning and efforts at peace. The Nazis. The Japanese generals. Throughout history, negotiations begin when one side actually realizes it can't win. Hamas knew that months ago.

The people of Gaza have experienced horror beyond anything that we can feel or imagine. But the people of Gaza elected Hamas and did not tell Hamas to stop attacking Israel. They allowed their terrorist leaders to continue. They could have surrendered. Instead they sheltered the murderers.

But of course, it's complicated, isn't it? In the West Bank, the orthodox Jews who are stealing Palestinian land and assassinating people who have lived there for generations are no better than Hamas and act like the Taliban.

What is the simplistic solution for that situation? My idealistic and unlikely response would be that we should have a United Nations with teeth - with troops that would enforce the international agreements that provided a safe haven in the West Bank. Here, Israel is allowing militant extremists to act as if they are their own government. That is a situation where America could draw a line in the sand and make a difference. The West Bank Jewish "settlements" are an affront to everyone. They are a direct threat to peace in the region.

Of course, if we have an American civil war, would we welcome the UN to sort us out? I think not.

Sadly, the Confederacy still lives in the DNA of many - ironically now in the party that originally brought it to its knees.

And so it goes. Joe did a lot more right than wrong. He will be viewed as a Saint real soon.

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"The Jewish lobby in this country..."

The Pro right wing extremist Israeli government lobby including AIPAC (founded by an Israeli government lobbyist) and CUFI (founded by American Christian evangelicals.) There fixed it for you. Your talk of a "Jewish lobby" is dubious, at best.

You don't have to be Jewish to ...



[Speaker Mike]Johnson and [CUFI founder pastor] Hagee appear to be run-of-the-mill Christian Zionists, fueled by fantasies of a cataclysmic war in the Middle East that brings about the Second Coming of Christ, wherein all Muslims—and Jews, for that matter—either convert or face eternal damnation. It would be easy to dismiss these evangelicals and their apocalyptic fervor, but that would be a mistake, as their conceptualizations of Judaism and Israel are shared by many who are not so overtly eschatological, nor even Christian. In recent days, narratives of Jewish and Israeli exceptionalism have proliferated, as conservatives frame Hamas’s October 7 massacre as a blow, more fundamentally, to the West. . .

The weaponizing of Judaism against Islam was long a trademark of televangelists like Pat Robertson, who once claimed the entire world shook from the struggle between Israelis worshiping the “one true God” and Arabs worshiping Allah. It’s now a trademark of those white Christians who are now working to justify Israel’s obliteration of Gaza.


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My own feeling is that there will be no end to this struggle until both sides to the conflict stop talking about rights, biblical or ancestral, and start about interests. THEY have to want it. Until they do, there's very little others can do.

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Bill, I agree that Leonard Peltier should have been finally freed. He has served his time and is now an ailing old man who should be free to end his days outside the "big house." But demeaning Biden does no good. Yes, he is old--something we all aspire to rather than the other option--but he did many many good--even great things during his administration.I regret that he felt the need to keep arming Israel so that they could pursue their long-time aim of genocide to the Palestinians. It will be many years and tons and tons of money that will be needed to help restore Gazan infrastructure but lives and allegiances may take even more time. And that is a tragedy that could have been avoided many many years ago--think 1948--when no thought was given to the hand-off of land without compensation or consideration. But Biden inherited a very broken system and I have to feel that he did the best he could with what he was given, and four years is hardly enough to correct all the sins of politics and the world.

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TFG’s reelection should set blame firmly at the feet of Merrick Garland. He did not do his job.

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Nor did McConnell.

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Okay Deborah.., and why do you suppose Merrick Garland, did as he did?

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Because he is a middle of the road Republican just driving the apple cart. He was supposed to show nonpartisanship and succeeded. Not to anyone’s advantage even his.

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Coulda, woulda, shoulda....reading these comments all I see are "Monday morning quarterbacks" thinking they know more than the person in the middle of it all. None of us have any idea what the President is dealing with minute by minute and yet all I see at the moment are comments "all he had to do!". He wasn't perfect BUT damn...he was effective and got things done. Very sad and disappointed a lot of Americans do not see what they voted for and all of us will be paying the price.

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I’m not Monday morning quarterbacking I’ve been saying and writing the same thing for at least 3 years. I not new with my critiques.

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Yes Kathy. Even more simply, I see it as in Trumps 1st term he inherited the momentum of Obama. Then, Trumps term.., lousy as it was, it created the momentum for Biden. Biden ran with it, and has created the momentum which Trump wilol ride on and of course take credit for. And if this coming term does nothing, it too will create a momentum for the next President. And, we will have a "next president". We're gonna need one to see us through this little mid-life crisis we seem to be having. Rock on.

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I wouldn’t say bad things about President Biden who did lots of good things but his legacy will be the coming second term of T. He picked an ineffective AG for the task that was ahead of him as well as wanting to not punish repigs for some misguided notion of unity with traitors.

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An insurrection charge against Trump would have been very risky to land, as the special prosecutor rightly calculated. He would have successfully brought a conviction against Trump but for the scandalous intervention by the Supremes on the issue of immunity and consequent delays. Once a special prosecutor was appointed it was then outside the bailiwick of either Biden or Garland.

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You have good points. However the January 6th committee forced AG’s hands and he appointed Jack Smith. If they(AG and Biden admin) had moved faster and when trump was still reeling from the failed insurrection something may have stuck. We’ll never know. I am also probably wish casting.

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Way back when Trump firsst started arriving on the tarmac in his TRUMP B757..., none of us thought it would happen. But, he became "stock" which got the attention of Big-Money, and they invested in him like some kind of IPO. It's paid off for them. We were blindsided.., sucked in as it were after his first miserable term in office. And, we were about to be "had" a second time.., we just couldn't fathom it at first. But he had plenty of investors, most of whom we don't even know exist. Those folks were'nt about to lose their money.., that's why he won. And, that(!!!) is why "we"lost. While we laughed at the RNC, joked about his dick-size, made fun of his sons, ogled his wifes naked photos, called him names..., THIS is where it got us. Big-Money talks and the god of BS walks 'freely' amongst us. What're we gonna do? Call Ghostbusters? Hollywood is burning. Welp.. folks, we still are a country of laws and courts with judges who are not only educated, but human. Thanks to technology we can see the changes taking place in our short lifetime. Let's work on this.

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And yet that word 'weaponisation' rings around Republican circles. They still haven't forgiven the Democrats for Nixon, another miscreant who avoided jail. Perhaps it was the last vestiges of the aura of the office of the presidency, a phenomenon believed by Americans to be quite separate from the attributes and vices of any particular incumbent, that caused the hesitation. After all, the very idea of a former president being convicted and jailed was not one envisaged by the Founders or clearly provided for in the Constitution.

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Bill, I hear you and your disappointment. But consider the incredible amount of good he has done. We have had NO President without faults. None.

I agree that Merrick Garland was the absolute wrong choice for this time. I think Joe should have fired him and appointed someone with guts. Maybe Glenn Kirschner?

However, Joe brought us out of Covid, certainly saved me from the serious prospect of homelessness!

Infrastructure is finally getting repaired and built. More people have had a chance to succeed than ever under the false trickledown theories.

NATO is stronger. Ukraine is still alive. We have the beginning of a possible end to the horrors of Israel/Gaza.

Biden has done more for the American worker than anyone since FDR. And let's not forget, FDR ignored lynching in the South and interned Japanese Americans during WWII.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, as the saying goes.

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The ultimate blame should be on Trump and his billionaires, who engaged in a good deal of lying and deception. Biden, Congress, and the media could all have done a better job protecting our democracy, but it didn't happen. Since all the blame is out there, we must do what we can to keep the light burning. God help us.

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Case in point right now— the cheating going on in North Carolina’s election by MAGats taking away the powers of a democratically elected DEMOCRATIC governor. Not a peep from media or the Democrats or the DOJ.

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Exactly. Still completely baffled at how this can so blatantly happen

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Wait....wait! There was a gathering protesting what is happening in NC. Read Marc Elias. As Biden said, "The free press is crumbling," so we know not to expect anything from them but substacks have arisen to change the information delivery method.

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Money certainly pilots election wins. Is it possible that these gazillionaires will control our elected officials here on out?

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Thank you, MLMinET, for posting this. Jay Kuo's substack, the Status Kuo, is one of my favorites, This particular one explains in detail what obstacles Merrick Garland and Jack Smith were up against. I'm frankly getting tired of the blame game so many of us seem to be playing all the time. We must have all the facts before making such blatant judgments.

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I agree about Jay Kuo. I find his Substacks interesting and informative.

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Adding my thanks for Kuo's writing that shows us just how far and wide the blame can be spread. It's an inside look at what we have been waiting to know about.

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Thanks for the link! I can't quite swing all the Substack subscriptions that I want... I might have to forego something for this one, though.

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It's not just the financial commitment, it's the time commitment to read them all as well!

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It’s free to just subscribe. My subscriptions are my main source of info and I generally subscribe for free until I see how serious they are about writing. (HCR is amazing and at the top of my paid list. ❤️😍)

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Thank you MLM. I had not heard of Kuo before. He makes some excellent points that will become important to remember when tffdd (the first felon draft dodger) 🤮🤮 begins his new crime wave.

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I agree that Garland was a big disappointment when he had an opportunity to stop the insurrectionists years ago. Also Biden's adoration of Bibi, allowing the destruction of Gaza and genocide of the Palestinians was inexcusable. But we must put this aside now as there are bigger problems coming!

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Misinformation: " Biden's adoration of Bibi".

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Nope. When I saw a photo of “the hug” I knew Biden was swirling around the toilet. Bibi is Israel’s Trump, crooked and seeking election to avoid prison.

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Bill Katz you are an A...Hole

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Oh… i’m warmed by the cockles of your heart. I particularly love being called such. Thank you. How did you know that? I would like to nominate you to be on my Board of Directors of “Seven Cats and Me Foundation.” Let me give you a like.

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I've long gotten really sick of your sad desperate for attention ego Bill. Wish I could mute you and not see your own elderly drivel any more.

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I agree, Bill. Leonard Peltier should have long ago been pardoned. That Biden sat on his hands for this issue is clearly a disgrace. However, I do want to state that Biden, I believe, has spoken clearly and concisely by far most of his time as president than people give him credit. Is he senile? He may be to a slight extent; frankly, I don't really know, and I don't see the evidence when he gets to a platform and speaks his mind. Since his disastrous performance in debate against Trump, he has been hammered about his "senility." With the exception of the infamous debate against Trump, I don't see any evidence that he is not compos mentis.

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I’ve said it before. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And btw it’s “sputtering”…

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I agree ! He’s done many great things during his plague ridden time in office…

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While flags remain at half-mast in honor of Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden will depart the White House for the last time on Monday after overseeing a peaceful transfer of power.. Presidents are not perfect human beings -- just like the rest of us, they have their flaws, their biases, their errors in judgment, with an outsized helping of ego and ambition. But in my opinion, these two men have represented the best of us. Their accomplishments in their single terms of office are unequal, and they weren't rewarded with a second term, but history will be kinder than the electorate was.

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I sgree and claim President Carter is equally good. My question is why both good presidents were denied their second terms?

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You're right. And my guess is: because the rich people don't like presidents who are there for the people.

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God bless President Joe Biden

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I was going to say that, but you already did. Thank you.

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No problem ;)

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Really? Four years of the left and America crapping all over middle America is over.

They gave the finger to the middle class and the middle class gave it back.

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Everybody has one.

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I felt that way until his administration and the United States participated in a mass genocide by Israel. I think that really hurt his legacy.

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Gee, I couldn’a said it better. 😎

But I’d wrap it up by calling out what he can’t: democracy and billionaires can NOT coexist in the same realm of influence.

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We learned that in the Gilded age. It’s just not taught anymore.

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A number of historians say this is the 3rd period we are re-learning this lesson - the 1850's, the 1920's, and the 1980's on... & THIS time the guardrails failed.

Democracies are finished when wealth is highly consolidated, and information & attention can be bought and sold.

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Where do you start? The American people have just voted for Techno- feudalism, and a few months before that your Supreme Court gave the president unlimited power.

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We start where we are, on the ground, in our communities. Our Coalition for Safe Communities formed in 2017, passing resolutions at Town Meetings that we developed with our police chiefs emphasizing that their role was to protect all of us by building trust without regard to citizenship status. We elected a new sheriff who abrogated the 287(g) agreement the former sheriff had entered into with ICE. After a while, we went on hiatus since there was very little for us to do. Now we're back at work, making sure that our schools understand that, by state law, they must not allow ICE on their campuses, they must not supply any information about their students and their families. And we have resumed contact with our police chiefs, all of whom are on board with keeping all residents safe. Since we cannot currently control what happens nationally, we do what we can locally.

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In bright-red Ottawa County, MI, this fall we voted out the far-right majority on the county commission--a group that took power in 2023 and fired competent appointees and installed incompetents, cost the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits, severely damaged the morale of professional county employees, tossed out the county slogan "Where You Belong" and replaced it with "Where Freedom Rings," and did other harm. Now that group has only 4 of the 11 commission seats; moderate Republicans are in charge, and the lone Democrat was elected vice-chair of the commission. People here worked really, really hard for this result. It isn't perfect but it's hopeful and way better. And the new terms are for 4 years instead of 2 (new state law).

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In Freedom Maine a town of 700 is in the midst of a shake down by emboldened young (I'm 70) power abusers. There is a home daycare mom, a petty nerdowell and a paranoid former star from the Blair witch project. They are proposing an ordinance to limit the profit of solar arrays to only the town restricting land owners. We vote Tuesday and finally a Democratic resident sent a letter to the residents to vote no. An outgoing select member altered the town charter after the committee submitted it, and then dismissed the committee. It made the appeals board act like a militia and I stood up to the select board along with the entire appeals board. They removed me from the board. Any suggestions?

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Recruit the local newspaper , the Bangor Daily News, and the

portland Herald to cover this story and trust your fellow citizens to make an informed decision. That's democracy.

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Thank you Ann W. for this hopeful comment. We live in Berrien County, MI and it really gives us hope.

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Betsy, you must be living in a civilized part of the country.

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Very decent 👍.😄

Fl here. 👎🤨

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Well, not exactly, if it’s AZ, under thumb of bigger majority in state legislature than before! But progress is being made locally, albeit slowly and incrementally.

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Key word in your reply Carol is "slowly" .

Maybe too slowly . In any case i don't consider AZ uncivilized part of the country despite the fact that you have a considerable number of very extreme right people there. 😃

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We DO have our problems, for sure; I was hoping AZ would turn more “purple” but I’m afraid this election has emboldened the the cult. We DO have a courageous and smart Attorney General and a local newspaper that has a good array of editorial/opinion journalists, so I am hopeful on some fronts.

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Most extreme are concentrated in Phoenix (transplants from colder regions) and the military.

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The very best to you and your community. Lucky all !!!! May you share more and help this intelligent quest to flow into the water streams of and into communities all over our country.

Thank you Betsy!👏🏻🎶🥰

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Betsy, are you in AZ by any chance? I wonder, because of your comment about electing a new sheriff. Yes, we all need to concentrate on what we can do locally, decisions made there have immediate impacts on our lives at this end.

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Nope. I'm in MA. Sheriff is an elected position with a 6-year term. The next county over also got rid of a MAGA sheriff. I've heard that our sheriff was being pressured immediately after the election to start cooperating with ICE again. She knows that, for what it's worth, we've got her back, just as she has ours.

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Sounds promising for you

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EXactly what I was thinking...micro-politics! Thank you.

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The votes were paid for by billionaires riding the trained-by- Hollywood Trump make-believe-millionaire trainer of “apprentices” for a tv show ten + years ago. And now continuing to ride the crest of the wave of televised ‘drama’ which he’s been coached to continue by the billionaire leaders of the Heritage Foundation, purveyors of an incoming tidal wave of radical religious pseudo Christianity

( ’ upon which our country was ‘founded’ … note the “dramatic effect” of these words/beliefs).

We’ve got Work To Do to educate, build networks, and utilize the LEGAL RIGHTS embedded in our Democracy to right our SHIP OF STATE.

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And writing checks from your company to the porn star with whom you cheated on your wife AND mistress is now an official presidential act. “I did nothing wrong” is an official presidential lie we will be hearing a lot more and should always be publicized and carefully documented. 💩🤡🎃

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They ain’t listening.. they get their information from Joe Fuckin Rogan, or that goddam facebook..

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And Fox News.

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A woman told me Newsmax is so much better 😖

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We were fools to let the Federalist Society stack the Supreme Court! They spent decades while we paid little or no attention. Now we are paying the price

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Yes , we were fools by not showing up during the midterm elections in 2022 to vote. We literally gave the power to the mega Republican party to control the house . That is where Trump found a loop hold to get control of his mega Republican party, manipulate the Supreme Court to give him immunity. Yes , we have ourselves to blame. There were alot of fools that didn't show up to vote in this election that didn't give a damn.

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No, not unlimited power, just immunity from criminal prosecution for acts authorised as part of his official capacity - although that extension of presidential privilege was quite startling in itself especially coming from justices who claim to be 'originalists'.

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“Just immunity…” Potato, Potahto

Are these semantic games you play?

Time will tell, and I anticipate unbridled exercise of unlimited power. He will rattle the cage and pull the chains that restrain him. Both are weakened by the threats Biden cites.

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Not purely semantic. After all, Jack Smith was confidently able to state in his report that he would have secured a conviction of Trump had he been allowed to proceed in a more timely fashion by the courts.

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It was not a free and fair election. The firstfelon draftdodger’s gerrymandering began 8 years ago and will be hard to undo but, as others have said, ACT LOCAL!!

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Less than 50% of votes, with 30% of voting-eligible population as no shows- by my math he got 1/3rd. And many of those held their nose or were brainwashed by complicit un-American lie-machines, and Cambridge Analytica style micro targeting of American voters. Please.

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If we don't fight like hell, we won't have a country.

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may be best to give the attribution with that quote

"if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" - tfg Jan.6

But the truth is that IF half the nation fights with the other half, THAT's when we may not have a country anymore.

Abraham Lincoln, when he was 28 yo, said the following:

"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years."

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

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Pure projection.

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And people listened to a person who had already proven himself to be a serial liar. INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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I thank President Biden first, then Professor for starting this news letter preparing for the dark periods of America.

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I just felt compelled to post this quote on Facebook. Thanks

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The oligarchs are winning. The warning is welcomed, but was relevant before Reagan's term ended in 1989. The misinformation and disinformation campaigns funded and launched by the ultra wealthy has paid them enormous dividends at the expense of ordinary Americans: $36 trillion national debt, massive tax breaks for the wealthy, an electorate where many are unable to feel the water in the barrel getting hotter and hotter. Thomas Frank, "What's the Matter with Kansas?" [2004] and Heather Cox Richardson, "How the South Won the Civil War." [2020] "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." G.W. Bush, White House Correspondents' Dinner, 3/31/2001. "We have a republic, if you can keep it." Benjamin Franklin. 9-17-1787. We're losing it.

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Michael, This jumped out at me as I listened to his address as well. You beat me to the punch in response with this quote. Thank you.

I am still frustrated and angry with all those who hung their hat on Joe is too old and losing it. I don’t think his ratings would have been so low had this not been so continuously pressed. The debate should have been called off or postponed because of both his extensive trip he was coming home from and his not feeling well. Then we would have seen a different Joe on stage. He has been brilliant because of his yrs of service, picking a great administration and his commitment to do the right thing. No one is perfect, just look in the mirror to see that. America will be wishing for him to be back come 1/21/25.

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Agreed. We tried vilifying Trump and the malleably compliant Republicans. Didn't work. Maybe try EDIFYing? What does Don want? It seems to be popularity. Look what happened when Joe Kennedy went from being a rumrunner to a legitimate politician. Remember Harry Truman? He was part of a corrupt Missouri state government. Both Roosevelts were part of the corrupt Tammany Hall government of early 1900s NY.

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You bet. Now is the time for us to save our Country from the robber barons!

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Yes. Biden lied and pushed the disinformation on COVID, Hunter Biden Laptop, and Foreign Policy.

As Mark Zuckerberg admitted, (Biden administration) would call screaming and cursing for us to take down posts we knew were true)

This was an abuse of POWER. Thank you for pointing it out.

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You are spreading disinformation. Your trolling is evident.

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What is disinformation?

I’m assuming for you its anything that is true? Ask Mark Zuckerberg,

he outlined how the Biden Administration repeatly asked Facebook to take down posts that were true. The Hunter Laptop was disinformation was well

as the COVID lies about its origins and vaccine efficacy.

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Coming from Nebraska I am always glad to see Kool Aid is still selling.

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To paraphase Christopher Hitchens “that which is cited without evidence

can be dismissed without evidence”. Leftists never make an argument or present facts that just make narcissistic personal attacks.

Not a word I wrote was untrue. Deal with it. You lost.

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You trolled 2 comments from my how. Big whoop for you.

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You shouldn't feed a troll. Especially one who is prancing around showing everyone his erection; it brings bad luck.

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Tonight, President Joe Biden delivered a farewell speech that went beyond a simple reflection on his administration’s accomplishments. He issued a stark and urgent warning: America is facing a dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a few ultra-wealthy individuals.

Speaking from the historic Resolute Desk, he drew parallels to Dwight Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address, which cautioned the nation about the emerging "military-industrial complex." Today, Biden identified a new and pressing threat: a "tech industrial complex" that threatens our democracy, our basic rights, and our collective ability to build a fair and just society.

This is not just a warning; it’s a call to action. The unprecedented influence of tech giants—who control vast amounts of wealth, data, and political sway—has already begun reshaping our lives, often at the expense of accountability, transparency, and equality. From the commodification of personal data to the unchecked spread of disinformation, we are witnessing the erosion of democratic values in real-time.

We must fight against abusive surveillance and erosion of privacy.

President Biden’s warning was clear: we are at a crossroads. The consolidation of power in the hands of a few threatens not just the economy but the very fabric of our democracy. It is up to us—the people—to rise to the challenge, remain vigilant, and act decisively.

Let’s ensure that the freedoms we cherish and the values we hold dear are preserved for future generations. Together, we can build a tech landscape that empowers rather than oppresses.

The time for vigilance is now. The time for action is ours.

President Biden accomplished many important things as stated in the White House letter release to the American people, but the letter did not include the warning which was directly to the viewers.

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I would go one step further: Muskolini and the Zucc, and Putin no less, are actively unraveling the fabric of reality itself, replacing it with a reality THEY control. It’s the ultimate power grab: it means control not only over us, the people, but also absolute control over the world we experience.

We should sincerely take Joe Biden’s warning to heart - if it’s not already too late…

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We cannot let it be too late. It is only too late if we surrender.

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It can’t be too late for so many things the most pressing of which is climate change which regrettable does have a tipping point beyond which our seemingly god-like technology is unable to abate the disasters of nature’s fury. We must accept that we are not gods and that what the future holds for our garden of Eden is beyond redemption. Time is our greatest constraint and CO2, Methane, and refrigerants are the devil. Look beyond Trump and these pathetic billionaires and get them to focus on saving our one and only home, Mother Earth 🌎!

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"History is in your hands"

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Well stated in a unique way. Thanks

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I wish this speech that turns the spotlight on the bitter fruit of Reaganomics, the growth of plutocracy to the point that it is clear and present threat to the Republic itself, had been given much earlier, but I am grateful and relived to hear it today. We have to focus or we'll lose the plot.

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We must reward the corporations that stand up to the oligarchs whether they are small mom and pop stores in our communities or large corporations like Target.

My entire family and many of our friends are boycotting purchases from Amazon, Walmart, the Home Depot and many other corporations. Some of us have been stocking up on staples like paper towels and dry goods. Facebook and X are cesspools of misinformation as is Fox News, Newsmax, OAN and the Sinclair stations.

The oligarchs want to sell the idea of "states rights" to allow states to take away individual rights and freedoms. They prefer that families declare bankruptcy rather than provide basic health care to millions.

If you live in one of the 20 states which still has a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour write to your Congresscritters and Senators to raise it to $15.00 and index increases on COLA.

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In my list of Biden "cons" above, I forgot that he didn't raise the national minimum wage.

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This is a significant crossroads moment. I'm very thankful that we had Joe at the helm for the past 4 years. He's so right that the time for our vigilance and action is now.

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Just as in 1961, no one including the smiling handsome replacement, JFK who opened the 1960s door to the modern slaughter and war machine for almost 15 years, no one shall listen to this one either.

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JFK was a negotiator. His assassination was a military coup.

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How so?

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His assassination facilitated a military coup.

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JFK was a product of WWII mentality of communism containment.

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That, too. But he wasn’t afraid to think and negotiate.

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I have about 1 brain cell left to spend on unconstructive comments. National emergency.

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Bravo to President Joe Biden and to you

No one ever mentioned about all he gave up personally to do all he has accomplished for we the people The gait was never mentioned as due to his focus on work not age Tragic that he’s leaving the office and who so unworthy is coming in

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One of Joe Biden's greatest strengths is his ability to delegate. What amazing things Pete Buttegieg has done and many others within the administration. Blinken has been tireless in his efforts as Secretary of State and Deb Haaland has protected or public lands better than any other Secretary of the Interior. The list goes on and on.

And Trump is replacing all of them with clueless ass-kissing oligarchs.

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Gary I agree: Biden's team has been exceptionally competent and activist and it will be heartbreaking to see all of that destroyed in seconds come January 20. All I can say is that I hope Pete uses this as an opportunity to start working toward making a bigger political bid because, weirdly, a middle class white guy who is married to another man and has two children might be more acceptable to the misogynists and racists who refused to vote for Harris, one of the most competent candidates in 50 years simply because he's white and has a penis.

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I hope you're right, Linda. In my experience in the LGBTQ+ community (spanning almost 50 years at this point), straight men are terrified of gay men, because they are afraid a gay man will treat them the same way straight men treat women when sexual conduct takes place. Flat ass terrified.

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I heart your first paragraph but the heart breaks for your second.

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Gary, you didn't mention two of President Biden's biggest mistakes. First he hired Merrick Garland and second, he didn't fire Merrick Garland. Other than that his record is historical.

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The leaders we need, Pete Buttigieg and many more, or being dutiful soldiers, keeping quiet to ensure peaceful transfer of power on Monday. After that- there will be leadership, maybe a form of shadow government, we are not alone, just waiting.

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He didn't try staggering to his feet, blood POURING from an invisible wound on the edge of his ear, mouthing three words which appeared to begin with "F".

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I would like to hear the story behind debate night which should have been postponed. Why was he not taken directly to the emergency room? Was there a reaction to cold medicine or something slipped into his food or water?

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Exhaustion. He had spent the whole week shuttling around the Middle East, not for fun. He had focused his remaining strength on facing questions, for which he was prepared, not on being bullied and belittled.

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He was a soldier, exhausted but unwilling to surrender the fight.

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I agree. I wish people would be easier on him about the debate. The look on his face said it all: I've spent a life-time in public-service and THIS is what it comes to? Sure, he was "flumoxxed." I would add he was aghast.

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Thanks, Nate. The seas are violent, people are expressing their fear and pain without full measure of consideration.

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Thanks, Nate.

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I sound old school, but I believe misinformation can be combatted through the basic Platonic doctrine of "that person is best fit to do what that person knows best". Why on earth would I listen to a US congressional representative give a history lesson rather than Heather Cox Richardson? Why would I endure an idiot like Sean Hannity holding forth on Mideast policy and history over an esteemed professor of it - who also knows the languages and culture - such as Juan Cole? Why would I listen to anyone talk about constitutional law over a lawyer or some one else who is a rank amateur talk about religion instead of a theologian?

What next? Have a crab fisherman do my plumbing? Have a French teacher work on my home's electrical wiring? RFK Jr. on vaccines . . . oh . . . wait . . . (!) Absurd!

The time for alternative media has long since come - I stopped reading the papers about the Middle East and turned to Juan Cole during the Second Gulf War that we were lied into. He actually knew - horror of horrors - the historical differences between a Sunni and a Shiite Muslim.

The ship has long since sailed on the US media. I knew that in '03 when W. was pretending he hadn't made the final decision yet to go to war. He had. I remember being in Rome in January and reading in a major Italian daily about how US troops had already entered Iraq. WaPo, the NYT, the LA Times . . . cricketes.

I recall on my first day of freshman English in college my English prof, a wonderful scholar of Chaucer, noted that there were even back then only five major liberal dailies in the US. She was making a larger point about writing, critical thinking, and the protection of our democracy, already clearly in jeopardy under Reagan on that cold day in Boston in 1986. "What happens the day those are shut down or their voices cease" she asked us.

Now we know.

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When the foremost media entities in the US abandoned their place as the Fourth Estate and declared that their overarching mission was to "sell widgets" - my shorthand for what esteemed representatives of those same media told me and a few hundred others at a Princeton alumni panel a dozen years ago - I knew with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that we were doomed as a Constitutional democracy. How do we come back from this nadir when most of our fellow Americans are uninformed, misinformed, disinformed, intellectually incurious, undereducated, gullible, and lazy?

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When it is all only about money, when that is our ultimate value and not the common good, we are lost. The two most pernicious phrases in US politics is "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" and "It's the economy stupid." We'd have done better to think, "Is the country, is my neighbor, better off than they were four years ago?", and "It's the well-being stupid."

If you want to know the values of a society look to its largest buildings. For Romans it was the amphitheater, the temple, and the bath; for the peoples of Medieval Europe the castle and the cathedral; for us it is the skyscraper, the sports arena, and (though less now) the shopping mall.

Sports, money, consumerism. That is no society at all. That is a squalid jumble of money, celebrity, and consumption.

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“When it is all only about money, when that is our ultimate value and not the common good, we are lost.”

Superbly stated

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Yes. I think we are really just a shell now of a country. The only thing uniting us are property agreements and property laws and interstate agreements (all about property). Thinking women meanwhile are distracted by the issue of reproductive rights. Without bodily autonomy in their most productive years how can they turn their focus to other matters? Anti-DEI, anti-critical race theory, anti-woke etc combined with evangelical hysteria can be wrapped up as anti-intellectual thinking and anti-scholarship. Forget expertise. Forget credentials. Now a whole country fashioned on a fake wrestling match—just a reality TV show to distract the undereducated masses. Meanwhile this country’s unregulated financial markets (are we really trading crypto now?) is the jumping off point through which to plunder the world. Everything is for sale. We U.S. citizens only have anything if we can outright pay for it. I do not see how in the heck we can call this a functioning Democratic government on the federal level. A lot of state legislatures are also no longer functioning democracies. The confederacy did win in the end—it has continued to function in many ways through Jim Crow laws and mass lynchings and real estate red lining and denying non-white soldiers their GI benefits and there’s more! Why have we named military bases in the U.S. after confederate generals? And there is much much more. Proof we should have put more people in jail after the Civil War just as the DOJ should have come down on DJT and his cronies right away after Jan 6. I cannot see how we think it will take less than a century for things to turn around in favor of human rights.

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I would submit that the American Experiment was doomed from the start, for the reasons you have eloquently laid out. As best I can recall, most older nations were formed on some basis other than capitalism. Other countries had bazaars and markets, but those centers of commerce were not the heart and soul of those cultures.

When the European invaders had stolen enough land to form colonies, the first thing they did was to form a government and a treasury to protect and expand their assets. Almost from Day One, grabbing land and building wealth were the prime motivators of U.S. culture.

A culture based on quid pro quo is an empire. And empires always die.

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Empires have always died, is an easier read. Though perhaps not as realistic.

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Well said! Hard to admit this about sums it up.

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I'm going to hang out at the local library, meet local people, be kind, be patient, wait for the questions

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They are easier to rule. The dumbing of Americans was deliberate, public schools were starved, then came the charter schools, and vouchers, and book banning. It’s a big tangled mess.

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And DoubleThink.

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We never really appreciate something we take for granted, until we lose it. My hope is that the further we are manipulated by autocracy, the more people will yearn for a return to democracy.

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"You don't know what you've got till it's gone", sang the great folk poet from Canada.

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Joni Mitchell... Forever!!!

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But they have been entertained by the most ridiculous bullschittery. I can’t even watch 10 minutes of American TV without getting blasted by more ads than content. Noxious fun and games, Andy Cohen, Real Housewives. the Apprentice. Fox blondes, laced with a little propaganda. Such crap is mind-numbing. Your description of our fellow Americans is right on target.

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Lol (got to have a LITTLE humor in these uneasy times, no?)

This reminds me of a moment in my first marriage (around 1996) when I bought us our first satellite dish (Direct TV). We had installed the dish, and connected it to our Tv in the bedroom and settled down after the kids went to sleep to check it out.

My wife picked up the remote and started going through the channels starting at the program guide (Channel 1 in those days). Slowly we progressed, each time looking at each other and agreeing, "No, not that channel. "

Click... click... click.

After about 25 minutes, all of a sudden the program guide popped up again.

We both just sat there for a moment, then we both broke out laughing.

I said, "299 channels and not one f**king thing to watch!"

Then we rolled over and went to sleep.

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And that was before ads took over the airwaves, and just when Fox came to solve everybody’s “what to watch problem.” My bff and family had Fox on 24/7, literally from 1996 probably to this day. I watched a lot of PBS and Golden Girls. (Still do). If I am not mistaken, Rupert had a stake in Direct Tv back then.

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If I had a buck for every time I was bored and looked for something on TV and could not find anything at all to watch (and I've been known to watch a bunch of ESPN, The Weather Channel, and back in the day, the History Channel) I could most likely buy some nice, expensive gadget. The last times I sat and watched TV were to watch Oregon gack the Rose Bowl and to binge "For All Mankind" when Apple TV had a free weekend.

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Ah, FOR ALL MANKIND, that was a GREAT show! I just binged THE CROWN too!

But basically TV is now the "wasteland" that was predicted 65 years ago by then FCC commissioner Newton Minow.

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I think that the last sentence will doom us. IF we take this approach to the American people they will turn more and more to a Populist President, not unlike Andrew Jackson's day. We need to be cautious and not arrogant. We need to educate, not call people names. There is a backlash in progress against the Democrats and their perceived "intellectualism". I have a bright, educated friend who voted for the incoming President. She too believes that the media lie and it has lead her to take a different path then mine. I have watched in Maine as the northern more rural areas pull away from the perceived richer ( not rich, more Middle class) and more arrogant south. There are so many divisions at work in our country, lets not participate by making generalizations and namecalling.

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Sadly, it fit’s some that I know. But tinged with a little racism and misogyny

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We again teach phonics and decoding as children are learning to read. We make sure we understand that in 3rd & 4th grades pictures are fewer in books. We work with parents of Jr. High and High School students with strategies to balance Social Media/Computer games with Reading in Print. Schools need to ban cell phones during the school day. Clearly show that Merit and Helping one another are rewarded. I understand some people learn more quickly than others; other kids learn better with a “hands on” approach; Still others have neurological or second language difficulties. This does mean different streams for different kinds of Learners.

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Fourth Estate and declared that their overarching mission was to "sell widgets"

Or Thneeds, which everyone, EVERYONE, EVERYONE needs

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Be ready to help them recover when they wake up and realize they were conned. Truth is emerging

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My own reaction was a line from the novel “Auntie Mame:” “Drive on fool, hell’s only half full!” It was as disastrous as I expected.

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Sadly, the Supreme Court's overruling of the 'Chevron deference' last year is yet another indication of the loss of respect for professional expertise in the US. The field is now open to all sorts of unscrupulous corporations to justify their harmful activities using thier own 'experts'. The nascent Trump administration is already vetting career civil servants on the basis of their 'loyalty' and voting records rather than their abilities and replacing them with stooges. Trump will no longer need to amend National Weather Service hurricane maps with a sharpie as federal agencies will all bow to his will.

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Until disasters befall us, and people look for the culprit

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That's how the Chevron deference doctrine arose in the first place.

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A full 65% of Americans believed in W Bush attacking Iraq. I didn’t. I wrote a letter to my daily and I was convinced I had been placed on a no fly list. I wasn’t but to be against the obvious lies being told to the American public. And we fell for it. One cabinet member after another testified about WMD. I knew this was a lie to me it was obvious. That war had and has had devastating effects long lasting perhaps for 100 more years. It disrupted middle east governments. It caused migration unheard of in modern times. Human kind is on a path to limited destruction. I’m sensing human kind would be better to self destruct so to leave earth to regenerate and thrive before it suffers its own systemic collapse. How’s dat for an optimistic forecast, lol?

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Yeah, let it happen 😉

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The Danger for Us that Care... Is that too many are fed their Reality thru the Social Media Platforms... Person-2-Person Communications, and Learning is slowly being Shutdown... The Techno-Dweebs control the Algorithmic Feeds... At this Years CES show, Life-Like Robots were the Rage.... Perfect for CyberTruck driving Incels... Robot Babies are already more popular in Japan then real Human Babies... Japan's Birthrate has Crashed... I'll Postulate that in a Generation, there will be more Humanoids than Humans in Japan... I will also Postulate that if that happens, that Humans will Escape into Virtual-Reality...

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I’m writing my wedding vows right now to my new sweetheart, Lori the Ro-butt Baby. She is so shiny, metallic. I can’t wait to slip my arms around her and kiss her steel wet lips.

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OMG that thought makes me...

...nauseous... 😀

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And don’t worry, I’m no more antisemitic than I am anti human. I prefer the company of the four leggeds.

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That what vomit bags are for.

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Bill... You Got Talent!!! ;-)

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Their voices were bought.

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The hard part is not just that he is leaving but that so many other talented civil servants are likely going to be forced out…

I am reading Autocracy Inc now by Anne Applebaum. I wonder what Biden might have been able to do to further restrict the US from being a target country for the investments of kleptocrats from other nations….

We will definitely not be headed in that direction with the next guy.

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The problems were developed before Biden took the reins in that Citizen United allowed us to have unchecked spending and corruption in campaigns. That needs to be dismantled as does the SCOTUS.

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Industrial "Robber Barons" corrupt interference with representative government and the common weal really sucked, even if industrialization brought (with problems) many benefits. Prior to Nixon's appointment of tobacco company lawyer Lewis Powell, many of the abuses of "The Glided Age" were being remedied, and acknowledgement of human rights and the middle class were growing. Then the Empire struck back. Why have we allowed it? The doodoo is getting deep.

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J L, when you say in reference to going back to the robber barons times, "why have we allowed it" I hope you are referring to the vast majority of felon 34 supporters not having a clue what they were voting for .

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The is the deliberately constructed MAGA cult, but also I have hoped for a public focus on rising plutocracy since Reagan, and while the subject of increasingly extreme "inequality" has waxed and waned in the public conversation, has not, in the way departing President Biden now frames it, been put forward by Democrats as the key issue. Bernie Sanders offered such a focus in 2016 and was criticized for it by other Democrats.

Irrespective of whether he was the most suitable candidate, he was correct about how the lack of regulation of some of the ways money can be accumulated and applied that warp the democratic process has been increasingly problematic for over four decades; and now frankly has a strangle-hold on democracy. We now accept, even if grudgingly, that one who is rich enough, can apply quarter of a billion dollars to affect an election outcome, or legally give a million bucks to a candidate's inauguration; and also that the King, er, President, is above the law (recalling when Nixon was pardoned before that part of the Constitution was added).

We need make plutocracy a central focus of resistance, lest government of the people, by the people, for the people, perish from the earth.

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You are 💯 %right J L although I think it's fundamental to make plutocracy the central focus of resistance,but people, specifically felon 34 supporters without any idea what they voted for, will start to feel the pain of implemented economic policies and who is going to benefit from them. When they realize it's not them but the 1%, that's the moment we need to change the focus to constantly reinforce such a feeling and help them a transition to support policies that benefit them and not all the way around.

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We're all too soft. Binge-watching tv, chasing the next shiny object. Distraction is a powerful weapon.

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True and clearly expressed Virginia. 👍


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Even earlier, John McCain and Bernie Sanders worked for campaign finance reform. The Internet, social media, AI have accelerated what has always been a problem. Last night President Biden said it out loud.

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And also, some years ago, Jimmy Carter said the word "plutocracy" out loud.

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The Tragedy of Joe Biden is that he is not a Good Communicator... He is not an Orator like Obama, or JFK... He began his Presidency during a COVID Disaster, and ended it with it being handed to the Social-Media Dweebs... Joe Biden believed that his Accomplishments would speak loudly for themselves... DJT believes that Speaking Loudly is enough.... In this current Superficial Age, Speaking Loudly was enough keep DJT from Prison... I hope that the Techno-Dweebs don't Imprison Us with their Lies... BTW: I Applaud This Latest Ceasefire In Gaza, However ProPublica Released a Report that the Biden Administration has been running Cover for Netanyahu's War in Gaza intentionally... This may have cost Kamala Harris the Election in the Swing States... Now We Have DJT... DJT will try to Undo all of Biden's/Obama's Accomplishments... THIS COULD COST THIS COUNTRY GREATLY...

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"Biden Administration has been running Cover for Netanyahu's War". This reads like clear propaganda. In looking at the big picture of the Biden Administration and Joe Biden's career does this sound like him?

"They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes)"

Source: Media Bias Fact Check

Apache we must, must learn to analyze and discard what doesn't ring true to fact.

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Thanks Barbara... I look at the Carnage, and the Body-Counts... I read the Israeli Newspapers... Richard Engels of NBC had a Good Overview of this today... I look at the 'Supposed Red-Lines' that were crossed by Netanyahu with no negative ramafications... Joe Biden has declared himself a "Zionist To His Bones".... I believe that Biden has a very old Mental Picture of Israel dating from the early '70s... One of the worst Massacres of the Indigenous was Sand Creek in Southern Colorado of the Southern Cheyenne Nation... This Attack essentially destroyed the Southern Cheyenne Nation... It was conducted by the Pious Evangelicals led by one of their Ministers, John Chivington... It was Arguably worse than Wounded Knee...

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Religion is the most destructive thing on this planet imho

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I agree. As the modern day fascist orthodox thugs have murdered more than 45,000, Biden continuously sent our bombs. As an American who pays taxes to finance these bombs, I am disgusted with our support of human slaughter unseen since WWII. Yes Biden threw his warm arms around the mass murderer Bibi and gave him what he wanted; the continuation of ethnic clensing of Arabs from their lands.

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It is hard to ignore a 2,000lb Bomb landing in your Children's Bedroom while they are sleeping...

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"Human slaughter unseen since WW2"?

Seriously? The casualty estimates in the Hamas war range from 45,000 to 100,000.

Do you know how many wars have FAR exceeded that count since WW2? Dozens!

Now admittedly many of these didn't involve any WHITE soldiers or civilians as many took place in Africa or Asia. But to suggest that the carnage in Israel is the worst since WW2 is just preposterous, Bill.

You should know better than that.


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Assad killed between 500,000 -600,000 of his own people in a civil war. Where was all the whining and crying then? Myanmar has either killer or exiled millions of Rohingya. Xi has an on-going persecution of the Uighyurs. Not a word of outrage.

Why is Israel always in the cross hairs? Oh, right. Because Jews.

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And please, I am NOT trying to minimize the death toll I'm Gaza, it is horrific. But to me, any death toll due to government power struggles is inexcusable.

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Aren’t we picky this morning. My bombs have scorched the Gazan earth and you’re worried about my number count? Oh really?

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Thanks Apache.

First I was informed my original comment to you was off. If my delivery offended you my apologies. It was dashed off in the middle of the night after a week of packing and a brutal day of moving.

Thanks for sharing your further thoughts on this tragedy. Sounds like you have given this quite a lot of thought. I will think about you have said.

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Hello Barbara.... We Are Good... Namaste....

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Presenting information out of context is disinformation, Barbara. In addition to noting ProPublica as Left-biased in its wording, Media Bias Fact Check report on ProPublica also rates ProPublica as highly credible and reveals that it has never failed a fact check.

An effort toward honest depiction would have cited the full source rather than fabricating a non-existent article title, presenting half-truths and innuendo with the emotional, highly-charged label of "propaganda." Here is that cited source.


The primary source of the study is here:


A link to another similarly rated left-leaning but high-credibility source, Drop Site News that synthesized this poll with other studies is here:


Incidentally, Mark Zuckerberg and his minions at "Meta" have been banning citizens who dared to share high-credibility reports on the Middle East situation in their posts. Drop Site News' co-founder Ryan Grim has documented this "censorship"...an act by Zuckerberg that goes beyond censorship because it tries to punish and intimidate citizens who exercise free speech by sharing resourced information.

How do you suppose "Letters From an American" would be rated in bias and factual reporting? It surely seems very biased in its partisan slant, but its posts are well-resourced and like ProPublica, it does seem to strive to be credible.

As our posts are a part of this record, we would do well in the future to strive to be credible too.

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But DonOLD can't undo the 74,000+ infrastructure projects or the pipelines that were canceled or hundreds of thousands of home that now have solar panels or heat pumps or the thousands of windmills that have been put into service. He can't undo the damage Ukraine has inflicted on Russia's economy thanks to our support.

And much of the Biden progress, DonOld will take credit for because that's who he is.

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Many of which are being provided to Republican states. Indeed, Republican governors have been happy to take credit for these infrastructure projects, even some of those that voted against the enabling legislation and decried the spending plans of the outgoing administration.

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I'm not so sure about the infrastructure projects. Many of the 74000 have not yet started or are still in early stages. Trump can and may suspend many of those.

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True, but Joe cares that he got it done. History will record his contribution.

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Gary, he might not be able to undo the 74 000+ projects but fo sure he'll take credit for them.

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And it has, but Joe called Netanyahu out for his evil. That he is still standing is a bad omen. He and chump are two peas in a pod.

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He may have called him out but he is still allied with him and refused to use American political power to force Israel to the peace table earlier. And I am Jewish so believe me, I am no Hamas sympathizer.

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Consult Open Secrets on the web. Amazing how many partisan true-believers do not. The greatest taker of AIPAC funds in Congress? Joe Biden holds the record.

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"However ProPublica Released a Report that the Biden Administration has been running Cover for Netanyahu's War in Gaza intentionally...."

ProPublica did not do this research. Neither did Heather Cox Richardson. It was done by Institute for Middle East Understanding. The primary source is here:


It was further synthesized in more detail with other studies by Drop Site News. You should have properly credited the report to the primary source that did the actual research.

Both Drop Site News and ProPublica receive high credibility ratings from Media Bias Fact Check. They have never failed a fact check. To call either of these sources "pure propaganda" as Barbara Mullen did in her reply seems a disservice to research, investigative reporting, and to all readers.

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I'm not familiar with that source, don't trust it.

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In other words: "I don't know it so I don't trust it." Wondering whether that is an example of a "tautology" — a conclusion with no premise. ???

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Ed, even if President Biden really had been running cover for Netanyahu's war, and after expressing deep sorrow for all the tremendous suffering just look at the positive results. Hezbollah is a spent force in Lebanon and the Lebanese people can look into the future after decades of bloodshed. Hamas another spent force and the Palestinian people in Gaza should get rid of what's left of them and look into the great effort to rebuild their lives and cities with optimism. Syria and Lebanon are not longer under the control of a much weakened Iran. Cooperation and peace is at hand now instead of on/off war all the time for generations. The main problem left to be resolved is Netanyahu and 👋extreme right government. But that's is up to the Israeli people to accomplish.

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Just noted on DropSite News a few minutes ago - highly credible independent journalist resource that Facebook bans users for daring to share. Neither cartel political party's operatives are real defenders of a free press and free access to information now.

"BREAKING: From Deir al-Balah, Gaza, journalist Abubaker Abed speaks to Jeremy Scahill and Sharif Abdel Kouddous about the announced “ceasefire” agreement and the devastating spate of Israeli attacks that have followed. While Hamas and Israel have agreed to a temporary halt in fighting and exchange of captives, Israel continues its scorched earth campaign, killing over 80 Palestinians in the last 24 hours alone.

While Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his efforts to obstruct the deal, Israel is engaged in heavy bombardment across Gaza - from Jabalya in the north to Khan Younis in the south, with intensified shelling reported in Al-Nuseirat Camp in central Gaza.

Join us live now: https://youtube.com/live/v8TFKLvTekU "

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I support Snopes and MediaBias Factcheck. There is a great deal of misinformation about the Middle East and its conflicts, some of it obviously even on sites like this.

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I just heard on NPR a totally different version. If is true that Netanyahu continues his efforts to obstruct the deal, his days as PM are numbered. The Israeli public can't wait for what is left alive of the hostages is returned to their families. They won't accept any artificial obstacles from anyone. Netanyahu is cruel to the core but not stupid.

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The press repeatedly called Reagan "The Great Communicator". Compared to who? Jefferson? Lincoln? Clueless Reagan was a practiced TV pitchman, and I suppose that TV has trained us to accept THAT as "great" communication.

Biden gave some exceptionally eloquent and substantial speeches which Heather has quoted here, which the press little noted or remembered. More so than a string of Democrats past, Biden seemed willing to stray from "Reaganomic" orthodoxy.

Reagan was a practiced TV pitchman. Carter was not. Trump is a practiced TV huckster. Biden was not. The firestorm around Biden's debate performance had far more to do with style than substance. Substance (which is often not so entertaining) has to do with what is real.

TV is all about who and what looks good on TV. We are fools to accept that as our societal standard.

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Thanks J L ... The Substance of Joe Biden's Speeches are Good, and some of his Accomplishments Great with the Exceptions of DJT Returning To Power, and IMHO Gaza... His Oratory is lacking... Remember his Debate Performance with DJT... Even though DJT spewed non-stop Garbage... DJT Ran-Over Joe Biden.... Joe Biden eventually withdrew as a result...

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DJT 2.0... DJT apparently plans a Campaign of 'Shock & Awe' that will not benefit Most People...

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There are so many places along the way where #45 could have been ushered out of government. The 2016 election, impeachment #1, impeachment #2, starting an investigation of January 6, 2021 immediately upon confirmation of the new Attorney General. Joe Biden did a remarkable job, given the relentless harassment of his predecessor. No other president has faced such a loud criminal predecessor.

However, President Biden either couldn’t or wouldn’t see that the R’s across the aisle would not deal in good faith. Not to mention that some members of Congress are just plain dumb and think being a member of Congress is a platform for attention (Marjorie Taylor Green).Others are ignorant AND stupid ((Tommy Tuberville).

Since the election of Reagan, there has been an incremental erosion of the separation of powers. Congress and the Supreme Court were not intended to be rubber stamps for the executive branch. The founders spread power out to curtail the power of the executive branch. Now look where we are. God help us all.

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Let's leave god out of it and figure out how to help ourselves.

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Ummmm......some Democrats were prickly also. Sinema and Manchin did a lot of harm.

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Manchin was a DINO. It was common knowledge when I lived in WV.

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Why would this fall to Biden? This is decades in the making.

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I saw today that Mango Mussolini will have Xi up on the honored guest podium with Muskrat, Zuck, etc. He's already selling out the country.

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What can we do now to identify them and boycott all associated businesses, services, products?

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Andrea, I love your optimism when you say.... civil servants are "likely" going to be forced out....😊

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Heather, thank you for sharing President Biden’s words along with historical context. Once again, he’s shown that his heart has been focused on expanding the middle class and helping the average American.

Unfortunately, the work that he started on infrastructure, climate change and manufacturing can’t be accomplished quickly after the money is appropriated and allocated; it takes years between the drawing board and the finished project.

We have been lucky to see someone, along with Nancy Pelosi, who knew how to get things accomplished and we are the better for it.

Now we take up his baton and run the race, using our strengths to fight for our fellow citizens’ welfare and our (small d) democracy. We’ve had your words and those of other historians, journalists and economists to inform us and I, for one, am thankful.

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He is a thoroughly decent man, and many aspects and achievements are stellar.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but I wish that in his 1st year or early in his second he had expanded the Supreme Court by two, nominated Garland for one of the posts, nominated someone with dispatch in performance of their duties as AG, and whispered Jack Smith’s name to him/her.

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Remember that in his first year he was literally trying to save people's lives and prop up the economy.

Joe Biden's Administration vaccinated over 200 million Americans against Covid in the first 90 days of taking Office.

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He did some really great things for this country.

He cannot be held responsible for the origins of the Middle East situation, but he and his Party can be held responsible for how they dealt with it when they held power. They made some very bad choices.

Overall, I feel that he provided much better service to his country than did the operatives who ran his Party. That is not a feeling I expect others to agree with, just a personal disclosure.

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"He did some really great things for this country." Our country. And he mentioned them in his speech.

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I definitely agree with you, Ed!

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I daresay he also wishes it, now.

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If wishes were fishes...

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Heather correctly gets Biden that "The concentration of wealth and power threatens democracy."

She correctly notes his own take on the dangers posed by oligarchs and the greater danger by the tech billionaires whose channeling of misinformation and disinformation may already be crumbling what may be left of a free press.

Sad part is the impotence already in Congress -- that even when Dems recently controlled the Senate, and could have voted on whether to free the insurrectionist from his disqualification ever again to hold public office, they chose to do nothing.

The orange felon, had there been a vote, could not have gotten the 2/3 necessary under the Constitution's Article 14 Section Three. The disqualification would clearly now be legally in force.

That Dems were so colossally impotent even so recently just underlines why the tens of millions of Americans couldn't be bothered to go out and vote for Dems in November.

Yes. It's bad. Oligarchs, tech billionaires, and others equally bad are taking power.

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Dems always seem to have a few Trojan horses that love to jam up the works. Even Fetterman is trying that now. Herding cats would be easy. Bloomberg and his megaphone could give Rupert’s blather some competition. Of course, Vlad is the shadow puppet that lurks. Hard to know who is on what team. Maybe we need blue hats…

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Know that Vlad is on the red team.

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Good Post Phil... The Senior Democrats date from a Time before Newt Gingrich, or Mitch McConnell... DC Pols used to Socialize with each other, and stay over the Weekends in DC.. Now they rush Home to their contributors... Many people that I know that didn't Vote were Aghast over Gaza, or the Nastiness on Display in DC... They feel ignored, and don't feel that they have a Stake in the System... Too many get their info, if they do want to stay informed, from the Techno-Dweebs 'News-Drips' Mind Heroin...

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No wonder they feel ignored, tune into Techno-Dweebs News Drips, and wonder what is wrong. Maybe if people feel a hunger, they should look at where they are shopping.

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For months before the Nov. elections, Apache, I urged Dems to quote humanities.

That is, on the campaign trails, in public utterances, cite the apt novels, films, memoirs, histories, and various arts that show, contextualize, aptly highlight the problems facing working men and women.

Nope. Dems intuited that, if the schools could all drop humanities, so could ever-fundraising Dems.

They thought, hell, all Kamala and Tim need is celebrities. Glitz & glitter is all we need (plus lots of money, and more money, more money) to get all the votes we need.

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Interesting thoughts here, Phil. Must ponder that.

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Agreed Phil. The DNC and the DEM party needs a close look at itself and potentially a makeover that makes it a true force for Democracy. We must, in this time also stay a centrist party (which may be a meaningless term in the coming years).

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Phil this is just more BS. There isnt and never was any "automatic" disqualification under the 14th Amendment. That requires EITHER a court adjudication of insurrection (via a trial by jury with a verdict) or an impeachment with a conviction. NEITHER of those outcomes ever happened (not my personal choice but it is what it is).

There was a trial in Colorado which found Trump to be an insurrectionist but the Supreme Court (regardless of their current bias they are still for the moment the highest court in the land) overturned the Colorado verdict and put Trump back on the ballot in Colorado because they said only federal courts or Congress can make the 14th Amendment determination for Presidential elections. Individual states do not have that power.

So where we stand is no insurrection conviction either in a federal court orby impeachment.

And therefore the party about 2/3 of the Congress removing the disqualification never comes into play because there has h never been a disqualification.

Sorry if you disagree, but you are wrong.

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The Constitution stipulates disqualification, Jon.

You may not like the last lines of Article 14, Section Three, but they clearly stand as highest law of the land.

Nowhere in Article 14, Section Three is there any talk of any need for jury trial, court adjudication, or impeachment with conviction. Those are all just things your wit introduces, as if you can put yourself above the U.S. Constitution.

First of all, common sense. You lack it, Jon. You never saw what happened Jan. 6, 2021. You missed all the testimony before the congressional Jan. 6 commission.

Second, and finally, read the last lines of Article 14, Section Three. A 2/3 vote obtained for freeing the orange felon from disqualification would legally free him to be inaugurated as 47th president of the U.S. Failure to get that 2/3 vote by either house of Congress would leave him legally disqualified.

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In what weird world do you think that something is "self enacting" Phil? Just because you say it is doesn't mean it is. And the Supreme Court has already said it doesn't work that way. You can continue on with your nonsensical belief that somehow a clause in the Constitution just makes things happen but in the REAL world you need people to make decisions. The Supreme Court has ruled that the disqualification clause happens only when a federal court or Congress says it does so you can whine all you want that "Trump is disqualified" but last I looked he is going to be inaugurated as President 47 in four days. As much as I would love it NOT to be so, I don't waste my time on nonsense theories that have already been ruled by the highest court in the land as not operable.

I think you need to settle down and start working reality instead of barking up fanciful trees. You are obviously way too smart to believe this crap.

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2/3 vote is not "self-enacting," Jon.

It requires a vote. That's action. Till now, Dems have not acted per the Constitution.

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But you are really lost. What you claim is "self enacting" is the notion that some one is "automatically barred from being elected if they are an insurrectionist". But that is, at least according to the Supreme Court a misunderstanding of the constitution. To BE an insurrectionist, one must be FOUND to be one by either a court (via a guilty verdict in a trial for insurrection) or Congress (via a conviction for impeachment as an insurrectionist). It could also be determined by a Congressional law as it was in 1865 when Southern States that seceded were determined BY LAW to be in a state if insurrection.

None of those conditions apply here. Trump has (sadly) not been found guilty of any insurrection (even if he should have). He had not been convicted in an impeachment trial (he was "exonerated" in both of his impeachment). And there had been no law passed by Congress declaring Jan 6 to be an insurrection.

Your theory is that somehow just because we want him to be considered one, he is. Or legal system doesn't work that way and of course you know that, you just want to ignore it.

So until one of the three conditions I just mentioned actually happens, there is no "verdict" of insurrection that can be applied to Trump.

The state court finding in Colorado was tossed by the Supreme Court. They said quite clearly in their decision that only the Federal Courts or Congress can adjudicated insurrection for purposes of the President. It's a sucky opinion of course but it is the opinion of the Court. Just like The Dobbs decision and Citizens United. All terrible decisions but that IS the law of the land right now.

And please don't offend me by declaring crap like I didn't watch Jan 6 or didn't watch the Congressional hearings. I saw every horrifying minute of Jan 6 and watched every televised hearing on Congress. I am well aware of how wrong some of their actions were. But in our system what I think or what you think matters little. The difference is I am willing to accept reality even when it sucks and you have a misguided passion to stick to your wrong conclusions because you can't accept reality.

I'm sorry for you, seriously. Reality sometimes bites but that doesn't change it.

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Any Constitutional scholars on here? Lawrence Tribe level, or Judge J Michael Luttig?

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Read jack Smith's report in regard to this. (Insurrection conviction)

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Even the NYTIMES seems weird now.

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The cease fire between Israel and Hamas is a fitting conclusion to the Presidency of a decent, hard working, honorable man dedicated to the ideals that make America a great country. "Again" is redundant. Sad to say his contributions to our lives and to the betterment of people around the world are more appreciated abroad than by the American people. Thank-you President Biden for a great four years. Bill

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Wouldn't you know that the orange weasel immediately got on his fake "truth(?) social" platform to claim HE brokered the ceasefire!

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He's predictable.

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I wonder if that's why Bebe has indefinitely postponed the vote by Israeli Cabinet required to make the deal official so it can become official when he's in office.

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"A last-minute crisis, caused by Hamas", according to Bebe, without elaborating. Another criminal leader afraid of landing in jail if he is not listening to his far-right war mongers.

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A fig leaf to cover him doing a favor for his close personal friend whose help he may need to avoid jail?

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Lie!!!! But believed.

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Biden is the president that goes out with the American Empire, since the incoming administration will destroy what we are and turn us into another third world country. It is too bad that an Empire that is so successful will be destroyed from within, leading to destruction from without.

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Hold on there Linda - We all have the power to have our voices be heard. We’ve done it before. We can do it again. Complacency is over. We must demand our voices be heard for all the people.

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I have never been complacent, but I am currently focusing my attention on both what is going on in the US, and the other country I live in which is having an election next month. That election is what I am focusing on now. Musk is trying to interfere here in a negative way, and we are all worried about the effects of his platform. South Korea sets a good example of rising to the occasion. There will be The People's March on Saturday. I hope it is well attended.

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"Musk is trying to interfere here (Germany) in a negative way" - he is not only trying, he is doing it in his usual arrogant way, buddying up with an ultra-right party leader and rudely insulting other parties' top politicians. Hopefully, the rational citizens of the country will ignore him, while the courts are checking if election rules have been violated by the Musk-Weidel 'interview' on X.

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One thing I do know, and that is AfD isn’t able to form any coalitions with the other German parties. They know what AfD is and want nothing to do with them.

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Let's hope the majority of Germans will want 'nothing to do with' the AfD extremists.

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Right now it is the majority. I wrote an article on it recently.

This one is called The AfD in Germany.


I also wrote another piece on being unsure about the effects that Musk's support will have on the AfD. I am hoping that as he destroys the US, other countries will be less eager to jump on the Musk illiberal leader bandwagon. We know this is a formula for economic decline if not disaster, as Trump's administration is sure to be.

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Exactly. My friend was analyzing the visual images of Alice Weidel and she showed that Weidel was using "Christian Posture" suggesting Salvation and mirroring what Trump was doing.





I had noticed that by calling Hitler and socialist and a communist, she saying that the social democrats and the Left, and also the Greens who are considered more socialist are Nazis. So, we see both in image and words she is not only mirroring Trump, but also calling us Nazis, which is also a Putin move as well.

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The forces from the past are gathering. Just like the descendant's of confederates. Same wars, over and over

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Empires Always Collapse From Hubris, And Then Corruption First...

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It's as simple as walking out the front door. Don't participate in the digital, economic systems that have been turned against the American people and democracy. Don't give them your time, money, or attention.

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Lincoln predicted this was the only way America could fall.

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We will prevail.

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My son lives in Germany so I've been trying to keep an eye their election, as well. I hope German voters do a better job than voters here did!

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From within, no shots fired.

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Ever been to Rome?

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Thanks Heather for tonight’s letter. Powerful in its truth about Biden that many never heard. He accomplished so much. And dispute all the lies and disinformation, his courage throughout all of it sets him apart as a great president in American History because he kept at it and never gave up. I truly respect what you have done for all of us which is to give us hope and courage every day. You are an American treasure 🇺🇸🗽🥁🕊️❤️🌻🕯️

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Thank you Professor Richardson.

I'm very grateful for most of the accomplishments of the Biden/Harris Administration.

Sadly, in his farewell address, President Biden is offering a warning for something that has already occurred.

For generations, many have had hope that we will evolve toward a “more perfect Union”. Public education, colleges and universities, libraries, scientific research, and exploration all once held promise to bring a significant part of the population along toward realizing our potential, overcoming the darkness of hate, fear, and willful ignorance; and being a beacon of democracy for the rest of the world. A glimpse of what is possible through self-governance. No Kings. No tyrants. No oligarchs.

We are not evolving. Instead, the nation is deeply divided. One-third of the nation embraces the concepts of justice, democracy, and equality. Now, slightly more than one-third reject those concepts and instead welcome tyranny, inequality, and injustice. And the last third of the nation couldn’t care less whether it is tyranny or democracy.

There are clear and present dangers that must be addressed, and others that are imminent threats. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of “The Fierce Urgency of Now” over sixty years ago.

As a nation we continue to be impeded by the insatiable greed of billionaires, elected officials for sale up to and including a criminal-elect President who offered Big Oil “favors” in exchange for $1 billion in "donations", unethical partisan, corrupt, and incompetent judges subverting justice, a legacy media focused only on profit instead of its responsibility to democracy, the willfully ignorant, the apathetic, religious extremists, and still others who thrive on hate, fear, and conspiracy theories.

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Look at “justice” John Roberts, with his disingenuous smile - Citizens united “money is speech” - Voting Rights Act, who needs it? Trump is immune from any crime he commits while in office…Yet the outrage and attention goes to Thomas and Alito…flying the flag upside down, one of the wives participating in January 6, their outrageous acceptance of lavish gifts. Could that be the reason Roberts is quiet about their bad behavior - they serve as cover for him?

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Good points Francine. Any judge or justice who is not advocating for strict ethics law and policy is highly suspect.

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Americans don't know what they have or could have, until it is taken away.

Freedom is not 'freedom from' - that isn't freedom.

That thinking is from a place of subjection.

Freedom is - 'freedom to'.

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Yes. I'm reading Timothy Snyder's new book "On Freedom" which explores this concept in detail.

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Excellent. 👍

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Thank you, Joe Biden, thank you.

Thank you Professor ⭐, thank you

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Reading preceding comments, I guess I'll be contrary. President Biden's speech was painful to hear. He had so many outstanding achievements in his single term, yet he failed at the the most important—protecting our Constitution. That was the oath he took. Yet he and his Justice Department made a decision not to aggressively pursue justice against Donald Trump and the instigators of the Jan. 6 insurrection. The first page of Jack Smith's report reminds us that he wasn't even appointed Special Counsel until long after the Jan. 6 Committee hearings had concluded, almost 2 years after the attack.

Tonight President Biden handed the nation into the hands of an autocrat. We all know in our heads and hearts that Donald Trump should not have been qualified to run for office again.

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Donald Trump is the contrarian. Trump's past agenda has mostly been to undo what Democrats have done. You point out one item that Biden did not execute; there are many.

Biden's failure to win a democratic legacy is matched by Carter's, Clinton's, and Obama's. Where HW Bush turned his failure into GW, it remains to be seen how the Democrats will react and respond.

The presence of Biden's presidency lightens Trump's second term. Many good and functional actions can't be undone, and others show there is another way. The frightening item for most Democrats is that Trump is no longer the man he was, and he wasn't much of a man before. The Republicans can return to their playbook if they can avoid stepping on the narcissism that is Donald Trump. That playbook is Project 2025, and we need to turn our focus there while suffering through the fealty Trump extracts from his office and self-love.

The contrarian position would have been to open the convention. Instead, we chose joy. That didn't speak to the many who suffered even as the country righted itself post-COVID and watched the events unfold in Israel and Gaza. Those are the people the Democratic party needed/need to give voice. Moyers, Thomas Frank, and others have explicated the twisting of voter angst to the interests of corporations and oligarchs. We needed to find people who could speak to the policies and actions of the Biden administration and offer a cogent response to the 2025 agenda, as well as the character to show down Trump. They are out there. Kamala did well in many ways. Buttigieg was and is a boss. Let's find those new leaders.

I hear your contrarianism. We need to legislate our future, not litigate or regulate it. Biden resolved Gaza, much as Carter did the Iran hostage crisis. He didn't sleep with an intern or roast a narcissist to cement his legacy. There are actions I wish he had taken and choices I would that he had made. The contrary path is to have a congress that does something. For now, that means compromise to keep the lights on. In the future, it means speaking and choosing those who speak truth to power.

Tough day. TL;DR - I'm adding the contrary-to-fact Democratic Convention to your failure to litigate.


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My point is that the failure of the Justice Department to find Trump ineligible for reelection IN ITSELF may have been the root cause of our loss. Trump proved to America that he was invincible, completely above the law. I mean, if you can attack the Capitol and not be charged, what can't you do? The Democratic Party, through President Biden, proved to America it was too weak to defend itself against Trump. Deep-rooted in our American psyche is the Cowboy-Gunslinger mythology, the outsider who can shoot faster than anyone. Trump eagerly plays that role, as well as the role of Mafia Don. I don't think an open Democratic Convention would have made a shred of difference. And after the nation saw Pres. Biden's dementia episode in the debate, I don't believe he had a chance to win the election himself.

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What we needed to do was work like hell to reelect Biden. He and his team were doing a wonderful job. If he faltered Kamala was right there. The Dems all wanted to get the job for themselves but it was too late to run anyone else but

Kamala who was already there. We all lost.

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...And had Biden actually attempted to communicate all he'd done, perhaps we wouldn't be in the situation we are with the upcoming inauguration of a felon. C'mon Democrats! Learn to communicate and message! Biden should have held semimonthly "fireside" type chats where he let the American public know what his administration had done that month. You can't expect people to understand this unless you get the word out! I am amazed at how much info about what the administration has implemented that Heather finds to include in these Letters that I would not have otherwise known about.

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Great points but unfortunately Biden is NOT a good communicator overall. He never has been. In Delaware, he way in a small state where he knew so many people that it wasn't important to getting elected over the years. In 2008 and 2012, he ran with Obama, a GREAT communicator. He abdicated to HRC in 2016 (possibly a tragic mistake for the county although he might not have won then either).

In 2020 he had the benefit of the Covid pandemic which meant almost all campaigning was remote by TV and of course Trump was in a huge slump so Biden won in a small landslide.

As President he had one of the fewest number of press conferences in history. He is just not a good communicator. And as a result despite doing many good things, he lost favor with the public.

And he decided to stick it out for too long, making Harris' efforts an uphill climb.

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Way too much post-mortem autopsies going on here. Stop.

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Why? These are comments supported by facts that are critical of Biden. You can disagree but that is no reason to not point them out. Stopping making critical comments especially when clearly justified by the facts is no different than the silencing that the right wing is attempting to accomplish.

Open minded debate is the hallmark of freedom. Hopefully we still have that today. When the left starts agreeing with the right on this issue we truly are doomed.

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