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So what measures do you think would be "sufficient"?

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First, immediate and agressive prosecution of lawbreakers by the DOJ, including those for which they have evidence of their having instigated the lawbreaking. (Look how long it took for the Oathkeepers leader to be arrested.) And only if that doesn't work, opposing armed insurrectionists with military force, as Washington did with the Whiskey Rebellion might be needed. Actually, the threat of that, or perhaps just one incident, might suffice. The First Amendment's right to protest cannot be combined with the Second Amendment's right to bear arms to permit violent armed groups which support lawbreaking to continue to exist. This might sound like Civil War but it might be the best way of preventing one.

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I don't assume that the DOJ was twiddling their thumbs on the Oathkeepers and the countless others they are going after. I don't know if it could have gone faster. Maybe. But I do know that you want the best evidence you can get to try to secure a conviction before you charge someone and we have no idea how long that takes in very complex cases like this.

To your other point: Yes, agreed, that may well be necessary. There will be another attempt in some form, and it may be much more organized and effective.

But what we are talking about here is also necessary: Re-codifying voter protection. Talking here about the silent coup that is going on right now, where military force is not a democratic option.

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Nomi, thoughtful. I donтАЩt know how many times it needs to be said but serious widespread prosecutions need to work their way up, solidify the evidence, before prosecuting the ones higher up Who will be preparing sophisticated defenses with some of the best lawyers in this country. This takes time and it seems to be proceeding in that way.

We are barely keeping the lid on an even more widespread violent uprising. So many people in this country and conservative politicians have become untethered from our democracy.

The Capitol police are a good example of a measured response, meaning not firing on the insurrectionists which would have resulted shortly thereafter in an armed, meaning bullets and assault weapons, used by the insurrectionists. I am so very proud of these men and women of the Capitol police Who paid such a dear price for their measured response.

I am so ashamed of the people Particularly the politicians who have stoked the big lie, who objected wholesale to the electoral vote count, and are standing in the way of voter rights legislation like the John Lewis act.

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I hope Roger Stone is next to be indicted. He is the link between the leadership and the insurrectionists.

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Ah, a lawyer, thank you!

And, yes, so deeply ashamed of the politicians who have broken a sacred trust -- betrayed us, and the Constitution they swore to uphold. Blood on their hands, as well as direct responsibility for the anxiety (sometimes panic) and rage that I and millions of others are living with.

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"with law, our land shall rise, but it will perish with lawlessness" -Njal's Saga ( from The Road to Unfreedom, Tim Snyder

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And as we sing in "America, the Beautiful," .... 'confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.'

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