Thanks for the constant reminder of what a great president Joe Biden was. He has done so much to make America more of the ideal we have been striving toward for almost 250 years. Self sacrifice and commitment to Democracy will be his notable legacy. I hope we can all be the Guards that he needs us to be now.

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Thank you, Professor, for standing guard, and for being a keeper of the flame. May the same be true for us all.

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Thank you for keeping us informed with accurate, important news and providing context.

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Trump does not believe in anything President Biden stands for or believes in. We have to face the facts that there are 2 visions of the USA -- that of pre-FDR and post-FDR.

The problem is that Trump has seduced those who benefitted from FDR's vision into thinking that they don't want that -- that he is the "way, the truth, and the light" -- if that's not too blasphemous.

We are in the land of unfettered capitalism now...so, we have to retool the "big tent" and move forward.with optimism but it's not going to be easy...

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17 million new jobs in 4 years. A record. Let's compare that to 2028-29! betcha, it wont even be close!

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Not 17M new jobs. Biden doesn’t get to count the return of jobs his administration forced out of work through CV restrictions, that once restrictions and closings were reversed, returned to old, prior jobs. Biden has the worst real, new job creation numbers since the advent of modern record keeping. Horrible numbers. It’s why his popularity was down in the 30s (unless you’ve forgotten) and that’s without looking at the job numbers the DOL put out over a years period that shortly AFTER the election were ‘revised’ showing that the Biden Administration had incorrectly reported jobs by over 800,000. In just a years time.

Joe Biden is a disgrace as a president and will be remembered, now that Carter has passed on, as the worst still living president and possibly the worst since FDR. No thanks, President 10 Percent for the Big Guy.

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Last year, the Presidential Greatness Project ranked Biden 14th best president. Trump was ranked rock-bottom at 45th. In my view, Trump is off-the-wall bad as you're very shortly about to find out. How can you vote for a guy who defaced a National Weather Service hurricane warning with a sharpie; a guy who asked officials about whether it was possibel to stop a hurricane in its tracks by nuking it; or to look into the feasibility of building a 200-mile long moat on the southern border and fill it with alligators and snales to deter migrants? This is a guy who claimed that George Washington's continental army in 1776 took over airports built by the British. He's an idiot.

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The what?

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Look it up.

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Well now u can be proud that u picked a real winner to take his place¹!..We r anxious to see this new President at work & fulfill all his promises - well most Presidents get to at least fulfill successfully some of their promises - There is no such thing as a perfect person or Presidency - however trump seems to think he is the perfect one for the job so like I said we r all sitting & waiting for the greatest-most intelligent-most knowledgeable guy on this earth to start performing as a true Christian American Constitutional loving leader!

Cheers - 🙋‍♀️🍸🍿

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A real winner? By what standard? 3 failed marriages, 6x bankruptcy including a casino. US Banks won’t loan to him. Twice impeached. J6 insurrection. Convicted rapist. Convicted fraudster. Winning by manipulating the privacy data via Facebook of very vulnerable folks that have a propensity for social media’s addictive features of weapons grades psychological techniques…. “Just shoot them in the legs” orders to deal with social unrest. … and so much more. That’s really interesting standard to assess political leadership. I think Rex Tillerson had a more accurate assessment.

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I’ll take that as a thumbs up. We should all wish the new administration Gods speed. There’s so much work to be done.

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It was a good, heartfelt speech and I am so sorry that he has to hand off the Presidency to such an awful person. Thank you Heather for your guidance and lovely voice as “we the people”. Go through this next few years. I plan on a March on Saturday and joining you on a Zoom call on Sunday, a good start for this old gal?

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Thanks Joe...

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Great speech… we do have power in The People! Speak out! Shout out! It is our country TAKE IT BACK!

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I love reading your newsletters! It seems the more recordings are being offered. I don't receive information well verbally and hope the the printed newsletters will continue. Perhaps text versions of the recordings could be offered?

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Read the transcript, right of the heart

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I will cherish these last moments with a President who has shown us that he loves America as I do, as an immigrant who came here many years ago for a better life. I think that it will be a while until we can feel pride, hope and integrity again, but for now let’s stand strong, thank you Heather !

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Thanks, Joe! You've been a blessing! May your retirement years be fulfilling!

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If it isn't stopped....some future Gibbons will identify 20 January 2025 as the Fall of the First American Republic....after the 'Reconquista'....maybe the second try will manage the flaws and contentious realities inherent in the First....will soon see if humans can really learn from their mistakes....and how fast

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Outstanding. I am glad for these letters & another (Meidas) that has shown how Presidential Joe Biden is. It's infuriating that most media doesn't think this is newsworthy, that they somehow think the antics of asshats are more compelling. We need to pay attention to those demonstrating statesmanship, those that know what they are are talking about, & those that stand behind their word. We've had more than enough of deeply unserious, immature people in positions of influence.

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Thank you for this wonderful recap of Biden's speech. He really has handed Trump a strong hand as the US now faces the huge danger of becoming a plutocratacy under Trump. I wish the Democrats had been able to make for the Harris campaign some of the points that were so clearly stated (at least in your recap- I didn't hear it). I also wish he had been honest about the problems that remain including the high cost of living for most working class people, profound problems in our health care system which is too expensive for most, even for those wth health insurance, and in foreign policy his dismal failure in to stop Netanyahu's gov't from killing and injuring so many Palestinians, and his ignoring the opportunities that are now present in Syria if we would provde financial support to the present gov't to help them provide what's necessary to bring back those highly capable Syrians who fled abroad. There appeared to be a strong Islamophobic bias under his administration that will be detrimental to anything the US hopes to do in the Middle east.

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I am so sad to see President Biden and vice president Harris leave Washington. I am bewildered that the United States is being taken over by a bunch of oligarchs who could care less about the American people. Most people don’t realize how out of touch billionaires like Trump, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are when it comes to the reality of the majority of Americans. They despise most Americans. They feel as though they are better and above most Americans. All they can think about is the race to be the richest and the most powerful of billionaires. They will tell you lies to make you believe you are not worthy of a decent salary or their investment. Better to bring in educated foreigners who will shut their mouths and work for less.

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