Rigging elections and silencing voters isn’t democracy, it’s simply authoritarianism. Prioritizing party power over fairness undermines freedom. Democracy depends on accountability and equal representation, not gerrymandering or disenfranchisement. Reject one-party rule and defend election integrity. It’s the cornerstone of a just and free society.

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Hitler used some of the same methods to eliminate democracy in Germany in under 60 days. Is history not taught in schools in North Carolina?

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You may be interested in this article in The Atlantic.


It relates how the Nazis used constitutional means to end the democracy in Germany.

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Yes, I read it, and is indeed an excellent article. it should be required to be studied by every 10th and 11th grader in schools today. The Republicans in North Carolina are using their constitution to make their state a one-party state.

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I wonder what it says about a society that when one doesn't like the results they just change the rules. Does this also apply to us? Think of the pushback on the Electoral College when things don't go our way.

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A society that changes the rules after the fact is a society that may not be as well educated as they should be. With regards to the Electoral College, that is something we should gotten rid of 100 years ago. Frankly, I doubt it was ever needed. Our constitution has many flaws and this is one of them.

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Changing the rules after the fact, yet isn't that what getting rid of the Electoral Collage would be? It was needed to keep states with large populations from overwhelming states with small populations. What voice would states such as Vermont, Idaho, Alaska have in an all out popular election? I'm not disagreeing with your assessment of what HRC has laid out. It's troubling that a party that isn't responding to the public needs simply wants to change the rules to win.

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Changing anything about the Constitution is always going to be after the fact. However, at some point, some corrections need to be made. At this time with one party holding all the control over the 3 branches of our government may not be the wisest time to make those changes. Sometime in the future, we will have to bite the bullet hold a Conditional Convention, and write a new document that will hold up in the future.

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Thanks, I was just about to do the same. I’ll add that there is also an audio of the article.

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Daniel Swain, a UCLA climate scientist, was interviewed in the New Yorker yesterday and his comments are also enlightening.


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Thanks for sending the link. Agreed, it's enlightening. I especially liked his reasoned answers that there is a confluence of factors at play. I'm pretty sure DEI is not one of them.

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It's important to remember in this context that the nazis never won a majority of the popular vote in Germany. Even in 1933, after they had effectively taken power and despite saturation coverage of their campaign, the arrest of many opposition politicians and Brownshirts and SS marching around intimidating people, they only won 43% of the vote. The Republicans have faced the same problem, which is why they gerrymander; and also why Trump lies about the scale of his election victory.

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Glad you brought up gerrymandering. It is another flaw we need to deal with in this country's politics and governance. A few states use a by-partisan council to decide on the boundaries of congressional districts. We do in my state and we have no problems. One has to wonder if gerrymandering had not been abused, would the man have won? Hmmm

Isn't this fun?

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"The federal courts could not address partisan gerrymandering"

WTF. Just W.T.F... how is that acceptable at ALL

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I appreciate HCR's historical road maps. It seems, however, that the Democratic party would rather be a good old boys club than a unified voice of the common people. As much as I prefer it to the Republican alternative, under current DNC leadership no viable bulwark is being established to withstand a comprehensive and coherent pogram by the elite loving Right.

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Michigan had an all-volunteer signature initiative to place a referendum on the ballot for MI voters to vote on an independent districting commission. The stretegy was to exceed the numbers needed and authorize weekly all the signatures so there were no surprises. It was a long road as the voters voted for it, but then all the legal challenges began and lots of money needed to defend. However, ultimately over a number of years, the commission and the districts, along with some tweaks, was successful, and the first Tim in 40 years Democrats took control of the state legislature by a small majority, which is quite representative of the state that is only slightly Dem majority. The entire process of Voters not Politicians" has continued on non-partisan issues, and the resource of online trained signature collectors, have continued to be utilized. MI is a model nationally of stopping gerrymandering. I believe the Dems are now losing power and the GOP will be majority, but this back n forth is largely due to the fairer redistricting, and it all started with a 20 something gal who didn't know it couldn't be done; only then did the LWV, and NAACP all sign on and use their influence to boost it and its success. It's a great story, and worthy of modeling when citizens take back their power, and not leave it to existent legislators.

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So it goes with repuglicans. No time to be neutral!

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It is close enough to read the bumper stickers on the truck that is about to hit us. Just wondering how freedom loving Americans survived the experiences of dismal oppression in our historic past. Thanks Heather for the analysis, I've certainly forgotten, if I ever truly learned, our at times sordid American history.

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Entrenched minority rule, and this will continue for a long time...

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Gerrymandering cartoon in the Salem Gazette, 1813. https://www.si.edu/object/cartoon-gerry-mander-1813%3Anmah_509530

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Watch Brian Taylor Cohen's interview with Allison Riggs who warns about the crucial significance of her court case.


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ProPublica reported yesterday on a scheme by Republican states to funnel public funds towards school vouchers for faith schools. The Supreme Court waved through a scheme in Ohio in 2002 opening the door to charter schools and this is the natural extension of that decision and today the court is even more receptive to such initiatives.


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What worries me is, how are we going to find a way out of this?

They don’t play by the law, they manipulate the law. They cheat.

Is it not high time for Democrats to stop playing by the law too? Do people need to get out on the street and demonstrate? Do we need to raise hell?

Waiting for JUSTICE didn’t put Trump behind bars where he belongs. And I don’t think there’s any justice system that will fix this .

Why aren’t our representatives in Congress and our senators not raising hell? It seems to me like everyone’s just going along with it.

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this state is run like a personal fiefdom by republicans ..... republican mafia????

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