Dan, Dan Marburger put action to the phrase so often said by teachers “these are like my kids” by taking bullets for them. Sadly, far too many who read of his death and the deaths of those who served in the armed forces will consider them fools and suckers. We need to ensure, by our votes, that we never again have a Commander in Chief who does not value the sacrifices of our troops and their families.
He is not only ignorant and stupid, but wasted any skill on learning to bully and perfect mob tactics. He traded empathy for cruelty and love for the hatred he must feel for himself if he feels anything. An empty vessel…
Oy, Mike. I am sending via fastest way possible a package of of my "optimistic coffee". It's a special blend. Harvested in the knowledge that we spend our lives worrying about stuff that never happens. All of us do it. Me too.
My tonic is to remember that Iowa doesn't always produce Republican nominees. It often produces front runners who run out of gas.
Sadly, over the last 40+ years, I have watched the things I worried about happen. I keep thinking that the America of my young dreams will be a reality when I wake up. The America of the Statue of Liberty…
Yet, he did not stop him, he provided yet another target. He was noble. And he’s a dead hero.
It’s another holocaust. Another slaughter. It’s Stalin, It’s Putin’s horrors.
Like the hapless cooperative doomed Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, they gathered, huddled, prayed, and then they were efficiently marched, rounded up and trained away to Auschwitz and Eichmann’s crematoriums, to be cremated... NEVER, never again is NOW in GAZA, now in Ukraine, it’s Hamas, it’s Hezbollah, it’s Iran’s agents, it’s Russia in Ukraine kidnapping the women and their children, it’s Holocaust 2024 and Mussolini’s knock off, The Donald, pouting Donald, it’s Trump’s GOP, the Donald likes Putin, launders his Russian oligarch’s money in real estate, his real estate... and Jews will not replace us, the chant of Black fearing USA birn again evangelical whacks, feigning their religion, hating those different, separating infants from their mothers at the border, patriotic US neo Nazis, pure fascists that cannot spell fascism, follow Stephen Miller, Trump’s antisemitic Jewish fascist guru that designs today’s US concentration camps and worships the Devil of His Kingdom of Flesh Eating monsters and smiles, hated by his grandfather. Meanwhile, the local Nazi of NY’s 21st mangles three poorly advised weak frightened university presidents and bullies them, targets them, as she fakes her interest in confused poorly educated, poorly informed privileged Ivy League campus Jews themselves targeted for reacting to Bibi in his determination to stop Hamas, Hezbollah, the lying terrorists of Gaza, commanded by Iran, all promising to wipe out Israel 🇮🇱, with thousands slaughtered and tortured on both sides, with weapons of mass destruction now threatened and Iran churning out the means, the fascist GOP Speaker Mike, mike in his paw, calmly ignores our word given in Kiev, obeying Red Faced Man, The Orange Man, the Yellow Haired rapist charged everywhere he’s been, the criminal president that weaponized his lying AG who’s father Donald hired at Dalton the man his son allowed to hang himself in prison, taking his story to his grave in silence, not spilling his guts on Barr senior, Trump, Clinton, and Buckingham Palace.. folks, the string passes through the Fascist Venn Diagram of the Evil ones, and President Joe Biden gets it... 2024 is The Book of Job at the polls with suppressed Blacks voting, and the Civil War re-litigated in our congress and in our scummy SCOTUS... packed by the Liar in Chief... now, Tim Snyder speaks the East European languages, and writes the truth at Yale, as Dear Heather finally very effectively slices and dices the Whites of our dreams on every campus, the able prejudiced governors galore, alerting Kansas, Iowa, Tennessee, Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, and TEXAS, bigger than death for the girl raped by her father and uncle, the poor Black woman sickened by the ectopic pregnancy in death, Abbott doesn’t care, the little smiling dummy Speaker sitting on Moscow Mitch’s knee as the ventriloquist speaks for him and he smiles ... he’s our boy, the GOP comes again...
Historians not today’s reporters run all this wicked venal nonsense through SUBSTACK and we pay to play... enriching serial denial and serial killers typing nightmare scenarios nightly while skipping over what matters most, God forbid we should connect the dots and risk losing our sinecure at the government fuel pump that impoverishes our youth and buries the parents in debt.. Sally Mae is our friend, like Health Care, and the ten minute conversation with your programmed GP, or the gynecologist that won’t, fearing jail if he saves you from certain death, 💀 it’s about God, the fetus is God’s child... you must not, and they cannot, Gov. Abbott crippled in his wheelchair 🦽 wants you to die, and Texas Republicans do not care, those with the means fly, those with bupkis die... Jews will not replace us...
Yes, the land of the free, November 2024 is Book of Job month .. the devil 👿 is up against God, and we voters must call it..
If your question at the end is directed at me personally, yes I will, since I have in every election (but one, where I missed a one-issue special election in the mid 1990's) since May of 1976.
I agree with most of your assessment, and as a non-theist your religious component/argument misses the mark.
To address the comment to which you are replying: It is important that he tried, unlike the paid and trained uniformed personnel at Uvalde who let a massacre happen. As someone who was a member of that profession that failed utterly at Uvalde, and who views their lack of response as utter cowardice, your statement "Yet he did not stop him, he provided another target. He was noble. And he's a dead hero" offends me deeply. Not as deeply as the "response" of the law enforcement officials that "responded" at Uvalde, however.
The Perry, Iowa high school principal who faced the shooter to save others died today. Peace for him and his family
Dan, Dan Marburger put action to the phrase so often said by teachers “these are like my kids” by taking bullets for them. Sadly, far too many who read of his death and the deaths of those who served in the armed forces will consider them fools and suckers. We need to ensure, by our votes, that we never again have a Commander in Chief who does not value the sacrifices of our troops and their families.
President Heel Spurs hides his transcripts back to high school for a reason.
He is not only ignorant and stupid, but wasted any skill on learning to bully and perfect mob tactics. He traded empathy for cruelty and love for the hatred he must feel for himself if he feels anything. An empty vessel…
He is a criminal. Will be prosecuted, tried, convicted. And jailed.
I’ll dream with you. And try to make it happen…
S B,
We will see won't we? I am betting Trump never is convicted and never sees the inside of a jail cell.
In fact, my money is on Trump as the next President and so far, the odds are growing in my favor.
S B, remember, THIS is America.
Oy, Mike. I am sending via fastest way possible a package of of my "optimistic coffee". It's a special blend. Harvested in the knowledge that we spend our lives worrying about stuff that never happens. All of us do it. Me too.
My tonic is to remember that Iowa doesn't always produce Republican nominees. It often produces front runners who run out of gas.
Most predictions of presidential contests don't come true. I don't know what's next. But I just read more "news" and I need another coffee.
Hope your tree planting is going well. I love a guy who acts on his beliefs.
Sadly, over the last 40+ years, I have watched the things I worried about happen. I keep thinking that the America of my young dreams will be a reality when I wake up. The America of the Statue of Liberty…
Can’t like but we have half MAGAts, tragic that this is America and the cheating will help the cult.
That is a true hero. Doing what you can to stop the unfathomable.
Yet, he did not stop him, he provided yet another target. He was noble. And he’s a dead hero.
It’s another holocaust. Another slaughter. It’s Stalin, It’s Putin’s horrors.
Like the hapless cooperative doomed Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, they gathered, huddled, prayed, and then they were efficiently marched, rounded up and trained away to Auschwitz and Eichmann’s crematoriums, to be cremated... NEVER, never again is NOW in GAZA, now in Ukraine, it’s Hamas, it’s Hezbollah, it’s Iran’s agents, it’s Russia in Ukraine kidnapping the women and their children, it’s Holocaust 2024 and Mussolini’s knock off, The Donald, pouting Donald, it’s Trump’s GOP, the Donald likes Putin, launders his Russian oligarch’s money in real estate, his real estate... and Jews will not replace us, the chant of Black fearing USA birn again evangelical whacks, feigning their religion, hating those different, separating infants from their mothers at the border, patriotic US neo Nazis, pure fascists that cannot spell fascism, follow Stephen Miller, Trump’s antisemitic Jewish fascist guru that designs today’s US concentration camps and worships the Devil of His Kingdom of Flesh Eating monsters and smiles, hated by his grandfather. Meanwhile, the local Nazi of NY’s 21st mangles three poorly advised weak frightened university presidents and bullies them, targets them, as she fakes her interest in confused poorly educated, poorly informed privileged Ivy League campus Jews themselves targeted for reacting to Bibi in his determination to stop Hamas, Hezbollah, the lying terrorists of Gaza, commanded by Iran, all promising to wipe out Israel 🇮🇱, with thousands slaughtered and tortured on both sides, with weapons of mass destruction now threatened and Iran churning out the means, the fascist GOP Speaker Mike, mike in his paw, calmly ignores our word given in Kiev, obeying Red Faced Man, The Orange Man, the Yellow Haired rapist charged everywhere he’s been, the criminal president that weaponized his lying AG who’s father Donald hired at Dalton the man his son allowed to hang himself in prison, taking his story to his grave in silence, not spilling his guts on Barr senior, Trump, Clinton, and Buckingham Palace.. folks, the string passes through the Fascist Venn Diagram of the Evil ones, and President Joe Biden gets it... 2024 is The Book of Job at the polls with suppressed Blacks voting, and the Civil War re-litigated in our congress and in our scummy SCOTUS... packed by the Liar in Chief... now, Tim Snyder speaks the East European languages, and writes the truth at Yale, as Dear Heather finally very effectively slices and dices the Whites of our dreams on every campus, the able prejudiced governors galore, alerting Kansas, Iowa, Tennessee, Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, and TEXAS, bigger than death for the girl raped by her father and uncle, the poor Black woman sickened by the ectopic pregnancy in death, Abbott doesn’t care, the little smiling dummy Speaker sitting on Moscow Mitch’s knee as the ventriloquist speaks for him and he smiles ... he’s our boy, the GOP comes again...
Historians not today’s reporters run all this wicked venal nonsense through SUBSTACK and we pay to play... enriching serial denial and serial killers typing nightmare scenarios nightly while skipping over what matters most, God forbid we should connect the dots and risk losing our sinecure at the government fuel pump that impoverishes our youth and buries the parents in debt.. Sally Mae is our friend, like Health Care, and the ten minute conversation with your programmed GP, or the gynecologist that won’t, fearing jail if he saves you from certain death, 💀 it’s about God, the fetus is God’s child... you must not, and they cannot, Gov. Abbott crippled in his wheelchair 🦽 wants you to die, and Texas Republicans do not care, those with the means fly, those with bupkis die... Jews will not replace us...
Yes, the land of the free, November 2024 is Book of Job month .. the devil 👿 is up against God, and we voters must call it..
Job will vote. Will you?
If your question at the end is directed at me personally, yes I will, since I have in every election (but one, where I missed a one-issue special election in the mid 1990's) since May of 1976.
I agree with most of your assessment, and as a non-theist your religious component/argument misses the mark.
To address the comment to which you are replying: It is important that he tried, unlike the paid and trained uniformed personnel at Uvalde who let a massacre happen. As someone who was a member of that profession that failed utterly at Uvalde, and who views their lack of response as utter cowardice, your statement "Yet he did not stop him, he provided another target. He was noble. And he's a dead hero" offends me deeply. Not as deeply as the "response" of the law enforcement officials that "responded" at Uvalde, however.
I agree.
Dan Purdy, thank you for sharing the passing of this hero.
Indeed. Imagine, stepping in front of people so that you get shot instead of them. He is definitely a hero.
He is the definition of courage, class, and integrity.
Heartbreaking . . .
Dear god.
Dan Purdy, I am so sorry to hear this. He was a real hero.