Thank you Heather for the breakdown of the 2 Voting Rights Acts. I have read both and thought I was missing something nefarious hidden in them that would make the GOP and twiddle dee and twiddle dumb act in the manner they have. No, they are straight forward.

I felt the shade that McConnell threw towards Biden the other day was rich considering the time spent in his career patting himself on the back protecting voting rights. Gaslighting at its best.

I guess it's just one more day in the Un-united States of America.

Am I the only one that is sick to death of this bullshit?

Be safe. Be well.

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I would add to “sick to death of this bullshit” that people (including me) are genuinely traumatized. I can’t believe that the foundation of our country’s system of governance has completely been blown up. We are subjected daily to blatant lies and gaslighting. It is front and center every single day that “we the people” are at the very bottom of the list of priorities of people WE placed in a position of “power”, in their quest for even more power. It all makes me sick, makes me sad, makes me angry, and makes me feel helpless.

I am traumatized.

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You are not alone. Traumatized and exhausted here. It's naked White Supremacy which has been a recurring theme I've fought my entire life. I hope this is the last gasp of White Supremacy. Invoking George Wallace and Bull Connor--both from my birth state--says it all.

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Ari Melber making an excellent case tonight linking the Oath Keepers mission to promoting white supremacy based on their actions rather than their self professed mission of opposing government attacks on liberties. Seditious conspiracy charges against Rhodes feels like a BFD!

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Traumatized, as are so many others. My wife is a therapist whose caseload since 11/2016 has been full to bursting, and the trauma of Cult45 is a real presenting factor. Then, fold in your own traumatization and you get a pretty burnt out therapist. In spite of real work to reduce her caseload last year, it increased by about 5%.

I know the RWNJ side calls us snowflakes for expressing that we are traumatized; the fact is, this is a national trauma.

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Who cares what the wackos say. The wackos are cornered animals and on the wrong side of history. This will probably be the year that they get stuffed.

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I'm not in favor of big game hunting or taxidermy but... your image raised a bitter smile...

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Originally I intended the word “stuffed” in the sense of American sports slang, when a defensive player in basketball blocks a shot by an opponent. The other meaning, taxidermy, didn’t occur to me until after I posted. However, far be it from me to excuse or deny a Freudian slip (a double entendre) even if unintentional. But maybe my choice of word was a bit too cynical.

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Thanks, Roland, you've taught me something. I'd always assumed the slang expression to be an English insult, but frankly, amidst the tide of filth in which we're all swimming, only the saintly can keep a clean mind. Mine was dirty before we started -- hence my snigger.

I regret some of my own harshness because condemnation of "the evil that men do" so easily turns to ad personam aspersions. I can be very hard on people whom we must combat because what they do endangers us all but if I hate those whose actions are hateful I lower myself to their level. Not an easy distinction, but all of us are befouled by evil deeds, most of all the doers themselves and their innocent victims.

With ultra-individualism we seem too often to be running up against the diametrical opposite of the Communists' lauding the action of "the masses" while negating the individual; but the outcome is curiously similar. Both dehumanize. I have a strong feeling that Marx himself would have been horrified by both...

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In Australia, this is a euphemism for "f**ked". Is it the same in the US? (If so, it's a recent addition to the American dialect as it wasn't in use in 1986, which is when I was last there.)

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No, it’s not the same here in the US. The one Australian ism that has become popular that I can think of: “No worries .“

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Been seeing this locomotive barreling down on us for awhile, but then one man’s core of evil unleashed all the devils in hell on us. We have seen what such evil can do, so fight we must…

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Read "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train" by Howard Zinn.

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Yes! And Zinn’s “Peoples History of the United States.” Brilliant, but now “History.” RIP Howard.

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Loved Howard

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As I've written here recently, the two major foundations of the United States are colonialism and slavery. The Republican party of today is a total supporter of those two nasty foundations. Both major parties continue to support much of colonialism, but the Democratic party of today and many others who call themselves independent are against slavery. Mitch McConnell's speech in the Senate yesterday show which side he's on.

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Chump is the Rorschach test for America. White “supremacists” haters found a kindred spirit with power; power hungry state’s rights fanatics finally saw a chance to win the civil war; Pharisee “Christians” found the perfect “TVevangelist” to spew their phony prayers to himself; Republican pols found the culmination of 40 years of planning for a “permanent republican majority; phony conservative intellectuals found their path to SC dominance which would lead to 50 years of “conservative” rule; NRA nuts saw a way to assure a gun in every crazy hand; abortion opposition saw the path to rule women’s lives thru phony “righteousness; militia “warriors” saw their vision of power within their grasp; those who worshipped the “rich, celebrity illusion of power” were giddy with their phony hero; and, immigrant/other haters saw that those inferior bastards could be ousted or held at bay.

There was/is considerable overlap between factions and there is now plenty of rank-and-file republicans who have no idea how evil the party has become or they think the downside is worth it. I wish I had the help of a friend who could interpret a Rorschach with considerable skill, but I don’t. I’ll just say that the number of factions bodes poorly for any unity. Also, the fact that so many factions have United behind such obvious evil, is a negative indeed, likely signaling widespread oppositional defiance. Despite all this, there are other factions signaling considerable movement and cohesion. They show energy, awareness, and as much, if not more, solidarity and focus in order to meet any negative threats.

Just a crazy view of evil in our midst.

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Not a crazy view. George Lakoff describes this exact scenario of “unifying” for the common cause of the Republican base in his book Don’t Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate (Updated in 2018, I recommend reading the 2004 edition first.)

Democrats need to find the unifying common cause based on overlapping agreement of each segment of their base:

- Socioeconomic

- Identity politics

- Environmentalists

- Civil liberties

- Spiritual

- Antiauthoritarians

He also describes how to include those not identifying as R or D.

Lakoff’s explanation of looking at politics from the view of Rs acting in the strict father role vs Ds acting in the nurturing parent role really clarifies how someone would whole-heartedly vote against their own best interests AND how to get the messaging right. Definitely thought-provoking reading.



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Traumatized, exhausted and saddened to my core.

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"We are subjected daily to blatant lies and gaslighting" ... ain't this the truth. And we are unable to escape the abuse.

How did ALL the R's get the same assignment? Can they really want this world they are creating?

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Nancy, their first assumption is that none of this will ever apply to them and theirs.

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that's it right there Camilla, they think somehow they are protected and it's only the cool-aide drinking liberals nut jobs that will be affected. Same with covid, "well my friend had it and it was no big deal" so screw the rest of us. I just finished reading "The Next Civil War" by Stephen Marche, it's worth the time.

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There is no other way to make sense of it.

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Well, they are being threatened, seriously threatened. I do not think even that is an excuse when you've sworn to uphold the Constitution, when the country you've sworn to protect is being attacked. We've had people who were never elected and easily could have gotten away with not coming forward, step up and do the right thing KNOWING that their lives and their family's lives would be in danger from that moment on. That our elected officials, the minority that is not actually in the tank, are not willing to do the same when our very democracy is on the line, is a national shame and a personal shame for each of them.

I do believe that ultimately they know what is at stake and that they do NOT truly want this world they are creating. But those that I'm talking about, those with a conscience, are likely justifying their lack of action with the threats against them and their families. But doing that requires some deep denial about the catastrophic effect of their inaction. These people's souls are not at peace. NOT implying that we should care about that. No, these men and women are betraying a sacred trust. I do not have sympathy for them. These are just things that I think about when I think about your question, which I do every bloody day many times.

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Exactly! You expressed this so well.

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I’m not sure they have given any thought to the world they are creating beyond being more than happy with keeping the “others” down. They are drunk and crazed with the power they currently feel, and crave more and more every day.

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Great question.

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Very well said.

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Daria, and everyone, look for my reply to Charlie in Tuscan.

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THIS, Cathy. Thank you.

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Yes, the children of other parents finally got to calling us the liars they are in reality. Gaslighting is turned up.

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No you are not alone. I am really tired of the people's will being thwarted by a minority of legislators. The majority of Americans want these voting bills to pass which as was stated are just common sense pieces. A majority also want Build Back Better but it comes down to two recalcitrant Senators killing the legislation .This is just unacceptable and frustrating as hell .I for one, wonder if my votes in future elections will even be counted.

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Two “recalcitrant” senators and one entire political party who seem to represent something close to a majority. And don’t know or care that we are moving backwards in critical areas of our Democracy. As in Voting.

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Linda, I could use stronger language than "sick to death of this bullshit" for how I feel.

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Nope. You're not the only one.

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count me in on this

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Charlie, and everyone, I guess this year we will find out the incredible power of human endurance. United, with a compelling purpose and shared resources, we can prevail. The US Army taught me that. Beat down and locked down by a pandemic, looking at a very bad climate now and getting worse, and seeing our best efforts just covered over by "bullshit" with more coming our way...

No wonder we are disheartened and exhausted. We are exactly where they want us to be. "They" being those who have chosen to "use the filibuster as the murder weapon of Democracy" (Schmidt, I think) and their lied-to believers and donors.

As it gets very, very real, we must find each other. We will discover and acquire the human endurance I am speaking about. It only works if we carry each other -- with honesty, in true faith in ourselves and who we worship, and trusting each other in a world where trust in anything is fading fast. Like we are beginning to do here, on LFAA. With the best damn Professor I know of. And the best commentators and replies I have ever read.

I may not be here every day, or read the whole thing. I don't have any idea of how things will turn out -- for me, for you, for our our country or the planet. I have never met a single one of you. And I have less to offer as time goes by. BUT I CHOOSE TO MAKE MY STAND HERE. You ain't heavy, and I've lost weight...we can do this.

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I look to your posts, Gus-that-I-do-not-know, and they steady me. I am a daily reader and infrequent poster. So you know me even less than many in this glorious community! I thank you for talking to us here. Here, where I come to know that I am not crazy, and that my “right from wrong” dial still works.

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Hi Donna! Glad you posted.

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Hi Roland! Thanks!

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Thank you, Donna! I think there are many subscribers who are readers only, and many more who post only once in a while, but we are all in this mess together. Glad to meet you!

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We are absolutely all in this mess together. So glad to be in conversation here.

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Gus every time you post you offer up a delish plate of wisdom.

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Marcia, If you like vegan, I got plates!

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Nope . Put keep that pepper coming on that wisdom. We need it so bad. 😂

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Gus, Learned the same thing in the US Army. Yes this is where we take our stand. For me it's going to be about healthcare and I'll post a link to my action strategy next week. I'm tired of 'conversations about possibilities' and only want to engage in 'conversations for action'. I suspect I will lose a few erstwhile friends in the process, oh well...

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Promises, promises....

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Putting it all out there, Charlie, is how you find out who your true friends really are. The hangers-on fall away.

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Roland, what if you don’t have any hangers-on? I don’t think I ever had any.....where can I get some?

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Gus, you give me so much optimism. Thank you for expressing this. I do believe we can make a difference. ❤️

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Count me in as weary of the games in Congress. Yes.

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dear Linda Bailey, I am 81 years old, and never missed an election or opportunity to vote Democratic. Am i "sick to death" of this bullshit? You bet your bippy I am!!! The current group of republicans in office today who support the Big Lie should be charged with sedition and removed from office. McConnell says Mr. Biden's speech was "unpresidential," does he really think that trump was acting "presidential" with all his embarrassing shenanigans? I'm also sick to death of the way the media (all of it!) focus on the most egregious remarks and ignore the obvious facts! I'm very worried about November! I cannot ever reach anyone in the DNC, and there are so many humans now that our politicians receive tens of thousands of e-mails a day that can't possibly be read! But if us democrats don't get busy and drum up GOOD candidates for congress really soon, our country is doomed. No other way to put it.

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I'm 76 and right with you! Another example....the media covered Jan 6 violence, as it should have, but nobody covered the candlelight vigil on the mall this Jan 6 afternoon. I tried tweeting all the media I could find but no one responded. How do we get the message across to them of what they need to cover??

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I wasn’t even aware of that! Why on earth wasn’t that covered? Although, I am 76 also which might explain our reaction to it. It’s not too late for the media to reflect upon that. Better late than never!

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Catherine, the entire chamber had to have been stifling hysterical laughter when McConnell came up with that “ferocious” attack on his old friend. I wondered if, as an incentive, TFG promised to give him a plug in his next pronouncement. So easy now to consider US politicians as well as SCOTUS as morally bereft. One thing we do not have, thankfully, at long last, is a morally bereft president. So I choose to support him every day.

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Catherine. I agree with every word you say ! Bravo !!!

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Spot on.

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Linda Bailey, you absolutely are NOT the only one sick to death of this bullshit and my guess is there are multitudes standing with me. How can McConnell look at himself in the mirror?

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We are engaged in a contest that is being played by two different sets of rules. Democrats by and large adhere to the rule of law, historical tradition and common decency. Republicans play to win at all costs, and think our rules are quaint, to be ignored. And there's no referee. McConnell looks in the mirror, and grins. Because he's winning.

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It’s because our “rule of law” is all but non existent to those already in power. They are abusing their position and ignoring their oath to “we the people”. The SCOTUS has given them the green light and they are barreling through it at record speed… we don’t even pull them over for traffic violations! Imagine if you or I ignored a subpoena. What is more upsetting than them getting away with murder is the fact that a large percentage of “we the people” think they are “A OK”!!!

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No. You’re not.

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No to your question. This is about the pledge(s) made by Republicans to oppose <issue to be supplied> to important legislation that improves the union IMO. I was furious with Romney's comments last night and gagged over McConnell's.

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Fred, Romney made my blood boil over his comments yesterday.

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Me too. I'm sick of it, all of it, all the repubs.

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No, Linda, you're.in good company.

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No - you are not alone

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Makes you hate Kentucky and praise my ancestors who moved to Montana.

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Except I have friends who moved from TN to MT and became MAGAts.

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To be sure, Mt. has many Magats but not the bigot, McConnell.

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I’ll state the obvious, you are not the only one that is sick to death of this “you know what”. I have only used that word once in my recent memory and that was at a car dealership but it certainly applies here.

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Brilliantly stated—thank you.

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No! Blessings,

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This is... so much. I so appreciate your distillation of SO much that is going on, to make it comprehensible. But this moment, this week, is almost breathtaking in how consequential these votes will be for our country's future. My mind literally reels, and I appreciate that yours does not.

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Lisa, you expressed perfectly how I feel, too. This moment, and week, is breathtaking in how consequential these votes will be for our country's future. We'll learn if we have a chance to continue being a democracy. Practically holding my breath

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What she said....

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This may or may not apply to all of us. But I thought of what she said, but watching a different topic On CBS this day. Al Gore re climate change and how people are disillusioned. Paraphrase: People tend to go from awareness to despair without stopping at action. Could apply to so much.

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You're so right about the "awareness to despair" - but I do stop and wonder at "action" I know what I do personally. I don't have much money, so I can't donate. But I'm a writer and can post on Medium about measures I take, have always taken. I don't have a car and use public transit - it's hard sometimes. But I persist. I must

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Hey, Dana. I, too, cannot take "action" like the Gretas of the world, or Al Gores. But I have been promoting the "Kiss the Ground" video whenever I can. This video is uplifting. It mirrors much of what Al Gore has been saying. It is something you might like to post on whatever Medium you are engaged with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cki3e7uYJ_I

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THANKS! I'll definitely watch it and pass it along!!

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I watched it, too, Jeri. I was so glad to hear how Gore is focusing on the importance of keeping the co2 in the ground using among other things, farming practices. There is growing move about this idea that I have seen in other places. Here's the link for CBS Mornings: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/fifteen-years-after-an-inconvenient-truth-documentary-al-gore-speaks-about-climate-change/

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Farming is becoming exciting. Lots of things happening where people are listening to science and technology and updating practices to protect earth and creatures.

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Prince Charles has been on this for decades

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Exciting, indeed!

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What he said.

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What Gus said.

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What Mary-Kate said.

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You all are so sweet

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Any debate needs to be covered with reporters asking “What is the problem you have with this specific provision?”, item by item. Voting needs to be by roll call. Let those who oppose it have their names recorded for posterity.

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Actually, I'd be satisfied with a voice vote if it could get the legislation passed. Such a vote would not leave a document of the specific votes and could be more appealing to individuals who fear for their longevity, political or otherwise.

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My hope is that having to publicly announce their votes would encourage some to vote yes - especially the ones who are retiring. Even if running for re-election, I’d like to think that facing the anger of constituents at home would outweigh the anger of tfg. Maybe I’m just dreaming of bygone days when character and honor were admired.

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I agree. Be warned though that they'll make a show to deride one or two small pieces of each bills as though they're poison pills for them. One of them is likely to be mail-in ballots because the MAGA base has been trained to oppose them.

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People in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Hong Kong and all over the world are putting their lives on the line to fight for what 50 Republican senators are willing to throw away- democracy- rule by consent of the people- peaceful transfer of power when the people have spoken. I wish the democrats would put equal pressure on Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Romney - perhaps to awaken their conscience but if only to make them uncomfortable as the minions of McConnell.

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"McConnell calls Biden "profoundly, profoundly unpresidential" and says "I did not recognize the man at the podium" yesterday when Biden said people who oppose voting rights were akin to Jefferson Davis and Bull Connor"

McConnell is a sad, pathetic old man who thinks if he says a word twice, it's more true. Didn't recognize Pres Biden? What he didn't recognize was that 7 years ago a con man and a grifter was taking over his GOP while he stood by and did nothing. That's what history will remember, and he knows it.

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I don't think that he cares, to be honest. The Evil Turtle cares about power. That's it.

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Ian, I know that you wrote about yourself being honest in your first sentence. But if you remove the comma, it reads "I don't think that he cares to be honest."

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Love me some grammar goodness!

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Both and.

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These are profoundly vitriolic comments by McConnell. I don't recall him ever stooping this low before in his words and personally attack Biden. He sounds scared of losing control to McCarthy and friends so he is joining the "talk mean and crazy club." In addition McConnell could be scared of losing the voting rights fight which would spell the death of his Party.

Meanwhile like so many of the commenters here I walk around with a constant pit in my stomach and sometimes a lump in my throat. I am afraid.

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See the Tweet from Eric Garcia in the notes, which says, in part:

I've covered McConnell for a long time and I don't think I've seen him this mad on the Senate floor.

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Mitch must see the walls closing in on his minority rule. I hope so.

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My take as well. I think he is finally beginning to see that he is a racist, that he’s on the wrong side of history. He’s not very bright. Slow learner. A whole lot of Republicans have already left the party because they understand now what they have been supporting: white superiority.

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Let me rephrase, with some empathy.

If Mitch can finally let it sink in that he might be on the wrong side of history, and he just didn’t realize it, there is hope for that political party.

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Mad…a perfect descriptor of mBitch….a profane and profound hypocrite!

mBitch was mad? How would one know? He has perfected a perpetual scowl which even the great Dr. Seuss could not replicate on one of his characters!

mBitch, you are profoundly, profoundly against democracy!

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You insult bitches, both the canine and human kind.

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Mea culpa!

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*wan smile*

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Can we please do better than trump and resist the name calling; especially this kind? We can rise above the toxic dialogue happening in this Country since he took office in 2017.

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I Yearn for a kinder, gentler world! A world where states have senate representatives who work toward our commonweal, not their self interest that perpetuates only their holding office!

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I watched him and I quantify the word “mad” as unhinged. Get it together Senator McConnell. Pres Biden is not your enemy.

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Being from Kentucky this kind of rhetoric is vastly different from anything we have heard from him. It seems very personal and in attack mode.

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McConnell must have a huge lump of coal in his stomach. Just think if

Mitch had been alive during the Civil War, he would have been a Democrat back then and likely would have owned many slaves.

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Definitely. Perhaps he is beginning to see that?

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Seditious conspiracy charges. How many GOP Congress members could be implicated? McConnell’s a leader of a bunch of criminals. How long before the breadth of this conspiracy is exposed? McTurtle lost control a long time ago, he’s scared that the entire world will soon see how rotten his entire party has become.

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I'm guessing you're referring to the seditious conspiracy charges just laid down against a whole bunch of Proud Boys. Check out MSNBC tonight for full details on the basis for the charges. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/founder-of-oath-keepers-charged-with-seditious-conspiracy

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Correction: Oath Keepers

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Same as TFG, Moscow Mitch does not like to be called out in public for his hypocrisy. The guy votes to extend the voting rights act 15 years ago, and now not only will not vote yes, but is working overtime to make sure no one else does either. No surprise here, but Romney, that was a punch in the gut. Maybe his skin is thinner that I was guessing.

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"What he didn't recognize was that 7 years ago a con man and a grifter was taking over his GOP while he stood by and did nothing. That's what history will remember, and he knows it."

A timeless quote for history.

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IMO he and all GOP knew exactly what trump was and they saw him as their ticket to getting their coveted autocracy, kleptocracy. It is ONLY about absolute power for the GOP, . Power to them is not governing.

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They thought they could rein him in once he accomplished their goals. They were wrong.

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perhaps. and perhaps they could see the future of america as a dictorship with Trump in charge of the Fed.

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Very true!

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Brilliant and True.

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Yes…Mitch can’t put the orange genie back in the bottle. He wrongly believed he could control the idiot in chief. What he didn’t take into account were all the idiot in chiefs handlers … Stone, Bannon, Putin, Flynn…who have no use for McConnell now that they have energized the white supremacist base and are taking over local governments!

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I think he finally figured out that he’s a racist, and that Biden knows it.

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Now it's clear as winter blue sky why so many Republicans in Congress oppose the bills. They deliver unfettered democracy for the people — all the people: easy to register and vote, hard to rig the system. The anti-gerrymandering and anti-dark money provisions alone could explain McConnell's hyperventilating.

Watching the Republicans fulminate against the bills during debate will indeed be memorable. They will spout clever slogans that paint the bills as despotic overreach and so on. It's all noise to masquerade fear.

Now if only the masses can learn, as we have tonight, what the bills would deliver and help turn the tide.

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Can any one attest to my/our desperate expectation that Schumer and Pelosi subscribe to HCR's excellent ability of seeing through the fog of gop bullshit and her authorship of immaculately scrutinised facts and her most brilliantly conceived solutions day after day always clearly explained as to be understood by the greater number of American voters.

Those Democrats would do well to fully support HCR and make use of her genius on a National scale repeatedly for the next three years, Eh!?

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Absolutely nothing is lost on Nancy Pelosi and I count on her genius as well as Professor Richardson’s.

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Agreed. Nancy Pelosi is one of the shrewdest politicians I’ve ever seen.

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Their STAFF should all be plugged in to HCR's daily letters. Required reading.

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Here,here!! Brilliant !!!

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Time to keep up the Big Push on the Senate. Next steps:

1. Open the Chop Wood Carry Water newsletter.

2. Choose a link to call your Senators.

3. Read the suggested script or make a message like Michael Bales did.


4. Send a text via the Resistbot link.

5. Pat self on back and tell a friend.


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Last night I emailed the 17 Republican Senators who voted for the VRA in 2006. Don’t know if it will make a difference, but sure felt good!

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Would you feel comfortable posting the 17 names and their contact info and even your emailed message to each of them. Your generosity surely will inspire some of this community who would like to help. Thank you!

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A person responding to yesterday’s letter did just that, and that’s where I got my list. It’s about halfway down the comments. I’ll try cutting and pasting when I get to a computer, but not sure I can do it. Just now I’ll see if I can find the name of the person who posted.

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The post yesterday was from Cathy Learoyd (Texas). MANY THANKS TO HER!!!!

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I did the same yesterday..actually got three "canned" replies, thanking me, but that was it. I didn't expect more...

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Wow, that’s fast! I usually get a response from my senators, but most of the time it takes a month.

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I’ve had four canned replies already.

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Canned replies mean your letter was counted. They add them up!

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Thank you, too, Karen! 🙏

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Thank You.

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Thank you Karen! 🙏

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Thanks, Ellie. Another good link. Here’s a funny to lighten the load. I work with a bunch of people that write, call, walk the talk, are involved, always want to do more. I’ve worked with many of them on my campaign for school board and might do so again this year. Since last year, I’ve referred to suggestions to links and organizations that I’ve picked up from your comments as “Ellie Ideas”. They’ve never questioned it. When asked one time what “Ellie” stood for, I made something up like it was an acronym. Like “Expect Leaders to Lead in Excellence” came off the top of my head. This week, one of the group asked, “Christine, any more Ellie links?”


Branding for Democracy!

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You are too funny, Christine! Now if I had a baby, I’d name her Ellie just to take advantage of your acronym!

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Ellie, you’re amazing.

Are you interested in running for US Senate? Or President?!

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You are too funny, SL, but thank you for the compliment! I’m holding out for Queen of the World with that magic wand to sprinkle kindness and justice everywhere. We have a lot of work to do in the meantime. In all seriousness, I am part of the Heather’s Herd team and just a messenger for what we learn as we go.

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Well, Ellie, I like your style.

(Queen of the World??? I didn’t know that was a thing! With a magic wand?!)

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The anti-aristocratic QOTW who makes bullies, tyrants, and authoritarians disappear with a wave of the magic wand—poof!

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heathersherd@gmail.com to check out the team.

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Thank you , Ellie!

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That line was easy to use. Done.

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You make it so easy, Ellie...thank you!

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Comment on Resistbot efficiency….excellent. Comment on Ellie Kona’s focus and leadership…fabulous.

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Brilliant and always timely quote!!! Thank you!

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Memorize all this, and tell it to everyone you know, and keep telling them, even when they call you a "crank" on the subject.

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I wish I thought that would help, but I don't. The 74 million (almost all white) people who vote Republican are lost to decency. They will not support any measure that puts their systemic advantages at risk. That means they will not vote for Democrats, even if you reason with them until you're blue in the face. The only hope is for the rest of us (the 80 million, which you'd think would be enough but probably isn't because of systemic disadvantages) to contribute all we can to get-out-the-vote efforts in every state or district where Democratic candidates have a chance to win. We don't have a minute (or a dollar) to waste trying to attract the votes of some of the 74 million voters who, above all else, want their government to continue, indefinitely, to be dominated by the white electorate.

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It actually doesn't matter how registered Republicans vote, if everyone who agrees with the Democrats registers and votes. That's why the minority-rule legislators are working so hard to prevent voting.

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I think you give too many credit for thinking this through. It’s “my daddy was a Republican so I’m a Republican “ and similar lack of thought.

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Exactly this!!! All of my friends who identify as Republican, and vote for Republicans, do so because their parents are/were Republicans. They are busy and it takes too much time/energy to research and discover who really represents their values and best interests. The path of least resistance is to go to the poll, vote straight ticket Republican, then go home and make dinner.

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What’s interesting is that republicans today are not their daddy’s republicans but they don’t know or care.

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My guess is, they don’t know. At least this is true of every single one of my Republican friends.

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Most I know are greedy bastards and haters, even family

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My daddy was a Republican so I’m not.

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I'm with you Stephen. I was born Republican, rigid Catholic and a Yankee fan. . . . .it has taken me almost eight decades to recover!

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The wonders of education, individuation, and a raised consciousness!

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Believing that, as a white American, your interests lie with the party that pledges to do everything it can to preserve white power in government doesn’t require any thinking. The opposite. It requires not thinking.

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The Republicans are the every person for themselves crowd. They oppose whatever their party opposes mainly bout of concern for their OWN re-election, because of their concern for themselves. The party is a useful tool for their personal enrichment.

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This regarding the need to become involved locally:


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I am going to try to have this LFAA printed in our local paper in the Comments section. Sometimes they give important letters a column. Our local, southern Vermont paper consortium was recently purchased by a very wealthy businessman from Belarus. He has also been purchasing enormous amounts of property and businesses in the area, renovating buildings that need it. It is really dizzying what he is doing and has done in the past. He claims he makes a ton of money in his tech businesses in the Ukraine because labor is cheap. He buys up whatever he wants, including a soccer team and he created a western style beauty pageant in Dubai. Who else do we know who owned a beauty pageant with visions of immense power? But this guy is a lot smarter than the orange one. Not sure why I am writing this.... must be adding to my paranoia about our country, our freedoms and megalomaniacs.

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...and perhaps I wanted to sick TCinLA on this....?

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Always!! TAFM has been pointing much of this out.

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"That's Another Fine Mess"(TAFM) is the name of TCinLA's Substack.

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Here we go!

Now there is always a neighbor or friend/associate in the power position on the City Council who is also a golfing buddy with Judge XYZ.

The City issues a bit facetious condemnation order on one or several Putin properties/businesses.

That same judge somehow knows the real objective is to enforce the commies into a deposition.

Voila! Voici!

Secrets revealed and commies scurry back home defeated, Eh!?

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Are you talking to anyone in particular?

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There are more than a few clandestine deceitful Putin operatives in America setting the "Stage" for the overthrow of our Democracy from the inside just like tRump...beware...follow the money...scrutinize their money laundering banking sources...promote local action organizations preventing new building/renovation permits and zoning changes...continually focus local media upon their mysterious activities...Send them all back to Putin permanently...PLEASE!

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This, Mr. Dobbs, I understand and thus wrote about my concerns. This man has spent $3, 000,000.00 in southern VT in the past couple of years. He might be fine and beneficent... He is also building small luxury mansions to create a "Viking" village. He claims to be all about Vermont and buying up VT product businesses. I just cannot remember any VT history that involves Vikings...so I cannot see the linkage to his "Disney" idea of Vikings here. But, Pavel has long blonde hair and may have some fantasy to fulfill. Was the terrorist Shaman of J6 just trying to be a Viking??

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Hmmm...ostensibly, perhaps.

It seems to me that you have already asked yourself the first question.

If the local real estate investor tycoons of your community have never considered such a development feasible then why would a total stranger from Russia risk large sums of cash in the local investors territory!?

Thus your twinge of anxiety, Eh!?

If the current project vacancy rate is below 70% then why the continued expansion...

for Vikings! HA!

I can smell the putrefying RED herring from here in Oregon!

If the "mansions" are not on a warranty deeded parcel, and/or if they are on land recently rezoned for high density multi-family occupancy/condo/apartment...

And if they are not full time occupancy for U. S. Citizens.

Or, instead,

If the "MANSIONS" are primarily housing for transient Russians on work visas and do not seem to be always fully occupied....Then perhaps the development is for an ever expanding Putin supported Russian community of pro tRump voters!


I would SURELY contact the friendly city council member, (renowned for his bull dog persona), with the golfing buddy judge and proceed with the deposition ploy.

Another investigative tool would be to form a closely acquainted group and visit the building/planning department that issued the land use permits and building permits. Who is the owner of record and their address...contact information.

Obtain a record of the developers feasibility study/business plan/project appraisal report documents.

All this information is public record and accessible to all citizens.

Was land purchase price above local appraised market value and/or in cash? See escrow agent of record at city tax office.

Ask to see ALL the minutes of EVERY meeting, (Planning Department & City Council public hearings),

+ all Arch & Eng. plans

+ all issued permits

+ ALL required financing documentation

+ All fees paid

+ any tax abatement agreements, bond funding instruments, etc. etc. etc.

Also a good idea to determine exactly who was previous owner of all land purchase by Mr. Benevolent, Eh!?

Enjoy the ride!!!

Shine the brightest light in the darkest corner persistently.

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Viking luxury mansions = oxymoron? Sad that this guy Pavel seems disconnected from Viking reality and is co-opting the image to exploit weekend warrior fantasies for his profit. I hope he is channeling some of his money to Belarus resistance organizations.

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You’re writing so we can understand how autocrats come to power. Adding to our education. Gratitude!

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Pay attention, it matters.

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Yes, BIG hmmmmm....

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Uh ... "the masses" are, themselves, responsible for Republican refusals to protect democracy. Any Republican senator who doesn't do everything possible to defeat these bills puts his Senate seat at high risk the next time it's on the ballot. It is "the masses" who put those seats at risk, specifically at least 74 million voters, which is nearly half of all Americans who vote and more than half in most states. Almost all of the 74 million are white people who do not want Democrats, especially Democrats with non-European ancestry, to have fair access to the ballot box. Racism is the fundamental dividing line in this matter, as it is in nearly all of American politics. The white masses want above all else to preserve their systemic political, social, economic, and legal advantages in the United States. I hope they fail. I will do what I can to defeat them. But I don't expect them to fail. Their systemic advantages are extremely difficult to overcome.

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"Their systemic advantages are extremely difficult to overcome."

Historically correct.

However, Martin Luther King did convince LBJ to support his push for voting rights and eventually, those bills did pass and they did matter.

So, a tiny ray of sunshine does shine.

But, you are correct, 74 million people, not all whom are white by the way (The Brownsville, TX area went for Trump), are on board for an authoritarian government and that is a lot of people here.

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Historically early Americans obtained some general comfort rationalizing bigotry. Some however, rebelled against disrespecting obvious human rights.

The progenitorship of those now 74 million "people" were those early American that, instead, chose money over respect for the natural rights of others.

The fight goes on today to perfect the United States of America.

Vote intelligently.

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So right, Mike. LBJ put his considerable influence behind the voting rights bills, but when he signed them he said, "We (the Democrats) have lost the South for 50 years." Looks like it might go on longer than 50 years.

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I did not know he had said that. Well, Clinton won twice and Jimmy Carter won once and Obama won twice......so......maybe he was only partially correct.

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Your statement about race being the dividing line says it all! The Republicans have built a party in defense of white supremacy and privilege. The irony is that the color of someone’s skin is irrelevant but we accept the concept of race as having validity. American society is built on this foundation. African Americans who are descendants of slaves (and some “bi-racial” people) have European ancestry too. My ancestors are from Africa, England, Ireland and Spain. We’ll never make real progress unless we dismantle racism-and you’re so right-it’s EXTREMELY difficult to overcome. Voting rights is an important step because if elections are fair everyone is placed on equal footing when it comes to choosing our political leaders. The Republicans maintain though that the votes of some people are not “legitimate”. Throwing out votes by African Americans is the only way they can win. African Americans have shed blood and continue to fight for the vote because it’s one of the only ways we get to have an equal say. These bills could change America which is why Mc Connell is so hyperbolic.

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I wonder if whites’ racism toward Blacks derives from guilt over slavery. Guilt feels terrible, so to get rid of the feeling, they must project it on others. Blacks must be guilty of something, mustn’t they, like deciding to vote in large numbers?

I never have understood the “one drop” idea. Have just one Black great-grandparent, the other seven great-grandparents white, meant you were Black. By that logic, Black genes must be extra powerful. Gee, maybe the 2% or 3% of European DNA that comes from Neanderthals is likewise extra-powerful. (Please excuse the Neanderthal stereotype.) Someday, being of mixed race will just mean your parents chose each other as individual people with desirable qualities.

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Nazis applied this concept to “purify” the Aryan race from Jews.

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Rather than "delivering unfettered democracy" let us say 'well regulated democracy.'

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I want to thank you for the lucid, detailed summary of these 2 bills.

It defies logic, humanity, ethical equality principles to not vote in favor of these bills.

It is sooo demoralizing & downright scary to see the republicans exist in a pre- conceived morass of hate & deliberate refusal to see the truth & justice behind these bills.

God save our democracy- we are not having much luck on our own.

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as a pagan, I am most appreciative of your comment

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As a would-be-witch, I agree.

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Hey Kim. Shouldn’t Pagan be capitalized? Okay by me, just asking.

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No, it's an adjective. Like heathen. Just saying. :)

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Okay by me, I didn’t know. The deletions were better replies to you, but I had trouble posting one, then it duplicated itself. So I deleted the clone and both of them were deleted! Nuts....

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I've learned not to delete the doubles. They take care of themselves. Or Substack does.

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Ha! I'm glad that doesn't only happen to me...

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12 Steppers say people still have to do the footwork.

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"Today, McConnell, who never complained about the intemperate speeches of former president Donald Trump, said Biden’s speech revealed him to be 'profoundly, profoundly unpresidential.'''

Good Lord. After worshiping the behavior of the narcissistic, serial liar former president as "presidential," McConnell understandably would find speaking truth to be profoundly unpresidential. Respect for truth is not in the current Republican politicians' DNA.

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"Not to worry, Mitch. TFG will forever hold onto the most 'profoundly, profoundly unpresidential' title."

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I'd insert a "vulgar" in there somewhere. There have been a few stupid presidents, but has any one of them approached the level of vulgarity of the fake King Midas, of the one selling a drink called "45", at $45 a glass? in a bar where the centrepiece is a shrine to himself? (The Guardian journalist said he was the only person present during the hour he was there).

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And that is one of my POS Senators I need to convince to vote FOR these bills??? Along with Rand “I bully Fauci” Paul. Kentucky is not in a good place.

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Loved seeing Fauci’s epic takedown of Rand and the other “moron”😂

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You’re right. My daughter lives there. What a pair.

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I also found MM’s comment to be very “rich!”

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Haha! Got it.

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The remnants of the Confederacy live on in McConnell, Mo Brooks, Ted Cruz, and others. What they want is to continue the era of Jim Crow. They continue to use the tired "states rights" excuse as a way of masking their fear of people of color. No one will say it, but racism is fueling Republican efforts to suppress voting. It's despicable and in the end, "un-American."

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Supposed moderate, Susan Collins, is also using the tired "states rights" excuse. The state of Maine has outstanding voting rights yet she refuses to support the bills making those rights available to all.

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So is Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, as he said in a letter he sent to me after I requested he vote for the voting rights bills. And, to top it off, he is not running again, so could certainly afford to veer outside the Repub line! Infuriating.

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Another white supremacist undercover, a racist who is unaware that he is one.

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I would tell Susan Collins that the laws target federal elections for which the federal government sets the rules.

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“No one will say it” in public, but you will get my ❤️ every time for pointing out that these Neanderthals are the heirs to the KKK. Fox Noise is the new KKK mouthpiece, and the Republican Party is where they flock together.

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“And so, Republican senators will have to explain to the people why they oppose what appear to be common-sense voting rules.” I’d like to believe this is what will happen.

Neither the Democrats nor the media will really hold the Republicans paccountable or force them to explain their position to the people. They’ll distract, the media will take the bait and the Dems will throw up their hands and get all righteous. We have a communications imbalance. Dems are held to a higher standard, try to be logical, reasonable and civil and the 24/7 mediaverse yawns. The Republicans can say whatever they want, lie, distract get hysterical and the 24/7 right wing and mainstream media repeat it over and over again ad nauseum until that becomes the story.

Republicans are not going to change. Media is not going to change unless it’s in their financial interest to change. Dems need to be the ones to radically change the game. It will require a completely new strategy and communications approach. Can they do it? Can we?

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Too late for reasoned debate. The only hope is to get Democratic voters to the polls in unprecedented numbers. Time and money invested in get-out-the-vote efforts in areas where Democrats have a chance to win is at least ten times more effective than time or money spent trying to talk Republican sympathizers to vote for Democrats.

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Rex, the concept is correct, however 19 States and counting have made the decision that our votes will not count.

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How to get at paymasters, at the lobbyist cathouses, at the media bought-and-soldiers and make life really really uncomfortable for them?

How, apart from the current GOP mobsters' approach of gun toting and death threats?

They're all upstream of the politicos, they're all into the same game, both the string-pullers and those who make 2+2 equal whatever those who pull their strings want it to.

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Why and how should the Dems change? they should start behaving like the former GOP? Now that would really be American carnage.

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What does a new winning strategy look like? Can you imagine what it be?

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Good question...

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Rosalind and Lynne, Steve Schmidt (Lincoln Project) is back, in full fine fettle, and he is also saying the Dems are fighting on the wrong ground. He has some good ideas about exactly what you are talking about, and about changing to a new strategy. He was on Lawrence O’Donnell tonight. We just need to turn him loose, and get in behind him....

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I've missed the Lincoln Project.

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Read their plans for 2022.

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Thanks! I listened to the recent town hall.

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I missed it.

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It's on YouTube

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Actually there are som Republican tactics we could stand to adopt. Not backing down. Not being on the defensive all the time. Connecting emotionally with voters. That really is part of Trump’s secret sauce. But Republicans connect with people’s fears. Dems would do well to connect with people’s vision for their lives. Obama did this and then couldn’t follow through. We need to stop letting McConnell victimize us. Manchin and Sinema too. Does the victim story come from us? From Dem leadership? From the media? From Republicans? I don’t know. But it keeps me up at night.

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"It is off-the-charts astonishing that no Republicans are willing to entertain these common-sense measures" -- amen. Tells you everything you need to know about them. Not one of them has a shred of integrity or ethics, especially the holier-than-thous like Romney. ugh.

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From the local (Maine) perspective: Susan Collins has been a SPONSOR of the equivalent of the John Lewis Act in the past and voted FOR the last re-auth that was gutted by Roberts, et. al. According to President Biden, there are 16 R Senators still in the Senate who voted the same way. Admittedly, I have been very frustrated by the cute rejections to my letters on this topic to S. Collins over the past year. Nevertheless, I urge those who are represented by other spineless R Senators to pressure on this point. (I do understand that FVA has more depth and teeth.)

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Indeed - Collins' tepid, self-congratulatory stance on this matter is beyond belief and indefensible. The Whiffenpoofs may have said/sung it best "...a poor little lamb who has gone astray - Baa, baa, baa ...." Keep the pressure on her, and her spineless colleagues.

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Absolutely, and as has Greta Thurnberg said of the corporate and government leaders of the rich countries at COP 26 in Glasgow "Blah, Blah, Blah!"

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Republicans understand that they will never prevail in an open, honest election with broad voter participation.

For Democrats and liberal-leaning independents, this is a fight over the survival of American democracy. For Republicans, this is a struggle for survival of their party; the party of devicive race-baiting, climate science denial, subsidizing the wealthiest, guns, and Trump, Trump, Trump.

Which is the more noble cause?

I am just finishing reading "The 1619 Project". The book makes apparent that what the Republican Party represents today has been a part of our body politic in one form or another since our beginnings. In her letters, HCR has illustrated this fact in many ways. The optimist in me sees our current crisis is perhaps an opportunity to at last find a way to shed this dreadful part of our national character. The pessimist in me says if the Civil War didn't do it, it ain't gonna happen now. Our better angels may prevail for a time, but the devil in us will never die.


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As the story goes...An old man told his grandson, “My son, there is an endless battle that goes on inside all of us. It is between two wolves. One wolf is bad – he is anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, resentment, lies, superiority and ego. The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old man answered, “The one you feed.”

Take heart and be the optimist...feed the good wolf.

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Great quote!

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Love this, Kim. Haven’t heard it in years, decades!!! Perfect.

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Our devils are our own resourceful minds. So, fortunately, are our better angels. If we're smart, we learn from the angels, if we're dumb, drugged or lazy, we unleash our demons, who teach us the hard way.

As we've shown ourselves to be ignorant, insensitive and forgetful, the devils have upped the ante.

It's late now, our tormentors have nearly finished building the special high-security prison they're preparing for us all.

Yet it is never too late to wake up and do whatever we must, to free ourselves and stay free.

Sighing's good for those who give up and hold out their hands to be shackled.

No choice but to battle on.

And keep learning, never stop learning!

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And rising covid-fuelled inflation means it will be an uphill fight, because when the pocketbook suffers, people blame the angels and... the sitting President.

Then they go and call in the devil.

Everyone who says rational debate's a waste of time is dead right. But if you tell thoughtless churchgoers who think they're well-intentioned that they're working for the devil, the message may get through. Even if it doesn't do so now, it will find a place in their minds...

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Inflation is a result of corporations raising prices even though we, the American people, gave them a giagantic tax break in 2017.

Now, with record profits, they are raising prices and I wonder why? Could it be they know that Joe Biden will be blamed.

Naw, corporations could not be that evil right?


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That explains why I'm insisting so much again and again on acting, wherever we can, UPSTREAM of the politicians.

Citizens focus on rising prices. They are conditioned to blame someone else whenever anything goes wrong in their lives -- snarl at your spouse, go kick the dog... And blame the President.

Corporations don't focus first on the big picture but on the smallest one, quarterly returns. Looking further, anything that seems to make life easier for them. Seems. So, anything they can do to that end they WILL do.

Until they wake up to the fact that they've done themselves no favors by tightening consumers' belts... But by then it'll be too late. So, for now, whatever can prod corporations in the right direction is worth trying, likewise anything that can sabotage the lobbyists whose job is to keep the rivers of corporate pork flowing.

The bigger the picture people have, the more chances they'll act sensibly.

No need for priests, pastors and other Big Daddy figures to give political sermons, though many will. If honest leaders of opinion can be persuaded to paint the big picture and encourage a sense of personal and social responsibility, that will always influence those who prefer to be led.

Let's never forget to influence the influencers upstream of those we need to influence.

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Good summary Ralph.

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For the first time I feel like I understand these two bills. And after reading about Schumer's little work around, I also feel hopeful.

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Thank you Paul & Professor that was a Spot-on analysis of the FVA & the

JLVRA, access & rights; thank you once again.

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I find it interesting that Republicans in Congress don’t think what happened during the French Revolution can’t happen here - even after witnessing their own constituents set up a gallows in their “yard”. Don’t they wonder what the majority would do if they felt there’s nothing to lose?

As for history not being kind, I don’t think Republicans care about history. Their constituents certainly don’t read it. The worst of it has been covered up for decades.

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I don’t think Republicans care about history.

yes, they protest their kids being taught history in their schools.

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No, the R’s don’t care about history. What’s being taught in schools is just a convenient tool for ginning up people’s anger. Most of those angry parents have no real idea about the history being taught in schools. The R’s just care about power and the ways money can be made from having power.

Be aware, also, that Republican and Democrat are just the current labels for haves and have/nots respectively. In another time, southern Republicans would have been southern Democrats.

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I am trying to be optimistic for the sake of my belief that right will prevail, despite 50 Republicans and the bent and broken supremes. I do recall many people despairing over John McCain's apparent loyalty to the party after years of being a maverick....but he did come over for whatever his reason to save the ACA....and boy were we all surprised. We were surprised that any Republicans voted for impeachment. I haven't discounted that we might be in for another surprise....somebody, like John McCain, might have an ax to grind and nothing left to lose.

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oh, they care all right, that's why they want to force a distorted version of it to be taught to children.

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By history, I meant truth. They want to share fiction.

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"Common sense is not so common", Voltaire.

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Autocracy cares not for common sense. Why are we allowing these terrorists in our government who supported a violent coup against our democracy even work for us? What is wrong with this picture?!

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If only ignorance were painful.

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A perfect quote, —Stephen from Sunny Seattle, to follow Voltaire's quote ! A keeper for these times.

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